Hengda’s Tianjin factory is temporarily suspended, and the cumulative delivery of Hengchi 5 is less than 1,000 vehicles

  China Economic Net April 26th (reporter, Guo Yue) April 24th, Hengda Automobile (stock code: 00708.HK) announced that the company will sell its 47 health space projects to China Hengda Group at a price of 2 yuan, in order to focus more on the development of new energy vehicles. The announcement also disclosed that due to lack of funds, Hengda Tianjin factory has temporarily suspended production of Hengchi 5, and is expected toMayResume production.

  Specifically, Hengda Automobile said that the sale of the health space project is due to the huge capital demand involved in the new energy vehicle project, coupled with the current situation of Hengda Group, so continuing to invest resources in the health space project is not in line with the group’s overall deleveraging strategy, and may also limit the development of new energy vehicles. The company hopes to achieve more focused and professional development of new energy vehicles by reducing its holdings of non-main business assets.

  The announcement also said that due to insufficient funds, Hengda’s Tianjin factory will temporarily suspend production of Hengchi 5 and is expected toMayResume production. According to Hengda Automobile’s announcement on March 22, as of the announcement date, the company has delivered more than 900 Hengchi 5 vehicles to users.

Xiaomi has obtained patents for folding screen components and electronic equipment, and the patented technology can improve the folding reliability of the display screen.

  On March 21, 2024, according to the announcement of China National Intellectual Property Administration, Beijing Xiaomi Mobile Software Co., Ltd. obtained a patent named "Folding Screen Components and Electronic Equipment", with the authorization announcement number of CN220627327U, and the application date was July 2023.

  Patent abstract shows that the utility model discloses a folding screen assembly and electronic equipment. The folding screen assembly comprises a display screen, a first magnetic attraction piece and a second magnetic attraction piece. The display screen comprises a first folding part and a second folding part, and the first folding part can rotate between an unfolded position and a folded position relative to the second folding part. At the folded position, the first avoiding groove is located at one side of the first folding part away from the second folding part. At the folded position, The first magnetic attraction piece is arranged on the side of the first folding part away from the second folding part, at least part of the first magnetic attraction piece fits in the first avoidance groove, and the second magnetic attraction piece is arranged on the side of the second folding part away from the first folding part and is magnetically connected with the first magnetic attraction piece. The folding screen assembly provided by the utility model has the advantage of high folding reliability of the display screen.

The world is so big and I have a Shanghai.

Teacher Li often praises the barbecue shop on the roadside.

I admit that I was attracted by the forwarding words in my colleague Teacher Y’s circle of friends, so I clicked on the link "Actor Li Liqun sent a video in Pudong, calling on everyone to unite against the epidemic".

Now living in Pudong New Area, Li Liqun, an old drama teacher, is a frequent visitor to Tik Tok. He often shows his life scenes as a novice "Uncle Shanghai". For example, my colleague was recommended by Li Liqun to plant grass in the barbecue shop. Li Liqun in the video, I hope everyone will cooperate with the government’s epidemic prevention work and not be a "black sheep". It’s very honest and brief, but it doesn’t seem to play the role of "Wang Wei". It’s more like the performance of countless Shanghai uncles. Although it’s hard to avoid being unwilling in my heart, I still obey the overall situation rationally.

Actor Li Liqun sent a video in Pudong, calling on everyone to unite against the epidemic.

After that, I clicked on a video forwarded by a friend who lives in Minhang District, "Actor wuyue cheers for his hometown Minhang and the frontline staff against the epidemic". Wuyue, a Shanghai-born actor, said, "The sudden epidemic has messed up our lives and made a person who is away from home particularly concerned. I hope that my favorite Shanghai, Minhang and my parents can survive the epidemic safely. "

In the video, wuyue’s plain face is facing the sky, the indoor light is a little dim, and the picture quality is a little slag, which completely loses the exquisiteness of the big star in the previous movie "Love Myth". However, it is this prickly picture texture that touches a certain place in my heart: wuyue is no longer a star. She is just an ordinary citizen living in Minhang District. She really has parents in Shanghai, and her parents are really undergoing the current test like us. The "caring" she said in the video is not a line, just like when I connected with my parents who were locked up in another community, although she didn’t say the word "caring".

Screenshot of wuyue cheering for his hometown Minhang.

Wuyue is cheering for Shanghai because she is from Shanghai; She is cheering for Minhang, because her home is in Minhang. Just like my friend forwarded this video because she really lives in Minhang.

