The passengers in the Didi special car actually drank urine! The driver involved has been banned by the platform

  Xinmin Evening News (Reporter, Lu Changqing) "My colleagues and I called a Didi Li Orange special car, but I didn’t expect the drinking water provided by the driver to be urine!" The night before yesterday, Mr. Sun, who was on a business trip to Shanghai, encountered a bad thing. According to Didi’s response, the Didi driver involved has been banned by the platform.

  According to Mr. Sun’s account, he is from Suzhou, Jiangsu. At about 8 pm the previous night, he and his colleagues, who were on a business trip to Shanghai, called a Didi Licheng special car near No. 818 Zhenbei Road in Putuo District to Lefang Exquisite Life Plaza. After getting on the bus, Mr. Sun sat in the passenger seat and felt thirsty, so he picked up the bottled drinking water on the cup seat of the central armrest of the vehicle and prepared to drink it.

  Mr. Sun said: The Didi Licheng special car will provide passengers with special bottled drinking water. "At that time, I opened the bottle cap of bottled water and found that the bottle cap was not sealed, but loose, and it seemed that it had been unscrewed." Mr. Sun immediately asked the driver of the special car. The driver said that the bottle of water may have been unscrewed by the previous passenger, but the passenger did not drink it. Hearing the driver’s words, Mr. Sun unscrewed the bottle cap with confidence and drank the bottle of mineral water directly.

  When Mr. Sun drank the bottle of water, he found that the water had a peculiar smell, and he immediately vomited it. After confirming that the water contained urine. Faced with Mr. Sun’s inquiry, the driver repeatedly stressed that he did not know who the urine in the bottle belonged to. When the vehicle approached the destination, Mr. Sun made representations to the driver again, and was about to call to complain, the driver became emotional, saying that he would lose his job as a result, and kept beating himself, apologizing to Mr. Sun, and proposing to use the money for private use. But Mr. Sun did not agree. He immediately complained to Didi customer service and reported the case to the police. After receiving the report, the police from the Taopu police station arrived at the scene to deal with it.

  After the incident, Didi immediately launched an investigation. Yesterday, Didi responded: After verification, the driver in question could not find the toilet due to an emergency, so it was convenient to use a mineral water bottle and placed the bottle on the driver’s cab console, causing passengers to drink by mistake.

  According to the reporter, yesterday afternoon, the staff of Didi company accompanied the passenger to the hospital for a physical examination. At the same time, the driver will also be arranged for a medical examination as soon as possible to determine whether the passenger has suffered health damage through medical means. The company will continue to follow up and provide passengers with the help and health protection within its capacity. At present, the hospital medical examination report has not been released, and the driver has been banned by the platform for violating Didi’s service rules.

  As we all know, Didi is rectifying because of the Hitch incident, and now there is a "drinking urine" incident, which is so incredible and eye-popping. But what is Didi really doing behind the scenes? As long as there is an accident, the unified approach is to ban the driver. This kind of punishment that "addresses only the symptoms but not the root cause of the issue" cannot solve the actual dispute at all.

  While Didi is rectifying safety, it is also crucial to improve the quality of drivers. No matter how Didi supplements and improves equipment monitoring, if the quality of drivers is poor, it will not work, and safety incidents will still occur. What we hope to see is a more responsible and protective reform behavior for passengers, rather than the same disregard for handling.

Nongfu Spring responded to the water quality standard incident, claiming that its standards are the most stringent in China

Yesterday afternoon, Nongfu ****** held a "press conference on drinking natural water standards" in *******. After a series ** reports pointed at Nongfu ******, reporters from the ******* Times (Weibo) frequently asked questions and engaged in a heated debate with Nongfu ****** executives. Earlier, an association in ******* demanded that Nongfu ****** bottled drinking water be removed from the shelves. Yesterday, the ******* Times also said that Nongfu ****** bottled water had been discontinued in *******. Nongfu ****** released a news on its **ficial Weibo that it had filed a lawsuit and claimed 60 million yuan from the ******* Times.

