Ren Xianqi cried violently in the middle of the concert

Ren Xianqi cried violently at the concert

Ren Xianqi cried violently at the concert

??   According to Taiwanese media, on September 19, Ren Xianqi returned to the Taipei International Convention Center where he held his first solo concert 19 years ago to sing. Seeing the audience full of fans, he said happily: "Some people say that songs can be passed down through the baptism of time and become classics. This is the happiest thing for singers. I am a happy singer, because I still have quite a few classic songs. Would you be too proud to say this?" Then he laughed and said: "But this is also true. My songs are suitable for all ages, and both men and women kill!"

??On the 16th, Huang Hongsheng (little ghost), a junior brother who used to be with Ren Xianqi, passed away suddenly. At that time, he was rehearsing for the concert, and his agent did not dare to tell him the bad news. On the 19th, Ren Xianqi endured his sadness to complete the concert. Unexpectedly, when he sang "I am a little bird", Ren Xianqi finally couldn’t help crying emotionally, and his tears were so full that he could hardly speak. "Today’s mood is very special and complicated. We are very happy to see everyone coming, but two days ago, I lost my good junior brother. I know he has been looking at me. I told him that this song represents us. Unfortunately, he has been working hard, but the sky took him away." Ren Xianqi drank water to clear his emotions. He raised his head and shouted to the sky. He raised his right hand and said, "I will miss you, little devil in the sky."

Can I, Xu Jiayin, save the day again this time?

Author | Zhou Chaochen

Last Friday (December 2) at noon, the rumor of Xu Jiayin jumping off the building went viral for a while, and it was searched several times. According to self-media statistics, this rumor has been reversed at least 5 times.

Although I don’t know if this rumor is someone deliberately pranking Xu Jiayin, or Xu Jiayin’s self-directed and self-played bitter trick, it’s always a false alarm.

Xu Jiayin’s rumor-refuting style made an appearance. First, a 50-second voice screenshot of Xu Jiayin in the senior management group of Evergrande Group was deliberately released after 1 pm that day. Xu Jiayin said in the senior management group: "The chairpeople of the companies in various regions should ask the brand sales departments to increase the publicity work of the vigorous scene of engineering construction, publicity and promotion, and to increase the publicity and promotion of the construction of the building. The construction of the building and the construction of the project are the key to our sales. Therefore, increasing the publicity and promotion of the sales and delivery of the building is an important foundation for the sales work. Please pay great attention to the publicity and promotion of this project construction and the construction of the building."

Immediately after 7:00 pm, Xu Jiayin appeared in Hengda Group’s special meeting on the construction of the building and the video leaked out. Xu Jiayin once again emphasized that the construction of the building is the top priority of Hengda. In the video with obvious signs of posing and lasting 1 minute, Xu Jiayin said: "From January to November this year, Hengda Group has achieved 256,000 sets of buildings. In 2022, it will strive to complete 300,000 sets of buildings. In December, it is necessary to ensure the quality assurance to complete the 44,000 sets of buildings. There are still 29 days left in this month. There is a tight time and a heavy task. All Hengda employees must unswervingly fulfill our main responsibility and never give up their efforts to ensure the completion of the annual delivery task."

Xu Jiayin knows that Baojiaolou is his only "life-saving straw" for political correctness at present.

Another rumor that appeared along with Xu Jiayin’s related rumors was that in order to reduce costs, the headquarters of Evergrande Automobile Group will be disbanded, and the staff structure of the headquarters will be adjusted. Most people face layoffs, and a small number of people will sink to the factory. According to the China Securities News, people close to Evergrande Automobile learned that the news was not true.

Between life and death, the relevant rumors about Xu Jiayin and Evergrande come at a very delicate moment. Since November, several ministries and commissions have launched three arrows in a row, 16 real estate finance policies and other favorable real estate policies, from saving projects to starting to rescue real estate enterprises, especially some high-quality real estate enterprises have recently been softened by credit. But these policies seem to have nothing to do with Evergrande. As the most indebted real estate enterprise, Evergrande, which has been lying in the ICU for more than a year, seems to be locked in a vacuum and has become an outsider of China’s real estate market rescue policy. Its only way out is to sell assets as cheaply as possible, while shouting that everyone is united to protect the property.

After the Securities Supervision Commission issued the third arrow at the end of November, Bai Wenxi, chief economist of IPG China, commented: "To say that the most aggrieved person today should be Xu Jiayin. The Securities Supervision Commission has finally released the equity financing of class A share real estate enterprises that has been suspended for ten years, but Evergrande has already missed it. Otherwise, Evergrande backdoor deep and deep housing will be implemented immediately, Xu Jiayin can sincerely say that’everything about Evergrande and me, Xu Jiayin, is given by the party ‘, and then continue to increase leverage to dry Evergrande’s real estate debt to 4 trillion, and then the land finance in various places can continue to increase income, and the property market will continue to be hot."

The policies of bailouts and blood transfusions here are one after another, and the news of Evergrande is a different story.

On the afternoon of November 30, Hengda Wealth announced that it would adjust the payment plan issued on December 31, 2021, adjusting the current monthly payment of 8,000 yuan per person to 2,000 yuan per person per month. Obviously, under the pressure of debt, the isolated Hengda capital chain is increasingly tight.

On November 26, Double 11 was put on the shelves of Hengda Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters land successfully transferred by Shenzhen Anhe No. 1 Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. at a reserve price of about 7.54 billion yuan. According to the media, there is a shadow of Vanke behind the receiver, so some industry insiders believe that Yu Liang helped Xu Jiayin. In fact, as early as last autumn, there were rumors that Vanke was in contact with Hengda, but in the media communication meeting in October last year, when asked if Vanke would rescue Evergrande, Vanke chairperson Yu Liang was vague: "When winter comes, everyone is cold. In the case of cold, we must first solve the problem of how to survive the winter, and first ensure our own safety, in order to save people. How can I save someone if I’m not safe? If I can’t get through the winter, helping others may be purely troublesome. "

After the acquisition of Evergrande’s Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters site, which is adjacent to Vanke’s new headquarters, the buyer was left wondering how to use the land that Xu Jiayin was supposed to use to reshape Shenzhen’s skyline.

Many people are speculating about the final outcome of Xu Jiayin and Hengda. Huxiu has written many times that Chen Feng and HNA may be the reference frame for Xu Jiayin and Hengda.

The older generation of entrepreneurs, such as Xu Jiayin and Chen Feng, all have one thing in common: a tougher gamble. But Xu Jiayin is different. The entrepreneur who walked barefoot from one of the poorest villages in eastern Henan Province, grew from a manure digger to China’s richest man, and became the "first loser" overnight. He has an extreme desire for survival, and has strong perseverance and mental strength, and will not easily do things that cannot be imagined.

In Evergrande’s growth history, it has encountered several major crises, which have eventually been saved from danger. For example, Evergrande was shorted by US short-seller Citron in June 2012, which said in a report that Evergrande Real Estate was insolvent. While Xu Jiayin asked Evergrande to respond to the short with financial data, he rushed to Hong Kong with executives to seek allies. Eight investment banks, including Bank of America Merrill Lynch, the sponsor of Evergrande’s Hong Kong listing, subsequently issued announcements bullish on Evergrande. The next day, Evergrande’s comprehensive clarification report was released. In the end, Evergrande eliminated the crisis within a thrilling 48 hours.

