Strong Eagle No.20 | Opening Ceremony of Kong Jianping’s Mentor Group of Nanotechnology and the Third Strong Eagle Teacher-Student Tour

On the afternoon of March 4th, the opening ceremony of Kong Jianping’s mentor group and the third Strong Eagle Teacher-Student Tour were successfully held in Zhejiang Nano Technology Co., Ltd.. Teacher Kong Jianping, the chairman of Zhejiang Nanotechnology Co., Ltd., the founder of Rainbow Life Ideological and Political Education Platform, the founder of Qiangying, and the executive vice president of Zhejiang University’s School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, attended the event. The 19th and 20th sessions of Kong Jianping’s mentor group participated together.

At the beginning of the activity, Mr. Nova, the mentor team of Kong Jianping, introduced the six major sectors: chip, cloud computing, blockchain, AI, application and terminal.New infrastructure of meta-universe industryDevelopment opportunities; Teacher Sunny explained it for everyone from five aspects: story, style, economic dividend, innovation ability and meta-cosmic imagination space.How to do a good job in NFT project blue chip,Compared with the characteristics of Web2, this paper analyzes "why web3.0 is the future" from multiple dimensions, encourages students to publicize and innovate spontaneously, and promotes the healthy positive cycle of NFT projects.

Subsequently, the 19th student Lou Song shared with you.Innovation opportunities of NFT AMMMa Jiahao discussed with everyone.Governance problems and values of DAO creator communityIt is pointed out that DAO creator community has the characteristics of reducing management cost under the inefficient-oriented structure; Shen Yining, a 20-year student, combined his transformation experience from investment bank to content blogger and analyzed.New ideas of traffic growth in Web3 industryZhao Chengcheng introduced how his entrepreneurial project Mind Network was built.Decentralized privacy data lakeGet a place in the industry.

Finally, Mr. Kong Jianping analyzed the top ten pain points of Web3 entrepreneurship for the students, pointing out that the core value of blockchain technology is not decentralization and building a new economic model, but to form a stronger network effect and share liquidity by opening up the user system, thus creating value and income. Mr. Kong suggested that entrepreneurs should be ecological to each other, reject leverage, rely on industry dividends, adhere to the spirit of hard work, and jointly move towards the application Web3 era in the next decade.

During the opening ceremony, Mr. Ruan Junhua introduced the mental journey and value thinking of establishing the Rainbow Life Platform. Teacher Ruan put forward three suggestions for the students: attitude, persistence in long-term, unremitting efforts and courage to pay in following the great cause; Inherit, learn to carry forward the spirit of Zhejiang businessmen, understand the spiritual strength of mentors, and influence and drive more people; Grateful, grateful to the mentor’s educational feelings, grateful to the platform, but also grateful to the opportunities provided by the country and the times.

Later, Ruan Junhua expressed sincere gratitude to Kong Jianping for his re-joining and the strong support of Nanotechnology, and awarded him a letter of appointment as a mentor.

Instructor Kong Jianping issued admission notices to the students in turn and took a group photo.

knowledge gained by study

Ruan junhao

In this study, I deeply realized the rapid development of the digital age and the powerful power of scientific and technological progress. The following are my learning experiences:

As the next generation Internet, the core idea of Web3.0 is to establish a decentralized and open network ecosystem. Compared with Web1.0 and Web2.0, Web3.0 pays more attention to personal privacy protection and data security, and also pays more attention to users’ control and autonomy of data. When studying Web3.0, I deeply understand the importance of decentralization and autonomy, and realize that digital assets and digital identities will become the core content of Web3.0.

AIGC represents the development of digitalization, intelligence, connectivity and security, and is one of the four core technologies in the digital age. AIGC has a wide range of applications, including natural language processing, image recognition, machine learning and so on. When learning AIGC technology, I deeply understand the influence and importance of artificial intelligence on the future. At the same time, I also realize that the development of artificial intelligence needs a lot of data and computing power support, and blockchain technology can provide a safer and more reliable infrastructure for the development of artificial intelligence. For a person who wants to enter the field of web3.0 entrepreneurship, this is a blue ocean full of opportunities.

Finally, I want to thank Mr. Kong and Qiang Ying, who gave me a very good platform and a great learning opportunity.


First of all, I am very grateful to the activities organized by Mr. Qiang Ying and Mr. Kong, which made me learn a lot. The content shared in this activity is very diverse and rich, including the infrastructure facilities of the Metauniverse, covering the whole industry chain of chips, cloud computing, blockchain, AI, applications and terminals; There is also the blue-chip market of NFT, the rising logic of mainstream NFT (such as BYAC/Azuki) and some emerging projects. There is also a story about how the DAO organization works to create a science fiction work. In addition, there are some hard-core contents, such as transactions, private data sharing, etc. Although time is limited, I can’t fully understand them, but it also broadens my horizons, gains some new knowledge and enriches my understanding of web3.

