Topic: Wen Jiabao’s visit to Japan.


[content overview]:China’s Prime Minister Wen Jiabao delivered a speech entitled "For Friendship and Cooperation" in the Japanese Parliament this morning. This is the 22-year interval when the Japanese Parliament welcomed China leader and Prime Minister Wen Jiabao of the State Council, People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Premier Wen Jiabao delivered a speech at the Japanese Parliament.

    China’s Prime Minister Wen Jiabao delivered a speech entitled "For Friendship and Cooperation" in the Japanese Parliament this morning.

    He said that for the sake of friendship and cooperation, it is necessary to inherit and carry forward the long-standing historical tradition of Sino-Japanese friendship. During more than 2,000 years of contacts, the Chinese nation and the Japanese nation have learned from each other and promoted their respective development and progress. > > > Click on the video   > > > Full text of the speech


? [Theme] Friendship and Cooperation I hope this visit will become an ice melting trip.

? Wen Jiabao: Five Principles for Pushing Sino-Japanese Relations to a New Historical Stage

    Under the new historical conditions, China and Japan have growing common interests and face major issues that need to be addressed together. Based on such objective facts, the leaders of the two countries have reached a consensus on building a strategic and mutually beneficial relationship. Our goal is to conform to the trend and popular will, push Sino-Japanese relations to a new historical stage, and realize peaceful coexistence, friendship from generation to generation, mutually beneficial cooperation and common development. In order to achieve this goal, we need to grasp the following principles: first, enhance mutual trust and fulfill commitments. Second, take the overall situation into consideration and seek common ground while reserving differences. Third, equality, mutual benefit and common development. Fourth, focus on the future and strengthen exchanges. Fifth, close consultation to meet challenges. > > > click details.

? Sino-Japanese exchanges have lasted for more than two thousand years.

    Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, production techniques such as rice planting, mulberry planting, sericulture, textile and smelting have been spread from China to Japan, and Chinese characters, Confucianism, Buddhism, laws and art have also been absorbed and used for reference by Japan. The Japanese have sent envoys to the Tang Dynasty for more than ten times, and Abe Zhongmalu is one of them.

    Jian Zhen, a monk, went to Japan eastward, but failed to cross the sea five times, so that he became blind and remained determined. He was 66 years old when he succeeded in crossing the sea for the sixth time. Monk Jian Zhen spread Buddhism to Japan, which he thought could help the world and help others. > > > click details.

? Friendship and cooperation need to draw lessons from history
    For the sake of friendship and cooperation, we need to sum up and learn from the historical lessons of infinite years. As we all know, the friendly exchanges between the Chinese and Japanese people for more than 2,000 years were blocked by the painful and unfortunate history of more than 50 years in modern times. The Japanese war of aggression against China has caused great disasters to the people of China, with heavy casualties and huge property losses. It is hard to describe the trauma to the hearts of the people of China. > > > click details.
? 2008 Japanese children were abandoned in China after the war.

    In the war-torn era, Marshal Nie Rongzhen rescued the Japanese orphan Mihoko on the battlefield, took good care of her personally, and tried every means to send her back to her relatives. In 1980, Mihoko and his family made a special trip to China to visit Marshal Nie. After the war, 2,008 Japanese children were abandoned and orphaned in China, and they were taken in by war-torn China people.

    Up to today, 2,513 Japanese orphans have returned to Japan to settle down. > > > click details.

? [General Wen’s punch line] Although the wind is in Wuthering Mountain, it will not move.
    Wen Jiabao said: "There is a stone lantern in the Jian Zhen Memorial Hall in daming temple, Yangzhou, which was personally delivered by the filial piety elder Morimoto of the Japanese Tang Zhaoti Temple in 1980. The lamp lit by himself is a pair with another lamp of the Japanese Tang Zhaoti Temple. This pair of lights is still burning today, and it shines in the distance, symbolizing the bright future of friendship between the Chinese and Japanese peoples from generation to generation.

