The morning newspaper is super informative. Liu Ruoying’s debut became a hit, and Wang Sicong created a movie group with hundreds of millions of yuan

Fresh information morning call is all in the morning newspaper

Finally waited until May Day, fortunately I didn’t give up! On the last day of class before the festival, can’t you hold back your heart and want to let go of yourself? Then hurry up and stand on the last shift before the May Day holiday, and then start a happy holiday!

Box office trumpet Shu leads May 1st, and the box office is expected to exceed 100 million in the first week

The May Day holiday will start tomorrow, and the May Day war in the movie market will also begin. According to the professional data of the material girl, Liu Ruoying’s first directorial work "Later Us" in the May Day film is definitely the leader in the May Day film. Not only did the first day of pre-screening account for 44.6%, but the first day of pre-sale box office has also exceeded 100 million. If this trend continues, it may be able to create a new box office miracle like "The Former 3"!

In addition, the overseas market is also quite active, is expected to be released in North America on May 18 "Deadpool 2" first weekend box office is expected to be more than $150 million, if it comes true, then "Deadpool 2" will surpass the first $132 million. The global box office of "Deadpool 1" is finally $783 million, which is the highest-grossing R-rated movie in film and television. I don’t know if "Deadpool 2" can break this record~

The trailer is fresh to see Shu Allen leads the New Year’s Eve file, set for December 28

Directed by Sun Zhou, starring Alan, Wang Zhi, and Luno, and starring Ren Dahua and Jin Shijie, the comedy film "Comedy on Earth" was officially announced yesterday for December 28, and the pilot poster of the "Drama" version was announced. In the poster, "Drama" Alan took on all the scenes, "Big Alan" had an exaggerated expression, staring at the test tube in his hand, and "Little Alan" struggled to escape the test tube. The contrast between "Big Alan" was full of joy, but at the same time rich in profound meaning, which aroused the audience’s infinite reverie.

This film is the first time that a comedy film starring Alan has entered the New Year’s Eve stall. This time, he will once again join hands with twist partner "National First Love" Wang Zhi, and it is worth looking forward to what kind of chemical reaction the two will have in the movie. In fact, as the right-hand man of Happy Twist, Alan’s performance in comedy films in the past two years has been remarkable from time to time, both at the box office and in terms of word-of-mouth. There are girls who just want to wait for your movie to come out and call you!

Industry broadcastersShu Huang Bo personally recommended, this domestic cartoon is really not simple

The 16th national cinema domestic film promotion was successfully held in Qingdao. At the promotion meeting, the first domestic youth animation film "Clear Sky Yesterday" won wide attention. Even Huang Bo personally recommended it. It can be said that it has attracted much attention~ Many audiences and industry insiders regard "Clear Sky Yesterday" as the work of the "Three Major" series (,,) in 2018. Some girls in the "Three Major" series have seen it, and even rushed to the domestic film to usher in the spring. It seems that the quality of "Clear Sky Yesterday" is already very guaranteed!

The first major feature of "Blue Sky of Yesterday" is beauty. The picture is the most beautiful, the music is the most beautiful, and the sound is the most beautiful. Coupled with the topic of "domestic youth", it can be said that it is beautiful and has not lost its connotation. There must be many fat friends who have seen the trailer and poster of this cartoon and suspected that the movie will collide with the Japanese youth animation, but the producer said that this film will be fundamentally different from the Japanese youth. It is an animation that truly belongs to the memory of people’s youth, and will open up a new genre of domestic animated movies. Since you are so beautiful, then there is a girl who has material to code this film and wait for the movie to be released in the summer.

The star thing: Wang Sicong doesn’t want to watch "garbage". Hundreds of millions of people build movie groups

Your "national husband" Wang Sicong has recently made a new move! As the initiator and supporter of the new banana director’s digging plan, Wang Sicong expressed his wishes to the director at the award ceremony. He believes that there is a lot of garbage in the films currently released, "I also don’t want to see this garbage anymore, so I will train our own new directors to come up and hope to change this situation."

It is even more heroic: "Others want to have 200 million to become 1 billion, but I already have 1 billion, so I can directly take out 200 million to see if I can do something for my favorite movies." It is Hao himself who is undoubtedly. Then the problem is that there is a big project that needs to be discussed. Is it a pancake fruit with a few eggs for breakfast?

Movie Calendar

(The specific broadcast content is subject to TV)

Want to get more fresh movie information, one-hand love beans, exclusive live video, don’t hurry to download CCTV6 movie channel app, there are materials waiting for you to make an appointment!

Can I, Xu Jiayin, save the day again this time?

