Fan Bingbing went to Paris Fashion Week again and happened to meet a famous French movie star to chat cordially

    On the evening of October 4, Paris time, Fan Bingbing was once again invited to attend the LV exhibition at Paris Fashion Week. After many trips to France to participate in activities, she met again with Yves Cassel, the global president of "old friend" LV.

    That night, Fan Bingbing was invited to attend the "Roaming Flower City Louis Vuitton Exhibition" jointly organized by the international famous brand LV and the Paris History Museum, which showcased the history of Paris through LV’s box. At the scene, Fan Bingbing appeared in LV’s latest autumn and winter pink dress, showing her elegance and temperament. She, who has worked closely with LV, is very valued. She was invited by the brand to attend Paris Fashion Week again, that is, after participating in the fashion week this spring and attending the fashion show of her ready-to-wear series, she also met again with her "old friend" LV global president Yves Caselle. Fan Bingbing, who has attended many international fashion events, has become increasingly familiar. This time in Paris, many French people are already familiar with her and can call her by name. Fan Bingbing was also fortunate to meet and talk with the famous French movie star Catherine Deneuve.

    This year, Fan Bingbing has frequently appeared in large-scale international film festivals and fashion weeks, and has reduced the number of films, advertisements, and magazines she shoots, focusing on the development of the international market and her own philanthropy. The first batch of Ali children with congenital heart disease she funded has been cured and returned to Tibet. She has gradually become a leading figure in the fashion industry, but also reflects her influence in public welfare.

[Movie Network] Exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting.

Byd Tang 4S shop spontaneous combustion! @ Wang Chuanfu, what about the agreed "Never catch fire"?

On April 2, a video of a netizen broke the news that a BYD Tang (parameter picture) under maintenance spontaneously ignited in a BYD 4S shop in Shaoguan, Guangdong. The video shows that the accident occurred on April 1. In the video, the scene was full of black smoke and fire, and many firefighters were rescued.

The on-site staff of the store said, "It is a car problem, not a fire. It has been solved now and can be maintained normally."

As can be seen from the video screen, this is undoubtedly BYD Tang’s confusion, and from the front face, it is highly probable that Tang dmi was listed at the Shanghai Auto Show last year.

"Erase the word’ spontaneous combustion’ from the dictionary of new energy vehicles." In 2020, Wang Chuanfu, chairman of BYD, made such rhetoric at the blade battery conference.

However, "spontaneous combustion" has not been erased, but "hitting the face" has come very quickly. After that, BYD’s various new energy vehicles have been experiencing spontaneous combustion accidents.

On March 25th this year, BYD Tang, a new car owner in Shanghai, spontaneously ignited while parked, and the vehicle was badly burned, leaving only one frame. The owner said that he had negotiated with the manufacturer and paid directly, but BYD officials did not make a public statement on the matter. We also don’t know the cause and effect of the spontaneous combustion of the vehicle.

On January 26th, a failed BYD Tang DM-i car in Shanghai was suspected to have caught fire on the way to the trailer. As can be seen from the pictures at the scene, the car has stopped burning. According to the picture observation, the car can’t have caught fire during driving, but it should have caught fire when it got on the trailer. There is no official news about the specific reason.

Also in January this year, a video of a fire accident of BYD dolphins came out on the Internet. Judging from the live video, the fire is large and accompanied by cracking sound.

Last November, a BYD Qin Pro EV caught fire in an underground garage in Beijing. At that time, the owner had not got off the bus, and suddenly felt that the voice was wrong. He immediately picked up the child and got off the bus to escape. Judging from the photos on the scene, a lot of white smoke emerged near the vehicle, and there was an obvious fire point at the bottom. After being put out, BYD Qin ProEV was seriously damaged and had no maintenance value.

In July, 2021, in a collision test conducted by the media, BYD Han EV and Beiqi Extreme Fox Alpha S conducted a frontal collision test. Unexpectedly, after the collision was completely cut off and left standing for 48 hours, this BYD Han EV equipped with a blade battery had a spontaneous combustion accident.

Say a few more words

Since last year, the sales of BYD’s new energy vehicles have shown a steady growth trend, but behind the sales of BYD’s new energy vehicles, there are frequent spontaneous combustion accidents.

Wang Chuanfu’s slogan of "never catching fire" has not been put into practice, and BYD’s battery safety is also worrying.

