Guo Fucheng’s "Floating City Tycoon" stills exposed, first pretending to be a Chinese-English mixed-race child

Guo Fucheng challenges the age span of nearly 40 years

The characters in Guo Fucheng’s plays have experienced various setbacks in their lives

Guo Fucheng interprets the mixed-race business hero

    The film, which will be released nationwide on May 11, will reveal a set of high definition stills of the male protagonist Guo Fucheng. In order to conform to the Chinese-English mixed identity of the characters in the film, Guo Fucheng tried his blond and blue-eyed look for the first time, and it was refreshing. In this painstaking work that director Yan Hao has been dormant for several years, Guo Fucheng challenged the age span of nearly 40 years to interpret the ups and downs of a generation of Xiangjiang business heroes.

For the role makeover, Guo Fucheng premiered the mixed race

    The movie "Floating City Tycoon" tells the story of Bu Huaquan, a mixed-race outcast, who became a business legend from scratch after experiencing various setbacks and experiences in life. In the film, Guo Fucheng single-handedly plays the male protagonist Bu Huaquan, from youth to middle-aged and elderly. The age span is as long as 40 years. The character’s identity has undergone several earth-shaking changes, and the performance is extremely difficult. In order to conform to Bu Huaquan’s mixed-race identity, Guo Fucheng wears turquoise contact lenses and dyes his hair blond. In the stills, it is even difficult to connect with Guo Fucheng, who used to be handsome and sunny.

    Guo Fucheng has played many challenging roles since then. In the films that won him the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor, Guo Fucheng’s raunchy and bruised face is still vividly remembered. This time in "Floating City Tycoon", Guo Fucheng also has a makeover. He plays a mixed-race for the first time. He hopes to get closer to the character’s state through the change of appearance. "The Buhua Quan in the movie is a mixed-race. If there is no change in appearance, it will be difficult for the audience to accept his identity." Guo Fucheng admitted that the change of appearance also hopes that the audience will pay more attention to his performance. "I hope the audience can forget that the person on the screen is Guo Fucheng when they watch the movie."

Next page: Guo Fucheng breaks through his acting skills, and the Golden Horse Best Actor reproduces the legend of Xiaoxiong

Original is not doing business? The stars all ran to do live broadcasts to sell things. Netizen: It’s really worth losing!

Original title: Doing nothing? The stars all ran to do live broadcasts to sell things. Netizen: It’s really worth losing!

When it comes to live broadcast, who will you think of? Online celebrity? It seems that online celebrity, no matter which platform, has finally moved towards bringing goods.

Because of what?

Because making money!

But I don’t know when it will start, and some stars in the entertainment circle have also started live broadcast.

But now it seems that star live broadcast with goods has gradually become the mainstream.

Ada has always been a "sexy goddess" in everyone’s mind, and it should be regarded as a "bridesmaid event" when it is the hottest. When the popularity of Ada was high again, it turned out to be an event held by a live broadcast platform, and it also became an excellent anchor. In the two-hour live broadcast, it sold more than 15 million products, including 18 products such as juicer, electric toothbrush and vacuum cleaner, and at the same time, it also won hundreds of thousands of yuan in online gifts.

At that time, it caused a heated discussion. How did a good female star become a net red? However, this is not a case.

Wong Cho Lam, a variety coffee, also entered the stage of live broadcast with goods early. And his record is also worth mentioning. A commodity can sell more than 100,000 pieces in just 12 minutes, and the sales during the live broadcast period have exceeded 10 million, not including the reward income of live broadcast of more than 3 million yuan.

And do you still think it’s very expensive to bring goods live by a star?

In fact, what you think of losing your worth is to raise your worth in others’ eyes. Star live broadcast with goods not only brought rich returns to themselves, but also brought rich returns to businesses. Although everyone is ostensibly saying that all the stars have gone to be online celebrity, it’s so disgraceful. But you can’t deny that the star’s ability to carry goods is too strong.

Therefore, it’s not worthwhile for you to feel bad about the live broadcast of the stars. You still feel bad about your wallet ~ After all, double 11 is really coming!

Editor in charge:

Huaxi Zidai Factory was exposed as Japanese capital? The factory admits: But …

On September 20th, the rumor that Hua Xizi’s "Public Relations Collective Resignation" and the letter of apology had nothing to do with the public relations department went on the hot search, which once emphasized that it was an authentic domestic product.