Ma Yili, another Shanghai-born star, also cheered for Shanghai on the video. "I have relatives who are medical workers. I have been on the front line day and night these two days." She also said that her children have been taking classes online. A few words fill the Shanghai people’s sense of bringing in.

Li Liqun in Pudong, wuyue in Minhang, and Ma Yili in Xuhui are call calling for Shanghai. They are not far away from Shanghai. They are originally part of Shanghai, but the rough self-portrait quality constitutes the real presence.

Shanghai is not an abstract big Shanghai, but a concrete street, community and life circle belonging to concrete people. In the eyes of Shanghai residents, Shanghai is no longer the magic capital full of envy or curiosity in other people’s eyes. It is your favorite barbecue shop on the street, the fireworks of fried dough sticks and soy milk in the morning, the shade of phoenix trees that you will encounter when you go out in summer, or the hearty sound brought to you by the dozens of kilometers of plastic runway in Binjiang.

We often say "Shanghai is my home" and "Pudong is my home". If we break it down, we can also say "XX Street is my home" and "XX Community is my home", which are all my homes.

At this special moment, you can feel the sense of belonging in the community and streets more and more, which is the granularity of Shanghai identity.

Neighbors who are usually "unfamiliar" and have been nodding acquaintances for several years have become "close contacts" in life because of the closure of the community. The community has become an imaginary community of so many people: doing nucleic acids together, volunteering together, buying food together, looking forward to clearing it together, and waiting for the unblocking together.

I grabbed the vegetable bag under the order and gave a handful of green onions and a box of tomatoes to Zhang Apo, who lives alone. Please come home for dinner when you see that the children downstairs are unattended in online classes. Don’t forget to knock on the opposite door when you receive the news of going downstairs to do nucleic acid; Express delivery on the iron shelf at the entrance of the community, take the initiative to sign up as a volunteer; The group in the community shouted "XX medicine, who has inventory?" , you get a series of responses one after another … Help each other, unite as one, is a familiar word, but it shows the wonderful place of these words at this time.

Shanghai is experiencing an unprecedented test, and everyone in Shanghai hopes that this haze will disappear soon. Therefore, we must "work together to protect our homeland and our city".

There are so many people in this world, so lucky, I have a us. The world is so big, and I have a Shanghai. Because of love, I will cherish it, and because of love, I am willing to fight for it. Defending Pudong, Minhang and Xuhui … Defending Shanghai is nothing more than guarding your own home.

Poster design whitewater

Your "overseas purchasing" beauty cosmetics may just have been around Huaqiang North.

  Xinhua News Agency, Shenzhen, January 13th Question: "Overseas purchasing" beauty cosmetics may just have turned around in Huaqiang North. What does the smuggling case of Huaqiang North exceeding 600 million yuan reflect?

  Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua Viewpoint" reporters Simomo and Sun Fei

  "Overseas purchasing is pulling a suitcase and saying that it is going abroad. It may just be a turn in Huaqiang North." At the end of 2020, a cosmetics smuggling case involving more than 600 million yuan caused an "earthquake" in Shenzhen Huaqiang North. With the intervention of the industry authorities, thousands of beauty shops were closed almost overnight and closed for rectification.

  Since 2018, due to the decline of the traditional communication electronics market, many digital cities in Huaqiang North, such as Mingtong, Manha and Yuanwang, have been transformed into beauty cities. The beauty industry has been soaring for a while, and it is hard to find a booth. However, major smuggling cases have brought the chaos in Huaqiang North’s beauty market to the surface.

  The gang "swiped the bill" exceeded 600 million yuan, and the transformation of Huaqiang North suffered heavy losses.

  These days, Huaqiang North Mingtong, Yuanwang, Women’s World and other beauty cities are deserted, and most shops in the mall are closed. Through the glass window, you can see the scattered packaging bags and sporadic goods in the store. Many merchants posted WeChat QR code and mobile phone number on the window.

  "Most of these cosmetics in Huaqiang North are branded goods, but they are smuggled. The price tag is generally much lower than the counter price, and some are even half lower." At the gate of Mingtong Beauty Shop, Dou Hong (a pseudonym), the owner of beauty shop, told Xinhua Viewpoint reporter.

  In 2018, Mingtong Digital City successfully transformed into a beauty city. As the first batch of settled merchants, Dou Hong not only enjoyed preferential rents, but more importantly, seized business opportunities and earned the "first bucket of gold" in life.