In fact, Wang Chuanfu’s high-profile publicity and endorsement of blade batteries at the beginning was itself suspected of exaggerating publicity. After all, the safety of battery cells is only the "nine Niu Yi hairs" of vehicle safety.

Great Wall Motor released the "331 Strategy" of coffee smart driving, and joined hands with Qualcomm and Huawei to comprehensively upgrade the smart driving strategy.

  On December 30th, Great Wall Motor (601633) held an intelligent driving strategy upgrade conference, which unveiled the mystery of coffee intelligent driving and announced that it would realize the first full-vehicle redundant L3 automatic driving in China in 2021. At the event site, Great Wall Motor also formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Qualcomm and Huawei, and plans to carry out in-depth cooperation on in-vehicle smart chips and high-computing intelligent driving computing platforms to expand the ecological circle of intelligent driving industry.

  It is reported that Coffee Smart Drive will be given priority on WEY brand products, and other brands of Great Wall Motor will be carried in the second half of 2021.

  On the day of the conference, the share price of Great Wall Motor (601633) closed at 37.18 yuan/share, an increase of 9.39%, and the company’s market value exceeded 341.2 billion yuan.

  Zhang Kai, the person in charge of intelligent driving of Great Wall Motor, said that the intelligent driving of coffee will be a strong support for the development of Great Wall Motor into a global technology travel company, and will also be a powerful booster for the development of Great Wall Motor.

  What is the origin of coffee smart driving?

  One day in the future, when more advanced autonomous driving scale is applied, can people let go of the steering wheel and enjoy a cup of coffee leisurely in the car during travel? Obviously, this is the most coveted scene of countless companies that are deeply involved in autonomous driving technology, and it is also in line with consumers’ imagination and expectation for autonomous driving technology. Great Wall Motor named its intelligent brand after coffee, hoping to meet consumers’ demand for autonomous driving more humanely.

  In July 2020, Great Wall Motor released its vehicle intelligent brand "Coffee Smart", and put forward the research and development concept of "double intelligence integration" for the first time, combining intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit from the perspective of user experience. As soon as the news was released, the whole industry paid close attention to Great Wall Motor’s future-oriented intelligent driving strategy.

  On December 30, Great Wall Motor officially unveiled the mystery of coffee smart driving, and announced the "331 Strategy", that is, it took three years to achieve the first user scale in the industry, the best user experience evaluation, and the most three leading scenes, and to build a leader in automatic driving in the intelligent era. The reporter of Securities Times and Car Capital learned that in 2021, Great Wall Motor will realize the first L3-level automatic driving with full vehicle redundancy in China.

  It is understood that Coffee Smart Drive has six redundant systems including perception redundancy, controller redundancy, braking redundancy, architecture redundancy, power redundancy and steering redundancy. At the same time, Coffee Smart Drive is also equipped with the world’s first car-class high-performance, all-solid-state laser radar that can be truly mass-produced. It adopts the most advanced FLASH technology scheme in the industry, which can achieve an angular resolution of 0.05 degrees and identify potential safety hazards within 130 meters.

  In terms of application scenarios, Great Wall Motor’s intelligent driving technology can achieve full scene coverage of high-speed and urban expressways, and can complete obstacle avoidance and lane change, multi-vehicle lane change and urban autonomous lane change. At the same time, Great Wall Motor has also made breakthroughs in difficult scenes such as car walking and cone avoidance.

  Not only that, Great Wall Motor also pioneered the only quantitative user experience evaluation method-"user use cost", which realized detailed evaluation and extensive investigation of users through five sub-dimensions of operation cost, awareness cost, safety cost, time cost and money cost. At the same time, the AIFEED function of Coffee Smart Drive can also actively learn and adapt to the user’s driving habits and car scenes through artificial intelligence algorithms, and perceive the user’s car pain points, thus reducing the use cost and maximizing the real needs of users.

  It is reported that in the future, coffee smart driving will be given priority in the WEY brand products, and other brands of Great Wall Motor will also be equipped with coffee smart driving one after another.

  Join hands with Qualcomm and Huawei to expand the ecosystem of intelligent driving industry.

  At the press conference, Great Wall Motor also formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Qualcomm and Huawei.

  It is reported that in the future, Great Wall Motor will cooperate with Qualcomm on in-vehicle smart chips in the field of autonomous driving. Great Wall Motor will take the lead in adopting Qualcomm’s Snapdragon Ride platform with powerful performance on its high-end models launched in 2022, and apply it to its intelligent driving system.