The most serious failure was Hengda’s first IPO in 2008. In 2008, Hengda frantically acquired land all over the country in order to go public, with a land reserve of up to 45.78 million square meters, becoming the real estate developer with the largest land reserves that year. However, the unfortunate fate was to catch up with the US subprime mortgage crisis, and Xu Jiayin was caught off guard.

In April 2008, Hengda’s listing was blocked, and Hengda had to pay 4.10 billion yuan in July, and had to face major bank loans that matured one after another. At that time, only 4 of Xu Jiayin’s 37 projects in the country met the opening conditions, and Hengda’s funding gap was as high as 12 billion. Xu Jiayin went to Hong Kong to seek help for this. Under the recommendation of Yang Shoucheng, Xu Jiayin met Zheng Yutong, the former chairperson of the board of directors of Hong Kong New World Development Co., Ltd., in order to get life-saving money, Xu Jiayin accompanied Zheng Yutong for 3 months to play hoe big D, and finally received 500 million US dollars of assistance, which solved the urgent need and became one of the members of the big D club.

At the same time, in October 2008, Xu Jiayin decided to let Evergrande Real Estate use the tried-and-true "magic" of price reduction promotion again, and the real estate in 18 cities across the country was sold at a 25% discount across the board. Evergrande took out nearly 20,000 housing units at that time, using ultra-low-price sales strategies, and there were more than 2 million square meters of construction area to benefit consumers, returning 5 billion yuan of funds. This trick was also sacrificed by Xu Jiayin at the beginning of last year. At that time, the splash ads of various apps were basically Hengda’s house sales promotions.

In October 2009, Hui Ka Yin announced that Evergrande Real Estate had once again launched its initial public offering on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. At the roadshow luncheon on the first day of Evergrande Real Estate, Cheng Yu-tung, the 84-year-old chairperson of the board of directors of Hong Kong New World Development Group, supported Evergrande Real Estate. Zheng Yu-tung’s public statement, which has huge influence in Hong Kong, allowed Evergrande Real Estate to successfully complete the roadshow of the Hong Kong IPO, and received 11 times the international placement super subscription, and the offer for sale part exceeded 46 times.

On November 5, 2009, Hengda Real Estate finally achieved its listing on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. At the listing ceremony and listing celebration ceremony of Hengda Real Estate, Zheng Yutong, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Hong Kong New World Group, Zheng Kachun, General Manager of New World Development Group, Lau Luanxiong, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of China Real Estate Group, and Zhang Songqiao, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of China Chongqing Land, were present to congratulate and give Xu Jiayin face. On the day of Hengda’s listing, Xu Jiayin won the title of the richest man in the Chinese mainland for the first time with a net worth of 42.20 billion yuan, surpassing Wang Chuanfu, the richest man on the Forbes Rich List announced on the same day. Since then, Xu Jiayin has opened the road of crazy expansion and leverage.

It’s just that when Hengda thundered last year, Xu Jiayin’s wealthy friends passed away, and it was difficult to reproduce the brotherhood of that year by selling off (Hengda stocks).

Can the 64-year-old Xu Jiayin save the day again?

Wu Mengda: After 100 years of performance, I hope the audience can still remember me

1905 movie network feature At the premiere press conference, Wu Mengda picked up his guitar and sang "Kiss Goodbye" on the stage, recreating the classic scenes of the old version of "Oolong Courtyard".

He was still in his exuberant, funny and nonsensical appearance. What had changed was that he was now a white-haired old man who was nearly 70 years old. It was even more hard to imagine that a few years ago, he had been repeatedly reported to have died due to rapid heart failure.


At the end of the press conference, Wu Mengda’s 45-year role collection appeared on the big screen, which was really a wave of memories full of feelings. He said on the stage that he was grateful to the audience for their willingness to give him a meal. Acting is the greatest meaning of his survival. He will not retire and will play for another 50 years!

After the press conference, Uncle Da accepted our exclusive interview, and he once again talked about how much he loves performing.


"I can’t live without my acting, and I love acting very much. Many people ask me, I’m almost 70, why do you love acting? Although I was sick a few years ago and my heart was not good, I have been following movies and the development of Chinese movies. I really like being an actor. In fact, I can be a director or a backstage very early, but I just don’t want to go."

Yes, 65-year-old Uncle Da will continue to play.


"The mainland has a lot of room, and Hong Kong people can’t make deep comedies"

In the early 1990s, Wu Mengda and Chow Xingchi were so popular in Taiwan that they attracted the attention of the director Zhu Yanping. He traveled from Taiwan to Hong Kong to find Wu Mengda, which led to their first collaboration -.

Stills from "Truant"

Zhu Yanping is Taiwan’s version of "Wang Jing", and the production speed is fast enough to release up to five films a year. Wu Mengda never even saw Lin Zhiying from the beginning to the end of the filming of "truancy". It took only four and a half days to film all his scenes.


"I was startled, and the effect was pretty good."After that, Wu Mengda collaborated with Zhu Yanping again. This was their second collaboration, and it also launched the "Oolong Academy" series of films that became popular in the video hall era.

"Laughing Forest Kid 2: New Oolong Courtyard" stills

"Oolong Court" was launched that year, in Taiwan whirlwind won 100 million Taiwan dollars box office, breaking records."There were a lot of Hong Kong dramas in Taiwan back then, and I was almost the one who broke the record.", Wu Mengda recalled,"But the’Oolong Courtyard ‘I played with Hao Xiwen and Shi Xiaolong ranked first, higher than my cooperation with Zhou Xingchi!"


The next year, they struck while the iron was hot and then pushed the sequel, which was a big hit. Not only in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, but also in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and other South East Asia regions, as long as the TV station aired, the audience ratings were very high.

"Invincible R-Star" stills

More than 20 years later, the Chinese film landscape has changed dramatically, and going north to co-produce is the general trend. At this time, the "Oolongyuan" series has ushered in the third installment. In the face of the current market context, we must first face such questions: Is it selling feelings, is it frying cold rice?


Uncle Da explained it like this."Although it is old wine in a new bottle, every movie must have its new creation and new classic every time."In his eyes, "a movie is a huge dream factory, and it is fun to have constant creativity with the changes of the times."

So, in "New Oolong Courtyard", where is Uncle Da’s "fun"?

This time, he is no longer playing the old version of the big brother who is infatuated and honest, but the abbot of the Oolong Hospital, Master Changmei. This character is an Internet celebrity live streaming host in the play, who picks up his mobile phone from time to time to engage in live broadcasts. Uncle Da is very interested in these new and popular things. Douyin, Kuaishou, he said he understands it now.

The other was a re-creation of a series of characters. "In the past, when he was in his prime, he played the role of the eldest senior brother who was confused and pretended to be smart. He didn’t know anything, so he pretended to be great.


Therefore, we can see such a Wu Mengda in the movie, which is also the Wu Mengda we are most familiar with: from beginning to end, he looks smiling, and when he is angry, he should also smile.