Jiupai Financial Reporter noticed that the product parameters of Huaxizi Balanced Liquid Foundation in Tmall flagship store showed that its manufacturer was Shanghai Dongse Daily Chemical Co., Ltd.. The product is similar in shape to the traditional snuff bottle, and the details page emphasizes its inheritance of "Oriental Rhyme".

According to the data, Shanghai Dongse Daily Chemical Co., Ltd. is 100% wholly-owned by Dongse Cosmetics Co., Ltd., and its chairman and legal representative are Ishihara Jinghong, and its director and general manager are Tamura Keiji, with a registered capital of 3.48 million US dollars. It was established in 1999. The national enterprise credit information publicity system also shows that Shanghai Dongse Daily Chemical Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company (wholly owned by a foreign legal person).

On September 20, Jiupai financial reporters called Shanghai Dongse Daily Chemical Co., Ltd., and the staff said that "Huaxizi Balanced Liquid Foundation is produced by us, and we are a Japanese-funded enterprise; But the factory is in China and the employees are all from China. "

In this regard, Huaxizi customer service responded to the Jiupai financial reporter: "At present, all the products of Huaxizi are manufactured in China, which have been put on record by the government and passed the strict testing of relevant departments."

It is reported that Dongse Group is a well-known Japanese cosmetics pigment related manufacturer, and its production scope covers functional raw materials, powder and liquid makeup, nail polish and skin care. Shanghai Dongse Daily Chemical Co., Ltd. is a cosmetics processing enterprise invested and established in China.

Previously reported

Recently, when Li Jiaqi introduced a Huaxizi eyebrow pencil in 79 yuan during a live broadcast, he saw a netizen leave a message saying that it was getting more and more expensive. He asked, "Where is it expensive? It’s been this price for so many years. Don’t talk nonsense with your eyes open. Domestic brands are difficult … where is it expensive? "

Later, Li Jiaqi said: "Sometimes I look for my own reasons. After so many years, my salary has not risen. Have you worked hard?"

It is this sentence that triggered a heated discussion among netizens.

On September 19th, more than a week after the live broadcast in Li Jiaqi, Weibo, the official of Huaxi Zi, issued an apology statement, saying that he was sorry that we were late. In the past week, the whole network paid great attention to it, and the relevant opinions were fully recorded and being revised according to the opinions of netizens. Some netizens think that Hua Xizi didn’t respond more to the Li Jiaqi incident, and half of the contents in the letter were promoting the brand.

The apology statement is as follows:

Thank you for your attention to Hua Xizi.

I sincerely apologize to all of you. In the past week, Huaxizi has received great attention from the whole network. We are scared and at a loss, and the brand has not spoken before. During this time, we constantly absorbed your criticisms, opinions and suggestions.

I’m very sorry for taking up too many public resources. Thank you for your encouragement. We have fully recorded the relevant opinions, and the team is comparing, revising and upgrading them one by one, adhering to the initial intention, bringing you better products and providing better services.

This large-scale attention and discussion is a valuable opportunity for us to listen to the real voices of different consumers, and it is also the starting point for the team to self-examine and start again. Thank you very much for your attention, whether you have used our products or have never known our partners.

Hua Xizi was founded in Hangzhou, and became attached to Xizi Lake, with Hua as the surname and Xizi as the name. R&D center, production plant, tax payment, etc. are all in China, and it is an out-and-out China brand. "Promoting the beauty of the East and casting a century-old national makeup" is Hua Xizi’s brand vision. Since the development of domestic products, it has been endless. As a young China makeup brand, Hua Xizi hopes to tell the story of China and inherit the beauty of the East.

Just a few words, can’t reply one by one.

In the future, we will continue to share with you what the brand is doing, so that everyone can understand Hua Xizi in more forms.

Down-to-earth, steady and far-reaching; Let a hundred flowers blossom and domestic products become stronger.

After Hua Xizi apologized, some media initiated a vote on "How to treat Hua Xizi’s apology", and 33,000 people participated in the voting before the press release. Among them, 11,000 netizens thought Hua Xizi didn’t respond to the price issue, 5,934 netizens thought it was too late, and nearly 5,648 netizens thought it was more like a brand advertisement.

Source | Observer Network Comprehensive @ Jiupai Finance, previously reported

Original title: "Huaxi Zidai Factory was exposed to Japanese capital? The factory admits: but … "

Read the original text

Whether WeChat gives Tik Tok a "bright red card" is a monopoly or unfair competition is controversial.

