The passengers in the Didi special car actually drank urine! The driver involved has been banned by the platform

  Xinmin Evening News (Reporter, Lu Changqing) "My colleagues and I called a Didi Li Orange special car, but I didn’t expect the drinking water provided by the driver to be urine!" The night before yesterday, Mr. Sun, who was on a business trip to Shanghai, encountered a bad thing. According to Didi’s response, the Didi driver involved has been banned by the platform.

  According to Mr. Sun’s account, he is from Suzhou, Jiangsu. At about 8 pm the previous night, he and his colleagues, who were on a business trip to Shanghai, called a Didi Licheng special car near No. 818 Zhenbei Road in Putuo District to Lefang Exquisite Life Plaza. After getting on the bus, Mr. Sun sat in the passenger seat and felt thirsty, so he picked up the bottled drinking water on the cup seat of the central armrest of the vehicle and prepared to drink it.

  Mr. Sun said: The Didi Licheng special car will provide passengers with special bottled drinking water. "At that time, I opened the bottle cap of bottled water and found that the bottle cap was not sealed, but loose, and it seemed that it had been unscrewed." Mr. Sun immediately asked the driver of the special car. The driver said that the bottle of water may have been unscrewed by the previous passenger, but the passenger did not drink it. Hearing the driver’s words, Mr. Sun unscrewed the bottle cap with confidence and drank the bottle of mineral water directly.

  When Mr. Sun drank the bottle of water, he found that the water had a peculiar smell, and he immediately vomited it. After confirming that the water contained urine. Faced with Mr. Sun’s inquiry, the driver repeatedly stressed that he did not know who the urine in the bottle belonged to. When the vehicle approached the destination, Mr. Sun made representations to the driver again, and was about to call to complain, the driver became emotional, saying that he would lose his job as a result, and kept beating himself, apologizing to Mr. Sun, and proposing to use the money for private use. But Mr. Sun did not agree. He immediately complained to Didi customer service and reported the case to the police. After receiving the report, the police from the Taopu police station arrived at the scene to deal with it.

  After the incident, Didi immediately launched an investigation. Yesterday, Didi responded: After verification, the driver in question could not find the toilet due to an emergency, so it was convenient to use a mineral water bottle and placed the bottle on the driver’s cab console, causing passengers to drink by mistake.

  According to the reporter, yesterday afternoon, the staff of Didi company accompanied the passenger to the hospital for a physical examination. At the same time, the driver will also be arranged for a medical examination as soon as possible to determine whether the passenger has suffered health damage through medical means. The company will continue to follow up and provide passengers with the help and health protection within its capacity. At present, the hospital medical examination report has not been released, and the driver has been banned by the platform for violating Didi’s service rules.

  As we all know, Didi is rectifying because of the Hitch incident, and now there is a "drinking urine" incident, which is so incredible and eye-popping. But what is Didi really doing behind the scenes? As long as there is an accident, the unified approach is to ban the driver. This kind of punishment that "addresses only the symptoms but not the root cause of the issue" cannot solve the actual dispute at all.

  While Didi is rectifying safety, it is also crucial to improve the quality of drivers. No matter how Didi supplements and improves equipment monitoring, if the quality of drivers is poor, it will not work, and safety incidents will still occur. What we hope to see is a more responsible and protective reform behavior for passengers, rather than the same disregard for handling.

2024 new york Auto Show: Karma Kaveya debuted.

  [New Car Launch in car home] On March 27th, local time in the United States, the new york Auto Show was officially opened, in which Karma Kaveya made its debut, positioning itself as a super coupe, with outstanding face value and performance. The new car will be launched in two power versions, with the maximum power of 543 HP and 1196 HP respectively, which will have the acceleration ability of "breaking 100" in 3 seconds, and will also have a cruising range of 250 miles (about 402 kilometers).

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  It can be seen that the new car is built in a quite sci-fi design language. The hidden headlight design is very rare nowadays. It has a good sense of integrity when hidden, and it is also very sharp after opening. Of course, the most eye-catching thing is undoubtedly the scissors door it is equipped with. In addition, the overall design lines of the new car are also very radical and aggressive.