Author | Zhou Chaochen

Last Friday (December 2) at noon, the rumor of Xu Jiayin jumping off the building went viral for a while, and it was searched several times. According to self-media statistics, this rumor has been reversed at least 5 times.

Although I don’t know if this rumor is someone deliberately pranking Xu Jiayin, or Xu Jiayin’s self-directed and self-played bitter trick, it’s always a false alarm.

Xu Jiayin’s rumor-refuting style made an appearance. First, a 50-second voice screenshot of Xu Jiayin in the senior management group of Evergrande Group was deliberately released after 1 pm that day. Xu Jiayin said in the senior management group: "The chairpeople of the companies in various regions should ask the brand sales departments to increase the publicity work of the vigorous scene of engineering construction, publicity and promotion, and to increase the publicity and promotion of the construction of the building. The construction of the building and the construction of the project are the key to our sales. Therefore, increasing the publicity and promotion of the sales and delivery of the building is an important foundation for the sales work. Please pay great attention to the publicity and promotion of this project construction and the construction of the building."

Immediately after 7:00 pm, Xu Jiayin appeared in Hengda Group’s special meeting on the construction of the building and the video leaked out. Xu Jiayin once again emphasized that the construction of the building is the top priority of Hengda. In the video with obvious signs of posing and lasting 1 minute, Xu Jiayin said: "From January to November this year, Hengda Group has achieved 256,000 sets of buildings. In 2022, it will strive to complete 300,000 sets of buildings. In December, it is necessary to ensure the quality assurance to complete the 44,000 sets of buildings. There are still 29 days left in this month. There is a tight time and a heavy task. All Hengda employees must unswervingly fulfill our main responsibility and never give up their efforts to ensure the completion of the annual delivery task."

Xu Jiayin knows that Baojiaolou is his only "life-saving straw" for political correctness at present.

Another rumor that appeared along with Xu Jiayin’s related rumors was that in order to reduce costs, the headquarters of Evergrande Automobile Group will be disbanded, and the staff structure of the headquarters will be adjusted. Most people face layoffs, and a small number of people will sink to the factory. According to the China Securities News, people close to Evergrande Automobile learned that the news was not true.

Between life and death, the relevant rumors about Xu Jiayin and Evergrande come at a very delicate moment. Since November, several ministries and commissions have launched three arrows in a row, 16 real estate finance policies and other favorable real estate policies, from saving projects to starting to rescue real estate enterprises, especially some high-quality real estate enterprises have recently been softened by credit. But these policies seem to have nothing to do with Evergrande. As the most indebted real estate enterprise, Evergrande, which has been lying in the ICU for more than a year, seems to be locked in a vacuum and has become an outsider of China’s real estate market rescue policy. Its only way out is to sell assets as cheaply as possible, while shouting that everyone is united to protect the property.

After the Securities Supervision Commission issued the third arrow at the end of November, Bai Wenxi, chief economist of IPG China, commented: "To say that the most aggrieved person today should be Xu Jiayin. The Securities Supervision Commission has finally released the equity financing of class A share real estate enterprises that has been suspended for ten years, but Evergrande has already missed it. Otherwise, Evergrande backdoor deep and deep housing will be implemented immediately, Xu Jiayin can sincerely say that’everything about Evergrande and me, Xu Jiayin, is given by the party ‘, and then continue to increase leverage to dry Evergrande’s real estate debt to 4 trillion, and then the land finance in various places can continue to increase income, and the property market will continue to be hot."

The policies of bailouts and blood transfusions here are one after another, and the news of Evergrande is a different story.

On the afternoon of November 30, Hengda Wealth announced that it would adjust the payment plan issued on December 31, 2021, adjusting the current monthly payment of 8,000 yuan per person to 2,000 yuan per person per month. Obviously, under the pressure of debt, the isolated Hengda capital chain is increasingly tight.

On November 26, Double 11 was put on the shelves of Hengda Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters land successfully transferred by Shenzhen Anhe No. 1 Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. at a reserve price of about 7.54 billion yuan. According to the media, there is a shadow of Vanke behind the receiver, so some industry insiders believe that Yu Liang helped Xu Jiayin. In fact, as early as last autumn, there were rumors that Vanke was in contact with Hengda, but in the media communication meeting in October last year, when asked if Vanke would rescue Evergrande, Vanke chairperson Yu Liang was vague: "When winter comes, everyone is cold. In the case of cold, we must first solve the problem of how to survive the winter, and first ensure our own safety, in order to save people. How can I save someone if I’m not safe? If I can’t get through the winter, helping others may be purely troublesome. "

After the acquisition of Evergrande’s Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters site, which is adjacent to Vanke’s new headquarters, the buyer was left wondering how to use the land that Xu Jiayin was supposed to use to reshape Shenzhen’s skyline.