Zhu Yanping, Wu Mengda, and Hao Xiwen were the old version of the team, and the new version added mainland comedians such as Wang Ning, Kong Lianshun, and Song Xiaobao. Happy Twist + Wanhe Tianyi + Benshan Media, the IP of "New Oolong Courtyard" almost brought together the most popular and down-to-earth comedy team in the Chinese film industry.


Uncle Da said that he had been following Northeast comedians for a long time and was deeply impressed by "Country Love". He was very familiar with Zhao Si and Xie Dazu.

He believes that there is no difference between Hong Kong comedy, Taiwanese comedy and mainland comedy, and the language of comedy is common all over the world. "The best thing about comedy is that it doesn’t even need dialogue, it may be just a look. Like Charlie Chaplin, in an era without dialogue, it is performed by body language. This is the most lovely and precious aspect of comedy."


As an important member of the once glorious era of Hong Kong comedy, he also lamented in the face of the decline of Hong Kong films:


"Our Chinese mainland now has a lot of space, everything is more advanced than Hong Kong, and the production cost is higher than Hong Kong. The whole market is thousands of times larger than Hong Kong, tens of thousands of times. Hong Kong is too small, and what we know is limited to Hong Kong culture, real history, classical culture. In fact, we Hong Kong people are not very deep in it. So we have always emphasized making commercial films,Those more in-depth comedies and dramas cannot be filmed by Hong Kong people."


"At the craziest time, I read a script 200 times"

In 1973, Wu Mengda applied for the Hong Kong TVB artist training class. The reason for applying for the exam was that he felt very handsome. Of course, his mother’s strong encouragement was also the main reason. After that, he entered the training class with Zhou Yun-fat, Lin Lingdong and others.


After graduation, Wu Mengda and Zhou Yun-fa worked together as extras. It was not until the TV series "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" that he first tasted the popularity of "Hu Tiehua". On the contrary, Zhou Yun-fa, because of his height, could only continue to play tricks on the set.

Wu Mengda played "Hu Tiehua" in "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang"

Soon after his debut, Wu Mengda became a big hit, and during that period, he was completely bloated. He spent every day with his boss, and he described his life at that time as "gambling, smoking, alcohol, and women." The result of erosion was that he owed a lot of debt and was frozen by TVB for four years.


There was no drama to shoot, and when he was at his worst, he only had money left to buy a pack of cigarettes. He once thought of suicide. Even his junior brother Du Qifeng criticized him at that time as "a piece of mud that can’t support the wall".


After experiencing ups and downs, we must also usher in a change of heart.

Wu Mengda used this time to immerse himself in acting. He watched movies, read books, and studied scripts. After that, he finally turned around with "Sequel to Senior Brother Xinja".


He starred in the drama as an instructor opposite Tony Leung. According to him, there was a two-page play that he watched 200 times just to play when he reprimanded Tony Leung in the play"The mouth is scolding him, but the eyes are hurting him"The feeling.

"The Sequel to the New Zha Senior Brother" plays with Tony Leung

"200 times", Wu Mengda mentioned "200 times" again in this interview.

"Every play, every line of dialogue, I may have watched more than 50 times. In the craziest time before, I watched it 200 times.Why did I watch it for so long? Do I have a bad memory? No. Basically watching it five or six times, I can remember most of it, but I have to keep interpreting it from other angles, so I have to keep reading the script and keep giving it more vitality. "

Now, he has developed a habit of reading the script carefully the night before filming, and not bringing the script to the scene on the day of filming. He said that when he was filming "New Oolong Academy", when he worked with Zhou Xingchi in the past, he was even more, "It’s not for the camera, it’s not for the plot, and it’s not for the dialogue. I just eat it all, and then see what can spark each other on the scene, play some fun with the opponent, play tricks on the object, and suddenly come, and the opponent can’t react."


The collaboration with Stephen Chow began with "He Came From the Jianghu" and "Hero of the World". At that time, they were father, son and mentor in the play, and they were neighbors who lived across the street outside the play. They were brothers who always discussed performances together in the car before going to the set.

"He Came From The World" Stills

"Gambling Saint" was their true starting point, and likewise, they also achieved "Gambling Saint".


In the movie, Wu Mengda was mistakenly beaten by Zhou Xingchi. He was wearing women’s clothes while foaming at the mouth and saying, "It’s alright", "Then let’s go". This funny scene is his temporary design. There is also the classic image of "Third Uncle". When Zhou Xingchi shouted "Third Uncle", he had a seizure like a convulsion, and his whole body trembled. This is not groundless, but his own performance style, and he also named it "Congenital Uncontrolled Disorder".

"Gambling Saint" stills

With improvisation and tacit cooperation, they have crossed the world in one song and one relaxation, becoming the most classic screen partner in Hong Kong film history.


In the eyes of the public, Wu Mengda may be the "little follower" next to Zhou Xingchi in the movie. Since the movie, he has hardly played a male lead. He doesn’t mind the light and heavy scenes at all."I treat the protagonist and the supporting actor the same, and I pay the same. I won’t say that the protagonist is more nervous or that I will play the supporting role casually. No, absolutely not."


Some time ago, he made another cameo appearance in a big movie "Sir Wei", where he played Hai Gong again. In the TV series "Xiaobao and Kangxi" and the movie "Lu Ding Ji Ji", Wu Mengda has played Hai Dafu twice, both of which are funny and crazy. This time, he seems to be reinterpreting in the opposite direction of insidious and fierce.

"Hai Dafu" in "Lu Ding Ji"

"Comedy, farce, tragedy, drama, I have filmed all kinds of dramas, what else can I do?"He said that he didn’t want to do repetitions, but he had no choice but to play too many roles. Even if it was a new production, a reenactment, or a cameo, he believed that there was still a lot of scope and space to complete better performances.

"Sorry for not acting 

And influence me the most "

Uncle Da was very honest, saying that he really couldn’t do without acting, and even when he was hospitalized and sick before, he was concerned about the movie and the set.


"I keep wanting to act, and I keep hoping to create, which will make me younger. Living in the film and television industry, there is a group of people who accompany you to play and chat every day, and respect you very much. This is the greatest pleasure in life, and it is also the job I like."


When it comes to the most satisfying roles, he listed four:The third uncle in "Gambling Saint", Li Sucan’s father, Hai Dafu in "Lu Ding Ji", and Taibao in "Heaven Ruoyou Love".


He has created a lot of classic comedy roles, but so far, it is this tragic little character in "Heaven Ruoyou" that has won him the only Hong Kong Film Awards for Best Supporting Actor.

"If there is love in the sky" stills

Similarly, in this interview, we also found a Wu Mengda who is completely different from the stereotype of "comedian".


He said that the biggest regret in his life was not being in "The Wrong Ride," and that he wanted to play the sad, mute father so much. In his opinion, the performances of the movie version of Sun Yue and the TV version of Li Xuejian are great, but from the body language to the eye details, he believes that there is a different way of acting from them.


In 2006, in the variety show "Operation Style", he passed the addiction of "Riding the Wrong Car". But it was just a small segment of the show’s acting, and he had to get into the play and get lost in it. Although his easy-to-put acting skills were not realized in the "Riding the Wrong Car", they were in "Heaven If You Love", and later football coaches, more visible.

Wu Mengda performed "The Wrong Ride" in a variety show.