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  In order to optimize the dynamic performance, the new car has adopted many aerodynamic designs, and the smooth roof line is expected to optimize the drag coefficient of the vehicle. In the rear part, the new car is equipped with a long and narrow light strip, and the tail is distinct, which also has strong sci-fi attributes.

Home of the car

  In terms of power, the new car will launch two-motor and three-motor versions to choose from, among which the three-motor version will have the acceleration ability of breaking 100 in 3 seconds. At the same time, the new car will be equipped with a 120 kWh battery pack with a maximum cruising range of 250 miles (about 402 kilometers). In terms of charging, in the high-voltage fast charging mode, the new car can charge the power from 10% to 80% within 45 minutes. (Compile/car home Guo Chen)

"Family Fitness" is becoming a typical sports scene. Did "Cloud Fitness" punch in today?

  During the COVID-19 epidemic, fitness software helped people meet their fitness needs at home, and many sports events were also conducted online. The picture shows that at the opening ceremony of an online marathon held in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province in 2020, the fitness coach led the contestants to warm up before the game through live broadcast equipment. Participants can use any APPlication (app) that records running data to complete the race and upload screenshots of the results. Photo by Zhang Xiaofeng (Xinhua News Agency)

  During the epidemic in COVID-19, going to the gym and outdoor sports were blocked, "family fitness" became a typical sports scene, and the use of sports apps became the norm. New sports industry models such as live fitness, online training, online competitions and online sales were widely welcomed, becoming new sports fashions and showing strong consumption potential. "Cloud Fitness" has brought different consumption feelings to consumers.

  Open the familiar sports software, and you will find that some people have just finished riding outdoors, some people have just finished running 15 kilometers, and some people have just finished a fitness course, such as vest line, abdominal muscles, slimming and fat reduction & HELIP; … Today, besides eating, drinking and beautifying, more and more people choose fitness.

  During the epidemic in COVID-19, people who love sports still don’t forget to punch in for fitness because they can’t go to gyms and sports fields. This has ignited "cloud fitness" and sports apps have brought people different consumption feelings.

  "Compared with my peers, colleagues and friends around me, I still spend a lot on fitness." Ms. Li often shares her sports experience in her circle of friends. She said that there are also some people in the circle of friends who specialize in fitness-related work. "They are very professional, and I can’t compare with them, mainly buying equipment, courses, etc., and practicing with them."

  "Age is a mystery and body is invincible" has always been the goal pursued by many fitness enthusiasts. Ms. Li is no exception.

  Before, Ms. Li liked to practice in the gym. She just signed up for dance classes and bought fitness classes. Due to the epidemic, she began to practice at home, bought sports courses suitable for her on some sports apps, and started a lot of fitness equipment, such as dumbbells and bicycles.

  "Relatively speaking, the ratio of money spent on courses and equipment is about 4: 6." Ms. Li said.

  In 2020, the epidemic situation will accelerate the development of new models and formats of sports industry. New models of sports industry, such as live fitness, online training, online games and online sales, have developed strongly and become new sports fashions, showing strong consumption potential.

  Look at two reports: the annual sports report of "2020Keep Big Data Inventory" released by sports technology company Keep shows that more than 56.5 million users have joined the ranks of home sports during related activities; The "Research Report on Mass Fitness Behavior and Consumption in 2020" issued by China Sporting Goods Industry Federation pointed out that family fitness is becoming a typical sports scene, accounting for 37%; In the past year, the proportion of spending on sports and related aspects reached 96%, and the per capita consumption exceeded 4,000 yuan; The epidemic situation in COVID-19 forced the public to strengthen their awareness of fitness in an all-round way. During the epidemic period, the participation rate of fitness reached 93%, the consumption rate of sporting goods reached 65%, and the average consumption amount was 1972 yuan.

  The report also shows that in the physical consumption category of sports, the purchase rate of sports shoes and clothing is 74%, the purchase rate of sports equipment is 44%, and the overall consumption rate of sports services is 63%, showing the characteristics of consumption upgrading.