Many people are speculating about the final outcome of Xu Jiayin and Hengda. Huxiu has written many times that Chen Feng and HNA may be the reference frame for Xu Jiayin and Hengda.

The older generation of entrepreneurs, such as Xu Jiayin and Chen Feng, all have one thing in common: a tougher gamble. But Xu Jiayin is different. The entrepreneur who walked barefoot from one of the poorest villages in eastern Henan Province, grew from a manure digger to China’s richest man, and became the "first loser" overnight. He has an extreme desire for survival, and has strong perseverance and mental strength, and will not easily do things that cannot be imagined.

In Evergrande’s growth history, it has encountered several major crises, which have eventually been saved from danger. For example, Evergrande was shorted by US short-seller Citron in June 2012, which said in a report that Evergrande Real Estate was insolvent. While Xu Jiayin asked Evergrande to respond to the short with financial data, he rushed to Hong Kong with executives to seek allies. Eight investment banks, including Bank of America Merrill Lynch, the sponsor of Evergrande’s Hong Kong listing, subsequently issued announcements bullish on Evergrande. The next day, Evergrande’s comprehensive clarification report was released. In the end, Evergrande eliminated the crisis within a thrilling 48 hours.

The most serious failure was Hengda’s first IPO in 2008. In 2008, Hengda frantically acquired land all over the country in order to go public, with a land reserve of up to 45.78 million square meters, becoming the real estate developer with the largest land reserves that year. However, the unfortunate fate was to catch up with the US subprime mortgage crisis, and Xu Jiayin was caught off guard.

In April 2008, Hengda’s listing was blocked, and Hengda had to pay 4.10 billion yuan in July, and had to face major bank loans that matured one after another. At that time, only 4 of Xu Jiayin’s 37 projects in the country met the opening conditions, and Hengda’s funding gap was as high as 12 billion. Xu Jiayin went to Hong Kong to seek help for this. Under the recommendation of Yang Shoucheng, Xu Jiayin met Zheng Yutong, the former chairperson of the board of directors of Hong Kong New World Development Co., Ltd., in order to get life-saving money, Xu Jiayin accompanied Zheng Yutong for 3 months to play hoe big D, and finally received 500 million US dollars of assistance, which solved the urgent need and became one of the members of the big D club.

At the same time, in October 2008, Xu Jiayin decided to let Evergrande Real Estate use the tried-and-true "magic" of price reduction promotion again, and the real estate in 18 cities across the country was sold at a 25% discount across the board. Evergrande took out nearly 20,000 housing units at that time, using ultra-low-price sales strategies, and there were more than 2 million square meters of construction area to benefit consumers, returning 5 billion yuan of funds. This trick was also sacrificed by Xu Jiayin at the beginning of last year. At that time, the splash ads of various apps were basically Hengda’s house sales promotions.

In October 2009, Hui Ka Yin announced that Evergrande Real Estate had once again launched its initial public offering on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. At the roadshow luncheon on the first day of Evergrande Real Estate, Cheng Yu-tung, the 84-year-old chairperson of the board of directors of Hong Kong New World Development Group, supported Evergrande Real Estate. Zheng Yu-tung’s public statement, which has huge influence in Hong Kong, allowed Evergrande Real Estate to successfully complete the roadshow of the Hong Kong IPO, and received 11 times the international placement super subscription, and the offer for sale part exceeded 46 times.

On November 5, 2009, Hengda Real Estate finally achieved its listing on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. At the listing ceremony and listing celebration ceremony of Hengda Real Estate, Zheng Yutong, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Hong Kong New World Group, Zheng Kachun, General Manager of New World Development Group, Lau Luanxiong, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of China Real Estate Group, and Zhang Songqiao, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of China Chongqing Land, were present to congratulate and give Xu Jiayin face. On the day of Hengda’s listing, Xu Jiayin won the title of the richest man in the Chinese mainland for the first time with a net worth of 42.20 billion yuan, surpassing Wang Chuanfu, the richest man on the Forbes Rich List announced on the same day. Since then, Xu Jiayin has opened the road of crazy expansion and leverage.

It’s just that when Hengda thundered last year, Xu Jiayin’s wealthy friends passed away, and it was difficult to reproduce the brotherhood of that year by selling off (Hengda stocks).

Can the 64-year-old Xu Jiayin save the day again?

10 classic must-see online novels are highly recommended!

Original title: 10 classic online novels are recommended!

Here are 10 classic must-see online novels recommended:

Fierce Knife Walking in the Snow: one of the representative works of the princes in the bonfire drama, tells the story of a noble family who went through hardships and eventually became a generation of Beiliang King.

