Briefly talk about Huawei cars – ask the world M5

Huawei car was born, simple first to understand, from the four sides of the car’s appearance is high enough, the front design is full, the side shape is very mature, the headlights are designed as shark fin streamer lights + eagle wing through the test tail light, with 20-inch high-performance tires, exquisite chassis + front and rear multi-link independent suspension and seamless panoramic sunroof, the vehicle quality is 2220 kilograms, 100 kilometers acceleration takes only 4.4 seconds.

Configuration: The three models are standard with 15.6 central control large screen, 128-color ambient light, electronic parking, tire pressure display, quasi-L2 level automatic driving, fatigue driving prompt, front and rear radar, 360-degree panoramic image, reversing side car warning system, electric + induction trunk, one-button start keyless entry, remote start function, 10.25-inch LCD instrument, driving recorder, mobile phone front wireless charging function, seat heating, automatic speech recognition control system, vehicle to everything, LED headlights, automatic air conditioning and other practical function configurations.

Power: At present, only three models can be seen on the official website. Among them, the rear-drive standard version has an engine horsepower of 125 + motor 272Ps, a maximum power of 200KW, and a maximum torque of 360N.m; the four-wheel drive performance version has an engine horsepower of 125 + motor 428Ps, a maximum power of 315KW, and a maximum torque of 720N.m; the four-wheel drive flagship version has an engine horsepower of 125 + motor 496Ps, a maximum power of 365KW, a maximum torque of 675N.m, and is equipped with an electric vehicle single-speed gearbox.

Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

Fast technology news on October 11,LI Guanwei issued a document saying: It broke 30,000 yuan for four consecutive months, and this month it will challenge a new high of 40,000 yuan in monthly sales ahead of schedule.

In the past September, 2023, the sales volume in LI reached 36,400, and the monthly sales volume once again exceeded 30,000.

Among them,Ideal L sold 11,967 vehicles in September, ideal L8 11306 vehicles and ideal L7 13088 vehicles.The sales of the three models once again broke through 10,000 at the same time.

Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

LI also announced the sales list of new power brands, luxury brands and new energy brands in China market in September.

By the end of September, the cumulative delivery volume of LI in 2023 had reached 244,225 vehicles.Next, it will exceed 40,000 vehicles every month, which means that the sales volume of LI will exceed 360,000 vehicles in 2023.

At the beginning of this year, Li Xiang said in the earnings conference call: "In 2022, LI’s market share of 300,000-500,000 SUVs will be 9.5%, and our forecast for the market this year will probably be between 1.4 million and 1.5 million. Our requirement for ourselves is to double the market share. "

Based on this calculation, the annual sales target of LI in 2023 is 280,000-300,000 vehicles, and the average monthly delivery volume reaches 23,000-25,000 vehicles. Now, this goal has been achieved easily.

Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

The world is so big and I have a Shanghai.

Teacher Li often praises the barbecue shop on the roadside.

I admit that I was attracted by the forwarding words in my colleague Teacher Y’s circle of friends, so I clicked on the link "Actor Li Liqun sent a video in Pudong, calling on everyone to unite against the epidemic".

Now living in Pudong New Area, Li Liqun, an old drama teacher, is a frequent visitor to Tik Tok. He often shows his life scenes as a novice "Uncle Shanghai". For example, my colleague was recommended by Li Liqun to plant grass in the barbecue shop. Li Liqun in the video, I hope everyone will cooperate with the government’s epidemic prevention work and not be a "black sheep". It’s very honest and brief, but it doesn’t seem to play the role of "Wang Wei". It’s more like the performance of countless Shanghai uncles. Although it’s hard to avoid being unwilling in my heart, I still obey the overall situation rationally.

Actor Li Liqun sent a video in Pudong, calling on everyone to unite against the epidemic.