The movies that influenced him the most were not comedies, but Chen Kaige’s "Yellow Earth" and Hou Xiaoxian’s "Love and Dust"."I’ve watched these two more than 50 times, and they both have videotapes. I watch them almost every day when I have time, and learn something from them."


Two literary films, two literary films with the same sense of loneliness.


"If you don’t like it or worry, what are you singing?"In the dialogue in "The Yellow Earth", he said he would always remember it."That tone is really lonely and wandering, but it will hit your heart. The whole atmosphere is too painful."


And "Love the Wind and Dust", born in Xiamen, he may have aroused his memories and nostalgia for southern Fujian in the local atmosphere of this Taiwanese film.


I watched Uncle Da’s "congenital disorder" in comedy movies, but I forgot that he was so calm and peaceful in the audience, and even willing to embrace loneliness and loneliness.

"Stephen Chow’s golden partner" and "the all-purpose supporting actor of Hong Kong movies," Wang Jing also described him as "a good actor who can act in big comedies and big tragedies, and a really good actor with acting skills." Some people even said that he is "China’s Morgan Freeman."


"In 50 years, in 100 years, how do you want the audience to evaluate you?"


At the end of the interview, we threw this life summary question to him, and he quickly put away his smiling face, thought for a few seconds and said,"I hope the audience can still remember me, I hope the audience still has the impression of’Wu Mengda ‘"


As soon as he finished speaking, he asked again without reason."Huh? 50 years from now, 100 years from now, I’ll still be here, ask again then!"


After calming down, he laughed and teased again. Well, this is Wu Mengda.


Photo/Yang Nan

Video/Teacher Meow

A new generation of Tiggo 8 appeared in Guangzhou, with new power and fuel consumption of only 7.4L per 100 kilometers.

[Cheyou Headline-CheyouNo.-No Car] On May 1st, Guangzhou "May 1st South China International Auto Show" was grandly kicked off, and Chery Automobile officially landed in Guangzhou International Purchasing Center with a new generation of Tiggo 8. Witnessed by more than 30 mainstream media reporters, Mr. Zhai Xiaobing, general manager of the Second World War Zone of Chery Automobile Marketing Company, announced that the new generation of Tiggo 8 officially opened its first pre-sale in Guangzhou.

In recent years, with the new opportunities brought by the national "Belt and Road Initiative", Chery Automobile is accelerating the pace of internationalization. According to the data, Chery Automobile sold 120,878 vehicles in the first quarter of this year in China, up 31.4% year-on-year, including 34,408 vehicles in the Arrizo series and 45,189 vehicles in the Tiggo series. The market share increased from 2.69% in March to 4.03% in April, achieving a good result of year-on-year growth in market share in 171 cities. Moreover, at present, Chery products have been exported to more than 80 countries around the world, and 10 production plants and more than 1,500 sales and service networks have been established around the world, with a cumulative export of more than 1.5 million vehicles, ranking first in the export volume of passenger cars in China for 16 consecutive years. This new generation of Tiggo 8 will surely attract the attention and favor of many consumers after its appearance at Guangzhou May 1st Auto Show.

As the star model of Chery SUV family, the new generation of Tiggo 8, which was unveiled this time, is equipped with 1.6T+7DCT power system. There are four versions for pre-sale, including fashion version, elite version, luxury version and distinguished version. There are six body colors for users to choose from, namely, pearl white, obsidian black, titanium gold gray, desert gold, Rhine blue and Provence purple. At the same time, during the pre-sale period, all car booking customers can enjoy the VIP privileges of the three diamonds: the top 10,000 users who make an order in Chery’s official mall before May 25th and buy a car before June 30th can enjoy a personal loan subsidy of up to 5,000 yuan and a replacement subsidy of 4,000 yuan, a luxury boutique suit of 3,888 yuan for free, and a triple gift of extended warranty of 10 years or 1 million kilometers.

Undoubtedly, the new generation of Tiggo 8 equipped with Chery ACTECO 1.6TGDI in-cylinder direct injection turbocharged engine with the reputation of "the strongest Chinese core" has excellent performance, with a maximum power of 145kW and a peak torque of 290N?m. Matching with it is the Getrak 7DCT wet powershift, which achieves a perfect balance between power and economy. After changing the "core", the new generation of Tiggo only needs 8.9 seconds to accelerate 800 kilometers, while the fuel consumption per 100 kilometers only needs 7.4L

As an all-round replacement model, the interior of the new generation Tiggo 8 is based on the forward-looking design concept of wide body, embracing and suspension, creating a horizontally integrated suspended instrument panel and central control area, with advanced electronic gear shifting and wireless charging of mobile phones, creating an unprecedented sense of technological luxury. At the same time, through the leading 12.3-inch Zhilian multifunctional full-screen LCD instrument, 10.25-inch ultra-clear touch capacitor central control screen, and 8-inch intelligent air-conditioning LCD touch screen, a futuristic Sanyi interactive technology luxury driving cockpit is constructed.

When it comes to the safety performance that consumers pay more attention to when buying a car, the new generation of Tiggo 8 will definitely let you sit back and relax. Because the new car is equipped with FCW front collision warning system, SLA speed limit sign monitoring and active reminder, LCA vehicle lane change safety reminder, RCTA reversing rear traffic blind spot warning, BSD all-weather high-precision blind spot monitoring, IHC intelligent far and near light control system and 360 bird’s-eye panoramic ultra-clear reversing image and many other intelligent driving functions, it has created an all-round safety fortress for users. The new generation of Tiggo 8 is the first mass-produced model of China brand to achieve L2-level automatic driving. It has dozens of market-leading or unique intelligent driving configurations such as APA automatic parking and LKA lane keeping. The full-speed ACC adaptive cruise system carried by this car can realize full-speed adaptive cruise of 0-150km/h, making driving easier for users. At the same time, the new generation of Tiggo 8 is also equipped with AEB automatic emergency braking system, which not only provides pedestrian protection, but also increases the protection for cyclists and makes consumers’ driving safer.

As a popular home SUV, the flexible super space of the new generation Tiggo 8 must be the most exciting place for consumers. According to the data, the body length, width and height of the new generation Tiggo 8 are 4700m x1860mm x1746mm, and the wheelbase is 2710 mm. At the same time, the car has 5-seat and 5+2-seat models to choose from, and the trunk space is up to 1930L, which can easily meet the needs of 12 different daily trips.

During the Guangzhou May 1 Auto Show, in addition to the pre-sale of the new generation of Tiggo 8, Chery booth also set up a wealth of performances and interactive games, so that consumers in Guangzhou can experience the beautiful car life in person. At the same time, in the next month, Chery Automobile will continue to exert its efforts to launch a public beta of a new generation of Tiggo with 800,000 people in 100 cities with the theme of "Burning Your Moment". At that time, it will take more than 30 days, span more than 200 cities, accept the rigorous review from 100,000 consumers, and deeply analyze the extraordinary strength and ultimate quality of the new generation of Tiggo 8 with diversified test items. In the future, the burning moment of the new generation of Tiggo 8 is worth looking forward to. (Text/Cheyou can’t do without a car)

Configuration upgrade, price increase or 20,000 yuan! 2023 BYD Tang DM-i Champion Edition will be available soon.

