Several new energy vehicles with a battery life of more than 800 kilometers, more than 1,000 kilometers is really fragrant

Battery life has always been the top priority for target people to buy new energy vehicles. Fully charged, full of fuel, and being able to run far is the breakthrough for new energy vehicles to compete with fuel vehicles. Today we will summarize several new energy vehicles with a battery life of more than 800 kilometers.

The first model,. Positioning medium and large cars, is one of the three tripods in the Chinese market at present. In the case of full fuel and full power, it can really last 835.3 kilometers, and the comprehensive fuel consumption is 6.61L per 100 kilometers. Combined with the price of 338,000 yuan, the fuel consumption can not be considered too good, but it can give you a lot of space and luxury. When the oil is full, the battery will be charged first, so the air conditioner will be suspended for a period of time, and the humanization is insufficient.

The second model is the Tang DMI. The official said that the Tang DMI has a comprehensive battery life of 1050 kilometers, but the measured battery life is only 950.4 kilometers, which is about 100 kilometers less than the official figure, but the performance is also remarkable, with a comprehensive fuel consumption of about 5.8L. In the case of full fuel feeding, the Tang DMI also has a performance of 800 + kilometers.

The third,,,. ET7 and L7 are not yet on the market, but at the official press conference, they both claimed that the model will be equipped with technology, and the comprehensive battery life is expected to exceed 1,000 kilometers. Looking forward to the official listing of ET7 and L7. Huawei Smart Choice sf5 is a hump intelligence system jointly cooperated by Celis andIt is composed of Cyrus SEP200 high-performance AC asynchronous motor + Huawei DriveONE three-in-one electric drive system, forming a dual-motor intelligent four-wheel drive power combination, with a comprehensive cruising range of up to 1017 kilometers. Made by Huawei, it is somewhat reliable.

The fourth model,. The longest-lasting new energy vehicle in the B-class coupe, the extended-range version has a range of more than 1,100 kilometers, and the pure electric range is also more than 800 kilometers. This figure looks very wow, but it has not been listed yet. The specific performance can only wait until it is listed to see if it is true.

The fifth model, DMI. In the case of full fuel and full power, the official battery life is 1200 kilometers, the measured 1206.2 kilometers, and the comprehensive fuel consumption is about 5L. Without charging, it is completely driven as a fuel car. If you fill up a tank of fuel, you will also have a battery life of 1099 kilometers. How can you say it?

The sixth model, Qin DMI. That’s right, still. It’s really magical. As a compact sedan, the price of the 120KM flagship model is only 145,800 yuan, and the official battery life is 1200 kilometers. And measured, the full battery life reaches 1269.9 kilometers, and the fuel consumption per 100 kilometers is only about 3.8L. Under normal circumstances, because daily driving may encounter various situations, including turning on the air conditioner, heavy rain, etc., the actual battery life will be 20% off or even 60% off the official battery life. It is the only model with more actual battery life than the official announcement so far. This is really awesome!


Anxiety about battery life is a problem that every possible car buyer will worry about. A battery life of more than 1,000 kilometers is really fragrant, and you don’t have to worry about driving anywhere, and you don’t have to spend time charging. You don’t need to rely on the engine to generate electricity, but rely solely on the motor to achieve a battery life of 1,000 kilometers. It is the focus of research and development for every new energy company now. If any car company can give priority to such technology, it is estimated that which model will be able to attract the attention and pursuit of car buyers without much promotion.

Lao Tan’s Views Sharing | The origin of "Subject III" is full of creativity and interest.

What is the origin of the dance of subject three in Guangxi? And why can it spread all over the world? The reason is revealed!

Guangxi Kemusan Dance is a unique dance form originating from Guangxi, China. Its origin is full of creativity and interest, and it skillfully combines subject three in driving test with dance, giving people a refreshing feeling.

