Chen He’s villain in "Aiming": Seize a good opportunity

Wen/Yangcheng Evening News All Media Reporters, Gong Weifeng, Huang Xiangyu

Recently, the TV series "Aiming" has followed up "Together" on the Oriental Theater of Oriental Satellite TV, and it is broadcast in two episodes every night. The drama is directed by Wubai and Buick, with Huang Hui as the chief screenwriter, and starring Huang Xuan, Chen He, Yang Caiyu and Li Xirui. "Aiming" tells the story of the beginning of the liberation of Songjiang, when Su Wenqian (played by Huang Xuan) and Chi Tiecheng (played by Chen He), the ace partners in the sniper circle, went to the opposite side due to differences in beliefs, and eventually went to different fates in life-and-death confrontations and clashes of beliefs.

After "Aim" went LIVE, it achieved high reputation and topic trendiness. Chen He changed the comedy image established in works such as "Love Apartment" and "Run", and starred as a "villain" in a period drama for the first time. Slightly curled shoulder-length long hair, evil laughter, fierce and ferocious roar… Chen He played "Cold Killer" Chi Tiecheng. Regarding the breakthrough in this performance, Chen He said frankly: "It is not difficult to put away’funny ‘and become’cold’, this is the basic ability of an actor."

Role Realization Breakthrough

In "Aim," Chi Tiecheng is codenamed "Jellyfish" and leads a "Jellyfish Assassination Team" of professional killers. He is far-sighted and cold-blooded, with only tasks in mind, and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. His partner, Su Wenqian, codenamed "Muyu", is a kind sniper. Chen He explains the relationship between the two: "The two are old partners who can’t forget each other. Chi Tiecheng always wants to prove that he is stronger than Su Wenqian, but he can never surpass the other. At the peak of the two, Su Wenqian chose to leave. In Chi Tiecheng’s heart, this is like a knot in his heart. He wants to find Su Wenqian and prove that he is the strongest."

Before taking on the role of "Chi Tiecheng", Chen He and the director 500 Bai had a meal, and the two were very close. At that time, Chen He had read two or three episodes of the script and liked the rhythm of the script, but he also had concerns in his heart, because he had never played a villain before. Chen He recalled: "The family said to me, ‘Chen He, do you want to stay in the safe zone of your performance forever?’ This sentence was quite irritating to me, so I resolutely went."

Before this, Chen He also thought about breaking through the safe zone: "No one asked me to do this kind of drama before. It can be said that I was ready, but many producers were not ready." This time, Chen He was very grateful to 500: "Every aspect of this role is something I have never played before. No one ever asked me to play the villain. It seems that all the producers at that time also opposed me to play this role. It was 500 who defied all opinions and thought I was suitable."

Chen He’s long hair style was helpful in finding the role, but he says the process of accepting the look was torturous: "When I knew I had to wear a wig, I was blinded. It took me more than ten days to get used to this hair, and it was so difficult. When the wind blew on my face, I didn’t know how to talk, and I didn’t flick my hair at all… I prefer to recall the short hair back look that appeared in the camera when setting makeup." Chen He laments: "In order to wear a wig, I had to get up an hour and a half earlier to put on makeup. This time I felt that it is not easy for a costume drama actor."

Acting is most afraid of playing

"Aim" is particularly full of action scenes, and the showdown between "jellyfish" and "herding fish" is even more thrilling. Chen He said: "I used to shoot very few gunfights and explosions, but this time I shot a lot. At the beginning, there was a crackle. Huang Xuan and I circled around the explosion point, blowing our souls away. At night, our brains were buzzing."

Many viewers noticed that Chen He used his trademark evil laughter in "Aim". Chen He revealed: "I originally designed another kind of laughter, but the 500 directors didn’t think I needed to avoid the previous laughter. Chi Tiecheng has his own character, and he wants to make the audience feel creepy when they hear me laugh, and to perform that kind of aura and atmosphere."

In "Aim", Chi Tiecheng’s superficial identity is that of a pastry chef with excellent professional skills and can make a variety of complex cakes. In the close-up shot of Chi Tiecheng making cakes in the play, Chen He is quite realistic. "I am more interested in all the things I like to eat. I have attended a cake-making training class and can make them."

"Huang Xuan is not as cool as he looks on the surface, he is actually a very sunny and warm big boy," Mr. Chen said of his partnership with Mr. Huang. "In addition to filming, we also get together at night to have a few drinks and be very happy."

It’s not intentional.

In 2009, Chen He entered the public eye with the role of Zeng Xiaoxian in "Love Apartment". Zeng Xiaoxian’s humorous and "cheap and cute" character was once equated with Chen He. Later, Chen He further established his image as a comedian in film and television works such as "The Story of the Medical Hall" and "The Best Family Member". Chen He stressed that this time the role of "cold killer" was not deliberately transformed: "An actor is about trying different roles, and this time I was lucky to meet a good script and a good director."

Chen He was an actor at the Shanghai Drama Art Center. "I’ve been acting in plays since my first year of graduation. I’ve tried out many different roles on stage, but the audience for plays is relatively small, and’Love Apartment ‘was filmed earlier, so more people know it."

After the broadcast of "Aim", many viewers said that they wanted to laugh when they saw Chen He appear. In this regard, Chen He said: "I am very lucky that’Zeng Xiaoxian ‘can be remembered by everyone. The feedback from the audience is also what I expected. As an actor, I can only try my best to play every role, including this time’Chi Tiecheng’. As for whether everyone likes it or not, I can only say that I tried my best." In his opinion, this performance gave him a chance to show his fists. "It is not difficult to put away’funny ‘and become’cold’. This is the basic ability of an actor."

