Original See Xian Siqi – Ren Xianqi, there have been zero scandals since his debut, because his popularity is too high, there is no need to hype it

Ren Xianqi’s popularity in those days was a metaphor. It was to convert the popularity of the most popular small fresh meat through buying water army into real popularity. Multiplying by a few dozen, it should be the real traffic during his peak period.

After the hit of "Too Soft Heart", Ren Xianqi and Bug decided to keep up the good work. In 1998, the album "Love Like Pacific" shook the Chinese music scene again. The album contains a total of 10 songs, and 4 of them have become popular. They are "Sad Pacific", "I am a fish", "Ren Xiaoyao" and the most popular "The girl opposite looks over".

In 1999, Ren Xianqi first appeared on the TV stage and sang the new song "The Girl Opposite Look Over". The next day, the song was played in audio stores and campuses across the country, and until now the song is still a divine song for boys to confess. Ren Xianqi also directly surpassed the Four Heavenly Kings who were in the limelight at that time with the popularity of this album. Therefore, the TV series "Heroes of the Divine Condor" and "New Chu Liuxiang" all valued his popularity, and even forced him to play Yang Guo and Chu Liuxiang regardless of his appearance. This also has the classic quotation of netizens. He can play Yang Guo and Chu Liuxiang like that. Do you think he is red or not? After the movie "Star Language Wish" was released, many people cried.

Compared with the prosperity of his career, his feelings are very simple. No matter what era an artist is in, his career will be affected if he makes his love public, and Ren Xianqi was torn at first. In 2002, Ren Xianqi proposed to his girlfriend at a concert abroad, ending a 17-year long love run. This unknown woman finally waited for Ren Xianqi, who has become the king of Asia, to propose. And Ren Xianqi has also become a great man for his wife for decades. However, because of his busy career, he failed to give his wife a romantic wedding, which is also his biggest regret.

In 2004, he threw away his idol burden and played the villain in Du Qifeng’s "Big Event", which opened up his own drama path and was a great success. After that, he starred in "Fire Dragon Showdown", although he played the bad guy, it was not hated, and he was even called the best actor delayed by singing by netizens. In 2006, Ren Xianqi even held his own personal concert in the Internet People’s Great Hall.

Once a lot of people become popular, it is easy to lose themselves in fame and fortune, but Ren Xianqi is an exception. In 2007, Bug left Rolling Stone and founded his own company, but he took away nearly 10 million yuan in cash because of his unscrupulous accounting. Overnight, he went bankrupt and was heavily in debt, which many people avoided. Ren Xianqi learned about the situation of his mentor, and without saying a word, he went to his house with a million yuan in cash. Brother Bug took it and used it, but he didn’t need to return it. At that time, Bug was moved and said to Ren Xianqi, I will definitely return the money to you, but Ren Xianqi waved his hand. No matter what, I will help you. Without you, I would not be where I am today. When it comes to this matter, Guo Degang praised Ren Xianqi as someone who knows how to be grateful, but he said that this is the most basic.

Not only was he loyal to his friends, but Ren Xianqi also never forgot his roots. He had been born and raised in Taiwan since childhood. In fact, his ancestral home was Wuhan, Hubei. Once he went home to visit relatives, the traffic in Wuhan was not developed at that time, and the roads were also potholed. Then he paid for the construction of roads for his hometown, hoping to help the development and construction of his hometown. In addition, what Ren Xianqi is most fond of talking about is his support for Mayday. The Rolling Stones have always had the spirit of inheritance of old people and newcomers. Therefore, when Ren Xianqi was at his hottest, Li Zongsheng handed Mayday to him. Ren Xianqi not only did not hide all his singing and performance experience, whether it was participating in a performance or a concert, as long as there was a place to show his face, he took the trouble to introduce this newcomer band. A Xin, the captain of Mayday 2022, wrote a confession letter to their big brother Ren Xianqi on Weibo, thanking Qi Ge for covering us for more than 20 years.

More than 30 years after his debut, Ren Xianqi was a rare male god who had no scandals and zero bad reviews. Such a good man who was affectionate, righteous and responsible was worthy of the word "Xianqi" that his father had given him back then.

Responsible editor:


On November 6th, Beijing time, let’s take a look at the European football situation yesterday morning.

