Several new energy vehicles with a battery life of more than 800 kilometers, more than 1,000 kilometers is really fragrant

Battery life has always been the top priority for target people to buy new energy vehicles. Fully charged, full of fuel, and being able to run far is the breakthrough for new energy vehicles to compete with fuel vehicles. Today we will summarize several new energy vehicles with a battery life of more than 800 kilometers.

The first model,. Positioning medium and large cars, is one of the three tripods in the Chinese market at present. In the case of full fuel and full power, it can really last 835.3 kilometers, and the comprehensive fuel consumption is 6.61L per 100 kilometers. Combined with the price of 338,000 yuan, the fuel consumption can not be considered too good, but it can give you a lot of space and luxury. When the oil is full, the battery will be charged first, so the air conditioner will be suspended for a period of time, and the humanization is insufficient.

The second model is the Tang DMI. The official said that the Tang DMI has a comprehensive battery life of 1050 kilometers, but the measured battery life is only 950.4 kilometers, which is about 100 kilometers less than the official figure, but the performance is also remarkable, with a comprehensive fuel consumption of about 5.8L. In the case of full fuel feeding, the Tang DMI also has a performance of 800 + kilometers.

The third,,,. ET7 and L7 are not yet on the market, but at the official press conference, they both claimed that the model will be equipped with technology, and the comprehensive battery life is expected to exceed 1,000 kilometers. Looking forward to the official listing of ET7 and L7. Huawei Smart Choice sf5 is a hump intelligence system jointly cooperated by Celis andIt is composed of Cyrus SEP200 high-performance AC asynchronous motor + Huawei DriveONE three-in-one electric drive system, forming a dual-motor intelligent four-wheel drive power combination, with a comprehensive cruising range of up to 1017 kilometers. Made by Huawei, it is somewhat reliable.

The fourth model,. The longest-lasting new energy vehicle in the B-class coupe, the extended-range version has a range of more than 1,100 kilometers, and the pure electric range is also more than 800 kilometers. This figure looks very wow, but it has not been listed yet. The specific performance can only wait until it is listed to see if it is true.

The fifth model, DMI. In the case of full fuel and full power, the official battery life is 1200 kilometers, the measured 1206.2 kilometers, and the comprehensive fuel consumption is about 5L. Without charging, it is completely driven as a fuel car. If you fill up a tank of fuel, you will also have a battery life of 1099 kilometers. How can you say it?

The sixth model, Qin DMI. That’s right, still. It’s really magical. As a compact sedan, the price of the 120KM flagship model is only 145,800 yuan, and the official battery life is 1200 kilometers. And measured, the full battery life reaches 1269.9 kilometers, and the fuel consumption per 100 kilometers is only about 3.8L. Under normal circumstances, because daily driving may encounter various situations, including turning on the air conditioner, heavy rain, etc., the actual battery life will be 20% off or even 60% off the official battery life. It is the only model with more actual battery life than the official announcement so far. This is really awesome!


Anxiety about battery life is a problem that every possible car buyer will worry about. A battery life of more than 1,000 kilometers is really fragrant, and you don’t have to worry about driving anywhere, and you don’t have to spend time charging. You don’t need to rely on the engine to generate electricity, but rely solely on the motor to achieve a battery life of 1,000 kilometers. It is the focus of research and development for every new energy company now. If any car company can give priority to such technology, it is estimated that which model will be able to attract the attention and pursuit of car buyers without much promotion.

Briefly talk about Huawei cars – ask the world M5

Huawei car was born, simple first to understand, from the four sides of the car’s appearance is high enough, the front design is full, the side shape is very mature, the headlights are designed as shark fin streamer lights + eagle wing through the test tail light, with 20-inch high-performance tires, exquisite chassis + front and rear multi-link independent suspension and seamless panoramic sunroof, the vehicle quality is 2220 kilograms, 100 kilometers acceleration takes only 4.4 seconds.

Configuration: The three models are standard with 15.6 central control large screen, 128-color ambient light, electronic parking, tire pressure display, quasi-L2 level automatic driving, fatigue driving prompt, front and rear radar, 360-degree panoramic image, reversing side car warning system, electric + induction trunk, one-button start keyless entry, remote start function, 10.25-inch LCD instrument, driving recorder, mobile phone front wireless charging function, seat heating, automatic speech recognition control system, vehicle to everything, LED headlights, automatic air conditioning and other practical function configurations.