Finally, Mr. Kong’s sharing also benefited me in particular, including the development history of web3 industry, the top ten pain points faced by entrepreneurs, the advantages and disadvantages of web2 and web3, public chain ecology, regulatory policies, opportunities for globalization and so on. Teacher Kong suggested that it is very important to choose an industry. No matter what industry you do, you can spend at least 10% of your energy on web3.

zhou weijie

This activity gave me a deeper understanding of the business of the Meta-Universe industry and the Meta-Universe track. During the activity, several students shared their own business projects, and many of the technical terms made me feel the gap between being deeply involved in an industry and understanding an industry in a simple way. Bringing in the sharer’s perspective makes me understand that the understanding of business model and the combing of industrial development logic are far more important than what technology we have mastered. We need to look at business issues from a more macro perspective and use technology to help us deepen our understanding.

In the process of sharing, Mr. Kong put forward several ideas that inspired me deeply. The first is that we should fully grasp the industry dividend, look at the industry, and then deepen the cultivation. The second is that we should think more about how to use new technologies in application scenarios that could not be realized before, instead of iterating over existing things with new technologies. I am very grateful to Qiangying for giving me this opportunity to communicate with outstanding predecessors, and I am also very grateful to Teacher Kong for taking the time to guide us.

Ouyang shengxiong

I am honored to participate in the activities of Mr. Kong’s group, which made me gain a lot. As a small white who is not specialized in the web3 industry, I have learned a lot about web3. For example, the sharing of "Governance Problems and Values of DAO" made me understand a very interesting case, in which 100 people can create a science fiction novel together. Everyone can exert their unique creativity. The introduction of Decentralized Privacy Data Lake made me understand a new form of data privacy protection. In the web1 era, our data is crawled by portals, in the web2 era, the data is held by giant companies, and in the web3 era, we can protect our privacy relatively to a greater extent through encryption services. As a person who hasn’t entered the venue yet, I think I can spend more time paying attention to the progress and dynamics of web3 later. Thank you very much, Mr. Kong.

Shan Zhang

Thank you very much for the third mentor group activity organized by Mr. Kong and Qiangying. In this activity, six guests shared their entrepreneurial experiences and experiences on the track of Web 3.0, covering the current application scene of the Metauniverse, how the financial system supports the development of Web 3.0 projects, the application and innovation of NFT technical support, the exploration of DAO community management mode, the password for realizing traffic growth and the new mode of private data management. Through these sharing, I have a deeper understanding of the Web3.0 industry. I think this decentralized idea can bring some new ideas to finance, social governance and industrial production. During the instructor’s evaluation session, Mr. Kong shared his understanding and experience of Web 3.0, covering a wide range of contents, including organizational forms, relations with the government, opportunities for Chinese entrepreneurs in this track, etc., which broadened my horizons. Dean Ruan also shared his initial intention and feeling of establishing Rainbow Life Platform and Strong Eagle, and sent a message to the students, which made me know how to be grateful and give back to the school and society while growing my own skills.

Wen Chen Yiming

The theme of this activity covers the new infrastructure of the meta-universe industry, the blue-chip road of NFT projects, the innovation opportunities in NFT AMM direction, the governance form of DAO creator community, new ideas for the growth of Web3 industry, decentralized privacy data and teacher Kong’s sharing of the industry. In the process of listening to everyone’s sharing, I learned a new organizational structure model, DAO, which is a decentralized autonomous organization. Members of the organization can freely put forward proposals and organize everyone to vote according to the importance of the proposals. It is an effective way to cooperate with like-minded people all over the world. In this way, the 19th Ma Jiahao seniors completed a book about the meta-universe, which shows that everyone can play their respective strengths in this model. In addition, some students explained the new ideas of traffic growth, including traffic entrance, activation mode, how to retain existing customers and how to let customers promote spontaneously. Finally, Mr. Kong explained to us some pain points in the web3 industry and his understanding. Through this activity, I gained a lot of knowledge about web3. Thanks to Mr. Kong and Qiang Ying for their careful preparation.

What are the usages of ChatGPT in cross-border e-commerce?

With the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, ChatGPT has become one of the hottest topics. More and more people believe that ChatGPT will have a revolutionary impact in various fields and promote the development of human society in a more intelligent, efficient and convenient direction. From medical health, education and training to financial services and smart cities, the application prospect of ChatGPT is gradually emerging, bringing more and more convenience and innovation to people’s lives and work. The same is true in the field of cross-border e-commerce. So, what aspects can ChatGPT be used in cross-border e-commerce?

language translation

ChatGPT can help cross-border e-commerce enterprises to translate their product descriptions, customer evaluations, service policies and other contents from one language into multiple languages, so as to better meet the needs of consumers in different countries and regions. As a natural language processing model, ChatGPT has powerful text understanding and generation capabilities. Therefore, compared with traditional translation tools, it can understand the text input by users more accurately and output more accurate translation results. In addition, ChatGPT is also a deep learning model, and its performance can be improved by adding training data and model parameters. Therefore, it can gradually optimize the translation quality to meet the increasing translation demand. Automated translation processing can reduce manual intervention and improve translation speed and efficiency.

