Guo Fucheng’s "Floating City Tycoon" stills exposed, first pretending to be a Chinese-English mixed-race child

Guo Fucheng challenges the age span of nearly 40 years

The characters in Guo Fucheng’s plays have experienced various setbacks in their lives

Guo Fucheng interprets the mixed-race business hero

    The film, which will be released nationwide on May 11, will reveal a set of high definition stills of the male protagonist Guo Fucheng. In order to conform to the Chinese-English mixed identity of the characters in the film, Guo Fucheng tried his blond and blue-eyed look for the first time, and it was refreshing. In this painstaking work that director Yan Hao has been dormant for several years, Guo Fucheng challenged the age span of nearly 40 years to interpret the ups and downs of a generation of Xiangjiang business heroes.

For the role makeover, Guo Fucheng premiered the mixed race

    The movie "Floating City Tycoon" tells the story of Bu Huaquan, a mixed-race outcast, who became a business legend from scratch after experiencing various setbacks and experiences in life. In the film, Guo Fucheng single-handedly plays the male protagonist Bu Huaquan, from youth to middle-aged and elderly. The age span is as long as 40 years. The character’s identity has undergone several earth-shaking changes, and the performance is extremely difficult. In order to conform to Bu Huaquan’s mixed-race identity, Guo Fucheng wears turquoise contact lenses and dyes his hair blond. In the stills, it is even difficult to connect with Guo Fucheng, who used to be handsome and sunny.

    Guo Fucheng has played many challenging roles since then. In the films that won him the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor, Guo Fucheng’s raunchy and bruised face is still vividly remembered. This time in "Floating City Tycoon", Guo Fucheng also has a makeover. He plays a mixed-race for the first time. He hopes to get closer to the character’s state through the change of appearance. "The Buhua Quan in the movie is a mixed-race. If there is no change in appearance, it will be difficult for the audience to accept his identity." Guo Fucheng admitted that the change of appearance also hopes that the audience will pay more attention to his performance. "I hope the audience can forget that the person on the screen is Guo Fucheng when they watch the movie."

Next page: Guo Fucheng breaks through his acting skills, and the Golden Horse Best Actor reproduces the legend of Xiaoxiong

Chen He’s villain in "Aiming": Seize a good opportunity

Wen/Yangcheng Evening News All Media Reporters, Gong Weifeng, Huang Xiangyu

Recently, the TV series "Aiming" has followed up "Together" on the Oriental Theater of Oriental Satellite TV, and it is broadcast in two episodes every night. The drama is directed by Wubai and Buick, with Huang Hui as the chief screenwriter, and starring Huang Xuan, Chen He, Yang Caiyu and Li Xirui. "Aiming" tells the story of the beginning of the liberation of Songjiang, when Su Wenqian (played by Huang Xuan) and Chi Tiecheng (played by Chen He), the ace partners in the sniper circle, went to the opposite side due to differences in beliefs, and eventually went to different fates in life-and-death confrontations and clashes of beliefs.

After "Aim" went LIVE, it achieved high reputation and topic trendiness. Chen He changed the comedy image established in works such as "Love Apartment" and "Run", and starred as a "villain" in a period drama for the first time. Slightly curled shoulder-length long hair, evil laughter, fierce and ferocious roar… Chen He played "Cold Killer" Chi Tiecheng. Regarding the breakthrough in this performance, Chen He said frankly: "It is not difficult to put away’funny ‘and become’cold’, this is the basic ability of an actor."

Role Realization Breakthrough

In "Aim," Chi Tiecheng is codenamed "Jellyfish" and leads a "Jellyfish Assassination Team" of professional killers. He is far-sighted and cold-blooded, with only tasks in mind, and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. His partner, Su Wenqian, codenamed "Muyu", is a kind sniper. Chen He explains the relationship between the two: "The two are old partners who can’t forget each other. Chi Tiecheng always wants to prove that he is stronger than Su Wenqian, but he can never surpass the other. At the peak of the two, Su Wenqian chose to leave. In Chi Tiecheng’s heart, this is like a knot in his heart. He wants to find Su Wenqian and prove that he is the strongest."

Before taking on the role of "Chi Tiecheng", Chen He and the director 500 Bai had a meal, and the two were very close. At that time, Chen He had read two or three episodes of the script and liked the rhythm of the script, but he also had concerns in his heart, because he had never played a villain before. Chen He recalled: "The family said to me, ‘Chen He, do you want to stay in the safe zone of your performance forever?’ This sentence was quite irritating to me, so I resolutely went."

Before this, Chen He also thought about breaking through the safe zone: "No one asked me to do this kind of drama before. It can be said that I was ready, but many producers were not ready." This time, Chen He was very grateful to 500: "Every aspect of this role is something I have never played before. No one ever asked me to play the villain. It seems that all the producers at that time also opposed me to play this role. It was 500 who defied all opinions and thought I was suitable."