As the flagship SUV of BYD brand, it has been more than seven years since its launch. When the first generation of Tang was just released, Chinese people were full of praise for its appearance design and the "542 technology" ("5 stands for acceleration within 5 seconds per 100 kilometers, 4 stands for full-time electric four-wheel drive, and 2 stands for fuel consumption within 2 liters per 100 kilometers).

The picture shows BYD Tang generation.

2023 BYD Tang DM-i (left) and 2023 BYD Han EV (right)

Now that more than seven years have passed, the 2023 champion model of Tang DM-i will be officially launched to meet us. What improvements will this new car have? Can it surprise us in terms of price? Today, let’s take a brief look at this new car.

First of all, in terms of appearance, the 2023 Tang DM-i champion model still adopts BYD’s family-style "Dragon Beauty" design, and the overall visual effect is also calm. It is worth mentioning that this new model has added the car paint with glacier blue color matching to better cater to the aesthetics and needs of young users.

In terms of size, the length, width and height of the 2023 champion model of Tang DM-i are 4870/1950/1725mm and the wheelbase is 2820mm, which remains unchanged compared with the current model. However, the rim shape of the new model has been adjusted, and tyre size has been upgraded to 255/50 R20 to further improve the grip performance and mute effect.

Secondly, in terms of interior, the 2023 Tang DM-i Champion Edition still adopts the design style of the current model, which looks full of luxury and takes into account a certain sense of science and technology. In addition, the 15.6-inch adaptive rotating central control panel is retained, and it will also be equipped with the latest DiLink 4.0(5G) intelligent interconnection system and DiPilot intelligent driver assistance system.

By the way, the 2023 Tang DM-i Champion Edition model may still provide three configurations, namely, 112km distinguished model, 112km distinguished model and 112km distinguished model, and the specific configuration level is as follows:

The Premium Edition will add FSD adaptive suspension system, Apple NFC, 40 kW fast charging and other functions.

The Honorable Edition will add 5G, Dana Audio and FSD adaptive suspension; And may cancel the automatic anti-glare rearview mirror, seat leg rest and memory functions.

The exclusive version will be equipped with HUD head-up display, automatic anti-glare rearview mirror, seat leg rest and memory function, leather seat and other configurations.

Overall, the biggest change in the configuration of the 2023 Tang DM-i Champion Edition is that it comes standard with FSD adaptive suspension and provides a 40 kW fast charging function. For our users, the added adaptive suspension can improve the comfort of the vehicle when driving, improve the overall handling level and driving quality, while the 40 kW fast charging can greatly facilitate the charging of the owner’s mobile equipment, so it will also help to improve the practicality.

Finally, in terms of power, the 2023 Tang DM-i Champion Edition will continue to be equipped with BYD DM-i super hybrid system, which includes 1.5T super hybrid engine, EHS electric hybrid system motor, AC/DC vehicle charger and DM-i super hybrid blade battery. Among them, the maximum power of the engine is 102 kW, the peak torque is 231 Nm, the maximum power of the motor is 160 kW, and the peak torque is 325 Nm. The official acceleration time of 100 kilometers is 8.5 seconds, and the main focus is also energy saving and economy.

In terms of price, judging from the notice of withholding the price of the 2023 Tang DM-i champion model obtained from relevant channels, the starting price of the new car may be slightly higher than that of the 2021 Tang DM-i 112km version on sale. Among them, the price of the 2021 Tang DM-i 112km premium model currently on sale is 199,800 yuan, but it may rise to 219,800 yuan when it comes to the new 2023 Tang DM-i champion 112km premium model, which is 20,000 yuan higher than the old model. In addition, the price of the distinguished type and the exclusive type may be in the range of 230,000 to 240,000. What are your opinions and thoughts about this price that may increase slightly?

We believe that under the premise that BYD is expected to provide FSD adaptive suspension, Apple NFC and 40 kW fast charging as standard for the 2023 Tang DM-i champion model, it is actually no problem for the new car price to increase by 20,000 yuan compared with the cash.

You know, we go outside and choose to install a set of FSD adaptive suspension, and the market price also needs to range from 3000 to 5000 yuan, not to mention the matching and whether there will be some problems in subsequent use. Now BYD is expected to provide the 2023 champion model of Tang DM-i with FSD adaptive suspension as standard, and with many other configurations added and the body color and tires adjusted, I think it is acceptable if the price of the new car really rises by 20,000 yuan compared with the cash.

After all, BYD has not announced the sales price of the 2023 champion model of Tang DM-i yet. If the increase rate is less than 20,000, it will start at 213,800 instead of 219,800 as we guessed, then it will undoubtedly be more cost-effective to buy the latest model of Tang DM-I.

In short, with the official launch of the 2023 BYD Tang DM-i Champion Model on March 16th, our consumers will definitely have a good car to choose from with a budget of more than 200,000 yuan, so let’s look forward to its arrival. Finally, what do you think of this new glacier blue color scheme?

Auto Market Weekly Review/Zhengzhou Becomes the First Pilot of Full Electrification of Vehicles in the Public Sector; Double Eleven automobile consumption presents new features.

□ Dahebao Yu video reporter

Zhengzhou, the pioneer area of comprehensive electrification of vehicles in the public domain, became the first batch of pilots

On November 13th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Transport and other eight departments issued the Notice on Launching the First Pilot Area of Fully Electrified Vehicles in the Public Sector, and identified 15 cities including Beijing, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Chengdu and Zhengzhou as the pilot cities. The notice proposes to encourage the exploration and formation of a number of experiences and models that can be replicated and promoted, and play a leading role in demonstrating the comprehensive market-oriented expansion of new energy vehicles and the construction of a green and low-carbon transportation system.

Comments: Zhengzhou became the first batch of pilot cities because of the advantages of national comprehensive transportation hub and large electrification potential of logistics vehicles.

Dongfeng limited releases new business strategy.

On November 11th, Dongfeng Co., Ltd. released its new business strategy-Kai DNA+ strategic plan in Wuhan, opening a new path of joint venture, and will launch 10 new energy vehicles before the end of 2026, focusing on exploring the global market.

Comments: It marks that Dongfeng Limited’s joint venture mode has entered the 2.0 era, and it also means that its competitiveness has been comprehensively improved.

The first batch of trial cars of Haima EX00 (Zhixing Box) successfully rolled off the assembly line.

On November 15th, the first batch of prototype cars of Haima EX00 (Zhixing Box) rolled off the assembly line in Zhengzhou Haima Automobile Third Intelligent Factory. Since the first body-in-white rolled off the assembly line in September this year, it took only two months to realize the batch production of trial cars, creating the "Zhengzhou speed" for the whole vehicle manufacturing of new energy vehicles.

Comments: As a travel brand cultivated in Zhengzhou, Zhixing Box has been committed to innovating and sharing travel and travel scene services since its establishment, creating a new format of smart travel in the whole scene.

Wen Jie backed into BYD.

On November 13th, a video about a test drive car of the M5 Zhijia version crashed into a BYD dolphin parked in the rear when reversing, which was circulated on the Internet and caused a heated discussion. On the evening of the same day, Yu Chengdong, the chairman of BU, Huawei’s smart car solution, responded by saying that the accident occurred because the customer mistakenly stepped on the accelerator as a brake when reversing. The accident made AEB a hot topic again, which originated from Yu Chengdong’s response that "AEB function was not involved".