    There is a proverb in your country:Although the wind is whistling, the mountain will not move.Although the development of Sino-Japanese relations has experienced ups and downs, the foundation of friendship between the Chinese and Japanese peoples is as unshakable as Mount Tai and Mount Fuji! > > > click on the details.

? [Netizen’s voice] Melting ice and melting snow, a ray of sunshine comes through the clouds in the spring.

[Mickey’s girlfriend]:I wish Premier Wen’s "ice-melting trip" warm the heart of Japanese "grassroots"

[Magpie Nest]:On the eve of Premier Wen Jiabao’s trip to the East, he made it clear to the outside world that he intended to establish a communication and cooperation mechanism between China and China and achieve a mutually beneficial strategic relationship, which indicated that China had taken a decisive step towards building a peace mechanism in East Asia and was also a symbol of the sublimation of’s diplomatic wisdom. Diplomacy transcends the bondage of emotion, takes rational judgment as a tool and takes national interests as a refuge, which is the proper meaning of great power diplomacy.

[Dongxiang dutiful son]:Breaking ice-melting ice requires a high degree of mutual trust. Enhance exchanges, especially among the younger generation, and increase mutual understanding. Take history as a mirror, look to the future and jointly promote the prosperity of East Asia. May peace be with us forever!

[▲ Marshal▲]:"After 22 years, the leader of China once again boarded the podium of the Japanese parliament" sounds a sense of pride. Hehe, it seems quite difficult to board the podium of the Japanese parliament! It’s an honor to be on the board.

Editor: Huo Junxia

The hottest travel "summer file" in the past five years? How to solve the difficulty of booking tickets →

The scorching heat can’t stop people from traveling. A number of online travel platforms predict that this year is expected to usher in the hottest travel "summer file" in the past five years. Among many destinations, Beijing has always been very hot, especially this summer. According to the platform data, the booking volume of air tickets arriving in Beijing in summer increased by 30% compared with the same period of 2019, and the hotel booking volume increased by 6 times; It is also reported that the daily average number of tourist groups in Beijing has reached 1,200.

On July 8, tourists visited the Forbidden City. Photo by Chen Yuhua (Xinhua News Agency)

The return of market enthusiasm has brought about the growth of tourism consumption, but also a new problem: there is no shortage of tourists and tickets. Recently, many people are surprised to find that it is not easy to think of traveling in Beijing, and tickets for traditional popular scenic spots have to be grabbed. "The air tickets and hotels are all settled, but the itinerary is uncertain, and the tickets for the Forbidden City are grabbed, and the tickets for Guobo are gone", which has become an "annoyance" for many tourists. The travel agency is very helpless, and it is hard to look forward to the tourist season. There is no shortage of tourists but tickets. It is understood that some scenic spots need to be robbed one week in advance, and some need to be robbed five days in advance. The ticket release time is at 5 pm, 8 pm and 12 pm respectively. At present, the difficulty in booking tickets for popular scenic spots in Beijing has become a hot topic on many social networks.

Make an appointment first, then travel, and the ticket reservation system has been rapidly promoted in scenic spots across the country. As a means of normalization, the implementation of the appointment system has many benefits. From the management point of view, it can avoid the potential safety hazard caused by the over-concentration of passenger flow in scenic spots to a certain extent, reduce the risk that some cultural relics protection units will damage historical sites due to too many visitors, and also effectively prevent scalpers from scalping tickets. From the service point of view, the reservation system can allow tourists to plan their trips in advance, travel at the wrong peak, reduce waiting time and improve the tour experience.

There are two main reasons why the booking of tickets for popular scenic spots in Beijing this summer caused a lot of spit: First, the demand of tourists for high-quality tourism resources does not match the ticket source, and the number of tourists in the summer peak season has exploded, but the number of tickets available for booking in scenic spots is limited, which makes it difficult to grab tickets particularly prominent; Second, the booking channels and ticket release times of major scenic spots are different, and some even in the middle of the night.