Regarding the "unaccustomed" of some viewers, Chen He had something to say: "I play Zeng Xiaoxian, participate in variety shows, open hot pot restaurants, play live broadcasts, and make costumes, so that more people are familiar with me, and sometimes I will be questioned, but I am trying my best to do everything well."

There will be no limits in the future.

The collaboration on "Aim" allowed Chen He to establish a deep friendship with the director of 500: "After filming this drama, I seem to have become a member of his team. He is very charismatic and will gather a group of brothers around him to work together and create for his dreams." Chen He also found a sense of security and trust in 500: "When I was in college, my teacher told me that a good actor should be the best tool for a director. You have to be like water. If the director pours you into a cup of any shape, you will become the shape of the cup."

This year, Chen He also collaborated with 500 on the TV series "Dress Up". Chen He said: "I developed a tacit understanding with 500. When we were together, we hardly talked about the play, and we understood each other with one look. He often asked the executive director to come to the scene and said that he would let me play another one. I asked the executive director, how should I act? The executive director said, the director said you understand, and I understand, that’s how tacit understanding is."

Regarding the future role, Chen He was very calm: "I didn’t expect myself to play any role, so I will seize this good opportunity. If I were to play a comedy for the rest of my life, I would be willing."

Several new energy vehicles with a battery life of more than 800 kilometers, more than 1,000 kilometers is really fragrant

Battery life has always been the top priority for target people to buy new energy vehicles. Fully charged, full of fuel, and being able to run far is the breakthrough for new energy vehicles to compete with fuel vehicles. Today we will summarize several new energy vehicles with a battery life of more than 800 kilometers.

The first model,. Positioning medium and large cars, is one of the three tripods in the Chinese market at present. In the case of full fuel and full power, it can really last 835.3 kilometers, and the comprehensive fuel consumption is 6.61L per 100 kilometers. Combined with the price of 338,000 yuan, the fuel consumption can not be considered too good, but it can give you a lot of space and luxury. When the oil is full, the battery will be charged first, so the air conditioner will be suspended for a period of time, and the humanization is insufficient.

The second model is the Tang DMI. The official said that the Tang DMI has a comprehensive battery life of 1050 kilometers, but the measured battery life is only 950.4 kilometers, which is about 100 kilometers less than the official figure, but the performance is also remarkable, with a comprehensive fuel consumption of about 5.8L. In the case of full fuel feeding, the Tang DMI also has a performance of 800 + kilometers.

The third,,,. ET7 and L7 are not yet on the market, but at the official press conference, they both claimed that the model will be equipped with technology, and the comprehensive battery life is expected to exceed 1,000 kilometers. Looking forward to the official listing of ET7 and L7. Huawei Smart Choice sf5 is a hump intelligence system jointly cooperated by Celis andIt is composed of Cyrus SEP200 high-performance AC asynchronous motor + Huawei DriveONE three-in-one electric drive system, forming a dual-motor intelligent four-wheel drive power combination, with a comprehensive cruising range of up to 1017 kilometers. Made by Huawei, it is somewhat reliable.

The fourth model,. The longest-lasting new energy vehicle in the B-class coupe, the extended-range version has a range of more than 1,100 kilometers, and the pure electric range is also more than 800 kilometers. This figure looks very wow, but it has not been listed yet. The specific performance can only wait until it is listed to see if it is true.

The fifth model, DMI. In the case of full fuel and full power, the official battery life is 1200 kilometers, the measured 1206.2 kilometers, and the comprehensive fuel consumption is about 5L. Without charging, it is completely driven as a fuel car. If you fill up a tank of fuel, you will also have a battery life of 1099 kilometers. How can you say it?

The sixth model, Qin DMI. That’s right, still. It’s really magical. As a compact sedan, the price of the 120KM flagship model is only 145,800 yuan, and the official battery life is 1200 kilometers. And measured, the full battery life reaches 1269.9 kilometers, and the fuel consumption per 100 kilometers is only about 3.8L. Under normal circumstances, because daily driving may encounter various situations, including turning on the air conditioner, heavy rain, etc., the actual battery life will be 20% off or even 60% off the official battery life. It is the only model with more actual battery life than the official announcement so far. This is really awesome!


Anxiety about battery life is a problem that every possible car buyer will worry about. A battery life of more than 1,000 kilometers is really fragrant, and you don’t have to worry about driving anywhere, and you don’t have to spend time charging. You don’t need to rely on the engine to generate electricity, but rely solely on the motor to achieve a battery life of 1,000 kilometers. It is the focus of research and development for every new energy company now. If any car company can give priority to such technology, it is estimated that which model will be able to attract the attention and pursuit of car buyers without much promotion.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  In July, it’s time for new car companies to submit their June sales transcripts. Judging from the delivery data released by car companies, most car companies have shown a steady growth trend, and the auto market has also ushered in a recovery.

  Among them, GAC Ai ‘an once again broke through the 40,000-vehicle mark, and LI’s monthly sales volume also exceeded 30,000. After adjustment, Weilai Automobile’s sales volume returned to the 10,000-vehicle club again, and Xpeng Motors, which just released the G6, is also struggling to catch up, and the market competition is very fierce. Next, look specifically.


  Sales in June: 45,013 vehicles, up 86.7% year-on-year.