  Soon, Manha Digital Plaza and Longsheng Accessories City quickly followed suit and "transformed" into a beauty city. In just over two years, Huaqiang North has gathered thousands of beauty shops, and the monthly rent for stalls with good locations is 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, but it is still hard to find a file.

  With the industrial agglomeration of Huaqiang North Beauty Market, more and more Wechat business and Daigou choose to come here to get their goods directly. "Those overseas purchasing agents in the circle of friends pull suitcases and say that they are going abroad. In fact, they may just go to Huaqiang North." Dou Hong said.

  At the end of 2020, the Anti-smuggling Bureau of Shenzhen Customs, together with the public security departments, investigated shops suspected of smuggling in several beauty shops in Huaqiang North, destroyed a smuggling criminal gang that used the cross-border e-commerce platform to "swipe the bill" to smuggle cosmetics and other goods into the country, and arrested 36 suspects, with a case value exceeding 600 million yuan.

  "There are customs clearance gangs and cargo owners’ gangs. The cargo owners organize the goods abroad and hand them over to the customs clearance gangs. They use the personal information of citizens bought through illegal channels to create false orders, false payment orders and false logistics orders, and then deceive the customs and transport the goods into China." Yu Xiaopeng, deputy section chief of the investigation department of Shekou Branch of Shenzhen Customs Anti-smuggling Bureau, said.

  According to the relevant regulations of China, from January 1, 2019, the annual transaction limit of cross-border e-commerce individuals will be increased from 20,000 yuan to 26,000 yuan. Yu Xiaopeng introduced that smuggling gangs tried to steal consumers’ information and consumption quotas for cross-border e-commerce transactions, and falsely reported goods that should have been imported in the nature of general trade as cross-border e-commerce imports.

  Nowadays, hundreds of beauty shops including Mingtong, Manha, Yuanwang and other shopping malls are mostly closed, and the street office has posted many banners in the shopping malls with the words "crack down on smuggling according to law and strengthen market order".

  Smuggled cosmetics seized by anti-smuggling personnel of Shenzhen Customs (photo). Xinhua News Agency (Photo courtesy of Shenzhen Customs)

  From "shanzhai" to "smuggling", how does Huaqiang North go "negative"?

  What Huaqiang North lacks most is its keenness to the market and its adventurous spirit.

  After the decline of the traditional communication electronics market, merchants in Huaqiang North have tried to explore various industries, and finally it is "imported" beauty products that form a stable industrial agglomeration effect.

  "Shenzhen is backed by customs port trade, and there are many sources of cosmetics. Moreover, cosmetics themselves have higher profit margins, more opaque prices, and the difference between official retail channels is large, which is still consumables." Dou Hong told reporters.

  As one of the earliest industrial areas of electronic, communication and electrical products in Shenzhen, the annual sales of tens of thousands of merchants gathered in Huaqiang North in that year exceeded 100 billion yuan, and they went out of well-known enterprises such as Tencent, Han’s Laser and Hainengda, and became innovative places.

  However, with the rapid development of the Internet to reduce the asymmetry of price information, the imitation of "cottage" and "high imitation" mobile phones was squeezed out by brand mobile phones, and Huaqiang North also ushered in development pains.

  At the beginning of the transformation, many beauty cities in Huaqiang North were positioned as high-end, genuine products and genuine goods, but the emergence of major smuggling cases still revealed that the transformation has a long way to go.

  At CC Beauty Shop in Mingtong Beauty City, the smuggled goods seized by the staff of Shenzhen Customs Anti-smuggling Bureau were worth about 2 million yuan. "The goods are all purchased from overseas through smuggling channels at low prices." The owner Li said.

  Chinese translation labels, including product name, name of country or region of origin, distributor, importer, agent in China, production batch number and service life, are affixed to the outer packaging of regular imported cosmetics, while smuggled products do not have these.

  In addition to smuggled products, fakes are also eyeing the newly emerging beauty market in Huaqiang North. According to some merchants, some fake sellers pretend to be merchants in the professional beauty market to sell goods. After the complaint, it is verified that the other party does not even have a basic berth.

  In addition, there are criminals who are eyeing businesses with no exclusive supply and insufficient experience. "After all, it is a new industry, and merchants’ ability to identify goods is not enough. We can only call the police when we find fake goods and report them to the market supervision department for handling. " A merchant said.