  It is understood that three home fitness activities and competitions jointly organized by the General Administration of Sports and China Sports Industry Group in Tik Tok, Aauto Quicker and other platforms have been broadcasted more than 4 billion times. During the COVID-19 epidemic, China Athletics Association held 368 online running and home track and field activities, with more than 50 million online participants and nearly 500 million online visitors.

  For online fitness training courses, different consumers have different requirements and concerns. For example, for video courses, Ms. Li thinks that it is "flexible and inflexible". "The flexibility of such courses is that you can control the exercise time yourself. When you want to practice, you can just click on the video; But the inflexibility is that you can’t interact with the coach, and you can’t correct your actions in time. "

  In response to the new demands of consumers, many fitness software aimed at the "home fitness" scene and launched a membership system and personalized customization plan. Users can watch the intensive videos and courses guided by professional coaches, and at the same time get the intelligent training plan of personal tailor, thus further meeting the refined needs of the family fitness crowd.

  Consumers have noticed that with the development of fitness courses, compared with the traditional fitness card, the current fitness courses are more diverse, the strength of preferential packages is greater, and the "stickiness" of sports software is increasing.

  "Vigorously develop intelligent sports and cultivate new sports consumption formats such as online fitness". On September 21, 2020, the General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Accelerating the Development of New Consumption with New Forms and Models, which gave clear policy support to the intelligent sports industry.

  Statistics show that in recent years, the development of sports fitness and leisure activities has maintained a high growth rate, and the current price growth rate of added value has reached 74.4%. Combined with the development direction of sports industry during the 14 th Five-Year Plan period, the intelligent sports industry has broad prospects. "National Fitness+Technology" has become a market growth point and breakthrough, and the use of sports apps has become the norm, with a utilization rate of 75%.

  At the 2020 annual sports business summit held online not long ago, Liu Fumin, director of the Economic Department of the State Sports General Administration, delivered a speech, pointing out that it is necessary to fully rely on new technologies such as 5G, Internet of Things, big data and artificial intelligence to empower the sports industry, improve the big data of the sports industry, accelerate the expansion of online sports consumption, and make smart sports an important driving force for the development of the sports industry.

  According to Liu Fumin, in 2020, about 16 provinces and related cities organized and distributed sports vouchers, with financial investment exceeding 900 million yuan, more than 5,000 market participants, and sports consumption exceeding 11 million people, which boosted sports consumption by nearly 10 billion yuan. The 40 national sports consumption pilot cities will also bring more development opportunities and market space for the intelligent sports industry through sports consumption model innovation and product innovation.

  Experts believe that although the epidemic has hit the sports industry hard, the development prospect of the sports industry during the 14 th Five-Year Plan period is still bright. With the promotion and optimization of sports consumption scenes and the promotion of sports digitalization and intelligence, the growth potential of residents’ sports consumption will be further released.

Save strength for the Winter Olympics and welcome a breakthrough for Chinese athletes.

CCTV News:Embrace the ice and snow together and look forward to the future together. The pace of the Winter Olympics is getting closer and closer. Competition venues hold test matches to test their operational capabilities, while athletes actively prepare for the competition instead of training. In the competitions of steel-frame snowmobiles, sledding and skiing, China’s ice and snow athletes have made continuous breakthroughs, which makes us look forward to their performance in the Beijing Winter Olympics.

New expectations! Su Yiming won the first snowboarding world championship.

17-year-old Su Yiming created the history of snowboarding in China. Su Yiming not only became the first China player to enter the final of the snowboarding platform World Cup in Stimbot, USA, but also won the championship with a score of 155.25 in the final, making a new history. From the first place in the preliminaries to the first place in the finals, we can expect Su Yiming to surprise us at the Beijing Olympic Games.

New surprise! Gu Ailing collected three gold medals in the World Cup.

We were also surprised by Gu Ailing. In the freestyle skiing World Cup platform competition in Stembot, USA, Gu Ailing, who came back from injury, made her debut in the final of the season in the early morning of 5th Beijing time, and finally won the championship with 184.25 points. Since then, she has collected three gold medals in the World Cup, including U-pool, platform and slope obstacle skill.

Make history! Geng Wenqiang, a steel snowmobile, won the world championship.