Power: At present, only three models can be seen on the official website. Among them, the rear-drive standard version has an engine horsepower of 125 + motor 272Ps, a maximum power of 200KW, and a maximum torque of 360N.m; the four-wheel drive performance version has an engine horsepower of 125 + motor 428Ps, a maximum power of 315KW, and a maximum torque of 720N.m; the four-wheel drive flagship version has an engine horsepower of 125 + motor 496Ps, a maximum power of 365KW, a maximum torque of 675N.m, and is equipped with an electric vehicle single-speed gearbox.

Can I, Xu Jiayin, save the day again this time?

Author | Zhou Chaochen

Last Friday (December 2) at noon, the rumor of Xu Jiayin jumping off the building went viral for a while, and it was searched several times. According to self-media statistics, this rumor has been reversed at least 5 times.

Although I don’t know if this rumor is someone deliberately pranking Xu Jiayin, or Xu Jiayin’s self-directed and self-played bitter trick, it’s always a false alarm.

Xu Jiayin’s rumor-refuting style made an appearance. First, a 50-second voice screenshot of Xu Jiayin in the senior management group of Evergrande Group was deliberately released after 1 pm that day. Xu Jiayin said in the senior management group: "The chairpeople of the companies in various regions should ask the brand sales departments to increase the publicity work of the vigorous scene of engineering construction, publicity and promotion, and to increase the publicity and promotion of the construction of the building. The construction of the building and the construction of the project are the key to our sales. Therefore, increasing the publicity and promotion of the sales and delivery of the building is an important foundation for the sales work. Please pay great attention to the publicity and promotion of this project construction and the construction of the building."

Immediately after 7:00 pm, Xu Jiayin appeared in Hengda Group’s special meeting on the construction of the building and the video leaked out. Xu Jiayin once again emphasized that the construction of the building is the top priority of Hengda. In the video with obvious signs of posing and lasting 1 minute, Xu Jiayin said: "From January to November this year, Hengda Group has achieved 256,000 sets of buildings. In 2022, it will strive to complete 300,000 sets of buildings. In December, it is necessary to ensure the quality assurance to complete the 44,000 sets of buildings. There are still 29 days left in this month. There is a tight time and a heavy task. All Hengda employees must unswervingly fulfill our main responsibility and never give up their efforts to ensure the completion of the annual delivery task."

Xu Jiayin knows that Baojiaolou is his only "life-saving straw" for political correctness at present.

Another rumor that appeared along with Xu Jiayin’s related rumors was that in order to reduce costs, the headquarters of Evergrande Automobile Group will be disbanded, and the staff structure of the headquarters will be adjusted. Most people face layoffs, and a small number of people will sink to the factory. According to the China Securities News, people close to Evergrande Automobile learned that the news was not true.

Between life and death, the relevant rumors about Xu Jiayin and Evergrande come at a very delicate moment. Since November, several ministries and commissions have launched three arrows in a row, 16 real estate finance policies and other favorable real estate policies, from saving projects to starting to rescue real estate enterprises, especially some high-quality real estate enterprises have recently been softened by credit. But these policies seem to have nothing to do with Evergrande. As the most indebted real estate enterprise, Evergrande, which has been lying in the ICU for more than a year, seems to be locked in a vacuum and has become an outsider of China’s real estate market rescue policy. Its only way out is to sell assets as cheaply as possible, while shouting that everyone is united to protect the property.

After the Securities Supervision Commission issued the third arrow at the end of November, Bai Wenxi, chief economist of IPG China, commented: "To say that the most aggrieved person today should be Xu Jiayin. The Securities Supervision Commission has finally released the equity financing of class A share real estate enterprises that has been suspended for ten years, but Evergrande has already missed it. Otherwise, Evergrande backdoor deep and deep housing will be implemented immediately, Xu Jiayin can sincerely say that’everything about Evergrande and me, Xu Jiayin, is given by the party ‘, and then continue to increase leverage to dry Evergrande’s real estate debt to 4 trillion, and then the land finance in various places can continue to increase income, and the property market will continue to be hot."

The policies of bailouts and blood transfusions here are one after another, and the news of Evergrande is a different story.

On the afternoon of November 30, Hengda Wealth announced that it would adjust the payment plan issued on December 31, 2021, adjusting the current monthly payment of 8,000 yuan per person to 2,000 yuan per person per month. Obviously, under the pressure of debt, the isolated Hengda capital chain is increasingly tight.