ChatGPT can be used for intelligent customer service robots, providing consumers with natural language communication and solutions, helping enterprises to better manage customer relationships and improve customer satisfaction. On the one hand, ChatGPT can realize all-weather online customer service, and consumers can get timely response to their inquiries, complaints or after-sales service. On the other hand, ChatGPT reduces customer service demand and workload, and saves labor costs.

ChatGPT can better understand users’ needs and preferences through real-time dialogue and interaction with users, or by analyzing consumers’ shopping history, search records, browsing behavior and other data, recommend products that better meet their interests and needs for consumers, and generate fluent and natural language texts, making product recommendations more humanized and readable, and improving user experience. So as to improve the conversion rate and sales.

Marketing activities

ChatGPT can help enterprises to generate advertising copy and social media content in line with market hotspots, attract consumers’ attention and participate in marketing activities, and enhance brand effect.

Appeal failed, suspended for 2 games+fine of 10,000! Mourinho’s 1 move was praised, and the Italian Football Association was helpless

In the early morning of March 11th, Beijing time, after the Italian National Sports Court of Appeal announced that Mourinho’s appeal failed, he was suspended for two games and fined 10,000 euros, the Portuguese updated their social platform and made a gesture of being handcuffed.

The Italian media interpreted Mourinho’s action as a protest against the rejection of the ban appeal. Many fans praised the madman’s behavior and thought that he dared to challenge the hidden rules and the authority.

Mourinho knows the heat. When he showed this controversial gesture, he also brought three advertisements. He loved Adidas, Hublot and MATILDE, a jewelry brand founded by his eldest daughter. The latest development of the Rome coach has attracted nearly 280,000 likes in just 4 hours, and there should be tens of millions of views.

Mourinho handcuffed the camera off the court when he was coaching Inter Milan. At that time, he was suspended for three games by the Italian Football Association and fined 40,000 euros. However, Mourinho’s handcuff action this time seems to be carrying goods, and there is no actual evidence to prove that he is provocative, so the Italian Football Association should not do anything about him.

Mourinho was suspended this time because of a fierce language conflict with the fourth official in the 1-2 defeat to the bottom team cremona 10 days ago. Because of the appeal, Mourinho’s suspension was suspended, so he can still lead the team to play Juventus at home in the last round. Now, Mourinho’s appeal has been rejected and he will miss the next two Serie A games against Lazio and Sampdoria.

Rob someone! French media: The AFL is prepared to do whatever it takes to persuade Messi to join in and stop Mero from getting together.

In the second round of the quarter-final of the Champions League that ended in the middle of the week, Greater Paris lost to Bayern 0-2, and the total score was eliminated 0-3. Argentine superstar Messi failed to taste the Champions League for eight consecutive years. After being eliminated from the Champions League, the rumors about Messi’s transfer once again occupied the headlines of major media. Among them, the French media "L ‘Equipe" broke the news that Barcelona and Saudi Arabia may become Messi’s next stop, but at present, the American Professional League is taking all possible means to persuade Messi to join.

Although the 35-year-old Messi hopes to participate in the Champions League next season, some media said that the only offer he received came from Paris. For the Paris club with no ambition and the Paris fans who don’t respect themselves enough, Messi may have lost interest in staying in the team. At present, Greater Paris is facing the fate of MMN dissolution and reconstruction.

Messi’s potential next homes include Barcelona and Manchester City, but Barcelona is facing a "referee’s door" investigation. Once it is confirmed that Barcelona does have bribery, then Barcelona is likely to be deducted and disqualified from the Champions League next season. Although Guardiola has always been unable to hide his love for Messi, he has no plans to invite Messi to join. In this way, the Saudi League and the American Professional League have become Messi’s potential next homes.

Team newspaper said that Major League Baseball was ready to sign Messi at all costs, and this treatment would be comparable to Beckham’s joining Los Angeles Galaxy in 2007, that is, huge salary+franchise+Miami International (Beckham’s salary for five years was 30 million euros). The AFL wants to take Messi before the Saudis do it and stop Mero from meeting in Saudi Arabia.

Jerome Merry, the middleman between the European League and the American Professional League, confirmed this. Merry also revealed that if Messi joins, American local enterprises will flock to us. However, Merry finally said that it is unlikely that Messi will choose the American Professional League. Because Messi still has interesting sports in Paris, on the other hand, he still has the possibility of returning to Barcelona.