Go to heaven and earth and discover this navigation artifact!

The common people watched the simulcast and found this navigation artifact!

Is it easy to get lost in the underground garage? Can’t find your way around the mall? Don’t worry, this has a solution! At the finals of Xiongan Future City Scene Exchange, the indoor and outdoor integrated positioning system of "Beidou + X" brought by China Unicom Smart City Research Institute can achieve accurate navigation in non-exposed spaces, allowing Beidou navigation not only to "go to the sky", but also to "go to the ground".

What is a non-exposed space? In fact, it is an area where traditional satellite navigation systems cannot provide accurate and reliable positioning services due to obstruction. Underground garages, subways, office buildings, etc. that we often go to in our daily lives belong to this type of area. If these places have accurate navigation, we no longer have to worry about getting lost, and daily travel becomes more convenient.

In addition to daily life, this project can also bring reliable protection to safe production. Xiongan has a large amount of underground space. In case of an emergency, precise positioning can help staff carry out rescue and find emergency resources.

Du Zhongyan, director of the Product Research & Development Department of China Unicom Smart City Research Institute, said, "We have created the indoor and outdoor integrated positioning system of’Beidou + X ‘. At present, this application has been commercially tested in the State Grid, including some Xiongan buildings and underground pipe corridors. It can solve the high-precision positioning and navigation needs of workers and ordinary people indoors. At the same time, it includes personnel patrol, personnel inspection and corresponding position navigation of people, vehicles and objects in this scenario. Solve some pain points and problems that cannot be touched by satellite signals in this indoor scenario, and we will further expand the corresponding application scenarios in the next step."

Positioning, water quality testing, safety warning… If you don’t come to the Xiongan Future City Scenario Series Competition, you don’t know that Beidou technology is so widely used, and this project has achieved a good score in the top ten on its track. "Hebei News Network" recently continued to report the news of the 2024 Xiongan Future City Scenario Competition finals, and projects from various tracks appeared one after another, depicting the participants’ infinite imagination of the future city and future scenarios.

Sponsor: Hebei Xiongan New Area Working Committee of the Communist Party of China

Hebei Xiongan New Area Management Committee

Operation: Hebei Daily Press Group

Original title: "From Heaven to Earth, Discover This Navigation Artifact!"

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Geely Automobile Executives: I am confident to return to the first place in automobile national brand sales, but I still need time to work hard.

IT House reported on March 20th that at the 2023 performance conference of Geely Automobile Holdings Limited this afternoon, Gui Shengyue, chief executive officer and executive director of Geely Automobile Holdings Limited, said that Geely was confident to return to China as the national brand of automobiles, but it still needed time to make efforts in various market segments.

Gui Shengyue said that BYD is excellent and needs to learn from it, but not all of them are worse than them. Geely is also excellent in some market segments. At the same time, he also said that the sales volume of Krypton in Hangzhou has surpassed that of Tesla, and within two years, it will become the first luxury electric car brand with a price of over 300,000 yuan in China. "New forces for many years, why didn’t you do it? In the future, we will steadily surpass in various market segments. "

Gui Shengyue also denied the idea of giving up fuel vehicles. Geely’s transformation to new energy resources should be "balanced development", and new energy resources must be the ultimate goal, but it will take a long time in the end. Some European countries and regions have also made statements according to the industry situation.

According to the report of IT House earlier today, Yang Xueliang, senior vice president of Geely Holding Group, disclosed the product planning of Geely Automobile in 2024.

Geely brand: Galaxy mainstream pure electric SUV, compact pure electric SUV and Galaxy mainstream plug-in hybrid SUV.

Extreme krypton brand: extreme krypton Mix, medium and large luxury pure electric SUV, top luxury pure electric MPV.

Lingke brand: Lingke 07 EM-P, medium and large pure electric flagship car, compact pure electric SUV.

"Family Fitness" is becoming a typical sports scene. Did "Cloud Fitness" punch in today?

  During the COVID-19 epidemic, fitness software helped people meet their fitness needs at home, and many sports events were also conducted online. The picture shows that at the opening ceremony of an online marathon held in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province in 2020, the fitness coach led the contestants to warm up before the game through live broadcast equipment. Participants can use any APPlication (app) that records running data to complete the race and upload screenshots of the results. Photo by Zhang Xiaofeng (Xinhua News Agency)

  During the epidemic in COVID-19, going to the gym and outdoor sports were blocked, "family fitness" became a typical sports scene, and the use of sports apps became the norm. New sports industry models such as live fitness, online training, online competitions and online sales were widely welcomed, becoming new sports fashions and showing strong consumption potential. "Cloud Fitness" has brought different consumption feelings to consumers.

  Open the familiar sports software, and you will find that some people have just finished riding outdoors, some people have just finished running 15 kilometers, and some people have just finished a fitness course, such as vest line, abdominal muscles, slimming and fat reduction & HELIP; … Today, besides eating, drinking and beautifying, more and more people choose fitness.