On November 26, Double 11 was put on the shelves of Hengda Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters land successfully transferred by Shenzhen Anhe No. 1 Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. at a reserve price of about 7.54 billion yuan. According to the media, there is a shadow of Vanke behind the receiver, so some industry insiders believe that Yu Liang helped Xu Jiayin. In fact, as early as last autumn, there were rumors that Vanke was in contact with Hengda, but in the media communication meeting in October last year, when asked if Vanke would rescue Evergrande, Vanke chairperson Yu Liang was vague: "When winter comes, everyone is cold. In the case of cold, we must first solve the problem of how to survive the winter, and first ensure our own safety, in order to save people. How can I save someone if I’m not safe? If I can’t get through the winter, helping others may be purely troublesome. "

After the acquisition of Evergrande’s Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters site, which is adjacent to Vanke’s new headquarters, the buyer was left wondering how to use the land that Xu Jiayin was supposed to use to reshape Shenzhen’s skyline.

Many people are speculating about the final outcome of Xu Jiayin and Hengda. Huxiu has written many times that Chen Feng and HNA may be the reference frame for Xu Jiayin and Hengda.

The older generation of entrepreneurs, such as Xu Jiayin and Chen Feng, all have one thing in common: a tougher gamble. But Xu Jiayin is different. The entrepreneur who walked barefoot from one of the poorest villages in eastern Henan Province, grew from a manure digger to China’s richest man, and became the "first loser" overnight. He has an extreme desire for survival, and has strong perseverance and mental strength, and will not easily do things that cannot be imagined.

In Evergrande’s growth history, it has encountered several major crises, which have eventually been saved from danger. For example, Evergrande was shorted by US short-seller Citron in June 2012, which said in a report that Evergrande Real Estate was insolvent. While Xu Jiayin asked Evergrande to respond to the short with financial data, he rushed to Hong Kong with executives to seek allies. Eight investment banks, including Bank of America Merrill Lynch, the sponsor of Evergrande’s Hong Kong listing, subsequently issued announcements bullish on Evergrande. The next day, Evergrande’s comprehensive clarification report was released. In the end, Evergrande eliminated the crisis within a thrilling 48 hours.

The most serious failure was Hengda’s first IPO in 2008. In 2008, Hengda frantically acquired land all over the country in order to go public, with a land reserve of up to 45.78 million square meters, becoming the real estate developer with the largest land reserves that year. However, the unfortunate fate was to catch up with the US subprime mortgage crisis, and Xu Jiayin was caught off guard.

In April 2008, Hengda’s listing was blocked, and Hengda had to pay 4.10 billion yuan in July, and had to face major bank loans that matured one after another. At that time, only 4 of Xu Jiayin’s 37 projects in the country met the opening conditions, and Hengda’s funding gap was as high as 12 billion. Xu Jiayin went to Hong Kong to seek help for this. Under the recommendation of Yang Shoucheng, Xu Jiayin met Zheng Yutong, the former chairperson of the board of directors of Hong Kong New World Development Co., Ltd., in order to get life-saving money, Xu Jiayin accompanied Zheng Yutong for 3 months to play hoe big D, and finally received 500 million US dollars of assistance, which solved the urgent need and became one of the members of the big D club.

At the same time, in October 2008, Xu Jiayin decided to let Evergrande Real Estate use the tried-and-true "magic" of price reduction promotion again, and the real estate in 18 cities across the country was sold at a 25% discount across the board. Evergrande took out nearly 20,000 housing units at that time, using ultra-low-price sales strategies, and there were more than 2 million square meters of construction area to benefit consumers, returning 5 billion yuan of funds. This trick was also sacrificed by Xu Jiayin at the beginning of last year. At that time, the splash ads of various apps were basically Hengda’s house sales promotions.

In October 2009, Hui Ka Yin announced that Evergrande Real Estate had once again launched its initial public offering on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. At the roadshow luncheon on the first day of Evergrande Real Estate, Cheng Yu-tung, the 84-year-old chairperson of the board of directors of Hong Kong New World Development Group, supported Evergrande Real Estate. Zheng Yu-tung’s public statement, which has huge influence in Hong Kong, allowed Evergrande Real Estate to successfully complete the roadshow of the Hong Kong IPO, and received 11 times the international placement super subscription, and the offer for sale part exceeded 46 times.