  Anti-smuggling personnel of Shenzhen Customs seized smuggled cosmetics on the spot (data photos). Xinhua News Agency (Photo courtesy of Shenzhen Customs)

  How to take the transition road of Huaqiang North?

  The physical store was closed and the online shopping business was also affected. The reporter contacted Zhou Feng (a pseudonym), the owner of a physical store in Huaqiang North Beauty City. He told the reporter, "The regulatory authorities are checking the Chinese standard and cannot deliver the goods these days."

  At present, the cosmetics market in China is one of the fastest growing markets in the global cosmetics industry. Among them, foreign beauty brands occupy most of the domestic market, and the huge price difference between domestic and foreign beauty products makes businesses take risks.

  Zhou Feng judged that the next closure and rectification will make the management of Huaqiang North’s beauty industry more strict and tend to be standardized. "The return of profit margins to normal will also intensify competition among merchants." He said.

  It is understood that in recent years, the Futian District Government of Shenzhen has continuously issued supporting policies to help the transformation and upgrading of Huaqiang North business district from many aspects, such as creating innovation space, training innovation teams, gathering innovative enterprises, and attracting global innovation forces, and the market itself is also doing more active exploration.

  Bauhinia City was once a commercial building transformed into a beauty city at the same time as Mingtong Digital City. Due to Mingtong’s obvious oligopoly effect in the beauty market, Bauhinia City has taken a different approach and is ready to build itself into a global food trading center.

  Liu Junhai, a professor at the Law School of Renmin University of China, said that Huaqiang North has always had innovative genes, but the industrial transformation and upgrading must be legal and legal, and it should not be allowed to grow wildly. It is necessary to establish the concept of paying equal attention to the rule of law and development, safety and speed, integrity and innovation, fairness and efficiency.

  Song Ding, deputy director of the China Urban Economic Expert Committee, said, "Regulators should also play an active role in strengthening intellectual property protection, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and promoting Huaqiang North to embark on the road of high-quality development." Liu Junhai said.

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Football is a fire in my heart.

  [First-line narration]

Football is a fire in my heart.

Narrator: Wu Chunming, a villager from Chejiang Village, Chejiang Township, Rongjiang County, Qiandongnan Prefecture, Guizhou Province.

  Someone asked me, "Village Super" is so hot, did you think of it beforehand? I always answer: for me, football has always been so hot, and this fire is burning in my heart.

  I am a post-70s. When I was a child, after chopping firewood in summer, my friends all gathered in Zhaitou to watch the big brothers and sisters in the village play football, and they followed me to pick up the ball. It was also very satisfying to touch the ball. From elementary school to high school, from the yellow mud on the edge of the village to the small half of the campus, there was no professional venue, no professional coach, a football and a pair of sneakers, which were torn and patched … Those years were not rich, but as long as I could play football and run freely, I could forget all my troubles.

  Later, when I grew up, I found that there were fewer and fewer people in the village who could play football together. Rongjiang county was still in deep poverty at that time, and many young people left their homes to work in the coastal areas after graduating from junior high school. Those simple stadiums that used to be lively on the river beach and the dam are gradually becoming scarce. After graduating from high school, I had no choice but to join the tide of working in the south.

  I always look forward to going home during the Chinese New Year holiday, because I can go back to the humble stadium that brings me happiness. There are many festivals in Miao village in Dong township. When there is a festival, we have to play football. Sometimes, a game lasts for more than 10 days. Please go home to play football for such a long time, and the factory will definitely not do it. No leave, so I have to resign.

  I remember one year, the village started a "riverside football match" again, and all the football experts from ten villages and nine villages came. Already the main striker in the village, I ignored the boss’s face, took a bus for six or seven hours, and finally returned to my hometown before the start of the game. On the sandy land of the river beach, with the cheers of my fellow villagers, I rushed to the front and felt that my life was glorious.

  In recent years, poverty alleviation and rural revitalization have made Rongjiang look different every day. Not only have new houses been built in every family, many people have bought cars, but every village has sports fields, and many standard football fields have been built in schools, towns and counties. Although I am 45 years old, I can’t help but be eager to see these stadiums. So, I decided to stay and form a "Happy old boys" football team with a group of golfers. I usually kill pigs, sell fish, repair cars, and play football whenever I have time. You don’t have to worry about the venue anymore-there are more than a dozen free and open standard football fields in the county to choose from. Township primary and secondary schools have also set up football leagues. We take out the same energy as playing football to provide voluntary training and guidance for children, hoping that our love for football will be passed down from generation to generation.