After that, I clicked on a video forwarded by a friend who lives in Minhang District, "Actor wuyue cheers for his hometown Minhang and the frontline staff against the epidemic". Wuyue, a Shanghai-born actor, said, "The sudden epidemic has messed up our lives and made a person who is away from home particularly concerned. I hope that my favorite Shanghai, Minhang and my parents can survive the epidemic safely. "

In the video, wuyue’s plain face is facing the sky, the indoor light is a little dim, and the picture quality is a little slag, which completely loses the exquisiteness of the big star in the previous movie "Love Myth". However, it is this prickly picture texture that touches a certain place in my heart: wuyue is no longer a star. She is just an ordinary citizen living in Minhang District. She really has parents in Shanghai, and her parents are really undergoing the current test like us. The "caring" she said in the video is not a line, just like when I connected with my parents who were locked up in another community, although she didn’t say the word "caring".

Screenshot of wuyue cheering for his hometown Minhang.

Wuyue is cheering for Shanghai because she is from Shanghai; She is cheering for Minhang, because her home is in Minhang. Just like my friend forwarded this video because she really lives in Minhang.

Ma Yili, another Shanghai-born star, also cheered for Shanghai on the video. "I have relatives who are medical workers. I have been on the front line day and night these two days." She also said that her children have been taking classes online. A few words fill the Shanghai people’s sense of bringing in.

Li Liqun in Pudong, wuyue in Minhang, and Ma Yili in Xuhui are call calling for Shanghai. They are not far away from Shanghai. They are originally part of Shanghai, but the rough self-portrait quality constitutes the real presence.

Shanghai is not an abstract big Shanghai, but a concrete street, community and life circle belonging to concrete people. In the eyes of Shanghai residents, Shanghai is no longer the magic capital full of envy or curiosity in other people’s eyes. It is your favorite barbecue shop on the street, the fireworks of fried dough sticks and soy milk in the morning, the shade of phoenix trees that you will encounter when you go out in summer, or the hearty sound brought to you by the dozens of kilometers of plastic runway in Binjiang.

We often say "Shanghai is my home" and "Pudong is my home". If we break it down, we can also say "XX Street is my home" and "XX Community is my home", which are all my homes.

At this special moment, you can feel the sense of belonging in the community and streets more and more, which is the granularity of Shanghai identity.

Neighbors who are usually "unfamiliar" and have been nodding acquaintances for several years have become "close contacts" in life because of the closure of the community. The community has become an imaginary community of so many people: doing nucleic acids together, volunteering together, buying food together, looking forward to clearing it together, and waiting for the unblocking together.

I grabbed the vegetable bag under the order and gave a handful of green onions and a box of tomatoes to Zhang Apo, who lives alone. Please come home for dinner when you see that the children downstairs are unattended in online classes. Don’t forget to knock on the opposite door when you receive the news of going downstairs to do nucleic acid; Express delivery on the iron shelf at the entrance of the community, take the initiative to sign up as a volunteer; The group in the community shouted "XX medicine, who has inventory?" , you get a series of responses one after another … Help each other, unite as one, is a familiar word, but it shows the wonderful place of these words at this time.

Shanghai is experiencing an unprecedented test, and everyone in Shanghai hopes that this haze will disappear soon. Therefore, we must "work together to protect our homeland and our city".

There are so many people in this world, so lucky, I have a us. The world is so big, and I have a Shanghai. Because of love, I will cherish it, and because of love, I am willing to fight for it. Defending Pudong, Minhang and Xuhui … Defending Shanghai is nothing more than guarding your own home.

Poster design whitewater

Love is just: the best love never needs to be defined.

Original title: "Love is just", the best love is never defined.

"The biggest advantage of this drama is that it restores the original appearance of love." Spring blossoms, an urban love drama deus ex, won the praise of the audience. The play tells the story of the mutual understanding and love between Song Sanchuan, a badminton tennis player, and Liang Youan, the president’s special assistant professional manager. In the play, they are sincere and enthusiastic, not afraid of love and dare not to love. They are the long-lost "sunshine" in each other’s lives, and they have seen a positive and beautiful love and restored the living conditions of contemporary urban youth.