A few days ago, Geng Wenqiang won the men’s singles competition in Innsbruck, Austria, with a time of 1 minute 46.04 seconds. This is the first world champion of China’s steel-framed snowmobile men’s event, and Geng Wenqiang created the history of China’s steel-framed snowmobile event. Before that, Geng Wenqiang participated in the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, and he was also the first China athlete to stand on the steel snowmobile Olympic Games. It took less than four years for Geng Wenqiang to stand on the Olympic Games for the first time and become a world champion today. This makes us look forward to his trip to Beijing Winter Olympics.

Create great achievements! China sled team won the ninth place in the team relay race.

In the team relay race of "Meet Beijing" sleigh World Cup, four players of China team, Hu Huilan, Fan Duoyao, Huang Yebo and Peng Junyue, won the ninth place for the first time. The team relay competition consists of three events: women’s single sled, men’s single sled and double sled. In the competition, three events are carried out in sequence. In the end, after all the projects were completed, China took a total time of 3 minutes, 14 seconds and 521, and finished ninth, creating the best performance of China.

New breakthrough! Liu Jiayu finished standing for two weeks.

A few days ago, Liu Jiayu, a U-shaped snowboarder from China, also achieved a new breakthrough in training. She finished standing for two weeks, becoming the third person in the world and the first person in China who successfully stood for two weeks in the women’s U-shaped field. Liu Jiayu also shared this joy on personal social media. She wrote: "Make everything impossible possible, as long as you believe in yourself!"

Record! Xu Mengtao became the first person in history at the 27th World Cup.

Also welcoming the breakthrough is Xu Mengtao. On the 3rd Beijing time, the freestyle skiing World Cup in Lucca, Finland, held the second women’s individual aerial skill competition. Xu Mengtao, a player from China, took a chance and chose the action with difficulty as high as 4.028. Before leaving, Xu Mengtao kept shouting to cheer himself up. Taking off, tumbling and landing, Xu Mengtao completed the whole set of movements brilliantly, and she won the championship with a high score of 99.49. This is also the 26th World Cup champion that Xu Mengtao won, making her the first person in the history of the World Cup. After making history, she and her teammates won the gold medal of the mixed team at the station, expanding the record to 27 championships!

In November, eight games, including Magic Craft, were listed in the national tourism statistics list.

Today (December 7th), Weibo, the official sales list of national tour, announced the statistics list of national tour data in November, with a total of 8 games on the list. In November, 2023, there were 117 new national tours launched by steam, 60 of which reached the inclusion standard, and 12 of which turned EA positive.

There are 60 games with higher prices than 17 yuan, among which 48 are in the 18-50 yuan price range, 10 are in the 51-100 price range, and 2 are priced over 100. There are 10 games with more than 100 player comments, among which 3 games have more than 500 comments.

There are 20 games with a favorable rate higher than 70%, including 5 games in 70-80, 8 games in 81-90 and 7 games in 91-100. In November, there were 13 new online games whose peak value exceeded 100, including 9 games in the range of 100-500, 0 games in the range of 501-1000, 2 games in the range of 1000-5000, 1 game in the range of 5001-10000, and 1 game in the range of more than 10,000 (the highest number of simultaneous online users in Magic Craft: 12391).

"Magic Craft" is the only national tour (12391) with an online peak of over 10,000 in November, with a favorable rating of 89% on steam and outstanding achievements. The online peak of Animal Lost City is 5985, and the favorable rate of steam is 90%. The online peak of "TEVI" on the first day was 3981, and the favorable rate of steam was 93%. The two games performed well.

2023 FISU Football World Cup: Beijing Normal University won the women’s football championship.

On October 31st, in the women’s final of the 2023 FISU Football World Cup held in Jinjiang, Fujian, China’s Beijing Normal University team beat Brazil’s paulista University team by a total score of 7-6 in a penalty shootout and won the championship.

↑ The starting players of Beijing Normal University team took a group photo before the game.

↑ Beijing Normal University team players celebrate the championship.

Zhou Xinyu, a women’s football player from Beijing Normal University, celebrated the goal.

Zhou Xinyu (right), a player of Beijing Normal University team, shot in the game.