  On July 1st, the brand released the sales data for June, reaching 45,013 vehicles, up 86.7% year-on-year, basically the same as that in May. From January to June, the cumulative sales volume was 209,336 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 109%.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  Since the beginning of 2023, the sales volume of Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an has grown steadily. Except for less than 10,000 vehicles in January, it has made rapid progress since February. The sales volume in February reached 30,086 vehicles, and the sales volume in March-June was 40,016 vehicles, 41,012 vehicles, 45,003 vehicles and 45,013 vehicles respectively. It can be seen that the sales performance of GAC Ai ‘an is very bright, and the monthly sales volume has exceeded 40,000 vehicles for several months.

  Judging from the current product structure, the main sales models of GAC Ai ‘an are still AION Y and AION S. These two cars have performed very well in all aspects, especially in terms of battery life and price.

  Of course, prior to this, Ai ‘an launched a limited-time preferential policy. By June 30th, when purchasing various models of Ai ‘an, you can get a maximum of 10,000 yuan of all-insurance subsidy, and at the same time, you can enjoy financial discount, replacement subsidy, new car charging ceremony and other benefits, which increased the sales volume of Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an in June.

  In July, Haobo ushered in the market. The new car is the first mass-produced model of AEP3.0 platform of Guangzhou Automobile Aian and Spirit electronic and electrical architecture. It adopts a brand-new design style and is equipped with rotor doors and electric tail fins, which looks very cool.

  In addition, the performance of the new car in terms of power is also very eye-catching. The power layout of single motor rear drive is adopted, and the comprehensive maximum power of the driving motor is 250 kW and the maximum torque is 430 Nm.

  After the listing of Haobo GT, GAC Aian will also enter the era of "Aian+Haobo" dual brands. In addition, according to the plan, the goal of GAC Ai ‘an in 2023 is to protect 500,000 vehicles and strive for 600,000 vehicles, and the growth rate needs to reach above 84.5%. According to the data of the first half of the year, the annual sales target achievement rate of GAC Ai ‘an exceeds 41%.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  In addition to the outstanding sales performance, GAC Ai ‘an also released two major action plans of "Quick Power Supply +V2G", which further optimized the private pile and shared power supply network to improve the convenience of car owners. It is understood that GAC Ai ‘an plans to build 180 power stations during the year, and it is estimated that 2000 super charging and replacing power stations will be built in 2025.

  Li Auto

  Sales in June: 32,575 vehicles, up 150.1% year-on-year.

  According to the new car delivery results released by LI in June, it delivered a total of 32,575 new cars, up 150.1% year-on-year. The monthly sales volume exceeded 30,000 for the first time, and the ideal L7 delivered more than 10,000 cars for three consecutive months.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  In 2023, LI performed well on the whole, with sales of 15,141 vehicles and 16,620 vehicles in January and February, both exceeding 10,000 vehicles. In March-May, sales exceeded 20,000 vehicles, with 20,823 vehicles, 25,681 vehicles and 28,277 vehicles respectively. In June, sales exceeded 30,000 vehicles for the first time, and sales have been rising.

  According to the data, in the second quarter of 2023, the cumulative delivery volume of LI reached 86,533 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 201.6%; From January to June, LI delivered a total of 139,117 new cars, up 130.3% year-on-year. The delivery in the first half of the year has exceeded the delivery in 2022.

  At present, L7, L8 and L9 launched by LI have all been delivered, and the product line layout has been basically completed. Based on this, LI is also full of confidence in the next sales performance.

  According to Li Xiang, Chairman and CEO of LI, in the third quarter of this year, the target of Ideal L8 and Ideal L9 is to deliver over 10,000 vehicles per month, and Ideal L7 challenges the target of 15,000 vehicles per month, and challenges the monthly delivery of 40,000 vehicles in the fourth quarter of this year.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  In addition, LI plans to launch the first 5C super flagship model Ideal MEGA in the fourth quarter of this year, and its market goal is to become the sales champion in the price range above 500,000 yuan.

  With the release of MEGA models, and the L7, L8 and L9 models of Ideal L family that have been listed now, Ideal will soon realize its layout of "extended range+pure electricity" and quick march.

  In a letter to all employees issued by LI on June 30th, Li Xiang said that the three years from 2023 to 2025 will be the most important three years for LI from stage 1 to stage 10. LI’s goal is to achieve the first sales volume of all luxury brands in the China market (that is, the first sales volume of all passenger cars above 200,000 yuan), and the delivery volume will reach 1.6 million vehicles/year.

  Earlier, Li Xiang also posted on social platforms that with the delivery of pure electric vehicles and the ideal L6 next year, we are confident that the total sales volume will exceed BBA in 2024. Generally speaking, in the luxury car market of over 300,000 yuan, including traditional fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles, LI has been firmly in the top five, and it is getting closer to BBA.

  Zero run car

  June sales: 13,209 vehicles, up 17.3% year-on-year.

  The data shows that the zero-running cars delivered a total of 13,209 new cars in June, up 17.3% year-on-year and 9.5% quarter-on-quarter. From January to June, the cumulative delivery volume of zero-running cars was 44,502.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  From the perspective of product structure, the delivery of zero-run C01 and C11 exceeded 11,600 vehicles, accounting for more than 87%, of which C11 delivered 8,900+vehicles, ranking first in the delivery of B-class new power SUV, and C01 delivered 2,700 vehicles for medium and large cars.

  According to the sales calculation, the proportion of T03, a zero-run entry model, is gradually decreasing, while the sales of C series are increasing significantly, which will also increase the average selling price of zero-run cars and bicycles. According to the data report in May, the average selling price of zero-running bicycles has increased from 136,000 yuan in 2022 to 168,000 yuan this year.