On November 5, 2009, Hengda Real Estate finally achieved its listing on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. At the listing ceremony and listing celebration ceremony of Hengda Real Estate, Zheng Yutong, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Hong Kong New World Group, Zheng Kachun, General Manager of New World Development Group, Lau Luanxiong, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of China Real Estate Group, and Zhang Songqiao, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of China Chongqing Land, were present to congratulate and give Xu Jiayin face. On the day of Hengda’s listing, Xu Jiayin won the title of the richest man in the Chinese mainland for the first time with a net worth of 42.20 billion yuan, surpassing Wang Chuanfu, the richest man on the Forbes Rich List announced on the same day. Since then, Xu Jiayin has opened the road of crazy expansion and leverage.

It’s just that when Hengda thundered last year, Xu Jiayin’s wealthy friends passed away, and it was difficult to reproduce the brotherhood of that year by selling off (Hengda stocks).

Can the 64-year-old Xu Jiayin save the day again?

Why the dispute between BYD and DMI/DMP is so big, the in-depth analysis is mainly as follows.

Hello, everyone. Welcome to today’s talk about cars by Da Li. I’m your old driver Da Li, and it’s time for Da Li to talk about cars with everyone. I believe everyone has seen the news about BYD DMI/DMP recently. I find that there is a lot of controversy. Some people are optimistic, while others are pessimistic. So what about BYD’s new car? Today, let’s have a brief talk. By the way, let’s talk about my personal views. First of all, I’m not a navy. I express my views objectively.Fasten your seat belt, let’s start ~

Before we talk about our opinions, let’s take a brief look at some basic data of BYD DMI/DMP. We won’t say much about the appearance. We can’t grasp everyone’s preferences. Let’s talk about the internal aspects. In terms of configuration, the whole system comes standard with the main and co-pilot airbags, front and rear side airbags, front and rear head air curtains, knee airbags, active braking, pedestrian protection, fatigue driving tips and HUD display, which can be said to be very safe. Of course, the high-profile models also have Dana stereo, 12 speakers, seat ventilation and heating, eight-way adjustment of the main driver’s seat, six-way adjustment of the co-pilot seat, atmosphere lights, etc. Of course, there is a 15.6-inch eight nuclear adaptive. Of course, although the DMP of 320,000 yuan is more expensive, the luxurious performance configurations such as 3.7 seconds and zero acceleration, top-class braking system, brand-new aluminum alloy sports chassis, 80kw fast charging, electronically controlled active suspension, and wide temperature range heat pump air conditioner are still very valuable.

After introducing the configuration, let me talk about why everyone’s controversy is so great, because it is so excellent that it brings together three groups of users who should not intersect. These three groups are like Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, that is, they speak their own words and have certain origins.
The first category is to pay attention to saving fuel and money.
The second category values high configuration.
The third category focuses on the acceleration performance.

The concerns and budget expectations of the three groups of people are different, and it is inevitable that they will say their own words. I think some people predict that this car will definitely be finished, because the pricing failure will lead to the inability to sell. But let’s put it this way, the 15 models of Tang Dynasty were priced at 279,800 yuan six years ago. At that time, there were subsidies in all regions. If they were won, it would be about 210,000 yuan, with a monthly sales volume of 3,000 yuan. I can say for sure that many of them are now priced at the same high price as those of Tang Dynasty. Why do you have a domestic SUV that exceeds 200,000 yuan? However, the configuration and performance of Tang Dynasty at that time can directly compete with a million-class SUV. Moreover, BYD has also launched a limited edition of 500,000 4.3 or 4.1-second sports versions, all of which are bought for senior Difen to play.

Therefore, the value of this car is different in your eyes with different concerns. I value acceleration performance, and 3.7 seconds is worth 500,000 yuan. You value fuel economy, but of course you ignore the value of 500,000 yuan. So although there are many arguments, don’t you see the sales of Han? Because some people in these three groups will choose this car after rational analysis, even if half of them give up, the three halves are also 1.5 times.

Finally, Da Li talks about the epoch-making significance of this car: that is, raising the pure electric mileage to 202/242 has made the vehicle qualitatively changed. Under the condition that it can go home to charge every day, it will be a pure tram. When you need go on road trip or go back to your hometown for long-distance use, he won’t have any anxiety. Even when you are in the high-speed service area, you can recharge it during your break. I believe many consumers have thought about these usage scenarios, which can really greatly reduce the cost of car use. At present, there are thousands of pieces of DC fast charge provided by the third party in the market, but the power is also very low. The key is that the battery itself is not big enough, and it can’t run far after charging with pure electricity. But now I have given it all to you. The use cost will be greatly reduced with a bigger battery and faster DC charging power. I think many tram owners should cast envious eyes on these consumers who choose BYD Han DM (parameter picture) I/DMP.