  A few days ago, Tik Tok said that new users could not log in to Tik Tok normally with the authorization of WeChat, because there was a problem with the login service provided by WeChat open platform, which caused troubles to the common users of Tik Tok and WeChat. According to people close to Tencent, WeChat’s move is "based on platform rules and consideration of protecting users’ privacy".

  At the beginning of the new year, Tik Tok released the video social App "Duoshan", and it was soon discovered that the download link was blocked by WeChat on the grounds that "the webpage contains unsafe content".

  As of press time, Tencent officials did not respond to this matter. However, on January 26th, WeChat issued a notice on "Handling of Recent Induced Violation and Malicious Confrontation", which explicitly prohibited the testing and induced behavior of external links, and specifically named the offending apps including today’s headlines, Tencent’s Didi Chuxing, JD.COM and so on.

  Is it suspected of unfair competition?

  On January 23, the relevant person in charge of Tik Tok said in an interview with the media that WeChat has the value of hydropower infrastructure. At present, there are more than 200 million users who use WeChat accounts to log in to Tik Tok alone. Once WeChat is unilaterally banned, it will have a greater impact on users.

  Cong Lixian, a professor at the School of Intellectual Property of East China University of Political Science and Law, holds different views on the "infrastructure theory". He told the "Legal Daily" reporter that under normal circumstances, basic telecom service providers are considered as basic network service providers. Facebook and Twitter have a very large market share in the United States and have never been recognized as infrastructure.

  Earlier, Zhang Xinnian, a Beijing lawyer, said in an interview with the media that if Tencent unilaterally terminated Tik Tok’s WeChat authorized login, it would be suspected of damaging the normal choice rights of Tik Tok operators and consumers, which could be considered as unfair competition.

  Cong Lixian believes that in the market economy, whether it is compatible with other people’s products or services is usually the result of free competition, and deciding whether it is compatible is also a voluntary choice for operators to maximize their interests. Whether incompatible behavior constitutes unfair competition as stipulated in the Anti-Unfair Competition Law depends on whether the operator is malicious.

  "Based on the protection of personal information and the protection of corporate commercial resources, it is understandable that WeChat carries out necessary management and does not involve malicious incompatibility; Wechat and Tik Tok can still be installed and run on the same device, and they are not compatible. Moreover, in addition to WeChat account, Tik Tok users can also choose to log in to Tik Tok by means of mobile phone number, headline account, etc., not just relying on WeChat account login. " Cong Lixian said that this is a normal enterprise competition, and moral kidnapping should not be used to accuse normal business operations.

  Kong Xiangjun, dean of the Institute of Intellectual Property and Competition Law of Shanghai Jiaotong University, said in an interview with the Legal Daily that compatibility is not only the operator’s choice, but also may be based on various reasonable factors such as safety and efficiency. Compatibility and incompatibility are common phenomena on the Internet, and forced compatibility is not only impossible, but also harmful. We should not only adhere to the principle of freedom of competition, but also limit the scope of "malice".

  "As far as this incident is concerned, if Tik Tok has a variety of options for users’ access channels, a certain platform operator has no obligation to open up. Whether or not to open the platform is usually the freedom of competition of operators, and the law only restricts the competitive behavior of monopoly operators. Wechat’s termination of authorized login will objectively bring inconvenience to Tik Tok users, but this benefit has not yet risen to the legal level, more like a ‘ Reflective interests ’ That is, if it is good to log in with WeChat account, it will cause some inconvenience if it cannot be used. However, this benefit is the reflective benefit brought by the previous login. The benefits felt by the parties are not real benefits, so it is difficult to claim rights. " Kong Xiangjun said.

  Internet industry is cautious about monopoly.

  Accusing the monopoly of WeChat is the voice that the headline department has made many times. The relevant person in charge of headlines once pointed out in an interview with the media: "The core lies in the rapid development of headline products, including Tik Tok, which has shaken Tencent’s monopoly position and commercial interests."

  So, does WeChat’s behavior constitute a monopoly? Article 3 of the anti-monopoly law stipulates that monopolistic behaviors include: the operators reach a monopoly agreement; Operators abuse market dominance; Concentration of operators that have or may have the effect of eliminating or restricting competition.

  Sheng Jiemin, a well-known expert in anti-monopoly law and a professor at Peking University Law School, said in an interview with the reporter of Legal Daily that in fact, the determination of monopoly status is very complicated, and in judicial and law enforcement practice, it is necessary to be very cautious about the determination of "abuse of market dominance" by enterprises.