Zou Mengyao (left), a player from Beijing Normal University, competes with Diovanna, a female football player from paulista University.

Photography: Lai Jincai

Source: Xinhua News Agency

Venice fright night: Which novel of Agatha will be adapted for the next film?

The third film of the hercule poirot series directed by kenneth branagh, Venetian fright night, marks a turning point in the series. The first movie was Blana’s remake of Murder on the Orient Express in 2017, which was a great success at the box office, while the last movie, The Massacre on the Nile, was one of the worst movies at the box office in 2022.

Unlike Blana’s remakes of The Massacre on the Nile and Murder on the Orient Express, The Venetian fright night is adapted from agatha christie’s novel The Murder on Halloween, which was never filmed in 1969. The supernatural theme of Venetian fright night clearly shows that after the tragedy on the Nile failed, the master tried to attract a wider and younger audience, especially horror fans.

Indeed, Blana made The Venetian fright night into a Gothic horror film, and the legendary Belgian detective Poirot played by Blana visited a mansion that is said to be haunted, where he witnessed a seance on Halloween night and saw the ghostly vision of the dead child. A series of seemingly supernatural events challenged Poirot’s once indestructible belief in logic and science. Of course, he finally solved the murder case related to the seance.

In addition, if the success of Venetian fright night is enough to inspire the fourth film adapted from Poirot, Blana has enough material to choose from. After all, Poirot has been featured in Christie’s 33 novels and 51 short stories.

Kenneth branagh’s 2017 remake of Murder on the Orient Express, a film of the same name from 1974, is the first film adapted from hercule poirot’s detective story since it was adapted from agatha christie’s 1938 film appointment with death. The last film before appointment with death was Evil Under the Sun, which was adapted from Christie’s 1941 novel of the same name in 1982.

Since after Murder on the Orient Express, Blana and michael green, the creative partner and screenwriter of this series of films, made a remake of the movie of the same name on the Nile in 2022, it is logically inferred that if Blana and Green want to make another remake after The Ghost of Venice, they should continue to remake appointment with death or Evil Under the Sun in chronological order.

In 1982′ s Evil Under the Sun, Poirot, played by Peter Ustinov, investigates the murder of a notorious stage actress who was strangled on a seemingly idyllic holiday island in the Adriatic Sea. In appointment with death in 1988, Poirot, also played by Ustinov, investigated the murder of an evil stepmother who was found dead in an archaeological excavation near the Dead Sea.

The first Poirot film is the now-lost 1931 detective suspense film "alibi", which was adapted from Christie’s famous novel "Roger Mystery" in 1926. In this film, Poirot, played by Austin Trevor, investigates a suspicious suicide in a country manor.

In view of the fact that fright night in Venice is adapted from agatha christie’s only supernatural theme novel, The Murder on Halloween, it is difficult for kenneth branagh to find another Poirot novel to copy this pattern. Assuming that Blana’s supernatural style in fright night in Venice is very popular with the audience, he may be forced to repeat this technique in the fourth Poirot film.

However, if Blana wants to adapt another Poirot novel that has not been filmed before, there are several interesting options to choose from. For example, in 1920, Poirot’s novel "mysterious affair at styles" was Christie’s first novel. At the beginning of the novel, Christie introduced Poirot as a Belgian refugee in World War I, and he tried to settle in Britain with the help of an elderly rich woman who was later murdered.

In 1936, Christie’s Poirot novel "Card" began with Poirot attending an art exhibition, where he met Mr. Chattana, a gorgeous and mysterious collector and crime lover. He invited Poirot to a dinner party, where Poirot met the crime writer Ariadne Oliver-this was the first time they met. Also present were Colonel Reece, a British secret service agent, Inspector Bart of Scotland Yard and four other guests, each of whom Shattana believed was guilty of murder.

Poirot’s 1942 novel Five Little Pigs is considered by many fans of Christie as one of her best novels. In the novel, Poirot investigated five people for a poisoning case 16 years ago. The wife of the deceased was wrongly murdered and later died in prison. In her last letter, she declared her innocence to her daughter, so her daughter asked Poirot to re-investigate the case.

