Chen He’s villain in "Aiming": Seize a good opportunity

Wen/Yangcheng Evening News All Media Reporters, Gong Weifeng, Huang Xiangyu

Recently, the TV series "Aiming" has followed up "Together" on the Oriental Theater of Oriental Satellite TV, and it is broadcast in two episodes every night. The drama is directed by Wubai and Buick, with Huang Hui as the chief screenwriter, and starring Huang Xuan, Chen He, Yang Caiyu and Li Xirui. "Aiming" tells the story of the beginning of the liberation of Songjiang, when Su Wenqian (played by Huang Xuan) and Chi Tiecheng (played by Chen He), the ace partners in the sniper circle, went to the opposite side due to differences in beliefs, and eventually went to different fates in life-and-death confrontations and clashes of beliefs.

After "Aim" went LIVE, it achieved high reputation and topic trendiness. Chen He changed the comedy image established in works such as "Love Apartment" and "Run", and starred as a "villain" in a period drama for the first time. Slightly curled shoulder-length long hair, evil laughter, fierce and ferocious roar… Chen He played "Cold Killer" Chi Tiecheng. Regarding the breakthrough in this performance, Chen He said frankly: "It is not difficult to put away’funny ‘and become’cold’, this is the basic ability of an actor."

Role Realization Breakthrough

In "Aim," Chi Tiecheng is codenamed "Jellyfish" and leads a "Jellyfish Assassination Team" of professional killers. He is far-sighted and cold-blooded, with only tasks in mind, and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. His partner, Su Wenqian, codenamed "Muyu", is a kind sniper. Chen He explains the relationship between the two: "The two are old partners who can’t forget each other. Chi Tiecheng always wants to prove that he is stronger than Su Wenqian, but he can never surpass the other. At the peak of the two, Su Wenqian chose to leave. In Chi Tiecheng’s heart, this is like a knot in his heart. He wants to find Su Wenqian and prove that he is the strongest."

Before taking on the role of "Chi Tiecheng", Chen He and the director 500 Bai had a meal, and the two were very close. At that time, Chen He had read two or three episodes of the script and liked the rhythm of the script, but he also had concerns in his heart, because he had never played a villain before. Chen He recalled: "The family said to me, ‘Chen He, do you want to stay in the safe zone of your performance forever?’ This sentence was quite irritating to me, so I resolutely went."

Before this, Chen He also thought about breaking through the safe zone: "No one asked me to do this kind of drama before. It can be said that I was ready, but many producers were not ready." This time, Chen He was very grateful to 500: "Every aspect of this role is something I have never played before. No one ever asked me to play the villain. It seems that all the producers at that time also opposed me to play this role. It was 500 who defied all opinions and thought I was suitable."

Chen He’s long hair style was helpful in finding the role, but he says the process of accepting the look was torturous: "When I knew I had to wear a wig, I was blinded. It took me more than ten days to get used to this hair, and it was so difficult. When the wind blew on my face, I didn’t know how to talk, and I didn’t flick my hair at all… I prefer to recall the short hair back look that appeared in the camera when setting makeup." Chen He laments: "In order to wear a wig, I had to get up an hour and a half earlier to put on makeup. This time I felt that it is not easy for a costume drama actor."

Acting is most afraid of playing

"Aim" is particularly full of action scenes, and the showdown between "jellyfish" and "herding fish" is even more thrilling. Chen He said: "I used to shoot very few gunfights and explosions, but this time I shot a lot. At the beginning, there was a crackle. Huang Xuan and I circled around the explosion point, blowing our souls away. At night, our brains were buzzing."

Many viewers noticed that Chen He used his trademark evil laughter in "Aim". Chen He revealed: "I originally designed another kind of laughter, but the 500 directors didn’t think I needed to avoid the previous laughter. Chi Tiecheng has his own character, and he wants to make the audience feel creepy when they hear me laugh, and to perform that kind of aura and atmosphere."

In "Aim", Chi Tiecheng’s superficial identity is that of a pastry chef with excellent professional skills and can make a variety of complex cakes. In the close-up shot of Chi Tiecheng making cakes in the play, Chen He is quite realistic. "I am more interested in all the things I like to eat. I have attended a cake-making training class and can make them."

"Huang Xuan is not as cool as he looks on the surface, he is actually a very sunny and warm big boy," Mr. Chen said of his partnership with Mr. Huang. "In addition to filming, we also get together at night to have a few drinks and be very happy."

It’s not intentional.

In 2009, Chen He entered the public eye with the role of Zeng Xiaoxian in "Love Apartment". Zeng Xiaoxian’s humorous and "cheap and cute" character was once equated with Chen He. Later, Chen He further established his image as a comedian in film and television works such as "The Story of the Medical Hall" and "The Best Family Member". Chen He stressed that this time the role of "cold killer" was not deliberately transformed: "An actor is about trying different roles, and this time I was lucky to meet a good script and a good director."

Chen He was an actor at the Shanghai Drama Art Center. "I’ve been acting in plays since my first year of graduation. I’ve tried out many different roles on stage, but the audience for plays is relatively small, and’Love Apartment ‘was filmed earlier, so more people know it."

After the broadcast of "Aim", many viewers said that they wanted to laugh when they saw Chen He appear. In this regard, Chen He said: "I am very lucky that’Zeng Xiaoxian ‘can be remembered by everyone. The feedback from the audience is also what I expected. As an actor, I can only try my best to play every role, including this time’Chi Tiecheng’. As for whether everyone likes it or not, I can only say that I tried my best." In his opinion, this performance gave him a chance to show his fists. "It is not difficult to put away’funny ‘and become’cold’. This is the basic ability of an actor."

Regarding the "unaccustomed" of some viewers, Chen He had something to say: "I play Zeng Xiaoxian, participate in variety shows, open hot pot restaurants, play live broadcasts, and make costumes, so that more people are familiar with me, and sometimes I will be questioned, but I am trying my best to do everything well."

There will be no limits in the future.

The collaboration on "Aim" allowed Chen He to establish a deep friendship with the director of 500: "After filming this drama, I seem to have become a member of his team. He is very charismatic and will gather a group of brothers around him to work together and create for his dreams." Chen He also found a sense of security and trust in 500: "When I was in college, my teacher told me that a good actor should be the best tool for a director. You have to be like water. If the director pours you into a cup of any shape, you will become the shape of the cup."

This year, Chen He also collaborated with 500 on the TV series "Dress Up". Chen He said: "I developed a tacit understanding with 500. When we were together, we hardly talked about the play, and we understood each other with one look. He often asked the executive director to come to the scene and said that he would let me play another one. I asked the executive director, how should I act? The executive director said, the director said you understand, and I understand, that’s how tacit understanding is."

Regarding the future role, Chen He was very calm: "I didn’t expect myself to play any role, so I will seize this good opportunity. If I were to play a comedy for the rest of my life, I would be willing."