Compared with other urban love dramas, "Love Is Just" swept away the stereotype of the audience on urban love dramas in the past. On the contrary, it was a "firework spirit" that was closer to life and paid more attention to the characters themselves. Liang Youan, the heroine, appeared as a "32-year-old single woman for five years" in the workplace, but such working and living conditions often troubled this gold medal employee. In the application for adopting a puppy, Liang Youan revealed that "I am eager to go home every day and someone will feel the sense of healing", and the encounter between the hero and heroine is actually the "sunshine" to illuminate each other’s lives, and it is a panacea to untie the "heart knot" and open the "bottleneck". I still remember at the launching ceremony of Love, the head of the team said, "I hope many women can get rid of the autism of intimate relationship, brave enough to love." From the experience of watching the drama, the slow plot rhythm is the way for the screenwriter to show the delicate feelings of the characters in the drama, and it also has a certain healing effect.

It is not difficult to find that Song Sanchuan and Liang Youan have similar life experiences and circumstances, which is also an important factor in their final "chemical reaction". In the plot structure, the screenwriter interweaves the emotional views of people aged "20+" and "30+", which makes the audience full of imagination for the plot. However, across age and occupation, they all show a new atmosphere of young people who dare to challenge themselves and constantly overcome difficulties and meet challenges in pursuit of life value, which also resonates with many people in the workplace and young people.

There are too many forms of love, and the best love is a positive force generated by "resonance at the same frequency" in Love. While welcoming sweet love, they are also faced with conflicts of ideas and experiences. They surpass themselves again and again in coping with challenges, strengthen mutual trust, and finally gain career growth and beautiful love. Such a view of love can be used for reference among young people, just as psychologist Li Songwei said, "Intimate relationship is a healthy relationship first, and love is not necessary." Indeed, love must be tacit, just like meeting by chance. When deciding to give confidence to each other, age, identity and occupation become unimportant.

Liang Youan’s unique temperament is precisely the undoubted energy of working women in the new era, and we can’t help but feel sorry for Liang Youan’s family misfortune, unfair treatment in the workplace and emotional experience. At the same time, her ability to deal with trivial matters in life and her rare sobriety in the face of complex situations deserve our admiration.

"Love is just" is not just love. The connotation of the plot extends to every corner of the workplace, love and life faced by young people. It is precisely from its character quality and core that we can truly understand "Love is just".

In the plot, there is almost no greasy inherent image of brother-sister love, and whether the dreamy combination of Liang Youan and Song Sanchuan can really land in real life is worth discussing by the audience and netizens.

As an exploration of the narrative structure and plot grasp of the emotional urban drama of brother and sister, "Love Just" has also caused some disputes on the idealization of the plot, the actor’s sense of CP, acting skills and other issues, but it is undeniable that its concept of love and outlook on life is a kind of spiritual communication under mutual equality, and it constantly challenges the limits to become a better self, and it is a sincere work with a good impression and experience for young people at the crossroads of love. (Author: Han Xin)

Strengthening cultural self-confidence and building a national cultural soft power communication platform

  During the two sessions of the National People’s Congress this year, cultural self-confidence once again became the focus of hot discussion. The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that cultural self-confidence is a more basic, deeper and more lasting force in the development of a country and a nation. Without a high degree of cultural self-confidence and cultural prosperity, there would be no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In the new era, China’s cultural construction has ushered in new opportunities for development, which should lead to the prosperity of socialist literature and art and the development of cultural undertakings and industries. We should tell the story of China well, improve the national cultural soft power and enhance the world influence of Chinese culture.