Modern Express reporter, Zhang Yu, text/photo

[Reason] The "water quality dispute" has lasted for nearly a month

In March this year, some consumers reported that black unknown objects appeared in the Nongfu ****** they purchased, which became the beginning ** the "quality gate" incident ** Nongfu ******. Since April 10, the ******* Times has published a series ** reports, directly pointing out that there is a problem with the water source ** Nongfu ******, citing the view ** the drinking water association, that Nongfu ******’s standards are not as good as tap water standards, and its local standards are looser than national standards. During this period, Nongfu ****** also responded four times. During this process, the ******* Barreled Drinking Water Sales Industry Association issued a notice, requiring all sales companies in the ******* bottled drinking water industry to immediately remove Nongfu ****** bottled drinking water products from the shelves. Yesterday, the front page ** the ******* Times mentioned that Nongfu ****** bottled water was suspended in ******* due to "standard" problems.

[Latest Progress] Suing Jinghua Times for 60 million

Yesterday afternoon, the "Nongfu ****** Drinking Natural Water Standards Press Conference" was held in *******. Zhong Liangxuan, chairperson and president ** Nongfu ******, said that in 27 consecutive days from April 10 to May 6, the ******* Times used 67 pages to repeatedly report on three problems: the first Nongfu ******’s implementation ** standards is not as good as tap water, the second is to abolish the landmark DB33/383 in Zhejiang Province, and the third Nongfu ****** ******* bottled water is removed from the shelves. "*******’s ******* ******* Times has set a news record for a media to criticize a company," he said. Just before yesterday’s news conference, Nongfu ****** announced through the **ficial Weibo that it had filed a lawsuit in court and claimed 60 million yuan from the ******* Times. Yesterday, a media reporter checked with the ******* Second Intermediate People’s Court and learned that Nongfu ****** has indeed submitted litigation materials to the court, and the case is still under review.

[Press conference site]

Nongfu Spring Hair Materials VS Beijing Times

The press conference began at 3 p.m., but many media reporters came one after another around 2 p.m. Inside and outside the conference site, Nongfu ****** posted the relevant questioning reports ** the ******* Times on the display board. These reports were about 60 or 70 pages from April 10 to May 6. Next to the reports, Nongfu ****** also posted a lot ** responses to the ******* Times report. In order to let everyone know more about the beginning and end ** the incident, Nongfu ****** prepared a wealth ** materials. Reporters from the ******* Times also delivered the newspaper ** the day at the entrance ** the press conference. The front page ** the newspaper had a report on the suspension ** the bottled water ** Nongfu ******, as well as "Four Questions to Nongfu ******" and other contents. At the press conference, the chairperson and president ** Nongfu ******, Zhong Shanyuan, said that the conference was not held voluntarily by the company. Since its establishment, Nongfu ****** has had three major crises and held three press conferences. This time, the conference was held in the capital *******, hoping to find truth and freedom ** speech. When Zhong Shanyuan said that the Jinghua Times had made an objective report without interviewing Nongfu ******, the reporter ** the ******* Times immediately stood up and debated. The atmosphere at the scene was once chaotic. After being persuaded by the staff, the conference was restored to order.

Response to "removed from the shelves in Beijing"

Due to "environmental" factors

Will not continue to operate at the Beijing Kaishui Plant

At the press conference, Zhong Xuanyi reported that "the ******* Quality Supervision Bureau has asked Nongfu ******’s factory in ******* to stop production," saying that production for the government is still in production, but production for the public has indeed stopped. Nongfu ****** now has a bottled water plant in *******, which only produces large buckets ** water, and has 100,000 consumer groups in *******.

He said that after the order to close the bottled water in Beijing this time, the company will not continue to open a factory in Beijing for production. "Today I also want to announce that we will not open a factory in Beijing for production. We can only apologize to the 100,000 consumers in Beijing, because it is impossible for a company to produce in such an environment," Mr. Zhong said.

