Looking back on what they wore in the last century, we know that fashion is a reincarnation, and their clothes are all too foreign and beautiful.

Most people know that fashion is a circle, but it only ends on the surface. For the public, we can only deeply understand this sentence by seeing those fashionable clothes of the last century, and we can also find that many clothes of the last century are really fashionable and are not out of date now.

In this issue, we will review the clothes worn in the last century. After reading it, we will know that fashion is a reincarnation, and their clothes are too foreign and fashionable. Let’s take a look!

Compared with the present, many items in the last century are too unique. Whether it is a suit with irregular design, a silhouette coat, a shoulder pad suit, a leather coat, or bell bottoms, all of them reflect the unique aesthetics and taste of fashion icon in the last century.

Small suits with irregular waist design are the first choice for hipsters’ concave modeling, which not only closely follows the waist line and wears a small waistline, but also further weakens the width by using the height difference to hold the temperament model in minutes.

Going out of the street is like a catwalk. In 2023, it is also a very exotic fairy single product. Who would have thought that it would have appeared in the closets of beautiful women in the last century?

Fashion is developing, but classics are hard to go out of date. No matter how many times you watch it, it will still be beautiful by big-profile suits and coats.

This kind of silhouette suits and coats are designed with shoulder pads, and the shoulders are wide, so they are casual and chic, and they are not petty at all. Presumably, this is why silhouette suits and coats are still very popular today.

Fashion items are updated quickly, and people can’t go out when they buy a dress for two winters. Who would have thought that the long coats and leather coats with waists in the wardrobes of those beautiful women in the last century would be elegant and elegant to wear out now?

Look at the beautiful women above. The long coat with narrow top and wide bottom not only shows a small waist, but also adjusts the proportion of the body. It is also a fairy single product that releases the temperament.

Retro style is popular in fashion circles, which also proves that classics are difficult to be eliminated. In fact, if you look closely, you can find that wearing in the last century is yyds.

Not only do these fashionistas choose some unique tailoring and designs to show their fashion temperament, but also because they rarely follow the trend, dressing and dressing are not blindly imitated, and everyone adds their own thinking to their clothes. This is the real fashion.

Moreover, many retro clothes seem to be old and too far away from us, but in fact, many retro clothes are really bold, distinctive and sexy. All kinds of low-cut clothes can’t be worn out at the moment. Back in those days, it was very common.

The use of color in retro style is also bold and clear, far from the idea of color matching with clear soup and little water, and many shapes are added by color matching.

Retro red with distinctive foreign flavor and low profile, or warm and fashionable yellow and orange, or retro green and purple, these colors have a high appearance rate in the last century.

Retro wear that is also very foreign in the moment is of great reference value to the public. Let’s take a look!

1. Blue jeans

Jeans are not only popular in the last century, but also the strength of contracting the winter fashion in 2023. Who hasn’t had a few pairs of jeans in the closet?

Look at those hipsters in the 1980s and 1990s. At that time, I knew that jeans or straight style were the most attractive and neat. With short suits, they were charming without losing style.

2, plaid items

Fashion is a circle, and plaid, the representative element of retro wear, is equally classic, but plaid coats and wide-leg pants are surely not lacking in many Jimei wardrobes.

From the 1980s and 1990s to 2023, plaid coats and trousers are well-deserved temperament items, which are retro and fashionable without losing the British flavor.

3, overlapping modeling

I don’t think that overlapping wear is a dressing skill that is only popular now. Look at wearing in the last century. Overlapping wear has long been the specialty of these fashion icon.

Choose straight-line suits and coats to wear knitted cardigans, the materials are in contrast, and with neutral wind color matching or retro wine red color system, it is difficult to think of temperament.

4, below the knee skirt+leggings

Knee-length long skirts are particularly popular with fashionistas in the 1980s and 1990s. With leggings and grandma’s shoes, they are not only elegant and decent, but also particularly feminine. In 20 years, you will not be as good as them in dressing up.

Conclusion: Fashion is a reincarnation. We can understand this more clearly when we see the clothes worn in the last century. In 2023, we can still learn from these retro clothes and win elegance and high quality!

This article was originally created by Tiger Brother, and the pictures are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it. If you need to reprint it, please indicate the source, and plagiarism will be investigated! # Winter Life Punch Season #

Top ten bizarre injuries in NBA: Only you can’t think of them, and they can’t do it without them.

In the NBA, it is a common phenomenon that players are injured. Every season, players miss the game because of various injuries. Some people are accidentally injured by their opponents in the game, and some are accidentally injured in training. However, there are still many wonderful injuries in the NBA. In this issue, we will take stock of the top ten wonderful injuries in the NBA.

Tenth place, Gerald Wilkins: Gerald Wilkins is the younger brother of Dominic Wilkins, the essence of human film. Once, after hearing the jokes told by his teammates, Wilkins stamped his feet with laughter, and then paid the price of pulling his thigh muscles, which became a veritable leg cramp.