  Carry forward Chinese excellent traditional culture and strengthen cultural self-confidence

  The 2018 government work report suggests that the people’s sense of gain, happiness and security should be continuously improved. The report puts forward that it is necessary to carry forward Chinese excellent traditional culture, inherit revolutionary culture, develop advanced socialist culture and cultivate and practice socialist core values. Strengthen ideological and moral construction and create mass spiritual civilization. Accelerate the construction of philosophy and social sciences with China characteristics, prosper literary and artistic creation, and develop news publishing, radio, film and television, archives and other undertakings. Strengthen the protection and utilization of cultural relics and the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage. Build a new type of think tank. Strengthen the construction of Internet content. In-depth implementation of the project of benefiting the people through culture and cultivation of new cultural formats. Deepen cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

  China’s cultural self-confidence stems from the excellent traditional Chinese culture nurtured by the Chinese nation’s 5,000-year history of civilization. During the National People’s Congress and the National People’s Congress, many deputies suggested that we must vigorously carry forward China’s excellent traditional culture, speed up the construction of a modern public cultural service system, and strive to provide rich spiritual food for the people to live a better life.

  "The values of Chinese culture have become the most basic cultural gene of the Chinese nation. We talk about cultural self-confidence, mainly the confidence of values. " Chen Lai, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and professor of philosophy department of Tsinghua University Humanities College, believes that one of our important tasks today is to vigorously inherit and develop Chinese excellent culture, strengthen cultural self-confidence and undertake the historical mission of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  In the view of Jia Pingwa, a representative of the National People’s Congress and a writer, the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, such as literary classics and historical sites all over the country, all reflect our cultural confidence. He said that to strengthen cultural self-confidence, we must learn and inherit excellent traditional culture and literary classics. He admits that in recent years, advocacy and initiatives such as reading by the whole people and restoring traditional culture are conducive to understanding, understanding and strengthening cultural self-confidence.

  Liao Huage, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman of Nanyang Federation of Literary and Art Circles in Henan Province, believes that strengthening cultural self-confidence must start with teenagers. Young people are the pillars of the country’s future development. It is suggested that we should increase the intensity and scope of excellent traditional culture education from kindergarten to primary schools, middle schools and universities, so that young people can "remember to dig wells while enjoying the cool, and not forget to plant trees", so that they can learn nutrition from excellent traditional culture, find motivation, discover the beauty of Chinese culture, root their cultural confidence in their hearts, and be subtly affected, thus rallying a powerful force for building a great Chinese dream.

  Deepen cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries and tell the story of China well.

  Practicing cultural self-confidence requires us to tell the story of China well, spread the voice of China well, let Chinese culture go global, and promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning between China and foreign countries. According to the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the new era, China will actively promote international cooperation in the belt and road initiative, strengthen cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, promote the construction of international communication capacity, tell the story of China well, show a true, three-dimensional and comprehensive China, and improve the country’s cultural soft power.

  The Opinions on Strengthening and Improving Humanities Exchanges between China and Foreign Countries issued by the General Offices of the General Office of the Central Committee of the CPC and the State Council proposes to strengthen the comprehensive communication capacity building of humanities exchanges between China and foreign countries, promote the joint production, joint interview and cooperative publication of Chinese and foreign radio, film and television, publishing institutions and news media, promote the mutual broadcast and exchange of Chinese and foreign film and television programs, implement special exchange projects and plans in the fields of books, films and television, and cultural performances, and enrich the literary and artistic contents and carriers of humanities exchanges; Make "People-to-People Exchange in internet plus" bigger and stronger, and realize the mutual complement and benign interaction between the entity and the virtual exchange platform. By enriching the forms of media communication and building all-media and cultural communication institutions with international influence, we can tell the story of China well, spread the voice of China, explain the road of China, and enhance the closeness of China’s cultural image.

  Wang Shucheng, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and editor-in-chief of the overseas edition of People’s Daily, believes that telling the world the story of China in the new era is to promote the excellent Chinese culture silently and make cultural integration become a bridge between Community of Shared Future for Mankind. China’s culture is extensive and profound, and many ideas reflect the common value pursuit of human civilization. It is necessary to further enhance cultural self-confidence, and tell the story of China carefully by broadening horizons, expanding channels and integrating resources, so that Chinese and foreign cultures can realize benign interaction in exchanges and mutual learning; By further improving the level of creativity, China cultural symbols can be transformed into world-famous cultural products and ideas, and the world can perceive China and understand China through culture, thus effectively improving China’s cultural soft power.