What do you think of BYD Han DMI/DMP?Welcome to share different opinions.Well, that’s all for Da Li today. Thank you for your patience. Friends who like it can pay attention and praise. Your support is my greatest motivation. Let’s continue to talk about cars later.

Xcar English improvement class 6 is not as careful as pickup truck

  [Original by Aika Car Vision Channel]

  Today, with the vigorous development of the automobile industry, the annual sales volume of one model is extremely amazing: according to the average annual sales volume of 2 million vehicles, one vehicle can be sold every 15 seconds on average; If it is lined up end to end, it can circle the earth 300 times, and this is only the number it sells in a year! This is "Pick-up/Truck".

  Today, there are several famous brands that constitute the "main force" of pickup truck models: F- series, Sliverado/Colorado (Sored/(|)), Ram series, Tacoma/Tundra (smooth road) and so on. What makes "Pick-up" popular all over the world and occupy a huge market share? Let’s walk into this issue of Xcar English Improvement Class.

Topic map

  Whether the product is good or not depends on the sales volume.

  According to the practice of previous upgrading classes, we will first introduce the development and history of the models. But in this issue, I will start with sales volume, explore the origin and development of pickup truck culture, and boldly predict that pickup truck models will eventually become "popular" in the new socialist modern countryside.

American car sales

American car sales

  Why do Americans love pickups so much? This will start from the 1920s. In the initial period of automobile manufacturing, vehicles were sold in the form of Separate chassis and body (chassis and body of non-loaded body structure are two parts). From the production of cars to the hands of consumers, a third party is responsible for the assembly of vehicle shells.

Pickup truck

  "Pick up" means "pick up" in English, which means it is convenient to load or unload goods. Therefore, the "bucket" vehicle is gradually called "Pick-up" (pickup truck is its transliteration). And "Truck" generally refers to large transport vehicles (but the basic name is personal habits).

Pickup truck

Pickup truck

  Since the 1950s, pickup trucks have gradually become an important production tool for American post-war economic recovery. Chevrolet El, Chevrolet Camino and Dodge Sweptine gradually entered people’s homes in the form of tool carts.

Pickup truck

  In 1963, the Protectionist Chicken Tax (referred to as "chicken tax") enacted by the United States to protect local automobile enterprises limited the dumping momentum of imported freight vehicles. Therefore, there has been a phenomenon that "every household buys a domestic pickup truck" in the United States, and the first car of many Americans is a pickup truck.

Pickup truck

Pickup truck

  Even so, pickup trucks have been criticized for a series of shortcomings, such as large displacement, "gas tiger", poor riding experience and no shape design. However, American pickup trucks played a role in the recovery of the national economy in World War II, and it was the "hero" for the United States to quickly become the world’s largest economy after the war.

Raptor 2017

2017 Raptor


5.407 billion people earned 5.2 trillion yuan! Domestic tourism is expected to return to the top 90% of the epidemic this year.

China tourism academy (Data Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism) released the Report on the Development of China Tourism Group (2023) at the 2023 China Tourism Group Development Forum.It is predicted that the number of domestic tourists will reach 5.407 billion in 2023, and the domestic tourism income will reach 5.2 trillion yuan, which will be restored to 90% and 91% in 2019 respectively.

According to china tourism academy’s calculation, in the first three quarters of 2023, the comprehensive index of national tourism economic operation has been in the boom zone, with an average of 111.09. Driven by multiple factors, such as the innovative supply of culture and tourism system, the confidence boosted by tourism consumption policies, and the comprehensive protection of all levels of government departments, the tourism market will be prosperous, orderly, integrated and innovative in 2023, and many indicators such as the number of tourists and tourism consumption will be outstanding. Although the fourth quarter is the traditional off-season, the willingness of urban and rural residents to travel in the fourth quarter of this year remained at a high level of 90.37.

Report analysis,Domestic tourism consumption is further concentrated in scenic spots, resorts, blocks and business districts.The choice of tourist destinations and projects is more diversified. Family outing, suburban vacation, city roaming, festival tourism, interest tourism, reverse tourism, night tourism and light sports constitute the characteristics of "diversity+personalization" in the holiday tourism market.

Both the supply and demand sides have made concerted efforts, and various places are competing to integrate sports, music festivals, concerts, science and technology, intangible cultural heritage, theme exhibitions and national customs Hanfu into tourism and leisure life, unlock new ways of playing tourism, promote the deep integration of culture and tourism, and form a new growth point of cultural tourism consumption.