The creative inspiration of Guangxi subject three dance comes from subject three in driving test. Some local young people who love dancing are based on the driving movements in subject 3 and show them in the form of dancing. They skillfully integrated the driving skills such as shifting, steering and braking into the dance movements, and cooperated with the dynamic music rhythm to create this novel and interesting dance work.

There are several important reasons why the dance of subject three in Guangxi can quickly spread all over the world:

First of all, the innovation of dance is the key to its success. Combining driving skills with dance breaks the framework of traditional dance and brings a brand-new visual experience to the audience. This unique idea has attracted people’s attention and aroused widespread concern and discussion. Its appearance makes people see the infinite possibilities of dance and inspires more people’s love and creative desire for dance.

Secondly, the promotion of social media has played an important role. In the current digital age, social media has become the main channel for information dissemination. The video of Guangxi Kemusan Dance has spread rapidly on major social media platforms, and people have praised, shared and commented on it, forming a viral communication effect. The power of social media has made more people understand and fall in love with Guangxi subject three dance, which has promoted its spread and popularity around the world.

In addition, the simple and easy-to-learn dance of subject three in Guangxi is also one of the reasons for its popularity. Both professional dancers and ordinary people can master their basic movements and participate in them through study and practice. This low-threshold participation method allows more people to join the dance craze and feel the happiness brought by dance together. At the same time, the cheerful rhythm and lively atmosphere of the dance of subject three in Guangxi also enable people to find ways to release and entertain in their busy lives, which has aroused widespread resonance and participation.

Finally, the success of the dance of subject three in Guangxi can not be separated from the promotion of cultural exchange under the background of globalization. With the acceleration of globalization, various cultural elements are integrated with each other, forming a diversified cultural pattern. As a unique cultural phenomenon, Guangxi Kemusan Dance has attracted people’s attention and love all over the world with its novel and interesting forms. Its appearance enriches the content of global culture and promotes the communication and collision between different cultures.

LI: It’s a bit difficult to realize the ideal.

This time, LI had a topic because of the new car problem and the withdrawal of shareholders.


On December 13th, Sky Eye Information showed that after seven capital increases, Beijing Chehejia Information Technology Co., Ltd., the operating entity of LI, was lowered for the first time, and its registered capital was changed from 915 million yuan to 682 million yuan, a decrease of about 25%, and some investors withdrew.


Coincidentally, just after LI’s first new car, Li ONE, was delivered in December, users reported that there were many problems with the new car, including the failure alarm of the instrument panel emission system and the inability to speed up when stepping on the accelerator pedal.


For all kinds of problems after the delivery of new cars, LI CEO Li Xiang bluntly said in his personal official Weibo, "It is the greatest help for us to point out problems at the first time. In LI, finding and solving problems is the process of creating value, and concealing problems is suicide."


In an interview with the Beijing News reporter, some insiders admitted that they faced various problems at the stage of delivery. Although it had nothing to do with quality, it did leave a bad impression on users.


At the same time, the "small episode" of equity change has also made the outside world catch the wind. Some people think that capital changes and shareholders withdraw or prepare for IPO, but LI officials have not responded to this. If it is true, can LI still achieve Li Xiang’s goal of building a car under the circumstances of just delivering and facing problems and pursuing capital realization so quickly?

Rapid response to new car failure


On December 3rd, LI officials said that the first batch of new cars had been delivered, and at the same time, Li ONE with Baby Blue body color matching will begin to roll off the assembly line on December 13th.


The owners who got the first batch of new cars were not happy for too long, and the new cars had various failures. But the ideal response to the new car problem is also very fast.


On December 11th, after a user reported the alarm message of "emission system failure" on the instrument panel of the vehicle, on December 12th, LI immediately responded in its official Weibo that the cause of the instrument panel emission failure alarm was confirmed as "false alarm caused by the self-diagnosis mechanism of the three-way valve of the air conditioning system", and said that it would be solved in the subsequent software upgrade, and such problems would not affect the driving and safety of the vehicle. In addition, LI said that it also found that some vehicles will have false alarms such as parking system and body stability system, and will upgrade the software through OTA next week to solve the problem of false alarms.