  "To spread the voice of China to the world and tell the story of China well, we need to study and choose the most effective communication strategy. It is necessary to understand each other’s historical traditions, cultural psychology and information acceptance habits. " An Laishun, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the International Association of Museums, believes that today, China culture has taken a decisive step to go abroad. What needs to be further strengthened is to let China culture really go in, enter each other’s hearts, resonate emotionally, and let people of all countries truly and naturally realize that Chinese culture is an excellent culture with eternal charm across time and space.

  Wu Hongliang, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice president of Beijing Painting Academy, said that telling the story of China well requires innovation in ways and means. He suggested that in the process of foreign cultural exchange, we can fully tap the international art collections and talent resources, and make use of the existing conditions in other countries to complete the exhibition, research and dissemination of China art locally. The result is low cost, quick effect, great influence and deep integration, which can improve China’s cultural soft power with half the effort and provide new ideas for promoting the international communication ability of China traditional culture.

  China Cultural Exchange Network: Actively Building a National Cultural Soft Power Communication Platform

  China Cultural Exchange Network, a comprehensive, public-welfare and cultural information website under the academic guidance of China Institute of Economic Reform and Development of Renmin University of China and Guosheng Think Tank, takes "promoting traditional culture and serving China in the future" as its purpose, actively implements "Several Opinions on Strengthening and Improving People-to-People Exchanges between China and Foreign Countries", earnestly strengthens the construction of communication capacity, and is committed to building an Internet cultural exchange platform and a national cultural soft power communication platform.

  China Cultural Exchange Network integrates the Internet, mobile terminals, WeChat, Weibo, video, newspapers and other media platforms, and is forming a multi-level communication mode such as graphics, text, audio and video. The website has carried out strategic cooperation with domestic authoritative academic institutions, book publishing, film and television production, intangible cultural heritage protection, tourism, big data, industrial parks and other industrial entities, forming a systematic independent intellectual property right of "culture+",which has demonstrated China’s cultural soft power and cultural self-confidence in external communication. In September 2017, China Cultural Exchange Network was awarded the "Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate" by the National Copyright Administration of People’s Republic of China (PRC) (registration number: 2017SR541515). It has successively obtained the trademark right granted by the State Trademark Office (registration number: 13524174), the copyright registration certificate issued by the State Copyright Administration (Guo Zuo Deng Zi -2014-F-00156441), and won the "China Government Website Excellence Award in 2014 and 2015", and the innovative service platform of "internet plus Culture" in 2016, which was approved by Beijing Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television Bureau.

  The large-scale network digital platform of "Window of China Digital Expo Hall" established by the website’s independent innovation spreads Chinese excellent traditional culture through the whole media with the digital technology of "Silk Road Cloud" from five aspects: network art museum, network literature museum, network intangible cultural heritage museum, network photography museum and network academic center. Among them, the network academic center is a new network think tank platform launched by China Cultural Exchange Network to promote the integration and innovation of "media think tanks". At present, many famous experts and scholars such as Wang Yiwei, Zhao Lei, Chen Ping, Zhang Xuedong, Ke Yinbin, Yuan Li, Zhao Jianjun, Zhang Baotong and Lu Yintao have been launched, and their important viewpoints, academic achievements and social influence have been presented and displayed intensively.