  After adjustment, the zero-run cars have been completely renewed, especially the zero-run C series, and extended-range models have been launched. With the highly competitive new price positioning of "the same price for oil", the market competitiveness has been significantly improved, and the sales volume has been steadily improved. In May, it has once again entered 10,000 clubs, and the sales volume climbed again in June. Therefore, it is expected that the zero-running car will improve the company’s gross profit margin after increasing the proportion of C platform models.

  On June 20 th, the official announcement of the zero-run car has completed the delivery of 200,000 vehicles. According to the previous plan, the sales target in 2023 is 200,000 vehicles. In the future, 1-3 new cars will be launched every year, and 7 new pure electric vehicles will be launched by 2025, covering the automobile markets such as cars, SUVs and MPVs.

  According to the zero-running aspect, in the second half of 2023, zero-running cars will focus on the popular price band of 150,000-200,000, and adhere to the "price-to-price ratio" to bring more surprises to consumers. In fact, from the growth data, the growth of zero-running cars is quite strong, at least in the second half of the year.

  Nezha automobile

  June sales: 12,132 vehicles, down 7.7% year-on-year.

  Nezha Automobile delivered 12,132 new cars in June, down 7.7% year-on-year, and 1,201 new cars were delivered in overseas markets. From January to June, the cumulative delivery of automobiles in Nezha has exceeded 60,000, reaching 62,417, up 200% year-on-year. Among them, Nezha GT, which has attracted much attention, sold only 1,298 vehicles in June, which is not satisfactory.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  Nezha officials said that 4,000 Nezha cars were sent abroad in June, and nearly 8,000 cars were exported in large quantities in the first half of this year. In the second half of 2023, Nezha cars will also land at the Munich Auto Show, and then Nezha GT will be listed overseas.

  It can be seen that Nezha Auto is constantly expanding its overseas market. At present, its products have been exported to ASEAN, South America and the Middle East. At the same time, it is also the first new car-making force to be listed in Thailand and Malaysia and deliver new cars. In addition, Nezha Auto also opened the first overseas vehicle factory in Thailand.

  Regarding the development of Nezha Auto, CEO of Nezha Auto revealed that in the next three years, Nezha Auto’s overseas revenue should be 20%-30% and 40%-50% in the overseas market within five years.

  At present, the product price of Nezha automobile covers the price range of 100,000-300,000 yuan, and the models cover three body forms, namely sports car, coupe and SUV. The power is from pure electric to extended range, and the products are very rich.

  Among them, Nezha GT is built on the platform of mountains and seas, and adopts a pure electric technology model with two doors and four seats, providing two choices of single motor and double motor. The CEO of Nezha Automobile once posted on the personal social platform that the female customers of Nezha GT account for nearly 30%, and those under 30 account for over 50%.

  Nezha V focuses on the 100,000-class smart car market, achieving equal rights in science and technology, and its high cost performance has become the first choice for most consumers; Nezha U is positioned as a smart luxury market with a price of 150,000 yuan, which is more attractive to young people. After all, its battery life is good, which makes more people feel smart and leapfrog. Nezha S entered the 300,000-class luxury new energy market and became one of the best-selling models in the B-class new energy market.

  At the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area International Automobile Expo held in June, the special edition of U Camping in Nezha made its stunning debut. The new car added a variety of new equipment on the basis of the original model, reaching a car suitable for camping life from the outside to the inside.

  At the beginning of July, Nezha U-Ⅱ Challenge Edition came into the market. The new car is positioned as a pure electric compact SUV. The biggest change is to upgrade the original dual 8-inch screen to a 12.3-inch dual screen, which has a stronger scientific and technological atmosphere.


  June sales: 10,707 vehicles, down 17% year-on-year.

  The data shows that in June, Weilai Automobile delivered a total of 10,707 new cars, up 74% from the previous month and down 17% year-on-year. Among them, 6,383 high-end intelligent electric SUVs and 4,324 high-end intelligent electric cars were delivered. From January to June 2023, Weilai delivered a total of 54,561 new cars. Up to now, Weilai has delivered a total of 344,117 new cars.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  From the data point of view, since June, Weilai’s sales volume has obviously improved, and the sales volume has exceeded 10,000. The simultaneous listing and delivery of the new ES6 helped Weilai’s sales, and the popularity of new cars on the Internet was high, which gave birth to an increase in orders.

  Then, Weilai adjusted the user’s rights and the price of all models. The price of all new cars was lowered by 30,000 yuan, and the lifetime free power exchange was cancelled. The warranty period of the whole vehicle was adjusted from 10 years of unlimited mileage to 6 years or 150,000 kilometers, 6 years of free car networking and lifetime free road rescue.

  At the same time, Weilai said that after June 12, free power exchange will no longer be used as the basic car rights, and users can choose to pay for power exchange at a single time. Weilai will launch a flexible power-on-energy package thereafter.

  Regarding this adjustment, Weilai Li Bin responded that this adjustment has been discussed internally for a long time and listened to the opinions and suggestions of some users. There are too many aspects to consider, and they are still being deliberated at three o’clock today. "Now is the most appropriate time to release", there must be some thoughtless places, and everyone can’t be satisfied.

  For the delivery expectation in the second half of this year, Li Bin said at the conference call in the first quarter of 2023: "We are confident to achieve the sales target of delivering 20,000 new cars every month." This price cut may be the "killer" for Li Bin to achieve its goal.