Ninth place, Eddie Curry: One day, while walking in the team’s morning free shooting, Eddie Curry sprained his left ankle badly and missed the game. In a training session, Eddie Curry sat on a huge blue fitness ball. The fitness ball couldn’t bear the burden of that weight and silently chose to blow itself up, so Eddie Curry fell and injured his wrist and joint. Such a wonderful injury, Curry has many times. Dude, please respect yourself.

Eighth place, Stoudemire, after the Knicks lost to the Heat in a game in 2012, Knicks player Stoudemire had nowhere to vent his anger. When he walked into the player’s aisle after the game, Stoudemire saw the fire extinguisher on the wall, so he punched the fire extinguisher, resulting in a left hand injury and stitches, and missed the game for a week.

Seventh place, Larry Bird: Bird is one of the greatest small forwards in history, but his back injury at the end of his career made him retire after only playing for 12 years. In the offseason in 1985, Byrd insisted on building a driveway for his mother’s house. All day’s hard work overwhelmed his back and eventually led to dislocation of his spine. Basically, he suffered from back injuries for the last seven years of his career.

Sixth place, Chad Driss, for fans, all the players who can play in the NBA belong to celebrities. For ordinary people, these players are strong men, but for "good friends of mankind" dogs, these players can only be divided into biting and not biting, and their height reaches 2.03 meters. Chad Driss, a small forward who played for the Hawks at the beginning of his career, made himself not handsome when he was feeding his dog.

Fifth place, Nowitzki, as the greatest foreign player in history, never lost to anyone in terms of strangeness of injury. Before a game, King Nuo, who had finished tying his shoelaces, habitually stamped his feet to see if his shoelaces were tied and his shoes were comfortable. But who would have thought that it was these stamping feet that led to the recurrence of King Nuo’s foot injury, and finally he had to take off his shoes he had just put on and go back to the dressing room for treatment.

Fourth, Jordan, who wanted to taste cigars in 1993, almost cut off his index finger, but even so, the tendon of his right index finger was permanently damaged, which made his right index finger unable to bend. Later, after a long period of exercise, Jordan finally got used to his fingers that could not bend. God is always a god, even so, Jordan still can’t stop in the next game, leading the bulls to the second three consecutive championships.

Third, Buckley, sometimes, because of his carelessness, may also cause some ridiculous injuries. In the past, when Buckley, the flying pig, went to a concert, he needed to rub his eyes because the lights on the scene were too dazzling. However, I didn’t expect that there was still hand cream left in his injury. This rubbing directly rubbed the hand cream on his eyes, causing burns to his cornea, which took three weeks to cure. Although Buckley was injured and the fans were very distressed, it must be said that Buckley is really a delicate man, and he always carries hand cream with him when he goes to a concert.

Second place, Artest, speaking of Artest, in the impression of fans, he is a cruel and tough guy. Hans Blue once intended to turn around and spray the opponent after being fouled, but when he saw that it was Artest, he immediately became timid, which shows what kind of "murderous" he has in the league. However, such a vicious person has also had very wonderful things. However, after the Lakers lost to the Cavaliers in the Christmas War, Artest tripped over a box at home and fell down the stairs, causing injuries to his head and left elbow, and needed stitches. Subsequently, he was diagnosed with a concussion, so he missed several games. But for him, it’s not a big problem. After his comeback, he helped the Lakers win the championship successfully that season.

Number one, Chuck Hayes, what’s it like to get an electric shock? It is estimated that no one can make it clear, and I believe that no one is willing to try another kind of electric shock except the one between men and women. After all, as a normal person, no one is willing to experience this dangerous feeling of direct dialogue with death, but Hayes, the shortest center in NBA history, really embodies a "feeling of electric shock." Hayes participated in the charity competition organized by McGrady during his time with the Rockets. During the break, Hayes, who was thirsty, came to the water dispenser and wanted to drink a glass of water. No one expected that the power of the water dispenser was leaking, and Hayes was shocked by electricity. If it was not rescued in time, the short center with excellent defense would go to hell or heaven to continue his career.

Goodbye Pang Hu, goodbye Pelican! New Orleans core application transaction, stag recruitment, letter excitement

According to American media reports, Zion, the star of the New Orleans Pelican, has been worried about his future career. Because of Ingram’s rapid growth and selection into the national team, his prospects are already very worrying. In addition, the team management has made up its mind to deal with him this summer.

His agent is currently paying close attention to the possibility of other teams trading him. Players’ priority is to play in the big ball city or the championship team, and will not accept rebuilding teams outside the playoffs. Milwaukee Bucks, new york Knicks, Miami Heat, Los Angeles Lakers, Los Angeles Clippers and other teams are potential targets, depending on who the players want to join hands with.