In The Venetian fright night, hercule poirot, played by kenneth branagh, meets Ariadne Oliver, a close friend and unofficial partner of Poirot, a suspense novelist. Oliver is famous for his series of mystery novel and many murders solved by Poirot.

In this film, Oliver, played by tina fey, tries to get rid of Poirot’s isolation and invites Poirot to accompany her to a Halloween party and a seance in a mansion. Oliver hopes Poirot can help her expose a famous psychic who she thinks is a liar.

In addition, The Venetian fright night clearly laid the foundation for a lasting partnership between Oliver and Poirot. Besides the murder on Halloween, Oliver also appeared in five other Poirot novels. It seems that the next Poirot film is likely to be adapted from one of the remaining Oliver Poirot novels.

Trey Yang’s younger brother, 13 years old, is over 1.80 meters tall! Fast and accurate shooting, can he enter the NBA?

Trey-Yang is the most popular fried chicken in the league, and Dancsics is also known as the peerless double arrogance of the same generation.

Since joining the Eagles, he has been selected to the All-Star team twice in five years, and also led the team to the Eastern Conference finals.

In the first round of the 2021 playoffs against the Knicks, Trey Young, who was only in the third grade at that time, led the team to the next level.

In that series, he disturbed the defense of the Knicks by himself, and then he was nicknamed "Mayor of new york".

As a professional athlete, Trey Young’s personal ability is beyond doubt.

But do you know that he also has a younger brother who plays basketball very well?

Trey-Yang’s younger brother, Timothy young, was born in 2010. Butre-Yang is 12 years younger, but in terms of figure, he tends to catch up with his older brother.

Recently, when I participated in the school competition, some media captured a photo of two brothers, Trey Yang, whose younger brother was obviously over 1.80 meters.

If this trend continues to develop, it will not be a problem to exceed 1.9 meters or even reach 2 meters in the future.

According to the data, Timothy young was assigned to the 2029 players and has not yet been rated.

But on the Internet, many actual combat videos about him have been circulated.

Like his brother Trey Young, Timothy young is also a defender, and he is also good at stopping three points after dribbling.

His body doesn’t look very strong, but at the moment of shooting, the movements are very smooth.

If you can practice three-pointers, it should not be difficult for Timothy young to enter the NBA.

Nowadays, society is paying more and more attention to the world. Brother Alphabet and brother of knight Mobry all got the contract through relationships.

Suppose Timothy young signed up for the election at the age of 19, that is, six years later, when Trey Yang Gang turned 30 and was at his peak.

Those teams with draft picks may sign Trey Young’s younger brother in order to please him.

What’s more, judging from the released game video, Timothy young’s ability is not bad, at least the basic skills are qualified.

At the same age, domestic players don’t have to stop jumping shots, and many of them can’t even move the ball smoothly. …

Aunt Guangdong plays mahjong ten times and nine times to win! Won more than 70 thousand in six months. How did she do it?

Recently, a woman in Guangdong was playing.mahjongI won nine out of ten and won more than 70,000 yuan in six months. This news has aroused the attention and discussion of many people, and everyone is concerned about this kind of "mahjongHow did "Talent" do it is full of curiosity and speculation. In fact, I want to be inmahjongWinning is not just about luck andnatural endowmentsInstead, it is necessary to accumulate and improve the comprehensive quality in many aspects.

First of all, if you want to be inmahjongTo win, one must have certain technical ability.

He needs to have a certainmahjongBasic knowledge, such as card type, rules, licensing principles, and the practical application of different ways of playing, needs in-depth study, such as understanding skills such as drifting and breaking.

Not only that,mahjongYou need to rely on your insight, analysis, memory and calm response ability in tense moments, which are all necessary.

Secondly, a person also needs iron willpower and patience. He must be able to keep a clear head at any time and give full play to his best level. Can’t be influenced by others, becausemahjongThe turning point of every card, even every time you play a card, will affect 3.gameThe trend.

Keep calm and learn to understand and control.gameCommunication, especially in the face of a pit that cannot be resolved in a short time.