  China Cultural Exchange Network has long been concerned about the cultural communication and economic development of "the belt and road initiative", and cooperated with the launch of large-scale special topics and special actions involving "the belt and road initiative" cultural exchange, tourism, ecology, pension, health, intangible cultural heritage protection, Chinese medicine, film and television, logistics and other fields. The website launched a series of new media projects such as "Silk Road Meeting Room" and "Think Tank Meeting Room", and through the platform information channel of "internet plus", The belt and road initiative Cultural Communication and Economic Development Forum, the belt and road initiative Intangible Heritage Protection Special Action, the belt and road initiative Hundred People Forum, Silk Road Business Leaders Summit (Xi ‘an), montana International Forum, Silk Road International Film Festival New Silk Road Youth Video Contest, the belt and road initiative (Weinan) Sister City Dialogue, the belt and road initiative (Weinan) Sister City Development Conference, and The Most Beautiful Sunset Red. Henan Zhongyuan Aquatic Logistics Port and other large-scale topics, deeply interpret and promote the demonstration projects and sample projects in the field of "the belt and road initiative" cultural communication and economic development, and explore the new mode of "the belt and road initiative" cultural exchange.China Cultural Exchange Network has held the "Light of Civilization, Person of the Year in China Cultural Exchange" for five consecutive years, focusing on individuals and organizations that have made outstanding contributions to the promotion of "the belt and road initiative" cultural communication and economic development, and the mutual learning of Chinese culture and Chinese and foreign civilizations, and encouraging all sectors of society to participate in cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

  CHINA Cultural Exchange Network participated in the co-sponsored "CHINA in My Eyes" city brand publicity project, covering the "China in My Eyes" photo essay contest and many sub-activities such as China Shaanxi, Xinjiang, Gansu, Qinghai, Guiyang, Dali, Quanzhou, Dalian, Zhengzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The theme of "CHINA in My Eyes" is "Tell the story of China well and spread the voice of China well". Through images and words, it truly records and reflects the new normal in China’s cultural, economic and social fields, promotes people-to-people exchanges and shows the achievements and great progress of urban development. After several years of operation, it has become a large-scale publicity project to display the image of China and shape the city brand, and has made positive contributions to enhancing the country’s cultural soft power.

Look at the scenery

Text/small picture/network


Look at the scenery


Climb up in a hurry

What the hell are you chasing?

Sweat all the way

Sprinkle backwards


Standing on the top of the mountain

Extremely comfortable

Is this the taste of success?

Maybe, maybe, maybe.


Infinite space

Infinitely broad-minded

Everything in the world is in the heart.


Finally understand

Life is about climbing high.

See all the scenery in the world


Yi Dian Hao Xiao Wei

Find a reporter, ask for a report, ask for help, download the "Qilu Yidian" APP or search the WeChat applet "Yidian Information Station" in major application markets, and more than 600 mainstream media reporters in the province are waiting for you to report online!

treat life as merely playing games

Although I am getting older, my former students have begun to step into the society and plan their own lives, but my love for games has never faded.

  In my spare time, I turn on my computer, log in to the game, and run my own small world in a virtual space. World of Warcraft, an old game, although there are too many sorrows in the national costume of the DPRK on this day, all this is just a place of spiritual sustenance for a casual player.

  People often ask, at this age, you still play games, just like a child. Yes, in fact, I just hope that I can do whatever I want, just like a child, without too much scruples.

  In fact, in the game, compared with other people’s efforts to make copies, playing the arena seriously and running all over the sky, what I like is just a quiet fishing by the river, watching the falling fishing rod and clicking when taking the bait, all of which bring me great happiness. Many friends in the game don’t understand why I spend my time fishing calmly in a virtual world, and ironically, I have no interest in fishing in reality. I sometimes wonder why I am so interested in a virtual fishing game.

  Every time a fishing rod falls, it carries an expectation that something you like will be hooked, and there is a slight expectation in your heart;

  Every click on the hook is a realization of expectations. Although disappointment accounts for the vast majority, that little satisfaction is the greatest happiness of this click.

  Life is not so bad, every day is full of hope for your future, and you keep working hard in the passage of time. The reality has always been in front of us. He told us again and again that it is not necessary for you to work hard to gain something, so we repeated the rising and falling of the stars in the morning again and again, and kept advancing in the failure again and again for the ideal in our hearts, and one day we will realize this dream.

  The game, life, the dribs and drabs in the game, the subtleties in life, one’s own grasp and persistence, and that little bit of luck are all an experience.