1. Barcelona 2-0 almeria at home.

Levan missed a penalty, De Jong and Dembele each scored a goal, and Barcelona beat almeria 2-0 at home, winning four consecutive league games. Recently, Barcelona scored 10 goals in four league matches, but kept 0 goals.

After the game, 35-year-old Pique delivered a tearful farewell speech at Camp Nou, officially ending his 14-year career in Barcelona.

2, AC Milan home 2-1 spezia
Gill, 36, came off the bench in the 72nd minute and scored the winner in the 89th minute, helping AC Milan beat spezia 2-1 and scored the crucial 3 points, overtaking Atalanta and rising to the second place in Serie A..

Gill was sent off after taking off his clothes to celebrate the goal. It was his second yellow card in just seven minutes. He had just been warned by the referee for complaining too much.

3. Manchester City 2-1 Fulham at home

In the 95th minute, De Braune made a point, Harland hit a penalty kick, and 10-man Manchester City beat Fulham 2-1 at home. At first, they thought they were going to lose 2 points, but in the end, they got 3 points narrowly. Finally, they temporarily overtook Arsenal, who had one game less, by one point, and reached the top of the Premier League.

4, Bayern away 3-2 Hertha Berlin

Shu Bo-Mo Ting rang twice in two minutes. Bayern beat Hertha Berlin 3-2 away, winning 8 consecutive victories in all competitions and 4 consecutive victories in the Bundesliga, and temporarily surpassing Berlin by 2 points to reach the top position. In the last seven competitions, Shu Bo-Mo Ting scored nine goals for Bayern.

Bayern was chased by Hertha Berlin for 4 minutes with a 3-0 lead in the first half, but it was almost a draw by Hertha Berlin in the final stage of the second half.

5, Naples away 2-1 Atlanta

Osmain scored the winning goal, Elmas scored the winning goal, Napoli defeated Atalanta 2-1 away, won 9 consecutive victories in the league, and continued the unbeaten start of 13 rounds (11 wins and 2 draws), holding AC Milan at the top of the list by 6 points.

Officials were reported to have taken care of the female anchor and returned to work less than a week later.

  Zhangjiajie Economic Development Zone.

  Screenshot of the exposed video. Network screenshot

  Department-level officials were reported to support female TV anchors, buy BMW cars for female anchors, and provide nearly 1 million yuan of funds to female anchors for their consumption every year. The video of the official and the female anchor being shot abnormally in the room was also exposed. Jin Zeyin, former deputy secretary-general of Zhangjiajie Municipal People’s Government and director of Zhangjiajie Economic Development Zone Management Committee, was reported.

  On April 22nd, there was an exclusive media report that Jin Zeyin was reported to have adopted a female anchor. "Jin Zeyin’s dismissal was not notified. In less than a week, he went to the municipal government to go to work normally." Several veteran cadres in Zhangjiajie who did not want to be named questioned this.

  The Propaganda Department of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee responded that the official did not report it because the investigation by the Commission for Discipline Inspection was not over; Dismissal is because his life style has been confirmed; It is a resolution of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee to work in the municipal government office after his dismissal; Jin Zeyin was a general cadre in the municipal government, but he didn’t hold a post.

  The reporter claimed to be the husband of the female anchor who was adopted.

  On April 20th, an online post titled "Jin Zeyin in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province has been corrupted and committed adultery with Lu Wei for a long time" attracted attention. The poster claimed to be the husband of Lu Mou, an employee of Zhangjiajie TV Station, and publicly reported that Jin Zeyin, an official in Zhangjiajie, had a style problem.

  According to the above net post, since 2012, "Jin Zeyin has committed adultery with my wife Lu Mou (Zhangjiajie TV Station) and bought a luxury BMW car for her, providing her with nearly 1 million yuan for her consumption every year", and so on.

  However, the poster who claimed to be Lu’s husband misspelled his wife’s surname "Lu" as "Lu".

  The report net post distributed a video of 1 minute and 21 seconds, which presented three scenes: a middle-aged man walking around the room in pajamas; The process of a woman wearing pajamas and dressing; A man went out with a woman on his back. This edited video shows that men and women are in the same room.

  On April 21, the relevant person in charge of the network information office in Zhangjiajie confirmed to The Paper that the Zhangjiajie Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government held a meeting on this report that morning, and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Municipal Public Security Bureau had intervened in the investigation on the authenticity of the report post. On the 25th of the same month, Jin Zeyin’s personal data disappeared from the official website of Zhangjiajie Economic Development Zone Management Committee.