Some successful experiences mainly focus on how to deal with the accumulated cards and the cards you get, and how to make good decisions by using your own experience and knowledge. If there is no good judgment and decision-making, inmahjongOften fail in haste.

Third, the quality of the winner also includes the ability of communication and coordination.mahjongNeed to communicate and cooperate closely with other players, team spirit wins.keyOne.

Some more advanced skills also require teamwork, such as associative memory and truth (a strategy to increase speculation).

participate inmahjongIt is necessary to have good interaction and response, and to be good at dealing with communication and exchanges with people, not the epitome of going it alone.

Even inmahjongDuring the rest period, we should also maintain a high reputation and the way of getting along with the team, especially the winner is not arrogant, and his words and deeds consciously safeguard his own virtue and value system.

Finally, it is the mentality of winning. A glance shows that a positive mentality is to win.mahjongWinning the gamekey.

Winning or losing is a matter for military strategists. The so-called Chuangguan Avenue must face the strange spicy taste and rhythm, not try to keep calm and calm.

After experiencing victory and failure, we should not only see the victory side, but also regard failure as an integral part of success, and sum up experiences and lessons from it, so as to keep unchanged and cope with all changes.

People are not immortals. It is a natural phenomenon to lose and win, so don’t take the outcome too seriously. If you win, you will be happy. If you lose, you will have some self-esteem for temporary failure.

Based on the above contents, we can draw the conclusion thatmahjongWinning requires the improvement and tempering of comprehensive quality, not only the mastery of technical ability, but also the ability of communication and coordination, patience, willpower, emotional restraint and so on.

"Guangdong a woman to play.mahjongAlthough the news "Ten Beats and Nine Wins" has attracted a lot of attention, I believe that the efforts and efforts behind it have not been accumulated in the past few months.

Behind the glamorous appearance of any successful person, there is pay, tears and sweat. We don’t know whether this woman will continue to win next, but the saying that’ the winner is king’ can be described asmahjongIt has been fully interpreted in.

After seeing these cards, are you ready to move? But watching others play cards and playing cards by yourself are definitely two completely different things. If you want to get started as soon as possible, I recommend a mahjong textbook "Illustrated Mahjong+Super Memory" for you.

This book is divided into two volumes. The first volume, Illustrated Mahjong, mainly explains in detail the design rules of mahjong tiles and several common ways of playing them. After you get to know them from the shallow to the deep, I will teach you some common routines of playing cards and some tips of card line analysis.

If you want to master a skill, then it is essential to have a theoretical foundation. Why do some people play mahjong all their lives, or are they said to play cards at random? It is because in the early theoretical study, I didn’t lay the foundation, set up the correct thinking of playing cards, and didn’t have a correct understanding of mahjong tiles.

If you want to play mahjong well, instead of simply joining in the fun, then I strongly recommend this book, which not only explains how to play mahjong for you. At the same time, it also straightened out your thinking of playing cards in the future, that is, helped you lay a solid foundation in the early stage.

Compared with many online gossips, this book is more authoritative, systematic and comprehensive. And summed up the playing methods of most kinds of mahjong cards in China, whether you want to learn southern mahjong or northern mahjong? The tutorials in it are all available.

WL picture shows mahjong winning skills, super mnemonics, practical practical skills guide for playing mahjong.

Hand in hand with "salt horse" to start the district and build a brand together

On the morning of April 16th, yueda KIA SK New Energy Yancheng Marathon and Grand Canal Marathon Series (Yancheng Station) fired at Yannan Sports Center, and more than 15,000 contestants started with enthusiasm and all their efforts. Dafengcang Agricultural Group "hitchhiked" this marathon, set up a product booth, and used the marathon to carry out featured brand promotion. A wide variety of featured agricultural products, such as spicy chicken, fragrant belly, yellow snail and shrimp sauce, attracted the attention of contestants and citizens.

Through full display, the group will let more people who participate in and watch the marathon know more about Dafeng’s local agricultural special products, and let the brand products jointly built by "Dafeng Cang" area go to the dining table of more consumers. The group will stick to the original mission of developing agriculture for the people, and make greater contributions to the high-quality development of agricultural industry in Dafeng District with pragmatic measures and caring services for agriculture.