Comments: Under what conditions may AEB function fail? Where is the border? This is a problem.

BYD Equation Leopard’s first model Leopard 5 was officially launched.

On November 9, the first model of Equation Leopard, Leopard 5, was officially launched, with a price of 289,800-352,800 yuan. The top model was equipped with Yunqi -P intelligent body control system. The new car is positioned as a hard-core off-road SUV, adopting a non-load-bearing structure more suitable for pickup trucks and off-road vehicles, equipped with BYD’s new hybrid technology platform (DMO) and CTC battery chassis integration technology, with a comprehensive cruising range of over 1,200 kilometers.

Comments: Equation Leopard is expected to be produced in Zhengzhou factory.

Seal DM-i Zhengzhou test drive

On November 9th, BYD Seal DM-i comparative test drive meeting was held in Zhengzhou, shangjie district. Seal DM-i not only realizes the real same price of oil and electricity, but also saves more fuel than the same class of fuel vehicles. It can also be driven by pure electricity for short distances, and it is almost impossible to pick out short boards.

Comments: such a good new specialty of Zhengzhou, I hope everyone will support it.

The number of public charging piles in China is TOP10, ranking ninth in Henan.

On November 10th, China Charging Alliance released the operation of the national electric vehicle charging and replacing infrastructure in October 2023:

By October 2023, the cumulative number of charging infrastructure in China was 7.954 million units, up 68.9% year-on-year. In terms of the number of public charging piles, the TOP10 provinces are Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Hubei, Beijing, Shandong, Anhui, Henan and Sichuan, and the proportion of public charging piles built in this TOP 10 area is 71.6%.

Comments: Henan should speed up the layout and strive to be far ahead of other northern provinces.

Volvo EM90 world premiere

On November 12th, Volvo EM90, Volvo’s first pure electric luxury MPV, ushered in the world premiere, and simultaneously opened the reservation in Chinese mainland, with a price of 818,000 yuan. Based on the SEA platform, this model locates the medium and large MPV with pure electricity. It will be equipped with a motor with a maximum power of 200kW and a ternary lithium-ion battery pack with a top speed of 180 kilometers per hour.

Comments: Under the trend of electrification and intelligence, brands have been transformed, and Volvo is no exception.

Dongfeng new energy brand "Dongfeng e π" released

On November 10th, Dongfeng Motor officially released its brand new energy brand-"Dongfeng eπ", and its first model, Dongfeng eπ 007, made its debut. The new model will be based on Dongfeng quantum architecture, equipped with Dongfeng Mach E power system, with optional 160kW or 200kW electric drive assembly, and it is expected to provide extended range and electric four-wheel drive power system in the future. It is reported that by 2025, Dongfeng will launch 21 new energy passenger cars and 17 new energy commercial vehicle basic models.

Comments: "Dongfeng eπ" brand reflects the coverage of Dongfeng Motor in the electrification market.

The delivery seasons of A05 and A07 of Chang ‘an Qiyuan are fully opened.

On November 12th, Changan Qiyuan opened the A05 and A07 delivery seasons in six major cities across the country. Through the sense of ceremony of on-site delivery, car owners can have a deeper understanding of the charm of Changan Qiyuan, among which Zhengzhou Station was selected as the landmark of Zhengzhou, Futa, Zhongyuan.

Comments: Changan Qiyuan’s design style emphasizes youth, fashion and sports, and the target consumer groups are more inclined to young people.

Zhengzhou: Support large-scale new energy vehicle enterprises and financial institutions to jointly set up auto finance companies.

On November 9th, Zhengzhou Municipal People’s Government, China People’s Bank Henan Branch, Henan Supervision Bureau of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Henan Securities Regulatory Bureau jointly issued the Opinions on Financial Support for the High-quality Development of the Industrial Chain of New Energy Vehicles. The "Opinions" mentioned that it is necessary to increase financial support for key links in the new energy automobile industry chain. Support large-scale new energy vehicle enterprises and financial institutions to jointly set up auto finance companies to provide specialized financial services for new energy vehicle consumption.

Comments: Auto finance is an important supporting link of the auto industry.

Zhijie S7 is first equipped with HarmonyOS 4 intelligent cockpit and parking driving system.

On November 9th, Yu Chengdong, chairman of BU, Huawei’s smart car solution, said at the pre-sale conference of Zhijie S7 that Zhijie S7 was the first vehicle equipped with Huawei’s brand-new Turing smart chassis, and was equipped with a smarter high-level intelligent driving system, which started parking on behalf of others and realized over-the-horizon autonomous parking. At the same time, Zhijie S7 was first equipped with HarmonyOS 4 smart cockpit. The new car will be officially released on November 28th.

Comments: This is also far ahead.

In October, the retail sales of the generalized passenger car market was 2.051 million units, up 9.9% year-on-year.

On November 8, the data released by the Association showed that the retail sales of the generalized passenger car market in October was 2.051 million, up 9.9% year-on-year and 0.7% quarter-on-quarter. From January to October, the retail sales of the generalized passenger car market was 16.956 million, up 3% year-on-year; In October, the new energy passenger car market retailed 767,000 vehicles, up 37.5% year-on-year and 2.7% quarter-on-quarter. From January to October, the total retail sales of the new energy passenger car market was 5.954 million, a year-on-year increase of 34.2%.

Comments: In October this year, the retail sales of the auto market strengthened month-on-month, forming a strong trend of "silver nine gold ten", which is also a common trend in recent years, because the growth momentum of new energy vehicles drove the chain to strengthen.

In October, the penetration rate of Class B new energy vehicles exceeded 39.5%.

On November 13, the Federation issued a document saying that in October, the highest penetration rate of new energy vehicles was small cars, and the penetration rate of mini-cars was 100%; A0-class small cars are promoted particularly fast, reaching 66%; The penetration rate of A-class vehicles exceeded 22.6%, but it was still the lowest among all levels, with a slow annual increase. B-class cars are also greatly improved, exceeding 39.5%, and the average annual improvement speed is very fast.

Comments: The contribution of new energy vehicles will still increase slightly in the coming months.

Release of Auto-driving Evaluation Rules of China Intelligent Networked Automobile Technical Regulations

On November 12th, the Automobile Evaluation Management Center of China Automobile Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd. released the automatic driving evaluation rules of China Intelligent Networked Automobile Technical Regulations, which mainly included two parts: real road performance and realizable function. It is reported that "China Intelligent Networked Vehicle Technical Specification" will be implemented step by step, and a complete evaluation system is expected to be launched in 2025.

Comments: China’s autonomous driving has been far ahead for a long time, and it should be the standard setter.

FAW Toyota responded that it will continue to reduce production in the next three months.

In response to the news that "production will continue to be reduced in the next three months", FAW Toyota related people responded that "this matter is based on the current market competition environment. On the one hand, we face up to the real pressure of dealers in terms of capital, inventory and income, and strive to ensure the quality of sales at the end of the year. On the other hand, on the basis of stabilizing this year’s sales and reasonable profits, we can also adjust our posture for the sales increase next year. "

Comments: It is fundamental to alleviate the pressure on dealers’ income.

Tesla was awarded the excellent case of ESG practice of "Xinhua Credit Jinlan Cup" in Zhengzhou.