Tourists are not satisfied, indicating that there is still much room for optimization in tourism management and service. As far as things are concerned, the demand for concentrated travel of tourists in summer cannot be changed. Can relevant departments and scenic spots reassess the market changes and increase the supply of tickets in peak season as much as possible within the actual carrying capacity of scenic spots? The peak season has just arrived, and it is not too late to make some necessary adjustments. Recently, Beijing Park Management Center has indicated that the Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven and other municipal parks will dynamically adjust the amount of tickets released, and timely return the refunded and cancelled tickets to the ticket pool. Some scenic spots with conditions can extend their opening hours in the peak season, meet the needs of some tourists through colorful cultural activities, and at the same time light up the night economy to increase the income of scenic spots. Various solutions can also be explored for booking channels and ticket release time. The implementation of the reservation system should be based on the principle of convenience. Can we lengthen the booking period of tickets in peak season, concentrate the ticket release time in the daytime, and better meet the different needs of group tourists and individual travelers? Although it is difficult to solve these problems, there are certainly more ways than difficulties.

On July 6th, tourists played in Suzhou Pingjiang Historic District. Li Boshe (Xinhua News Agency)

In the peak season of travel, not only Beijing, but also popular scenic spots in many destinations will be short of tickets to varying degrees. How to better undertake the tourism fever is a problem that needs long-term consideration. After all, the number of landmark scenic spots is limited, and even if more tickets are released, it can’t carry all the sightseeing needs. In fact, in addition to traditional popular routes, all localities should dig deep into other tourism resources. For example, in Beijing, there are not only the Forbidden City, the Great Wall and the Summer Palace, but also many hutongs. There are a large number of celebrities’ former residences, historical sites, cultural halls and gourmet cafes, which are valuable tourism resources. Strolling through hutongs, inadvertently discovering history and encountering literature and art is also a surprise trip. Studying the needs of different tourists, according to the characteristics of their own resources, launching more abundant route choices is an important topic to drain and divert tourists in peak season and explore ways to better promote the high-quality development of tourism.

(Author Zhang Xue), the original title "How to solve the problem of" no shortage of tourists lacking tickets "

Source: Economic Daily

[Official announcement]

After friendly negotiation between the club and Fujian Xunxing Basketball Club and full communication with the players themselves, Shanxi Guotou Professional Basketball Club announced that Li Zhanglin had left the team and joined Fujian Xunxing Basketball Club.

At the 2021CBA draft, the club chose Li Zhanglin from Central South University in the third place in the first round. The flexible pace and accurate middle distance of "Big Snake" left a deep impression on Shanxi fans. Thank Li Zhanglin for his contribution to the team in the past two years. We sincerely wish him to continue to work hard in the new environment and everything will be smooth in the future!

Great news! Guo Ailun has recovered well, and the Asian Games is expected to show its grace again.

Great news! Guo Ailun has recovered well, and the Asian Games is expected to show its grace again.

The fans ushered in great news! Guo Ailun is recovering well, and he is expected to show his outstanding strength again in the Asian Games. The resolution of the injury problem has cheered the fans, and his return will add a lot of strength and confidence to the China men’s basketball team. I expect him to shine again in the Asian Games and win honor for the China men’s basketball team. In the past few years, Guo Ailun has played an important role in the men’s basketball team in China. His outstanding performance and leadership style have made him an idol in the hearts of fans at home and abroad. However, injuries have been plaguing his career, which not only separated him from the team for a long time, but also worried the fans. Countless fans are looking forward to his recovery, hoping to enjoy his excellent performance again in the Asian Games.

In the process of recovery, Guo Ailun made great efforts and perseverance. He actively cooperated with the professional rehabilitation team to carry out rehabilitation training and constantly broke through himself in order to return to the stadium as soon as possible. And his firm will and unyielding fighting spirit also deeply infected the people around him. His teammates are full of expectations for his return, and the coaching staff is full of confidence in him. They believe that under the leadership of Guo Ailun, the China men’s basketball team will make some gains in the Asian Games. As the highest comprehensive sports meeting in Asia, the Asian Games is of great significance to the China men’s basketball team. This is not only a competitive game, but also an opportunity to show our strength. For Guo Ailun personally, the Asian Games is also a stage to prove himself again. He is eager to win honor for his country and bring joy to the fans with his own strength.