  Ai Hezhi, senior director of product marketing of Qualcomm and head of automobile business in China, said that Qualcomm will work with Great Wall Motor to build high-quality models that can reassure consumers.

  The cooperation between the Great Wall and Huawei is more focused on the innovative technology level of intelligent network connection and intelligent driving. It is reported that Huawei will provide Great Wall Motor with a high computing power intelligent driving computing platform based on MDC, and actively cooperate with Great Wall Motor to complete various evaluations and tests of sensing components (such as lidar, camera, etc.) required for intelligent driving.

  The Securities Times and Car Capital reporter learned that this cooperation with Great Wall Motor is Huawei MDC 610, a new generation of intelligent driving computing platform for L3-L4 automatic driving, to build an industry-leading car brain for Great Wall Motor.

  Wang Juan, vice president of Huawei’s smart car solution BU Marketing and Sales Service Department, said that Great Wall Motor will become a high-quality leader and lead more car companies into the field of smart driving.

  In fact, after big data, artificial intelligence, Internet and other technologies gradually penetrate into the automobile industry, no enterprise can go it alone. Industry insiders have judged that the strong alliance between Great Wall Motor and Qualcomm and Huawei will not only achieve win-win cooperation in different fields, but also further expand its intelligent driving industry ecosystem, laying a solid foundation for Great Wall Motor’s globalization strategy.


Whether WeChat gives Tik Tok a "bright red card" is a monopoly or unfair competition is controversial.

  A few days ago, Tik Tok said that new users could not log in to Tik Tok normally with the authorization of WeChat, because there was a problem with the login service provided by WeChat open platform, which caused troubles to the common users of Tik Tok and WeChat. According to people close to Tencent, WeChat’s move is "based on platform rules and consideration of protecting users’ privacy".

  At the beginning of the new year, Tik Tok released the video social App "Duoshan", and it was soon discovered that the download link was blocked by WeChat on the grounds that "the webpage contains unsafe content".

  As of press time, Tencent officials did not respond to this matter. However, on January 26th, WeChat issued a notice on "Handling of Recent Induced Violation and Malicious Confrontation", which explicitly prohibited the testing and induced behavior of external links, and specifically named the offending apps including today’s headlines, Tencent’s Didi Chuxing, JD.COM and so on.

  Is it suspected of unfair competition?

  On January 23, the relevant person in charge of Tik Tok said in an interview with the media that WeChat has the value of hydropower infrastructure. At present, there are more than 200 million users who use WeChat accounts to log in to Tik Tok alone. Once WeChat is unilaterally banned, it will have a greater impact on users.

  Cong Lixian, a professor at the School of Intellectual Property of East China University of Political Science and Law, holds different views on the "infrastructure theory". He told the "Legal Daily" reporter that under normal circumstances, basic telecom service providers are considered as basic network service providers. Facebook and Twitter have a very large market share in the United States and have never been recognized as infrastructure.

  Earlier, Zhang Xinnian, a Beijing lawyer, said in an interview with the media that if Tencent unilaterally terminated Tik Tok’s WeChat authorized login, it would be suspected of damaging the normal choice rights of Tik Tok operators and consumers, which could be considered as unfair competition.

  Cong Lixian believes that in the market economy, whether it is compatible with other people’s products or services is usually the result of free competition, and deciding whether it is compatible is also a voluntary choice for operators to maximize their interests. Whether incompatible behavior constitutes unfair competition as stipulated in the Anti-Unfair Competition Law depends on whether the operator is malicious.

  "Based on the protection of personal information and the protection of corporate commercial resources, it is understandable that WeChat carries out necessary management and does not involve malicious incompatibility; Wechat and Tik Tok can still be installed and run on the same device, and they are not compatible. Moreover, in addition to WeChat account, Tik Tok users can also choose to log in to Tik Tok by means of mobile phone number, headline account, etc., not just relying on WeChat account login. " Cong Lixian said that this is a normal enterprise competition, and moral kidnapping should not be used to accuse normal business operations.

  Kong Xiangjun, dean of the Institute of Intellectual Property and Competition Law of Shanghai Jiaotong University, said in an interview with the Legal Daily that compatibility is not only the operator’s choice, but also may be based on various reasonable factors such as safety and efficiency. Compatibility and incompatibility are common phenomena on the Internet, and forced compatibility is not only impossible, but also harmful. We should not only adhere to the principle of freedom of competition, but also limit the scope of "malice".