Breaking the Sky: Li Hu’s fantasy novel, a costume, tells the story that Xiao Yan, a talented boy, suddenly became a cripple after creating a family record of unprecedented cultivation, and various blows followed. Just when he was about to despair, a wisp of soul emerged from the ring in his hand, and a brand-new door opened in front of him. After hard training, he finally achieved a brilliant story.

Immortality: one of Chen Dong’s representative works, tells the story of an immortal world, in which the protagonist constantly explores the mystery of immortality.

Douluo Continent: one of Tang Jiasan’s representative works, tells the story of a world full of magic and quarrelling, in which the protagonist grows up and challenges the powerful enemy.

Tomb of the gods: another masterpiece of Chen Dong, it tells a story of a world full of myths and legends, and the protagonist keeps digging up the mystery of his life experience.

"Panlong": One of my masterpieces of eating tomatoes, it tells a world full of magic and quarrelling. Lin Lei, the protagonist, finally becomes a legendary story through continuous cultivation and challenging the powerful enemy.

Qin Di: one of the representative works of Tang Jiasan Shao, tells the story of a world full of music and magic. Ye Yinzhu, the protagonist, finally becomes a generation of Qin Di by constantly learning and challenging his powerful enemies.

Biography of Immortal Cultivation by Ordinary People: A novel about the cultivation of truth created by forgetting words tells the story of an ordinary person who finally becomes a generation of immortal emperors through continuous cultivation and challenging his powerful enemies.

"Full-time Master": One of the representative works of Butterfly Blue, tells the story of a professional gamer’s re-emergence after a career downturn.

Step by step gives birth to lotus: one of Yueguan’s representative works, it tells the story of a modern man who traveled to ancient times and experienced ups and downs in officialdom.

The above are only 10 classic must-see online novels recommended. Everyone has different preferences and can choose to read according to their own interests.

Editor in charge:

Snooker Scottish Open: Ding Junhui stopped in the top 32 and Lv Haotian advanced to the top 16.

China news agency, Beijing, December 14 th On the morning of the 14th Beijing time, the 2023 Scottish Open ended the contest on the third day of the race. In the 32-round and 16-round competitions, China billiards star Ding Junhui suffered a lore and stopped at the top 32. Another China player, Lv Haotian, took the lead in advancing to the top 16.
Ding Junhui and English star tom ford competed for a place in the top 16, which was one of the focus battles of the day’s competition. Before this, the two sides confronted each other many times, and Ding Junhui occupied an absolute advantage. Among them, in the semi-finals of last season’s British Championship and 6 Red Ball World Championships, Ding Junhui defeated his opponent and advanced to the final. Ding Junhui defeated tom ford again in the quarter-finals of the British Championship that ended a few days ago and advanced to the quarter-finals. However, after winning the runner-up in Tianjin International Championship last month, tom ford once surpassed Ding Junhui in the world ranking.
This time, when they met their old enemies again, both sides were tit for tat, and the first six games were tied at 3-3. In the deciding game, tom ford seized the opportunity and scored 81 points in a single shot to seal the victory. At the same time, he succeeded in "revenge" and replaced his opponent to advance to the top 16. Prior to this, Ding Junhui had suffered a "champion shortage" in the ranking competition for more than four years, and this defeat delayed his goal of winning the 15th championship in the ranking competition again.
In the 32 rounds and 16 rounds, three players from China appeared. Among them, Pang Junxu lost to Scottish star anthony mcgill 2-4; In a "Chinese Derby", Lv Haotian defeated 19-year-old Liu Hongyu 4-2, becoming the first China player to advance to the top 16 in this competition.
On the same day, in the first 64 rounds of 32 rounds, three China "post-00" teenagers won 1 and lost 2-Si Jiahui, a top four player in last season’s World Championships, defeated Belgian Julian Leclere 4-2, becoming the seventh China player to advance to the top 32 in this competition. 19-year-old Xing Zihao lost to gary wilson 3-4, and Yuan Sijun lost to Sam craigie 0-4, so they went out hand in hand.
Brecel, ranked fourth in the world, and Selby, ranked fifth in the world, both stopped in the top 32. So far, the top eight players in the world have missed the top 16 in this Scottish Open. Except for O ‘Sullivan, who ranked first, who retired temporarily, and neil robertson, who ranked sixth, who didn’t sign up for the competition, the other six famous players were eliminated in the first three days.
On the next match day of this Scottish Open, Zhang Anda and Si Jiahui will bring another "Chinese Derby" in the final battle of 32 rounds and 16 rounds; Zhou Yuelong, who won because his opponent retired in the first round of the race, will face British veteran andrew Higginson. (End)

The most comprehensive knowledge of China tea, tea learning must be suggested to collect, and an article will take you to know about tea.