  "Many people think that a large market share has a monopoly position, but it is not. To judge whether an enterprise has or abuses a dominant market position, many factors must be considered." Sheng Jiemin said that the rapid iteration of the Internet industry determines the criteria for judging dynamic competition rather than static scale. In addition, Internet companies are trying their best to expand their own scale, and the boundaries of related markets are far less clear than those of traditional markets. In this case, more attention should be paid to market entry, market behavior of operators, impact on competition and other factors.

  Cong Lixian also believes that it is difficult to define the scope of the relevant market, whether the specific parties in the relevant market are involved in market dominance, and whether the relevant parties are abusing market dominance. "In view of this incident, WeChat belongs to social software and Tik Tok belongs to short video application, and they actually do not belong to the same relevant market."

  You Yunting, a Shanghai lawyer, told the reporter of Legal Daily that on the issue of monopoly, on the one hand, it depends on whether the operators have a dominant market position, and on the other hand, it depends on whether the consequences of monopolistic behavior have caused subversive changes to the whole competition pattern. "Tencent didn’t block all users in Tik Tok, but just stopped logging in new users’ WeChat accounts, not to mention abusing the dominant market position."

  Xue Jun, deputy dean of Peking University Law School, told the Legal Daily reporter: "Being unable to log in with WeChat account normally will objectively affect the user experience of Tik Tok users, but it is unlikely to have a long-term and obvious effect of eliminating and restricting competition. Because even if Tik Tok users can’t log in with WeChat account, they can log in by other means. It is still necessary to go deep into the specific legal relationship involved by the parties, and not just look at some big things, otherwise it may be biased. "

  "This incident is not entirely a bad thing for Tik Tok. In a sense, it is also an opportunity to test the stickiness of Tik Tok users. Enterprises must have a sense of management and cannot pin their business models on the cooperation of others. " Xue Jun said.

  Information security attracts netizens’ attention

  Although Tik Tok has repeatedly denied "acquiring the WeChat relationship chain" in this storm, the discussion on the relationship chain has not stopped.

  Weibo user "Nutritionist-Guo Lin" said, "My Tik Tok has not been bound to WeChat. Today, I downloaded Duoshan, logged in with Tik Tok, and saw that many friends recommended are WeChat friends … … I feel that Tik Tok is very unsafe. ".

  On January 25th, Zhou Tian Finance reported that the code screenshots obtained from the industry showed that today’s headline adjusted the Cookie of WeChat browser and sent it back to today’s headline server. It is speculated that the headline is likely to obtain the WeChat friend relationship chain in this way. According to the screenshot, the headline extends the life cycle of Cookie in WeChat browser to 10 years, while in the industry, such cycle is usually about a few days.

  Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, believes that in the era of big data, respecting users’ right to choose and privacy is an eternal theme. Taking the case of using Sina Weibo user information illegally by Pulse as an example, the court held that protecting user information was an important basis to measure the legitimacy of the operator’s behavior, and finally decided that Pulse constituted unfair competition.

  Zhu Wei said that enterprises should give priority to personal information security and privacy protection from the perspective of users. Secondly, under the framework of laws and regulations, reasonable and proper use of data can bring better product experience to users.

  You Yunting added that in addition to the platform side, users should also raise their awareness of self-protection. They should try to install products from big companies and not install apps from unknown sources. Permissions related to their privacy must be thoroughly understood before choosing whether to agree or disagree, and synchronization functions must not be abused. Reduce the possibility of personal information disclosure through good use. (Reporter Han Dandong Luo Congran)

Beautiful but dangerous! Firecrackers frequently injure people. Will it be forbidden to set off fireworks and firecrackers during the Chinese New Year this year?