  "As far as this incident is concerned, if Tik Tok has a variety of options for users’ access channels, a certain platform operator has no obligation to open up. Whether or not to open the platform is usually the freedom of competition of operators, and the law only restricts the competitive behavior of monopoly operators. Wechat’s termination of authorized login will objectively bring inconvenience to Tik Tok users, but this benefit has not yet risen to the legal level, more like a ‘ Reflective interests ’ That is, if it is good to log in with WeChat account, it will cause some inconvenience if it cannot be used. However, this benefit is the reflective benefit brought by the previous login. The benefits felt by the parties are not real benefits, so it is difficult to claim rights. " Kong Xiangjun said.

  Internet industry is cautious about monopoly.

  Accusing the monopoly of WeChat is the voice that the headline department has made many times. The relevant person in charge of headlines once pointed out in an interview with the media: "The core lies in the rapid development of headline products, including Tik Tok, which has shaken Tencent’s monopoly position and commercial interests."

  So, does WeChat’s behavior constitute a monopoly? Article 3 of the anti-monopoly law stipulates that monopolistic behaviors include: the operators reach a monopoly agreement; Operators abuse market dominance; Concentration of operators that have or may have the effect of eliminating or restricting competition.

  Sheng Jiemin, a well-known expert in anti-monopoly law and a professor at Peking University Law School, said in an interview with the reporter of Legal Daily that in fact, the determination of monopoly status is very complicated, and in judicial and law enforcement practice, it is necessary to be very cautious about the determination of "abuse of market dominance" by enterprises.

  "Many people think that a large market share has a monopoly position, but it is not. To judge whether an enterprise has or abuses a dominant market position, many factors must be considered." Sheng Jiemin said that the rapid iteration of the Internet industry determines the criteria for judging dynamic competition rather than static scale. In addition, Internet companies are trying their best to expand their own scale, and the boundaries of related markets are far less clear than those of traditional markets. In this case, more attention should be paid to market entry, market behavior of operators, impact on competition and other factors.

  Cong Lixian also believes that it is difficult to define the scope of the relevant market, whether the specific parties in the relevant market are involved in market dominance, and whether the relevant parties are abusing market dominance. "In view of this incident, WeChat belongs to social software and Tik Tok belongs to short video application, and they actually do not belong to the same relevant market."

  You Yunting, a Shanghai lawyer, told the reporter of Legal Daily that on the issue of monopoly, on the one hand, it depends on whether the operators have a dominant market position, and on the other hand, it depends on whether the consequences of monopolistic behavior have caused subversive changes to the whole competition pattern. "Tencent didn’t block all users in Tik Tok, but just stopped logging in new users’ WeChat accounts, not to mention abusing the dominant market position."

  Xue Jun, deputy dean of Peking University Law School, told the Legal Daily reporter: "Being unable to log in with WeChat account normally will objectively affect the user experience of Tik Tok users, but it is unlikely to have a long-term and obvious effect of eliminating and restricting competition. Because even if Tik Tok users can’t log in with WeChat account, they can log in by other means. It is still necessary to go deep into the specific legal relationship involved by the parties, and not just look at some big things, otherwise it may be biased. "

  "This incident is not entirely a bad thing for Tik Tok. In a sense, it is also an opportunity to test the stickiness of Tik Tok users. Enterprises must have a sense of management and cannot pin their business models on the cooperation of others. " Xue Jun said.

  Information security attracts netizens’ attention

  Although Tik Tok has repeatedly denied "acquiring the WeChat relationship chain" in this storm, the discussion on the relationship chain has not stopped.

  Weibo user "Nutritionist-Guo Lin" said, "My Tik Tok has not been bound to WeChat. Today, I downloaded Duoshan, logged in with Tik Tok, and saw that many friends recommended are WeChat friends … … I feel that Tik Tok is very unsafe. ".

  On January 25th, Zhou Tian Finance reported that the code screenshots obtained from the industry showed that today’s headline adjusted the Cookie of WeChat browser and sent it back to today’s headline server. It is speculated that the headline is likely to obtain the WeChat friend relationship chain in this way. According to the screenshot, the headline extends the life cycle of Cookie in WeChat browser to 10 years, while in the industry, such cycle is usually about a few days.

  Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, believes that in the era of big data, respecting users’ right to choose and privacy is an eternal theme. Taking the case of using Sina Weibo user information illegally by Pulse as an example, the court held that protecting user information was an important basis to measure the legitimacy of the operator’s behavior, and finally decided that Pulse constituted unfair competition.