"Nongfu ******’s dignity is more important than money, and Nongfu ******’s sense ** responsibility is not so much that I produce substandard products and affect the health ** ******* consumers and ******* citizens, but rather close this factory now, because a product association can make a company’s products removed from the shelves, and a product association’s decision can make the" ******* Times "put it on the front page. Such an environment, Nongfu ******, can only withdraw." He said that only state law enforcement and government law enforcement departments have the right to decide and enforce the removal ** products from the shelves. If a non-governmental organization can decide to remove a certain product from the shelves, it will be difficult to ensure the market order ** food safety. Zhong Bianyi believes that in such an environment, Nongfu ****** can only withdraw. " Nongfu ****** will not bow to the violence ** public opinion, nor will it lose face for its own dignity. "

Response to "Zhejiang Landmark"

Before the national standard came out of the stage

Landmarks cannot be abolished

Previously, many media have questioned that the water produced by Nongfu Spring in places other than Zhejiang is also marked with Zhejiang landmarks, believing that this is illegal. Nongfu Spring responded that as a product Quality Standard, Zhejiang landmarks can be used across regions, and there is no law expressly prohibiting it. Nongfu Spring reiterated that they implement the state-mandated health (safety) standard GB19298 and Quality Standard DB33/383. Even if Nongfu Spring only signs and implements the state-mandated health (safety) standard GB19298, it can be commissioned for processing across the country, while Nongfu Spring implements more stringent Zhejiang landmarks, and it is completely possible to commission processing in various places.

At the press conference, the ******* Times reporter quoted the National Health and Family Planning Commission as saying that the Zhejiang local standards implemented by Nongfu ****** should have been abolished a few years ago. Nongfu ****** said that before the national standards came out, the local standards could not be abolished, otherwise there would be a legal vacuum, and the National Food Safety threat and risk assessment Center did not mention the abolition ** DB33/383 in the public letter posted on its **ficial website, nor did the National Health and Family Planning Commission.

Responding to "Water Quality Standards"

Our standards

The most stringent in the country

In the ******* Times report, the core is to question the drinking water standards ** Nongfu ******. In this regard, Zhong Shanxue introduced the relevant standards in detail. He pointed out that the drinking water system is divided into hygiene standards and Quality Standards, and any drinking water product implements both safety standards and express Quality Standards.

Nongfu Spring emphasizes that the standards they implement are the most stringent in China. The national bottled drinking water standard, the national "Bottle (Barrel) Drinking Water Hygiene Standard" (GB19298), is a safety (hygiene) standard. Whether Nongfu Spring is marked on the bottle or not, it must be enforced. And Zhejiang Province DB33/383 "Bottled Drinking Natural Water" (hereinafter referred to as "Zhejiang Landmark") is a Quality Standard. After marking the bottle, Nongfu Spring must implement it. Nongfu Spring said that all the potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, metasilicic acid, and pH values on its bottle labels are higher than DB33/383, representing Nongfu Spring’s strict implementation of the standard.

Response to "Landmark Loose"

Zhejiang landmark is advanced

Safety standards must be enforced

According to media reports, the Zhejiang landmarks used in Nongfu Spring are considered to be looser than national standards. Zhong said that their drinking water is subject to the national mandatory health (safety) standards GB19298 and Quality Standard DB33/383-2005. He believes that Zhejiang landmarks are still an advanced local standard across the country today, with its scientific nature.

Regarding the problem that the bottle body has only landmarks, Nongfu Spring responded that the general enterprise will choose to mark the Quality Standard. On the one hand, the safety standard is the mandatory standard of the state, and even if it is not marked on the label, the enterprise must implement it. On the other hand, the quality characteristics of the product can be reflected from the implementation of the Quality Standard.

Responding to the "pH Question"

pH value 7.3 ± 0.5

Is a scientific statement of error

In the promotion of Nongfu Spring, it has always been mentioned that it is weakly alkaline water. However, many opinions point out that it contradicts itself, pH = 7 is neutral, pH > 7 is alkaline, and pH

Nongfu Spring believes that the expression of pH value of 7.3 ± 0.5 is very scientific. The pH value of water will change with the environment, water temperature, etc., resulting in a certain error, so they set an error value of 0.5.