What is the biggest difference between Kobe and James? Which of them is the real superstar in NBA?

The biggest difference between Kobe Bryant and lebron james lies in their style and basketball characteristics.

First of all, Kobe Bryant is generally regarded as a player with outstanding scoring ability. He is famous for his excellent scoring skills and excellent hitting ability, and he can score in various ways in the game. Kobe is very dominant on the offensive end. He can single his opponent, shoot from a long distance and create excellent scoring opportunities. His competitiveness and determination always enable him to come forward in the competition.

On the other hand, lebron james is widely regarded as an all-round player. He is excellent in scoring, rebounding and assisting, and can contribute to all aspects of the team. LeBron is famous for his physical fitness and basketball IQ. He can use his strength and agility to create advantages under the basket and create good scoring opportunities for his teammates with his passing and organizational skills.

As for who is the real superstar in NBA, this is a subjective question, because everyone’s definition and standard of superstar may be different. Both Kobe Bryant and lebron james have achieved great success in their own time. They both performed well in the competition and won many championships and personal honors.

Kobe is famous for his competitiveness and determination, and his scoring ability and leadership make him a player to be reckoned with. LeBron is famous for his all-around ability and leadership, and his basketball IQ and dominance make him an all-round player.

Therefore, both Kobe Bryant and LeBron are superstars in NBA history, and their contribution and influence are undeniable. They have made extraordinary achievements in their own fields and times and become legends in basketball. No matter who is considered a real superstar, their status and influence can’t be shaken.

However, to determine who is the real superstar in NBA, more factors need to be considered. First of all, we can look at their career statistics. Kobe Bryant averaged 25 points per game during his NBA career, while lebron james averaged 27 points. In terms of scoring, James is slightly better. However, Kobe’s data on rebounds and assists are relatively low, while James performed well.

Secondly, we can look at their achievements and honors. Kobe Bryant won five NBA championships, and twice won the honor of finals MVP. Lebron james won four NBA championships and four finals MVP honors. In this respect, Kobe is slightly better.

In addition, we can also consider their influence on the team and the league. Kobe Bryant is known as the symbol of the Los Angeles Lakers. His leadership and competitive spirit have made the Lakers achieve brilliant results under his leadership. Lebron james, through his leadership and all-round development ability, brought many teams into the playoffs and achieved excellent results. In this respect, both of them have great influence.

Finally, we can also consider their performance and personal style in the competition. Kobe Bryant is famous for his calm and brave performance. He always stands up at critical moments. Lebron james is famous for his versatility and teamwork spirit. He can always create opportunities for his teammates and promote the development of the team in the competition.

To sum up, Kobe Bryant and lebron james are both superstars in NBA history, and they have outstanding performances and great influence in different aspects. No matter who is regarded as a real superstar, their achievements and contributions cannot be ignored. Their unique basketball styles and achievements have made them legends in NBA history.

Real Madrid’s striker upgraded, Benzema stayed, top stars joined, and the 27-year-old striker will go to the Premier League.

Stumbling through the first half of 2023, after experiencing the glory of the double crown last season, Real Madrid fans will definitely not accept the result of this season, and just one King’s Cup champion can’t satisfy their appetite at all. Of course, you can’t expect to win several championships every year. In addition, Real Madrid’s main lineup has been maintained for many years, and now it gives people a feeling that the age is too far apart. To sum up, it is too old and few, and there are no Mesozoic players who can become the core of the giants.

Real Madrid’s management is also not satisfied with this year’s record. They realize that this lineup will not last long, especially in the front line. With Benzema’s aging, more people must be sent. At the same time, according to Spanish media reports, by 2023, the contract between Real Madrid and Benzema will expire. However, the club will not let the veteran go. He is still an important part of the team. In the management’s plan, Benzema will stay in the team for at least two years. During this period, the striker will complete the alternation between old and new.