From the perspective of industrial development, the prosperity of the tourism industry and the confidence of entrepreneurs have obviously rebounded. At present, the passenger flow of domestic head scenic spots has increased significantly year-on-year, the aviation industry has improved significantly, the year-on-year recovery has been obvious, and the hotel performance has improved.In the first three quarters of this year, there was a strong demand for financing such as mergers and acquisitions, equity conversion and short-term debt private placement of China’s tourism groups, listed companies and tourist attractions.

According to the investment and procurement index of the cultural tourism industry jointly developed by china tourism academy and China Amusement Park Association, among the 1,836 enterprises surveyed, 79.2% of the investment/operation enterprises and 46% of the manufacturing/service enterprises have carried out investment activities, which shows that entrepreneurs and managers are optimistic about the future of tourism, and their investment fields are mainly concentrated in the construction of theme parks/amusement parks, cultural tourism equipment, science and technology, resorts/blocks, destination operations and other fields.

"2023 China Tourism Group Development Forum" was held in Shanghai from December 11th to 12th, hosted by china tourism academy and china tourism association, and undertaken by Xiangyuan Holding Group. The top 20 tourism groups in China this year include China Tourism Group, OCT Group, BTG Group, CYTS Holdings, Haichang Group, Jinjiang International Group, Ctrip Group, Chunqiu Group, Fosun Tourism Culture Group, Huazhu Group, Tongcheng Travel Group, Zhejiang Travel Investment Group, Hangzhou Business Travel Canal Group, Kaiyuan Tourism Group, Xiangyuan Holding Group, Shandong Wenlv Group, Hubei Cultural Tourism Group, Lingnan Group and Sichuan Tourism Investment Group.

Set up meta-space, Indian entertainment group Shemaroo reached a cooperation with sandbox.

  Recently, The Sandbox announced a partnership with Indian media and entertainment group Shemaroo Entertainment.

  Shemaroo will set up a new cultural metauniverse center in BharatBox of The Sandbox, bringing together famous artists and brands from the Indian entertainment industry.

  The space will hold various activities such as film release, award ceremony, live concert and screening to ensure the continuous participation of users. The game area inspired by Bollywood classics will include retro nightclubs (inspired by disco dancers), game clubs (inspired by The Big Gambler), underwater treasure hunting (based on Blue), cricket match (starting from 22 yards), horseback riding (rescue) mission (theme of Khuda Gawah), social cafes (Jab We Met) and action games (Tango Charlie).

  This cooperation is not only an expansion of Shemaroo, but also a strategic measure to ensure its place in the rapidly developing meta-universe. It represents the integration of traditional entertainment and cutting-edge digital technology, and provides a new way for audience participation.

  Sebastien Borget, co-founder and chief operating officer of The Sandbox, said that we are very glad that Shemaroo chose The Sandbox to cooperate with BharatBox to expand its metacosmic experience and bring Bollywood and millions of users to the metauniverse to explore exciting new content.

Football plate welcome catalyst again

  According to a number of media reports, recently, the Office of the National Youth Campus Football Leading Group officially approved Xiamen, Qingdao and Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture to set up a national campus football reform pilot zone to carry out campus football reform experiments around youth campus football teaching, sports competition and teacher training. Analysts believe that the football sector is expected to benefit.

  The foot reform in the three places is rich in content

  According to the application plans previously submitted by the three places, the contents of football reform in Xiamen include: striving to create 165 campus football schools in 2017; Support and encourage schools to form women’s football teams; Establish a separate enrollment system for football special students; Implement the campus football personnel training and upgrading project; Establish a training base for campus football reserve talents.

  Qingdao’s reforms include: by 2019, the campus football penetration rate will reach 25%; By 2024, the number of primary schools, middle schools and universities that regularly carry out campus football activities will reach 35% of the total number of schools, and the number of registered young football players will reach 100,000.

  In addition, Yanji’s three-year reform plan shows that in 2015, physical education class, a primary and secondary school in the city, added a football teaching link, with no less than 16 hours of football courses per semester, and the campus football popularization rate reached 65%, with 850 trainings. In 2016, the football penetration rate reached 75%; Transform four school football venues and build a municipal off-campus football training base; Create 10 to 12 national youth campus football characteristic schools; Training more than 1600 people. In 2017, the campus football penetration rate reached more than 85%; Transform six school football venues and build a municipal off-campus football training base.

  The prospect of football is worth looking forward to.