This article is transferred from: Agricultural TV Network
The sound of firecrackers said goodbye to the old year.
Celebrate the New Year in fireworks.
Set off fireworks and firecrackers in the New Year.
It is a long-standing tradition in China.
With the flavor of the year getting stronger and stronger
When people set off fireworks and firecrackers
News of being injured has happened from time to time.
How can we avoid tragedy?
In recent years
Many places, including rural areas
Have already issued a "prohibition order"
What are the local policies this year?
set off firecrackers and fireworks
Beauty and danger coexist.
Setting off fireworks and firecrackers during the Chinese New Year symbolizes happiness and beauty. However, according to the annual hospital report, many people are injured by setting off fireworks and firecrackers during the Chinese New Year every year, ranging from skin injuries to broken fingers, eye injuries and deafness, resulting in lifelong disability and even death.
In recent days, news about injuries caused by fireworks and firecrackers has been repeatedly screened.
On January 24th, there was a loud noise in Jintaiyangguang Square, Pingchang County, Bazhong City, Sichuan Province. Five manhole covers in the square were blown up one after another, and white smoke was everywhere. The scene was a mess. A boy of about 10 years old and his mother were injured and fell to the ground. Witnesses at the scene revealed that the accident was caused by the boy’s playful throwing firecrackers into the sewer of the square, which led to the explosion of methane in the sewer. Five nearby manhole covers and floor tiles were instantly blown up, and the child and his mother were injured because they had no time to dodge the cracked floor tiles and manhole covers.
On January 23, 74-year-old Uncle Chen in Changsha, Hunan Province dug up some firecrackers when he was cleaning at home. He wanted to try to see if it could still be used, so he ran outside and lit a fire. Unexpectedly, just as he lit the fire, the firecrackers suddenly exploded. Uncle Chen was accidentally injured in his right hand. After the incident, his family rushed him to the hospital for treatment. At present, the end of the thumb and middle finger of the old man’s right hand are all defective, and the doctor has performed a broken finger repair operation for him.
On January 22nd, an 8-year-old boy picked up an unburned fireworks tube and played. His right hand was blown to pieces and his bones were exposed. The doctor performed vascular suture and nerve repair, and the boy’s finger blood circulation has now recovered, but the nerve injury needs a long time to recover.
During the Spring Festival every year, there is a high incidence of accidental injuries caused by fireworks and firecrackers. Most of the causes of injuries are the purchase of inferior fireworks and firecrackers, or the lack of safety protection measures when they are set off.
Chinese new year this year
Can we set off fireworks?
In recent years, with the increasing awareness of public safety and environmental protection, more and more places have joined the ranks of "forbidden families".
It is worth noting that this year, rural areas were specifically mentioned when the notice of prohibition was issued in many places, because there are many dry firewood and haystacks in rural areas, which are easily ignited, thus causing fires. Take Beijing as an example. It is forbidden to set off firecrackers in both rural and urban areas, otherwise there will be various penalties.
Although many places have issued "prohibition orders", we still hope that we can analyze the specific situation and not let all places ban fireworks and firecrackers. From the current point of view, although there are great restrictions on the discharge of fireworks and firecrackers in some places, they can be divided into forbidden areas and areas outside the forbidden areas. If they are outside the forbidden areas, they can still be discharged.
For example, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province recently issued a notice, starting from January 1 this year, the scope of the forbidden zone is within 300 square kilometers of the main city area, and other places in Wuxi area can still set off fireworks and firecrackers according to the specific requirements of relevant departments.
Haikou City, Hainan Province has also issued relevant notices about the forbidden zone before, and fireworks and firecrackers can still be set off in areas other than the forbidden zone.