  Zhu Wei said that enterprises should give priority to personal information security and privacy protection from the perspective of users. Secondly, under the framework of laws and regulations, reasonable and proper use of data can bring better product experience to users.

  You Yunting added that in addition to the platform side, users should also raise their awareness of self-protection. They should try to install products from big companies and not install apps from unknown sources. Permissions related to their privacy must be thoroughly understood before choosing whether to agree or disagree, and synchronization functions must not be abused. Reduce the possibility of personal information disclosure through good use. (Reporter Han Dandong Luo Congran)

Exclusive romance in winter

Send away the autumn when the grain is abundant.
The frosty winter comes quietly.
The tall branches are not as lush as before.
The slow stream lost its previous fluctuation.
Occasionally, a few birds fly in the blue sky.
Winter in the south is romantic even slowly.
Happiness on the tip of her tongue
Winter is a season of white fog. In the sub-zero days, wrapped in a furry down jacket, wearing a super warm wool hat and gloves, I asked my little sister to buy a big hot baked sweet potato before I found the car for baking sweet potatoes. You are half and I am half, and the happiness in winter is hidden in the sweet potato.
"Cold winter matches hot pot better." It is said that hot pot is essential in the happiness of winter. "People who can eat hot pot together must be people from all over the world." "Hot pot glugs, my heart plops." I went to a hot pot restaurant with three or two friends, chose some favorite dishes, talked and laughed, and had a good time.
"Nothing can’t be solved by a good meal. If it can’t be solved, just a few meals will be fine." The so-called people take food as their priority, are not active in eating, and have ideological problems, just like the "dry rice man" who is often said now. A bad mood can be cured by food, and happiness will be over.
Snowflakes hide surprises.
"is like a spring gale, come up in the night, blowing open the petals of ten thousand pear trees"
Winter is really a romantic season, especially when it is snowing heavily. The snow fairy waved her sleeves heartily, and in the fluttering playing, the world was pure and clean, without quagmire. When the cold wind passed, falling snowflakes, the silver light flashed, and everything around it was immersed in a silver-white world.
Especially the first snow in winter, the first snow. First snow always has many beautiful definitions. "The first snow must be enjoyed with the person you like", "If he is showered with snow together, this life will be a white head" and "Sending you a photo of the first snow means I miss you". There are thousands of beautiful definitions, and the first snow is also an essential definition.
How can the fun of snowy days be short of snowball fights and snowmen? Find a place with a thick snowdrift, hold a snowball in your hand, have a snowball fight with your friends, or prepare some gadgets to make a beautiful snowman. Even if my hands are red with cold, my face is still a cheerful smile.
Future expectations
If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
Winter can also be a season of expectation. Every time I am in beginning of winter, I know that the New Year is not far away. Not only that, but also the New Year’s Eve, the Spring Festival and the Lantern Festival, which followed closely, are also lining up to send holiday surprises. "In 2021, walk with love" and "In the new year, everyone will be fat in vain and run towards a well-off society in an all-round way"
Life is long, and it is inevitable to be sad and unhappy. In 2020, a special year, there will be gathering and separation. Even so, the pace of life will not slow down, and the efforts should still go all out, and the expectations and beauty should be hidden in the heart. Every day is a day full of hope. So, let’s stop being unhappy now, and the new year is still radiant.
Three secrets of keeping happy: it doesn’t matter, it’s unnecessary and it’s not possible. Yes, life is too short, so why should you be sad? At this time, when you are young, you should struggle, struggle and come on. Everyone should have a dream and a goal, in case it comes true. Time pays off, so run. "In 2021, I will bump into happiness."
May you be the wind, with white sails.
May you be a ship, sailing the blue waves.
Everything is renewed, old diseases should be healed, and Chang’ an is always safe.
Source: Anhui School Media

Table Tennis World Cup Day 1: Table Tennis Boom 8

On the evening of December 4th, Beijing time, the Chengdu Table Tennis Team World Cup ended its first match day. At present, the China team only played once, and swept Sweden, a European powerhouse, with an 8-0 victory. Although it also encountered some shocks, on the whole, it still grasped the initiative on the field and won easily.

In terms of foreign associations, strong teams such as Japan and South Korea maintained a total victory, but only the United States blew out 8-0, and the other teams failed to achieve zero opponents. In addition, the China-Hong Kong team lost to Puerto Rico 7-8, which broke the first upset of this competition, which surprised fans and friends. Please see below for the detailed situation.