  The previously approved "Overall Plan for the Reform and Development of Football in China" has defined the direction and goal of the future reform and development of football in China. The core contents mainly include: the China Football Association is decoupled from the General Administration of Sports, and there is no administrative level; Hosting the World Cup and kicking the national football team into the World Cup are the goals; Establish professional league Council to operate Super League; Study and issue China League Football Lottery; Increase investment in national football and build two new training bases; By 2025, 50,000 football schools will be built.

  Related concept stocks are expected to benefit.

  Zhao Huan, chief analyst of fortune securities, believes that the revitalization of football has risen to the national level, and the development space of the football industry is broad. National policy support is bound to encourage diversified capital investment and develop and expand the football industry through the capital market. From the investment point of view, football will become a compulsory course on campus, which will undoubtedly increase the mass base and market prospect of the future football industry, and related football concept stocks are expected to benefit. Investors can pay attention to Jiangsu Shuntian, TEDA, Lehman Optoelectronics, Shuangxiang, and China Sports Industry.

Bouncing monster! He is only 1.98 meters tall, but he can touch the upper edge of the rebound. This talent is enviable.

CoenCarr as an 18-year-oldbasketballAthletes have shown extraordinary talent and excellent skills. He comes from Texas, USA, and is good at playing.rearguardPosition, famous for holding the ball to break through and smash the opponent. In high school, his talent was recognized, not only ranked among the top 60 high school players in the United States, but also won the championship of McDonald’s all-star dunk contest. His jumping ability and physical fitness are amazing, whether inbasketballHe can always give an amazing performance to the audience on the court or in the game.

However, it is worth mentioning that even at the beginning of his career, he showed extraordinary jumping ability. Through the physical examination of joining the team, he just touched the upper edge of the rebound with a run-up. This stunt not only attracted the attention of the team, but also became an important reason for his fame.CoenCarr’s height is only 2.01 meters, and to reach this height, you usually need to have a height of 2.11 meters, which makesCoenCarr is even more different. Previously, the only player who could do this was retired superstar Garnett, who was 2.11 meters tall. It can be said,CoenCarr, with his talent beyond age, once again aroused people’s concern for talent.Attention and exploration of miracles.

CoenCarr’sbasketballTalent did not suddenly appear, but accumulated through his hard training and hard work during high school. His high schoolbasketballI have had a wonderful career and made remarkable achievements. First of all, he performed well on the offensive end, averaging 20.9 points, 9.6 rebounds, 1.6 steals and 1.7 blocks. On the offensive side,CoenCarr has become the team’s scoring weapon with its excellent breakthrough ability and scoring means. On the defensive end, his physical fitness and flexible pace make him a multi-position blocking player, which can limit his opponent’s scoring ability. This comprehensive strength makes him favored by scouts and is also for him.Professional leagueLaid a good foundation for its development.

However, although he has shown excellent abilities during his high school years, he did not stop there. In the scout’s evaluation, he still has some places that need to be further improved, especially diversifying his offensive moves. Only on this basis, can he cause a bigger sensation when he participates in the draft and have the opportunity to become a popular candidate in the top ten. Undoubtedly,CoenCarr’s talent is visible to the naked eye and he has a certain sense on the defensive end, which makes him one of the most popular types of players in recent years. Just like the LakersReddyLike Kuminga of the Warriors, although their technical level is average, with their excellent physical fitness, they eventually became lottery shows. Of course, besides talent, self-discipline and perseverance are also the keys to success. Just like Zion, if there is no self-discipline, even the best talent will be abandoned.

on the basis ofCoenCarr’s talent and hard work, his future prospects have attracted much attention. Many teams have expressed great interest in him and have high expectations for his development. Not only that, but his talent will also become the vast number of young peoplebasketballAn example and inspiration for enthusiasts. His success tells us that talent is important, but self-discipline and persistence are equally indispensable.

CoenCarr’s jumping talent is not only praised for its visual impact, but also representsbasketballThe purity and passion of sports. As a young player who is getting better and better, he should keep right.basketballEnthusiasm of sports, using their own talent and efforts to constantly break through themselves. Whether in the improvement of personal skills or in the cultivation of teamwork, he needs to always keep the right.basketballLove and persistence. And forbasketballFor fans, his success means the birth of an example, one that makes people believe that as long as they have real talents and unremitting efforts, they can dream one after another.basketballThe road.