Teacher Bai Yansong of CCTV mentioned in a program of talking to young people:

"You like to drink coke today, and it is not excluded. When you reach my age, you will definitely love tea."

This is an old man’s life sentiment about young people.

From coke to tea, it is the same drink. What kind of transformation process is involved?

I believe that only people with stories can understand it.

If you also want to experience life from tea.

Then learn to drink tea from today.

A most comprehensive, basic knowledge of tea takes you into the door of the tea world.

Basic knowledge of tea

Classification of tea trees

According to the tree type: shrub type, small tree type and arbor type.

According to leaf type, it is divided into extra-large leaf species, large leaf species, middle leaf species and small leaf species.

Classification of tea: basic tea and processed tea.

Basic tea:

green tea

Green tea features: clear green leaves, good tenderness, bright soup color and exposed bud peak.

Green tea can be divided into stir-fried green tea, sun-dried green tea and steamed green tea according to the deactivation process.

Baked green tea.

On behalf of tea:

Fried green tea: West Lake Longjing, Biluochun, mengding ganlu, Duyun Maojian, Xinyang Maojian, Lushan Yunwu, Anji White Tea, etc.

Sun-dried green tea: Pu ‘er raw tea, Dianqing, Yueqing, Xiangqing, Chuanqing, etc.

Steamed green tea: Enshi Yulu.

Baked green tea: Huangshan Mao Feng, Taiping Monkey Kui, Luan Guapian, Xiazhou Bifeng, Tianshan Green Tea, Huading Yunwu, Gao Qiao Yinfeng, etc.

white tea

Characteristics of white tea: the fragrance is fragrant, the tender leaves are covered with white hairs, and the color is Bai Yin green, which belongs to partially fermented tea.

White tea can be divided according to tree species and freshness of bud leaves.

On behalf of tea:

Tea tree varieties: Dabai, Narcissus White and Xiaobai.

Bud leaf tenderness: Baihao Yinzhen, Bai Mudan, Gongmei, etc.

Yellow tea

Characteristics of yellow tea: some fermented tea, similar in technology to green tea, should be stuffy yellow when making. Tea drinking has the characteristics of yellow soup and yellow leaves, with mellow aroma and mellow taste.

Yellow tea can be divided into yellow bud tea, yellow tea and yellow small tea according to the different fresh leaves.

On behalf of tea:

Yellow bud tea: Junshan silver needle, Mengding yellow bud and Mogan yellow bud.

Huangda Tea: Huoshan Yellow Bud, Guangdong Folium Isatidis.

Huangxiaocha: Weishan Maojian Tea, Beigang Maojian Tea, Pingyang Huangtang Tea, Wanxi Huangxiaocha Tea, Hubei Yuanan Luyuan Tea, etc.

Green tea (oolong tea)

Characteristics of green tea: semi-fermented tea, a kind of tea between black tea and green tea. There are both fresh green tea and sweet black tea. The fragrance is rich and lasting, with floral, fruity, vanilla and so on. It is rich in flavor, fragrant in mouth and teeth, mellow and sweet, and has unique variety characteristics.

Green tea is divided into southern Fujian oolong tea, northern Fujian oolong tea, Guangdong oolong tea and Taiwan Province oolong tea.

On behalf of tea:

Minnan Oolong Tea: Anxi Tieguanyin, Hairy Crab, Benshan, Huang Jingui, etc.

Oolong tea in northern Fujian: Wuyi rock tea, cinnamon, water turtle, iron arhat, narcissus and so on.

Guangdong Oolong Tea: Phoenix Dan Cong, White Leaf Single Cong, etc.

Taiwan Province Oolong Tea: Frozen Top Oolong, Four Seasons Spring, Oriental Beauty, Jin Xuan, Jade, Baozhong Tea, etc.

black tea

Characteristics of black tea: fully fermented tea, warm stomach, red soup and red leaves, with unique maltose fragrance and caramel fragrance.

Black tea is divided into red stripe tea and red broken tea according to the process.

Red tea is divided into: small black tea and Kung Fu black tea.

On behalf of tea:

Race black tea: Zhengshan race

Kung Fu Black Tea: Qimen Black Tea, Dianhong, Yihong, Ninghong and Chuanhong.

Red broken tea: Yingde red broken tea, Dadugang red broken tea, Sichuan red broken tea, Hunan red broken tea, etc.

Four major black teas in the world: Qimen Black Tea, Darjeeling Black Tea in India, Sri Lankan Black Tea (Ceylon Black Tea) and Assam Black Tea.

Dark tea

Characteristics of black tea: the leaves are dark and dignified, the fragrance is mellow, and the variety is rich. After being made into pressed tea, it is mainly used by ethnic minorities in border areas.