Goodbye Pang Hu, goodbye Pelican! New Orleans core application transaction, stag recruitment, letter excitement

At present, Pelican is actually very optimistic about trading Zion. Now, only because some management personnel are on vacation, they have no time to deal with this matter. However, the player himself knows that it is only a countdown to his departure from New Orleans, and fans have called on the management to trade him as soon as possible.

There are a large number of teams interested in Pang Hu. If there is no injury, his annual salary will be higher and his business value will also rise. However, this situation is not bad now. After the contract expires, he will have the opportunity to get a super salary of more than 45 million.

According to reports, Milwaukee Bucks are very interested in him, because they hope that the ball emperor can let him ban Middleton, who is old and has many injuries. Bringing him here will improve the team’s chances of winning the championship, and it can also become the third place in the first print. Joining with Brother Alphabet will also enhance business value and personal level, which is very good.

If the Bucks want to do it this summer, the end of August to mid-September is the best opportunity. The team can use Potis as the main body of the transaction, and it is no problem to get young players and draft picks. The Pelican can accept these players and continue to deal with them, discounting a large number of draft picks or trading them to a good defender who can play with Yingge.

Bucks, except for letters and young players, all the other players can actually be said to be dispensable. Of course, Holliday can’t sell. The big Lomi God is very unstable. The former is almost forty years old, so this is his last career time. The team can contact Mitchell next summer or this summer if it wants. If it is formed into a combination of Holliday+Mitchell+Zion+letters+Daluo, the prospects will be very bright.

From the point of view of the letter brother, in fact, the arrival of Zion can maximize the team’s confrontation ability, which is also the advantage of the team. In addition, besides considering the deal to get Pang Hu, the team can also try to get other players such as alvarado to join the deal. If they can come, it will be even more powerful, and they are looking forward to the new Milwaukee Bucks!

I have something to say.

In fact, there is another plan that Bucks can consider, get Zion and then trade for Harden. With Harden here, there is no problem with the instant strength and rotation of this team, and the pick-and-roll system will be more perfect. The combination of two people with letters and beards has always been hotly discussed by everyone, and we are looking forward to the two people joining hands.

"The competition for the championship is always the most difficult!"

Guashuai pre-match press conference

If Manchester City can beat Chelsea at home this Sunday, the team will lock in the Premier League title ahead of schedule and complete the feat of winning the Premier League three times in a row.

If Nottingham Forest beat Arsenal in the game later today, Manchester City will confirm defending its title before the game against Chelsea.

Last season, Manchester City’s Premier League suspense was left to the last game. In the end, the team fought back after falling behind 0-2, miraculously reversing the game 3-2 and successfully defending the Premier League title.

When talking about the current season situation, Gua Shuai said:

"We are very happy to qualify for the Champions League final. Now it is impossible for us to stop for a moment, and the more difficult it is at the end of the season. Just like all tennis players know that Wimbledon is the hardest.

On Sunday, we will have the chance to win the most important championship-the Premier League championship. This is the most important thing because we have been fighting for it every week for the past 11 months. "

Then I was asked how the team planned to celebrate if they won the championship this weekend. Gua Shuai said that the team will not hold a grand celebration, because there are still the rest of the season waiting for us:

"I don’t think so. Maybe we will have breakfast together. We have another game the day after. "

"Chelsea deserve it, and the title race is always the hardest. I also want to win the cup as long as I win, but we can’t control Nottingham Forest. We must win the game on Sunday.

We will have time to celebrate at the end of the season. If we win the championship on Sunday, we will celebrate with the people in the team! "

One-click participation

Victory in the city

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Third-line sprint, Blue Moon Corps strives to climb the peak again! In order to help our city to achieve better results in the third-line campaign, Manchester City Football Club and LPL have sent many gifts to the citizens!

Click on the applet above to participate in the event with one click, and you will have a chance to win a beautiful gift! What are you waiting for? Hurry up and act!

Blue moon

Premier League conjecture

Against Chelsea this weekend, can we beat our opponents at Etihad Stadium and win the cup in advance?

A new round of Blue Moon Premier League Guess is now open. Click on the applet above to participate in the quiz. The activity runs through the whole season. You can accumulate points to exchange for exquisite gifts provided by many partners by guessing scores, answering questions and sharing. Come and make your prediction!

Player of the year

appraise/discuss and elect

After a fierce primary election, three city dwellers were finally shortlisted for the final stage of Etihad Airways Manchester City Player of the Season! Who will be your best player of the season?

Will you choose the defender who broke out in the season to be called Father Ake? Or Harland, who first entered the Premier League, killed the quartet and made countless records go to the past? Or stick to Manchester City for several years, and the citizens can always trust De Braune?

[Official announcement] Manchester City’s new season home jersey is officially released!

Victory over Real Madrid, Manchester City advanced to the Champions League final!