On the morning of December 16th, a user drove into the expressway after picking up the car from the Hangzhou delivery center. After the adaptive cruise function was released during driving, the vehicle pedaling the accelerator pedal could not speed up. LI once again responded that the reason why the vehicle can’t speed up has been determined that the logistics mode of the vehicle was not completely released before it was delivered to the user, which is a missed inspection error.


In this regard, some netizens commented that it is normal for new cars to have bugs, but LI dares to face and solve problems, which is worthy of users’ expectation. However, many users said that this kind of problem appeared just after the new car was delivered, and it was difficult for people to treat it lightly. "This shows that it is still not solid. Security has always been the key to ideal advocacy, but it turned out to be a problem in the battlefield." Some users said.


There are many complaints about the delay in delivery.


According to the Beijing News reporter, it has been four years and five months since the establishment and delivery of LI, which is definitely one of the enterprises fighting on the long front among the new forces making cars.


Shortly before the delivery, LI also received complaints from users because of the delayed delivery. At the end of October, Ideal announced that it would postpone the delivery opening time of Li ONE, the first mass production model, from November this year to December, and directly deliver Li ONE 2020 models to the first batch of users.


In view of the reasons for the delayed delivery, LI said that the 2020 product has more upgraded parts. LI promised that the specific delivery time for each user would not exceed one month through the adjustment of the factory’s production capacity.


On October 21st, LI will update the estimated delivery time of the specific month according to the locking situation of the reserved users. If the license index expires, it will extend the license index for free.


Some car booking users said that many customers who have made small orders and locked orders have fully recognized the previous version of LI after several rounds of iteration, but this upgrade has also caused some customers’ uncertainty and wait-and-see mood. "The newly upgraded part may not necessarily add new users, but the cut place will definitely lose some existing customers." The user said.


It is difficult to rely on the new forces of building cars.


After several twists and turns in LI, the evaluation of the outside world has become mixed.


When the delivery was postponed before, Li Xiang had responded to LI’s "slow efficiency". "It is good for us, and we can see some mistakes made by many previous enterprises. We hope to effectively avoid these pits." Obviously, Li wants to have a clear understanding of what he and LI need and what to do.


Some insiders also said that for this industry, it is not a bad thing to spend more time to precipitate cars except that the tuyere is almost gone.


But after the delivery, LI will face more problems. The capital problem is the first thing to support the development of enterprises. The data shows that the operating income of LI in 2018 is about 170 million yuan, the net profit is about-719 million yuan, the total assets are about 4.732 billion yuan and the total liabilities are 830 million yuan. As of the first half of this year, LI’s operating income was about 5,277,600 yuan, net profit was about-629 million yuan, total assets were about 5,842 million yuan, and total liabilities were 931 million yuan.


However, the registered capital of Beijing Chehejia dropped sharply, and the shareholders of the company withdrew frequently. This makes people doubt the viability of LI’s capital. Some people think that LI’s capital change may pave the way for its overseas IPO. Earlier, it was reported that LI has started the listing of US stocks in 2020, and the IPO scale may be around 500 million US dollars.


A financial analyst said in an interview with the Beijing News that if the IPO in LI comes true, it will indeed bring more capital support to enterprises, but it will also bear the risks of company development and stock price fluctuation. Weilai is an example.


As its name suggests, LI is an ideal enterprise among the new forces of car making. However, it is not a good sign that users are questioning the products just after delivery. There have been rumors in the industry that there are not many new car-making forces that can survive in the cold winter of the auto market. Whoever can take the lead in IPO will survive. However, for companies that have just taken the first step of delivery, the ideal IPO pace may be a bit big.


Beijing News reporter Mo Wei Image source enterprise official website

Editor Zhang Bing proofreads Liu Jun.