  The Paper survey found that Jin Zeyin and Lu had already crossed paths. Jin once served as deputy district head and propaganda minister in Wulingyuan District of Zhangjiajie City, while Lumou worked in Wulingyuan District TV Station. After Lumou applied to Zhangjiajie TV Station as the anchor of the news channel.

  According to Jin Zeyin’s colleague, who did not want to be named, since the day after the media report (23rd), Jin Zeyin has never appeared in public in the company, and the door of his office has been closed.

  According to the above-mentioned staff, on April 23rd, the relevant staff of Zhangjiajie City Commission for Discipline Inspection came to the Development Zone to announce that Jin Zeyin had been investigated by the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Subsequently, the organization department came to the Economic Development Zone to announce the resolution of dismissing Jin Zeyin. "At that time, it was only orally announced, and no written documents were seen."

  Veteran cadres questioned that they went to work in the municipal government office after being exempted.

  Three veteran cadres in Zhangjiajie questioned The Paper, saying that Jin Zeyin had been transferred to the Zhangjiajie municipal government office to work less than a week after he was dismissed from his post.

  The veteran cadres said that they learned from relevant channels that the Zhangjiajie Public Security Bureau launched a "double investigation" on this matter after the incident: on the one hand, it checked the style of Jin Zeyin, on the other hand, it checked the video in the online report post to see if the shooting was legal.

  According to a person familiar with the Zhangjiajie Public Security Bureau, after the report occurred, the relevant departments of Zhangjiajie launched a "double investigation" on the whistleblower and the reported person. So far, the "mysterious reporter" who posted the post has not surfaced.

  The Paper learned from relevant channels that the whistleblower refused to show up for fear of retaliation. Before the online report, the whistleblower sent the detailed report materials to the relevant departments in Zhangjiajie, and only chose to report online when there was no response.

  The reporter tried to get in touch with the reporter many times and was told by him through relevant channels that "it is not convenient to show up for the time being, and all evidence and complete videos will be made public when there is danger".

  Official response Disciplinary Committee has filed a case.

  The reporter learned from the Propaganda Department of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee that Jin Zeyin is married and his wife works in the education system. After Jin Zeyin and Lumou were exposed, Lumou didn’t go back to the TV station to work.

  On May 24, the relevant person in charge of the Propaganda Department of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee provided reporters with several internal documents stamped with the official seal in response to the query of veteran cadres.

  These documents confirmed that, after research by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, it was decided to put Jin Zeyin’s violation of discipline on file for review, and to remove him from the posts of Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal People’s Government (concurrently) and Director of the Management Committee of Zhangjiajie Economic Development Zone (Zhangjiajie Science and Technology Industrial Park).

  According to the minutes of the meeting of the Standing Committee of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee on April 25th, Yang Guangrong, secretary of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee, presided over a meeting of the Standing Committee of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee to listen to the preliminary investigation and verification of Jin Zeyin’s life style by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Organization Department of the Municipal Committee.

  The above-mentioned meeting held that the life style of leading cadres is by no means a trivial matter, nor a minor issue, but a major event related to the credibility and image of the party among the people … … Judging from the investigation and verification, there is a violation of discipline in Jin Zeyin … …

  The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection filed a case review on its disciplinary problems and agreed to adjust Jin Zeyin to the work of the municipal government.

  The minutes of the meeting also mentioned that Lu Mou, the relevant party, had reported the case to the public security department on the issue of monitoring and collecting evidence for suspected illegal intrusion into houses, and the municipal and district public security departments should file an investigation according to law and detect the case as soon as possible.

  The relevant person in charge of the Propaganda Department of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee explained that the current investigation of Jin Zeyin by the Commission for Discipline Inspection is not just a matter of life style, but the economic problems mentioned in the net posts are being investigated together; However, before the results of the investigation by the Commission for Discipline Inspection came out, Jin Zeyin was still a civil servant, and there was nothing wrong with adjusting his post.

  "On the issue of dealing with Jin Zeyin, the Zhangjiajie Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Organization Department and the public security are all investigating and handling according to law, discipline and regulations." The relevant person in charge of the above-mentioned propaganda department said.