Therefore, he attaches no less importance to the Asian Games than other important competitions. Guo Ailun’s return will have a positive impact on the China men’s basketball team. As a leader, his play on the court and his influence off the court are irreplaceable. His excellent organizational skills and calm judgment made him the soul of the team. In addition, his personal ability is also quite outstanding. With superb skills and decisive attack, he can score key points for the team at critical moments. The fans expressed full expectations and appeals for Guo Ailun’s return. Numerous messages and comments have sprung up on social media, expecting him to shine again in the Asian Games.

Someone said: "I look forward to seeing Guo Ailun show his excellent state in the Asian Games, so that the whole world can know the strength of the China men’s basketball team!" Others wrote: "I wish Guo Ailun a smooth recovery and look forward to seeing him bring more victories to the China men’s basketball team!" The voice of the fans is undoubtedly the greatest support and encouragement for Guo Ailun. With the Asian Games coming, the news that Guo Ailun has recovered well is exciting. His return will add a lot of strength and confidence to the China men’s basketball team. I believe he will shine again in the Asian Games and win more honors for the China men’s basketball team! No matter how the game results, Guo Ailun will always be a hero in the hearts of fans, and his persistence and fighting spirit will inspire more young people to pursue their basketball dreams.

May he achieve excellent performance in the Asian Games and continue to make greater contributions to the basketball cause in China!

0 tolerance! Guangdong players were criticized, and Du Feng showed his attitude.

0 tolerance! Guangdong players were criticized, and Du Feng showed his attitude.

In the Chinese Basketball Association Professional League (CBA), Guangdong team lost to Guangsha team. Losing was not terrible in itself, but the performance of the team made Guangdong head coach Du Feng very dissatisfied and criticized the players. He pointed out that the players lacked fighting spirit and didn’t try their best in the game, which led to the result of defeat. As the leader of the team, Du Feng has high requirements for the team’s performance, so he made it clear that he will take severe measures to evaluate and correct the players’ performance and will never tolerate such performance.

As a professional basketball player, everyone has the responsibility and obligation to fight for the team. Especially in difficult times, we should keep fighting spirit and fighting spirit. Du Feng believes that players should go all out in the game, not only for their own honor, but also for the team and fans. Therefore, he will not tolerate the players’ lack of fighting spirit and fighting spirit. Du Feng said that this is the philosophy and culture that the Guangdong team adheres to, and only in this way can it bring victory and honor.

Regarding the future of Guangdong team, Du Feng expressed his confidence in the team. He believes that the players can show better strength and mental outlook in the next game and win. Du Feng’s attitude and performance have been supported and recognized by the fans. His remarks show his concern and management ability for the team, and more importantly, he shows the quality of a good leader. Du Feng not only performed well on the field, but also had very high requirements and abilities in managing the team.

Du Feng’s performance also reminded other CBA teams and players. He told them that only by keeping fighting spirit and fighting spirit in the competition can they win. Not only the players, but also the coaches and management need to be strict in managing the team to ensure that the team can win and honor. This attitude and performance is a good example for the basketball circle in China and the whole sports circle in China.

In short, Du Feng expressed strict requirements for the performance of Guangdong team, and said that he would never tolerate players’ lack of fighting spirit and fighting spirit. His attitude and performance have been supported and recognized by the fans. This kind of attitude and performance is the quality that a good leader should have, not only to perform well on the field, but also to have very high requirements and abilities in managing the team. Du Feng’s criticism shows his concern and management ability for the team, and he firmly believes that only through fighting spirit and fighting spirit can we win. This attitude and performance is a good example for the basketball circle in China and the whole sports circle in China.

Guangdong team is one of the most successful teams in CBA history. They have won many championships and awards. However, the victory is not achieved overnight, and the players need to go all out in every game. Du Feng’s criticism reminds the players that they must keep fighting spirit and fighting spirit, which is the philosophy and culture that Guangdong team adheres to, and only in this way can they bring victory and honor. Du Feng’s attitude and performance will also inspire the players to work harder in future competitions and strive for more victories and honors for the team.