  This year, I heard that the "Village Super League" was going to be held, and I signed up at the first time. A slogan on the side of the stadium, "Life should be about chasing the ball", speaks the voice of many of our old players.

  As long as the villagers love watching the ball, I will run on the field; As long as there is a game in the village, I will keep chasing the ball. As long as the popularity of the village is growing, the fire in my heart will continue to burn.

  (Project team: Guangming Daily reporters Lu Shen, Wang Dong, Chen Guanhe, John Zhang, Wang Simin)

  Guangming Daily (June 28, 2023, 07 edition)

Great news! Guo Ailun has recovered well, and the Asian Games is expected to show its grace again.

Great news! Guo Ailun has recovered well, and the Asian Games is expected to show its grace again.

The fans ushered in great news! Guo Ailun is recovering well, and he is expected to show his outstanding strength again in the Asian Games. The resolution of the injury problem has cheered the fans, and his return will add a lot of strength and confidence to the China men’s basketball team. I expect him to shine again in the Asian Games and win honor for the China men’s basketball team. In the past few years, Guo Ailun has played an important role in the men’s basketball team in China. His outstanding performance and leadership style have made him an idol in the hearts of fans at home and abroad. However, injuries have been plaguing his career, which not only separated him from the team for a long time, but also worried the fans. Countless fans are looking forward to his recovery, hoping to enjoy his excellent performance again in the Asian Games.

In the process of recovery, Guo Ailun made great efforts and perseverance. He actively cooperated with the professional rehabilitation team to carry out rehabilitation training and constantly broke through himself in order to return to the stadium as soon as possible. And his firm will and unyielding fighting spirit also deeply infected the people around him. His teammates are full of expectations for his return, and the coaching staff is full of confidence in him. They believe that under the leadership of Guo Ailun, the China men’s basketball team will make some gains in the Asian Games. As the highest comprehensive sports meeting in Asia, the Asian Games is of great significance to the China men’s basketball team. This is not only a competitive game, but also an opportunity to show our strength. For Guo Ailun personally, the Asian Games is also a stage to prove himself again. He is eager to win honor for his country and bring joy to the fans with his own strength.

Therefore, he attaches no less importance to the Asian Games than other important competitions. Guo Ailun’s return will have a positive impact on the China men’s basketball team. As a leader, his play on the court and his influence off the court are irreplaceable. His excellent organizational skills and calm judgment made him the soul of the team. In addition, his personal ability is also quite outstanding. With superb skills and decisive attack, he can score key points for the team at critical moments. The fans expressed full expectations and appeals for Guo Ailun’s return. Numerous messages and comments have sprung up on social media, expecting him to shine again in the Asian Games.

Someone said: "I look forward to seeing Guo Ailun show his excellent state in the Asian Games, so that the whole world can know the strength of the China men’s basketball team!" Others wrote: "I wish Guo Ailun a smooth recovery and look forward to seeing him bring more victories to the China men’s basketball team!" The voice of the fans is undoubtedly the greatest support and encouragement for Guo Ailun. With the Asian Games coming, the news that Guo Ailun has recovered well is exciting. His return will add a lot of strength and confidence to the China men’s basketball team. I believe he will shine again in the Asian Games and win more honors for the China men’s basketball team! No matter how the game results, Guo Ailun will always be a hero in the hearts of fans, and his persistence and fighting spirit will inspire more young people to pursue their basketball dreams.

May he achieve excellent performance in the Asian Games and continue to make greater contributions to the basketball cause in China!

Tenghage needs 300 million to fully upgrade Manchester United’s lineup! Buy at least five people, and Degea Maguire will go one of them.

Tenghage is well aware of his Manchester United squad, however, once one of these players is absent, the standard will plummet. In particular, midfield starters bruno fernandez, casemiro and Eriksson, who started the team together, remained unbeaten, but only seven times this year, Manchester United won 6 wins and 1 draw.

However, Tenghage did not dare to rotate. Manchester United lacked the thickness of the squad and could not have two reliable players in every position. Especially key players like Rachford and B Fei can’t rotate, so their chances of fatigue, injury or suspension are naturally higher. Rachford recently missed three games due to groin injury. His goal count (28 goals) is nearly three times that of any teammate, and only B Fei scored in double figures.