  Weilai Automobile’s actions don’t stop there. On June 15th, ET5 Travel Edition was launched, and the price of the new car was the same as that of the car, which caused a heated discussion in the industry. The car adopts pure electric mode, the overall design is more popular with young people, and the cockpit space and trunk space are very advantageous, as well as the towing function, which can be used for both general family use and travel.

  On June 28th, Weilai brand-new ES8 was delivered. As the first owner of the brand-new ES8, Yu Minhong went to Weilai to pick up the car that day, and the chairman Li Bin delivered it himself. In addition, Weilai EC6 also completed the new car declaration in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in February this year, and it is expected to be released and listed in the third quarter of this year.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  On June 30th, Weilai announced the launch of 51 charging and replacing stations, including 29 Weilai replacing stations, 18 Weilai super charging stations and 4 destination charging stations. In this regard, Li Bin issued a document in Weibo, saying that 51 charging and replacing power stations were put into operation in a single day, and the speed of infrastructure construction increased.

  In addition, as of June 30, 2023, there were 1,543 Weilai power stations, including 423 expressway power stations, 2,767 charging stations and 16,367 charging piles, and 740,000+third-party charging piles were connected to provide users with more convenient charging and replacing conditions.

  In 2023, Weilai will set the sales target at 250,000 vehicles. Weilai said that it is currently in the acceleration stage of cornering. With the arrival of new ES6 and ET5 series models, the sales volume will also be improved.


  Sales in June: 10,620 vehicles, up 146.9% year-on-year.

  According to the official news, 10,620 new cars were delivered in June, up about 146.9% year-on-year and 22.4% quarter-on-quarter, achieving positive growth year-on-year and quarter-on-quarter for five consecutive months. From January to June, the cumulative delivery of krypton was 42,633 vehicles. By the end of June, a total of 120,581 vehicles had been delivered.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  At present, Extreme Krypton has launched three models: Extreme Krypton 001, Extreme Krypton 009 and Extreme Krypton X. Among them, Extreme Krypton 001 is a pure electric hunting coupe, which is also the first model of Geely SEA’s vast architecture, and has won the recognition of consumers with its excellent performance. According to the data of the Federation, the sales volume of the car reached 25,000 from January to May, a year-on-year increase of 71%.

  In addition, in order to enhance the product value and user experience, Extreme Krypton 001 launched the right of "free upgrade of product power", and the value of free optional packages ranged from 28,000 to 35,000, which lasted until the end of September this year.

  Extreme Krypton 009 positioning luxury pure electric MPV, sales in the last three months have remained at the level of about 2,000 vehicles. And krypton X was gradually recognized after it was delivered in June. On June 28th, Extreme Krypton 001 and Extreme Krypton X were pre-sold in Europe, further boosting the sales of extreme Krypton cars.

  In addition to introducing more abundant products, Krypton Auto continues to expand its channels. The data shows that up to now, there are more than 300 directly operated stores, covering more than 70 cities across the country. In addition, there are 700 self-built charging stations in more than 120 cities across the country, with an average of one per day, ranking among the top three pure electric brands in China.

  XPENG Motors

  Sales in June: 8,620 vehicles, down 43.6% year-on-year.

  In June, the sales volume in Xpeng Motors was 8,620 vehicles, down 43.6% year-on-year and up 15% month-on-month, of which the total delivery of P7 increased by 17% month-on-month, and in the second quarter, 23,205 new vehicles were delivered, up 27% month-on-month. From January to June, there were 41,435 vehicles in Xpeng Motors. By June 30, 2023, the cumulative delivery in Xpeng Motors exceeded 300,000 vehicles.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  According to the data, Xpeng Motors is the only new car-making force whose monthly sales volume is less than 10,000 vehicles, and its sales growth has encountered a bottleneck.

  It is worth noting that it was launched on June 29th, and the new car was positioned as a medium-sized pure electric SUV. Five models were launched, with a starting price of 209,900 yuan. The whole system was built based on 800V architecture, providing XNGP intelligent assisted driving system, with excellent product strength and cost performance. The new car locks competitors into Tesla Model Y, which is very rich in intelligence and configuration.

  In this regard, He Xiaopeng, Chairman and CEO of Xpeng Motors, said: "Tucki G6 is a successful product with a monthly sales of at least 10,000 yuan, and it is confident to sell Tucki G6 to the sales champion of 250,000-yuan SUV within two months."

  At present, the problem that needs to be solved urgently in Xpeng Motors is sales volume. The price of Tucki G6 launched this time is low. According to Xpeng Motors, the pre-sale order of Tucki G6 has exceeded 35,000. If the production capacity can keep up, it will help Xpeng Motors to make a turnaround in sales volume.

  According to the plan previously released by Xpeng Motors, five new cars will be launched in 2023, including two brand-new models and three existing models, and the first MPV model in Tucki with internal code name H93 will be released in the fourth quarter of this year. When the products are abundant, Xpeng Motors is expected to achieve a breakthrough in sales.

  Shenlan automobile

  Sales in June: 8,041 vehicles, up 14.5% from the previous month.

  On July 1st, Deep Blue Automobile announced its sales performance in June. The data shows that the delivery volume of dark blue vehicles is 8,041 vehicles, an increase of more than 1,000 vehicles compared with May, and an increase of 14.5% from the previous month, which is basically the contribution of a dark blue SL03 vehicle. From January to June, Deep Blue delivered a total of 41,626 vehicles.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  On June 30th, Deep Blue S7 has started large-scale delivery. On the day of delivery, Deep Blue Auto also released a brand-new brand strategy. It plans to launch more than two new products every year, and launch more than 12 brand-new and redesigned models in three years, and move toward the long-term goal of 1.5 million vehicles, accelerate its entry into overseas markets, and build 10,000 marketing service contacts.