Black tea can be divided into pressed tea, bulk tea and flower rolls according to the process.

Compressed tea is divided into: Fuzhuan tea, Huazhuan tea, blue brick tea and black brick tea.

Bulk tea is divided into: Tianjian, Gongjian and Shengjian.

Flower rolls are divided into: 12, 100 and 1000.

On behalf of tea:

Pu ‘er cooked tea, Anhua black tea, Shaanxi Fuzhuan, Guangxi Liubao tea, etc.

Processed tea:

Scented tea, extracted tea, fruity tea, tea beverage.

Six basic teas: according to the degree of fermentation.

Green tea (not fermented)

White tea (micro-fermentation)

Yellow tea (light fermentation)

Green tea (oolong tea, semi-fermented)

Black tea (fully fermented)

Black tea (complete fermentation, post-fermentation)

The higher the degree of fermentation, the milder the tea. For example, black tea and black tea are suitable for people with a bad stomach.

Non-fermented or lightly fermented tea is slightly cold. For example, green tea and yellow tea are suitable for reducing fire and drying, and people with weak spleen and stomach should be moderate.

Four major tea areas in China

Jiangnan tea area: located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, including Zhejiang, Hunan, Jiangxi, southern Anhui, southern Jiangsu and southern Hubei. It is the main tea producing area in China. The annual output accounts for 2/3 of the country.

South China Tea Area: Located in the south of China, including Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Taiwan Province and Hainan.

Southwest tea area: located in the southwest of China, including Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Chongqing and other provinces and cities as well as southeast Tibet. It is the oldest tea area in China.

Jiangbei tea area: located in the north bank of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, including Henan, Shaanxi, Gansu and Shandong, as well as northern Anhui, northern Jiangsu and northern Hubei.

Appliances needed for brewing all kinds of tea

According to different kinds of tea, it is necessary to choose suitable instruments for brewing in order to give full play to the taste, aroma and soup color of tea.

green tea

Applicable to tea ware: glass, bowl cover.

Attention: it is not suitable for stuffy bubble, which will affect the fragrance of tea.

Yellow tea

Applicable to tea ware: glass, bowl cover.

Attention: it is not suitable for stuffy bubble, which will affect the fragrance of tea.

white tea

Applicable to tea ware: teacups and bowls.

Green tea (oolong tea)

Applicable to tea ware: teacups, covered bowls, teapots and teapot.

Attention: Try to use fair mug as much as possible, and the time and quantity of tea brewing determine the taste of tea soup. It is not easy to soak tea for a long time, and the bitterness will be aggravated when the quality of tea is poor.

black tea

Applicable to tea ware: teacups, covered bowls, teapots and teapot.

Attention should be paid to: fair mug will be made when the soup is served quickly after making tea, and the taste will be better and it will not be frowsty for a long time.

Dark tea

Applicable to tea ware: tea cups, covered bowls, teapots, teapot, tea maker.

It should be noted that black tea is the tea with the highest degree of fermentation, which is very resistant to foam and has a thick taste. The first few bubbles can quickly serve soup to fair mug, and you can cook and drink it later.

Storage of various teas

Three principles of tea storage: drying, avoiding light and sealing.

Green tea and yellow tea: sealed and refrigerated in refrigerator.

White tea and green tea (oolong tea): sealed at room temperature, stored in the refrigerator without drinking for a long time.

Black tea: stored at room temperature, pay attention to moisture.

Black tea: stored at room temperature, cool and ventilated, avoiding sun exposure.

The concept of tea culture:

Broadly speaking, it refers to the sum total of tea material and spiritual wealth in the whole development process of tea.

Narrow sense: refers specifically to the "spiritual wealth" part, which is to study the cultural and social phenomena produced in the process of tea being applied by human beings.

Tea culture has: natural attributes and social attributes.

Natural attributes: the tea product itself, the function of tea.

Social attribute: people’s use of tea and their spiritual sustenance. Material, spiritual, plastic, psychological and behavioral phenomena. )

Defining tea from botanical characteristics;

Tea leaves have obvious main veins, the edges of the leaves are serrated, the veins are reticulate and not top, and the back is hairy.

The difference between tea and common leaves;

The fundamental difference between whether it is a tea tree or not lies in whether the plant contains tea polyphenols.

For example, Huaguo Tea, Rose Tea and yerba mate are similar to tea. The fundamental reason is that there are no tea polyphenols in it.

Main components contained in tea:

Tea polyphenols, tea polysaccharides, theanine, alkaloids, etc.

A leaf fell into the water and changed the taste of the water. Since then, there has been tea.

Tea is the dual enjoyment of material and spirit discovered by human beings. The development history of small leaves also records the development history of the whole mankind.