China is the undisputed strongest team in Group A. As mentioned earlier, we scored 8-0 in the first game, among which Lin Gaoyuan/Manyu Wang beat Carlson/C Carlberg 3-0, Sun Yingsha beat Berg Sterlon 3-0, and Wang Chuqin beat A Carlberg 2-0. However, Sun Yingsha played a little hard in that game, and her opponent really fought hard.

As mentioned earlier, the China-Hong Kong team with good strength lost to Puerto Rico in America, among which Puerto Rican star A Diaz played a brave role, the women’s singles swept Du Kaiyu 3-0, the women’s doubles beat Du Kaiyu/Zhu Chengzhu 2-1 with her sister M Diaz, and Gonzalez/Afan Nador also won Huang Zhen Ting/Lin Zhaoheng 2-1.

The competition in this group is fierce. Although the German team is the second seed, the five core players, Bohr, Ochalov, Qiu Dang, Francesca and Han Ying, did not participate this time, and their overall strength plummeted. However, as the saying goes, "the skinny camel is bigger than the horse", they finally won Egypt 8-3 and were not upset.

As for the Slovakian players’ performance, they beat the European champion team Portugal 8-5 with a total score, but there was some luck, because the latter was not an all-star team. Without the core players Freitas and Apollonia, they failed to play the strongest level of their team: no way, too many masters didn’t come to this competition!

The Japanese team, the arch-rival of table tennis, has a big advantage in Group C. After all, their men’s and women’s teams and singles and doubles have strong strength. However, Hayata Hina’s state this time is average, and she lost one game in both games, but she finally won, and the whole team also won 8-2 over Romania and 8-1 over Australia.

In the case of Japan’s dominance, France is the only team in Group B that has the ability to attack them. In this competition, it won Australia 8-3 first, and then the United States 8-5, while the United States bombarded Australia 8-0, but lost to Romania 5-8. At present, France is expected to protect two and rush one, Romania and the United States may get the second place, and Australia has no hope of qualifying.

South Korea played in Group D, although it didn’t lose, but it was not easy to win. In the first game, it beat Singapore 8-3, and Canada 8-2 in World War II. Their athletes didn’t seem to be fully in the state. In addition, some people didn’t seem to adapt to the new 15-game 8-win system. After leading 2-0, they habitually relaxed and didn’t win the third game.

However, the strength of the other teams in Group D is average. Without Lin Yunru, Chuan Chih Yuan and Zheng Yijing, the China Taipei team beat Canadian 8-3 and Indian 8-4, and its performance was average. Canada won India 8-5, while India narrowly beat Singapore 8-7. Singapore has not won yet, so the possibility of qualifying is not great. Let’s wait for the group match to end the next day and the list of the top eight will be born!

Set catering, entertainment, culture, business in one! New progress in the project of capping the main structure of this commercial complex

As a comprehensive tourism and leisure resort integrating tourism, culture, business and performance, Sanzao Port’s "Huan Yun Oriental" business and cultural tourism project is a major project jointly planned by Lingang Investment Control Group and wanxiang town to support the promotion of regional development level. It will combine the essence of the traditional culture of "24 solar terms" to create a unique rural leisure tourism and business culture and technology entrepreneurial town.

The capped plot C06-04 covers an area of 9400.1m2, with a total construction area of 40636.1m2. It is a commercial complex building integrating catering, entertainment, culture and commerce.

Wanxiang Town said that the "Huan Yun Oriental" project will effectively promote the development of wanxiang town business district, improve the economic level and hard power, and further accelerate the urban transformation and future development of wanxiang town.

This summer, wanda plaza created a "basketball dream" for basketball teenagers.

Recently, wanda plaza has attracted people’s attention. Just because of the arrival of the summer basketball match, people’s enthusiasm for basketball has been immediately pushed to the commanding heights. In fact, as early as the Basketball World Cup held in China in 2019, Wanda began to promote the "Little Champion" caddy project, which enabled more children who love basketball to enter the world stage. At the same time, it also helped 12 caddies from Danzhai, Guizhou, to have face-to-face contact with the World Cup.

Basketball teenagers help out

From the city trials to the national finals, and from China to the Philippines, a dream trip began, and more and more people participated in this exploration journey. Wanda is willing to help more teenagers who love basketball and create basketball dreams for more basketball teenagers.