CoenCarr’sbasketballAlthough the tour has just begun, his unique talent has left a deep impression on the fans. He is only 1.98 meters tall, but he can easily touch the upper edge of the backboard. This bouncing talent has aroused widespread concern. Through the rightCoenBy analyzing Carr’s unique talent and achievements, we can not only see hisbasketballPotential and development space, can also get some enlightenment and thinking.

just asbasketballShowing human beingsLike the endless possibilities of potential, as individuals, we should also exert our potential in our own fields and strive to realize our goals and dreams. Whether inbasketballOn the field or on the road of life, only with self-discipline and passion can we make continuous progress in a rapidly changing environment. So we should study.CoenCarr’s attitude beyond height, not afraid of difficulties, pursuing his dreams with a positive attitude, and making unremitting efforts.

Finally, hopeCoenCarr can continue to maintain his unique talent and love, and strive to improve his technical level and becomebasketballA new superstar. At the same time, I also look forward to more likeCoenYoung players like Carr can play inbasketballSuccess on the road presents us with more amazing.basketballPerforming. No matter how tall we are, as long as we have enough efforts and talents, we can all achieve our goals.basketballdream

Three times to defend for a while, two times to block the king! Changing to six teams in seven years is an injury that ruined your career.

Recently, Ibaka was interviewed by Shams and talked about what happened in Bucks. He said, "I can’t stand what happened there anymore. The coach never communicates with me whether I play or not. " On the Clippers, Tyrone Lu will call him and tell him in advance that more young people will be used this week, and no matter what changes are made, they will be informed in advance. This is the greatest respect. As for Ibaka, he used to be a defensive expert and lost to injury. After coming out from the Thunder, I changed six teams in seven years.

Memoirs of a teenager

Ibaka was born in Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of Congo. He has 18 brothers and sisters, and he ranks 16th in his family. His parents are both professional basketball players. His father plays for the national team of the Republic of Congo, while his mother plays for the Democratic Republic of Congo. Because of the civil war, my father fled overseas with his family.

Ibaka came to France briefly at the age of 17 and joined a second-division club. There he taught himself French, and then he came to Spain and joined the CB Horspitale Club. He averaged 10.2 points and 8.2 rebounds there, shooting as high as 55%.

In 2008, he participated in the Reebok European Training Camp and won the MVP award. This also attracted the attention of NBA scouts. A scout watching the game in the training camp said: "His athletic ability has broken the table. No one can tell him how good he can be. "

First-time alliance

In the 2008 NBA draft, Ibaka was selected by seattle supersonics with the 24th overall pick. After that, Oklahoma City Thunder (renamed Thunder 6 days after the draft) agreed to let Ibaka stay in Europe for development. After that, Ibaka signed a three-year contract with Manresa Basketball Club. There is a clause in this contract that enables Ibaka to return to the NBA at the end of each season.

In the 2011-12 season, Ibaka scored 3.7 blocks per game and won the blocked shot. He ranked second in the selection of the best defensive player, second only to Tai Sen Chandler. In the playoffs, Thunder went all the way to the finals. Ibaka made an astonishing 11 of 11 shots and 4 of 4 free throws in the fourth game of the Western Conference finals, becoming the first player after Yao Ming to make all 11 shots in the playoffs.

By the end of 2016, Ibaka had played 524 games in his seven seasons for Thunder, averaging 11.6 points, 7.4 rebounds and 2.5 blocks in 28.8 minutes per game, with a shooting percentage of 52.3%. He sent a total of 1300 blocks, which is the history of the Thunder team, averaging 2.5 blocks per game, which is also the first in the team history.

Wander around

On June 24th, 2016, the Thunder sent Sergi Ibaka in exchange for Victor Oladipo, Eisen Ilyasova of the Magic and Domantas Sabonis, the No.11 rookie in 2016. In 17 years, he was traded to the Raptors by the Magic. In 18-19 season, Ibaka averaged 15 points, 8.1 rebounds and 1.4 blocked shots in the regular season, and his shooting percentage reached 52.9%. He averaged 9.4 points, 5.7 rebounds and 0.9 blocked shots in the playoffs.

In 20 years, he joined the Los Angeles Clippers and averaged 11.1 points, 6.7 rebounds and 1.1 blocked shots in the regular season, and his shooting percentage reached 50.5%. However, due to back surgery, 30 games were reimbursed in advance before the end of the regular season and missed the playoffs. In February of 22, it was traded to Bucks; It was traded to the Pacers in January this year, but it was laid off in February, and now no one cares. Since Ibaka’s career, he has been selected as the best defensive player for three times, and he has been honored as the blocked shot king for two times. Maybe the playoff team can try it.