Let’s carry forward the tea culture in China together. This is an important symbol in the history of Chinese civilization.

I learned a lot about the basics of tea today, leaving a small question.

Pu ‘er tea which we often drink is one of the six major teas? Welcome to see your message in the comments section.

I’m Jiazi, and I love tea. Volunteer at the China Tea Museum on weekends to promote tea culture in China. If you also love tea, welcome to exchange and learn together.

Source | Jia Zi seeks tea.

Original title: "The most complete knowledge of tea in China, the necessary suggestions for learning tea, an article to take you to know about tea. 》

The Red Army lost the chain, and Manchester United grabbed four worries; Arsenal lost in a row, and Manchester City won the championship without fighting; Tottenham Hotspur rout

After 90 minutes’ whistle, firmino’s eyes were filled with tears. After waiting on the bench for a season, "Deric Wan of Brazil" who was about to bid farewell to Anfield finally came to say goodbye! Against Aston Villa, in this "win-only" game, Liverpool fell behind at home in the 27th minute, but it was Salah, Gakpo, Diaz, jota and Fan Dike who gnashed their teeth at the gate guarded by Martin, and could not knock on the goal guarded by the World Cup champion. Until the 72nd minute, desperate klopp changed into firmino to fight the trapped beast. Sure enough, Brazil’s old handsome boy didn’t live up to klopp’s high hopes: in the 89th minute, firmino took the right cross from old comrade-in-arms Salah and volleyed the ball into the goal! One to one! Even the score! ……

However, what Liverpool need is victory! Only by winning can Liverpool keep that faint hope in the fourth world war. Unfortunately, there is only one firmino, so there is not much time left for Deric Wan, Brazil. When the whistle blew, Liverpool had to accept a draw that was close to failure at Anfield. Three points behind in one more game, grabbing four opponents Newcastle and Manchester United only need to get one point in the next to harvest tickets for next season’s Champions League. Klopp, on the other hand, can only feel helplessly that "the child died and came to nurse", and the seven-game winning streak came too late. However, what is even more annoyed than this, just "came to nurse" and choked back, and fell off the chain when it came to the heel! In the last battle of the season, klopp’s team played against Southampton, a demoted saint. Did they vent their anger on their opponents or let them go at home? But to be honest, it depends on whether Liverpool players who "lost" the qualification of the Champions League can be interested in the Europa League. After all, Brighton behind him is also eyeing this qualification.

After the game, Tenghager, who learned that Liverpool had lost the chain at home and won a draw, may finally be able to put down a big stone in his heart for the time being. He is like a mirror in his heart. Liverpool’s desperate pursuit is definitely threatened most directly by his own Manchester United. With Ka Cermino scoring the only goal against Bournemouth with a wonderful volley barb like a big center, Manchester United is three points ahead of Liverpool in one game. With only one round left in the league, Manchester United only needs to score one point in the last two games to make its arch-enemy Liverpool beat their hearts out! For Tenghage, it is gratifying to win a Carling Cup in the new season, but the qualification for the Champions League is the most important thing, which is not only the face of the giants, but also the real money! For Manchester United fans, what is more comfortable than stepping on the body of a deadly enemy? Therefore, at least one point in two rounds, which is a task that Teng Hager must complete, is actually not too difficult …

The Red Army dropped its own chain to "assist" Tenghage, who basically held the tickets for next season’s Champions League in his hands, while Arsenal’s small guns capsized in the gutter, completely ruining the last hope of this year’s vigorous championship struggle! As long as you win, you can wait for Manchester City to make mistakes in succession. Even if this waiting is full of luck, the lucky "hope" is also a kind of hope! However, Arsenal lost! From four points behind in one game to four points behind in two rounds, I completely strangled this "lucky" hope with one game left and died in my own hands. On the contrary, it gave Lampard new hope. After all, now that Manchester City has won the championship without fighting, Guardiola may be able to work unscrupulously again, and Lampard’s second visit to the palace may not end so ugly.

With Awoniyi’s goal in the 19th minute, Nottingham Forest beat Arsenal, which led the standings for 247 days this season and almost failed Guardiola’s defending title, 1-0, and won the precious three points needed for relegation. Not surprisingly, this newly promoted horse with the longest history and a glorious history is basically safe to stay in the Premier League next season. Guardiola, on the other hand, almost confessed to his apprentice Artta a month ago, but now he has returned from the Champions League victory over Real Madrid to find that he won the championship without playing! It’s so amazing that the Premier League won three consecutive titles "without any effort"! Thanks to Artta, it helped Manchester City attract a season’s firepower, and also helped Manchester City eliminate a number of rivals for the championship, and finally handed over the championship! Why don’t I give you another Rappolt next season? Mendy will do!