Since the defeat of Manchester City in the Champions League semi-final, Real Madrid has realized that today’s top leagues are training very dynamic players, and gorgeous attacks are still pursued by the giants. It’s just that in the past two years, Real Madrid has been deeply branded with the shadow of defensive counterattacks, and does not pursue gorgeous ball style. However, it is unnecessary not to pursue it. In this summer’s transfer window, the focus of Real Madrid’s signing is the top striker. At present, among the five major leagues, Osman, Harland and Mbappé are the most suitable for Real Madrid’s needs.

Of these top shooters, Harland is the most famous and potential, but he still has a contract with Manchester City. Even if he wins the Champions League this year, Manchester City will do its best to keep him. Therefore, it is not the best time to win Harland. Osman, who has helped Naples win the Serie A championship, is very suitable. Even coach Spalletti has been reported to have left the team, so Osman’s departure from Naples is reasonable.

It is reported that Real Madrid has prepared a transfer fund of 120 million yuan to buy Osman, who will form a luxury striker together with vinicius and Benzema. As a result, the old striker of Real Madrid has to move his seat, and the substitute striker Mariano has to go. In addition, the 27-year-old Spanish striker asensio can’t stay. He is mainly a substitute this season, and his performance is remarkable. Once he is put on the shelf, there will be a lot of teams vying for it, and Newcastle, a new Premier League giant, may win asensio.

0 tolerance! Guangdong players were criticized, and Du Feng showed his attitude.

0 tolerance! Guangdong players were criticized, and Du Feng showed his attitude.

In the Chinese Basketball Association Professional League (CBA), Guangdong team lost to Guangsha team. Losing was not terrible in itself, but the performance of the team made Guangdong head coach Du Feng very dissatisfied and criticized the players. He pointed out that the players lacked fighting spirit and didn’t try their best in the game, which led to the result of defeat. As the leader of the team, Du Feng has high requirements for the team’s performance, so he made it clear that he will take severe measures to evaluate and correct the players’ performance and will never tolerate such performance.

As a professional basketball player, everyone has the responsibility and obligation to fight for the team. Especially in difficult times, we should keep fighting spirit and fighting spirit. Du Feng believes that players should go all out in the game, not only for their own honor, but also for the team and fans. Therefore, he will not tolerate the players’ lack of fighting spirit and fighting spirit. Du Feng said that this is the philosophy and culture that the Guangdong team adheres to, and only in this way can it bring victory and honor.

Regarding the future of Guangdong team, Du Feng expressed his confidence in the team. He believes that the players can show better strength and mental outlook in the next game and win. Du Feng’s attitude and performance have been supported and recognized by the fans. His remarks show his concern and management ability for the team, and more importantly, he shows the quality of a good leader. Du Feng not only performed well on the field, but also had very high requirements and abilities in managing the team.

Du Feng’s performance also reminded other CBA teams and players. He told them that only by keeping fighting spirit and fighting spirit in the competition can they win. Not only the players, but also the coaches and management need to be strict in managing the team to ensure that the team can win and honor. This attitude and performance is a good example for the basketball circle in China and the whole sports circle in China.

In short, Du Feng expressed strict requirements for the performance of Guangdong team, and said that he would never tolerate players’ lack of fighting spirit and fighting spirit. His attitude and performance have been supported and recognized by the fans. This kind of attitude and performance is the quality that a good leader should have, not only to perform well on the field, but also to have very high requirements and abilities in managing the team. Du Feng’s criticism shows his concern and management ability for the team, and he firmly believes that only through fighting spirit and fighting spirit can we win. This attitude and performance is a good example for the basketball circle in China and the whole sports circle in China.

Guangdong team is one of the most successful teams in CBA history. They have won many championships and awards. However, the victory is not achieved overnight, and the players need to go all out in every game. Du Feng’s criticism reminds the players that they must keep fighting spirit and fighting spirit, which is the philosophy and culture that Guangdong team adheres to, and only in this way can they bring victory and honor. Du Feng’s attitude and performance will also inspire the players to work harder in future competitions and strive for more victories and honors for the team.