  With the landing of double cars, the subsequent delivery volume of Deep Blue Automobile will show an increasing trend. It is understood that at present, the large order volume of Deep Blue S7 has exceeded 10,000. At present, there are 746 order centers, 390 mobile exhibition halls, 427 delivery centers, 528 maintenance centers, and an online and offline butler center covering the whole country.

  Summary:In addition to the above-mentioned new energy vehicle brands, a number of car companies have also announced the sales data of their new energy products. For example, the sales volume of AITO reached 5,668 vehicles, Lantu delivered 3,007 new vehicles, Feifan F7 delivered 2,336 vehicles, Extremely Fox delivered 1,855 vehicles, Haval Xiaolong series achieved 6,098 vehicles, and Wuling Bingo also achieved 19,118 vehicles … It is not difficult to find that there are not only many brands in the new energy vehicle market, but also the competition is becoming more and more fierce, and the gap has been widened.

Based on market changes and optimizing consumer experience, fashion enterprises explore digital cooperative business models.

2023 is considered to be a year in which generative artificial intelligence and digital technology have developed by leaps and bounds.

Facing the ever-changing market demand, the new digital retail model driven by science and technology has brought more innovation and growth opportunities for enterprises.

In order to continuously improve the service quality and efficiency of consumers and strengthen the emotional bond between brands and consumers, fashion enterprises have strengthened their close ties with Internet enterprises, increasingly moved closer to intelligence and improved digital infrastructure. Optimize the online and offline consumption experience through the blessing of algorithms and platforms.

Consulting firm McKinsey analyzed in the report "The State of Fashion 2024", "With the outbreak of artificial intelligence in 2023, related use cases have appeared in creative industries including fashion. However, in order to seize the value of this revolutionary technology in 2024, fashion enterprises need to go beyond automation and explore its potential to enhance human creative work. "

Relying on artificial intelligence, Victoria’s Secret analyzes user needs and provides customized shopping experience.

Recently, Victoria’s Secret and its company announced the establishment of a strategic long-term partnership with Google Cloud, which will use artificial intelligence and generative artificial intelligence technology to jointly create a more personalized and comprehensive online shopping experience for consumers around the world. At the same time, Victoria’s Secret will also improve the experience of consumers and employees through this initiative, and promote the operational efficiency of internal business.

Relevant data show that official website, Victoria’s Secret has more than 500 million visits every year, and this figure is still growing. Based on this, Victoria’s Secret will make use of new technology to create personalized consumption experience for every visitor as an important task of the company, hoping to bring a brand-new dialogue assistant driven by generative artificial intelligence through cooperation with Google Cloud.

It is reported that the dialogue assistant will be created by Vertex AI, the artificial intelligence platform of Google Cloud, with the goal of providing shoppers with customized product recommendations and practical product suggestions according to personal preferences and life experience.

For this strategic cooperation, Chris Rupp, chief customer officer of Victoria’s Secret, said: "The introduction of artificial intelligence and generative artificial intelligence technology of Google Cloud will not only improve consumers’ online shopping experience, but also give our internal team the ability to promote innovation in various business functions."

In addition to optimizing the experience for consumers, Victoria’s Secret is also actively exploring and integrating the advanced artificial intelligence technology of Google Cloud to further improve its internal operational efficiency. Victoria’s Secret hopes to apply this technology to brand marketing and consumer demand analysis. In addition, Google’s artificial intelligence technology can also be used to optimize the supply chain system, make accurate product demand forecast, and better manage inventory supply. At the same time, it can empower the human resources department and the offline store operation department to formulate more personalized employee induction and training plans.

In this regard, Murali Sundararajan, chief information officer of Victoria’s Secret, said: "The strategic application of artificial intelligence can not only help us to understand the needs of consumers from the data level, but also improve the overall operational efficiency within the company. This artificial intelligence technology will be used in international market development strategy, marketing planning and supply chain system optimization. Through a series of application measures, we can effectively simplify our internal operational processes and better meet the diverse needs of different customers. "

Although generative artificial intelligence is still a new technology, more than half of fashion companies are using it. McKinsey pointed out in the report "The State of Fashion 2024" that 73% of fashion executives said that by 2024, generative artificial intelligence would be their business priority. In the fashion field, 25% of the potential value of generative artificial intelligence is driven by use cases in design and product development.

According to combing, generative artificial intelligence is mostly used in product innovation, marketing, sales and customer experience in the fashion field. Compared with other fields in the fashion value chain, this technology can produce significant results and may be more feasible to implement in the short term.

For example, converting sketches, emotional boards and descriptions into high-fidelity designs; Recommend exclusive products according to consumer profiles, and generate personalized experiences and offers … In addition, generative artificial intelligence can quickly aggregate and perform emotional analysis from social media, and model and simulate development trends from multiple consumer data sources. ……

Integrate platform resources, PumaBuilding a new digital service model

As a member of the fashion industry, after experiencing the era of "search" and "platform e-commerce", the field of sports equipment and apparel has also entered the era of "mobile socialization" with the development of retail digitalization.

Not long ago, PUMA announced that it has reached a cooperation with Tencent. It is reported that PUMA will take Tencent’s global ecology as its position, improve the digital infrastructure with the help of Tencent platform resources, further narrow the distance with consumers, continuously improve the service quality and efficiency of consumers, and strengthen the emotional binding between brands and consumers. Relying on Tencent’s diverse social ecology, PUMA will open up the social media matrix and connect the online and offline global ecology to help PUMA bring a consistent online and offline experience to every consumer and achieve long-term growth of brand power.