Huaxi Zidai Factory was exposed as Japanese capital? The factory admits: But …

On September 20th, the rumor that Hua Xizi’s "Public Relations Collective Resignation" and the letter of apology had nothing to do with the public relations department went on the hot search, which once emphasized that it was an authentic domestic product.

Jiupai Financial Reporter noticed that the product parameters of Huaxizi Balanced Liquid Foundation in Tmall flagship store showed that its manufacturer was Shanghai Dongse Daily Chemical Co., Ltd.. The product is similar in shape to the traditional snuff bottle, and the details page emphasizes its inheritance of "Oriental Rhyme".

According to the data, Shanghai Dongse Daily Chemical Co., Ltd. is 100% wholly-owned by Dongse Cosmetics Co., Ltd., and its chairman and legal representative are Ishihara Jinghong, and its director and general manager are Tamura Keiji, with a registered capital of 3.48 million US dollars. It was established in 1999. The national enterprise credit information publicity system also shows that Shanghai Dongse Daily Chemical Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company (wholly owned by a foreign legal person).

On September 20, Jiupai financial reporters called Shanghai Dongse Daily Chemical Co., Ltd., and the staff said that "Huaxizi Balanced Liquid Foundation is produced by us, and we are a Japanese-funded enterprise; But the factory is in China and the employees are all from China. "

In this regard, Huaxizi customer service responded to the Jiupai financial reporter: "At present, all the products of Huaxizi are manufactured in China, which have been put on record by the government and passed the strict testing of relevant departments."

It is reported that Dongse Group is a well-known Japanese cosmetics pigment related manufacturer, and its production scope covers functional raw materials, powder and liquid makeup, nail polish and skin care. Shanghai Dongse Daily Chemical Co., Ltd. is a cosmetics processing enterprise invested and established in China.

Previously reported

Recently, when Li Jiaqi introduced a Huaxizi eyebrow pencil in 79 yuan during a live broadcast, he saw a netizen leave a message saying that it was getting more and more expensive. He asked, "Where is it expensive? It’s been this price for so many years. Don’t talk nonsense with your eyes open. Domestic brands are difficult … where is it expensive? "

Later, Li Jiaqi said: "Sometimes I look for my own reasons. After so many years, my salary has not risen. Have you worked hard?"

It is this sentence that triggered a heated discussion among netizens.

On September 19th, more than a week after the live broadcast in Li Jiaqi, Weibo, the official of Huaxi Zi, issued an apology statement, saying that he was sorry that we were late. In the past week, the whole network paid great attention to it, and the relevant opinions were fully recorded and being revised according to the opinions of netizens. Some netizens think that Hua Xizi didn’t respond more to the Li Jiaqi incident, and half of the contents in the letter were promoting the brand.

The apology statement is as follows:

Thank you for your attention to Hua Xizi.

I sincerely apologize to all of you. In the past week, Huaxizi has received great attention from the whole network. We are scared and at a loss, and the brand has not spoken before. During this time, we constantly absorbed your criticisms, opinions and suggestions.

I’m very sorry for taking up too many public resources. Thank you for your encouragement. We have fully recorded the relevant opinions, and the team is comparing, revising and upgrading them one by one, adhering to the initial intention, bringing you better products and providing better services.

This large-scale attention and discussion is a valuable opportunity for us to listen to the real voices of different consumers, and it is also the starting point for the team to self-examine and start again. Thank you very much for your attention, whether you have used our products or have never known our partners.

Hua Xizi was founded in Hangzhou, and became attached to Xizi Lake, with Hua as the surname and Xizi as the name. R&D center, production plant, tax payment, etc. are all in China, and it is an out-and-out China brand. "Promoting the beauty of the East and casting a century-old national makeup" is Hua Xizi’s brand vision. Since the development of domestic products, it has been endless. As a young China makeup brand, Hua Xizi hopes to tell the story of China and inherit the beauty of the East.