Recently, the 5th China Urban Credit Construction Summit Forum-Enterprise ESG and High-quality Development Sub-forum was held in Zhengzhou, and Tesla (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was awarded as an excellent case of ESG practice in Xinhua Credit Jinlan Cup.

Comments: I expect Tesla to invest more in Zhengzhou.

The appearance of Xiaomi car was officially exposed.

On November 15th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued "Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products" (the 377th batch), and Xiaomi brand cars, which are pure electric cars, are listed. The latest news shows that Xiaomi’s first car will be positioned as a C-class eco-technology car with a price of 300,000+and equipped with the latest 澎湃 OS system.

Comments: The power battery of the driving motor and the integrated die-casting body all have the technology developed by Xiaomi.

"Double Eleven" auto market presents new features.

In the past "Double Eleven", the online consumption of automobiles showed new features. In the case that "low price, experience and service" became the new consumption trend this year, the sales of whole automobiles ebbed compared with previous years, while the consumption of car services such as maintenance, maintenance and charging increased. In the background of low automobile consumption, a 50,000-yuan mini-car has become this year."Double Eleven"The best-selling model.

Comments: A new consumption trend is taking shape in the automobile field.

Whether WeChat gives Tik Tok a "bright red card" is a monopoly or unfair competition is controversial.

  A few days ago, Tik Tok said that new users could not log in to Tik Tok normally with the authorization of WeChat, because there was a problem with the login service provided by WeChat open platform, which caused troubles to the common users of Tik Tok and WeChat. According to people close to Tencent, WeChat’s move is "based on platform rules and consideration of protecting users’ privacy".

  At the beginning of the new year, Tik Tok released the video social App "Duoshan", and it was soon discovered that the download link was blocked by WeChat on the grounds that "the webpage contains unsafe content".

  As of press time, Tencent officials did not respond to this matter. However, on January 26th, WeChat issued a notice on "Handling of Recent Induced Violation and Malicious Confrontation", which explicitly prohibited the testing and induced behavior of external links, and specifically named the offending apps including today’s headlines, Tencent’s Didi Chuxing, JD.COM and so on.

  Is it suspected of unfair competition?

  On January 23, the relevant person in charge of Tik Tok said in an interview with the media that WeChat has the value of hydropower infrastructure. At present, there are more than 200 million users who use WeChat accounts to log in to Tik Tok alone. Once WeChat is unilaterally banned, it will have a greater impact on users.

  Cong Lixian, a professor at the School of Intellectual Property of East China University of Political Science and Law, holds different views on the "infrastructure theory". He told the "Legal Daily" reporter that under normal circumstances, basic telecom service providers are considered as basic network service providers. Facebook and Twitter have a very large market share in the United States and have never been recognized as infrastructure.

  Earlier, Zhang Xinnian, a Beijing lawyer, said in an interview with the media that if Tencent unilaterally terminated Tik Tok’s WeChat authorized login, it would be suspected of damaging the normal choice rights of Tik Tok operators and consumers, which could be considered as unfair competition.

  Cong Lixian believes that in the market economy, whether it is compatible with other people’s products or services is usually the result of free competition, and deciding whether it is compatible is also a voluntary choice for operators to maximize their interests. Whether incompatible behavior constitutes unfair competition as stipulated in the Anti-Unfair Competition Law depends on whether the operator is malicious.

  "Based on the protection of personal information and the protection of corporate commercial resources, it is understandable that WeChat carries out necessary management and does not involve malicious incompatibility; Wechat and Tik Tok can still be installed and run on the same device, and they are not compatible. Moreover, in addition to WeChat account, Tik Tok users can also choose to log in to Tik Tok by means of mobile phone number, headline account, etc., not just relying on WeChat account login. " Cong Lixian said that this is a normal enterprise competition, and moral kidnapping should not be used to accuse normal business operations.

  Kong Xiangjun, dean of the Institute of Intellectual Property and Competition Law of Shanghai Jiaotong University, said in an interview with the Legal Daily that compatibility is not only the operator’s choice, but also may be based on various reasonable factors such as safety and efficiency. Compatibility and incompatibility are common phenomena on the Internet, and forced compatibility is not only impossible, but also harmful. We should not only adhere to the principle of freedom of competition, but also limit the scope of "malice".

  "As far as this incident is concerned, if Tik Tok has a variety of options for users’ access channels, a certain platform operator has no obligation to open up. Whether or not to open the platform is usually the freedom of competition of operators, and the law only restricts the competitive behavior of monopoly operators. Wechat’s termination of authorized login will objectively bring inconvenience to Tik Tok users, but this benefit has not yet risen to the legal level, more like a ‘ Reflective interests ’ That is, if it is good to log in with WeChat account, it will cause some inconvenience if it cannot be used. However, this benefit is the reflective benefit brought by the previous login. The benefits felt by the parties are not real benefits, so it is difficult to claim rights. " Kong Xiangjun said.

  Internet industry is cautious about monopoly.

  Accusing the monopoly of WeChat is the voice that the headline department has made many times. The relevant person in charge of headlines once pointed out in an interview with the media: "The core lies in the rapid development of headline products, including Tik Tok, which has shaken Tencent’s monopoly position and commercial interests."

  So, does WeChat’s behavior constitute a monopoly? Article 3 of the anti-monopoly law stipulates that monopolistic behaviors include: the operators reach a monopoly agreement; Operators abuse market dominance; Concentration of operators that have or may have the effect of eliminating or restricting competition.

  Sheng Jiemin, a well-known expert in anti-monopoly law and a professor at Peking University Law School, said in an interview with the reporter of Legal Daily that in fact, the determination of monopoly status is very complicated, and in judicial and law enforcement practice, it is necessary to be very cautious about the determination of "abuse of market dominance" by enterprises.

  "Many people think that a large market share has a monopoly position, but it is not. To judge whether an enterprise has or abuses a dominant market position, many factors must be considered." Sheng Jiemin said that the rapid iteration of the Internet industry determines the criteria for judging dynamic competition rather than static scale. In addition, Internet companies are trying their best to expand their own scale, and the boundaries of related markets are far less clear than those of traditional markets. In this case, more attention should be paid to market entry, market behavior of operators, impact on competition and other factors.

  Cong Lixian also believes that it is difficult to define the scope of the relevant market, whether the specific parties in the relevant market are involved in market dominance, and whether the relevant parties are abusing market dominance. "In view of this incident, WeChat belongs to social software and Tik Tok belongs to short video application, and they actually do not belong to the same relevant market."

  You Yunting, a Shanghai lawyer, told the reporter of Legal Daily that on the issue of monopoly, on the one hand, it depends on whether the operators have a dominant market position, and on the other hand, it depends on whether the consequences of monopolistic behavior have caused subversive changes to the whole competition pattern. "Tencent didn’t block all users in Tik Tok, but just stopped logging in new users’ WeChat accounts, not to mention abusing the dominant market position."

  Xue Jun, deputy dean of Peking University Law School, told the Legal Daily reporter: "Being unable to log in with WeChat account normally will objectively affect the user experience of Tik Tok users, but it is unlikely to have a long-term and obvious effect of eliminating and restricting competition. Because even if Tik Tok users can’t log in with WeChat account, they can log in by other means. It is still necessary to go deep into the specific legal relationship involved by the parties, and not just look at some big things, otherwise it may be biased. "

  "This incident is not entirely a bad thing for Tik Tok. In a sense, it is also an opportunity to test the stickiness of Tik Tok users. Enterprises must have a sense of management and cannot pin their business models on the cooperation of others. " Xue Jun said.