"Nowadays, consumer demand in sportswear market is diversified and subdivided, and leading digital technology brings more personalized and differentiated demands to consumers. To this end, we continue to introduce innovative products, upgrade services and consumer experience, and let more consumers feel the charm of sports. " Li Min, general manager of PUMA in China, said, "Joining hands with Tencent is another innovative attempt. Tencent’s ecology covers all kinds of scenes in consumers’ lives, which will bring more localized insights to PUMA, so as to tap the potential needs and interests of consumers. At the same time, relying on digital services that are highly in line with the needs of local consumers, we will better serve the vast number of sports enthusiasts and new generation consumer groups and promote the long-term growth of PUMA in the China market. "

Under the guidance of the brand proposition of "FOREVER. FASTER.", Puma has accelerated the expansion of e-commerce platform-wide business growth, continued to stabilize its sales performance on traditional mainstream e-commerce platforms, and continued to increase its market share, while developing business growth points on emerging social e-commerce platforms. Relevant data show that in the Double Eleven in 2023, Puma’s total e-commerce sales increased by 22% year-on-year. China’s revenue in the first three quarters of last year increased by 16% year-on-year.

Text/Meng Lingjin

# Music Sharing

The second Top Ten Chinese Golden Melody Awards Concert was held in Hung Hom Gymnasium, Hong Kong on January 28th, 1984, sponsored by Radio Television Hong Kong.

1. "Walking the Life Road"-Teresa Teng: This is a classic Chinese pop song, written by Zheng Guojiang, composed by Miyuki Nakajima and sung by Teresa Teng.

2. "Red Doubt"-Anita Mui: This song is the theme song of the Japanese TV series "Red Doubt", written by Zheng Guojiang, composed by SHUNICHI TOKURA and sung by Anita Mui.

3. "I just like you"-Danny Chan: This is one of Danny Chan’s representative works, written by Zheng Guojiang and composed and sung by Danny Chan.

4. Love in Late Autumn-Alan Tam: This song was written by Lin Mincong, composed by Li Haojun and sung by Alan Tam.

5. Time flies-Anita Mui: This is a classic Cantonese song, written by Zheng Guojiang, composed by Kitaro and sung by Anita Mui.

Adam Cheng: This song was written by James J.S.Wong, composed by Gu Jiahui and sung by Adam Cheng.

7. "Xiao Li Fei Dao"-Bowen: This is a classic martial arts song, written by Lu Guozhan and composed by Gu Jiahui.

8. The Root of Love-Alan Tam: This song was written by Lin Mincong, composed by Chen Feili and sung by Alan Tam.

9. Teana-Guan Zhengjie: This is a classic Cantonese song, written by Lu Guozhan, composed by Lu Guanting and sung by Guan Zhengjie.

10. "Fishing boats sing late"-Guan Zhengjie: This song was written by Lu Guozhan, composed by Li Xiaotian and sung by Guan Zhengjie.

The selection of the top ten Chinese golden songs shows the prosperity and development of the Hong Kong music scene in 1983. These award-winning songs have also become classic Chinese pop songs, which are still deeply loved and sung by the audience.

Why do people say that badminton players are "heptathlon"

Do you know that?/You know what? Why do more and more people choose badminton as their daily exercise?

Because badminton players are all-around fighters!

The advantages of as many as seven sports are gathered in badminton!

Want to know which seven kinds of sports? Come and have a look with Xiao Yu!


Explosiveness and speed of sprinters

Badminton has almost no chance to wait for the opponent to return the ball and catch his breath. Almost the whole game is in a sprint state. It requires quick start and quick return. This series of "quickness" requires muscles to contract or relax quickly, which is the explosive power of quick strength.


Endurance of long-distance runners

Speed endurance quality plays an extremely important role in badminton, with the characteristics of high intensity and short interval.


Flexibility of gymnasts

Badminton requires players’ high flexibility, and we can often see players splitting to save a ball on TV, which is beyond the reach of ordinary athletes. Not only that, such as changing hands, hitting the ball on the back, and heading the ball in the backcourt, all these actions need to fully stretch the ligament.


Coordination of javelin athletes

A complete hitting action is like a spring, which is put away and bounced off, starting from the foot and going to the legs, hips, crotch, waist, back, chest, shoulders, arms and hands. Although a person’s coordination is largely determined by innate factors, it can be improved and promoted through badminton training.


Sensitive reaction of table tennis players

Badminton, known as the "king of speed", needs players’ quick reaction ability, which also requires players to have a good sense of space and coordination, judge the direction of the ball and decide the way to play the ball in a very short time, which requires comprehensive training in five aspects: psychology, technology, physical fitness, tactics and intelligence to help everyone establish conditioned reflex.


Global insight of Go players

Just as in Weiqi, "predict the opponent’s intention in advance and grasp the opponent’s weakness", because badminton is too fast and the venue is small, it is impossible to follow up visually, so almost all incoming balls must be predicted. Only by understanding each other’s weaknesses and finding each other’s mistakes in time, will you have full confidence to defeat each other.


Strength of fitness athletes

In badminton, jumping to kill the ball is to use all the limited strength of the whole body in the moment of killing the ball, so that the speed of the ball reaches the extreme. As a transit station, the pectoral muscle plays a vital role, so as a male player, it is the most important prerequisite to practice the pectoral muscle well. At present, the highest killing speed of badminton is 343km/h maintained by Fu Haifeng. In doubles, it takes 15 strokes in 20 seconds. In a 45-minute match, the total number of strokes by two players is about 2025.