Just a few words, can’t reply one by one.

In the future, we will continue to share with you what the brand is doing, so that everyone can understand Hua Xizi in more forms.

Down-to-earth, steady and far-reaching; Let a hundred flowers blossom and domestic products become stronger.

After Hua Xizi apologized, some media initiated a vote on "How to treat Hua Xizi’s apology", and 33,000 people participated in the voting before the press release. Among them, 11,000 netizens thought Hua Xizi didn’t respond to the price issue, 5,934 netizens thought it was too late, and nearly 5,648 netizens thought it was more like a brand advertisement.

Source | Observer Network Comprehensive @ Jiupai Finance, previously reported

Original title: "Huaxi Zidai Factory was exposed to Japanese capital? The factory admits: but … "

Read the original text

" + employees[i].dates.substr(11,5) + "

Promote a higher level of openness and promote high-quality business development.

At 16:30 on September 29th, the press center celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of People’s Republic of China (PRC) will hold the fifth press conference in the press conference hall on the second floor of Media Center, inviting Minister of Commerce Zhongshan, Vice Minister and Deputy Representative of International Trade Negotiations Wang Shouwen and Vice Minister Qian Keming to introduce the situation of "promoting a higher level of opening up and promoting high-quality business development" and answer questions from reporters.

Wonderful programs are staged in turn, and residents’ lives are getting richer.

On December 15th, Changqiao Street in Xuhui District held a special performance of "Hold Happiness" variety show, aiming at promoting Chinese excellent traditional culture, enriching residents’ cultural life and creating a festive and peaceful holiday atmosphere for the upcoming New Year’s Day.

At the event site, residents gathered together to enjoy the wonderful performances. Various performances, such as songs and dances, skillfully combine Chinese excellent traditional culture with modern artistic elements, presenting a visual and auditory feast for the audience.

The performance kicked off with the dance "Dunhuang Dance", and the dancers dressed in gorgeous costumes danced, showing the charm and charm of Dunhuang murals; Then came the Shanghai Opera Garden Party, in which the actors told a touching love story with melodious singing. The burlesque "San Mao Student’s Meaning", with its unique performance form, triggered bursts of laughter from the audience; The Yue Opera "Eighteen Farewells" and the Shanghai Opera "My Biemei" also touched every audience present with their affectionate singing and touching stories.

The superb skills of the actors and the profound cultural heritage of the program won applause and admiration from the audience.

Source: Shanghai Xuhui


Table Tennis World Cup Day 1: Table Tennis Boom 8

On the evening of December 4th, Beijing time, the Chengdu Table Tennis Team World Cup ended its first match day. At present, the China team only played once, and swept Sweden, a European powerhouse, with an 8-0 victory. Although it also encountered some shocks, on the whole, it still grasped the initiative on the field and won easily.

In terms of foreign associations, strong teams such as Japan and South Korea maintained a total victory, but only the United States blew out 8-0, and the other teams failed to achieve zero opponents. In addition, the China-Hong Kong team lost to Puerto Rico 7-8, which broke the first upset of this competition, which surprised fans and friends. Please see below for the detailed situation.

China is the undisputed strongest team in Group A. As mentioned earlier, we scored 8-0 in the first game, among which Lin Gaoyuan/Manyu Wang beat Carlson/C Carlberg 3-0, Sun Yingsha beat Berg Sterlon 3-0, and Wang Chuqin beat A Carlberg 2-0. However, Sun Yingsha played a little hard in that game, and her opponent really fought hard.

As mentioned earlier, the China-Hong Kong team with good strength lost to Puerto Rico in America, among which Puerto Rican star A Diaz played a brave role, the women’s singles swept Du Kaiyu 3-0, the women’s doubles beat Du Kaiyu/Zhu Chengzhu 2-1 with her sister M Diaz, and Gonzalez/Afan Nador also won Huang Zhen Ting/Lin Zhaoheng 2-1.