  Information security attracts netizens’ attention

  Although Tik Tok has repeatedly denied "acquiring the WeChat relationship chain" in this storm, the discussion on the relationship chain has not stopped.

  Weibo user "Nutritionist-Guo Lin" said, "My Tik Tok has not been bound to WeChat. Today, I downloaded Duoshan, logged in with Tik Tok, and saw that many friends recommended are WeChat friends … … I feel that Tik Tok is very unsafe. ".

  On January 25th, Zhou Tian Finance reported that the code screenshots obtained from the industry showed that today’s headline adjusted the Cookie of WeChat browser and sent it back to today’s headline server. It is speculated that the headline is likely to obtain the WeChat friend relationship chain in this way. According to the screenshot, the headline extends the life cycle of Cookie in WeChat browser to 10 years, while in the industry, such cycle is usually about a few days.

  Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, believes that in the era of big data, respecting users’ right to choose and privacy is an eternal theme. Taking the case of using Sina Weibo user information illegally by Pulse as an example, the court held that protecting user information was an important basis to measure the legitimacy of the operator’s behavior, and finally decided that Pulse constituted unfair competition.

  Zhu Wei said that enterprises should give priority to personal information security and privacy protection from the perspective of users. Secondly, under the framework of laws and regulations, reasonable and proper use of data can bring better product experience to users.

  You Yunting added that in addition to the platform side, users should also raise their awareness of self-protection. They should try to install products from big companies and not install apps from unknown sources. Permissions related to their privacy must be thoroughly understood before choosing whether to agree or disagree, and synchronization functions must not be abused. Reduce the possibility of personal information disclosure through good use. (Reporter Han Dandong Luo Congran)

Football database football database football league information scout-financial encyclopedia

Football database football database football league information scout

1. "Football Database Football Database Football League Information Scout" The court made a mistake because of the same name. Did the executor "seal up" the record for life?

2. "Football Database Football Database Football League Information Scout" recruited employees of spyware companies and caused controversy: Coinbase fired relevant employees.

3, "Football Database Football Database Football League Information Scout" 53-year-old Gong Li remarried 71-year-old French musician husband Gao Yanzhao madly passed.

{News Network Content}

A Weibo 50,000 Shandong Men’s Basketball Association published inappropriate information and was reduced by 50,000 yuan.

Live broadcast on August 4 th CBA officially announced that Shandong Expressway Club released inappropriate information through the official social media platform, giving it a penalty of 50,000 yuan for reducing the league expenses of the club.

The official announcement of CBA is as follows:

CBA clubs:

On July 31, 2023, China Basketball Association (Beijing) Sports Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "CBA Company") punished the violations related to the Yumin Station competition of the 2023 CBA Summer League.Shandong Expressway Club released inappropriate information through the official social media platform, which had a negative impact on CBA league.

In order to enforce the league discipline, according to the provisions of Article 86 of Chapter VII of the Disciplinary Guidelines for Chinese Men’s Basketball Professional League (hereinafter referred to as the Disciplinary Guidelines),Shandong Expressway Club was fined 50,000 yuan for reducing the league expenses of the club.

Here, CBA Company requires Shandong Expressway Club to do its own education and rectification work on the above issues, put an end to behaviors that are detrimental to the league and sportsmanship, and maintain the image of China basketball and CBA league.

I am writing to inform you.

On the evening of July 31st, CBA officially announced the punishment for the conflict between Shandong and Xinjiang Summer League. Yu Dehao and Jia Cheng were suspended for one game and fined 20,000 yuan, while Gao Shiyan was fined 10,000 yuan.

After the ticket was issued, Weibo, the official of Shandong Men’s Basketball Team, released a dynamic statement, saying that the club decided to impose internal penalties on Gao Shiyan and Jia Cheng, and one person was fined 100,000 yuan; After that, this Weibo dynamic was deleted.

Different choices: Kobe failed to catch up with Jordan, and James found another way to "be king" in another place.

When it comes to the comparison between Kobe and Jordan, most people think that Jordan is the first shooting guard in the NBA, Kobe is the second shooting guard in the NBA, and Jordan is in front of Kobe, which is not controversial.

When it comes to the comparison between James and Jordan, most people think that Jordan is ahead of James; But some people think that James should be ahead of Jordan.

The reason why there is such a big difference is not because James is better than Kobe, but because of the track problem.

Kobe’s choice is to catch up with Jordan head-on. His route is similar to Jordan’s, and even his playing style and style are close to Jordan’s. In this case, Jordan has six champions and six FMVPs, and Kobe has five champions and two FMVPs, so everyone thinks that Jordan won and Kobe lost.

James’ choice was to find another way. The route he took was different from Jordan’s, and even this road was not traveled by many people. In the end, James achieved some "first" achievements on his own road, but many NBA stars including Jordan didn’t, so James did what they didn’t do, so comparing from different angles, naturally James could be ahead of Jordan.

The most typical example is that James is the first player in NBA history to get FMVP from three different teams, but Jordan, Duncan, Russell, Bird, Jabbar and other stars can’t even get together with three teams. From this perspective, James is indeed the first person in history.

This is also the reason why in the first-person vote in history, Kobe got less votes and James got more votes.

Take the World Cup group match as an example. In the 2022 World Cup group match, the first in Group E is Japan, the second is Spain, the first in Group F is Morocco, and the second is Croatia.

Jordan is Morocco and Kobe is Croatia. They are very comparable. In contrast, Jordan is in the lead, so there is no suspense in the ranking. Jordan is the first and Kobe is the second.

James is Japan, and he is on his own way, and he is also the first. Durant and Harden are similar to James’ route. Obviously, they are all behind James.

When choosing the strongest team in the group stage, no one will choose Croatia because it has Morocco in front of it, but someone will choose Japan because it is also the first in the group. But can you say that Japan, which ranks first in Group E, must be better than Croatia, which ranks second in Group F?

Obviously not.

This is Kobe’s paranoia.

In fact, there was only one person in Kobe’s pursuit, that is Jordan. He just wanted to catch up with Jordan. As for the others, he didn’t care. For him, he either surpassed Jordan or didn’t surpass him. That’s all. In his cognition, there is no difference between the second place and the 100th place, so he can say that the second place is the biggest loser.

Of course, there was another one he wanted to surpass, and that was O ‘Neill …

James, on the other hand, is more rational and smarter.

Perhaps he wanted to catch up with Jordan’s path in the early days, but after realizing the difficulty, he chose another one. On this road, James was one of the pioneers, and finally he succeeded and became the leader of this road.

You can’t say that James’s other way is bad. After all, many imitators followed James’s old path, but their achievements were not as high as James’s, such as Durant.

And James is also trying to collect all kinds of "firsts" to increase his chips for the GOAT.

There are many criteria for the selection of the GOAT, among which James is the GOAT, but in fact, from a competitive point of view, Jordan is undoubtedly the GOAT, which is the fundamental reason why Jordan has a very high position in the NBA.