In addition to the release of the "Prohibition Order", on January 25th, the State Post Bureau also issued a notice requesting to further strengthen the delivery control of inflammable and explosive articles such as fireworks and firecrackers.
The circular pointed out that local postal administrations and delivery enterprises should guard against criminals using delivery channels to commit illegal and criminal acts, and prevent prohibited articles from flowing into delivery channels and causing major delivery security incidents.
set off firecrackers and fireworksThe origin of
"In addition to the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze sends warmth into Tu Su." During the Chinese New Year, just hearing the crackling firecrackers will know that the New Year is coming. So, why set off firecrackers during the Spring Festival?
When the ancients struggled with various natural phenomena, they often encountered problems that could not be scientifically answered and dealt with, which were often attributed to illusions such as ghosts and demons. They rise from the sun to shine on the earth, and all things are revived and rejuvenated, which leads to the association that fire, light, red and sound are the most sacred and powerful things, which can overcome all evil spirits and avoid evil.
There is a legend that there is a monster called Nian, who often comes to ruin crops and hurt people. Later, people found that Nian was afraid of fire, lit a bonfire, and then put a lot of bamboo in the fire to roast. Bamboo made a crackling noise. Nian beast was so scared when he heard these noises that he began to run around the village. However, people had already put out their own pasted lanterns and hung them in front of the door, which made Nian beast even more flustered and quickly ran to the Woods and disappeared.
Today, we set off firecrackers, although it means to get rid of the old and welcome the new, but it has no superstitious color. Every New Year, everyone will put up red couplets, set off firecrackers, light candles, and keep vigil all night in beating gongs and drums to welcome the arrival of the New Year.
set off firecrackers and fireworks
safety first
Finally, Xiaobian should remind everyone that safety protection should be done when fireworks and firecrackers are allowed to be purchased and set off.
When buying, do "four looks":
1. Look at the operator’s license:It should be purchased in a formal place with a "Fireworks and Firecrackers Business (Retail) License", and should not be purchased at unlicensed stalls or illegal vendors peddling by bicycle.
2. Look at the product content:You should buy fireworks and firecrackers with relatively small dosage, and don’t buy large fireworks and firecrackers such as harmful fireworks bombs.
3. Look at the product appearance:Products with neat appearance, no mildew, integrity, no deformation, no drug leakage and floating should be purchased.
4. Look at the product logo:Products with complete and clear signs should be purchased, that is, formal factory name and address, warning signs, Chinese discharge instructions, etc.
When discharging, do "six noes":
1. Do not set off fireworks and firecrackers within 100 meters of the production, storage and business units of inflammable and explosive dangerous goods and the surrounding areas.
2. Do not set off fireworks and firecrackers in stations, transportation hubs, urban main roads and railway line safety protection zones; Do not set off fireworks and firecrackers in the safety protection zone of power transmission and transformation facilities.
3. Fireworks and firecrackers are not set off in state organs, cultural relics protection units, medical institutions, old-age care institutions, schools, libraries, archives, museums, children’s activity places and their surrounding areas.
4. Fireworks and firecrackers are not set off intensively in shopping malls, bazaars, public cultural activities and other places.
5. Do not set off fireworks in corridors, balconies, alleys and lawns.
6 rural fireworks should be far away from factories, warehouses, farmers’ markets, grain depots, firewood piles, etc.
At the same time, when setting off fireworks, fireworks should be placed on the ground smoothly. If there is any abnormality, please do not go near the product immediately, and wait for at least 15 minutes before handling it.
Fireworks are beautiful.
But when it was set off,
be sure to be safe
Remember, remember!
Sources:, Post Office website,, The Paper and Guangxi News Channel.
Edit | Kang Xuanshan
Editor | Jiang Lin
Supervision and examination | Zhong Qian