Jumping to kill the ball is to use the whole body’s strength in the moment of killing the ball, so that the speed of the ball reaches the extreme. As a transit station, the pectoral muscles play a vital role.

Do you know that?/You know what?

The heart rate of high-intensity badminton players can reach 160-180 beats/min, and that of low-intensity badminton players can reach 100-130 beats/min. In a 45-minute competition, the players have to make more than 300 movements with the body position adjusted by more than 90 degrees.

Do you know that?/You know what?

Badminton requires quick start and return, and this series of "quickness" requires muscles to contract or relax quickly.

Do you know that?/You know what?

Badminton requires high flexibility, and playing regularly is good for the flexibility of shoulders and hips. In a singles match, athletes need to swing their arms more than 100 times to hit the ball.

Do you know that?/You know what?

In badminton competition, athletes frequently do variable-speed movements and jumping, and the structural characteristics of lower limb bouncing are as follows: the range of knee joint force is relatively small, but the requirement for quick explosive force of ankle joint is high. The average running distance of Chinese Super League players is about 7000 meters per game, while the average running distance of badminton players is more than 6000 meters.

Facts tell you how great badminton players are! King of sports! Badminton is well deserved! Come and join this happy national movement! Almighty warrior, so can you!

2023 FISU Football World Cup: Beijing Normal University won the women’s football championship.

On October 31st, in the women’s final of the 2023 FISU Football World Cup held in Jinjiang, Fujian, China’s Beijing Normal University team beat Brazil’s paulista University team by a total score of 7-6 in a penalty shootout and won the championship.

↑ The starting players of Beijing Normal University team took a group photo before the game.

↑ Beijing Normal University team players celebrate the championship.

Zhou Xinyu, a women’s football player from Beijing Normal University, celebrated the goal.

Zhou Xinyu (right), a player of Beijing Normal University team, shot in the game.

Zou Mengyao (left), a player from Beijing Normal University, competes with Diovanna, a female football player from paulista University.

Photography: Lai Jincai

Source: Xinhua News Agency

After many years, Durant finally told the truth about leaving the Warriors! He gave everything for the warriors!

Durant recently talked about the real reason for leaving the Warriors in a podcast: after the conflict with Dream-Chasing Green broke out in 2018, he originally wanted to spread the story in the locker room and then turn over the page, but no one discussed it in the locker room, as if it had nothing to do with them!

In the summer of 2016, the Warriors defeated Thunder 4-3 in the Western Conference finals and advanced to the stage of the finals. In this western conference final, the Warriors used their five small lineup system to destroy the main force of youth. In the offseason, Durant joined the Warriors’ Shock League, which heralded the grand finale of the League. The Warriors won the championship twice, and Durant won the FMVP twice.

However, in 2018, there was an infighting in the Warriors. Grimm and Durant clashed: "Before you came, we were champions", which made Durant’s heart extremely unbalanced and thought that he did not get enough respect and voice in the team.

The Warriors in 2019 are definitely the darkest moment. In the series against the Raptors in the finals, the Warriors suffered a serious wave of injuries. Iguodala was hit in the head, Durant’s achilles tendon was broken, and Clay Thompson’s cruciate ligament was torn. Finally, he regretted being out.

In 2019, Durant finally decided to leave this sad place and join hands with his good brother Owen to join the Nets. Durant’s three-year warrior trip is over completely!

Zhao Junzhe: The Shenzhen team is tenacious and must pay attention to giving victory to the people of Hebei who are fighting floods.

# Cangzhou Lions vs Shenzhen Team # Pre-competition Conference

Zhao Junzhe: We have been completing the tournament according to the plan, and our performance against Nantong team is good. The next two home games are crucial. Although Shenzhen is influenced by many off-site factors, it is still tenacious. We also attach great importance to our opponents. This is a difficult game. We should go all out and pay attention to details, and dedicate the victory to the people of Hebei in the joint stage of fighting floods.

Oscar: We are fully prepared for this competition as before. It is a very important competition, and we want to get the most points. In addition, I also want to express my concern to the people affected by the recent floods. My heart is with you.

Kessler: I’m gaining weight in the offseason & strength training is fun&I want to learn more.

Live broadcast on August 5 th Recently, Jazz center Kessler accepted an interview with Tony Jones of TA Jazz.

When talking about last season, Kessler said: "I want to put myself in a position where I can learn as much as possible. I want to play hard, provide confrontation on the court and fall in love with the learning process." I want to learn as much as possible. "

Kessler also mentioned his efforts in the offseason: "(I am) gaining weight and strengthening strength for most of the offseason. It takes hard work, but I’m excited to try to make a difference on the court, so training is interesting. I like the gym. I like to exercise my body. "

When talking about the prospect of being selected for the US team for the rest of the season, Kessler said: "I am very excited and grateful to be a member of the US team. Our team has excellent talent and knowledge. I’m trying my best to study and use this experience to improve myself as much as I can. I am very excited about the next year. We have a lot of talented players, so I’m excited to see how we will play together. Therefore, I am very excited about the World Cup and very excited about the training camp. "

Kessler was the 22nd show in 2022. In 2022-23, he played 74 games for Jazz, averaging 23 minutes, getting 9.2 points, 8.4 rebounds and 2.3 blocks, shooting 72%, and was selected as the best rookie for a while.