Aofei Entertainment: The animated film project Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Wolf 9 is progressing as scheduled and is scheduled to be officially released next year.

Every time after the AI news, some investors ask questions on the investor interactive platform: Is there a plan for the release of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Wolf 9? About winter vacation or summer vacation

Aofei Entertainment (002292. SZ) said on the investor interaction platform on November 27th that the animated film project Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Wolf 9 is progressing as scheduled, and it is planned to be officially released next year. At present, the specific schedule has not been determined. I suggest you pay attention to the relevant information pushed by Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Wolf or the official Weibo and WeChat WeChat official account of Aofei Entertainment at that time.

(Reporter Wang Keran)

Disclaimer: The contents and data in this article are for reference only and do not constitute investment advice. Please verify before use. Operate accordingly at your own risk.

national business daily


Two first round signings+Ethan! The Rockets refused the Pacers’ asking price, and Uduka planned to tap the potential internally.

Rockets starting center Sengong and backup center Landale have been unable to train in Houston recently. Both international players have to play for their respective national teams, and Uduka can only express regret.

Is the inside line of the rocket a little weak? Some fans expressed concern.

In the analysis of the Rockets’ prospects for next season, "bleachers" said that neither Sengong nor Randall can be regarded as defensive experts, and Houston should consider reinforcing the position of center.

The Rockets signed five players in a row, but none of them were centers.

Houston reporter Kelly Apotheker said that the Rockets fully recruited Daluo after the free agent market opened, but the latter refused the offer. Uduka can only choose Landale as a spare tire, which is also a helpless move. Kelly Apotheker said Rockets owner Fertitta wants to see the team return to the playoffs next season, and Si Tong is also considering making a deal to reinforce it.

For the position of center, Kelly Eco has expressed his concern about Alperen Sengong before. He bluntly said that Houston needs a big black man, and Miles Turner is perfect for Udoka’s system. Kelly Apotheker has repeatedly mentioned that Rockets general manager Si Tong is interested in Turner who can throw a three-point guard.

What price does the Rockets need to pay to get Turner? Sbnation said that the Pacers’ price tag for Turner is quite high, and the Rockets probably need to pay two unprotected first-round signings and Ethan to impress the Pacers’ management.

"NBA Analysis Network" recently revealed that the Pacers’ asking price for Turner is at least three first-round signings. It is suggested that the Rockets use Potter, Tate, the first round signing of the Nets in 2024 and the first round signing of the Nets in 2026 to bid for Turner.

It’s too expensive! "fansided" said that the Rockets would refuse the asking price of the Pacers.

Miles Turner, 27, is 2.11 meters tall and 2.24 meters tall. Born in Texas, he recently held a free basketball camp in Dallas to guide children to play.

Turner played the best data of his career last season, averaging 18 points, 7.5 rebounds and 2.3 hats, shooting 54.8% from the field and 37.3% from three-pointers. He also renewed his contract with the team for two years, and his annual salary in the next two seasons totaled 40 million US dollars. The data is good-looking and the contract is cost-effective, so the walkers have the confidence to offer high prices.

But obviously Turner is not worth the rocket’s so many chips. Although Turner has won the league’s blocked shot, his defense is not the first-class level in the league, and his offensive means are limited. He has not been selected as an All-Star and the best defensive team.

Four months ago, Pacers coach Rick Carlisle admitted in an interview that the team had received many offers for Turner, and he personally thought that the big man should be kept.

To put it bluntly, the Pacers made a big opening in the negotiation, and the buyers thought it was too expensive to quit the negotiation, so Turner had to stay. At the beginning, the Rockets also hoped to exchange Wood for two first-round signings, but no one was willing to pay this price. In the end, they could only deal with one first-round signing and an expired contract.

It’s not surprising that the Pacers want Ethan. This team wants to reinforce the position of small forward, and it has won Bruce Brown at a high price of $45 million for two years, which is also one of the goals of the Rockets. Brown is 26 years old and 1.93 meters tall, and Ethan is 22 years old and 2.03 meters tall. The latter is in better physical condition and has a higher upper limit. The Pacers’ contract with Brown is only guaranteed for one year, while Ethan still has a rookie bonus for three years.

Ethan played a combination of attack and defense in the summer league. He said that he can play both power forward and small forward, and he hopes to become a superstar like Leonard. A number of draft experts have expressed their optimism about Ethan, and such an expert will naturally make the pedestrians greedy.