The price of Krypton 007 in Hangzhou has been greatly reduced, with the lowest price of 229,900! just this once

In [car home Hangzhou Preferential Promotion Channel], there is a price reduction promotion, and the price reduction rate is as high as 10,000! As a model that has attracted much attention, the starting price of Krypton 007 has dropped to 229,900 yuan. You can click the "Check Car Price" button in the quotation form to get a higher discount! Act quickly and seize this excellent opportunity to buy a car!

Extreme Krypton 007 is a brand-new electric SUV, which adopts a streamlined design and presents a fashionable and scientific image. The front face of the car has a unique design, which adopts the extremely krypton family-style design language, and the air intake grille adopts a closed design, which highlights its new energy identity. The body lines are smooth, the overall style is fashionable and the details are exquisite, which highlights the high-end positioning of the car. Extreme Krypton 007 also uses LED headlights and unique daytime running lights to make the vehicle more conspicuous during driving and improve driving safety. The side lines of the car body are simple and smooth, and the roof lines are tilted backwards, creating a dynamic visual effect. In the rear part, the Krypton 007 adopts a streamlined design and a unique taillight shape, which makes the whole car look more fashionable and full of technology. Generally speaking, the design of Krypton 007 is exquisite and atmospheric, giving people a high-end and fashionable feeling.

Extreme Krypton 007 is a medium and large SUV with a body size of 4865*1900*1450 and a wheelbase of 2928 mm. It has a spacious body and spacious interior space. The lines on the side of the car are smooth, showing a sense of movement and strength. The car has a front track of 1635mm and a rear track of 1650mm, and the tyre size is 245/45 R19 before and after the car is equipped, providing excellent handling and stability. The rim style of Krypton 007 is unique, and it adopts fashionable multi-spoke design, which complements the color of the car body and adds a sense of movement to the whole car.

The interior design of Krypton 007 is fashionable and simple, made of high-quality materials, and the overall style is luxurious and atmospheric. The steering wheel is made of genuine leather, which feels comfortable and supports electric up and down+front and rear adjustment, so that drivers can make personalized adjustments according to their own needs. The central control screen is 15.05 inches, equipped with voice recognition control system, which can control multimedia, navigation, telephone and air conditioning functions, and the operation is convenient and quick. The seat is made of imitation leather and genuine leather. The main/co-pilot seat supports multi-directional adjustment such as front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment, leg rest adjustment and lumbar support. The front seat also has heating, ventilation and massage functions. The driver’s seat and co-pilot seat also support electric seat memory. The rear seats support the proportion down, and the space is flexible and changeable. In addition, the front and rear rows are equipped with USB/Type-C interfaces, which is convenient for passengers to charge. In a word, the interior design of Krypton 007 is comfortable and practical, and the configuration is rich, providing a comfortable driving experience for drivers and passengers.

The engine equipped with Krypton 007 has a maximum power of 310kW and a maximum torque of 440N·m, which brings excellent power performance to drivers. The engine can provide abundant power output, so that drivers can feel a strong sense of pushing back and stable power output during acceleration and driving. At the same time, the engine also adopts advanced technology, which has high fuel economy and low emissions, bringing users a more environmentally friendly and economical driving experience. Whether it is daily commuting or long-distance travel, the engine of Krypton 007 can provide users with excellent performance and reliability, so that users can easily control and enjoy driving pleasure.

In our communication with the owner of car home, he shared his comments on Krypton 007. He said that he chose a black body, and thought that this appearance was very atmospheric, especially the front face design, which left a very deep impression on him. Although he may be a little unaccustomed to seeing the rear butt at first, he gradually adapted to this design as time went on. This evaluation is undoubtedly an affirmation of the design of Krypton 007. We believe that the design of Krypton 007 will become a highlight to attract consumers.

"Family Fitness" is becoming a typical sports scene. Did "Cloud Fitness" punch in today?

  During the COVID-19 epidemic, fitness software helped people meet their fitness needs at home, and many sports events were also conducted online. The picture shows that at the opening ceremony of an online marathon held in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province in 2020, the fitness coach led the contestants to warm up before the game through live broadcast equipment. Participants can use any APPlication (app) that records running data to complete the race and upload screenshots of the results. Photo by Zhang Xiaofeng (Xinhua News Agency)

  During the epidemic in COVID-19, going to the gym and outdoor sports were blocked, "family fitness" became a typical sports scene, and the use of sports apps became the norm. New sports industry models such as live fitness, online training, online competitions and online sales were widely welcomed, becoming new sports fashions and showing strong consumption potential. "Cloud Fitness" has brought different consumption feelings to consumers.