After the "star officials" of Yunnan’s husband and wife files were both dismissed, a relative who had amassed 3 million yuan was sentenced.

Dongfang Net Longitudinal Journalist Chen Haozhou
Cai Sihong’s brother-in-law Dong Guanghui was sentenced to five years and six months’ imprisonment for using his influence to take bribes to collect 3 million yuan after the "star official" in Yunnan, Cai Sihong, the former deputy mayor of Yuxi, and Geng Mei, the former deputy mayor of Baoshan. On December 29th, China Judgment Document Network published "criminal judgment, the First Trial of Dong Guanghui’s Taking Bribery and Taking Bribery by Influence", which revealed the details of Dong Guanghui’s wealth collection.
According to the verdict, Dong Guanghui was born in December 1971, with a junior high school education and a native of mangshi. On January 8 this year, he was detained by the Wuding County Supervisory Committee. On July 6, the Wuding County People’s Procuratorate decided to be criminally detained by the Wuding County Public Security Bureau, and he was arrested on July 11.
The Wuding County People’s Court found through trial that Dong Guanghui accepted Dong’s request, and after consulting with Cai Sihong, then secretary of the mangshi Municipal Party Committee and the mayor’s relative, Cai Sihong came forward to say hello to help Dong’s Kaiyuan Hongfa Construction Group Co., Ltd. undertake the construction project of the fifth primary school in mangshi and the construction project of the coffee avenue in the Pappian District of mangshi Industrial Park. From March 2010 to November 2018, Dong Guanghui received 2 million yuan from Dong four times.
(Caption: Cai Sihong, former deputy mayor of Yuxi City Source: Dongfang. com)
During 2015, Dong Guanghui accepted the request of Liu, a construction contractor, to help introduce the construction project of Nanyang overseas Chinese machinists returning to China for the Anti-Japanese Memorial Hall. After receiving the promise of 1.5 million yuan afterwards, he took advantage of the influence formed by Cai Sihong’s position and status as the secretary of Ruili Municipal Party Committee, and with the help of Cai Sihong and others, he contracted the construction project for Liu. At the beginning of 2016, Dong Guanghui received 1 million yuan from Liu twice.
According to Dong Guanghui’s confession, "Cai Sihong and we are a family. He didn’t want his sister and I to live a hard life. He came forward to help Dong to undertake the project, just to let me collect the benefits to increase my family’s income and improve my family’s quality of life."
Cai Sihong’s testimony also confirmed that Dong Guanghui is his brother-in-law. "He has no job, no right, no money, no technology, no resources, no fixed occupation and no fixed income. I also want to help my brother-in-law’s family increase their income in this way, so I acquiesced in his accepting the’ benefit fee’."
The explanation presented by the Wuding County Supervision Committee confirmed that Dong Guanghui voluntarily explained the criminal facts of this case to the investigation organ when he was told to cooperate with the investigation of other cases. The verdict shows that on April 10 this year, Dong Guanghui voluntarily returned 3 million yuan of funds involved in the case to the investigation organ.
On December 21 this year, Dong Guanghui was sentenced to five years and six months’ imprisonment and fined 700,000 yuan. The illegal income of 3 million yuan was confiscated and turned over to the state treasury by the Wuding County Supervision Committee.
The reporter noted that Cai Sihong, born in August 1967, and Geng Mei, born in September 1968, were once remarkable couples "star officials" in Yunnan politics. Both of them are from Yunnan. Cai Sihong graduated from Yunnan University for Nationalities, majoring in Dai language, and Geng Mei graduated from Yunnan University, majoring in journalism. Both of them graduated from university in the same year and joined the work.
(Caption: Geng Mei, former deputy mayor of Baoshan City Source: official website, Longyang District People’s Government of Baoshan City)
In official career, the couple can be described as "going hand in hand". In 1993, Cai Sihong was appointed Deputy Secretary-General of Dehong Federation of Industry and Commerce. Two years later, Geng Mei was promoted from an ordinary news editor of Baoshan Daily to the deputy director of the Propaganda Department Office of Baoshan District Committee; In July 2009, Cai Sihong was appointed secretary of Luxi (renamed mangshi in November 2010), and Geng Mei was promoted from the county magistrate of Changning County to the secretary of Changning County Committee in December of the following year.
In 2013, Cai Sihong and Geng Mei both became deputy department heads: Geng Mei was promoted to vice mayor of Baoshan City and concurrently served as secretary of Longyang District Committee, Cai Sihong became deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Ruili National Key Development and Opening Experimental Zone (deputy department head), and was later appointed secretary of Ruili Municipal Committee. In October 2015, Cai Sihong was transferred to the vice mayor of Yuxi City. At this point, both husband and wife became deputy mayors of prefecture-level cities.
Before Dong Guanghui was sentenced, Cai Sihong and his wife Geng Mei, both CPC cadres, were both dismissed.
According to the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, on October 15, 2019, Geng Mei, deputy mayor of Baoshan City and secretary of Longyang District Party Committee, was suspected of serious violation of discipline and law, and accepted disciplinary review and supervision investigation. On February 25, 2020, Cai Sihong, a member of the party group and deputy mayor of Yuxi Municipal People’s Government, was suspected of serious violation of discipline and law, and was subject to disciplinary review and supervision investigation.
In March this year, the Supervision Committee of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Dehong Prefecture published a commentary entitled "Don’t let" go hand in hand "become" both fallen horses ",saying that Cai Sihong and Geng Mei were once a remarkable couple’s" star officials "in Yunnan politics. From "going hand in hand" to "both falling off the horse", it is distressing and thought-provoking.
According to the article, the "corrupt couple file" between Cai Sihong and Geng Mei once again sounded the alarm of "family integrity" for leading cadres in the province. A good family style benefits the family and the country; On the contrary, a morbid family style will destroy the family and harm others, oneself and society.
Now, Dong Guanghui was jailed after Cai Sihong and Geng Mei both fell, which once again proved the harmfulness of the morbid family style of leading cadres.

Ciqikou ancient town is full of tourists during the New Year holiday.

On December 31st, ciqikou ancient town was full of festive atmosphere, and the streets and lanes were bustling with excitement.
In order to enrich the experience of ancient town tourism, in recent days, ciqikou ancient town has carried out a variety of activities to let people taste the traditional culture in the Millennium ancient town and welcome New Year’s Day.
The ancient town is full of tourists.
Sichuan opera actors attract tourists’ attention.
Children are experiencing Zanba.
Little tourists took photos in Sichuan opera costumes.
Special Photography for Upstream News Sun Kaifang’s Photo Report
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Another eight.