Mobile game national league

At the same time, from September to October, in the iconic wanda plaza of Xiamen, Lanzhou, Jinan, Harbin and Chongqing, local cultural and tourism bureaus and sports bureaus will be linked to create an e-sports carnival! At that time, you can go to the offline race track in wanda plaza, feel the wonderful charm of League of Legends National League, and meet more like-minded partners to discuss game events together.

12th Anniversary Player Celebration

With the end of the regular season of 2023LPL Summer Tournament, the 12th Anniversary Player Celebration of League of Legends will be held from August 5th to August 8th. The 2023LPL Summer Tournament Finals and the 2023LPL Global Finals Qualifiers will also be held during this period, and more exciting events are worth looking forward to.

This time, wanda plaza joined the same trip, and set up 10 offline match watching activities nationwide during the anniversary. There are also many awards and interactive games waiting for you. Do you want to cheer for LPL? Then hurry up and move!

Why did Jordan and James have different results when they also complained to the referee?

Why did Jordan and James have different results when they also complained to the referee?

This question is very interesting. This includes two aspects: spiritual and external performance. First, mentally, Jordan respects basketball, so he is upright and arrogant in his heart when playing. Mr. Murong focuses on profit, and his sense of superiority comes from profit. Even if he gains unjustly, people like Zhai Tianlin are indulged by the referee, and he also intends to use it himself, even at the expense of bowing down to all directions.

Second, whether the double standard how external performance? Jamie’s logic is: you say James walks, then Jordan can’t walk once, you say James stands, then Jordan can’t stand once. How generous are you to yourself and strict with the law? Therefore, Jamie’s performance focuses on profit, which is the same as Zhan’s spiritual core. Isn’t this interesting?

Jordan didn’t stand up a few times in his life, and James did it all the time. Jordan spread his hand and scored six three-pointers at half-time in the finals, with his hands spread out, invincible and helpless. And my impression is that Jordan questioned the referee’s penalty, which is just a few words, without pestering or begging humbly, and finally responded with action. If there had been any weak behavior at that time, it would have become a big news. You know, in the last three companies, Jordan has become the public enemy of the league, and young elites want to ignore Jordan’s position.

Jordan is good at physical confrontation, and he doesn’t have any bad moves, especially diving and padding. Then the referee will respond naturally when he stands up, and most of his hands are self-satisfied, so I can’t help it. James has been diving, padding and walking for 20 years, which can be said to be the worst type in the top 10 in history. It is naturally another result that he is so weak! Be strict with others, be lenient with yourself, and naturally be laughed at.

Jordan didn’t play basketball at his peak, he didn’t take his talent anywhere at his peak, and he didn’t take the initiative to hug his thighs at his peak. The only thing he did was that he was bored at his peak and retired to play baseball, and then the NBA cried and begged him to come back. So don’t make excuses, why do different players have different understandings of the same thing, blame the referee? Strange fans? It depends on a player’s long-standing impression, so don’t push your problems out.

And it doesn’t matter how many points you score, it mainly depends on how much role you play on the team. Like last season’s regular season, you hold a lot of ball rights and don’t retreat. Such scores are meaningless. And LeBron’s defensive ability is not a problem at all. His size and strength determine that he will be an excellent defender if he wants to defend. The problem is that his defensive attitude is really not good, especially when he is old.

Two consecutive defeats sent Manchester City to defend the title, and Arsenal ran for 11 months without success.

Nottingham Forest 1-0 Arsenal (war communiqué)

Titan sports’s all-media correspondent in Britain, Liu Chuan.

In the last round, Arsenal lost 3-0 to Brighton at home. The prediction given by the English media is that Manchester City will lock the league title after this round of game against Chelsea. However, at that time, the outside world obviously overestimated the current state of the arsenal. As a result, Arsenal, who took the lead on Saturday, lost to Nottingham Forest 0-1 away, not only "assisted" the latter to avoid relegation, but also completely sent Manchester City to the throne.

Arsenal have only won two games in the last eight rounds. The media bluntly said that as a champion team, the performance in the final stage was not even above the passing line. Arteta tried to change the formation in this game. Ben Wright, Kiviol and Gabriel partnered with three central defenders, while Zaka, Thomas and jorginho started in midfield. When the team was in a state of non-high oppression, Thomas retreated to the right defense line to participate in the defense. This strange change of formation has caused many English media to adjust their coverage of Arsenal’s starting formation several times after the opening. Pat neven, a famous Scottish player, said that he couldn’t understand this trial array at all. "You will find that quite a few players are in unfamiliar positions, especially when you find that neither side of Arsenal’s defense is a full-back, and the real left-back Thirny is sitting on the bench. You don’t know how he feels when he looks at Ki viol in his good position."