In Seville’s Europa League, Manchester United was out of the game, Vallanet, lisandro Martí nez and Garnacho were injured and missed, B fee was suspended, Rachford and Luke Shaw served as substitutes, and the team fell behind in all aspects.

Tenghage said: "We have to admit that we have problems and don’t have enough manpower, especially in the front line. Sometimes you have to make some decisions to win the next game. For example, using the same starter, which helps to get into the rhythm of the game. But after playing too many games and the load is getting higher and higher, you need to take turns. 」

If the conditions are right, Manchester United hope to carry out a major cleaning this summer and introduce high-level new aid. However, this requires funds. The Glazer family has not sold the club yet, and whether the Qatari financier can become the new owner is in doubt. The reconstruction of Tenghage needs a lot of money, reaching the astronomical level.

Who was most responsible for Manchester United’s first goal against Seville? Degea and Maguire fans have their own opinions. From the normal analysis, the responsibility of the English centre-back is even greater, because Degea’s passing has full space for him to handle the ball well.

A video of lisandro Martinez answering Degea’s similar pass shows everything. Under almost identical circumstances, the Argentine iron guard controlled the ball and successfully passed it to his teammates. And if a team wants to pass and control the organization in the backcourt and want to meet the players without any opponents, it is impossible to achieve it.

Of course, based on Degea’s knowledge of Maguire, he should probably play it safe. He would rather kick the ball out of the sideline than pass it to the 80 million-pound iron guard, as he did with Norwich. Of course, if the Spanish goalkeeper does this, then Tenghage and the fans will definitely point at him. "A goalkeeper who can’t pass the ball. "You can imagine people would say this about Degea," Maguire’s position is so empty that he dare not pass it on? 」

To be sure, Degea and Maguire are out of character. Maguire’s turning speed is slow, and his chasing ability is poor, so he needs the goalkeeper to dare to attack and help him out. Unfortunately, this happens to be Degea’s shortcoming. Therefore, since their cooperation, problems have emerged one after another, and it was not until Lima and Vallanet took the place of the big head that things changed.

Ideally, if Manchester United want to really rise, they need to replace both and introduce a new goalkeeper and a substitute central defender. There are quite a few similar rumors, and the leading role candidates mainly include four: brentford’s Spanish goalkeeper David Laya, Porto’s Portuguese No.1 diogo Costa, Napoli’s Korean international Min Kim Zai and Ajax’s Dutch central defender Timber.

Because of financial constraints, if only one of these two positions can be reinforced, then Maguire is the one who should be cleaned. He has no worries about finding a next home, and the price of the replacement is cheaper. Tenghage can further raise funds by selling central defenders such as Eric Baye.

In defence, Manchester United also need a main right-back. Frimpong, the Dutch international of Leverkusen, is a favorite candidate of Tenghage, and his price is 44 million pounds. By selling one of the existing right-backs, Diogu Dallo or Wanbisaka, plus two other redundant full-backs, Brandon Williams and Tres, about 30 million pounds can be raised.

The above positions belong to the lower-ranking areas in Tenghage’s signing plan. The two positions he must buy in the summer transfer window are midfield and center.

The rumored candidates are already fixed, including Frankie De Jong of Barcelona, Jude Bellingham of Dortmund, harry kane of Tottenham and Osman of Naples. Among them, Deong and Kane are the first choice of Tenghage.

Manchester United’s main lineup after the update: Raya/Frimpong, Vallanet (Min Kim), Lima, Luke Shaw/bruno fernandez, casemiro, De Jong (Eriksson)/Anthony, Kane and Rachford.

Manchester United signing candidate list:

Goalkeeper: Raya (40 million pounds) or Costa (70 million pounds);

Central defender: Min Kim (40 million pounds) or Timber (50 million pounds);

Right back: Frimpong (44 million pounds);

Midfielder: De Jong (80 million), Bellingham (130 million), mcallister (70 million) or caycedo (100 million);

Forward: Kane (100 million pounds) or Osman (130 million pounds);

Total cost: 300 million to 400 million pounds.

These five positions in one step, at the same time, is undoubtedly the best choice. However, due to UEFA’s new financial fair competition rules, it is difficult for Manchester United to spend more than 300 million pounds in a transfer window. Therefore, Tenghage had to make a trade-off. In the eyes of British media, his ranking may be: center, midfielder, right back, central defender and goalkeeper.