In the Chengdu Mixed Team World Cup, table tennis in the prime time in the evening ushered in the third contest in the rematch stage. In the first match of the semi-final, Guoping defeated Slovakia, a dark horse team, with a total score of 8-1. In the second round, Wang Chuqin, Sun Yingsha, Chen Meng and Malone also beat the China Taipei team by the same score. So this round, in the face of the competition, the strength is the strongest, and at the same time, it has brought great difficulties and pressure to Guoping in other events, and even the French team, where players have defeated the main players of Guoping many times, how will Guoping perform? Will the players give each other a chance to score points on us? Let’s get to know and pay attention to it together.

The first to appear is still the mixed doubles. Guoping sent the strongest mixed doubles, that is, Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha’s partner. Their active attack, quick convergence and mutual compensation on the court can be said to be vividly reflected on the court, and their tacit understanding and personal ability are also reflected in the score. In the first game, they didn’t give any chance to the French group A- lebrun and Yuan Jianan, and soon took the lead with the score of 11-1. In the second game of the competition, the state of the French group was improved, and the offensive ability of the French group was also reflected to some extent. Although they were able to bite the score and not be pulled open, the Shatou group went to the next city in 11-8 by virtue of its running position more suitable for mixed doubles and its ability to handle personal key points. In the third game, the French team, like the first game, was completely suppressed by Sha Tou’s team, and there were not many ways to score on the field. Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha scored a drum, and the disparity score of 11-3 went to the next city, thus helping Guoping occupy a clear lead in the big score with a total score of 3-0.

In the second set of the two sides, the French women’s table tennis team sent Pavard, who helped the team score points in the mixed doubles in the previous match. But this time, facing Manyu Wang, it is obvious that her ability and state are not enough to shake Manyu Wang. After the last round of state adjustment, Manyu Wang quickly entered the state in this competition, and came up with two 11-5s, thus gaining a 2-0 lead in the big score. In the third game of the two sides, Pawad played imposing manner, which also resulted in a stalemate in the attack. Moreover, after high quality, she kept biting on the score. But in the end, Manyu Wang made a key point, relying on a backhand diagonal attack to cause the opponent to make a mistake in returning the ball. While winning the third game 13-11, it also helped Guoping to lock in a 3-0 victory again and rewrite the total score of both sides to 6-0.

The third set of the competition is a contest of men’s singles between the two sides. Because the first eight players win, Guoping can lock in the final victory of the competition as long as it can win two more games. Then, can Fan Zhendong directly lock the victory in front of F- lebrun, who has a distinctive style of play and a very fast shot? Look, let’s keep watching the game. In the first game of both sides, Fan Zhendong, although not in excellent condition, was still slow and steady. On the one hand, he was prepared for the opponent’s speed and rhythm, on the other hand, his own attack and quality of shots were also maintained, and he quickly won the first game with a score of 11-7. In the second game, he also led 3-2 at the beginning, forcing his opponent to call a timeout. F In the overall passive situation, lebrun also made use of the time-out opportunity to score continuously, not only tying the score, but also taking advantage of Fan Zhendong’s continuous mistakes. After tying the score 5-5, he achieved an 8-5 lead. His serve and attack were also effective for Fan Zhendong. After the two sides formed a strong stalemate, it was still F lebrun who turned the attack into a score and took a 9-5 lead. Because Fan Zhendong was a little caught up in the rhythm of George W. lebrun, he also made some changes in hair and hair at the end of the game. However, although Xiao Pang tied the score at 9-9, F lebrun scored an edge ball, which helped him pull back a city at 11-9. This is also the first point scored by the French team.

In the third game of the two sides, Fan Zhendong called a time-out for himself on the score of 3-2, and came back after a time-out. F lebrun’s serve and grab tactics were very effective, and his attack on the third board was really fierce, which helped him not only tie the score, but also lead the score of 5-4 and 6-5. After the 6-draw, Fan Zhendong scored another point in the multi-shot stalemate between the two sides, which also inspired the enthusiasm of the audience on the sidelines, and the applause continued. However, Fan Zhendong’s swing back made the two sides draw 7-7. After the 9-draw, 10-draw and 11-draw, Fan Zhendong Coast let the opportunity slip away again, relying on the diagonal attack to make a return mistake in F lebrun, and 13-11 won the third game of both sides, thus helping Guoping 8-1 win the whole game. Congratulations to Guo Ping, Wang Chuqin, Sun Yingsha, Manyu Wang and Fan Zhendong. Let’s look forward to the more wonderful performance of Guoping in the back.