Who is the most depressed this season? Perhaps it is not Arteta who led for almost a season but fell short in the final stage. Lao Tan thought that perhaps the most depressing thing this season was the Jewish old man named Levi at Tottenham! In the final analysis, the final stage of Arteta fell short because of the gap in overall strength, and it has actually exceeded everyone’s expectations to hit this position today; Tottenham Hotspur, a Jewish old pickpocket, also played a "heroic" game under the fool of Confucius in summer, throwing hundreds of millions of prisoners to Richarlyson, Danjuma, Pericic, Foster, Langlais, spence … The result is good, but the buyer also abruptly snatched the Champions League tickets from Arsenal with the help of Sun Kai’s combination, and after buying a lot of people for hundreds of millions of pounds, he even lost the qualification to grab the fourth place! This is not, lost again! 1-3 loss to brentford, even lost the qualification of "grabbing five"! Next season, don’t even qualify for the Champions League, not even the Europa League! Even the qualification for the UEFA Cup is in doubt! Seeing the silver turn into water, Levi’s depression can be imagined. Especially looking at the Brazilian striker Richarlyson who scored a goal in one season but spent 60 million pounds, he must be even more angry …

The Premier League has finally come to an end: Manchester City’s third consecutive championship is coming, and Manchester United will return to the Champions League. Although the Arsenal gunners "lost a good game", they still let people see the hope of re-emergence. The "pragmatic" magpie shows us that "local tyrants" also have different ways of playing; Liverpool, which is about to lose the qualification of the Champions League, need not complain. At least it has kept its chivalrous reputation of killing the rich and helping the poor. At least Nottingham Forest and Bournemouth can avoid relegation thanks to the Red Army! Of course, you don’t have to be depressed when Jews are always picking Levi. Your more than one billion pounds is actually nothing. Think about the Americans and Chelsea, and everything will become light and delicious …

# Premier League # # Manchester City # # Manchester United # # Liverpool # # Headline Creation Challenge #

Infrastructure for training AI to solve common problems

In order to train artificial intelligence models that can solve common problems, infrastructure is needed to provide support. These infrastructures are usually composed of hardware, software and tools to improve the efficiency and accuracy of model training. This article will introduce the infrastructure for training AI to solve common problems.

I. Hardware infrastructure

When training artificial intelligence models, it is usually necessary to use high-performance computing hardware to provide support. The following are several common hardware infrastructures:

  1. CPU: The central processing unit (CPU) is a general-purpose computing hardware, which can be used to run various types of software, including artificial intelligence models. Although the performance of CPU is relatively low, it is still useful in training small models or debugging.

  2. GPU: A graphics processor is a special computing hardware, which is usually used to process images and videos. Because of its highly parallel structure, GPU can provide higher computing performance than CPU when training artificial intelligence models, so it is widely used.

  3. TPU: Tensor processor is a kind of hardware specially used for artificial intelligence computing, developed by Google. The performance of TPU is higher than that of GPU, and it is suitable for large-scale artificial intelligence model training and reasoning.

Second, the software infrastructure

In addition to hardware infrastructure, some software tools are needed to support the training of artificial intelligence model. The following are some common software infrastructures:

  1. Operating system: Artificial intelligence models usually need to run on an operating system, such as Linux, Windows or macOS.

  2. Development environment: Development environment usually includes programming language, editor and integrated development environment (IDE) for writing and testing artificial intelligence models. Common development environments include Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch and Jupyter Notebook.

  3. Frames and libraries: Frames and libraries provide some common artificial intelligence model algorithms and data processing tools, making model development and training more convenient. Common frameworks and libraries include TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras and Scikit-Learn.

Third, the tool infrastructure

In addition to the hardware and software infrastructure, some tools are needed to support the training of artificial intelligence models. The following are several common tool infrastructures:

Dataset tool: Dataset tool is used to process and prepare training datasets, such as data cleaning, preprocessing, format conversion, etc. Common data set tools include Pandas, NumPy and SciPy.

2 Visualization tools: Visualization tools are used to visualize the training process and results to help users better understand the performance and behavior of the model. Common visualization tools include Matplotlib, Seaborn and Plotly.

Automatic parameter tuning tool: The automatic parameter tuning tool is used to optimize the parameters of the model to improve the performance and accuracy of the model. Common automatic parameter tuning tools include Optuna, Hyperopt and GridSearchCV.

In short, training artificial intelligence models to solve common problems requires the use of a variety of infrastructures, including hardware, software and tools. These infrastructures are designed to improve the efficiency and accuracy of model training, so that the model can better solve various practical problems. In practical application, users need to choose the appropriate infrastructure according to specific requirements and data characteristics, and design and implement it accordingly.