  During the epidemic in COVID-19, people who love sports still don’t forget to punch in for fitness because they can’t go to gyms and sports fields. This has ignited "cloud fitness" and sports apps have brought people different consumption feelings.

  "Compared with my peers, colleagues and friends around me, I still spend a lot on fitness." Ms. Li often shares her sports experience in her circle of friends. She said that there are also some people in the circle of friends who specialize in fitness-related work. "They are very professional, and I can’t compare with them, mainly buying equipment, courses, etc., and practicing with them."

  "Age is a mystery and body is invincible" has always been the goal pursued by many fitness enthusiasts. Ms. Li is no exception.

  Before, Ms. Li liked to practice in the gym. She just signed up for dance classes and bought fitness classes. Due to the epidemic, she began to practice at home, bought sports courses suitable for her on some sports apps, and started a lot of fitness equipment, such as dumbbells and bicycles.

  "Relatively speaking, the ratio of money spent on courses and equipment is about 4: 6." Ms. Li said.

  In 2020, the epidemic situation will accelerate the development of new models and formats of sports industry. New models of sports industry, such as live fitness, online training, online games and online sales, have developed strongly and become new sports fashions, showing strong consumption potential.

  Look at two reports: the annual sports report of "2020Keep Big Data Inventory" released by sports technology company Keep shows that more than 56.5 million users have joined the ranks of home sports during related activities; The "Research Report on Mass Fitness Behavior and Consumption in 2020" issued by China Sporting Goods Industry Federation pointed out that family fitness is becoming a typical sports scene, accounting for 37%; In the past year, the proportion of spending on sports and related aspects reached 96%, and the per capita consumption exceeded 4,000 yuan; The epidemic situation in COVID-19 forced the public to strengthen their awareness of fitness in an all-round way. During the epidemic period, the participation rate of fitness reached 93%, the consumption rate of sporting goods reached 65%, and the average consumption amount was 1972 yuan.

  The report also shows that in the physical consumption category of sports, the purchase rate of sports shoes and clothing is 74%, the purchase rate of sports equipment is 44%, and the overall consumption rate of sports services is 63%, showing the characteristics of consumption upgrading.

  It is understood that three home fitness activities and competitions jointly organized by the General Administration of Sports and China Sports Industry Group in Tik Tok, Aauto Quicker and other platforms have been broadcasted more than 4 billion times. During the COVID-19 epidemic, China Athletics Association held 368 online running and home track and field activities, with more than 50 million online participants and nearly 500 million online visitors.

  For online fitness training courses, different consumers have different requirements and concerns. For example, for video courses, Ms. Li thinks that it is "flexible and inflexible". "The flexibility of such courses is that you can control the exercise time yourself. When you want to practice, you can just click on the video; But the inflexibility is that you can’t interact with the coach, and you can’t correct your actions in time. "

  In response to the new demands of consumers, many fitness software aimed at the "home fitness" scene and launched a membership system and personalized customization plan. Users can watch the intensive videos and courses guided by professional coaches, and at the same time get the intelligent training plan of personal tailor, thus further meeting the refined needs of the family fitness crowd.

  Consumers have noticed that with the development of fitness courses, compared with the traditional fitness card, the current fitness courses are more diverse, the strength of preferential packages is greater, and the "stickiness" of sports software is increasing.

  "Vigorously develop intelligent sports and cultivate new sports consumption formats such as online fitness". On September 21, 2020, the General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Accelerating the Development of New Consumption with New Forms and Models, which gave clear policy support to the intelligent sports industry.

  Statistics show that in recent years, the development of sports fitness and leisure activities has maintained a high growth rate, and the current price growth rate of added value has reached 74.4%. Combined with the development direction of sports industry during the 14 th Five-Year Plan period, the intelligent sports industry has broad prospects. "National Fitness+Technology" has become a market growth point and breakthrough, and the use of sports apps has become the norm, with a utilization rate of 75%.

  At the 2020 annual sports business summit held online not long ago, Liu Fumin, director of the Economic Department of the State Sports General Administration, delivered a speech, pointing out that it is necessary to fully rely on new technologies such as 5G, Internet of Things, big data and artificial intelligence to empower the sports industry, improve the big data of the sports industry, accelerate the expansion of online sports consumption, and make smart sports an important driving force for the development of the sports industry.

  According to Liu Fumin, in 2020, about 16 provinces and related cities organized and distributed sports vouchers, with financial investment exceeding 900 million yuan, more than 5,000 market participants, and sports consumption exceeding 11 million people, which boosted sports consumption by nearly 10 billion yuan. The 40 national sports consumption pilot cities will also bring more development opportunities and market space for the intelligent sports industry through sports consumption model innovation and product innovation.

  Experts believe that although the epidemic has hit the sports industry hard, the development prospect of the sports industry during the 14 th Five-Year Plan period is still bright. With the promotion and optimization of sports consumption scenes and the promotion of sports digitalization and intelligence, the growth potential of residents’ sports consumption will be further released.

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No other entertainment 1

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