Sun Yingsha lost 4-0 to Chen Meng, which is abnormal? Don’t just watch the big score.

Some people watch the game and only watch the "big score".

In the WTT Macau Championship in 2023, Sun Yingsha lost 4-0 to Chen Meng in the women’s singles semi-final, and some people felt abnormal.

Last week’s WTT Xinxiang Championship was also a semi-final in women’s singles. Chen Meng lost 4-0 to Sun Yingsha. I wonder if they also felt abnormal?

In WTT Xinxiang Championship, Sun Yingsha scored 4-0 in Chen Meng, and the scores of the four sets were 11-5, 11-5, 11-7 and 11-6.

The score of four games failed to hit the key points, so it can be said that Chen Meng was completely defeated.

In the WTT Macau Championship, Sun Yingsha of Chen Meng scored 4-0, and the scores in four sets were 16-14, 11-6, 11-8 and 11-9.

Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha won the first game 10-9, and then Chen Meng tied the game and won five games in a row, only to win narrowly 16-14.

Sometimes, a small score per game is more telling.

Compare another women’s singles semi-final, although Manyu Wang won Wang Yidi 4-2, but this game is less suspense than Chen Meng’s 4-0 win over Sun Yingsha.

Manyu Wang 4-2 Wang Yidi, the score of six games: 7-11, 11-9, 11-9, 11-6, 5-11, 11-4.

Manyu Wang is tall and arm-length, and her movements will not be restored very quickly, which determines that her forehand and backhand cohesion will not be very smooth in the near stage. What Manyu Wang is afraid of is the players with fast convergence speed and not weak strength. In the face of fast players, she often has to quit the stage and exchange distance for reaction time.

Only with speed and strength, it is possible to penetrate Manyu Wang’s defense.

However, Wang Yidi is not a speed player, and her playing style also depends on the quality of her own veneer, which is similar to that of Manyu Wang.

However, compared with Wang Yidi, Manyu Wang has stronger rotation in returning the ball and higher veneer quality. From a fundamental point of view, Manyu Wang’s strength is higher than Wang Yidi’s.

Therefore, regardless of Manyu Wang’s four-to-several win, as long as it is a best-of-seven game, the chance of surprise is very small. Under normal circumstances, it is only a matter of time before Manyu Wang defeats Wang Yidi.

However, in the semi-final between Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha, after 9-9 in the fourth game, if it wasn’t Chen Meng’s serve wheel and Chen Meng’s serve, but Sun Yingsha reversed the game, the result of the following game would be hard to say.

Before the game, when analyzing the match between Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha, I said: Chen Meng was in a particularly good state this time, and Sun Yingsha experienced high-intensity events in a row, and her state declined, which may add a little suspense to this semi-final.

For players with equal strength, the recent competitive state of the players is very important, and the players’ improvisation has a great influence on the results of the game.

Fan Zhendong’s 3-2 reversal of Lin Shidong in the men’s singles quarter-final of WTT Xinxiang Championship last week is a typical example. Lin Shidong got the match point 10-8 in the fourth game, but Fan Zhendong tied the score. Finally, Fan Zhendong reversed 13-11 to win the fourth game and was tied with a big score. Fan Zhendong won the deciding game 11-8. Moreover, Fan Zhendong finally won the men’s singles championship in Xinxiang Championship.

A game, one or two key points, may lead to a world of difference.

In table tennis, besides paying attention to who wins and who loses, it is better to look at the score of each game.

I’m interested in going to see the players’ respective service wheels, return balls and so on. If you are still interested, then learn about various services, techniques and tactics, table tennis equipment and so on.

So, don’t stop at the level of "0-4 lost". Players are improving, should old fans keep pace with the times?

As for some "extreme fans", they think that the players they like can only win but not lose. Losing is abnormal and fishy. Don’t apply the "rice circle" to competitive sports. Isn’t it good to chase the stars in the entertainment circle?