Chen He’s long hair style was helpful in finding the role, but he says the process of accepting the look was torturous: "When I knew I had to wear a wig, I was blinded. It took me more than ten days to get used to this hair, and it was so difficult. When the wind blew on my face, I didn’t know how to talk, and I didn’t flick my hair at all… I prefer to recall the short hair back look that appeared in the camera when setting makeup." Chen He laments: "In order to wear a wig, I had to get up an hour and a half earlier to put on makeup. This time I felt that it is not easy for a costume drama actor."

Acting is most afraid of playing

"Aim" is particularly full of action scenes, and the showdown between "jellyfish" and "herding fish" is even more thrilling. Chen He said: "I used to shoot very few gunfights and explosions, but this time I shot a lot. At the beginning, there was a crackle. Huang Xuan and I circled around the explosion point, blowing our souls away. At night, our brains were buzzing."

Many viewers noticed that Chen He used his trademark evil laughter in "Aim". Chen He revealed: "I originally designed another kind of laughter, but the 500 directors didn’t think I needed to avoid the previous laughter. Chi Tiecheng has his own character, and he wants to make the audience feel creepy when they hear me laugh, and to perform that kind of aura and atmosphere."

In "Aim", Chi Tiecheng’s superficial identity is that of a pastry chef with excellent professional skills and can make a variety of complex cakes. In the close-up shot of Chi Tiecheng making cakes in the play, Chen He is quite realistic. "I am more interested in all the things I like to eat. I have attended a cake-making training class and can make them."

"Huang Xuan is not as cool as he looks on the surface, he is actually a very sunny and warm big boy," Mr. Chen said of his partnership with Mr. Huang. "In addition to filming, we also get together at night to have a few drinks and be very happy."

It’s not intentional.

In 2009, Chen He entered the public eye with the role of Zeng Xiaoxian in "Love Apartment". Zeng Xiaoxian’s humorous and "cheap and cute" character was once equated with Chen He. Later, Chen He further established his image as a comedian in film and television works such as "The Story of the Medical Hall" and "The Best Family Member". Chen He stressed that this time the role of "cold killer" was not deliberately transformed: "An actor is about trying different roles, and this time I was lucky to meet a good script and a good director."

Chen He was an actor at the Shanghai Drama Art Center. "I’ve been acting in plays since my first year of graduation. I’ve tried out many different roles on stage, but the audience for plays is relatively small, and’Love Apartment ‘was filmed earlier, so more people know it."

After the broadcast of "Aim", many viewers said that they wanted to laugh when they saw Chen He appear. In this regard, Chen He said: "I am very lucky that’Zeng Xiaoxian ‘can be remembered by everyone. The feedback from the audience is also what I expected. As an actor, I can only try my best to play every role, including this time’Chi Tiecheng’. As for whether everyone likes it or not, I can only say that I tried my best." In his opinion, this performance gave him a chance to show his fists. "It is not difficult to put away’funny ‘and become’cold’. This is the basic ability of an actor."

Regarding the "unaccustomed" of some viewers, Chen He had something to say: "I play Zeng Xiaoxian, participate in variety shows, open hot pot restaurants, play live broadcasts, and make costumes, so that more people are familiar with me, and sometimes I will be questioned, but I am trying my best to do everything well."

There will be no limits in the future.

The collaboration on "Aim" allowed Chen He to establish a deep friendship with the director of 500: "After filming this drama, I seem to have become a member of his team. He is very charismatic and will gather a group of brothers around him to work together and create for his dreams." Chen He also found a sense of security and trust in 500: "When I was in college, my teacher told me that a good actor should be the best tool for a director. You have to be like water. If the director pours you into a cup of any shape, you will become the shape of the cup."

This year, Chen He also collaborated with 500 on the TV series "Dress Up". Chen He said: "I developed a tacit understanding with 500. When we were together, we hardly talked about the play, and we understood each other with one look. He often asked the executive director to come to the scene and said that he would let me play another one. I asked the executive director, how should I act? The executive director said, the director said you understand, and I understand, that’s how tacit understanding is."

Regarding the future role, Chen He was very calm: "I didn’t expect myself to play any role, so I will seize this good opportunity. If I were to play a comedy for the rest of my life, I would be willing."

The 2024 Medici Innovative Drug Industry Ecological Cooperation Conference was a complete success

On March 18, the Medici Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry Ecological Cooperation Conference with the theme of "20 Years of Beauty, Creating the Future Together" was successfully held in Shanghai Zhangjiang Science Hall. After 20 years of hard work, Medici (688202) has taken empowering biomedical innovation research and development as its mission, grown side by side with China’s biomedical industry, and has developed into a leading one-stop biomedical pre-clinical R & D service platform in China.