  Open the familiar sports software, and you will find that some people have just finished riding outdoors, some people have just finished running 15 kilometers, and some people have just finished a fitness course, such as vest line, abdominal muscles, slimming and fat reduction & HELIP; … Today, besides eating, drinking and beautifying, more and more people choose fitness.

  During the epidemic in COVID-19, people who love sports still don’t forget to punch in for fitness because they can’t go to gyms and sports fields. This has ignited "cloud fitness" and sports apps have brought people different consumption feelings.

  "Compared with my peers, colleagues and friends around me, I still spend a lot on fitness." Ms. Li often shares her sports experience in her circle of friends. She said that there are also some people in the circle of friends who specialize in fitness-related work. "They are very professional, and I can’t compare with them, mainly buying equipment, courses, etc., and practicing with them."

  "Age is a mystery and body is invincible" has always been the goal pursued by many fitness enthusiasts. Ms. Li is no exception.

  Before, Ms. Li liked to practice in the gym. She just signed up for dance classes and bought fitness classes. Due to the epidemic, she began to practice at home, bought sports courses suitable for her on some sports apps, and started a lot of fitness equipment, such as dumbbells and bicycles.

  "Relatively speaking, the ratio of money spent on courses and equipment is about 4: 6." Ms. Li said.

  In 2020, the epidemic situation will accelerate the development of new models and formats of sports industry. New models of sports industry, such as live fitness, online training, online games and online sales, have developed strongly and become new sports fashions, showing strong consumption potential.

  Look at two reports: the annual sports report of "2020Keep Big Data Inventory" released by sports technology company Keep shows that more than 56.5 million users have joined the ranks of home sports during related activities; The "Research Report on Mass Fitness Behavior and Consumption in 2020" issued by China Sporting Goods Industry Federation pointed out that family fitness is becoming a typical sports scene, accounting for 37%; In the past year, the proportion of spending on sports and related aspects reached 96%, and the per capita consumption exceeded 4,000 yuan; The epidemic situation in COVID-19 forced the public to strengthen their awareness of fitness in an all-round way. During the epidemic period, the participation rate of fitness reached 93%, the consumption rate of sporting goods reached 65%, and the average consumption amount was 1972 yuan.

  The report also shows that in the physical consumption category of sports, the purchase rate of sports shoes and clothing is 74%, the purchase rate of sports equipment is 44%, and the overall consumption rate of sports services is 63%, showing the characteristics of consumption upgrading.

  It is understood that three home fitness activities and competitions jointly organized by the General Administration of Sports and China Sports Industry Group in Tik Tok, Aauto Quicker and other platforms have been broadcasted more than 4 billion times. During the COVID-19 epidemic, China Athletics Association held 368 online running and home track and field activities, with more than 50 million online participants and nearly 500 million online visitors.

  For online fitness training courses, different consumers have different requirements and concerns. For example, for video courses, Ms. Li thinks that it is "flexible and inflexible". "The flexibility of such courses is that you can control the exercise time yourself. When you want to practice, you can just click on the video; But the inflexibility is that you can’t interact with the coach, and you can’t correct your actions in time. "

  In response to the new demands of consumers, many fitness software aimed at the "home fitness" scene and launched a membership system and personalized customization plan. Users can watch the intensive videos and courses guided by professional coaches, and at the same time get the intelligent training plan of personal tailor, thus further meeting the refined needs of the family fitness crowd.

  Consumers have noticed that with the development of fitness courses, compared with the traditional fitness card, the current fitness courses are more diverse, the strength of preferential packages is greater, and the "stickiness" of sports software is increasing.

  "Vigorously develop intelligent sports and cultivate new sports consumption formats such as online fitness". On September 21, 2020, the General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Accelerating the Development of New Consumption with New Forms and Models, which gave clear policy support to the intelligent sports industry.