Arsenal quickly conceded the goal in the 19th minute, and Awoniyi, with Ramsdale attacking before and Gabriel chasing after, sent the ball into an empty net before the two men finished the attack, 1-0! The subsequent multi-angle slow motion shows that Gabriel actually put the shovel before Avonii’s foot and touched the ball, but this tackle made the ball refract to the arch of the Nigerian striker impartially, helping the opponent to push the ball comfortably into the empty goal.

The defeat in Nottingham was Arsenal’s first consecutive defeat in the league this season. Unlike losing to Brighton in the last round, they had nearly 90 minutes to change the situation when injury time was included in this game, but in the end, the gunman held 82% possession of the ball, but the audience only shot three shots. The actual injury time in the second half was as long as 8 minutes, and Nottingham Forest was almost torn by the pressure of relegation. Many home fans in the stands were afraid to look straight at the stadium after 80 minutes and chose to bury their heads and pray for the team.

Even in this case, Arsenal’s performance was criticized by the media for lack of urgency, as if they were the leading side. BBC reporter gary ross is puzzled by Arsenal’s slow pace. "Those who don’t know the score may think that Arsenal are leading 1-0 now and are patiently seeking the second goal to seal the victory. But the fact is that even the fans with good temper probably can’t accept the team’s withdrawal from the league title competition in this way. I’m afraid even Manchester City didn’t think of it, because after they beat Everton last Saturday, they were tied with Arsenal for the first time in quite some time, and the gunners actually collapsed immediately."

Even so, Arsenal fans who went out with the team still sang Super mikel arteta in the stands when the game was about to enter the injury time stage. Although the game is still not over, everyone seems to have accepted the reality that the championship will fall short in advance. Simon Stone, a famous BBC reporter, believes that Arsenal’s performance is still good throughout the season, but this time it is a monster-like terrible team that competes with them for the championship trophy. "You can hear the songs of Arsenal fans, and they still firmly support Artta, because in any case, they will all win the second place in the league with league points that were unimaginable at the beginning of the season. They have not been able to compete with Manchester City, but Arsenal is still the club closest to Guardiola’s terrorist team in the league."

With the final whistle of referee Anthony Taylor, Nottingham Forest successfully relegated, while Manchester City completed the great cause of three consecutive league titles and won five Premier League titles in the last six seasons. Some fans ridiculed that even Manchester City players probably didn’t expect the suspense of the league title to be announced so soon. "Considering the schedule of the last two weeks, after defeating Everton last week, Guardiola probably thought that Arsenal would beat Brighton first, narrow the gap at the top of the list to 1 point again, and then beat Nottingham Forest today, and rushed back to the top of the list briefly with the advantage of many games. Therefore, Gua Shuai’s schedule of winning the league within Manchester City is mostly around next Wednesday, that is, after the make-up match against Brighton. He may think that only then can they establish enough advantages in the standings to lock the league title. No one expected that Arsenal would lose two games in a row and take the initiative to go out. "

For Arsenal, this means that they have occupied the top spot for 248 days this season, but in the end they lost the title. This also set an embarrassing record for the top leagues in England: the non-champion team that stayed at the top for the longest time. Coach Artta first congratulated Manchester City for successfully defending the title, and then took the initiative to take the responsibility of losing. "We must first congratulate Manchester City for defending the title again, but for us, this is a sad day. The team should face the reality now. Today, we lost the ball first, and then we didn’t show enough excellent performance to turn the situation around. According to today’s game situation, even if we are given another three hours, we may get nothing. This is my responsibility and I will take the initiative to bear it. We have worked hard together for this (championship) for 11 months, but we haven’t done enough. This is football. The pain is very intense, but we must find a solution to improve the performance of the team as soon as possible. This season is not over yet, and there is still a harsh week ahead. "

As a famous player in Arsenal, Adams, the old captain of Arsenal, frowned after the game. He believed that the team eventually lost to the lineup gap with Manchester City. "Arsenal can only base itself on its own resources. When some (main) players decline, they obviously can’t come up with effective emergency alternatives. Of course, their overall performance this season has been excellent. Saka is likely to win the best young player award of the season, but by the end of the season, this feeling of falling apart is really embarrassing. "