The competition in this group is fierce. Although the German team is the second seed, the five core players, Bohr, Ochalov, Qiu Dang, Francesca and Han Ying, did not participate this time, and their overall strength plummeted. However, as the saying goes, "the skinny camel is bigger than the horse", they finally won Egypt 8-3 and were not upset.

As for the Slovakian players’ performance, they beat the European champion team Portugal 8-5 with a total score, but there was some luck, because the latter was not an all-star team. Without the core players Freitas and Apollonia, they failed to play the strongest level of their team: no way, too many masters didn’t come to this competition!

The Japanese team, the arch-rival of table tennis, has a big advantage in Group C. After all, their men’s and women’s teams and singles and doubles have strong strength. However, Hayata Hina’s state this time is average, and she lost one game in both games, but she finally won, and the whole team also won 8-2 over Romania and 8-1 over Australia.

In the case of Japan’s dominance, France is the only team in Group B that has the ability to attack them. In this competition, it won Australia 8-3 first, and then the United States 8-5, while the United States bombarded Australia 8-0, but lost to Romania 5-8. At present, France is expected to protect two and rush one, Romania and the United States may get the second place, and Australia has no hope of qualifying.

South Korea played in Group D, although it didn’t lose, but it was not easy to win. In the first game, it beat Singapore 8-3, and Canada 8-2 in World War II. Their athletes didn’t seem to be fully in the state. In addition, some people didn’t seem to adapt to the new 15-game 8-win system. After leading 2-0, they habitually relaxed and didn’t win the third game.

However, the strength of the other teams in Group D is average. Without Lin Yunru, Chuan Chih Yuan and Zheng Yijing, the China Taipei team beat Canadian 8-3 and Indian 8-4, and its performance was average. Canada won India 8-5, while India narrowly beat Singapore 8-7. Singapore has not won yet, so the possibility of qualifying is not great. Let’s wait for the group match to end the next day and the list of the top eight will be born!

Even the medium pressure whistle three points! Fang Shuo is more suitable to play in the World Cup than Zhao Rui, and one person has definitely been eliminated.

On the other hand, another defender, Zhao Rui, looked very unhappy after he made a mistake or was substituted for Cape Verde. Obviously, his attitude towards the game was far less than that of the top.

In a warm-up match that ended in the early morning of August 5th, Beijing time, China men’s basketball team beat Cape Verde team from Africa by 20 points. In this match, besides Cui Yongxi, another player who surprised the fans was Fang Shuo.

In this game, Fang Shuo showed his superior handling and shooting ability after matching Zhao Jiwei, and hit the buzzer for three consecutive points before the end of the second and third quarters, which greatly boosted the team’s morale.

You know, China men’s basketball team hasn’t produced a player who can hit a long shot stably in international competitions, even in warm-up matches.

Four years ago, Fang Shuo was also selected for the national team coached by Li Nan, and played in the basketball World Cup. His performance can only be regarded as quite satisfactory. At this moment, Fang Shuo is completely rejuvenated under the system of Djordevich.

In addition to his good three-pointers, Fang Shuo has also made remarkable progress in passing the ball for his teammates. In the game, he once sent a very hidden pass for Wang Zhelin, which allowed the king to dunk and score.

More importantly, Fang Shuo showed a very positive attitude on the court. At first glance, he was ready for the game, because he knew that he had no advantage in the competition of various defenders, and even he was at a disadvantage in age, so Fang Shuo worked hard and dared to make moves as soon as he played.

On the other hand, another defender, Zhao Rui, looked very unhappy after he made a mistake or was substituted for Cape Verde. Obviously, his attitude towards the game was far less than that of the top.

As for Sun Minghui, who played a superstar performance in the CBA playoffs last season, he didn’t play in this campaign, and he didn’t get the reuse of Djorjevic in the previous warm-up match, even though he didn’t play well in the game.