  Statistics show that in recent years, the development of sports fitness and leisure activities has maintained a high growth rate, and the current price growth rate of added value has reached 74.4%. Combined with the development direction of sports industry during the 14 th Five-Year Plan period, the intelligent sports industry has broad prospects. "National Fitness+Technology" has become a market growth point and breakthrough, and the use of sports apps has become the norm, with a utilization rate of 75%.

  At the 2020 annual sports business summit held online not long ago, Liu Fumin, director of the Economic Department of the State Sports General Administration, delivered a speech, pointing out that it is necessary to fully rely on new technologies such as 5G, Internet of Things, big data and artificial intelligence to empower the sports industry, improve the big data of the sports industry, accelerate the expansion of online sports consumption, and make smart sports an important driving force for the development of the sports industry.

  According to Liu Fumin, in 2020, about 16 provinces and related cities organized and distributed sports vouchers, with financial investment exceeding 900 million yuan, more than 5,000 market participants, and sports consumption exceeding 11 million people, which boosted sports consumption by nearly 10 billion yuan. The 40 national sports consumption pilot cities will also bring more development opportunities and market space for the intelligent sports industry through sports consumption model innovation and product innovation.

  Experts believe that although the epidemic has hit the sports industry hard, the development prospect of the sports industry during the 14 th Five-Year Plan period is still bright. With the promotion and optimization of sports consumption scenes and the promotion of sports digitalization and intelligence, the growth potential of residents’ sports consumption will be further released.

The finals of the 4th Cross-Strait Student Baseball League started, and 32 teams of 840 players learned baseball skills and made great friends.

Shenzhen Business Daily Reading Creation Client Reporter Wu Wei

On November 11th, the finals of the 4th Cross-Strait Student Baseball League kicked off in 8 stadiums in Nanshan District, Shenzhen. The tournament will last until 18th. There are four groups: University Group, U18 Group, U15 Group and U12 Group, and 32 teams (20 from mainland China and 12 from Taiwan Province) will play 80 games. During the games, various exchange activities will be held, such as "Players’ Night", visits and exchanges, and watching drone performances.

A total of 840 players participated in this year’s finals. For the first time, exchange activities and competitions were interspersed, and the time for communication outside the competition was greatly increased. Players from universities, primary and secondary schools on both sides of the strait exchange skills, make great friends, appreciate the pulse of development, enhance emotional harmony, and promote "a family on both sides of the strait" through baseball exchanges.

After six years’ efforts, many schools in Shenzhen have started baseball, and more and more student baseball clubs have emerged. Baseball has become one of the favorite sports for students. Before the finals, the "2023 Shenzhen Training Camp for Little League Baseball Across the Taiwan Straits" was launched, and Taiwan Province’s outstanding hard ball was invited for in-depth training, guidance and exchange, so as to jointly improve the baseball level across the Taiwan Straits.

For this competition, Xu Yong, CEO of the Cross-Strait Baseball Exchange and Cooperation Committee, is full of expectations. He said: "The Fourth Cross-Strait Student Baseball League Finals is of great significance for students from both sides of the strait to get together and build a better platform for students from both sides of the strait. I hope they will become good golfers, good partners and good brothers through this competition."

On the first day of the competition, despite the continuous rain, Qiu Guanbo of Taiwan Province Xinbei Chongyi Senior High School found it "very exciting and fun". He said: "It was a special experience. The weather was bad, but the atmosphere was warm. Everyone was warm and friendly and felt very happy." He also said that the competition opportunity is rare, and he wants to feel the charm of Shenzhen city, gain novel experiences and discover different scenery from different perspectives.

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Liaoning Shenyang City Football Club issued an obituary: Ren Jianglong, a member of the first team, passed away.

Original title: Liaoning Shenyang City Football Club issued an obituary: Ren Jianglong, a member of the first team, passed away

On the afternoon of September 18th, Guan Wei of @ Liaoning Shenyang City Football Club announced that Ren Jianglong, a member of the club’s first team, died at 21:32 Beijing time on September 17th, 2023 at the age of 35.

