The passengers in the Didi special car actually drank urine! The driver involved has been banned by the platform

  Xinmin Evening News (Reporter, Lu Changqing) "My colleagues and I called a Didi Li Orange special car, but I didn’t expect the drinking water provided by the driver to be urine!" The night before yesterday, Mr. Sun, who was on a business trip to Shanghai, encountered a bad thing. According to Didi’s response, the Didi driver involved has been banned by the platform.

  According to Mr. Sun’s account, he is from Suzhou, Jiangsu. At about 8 pm the previous night, he and his colleagues, who were on a business trip to Shanghai, called a Didi Licheng special car near No. 818 Zhenbei Road in Putuo District to Lefang Exquisite Life Plaza. After getting on the bus, Mr. Sun sat in the passenger seat and felt thirsty, so he picked up the bottled drinking water on the cup seat of the central armrest of the vehicle and prepared to drink it.

  Mr. Sun said: The Didi Licheng special car will provide passengers with special bottled drinking water. "At that time, I opened the bottle cap of bottled water and found that the bottle cap was not sealed, but loose, and it seemed that it had been unscrewed." Mr. Sun immediately asked the driver of the special car. The driver said that the bottle of water may have been unscrewed by the previous passenger, but the passenger did not drink it. Hearing the driver’s words, Mr. Sun unscrewed the bottle cap with confidence and drank the bottle of mineral water directly.

  When Mr. Sun drank the bottle of water, he found that the water had a peculiar smell, and he immediately vomited it. After confirming that the water contained urine. Faced with Mr. Sun’s inquiry, the driver repeatedly stressed that he did not know who the urine in the bottle belonged to. When the vehicle approached the destination, Mr. Sun made representations to the driver again, and was about to call to complain, the driver became emotional, saying that he would lose his job as a result, and kept beating himself, apologizing to Mr. Sun, and proposing to use the money for private use. But Mr. Sun did not agree. He immediately complained to Didi customer service and reported the case to the police. After receiving the report, the police from the Taopu police station arrived at the scene to deal with it.

  After the incident, Didi immediately launched an investigation. Yesterday, Didi responded: After verification, the driver in question could not find the toilet due to an emergency, so it was convenient to use a mineral water bottle and placed the bottle on the driver’s cab console, causing passengers to drink by mistake.

  According to the reporter, yesterday afternoon, the staff of Didi company accompanied the passenger to the hospital for a physical examination. At the same time, the driver will also be arranged for a medical examination as soon as possible to determine whether the passenger has suffered health damage through medical means. The company will continue to follow up and provide passengers with the help and health protection within its capacity. At present, the hospital medical examination report has not been released, and the driver has been banned by the platform for violating Didi’s service rules.

  As we all know, Didi is rectifying because of the Hitch incident, and now there is a "drinking urine" incident, which is so incredible and eye-popping. But what is Didi really doing behind the scenes? As long as there is an accident, the unified approach is to ban the driver. This kind of punishment that "addresses only the symptoms but not the root cause of the issue" cannot solve the actual dispute at all.

  While Didi is rectifying safety, it is also crucial to improve the quality of drivers. No matter how Didi supplements and improves equipment monitoring, if the quality of drivers is poor, it will not work, and safety incidents will still occur. What we hope to see is a more responsible and protective reform behavior for passengers, rather than the same disregard for handling.