Uduka also admired Ethan and asked Tommy Tam to guide the young man. Fame Fagan said that Si Tong has no plans to use Ethan as a bargaining chip at present.

The Rockets don’t have to pay a high price for a strong center. Uduka plans to tap the potential inside the center position. He has invited a first-class shooting coach in the league, and he is also good at training defense himself. He hopes to improve Sengong’s shooting and defense, and at the same time, he has considered letting Smith, who has the ability to change defense indefinitely, be the backup center.

3-1! Bear scored, asensio won the ball, Real Madrid turned over at home and killed Wu Lei’s former club.

# La Liga # In the 25th round, Real Madrid played against Spaniards at home! In the first half, Jose Lu scored the first goal, vinicius equalized, and Militao headed the goal to overtake the score. In the second half, Rodrigo hit the crossbar with a long-range free kick. In 93 minutes, asensio pushed the goal to help the team expand the score. Finally, the whole game ended, and Real Madrid won 3-1, killing Lei Wu’s old club Spaniard twice in the season.

Real Madrid has been unbeaten in two rounds in the recent league, with 16 wins, 5 draws and 3 losses, ranking second with 53 points, which is 9 points behind top Barcelona. Azar, rudiger and Vá zquez were substitutes in this game, and Real Madrid formed a 4-3-3 formation. The starting players were as follows: 1- courtois, 2- carvajal, 3- Militao, 6- Na Qiao, 12- Camavanga, 8- Cross, 10- modric, 15- valverde, 18- Joan Ameni and 20- vinicius.

The Spaniard is 6 wins, 9 draws and 9 losses, ranking 13th with 27 points. At present, he is only 2 points higher than the relegation zone, and the primary goal of the season is still relegation! In this game, Melamed, Puado and vidal are substitutes, and the team formation is 4-4-2. The starting players are as follows: 13- Pacheco, 2- Oscar Hill, 4- cabrera, 23- Montes, 24- Sergey Gomez, 10- Dader, 12- vinicius-Sosa, 15- Gragera and 27-.

In the first half, in the eighth minute, Cammavinga made a defensive mistake, Sanchez made a cross from the right, Jose Lu pushed the goal and Real Madrid fell behind 0-1!

In 13 minutes, vinicius made a cross from the left, and Kamavin added a powerful shot and was hugged by the goalkeeper. In 15 minutes, Sosa’s header shot was solved by courtois! In 22 minutes, Cross made an oblique pass, and vinicius took the ball from the left and scored a low shot, 1-1, and the score was even!

According to statistics, this is vinicius’s 19th goal on behalf of Real Madrid this season, surpassing Neymar, the big brother of the national team, and becoming the Brazilian player with the most goals in the five major leagues!

In 27 minutes, Rodrigo’s long shot was slightly higher than the crossbar; In 32 minutes, vinicius was given a yellow card warning for a foul during the anti-grab; In the 39th minute, vinicius went straight to the left, Joan Armani made a cross from the left, Militao headed the goal and Real Madrid overtook the score 2-1!

In the second half, in 52 minutes, Hill and Rodrigo both fell to the ground while fighting. After the adjustment of the team doctors on both sides, the two players re-entered the game! In 54 minutes, Jose Lu’s long-range shot was saved by courtois; In 55 minutes, cabrera shot slightly off the bottom line; In 56 minutes, Hill knocked over vinicius and got a yellow card;

In 58 minutes, Cross’s long-range shot was blocked by the defender. In 61 minutes, Gragera’s long-range shot outside the restricted area missed the bottom line; In 71 minutes, Rodrigo’s left dribbling was cleared, and Cross’s long-range shot was higher than the crossbar outside the restricted area. In 72 minutes, asensio came off the bench to replace Modry, and in 74 minutes, Sebastian and rudiger came off the bench;

In 76 minutes, Real Madrid got the set ball and Rodrigo hit the crossbar with a long shot. In 87 minutes, cabrera grabbed a header and was cleared by rudiger. In the 93rd minute of injury time, Na Qiao’s midfielder took the ball from the left and made great strides. He sent a straight plug outside the restricted area, and asensio followed up with a push and shot, making the score 3-1!

In the end, the whole game ended, and Real Madrid reversed the game 3-1, killing Spaniards twice in the season.