Therefore, in the competition of several big defenders, Fang Shuo has already taken the lead by half a position except Zhao Jiwei, who is definitely the starting player. If he continues to play so well in the following games, it is very likely that he will stay in the 12-man list for the World Cup.

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Asia-Africa World Cup competition: the group advanced and the number of semi-finals tied, and Africa won by one advantage.

In the history of the World Cup, the bipolar status of Europe and South America is unshakable. At present, all the World Cup champions come from these two regions, while teams from other continents, not to mention winning the championship, have not even stepped on the final venue yet. Relatively speaking, Asia and Africa are relatively close. There are more countries in both continents, and the number of World Cup places is similar. Africa has five and Asia has 4.5. That is to say, if Asian teams are lucky, winning the transcontinental play-offs will make the number of Asian and African teams in the World Cup the same.

So, who has the better World Cup performance in Asia and Africa in history?

Of course, we don’t need to calculate the total score or total goal data of all Asian teams and African teams in history, just look at the results of key nodes. Specifically, look at the teams on two continents, the number of times the group advanced, and the best results.

In these two aspects, Asia and Africa actually tied.

Historically, both Asian teams and African teams have been promoted 11 times. Of course, it needs to be said here that Asia in football refers to the AFC, so Australia is also counted as an Asian team.

Let’s list the specific situation below. In the history of the World Cup, African teams promoted by the group included Morocco in 1986, Cameroon in 1990, Nigeria in 1994, Nigeria in 1998, Senegal in 2002, Ghana in 2006, Ghana in 10 years, Nigeria and Algeria in 14 years and Senegal and Morocco in 22 years. A total of 11 times.

As for Asian teams, Japan has four times, South Korea has three times, North Korea and Saudi Arabia each once, and Australia twice. It happened to be 11 times. I am ashamed to say that this data, if Australia did not join the AFC from Oceania, then Asian teams actually lagged behind African teams.

Let’s look at the best results. Originally, South Korea reached the semi-finals in the 2002 World Cup and won the fourth place, which was once the unattainable achievement of second-rate teams such as Asia and Africa. But FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 and Morocco have also achieved this. And to tell the truth, Morocco, the fourth place, is more convincing than South Korea in those days. Everyone knows this, and there is no need to start talking about it.

Therefore, in terms of the best results of the World Cup, Asia and Africa also tied.

So, which side of the world cup is better? There is a data that Africa is dominant, and with this data, we can say that African teams have higher ceilings and stronger ability to work miracles than Asian teams.

In fact, the data of the previous group promotion times is very general. After all, reaching the top 16 and reaching the top four are both group qualifying, but the gap between these two results is not small. So we might as well break it down again-the number of times we scored in the top eight.

In this regard, Africa is far better than Asia. Because Cameroon in 1990, Senegal in 2002 and Ghana in 10 years all reached the quarterfinals of the World Cup, and the number of quarterfinals was three times. What about Asia? It is still zero.

It should be noted that in the 1966 World Cup, North Korea reached the quarter-finals, but at that time, the World Cup was only 16 teams. Therefore, the quarter-finals of North Korea should be strictly called the first round of the knockout round, but it is actually the same level as the next sixteen. You know, Cameroon, Senegal and Ghana reached the second round of the knockout round, so North Korea, the quarter-finals, is not included in this data.

In today’s scale, reaching the quarter-finals means that the group will go further than the group. If it’s a miracle to beat the Asian and African teams into the knockout stage, then the miracle of the quarter-finals is certainly higher than the miracle of the quarter-finals. In fact, if we take away the controversial semi-final result of South Korea in 2002, we will find that the upper limit of Asian teams in the World Cup is not high, and the best result so far is the first round of elimination. So at this point, there is still a gap between Asian teams and African teams.

Of course, judging from FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022’s performance, Asian teams seem to be better than African teams. I hope there will be an Asian team in the future that can break through the long-standing ceiling.