The club official wrote slightly, shocked to learn the bad news, very sad! Ren Jianglong, a member of the first team of Shenyang City Football Club in Liaoning Province, died at 21:32 on September 17, 2023, Beijing time, and lived a short but wonderful life. We lost a good brother, a good colleague and a good player, and we mourn his departure with great sadness.

At the same time, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who care about him. May there be football in heaven, without pain or disease. Have a good trip, rest in peace, our good brother!

According to public information, Ren Jianglong was born in Dalian, Liaoning Province on July 19, 1988 as a defender. He worked for Zhejiang Yiteng, Beijing Baxi, Meizhou Hakka and other clubs in his career. He joined FC in Heilongjiang in 2015 and worked until 2022. After that, he briefly worked for Dalian and joined Shenyang City in Liaoning Province in 2023. This season, Ren Jianglong also played 14 games for Shenyang City in Liaoning Province.

Editor in charge:

There are big changes in the frontcourt this summer. Barcelona wants to clean two generals, and the No.10 in the team+the old Manchester City general.

This season, the team has successively introduced Levan and Rafinha, which has achieved good results. Barcelona hopes to continue to upgrade its frontcourt position this summer, while some players with poor performance will be purged. Fati and Phelan Torres are undoubtedly inferior to others in the frontcourt. In terms of reinforcement, Barcelona intends to introduce Rocco, while in terms of cleaning, Fati and Phelan Torres are the two frontcourt players who are most likely to leave the team. In order to have enough funds to continue the upgrade and reinforcement of the frontcourt, Barcelona may consider selling one of Fati and Phelan Torres.

Fati, the new Barcelona No.10 is obviously not as good as the previous No.10 players of the club, and it is difficult for people to see any signs of improvement. Fati’s future in Barcelona has become increasingly uncertain, and now the club is more inclined to sell it to recover funds, rather than give time to prove itself. Fati’s own performance is unstable, and it also affects other players on Barcelona’s offensive end from time to time. The most classic scene is that Fati grabbed Levan, who was in a better position, so that the latter failed to make a header attack. Fati failed to have a good chemical reaction with other teams in the frontcourt, but it had the opposite effect. The data of 6 goals and 3 assists in 36 games seems not bad, but Fati did more harm than good in the frontcourt.

Fortunately, Fati still has a market, and several top teams in the Premier League want to introduce this Barcelona frontcourt player. Therefore, as long as Barcelona is willing to push Fati into the transfer market, I believe it can be sold at a good price. As for Phelan Torres, he only came to Barcelona in January last year, and this season has actually begun the first full season of his career in Barcelona. However, the club is obviously not satisfied with Phelan Torres’ performance on the court. Poor ability to seize opportunities, whether it is personal scoring or organizing assists, has not played the role and effect expected by the coach. Phelan-Torres Espiba has a low presence on the offensive end, which has actually lasted for a long time.

People don’t see any signs of recovery in Phelan Torres. Phelan Torres is not as good as Dembele in breaking and killing on the flank. The latter can not only play a critical role, but also always send assists to his teammates. Barcelona hopes to sell Phelan Torres this summer. At the beginning, it cost 55 million euros to introduce him from Manchester City, and the capital cost is a little. Now it seems that this transaction is obviously disappointing and at a loss. Phelan Torres has played 32 games for Barcelona so far this season, of which only 13 started and scored 5 goals and 1 assist. It’s worse than Fati in data.

For Barcelona fans, compared with Fati, the club is actually more inclined to sell Phelan Torres. After all, the former comes from the team’s own youth training, and the fans still hope Fati can play and show his due role on the court. Phelan Torres is not from Barcelona, but from Valencia. Phelan Torres made a name for himself in Valencia and attracted the attention of Manchester City. During his time at Manchester City, Phelan Torres’ performance was remarkable. However, due to Barcelona’s invitation, fans have the idea of returning to La Liga. Manchester City chose to follow Phelan Torres’ wishes and the deal was successfully concluded. However, it is a pity that Phelan Torres, who returned to La Liga, played an outstanding performance in Valencia and even Manchester City, but now he is facing the fate of being purged.