At the conference, more than 500 industry leaders from various fields such as government, industry, academia, and finance gathered to participate in the grand event. Together, they reviewed Medisi’s outstanding history over the past 20 years, witnessed the launch of its globalization prelude, and the grand launch of two key technology service platforms. In addition, the conference also held a number of thematic dialogues around current hot topics. The guests brainstormed and discussed in depth the future development direction of the innovative drug industry ecology. They offered suggestions for the sustainable development of the industry, pointed out the way forward, and worked together to explore new opportunities for the cooperative development of Chinese pharmaceutical companies.

Twenty Years of Prosperity Starting from "New" with high hopes

First of all, Mr. Wu Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Pudong New Area District Committee and deputy head of the district, delivered a warm opening speech, expressing his heartfelt congratulations on Medici’s brilliant achievements over the past 20 years. He deeply reviewed how Medici participated in and witnessed the rapid development of the biomedical industry in Pudong, established an academician innovation drug ripening center, was approved by large enterprises to open an innovation center, and made outstanding contributions to the construction of the new drug empower ecosystem, and eagerly looked forward to Medici’s ability to continue to expand the breadth and depth of the industry and promote the vigorous development of the biomedical industry more widely. Finally, Vice Mayor Wu Qiang said that Pudong New Area will unswervingly promote institutional reform, provide a broader development space and more powerful policy support for the biomedical industry, and call on entrepreneurs and investors to come to Pudong to join hands in creating a new future of technological innovation!

Song Ruilin, executive chairperson of the China Pharmaceutical Innovation Promotion Association, pointed out in his speech that in the context of the reshaping of the global economic structure and the increasingly complex geopolitical situation, China’s biomedical industry is standing at a critical crossroads, facing both unprecedented challenges and huge development opportunities. In recent years, with the successive introduction of a series of policy plans, China’s biomedical industry has ushered in an unprecedented spring breeze of development, while Medicis and others will usher in a more rapid development momentum and contribute more to the rise of the biomedical industry. Finally, President Song Ruilin confidently emphasized that 2024 will be a year of hope for the biomedical industry.

Chen Chunlin, founder and CEO of Medici, expressed his sincere gratitude to all the guests in his speech. He mentioned that Medici has been fortunate to witness the rise of China’s biomedical industry and has achieved outstanding results in scientific research innovation, industrial integration and business expansion. He stressed that the current biomedical industry is ushering in a new spring, full of unlimited opportunities. As an important part of new drug research and development, Medici shoulders the important task of promoting the implementation of source innovation and empowering the development of the industry. Dr. Chen said that Medici looks forward to working with more partners to jointly build an ecological empowering circle and promote the sustainable innovation and development of the biomedical industry.

Chen Kaixian, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered a wonderful keynote report, entitled "Biomedical R & D Innovation and Industrial Development", which deeply analyzed the opportunities and challenges of biomedical innovation and development, and comprehensively sorted out the situation, progress and problems of biomedical development in our country. He elaborated on the four major development trends of global pharmaceutical innovation, and keenly pointed out the shortcomings and bottlenecks in the field of biomedical development in our country. At the same time, Academician Chen also shared the hot spots of scientific and technological innovation, especially the application of artificial intelligence in the field of new drug research and development, which brought dawn to the research and development of new drugs. Finally, we look forward to strengthening cooperation from all walks of life and contributing to Shanghai’s goal of building a source of biomedical technology innovation and a world-class biomedical industry cluster.

The prelude to globalization has begun, deeply empowering the transformation of innovation achievements

Next, the prelude to a new chapter of globalization was officially opened, and the Transformation Ceremony of Medici’s Biomedical Source Innovation Achievements opened. This landmark moment not only fully demonstrates Medici’s outstanding innovation achievements in the field of biomedicine, but also indicates that these achievements will be quickly transformed into strong actual productivity, injecting new vitality and momentum into global cooperation and development, and enabling the drug research and development industry chain to innovate at the source and extend globally!


At the ceremony, Pharma representative Zhang Lianshan, research institute representative Li Bin, CXO industry representative Chen Chunlin, Zeng Dewan, Rong Yiping, AI intelligent medicine representative Zhang Long, overseas Biotech representative Mr. Sam Waksal, domestic Biotech representative Cheng Changfu, Liu Binlei, investor representative Zhao Yongsheng came to the stage one after another to join hands to start the transformation of biomedical source innovation achievements. Medici will take this launch ceremony as an opportunity to further strengthen communication and cooperation with domestic and foreign partners, jointly explore new paths for the transformation of biomedical innovation achievements, and work together to promote the sustainable prosperity and development of the global biomedical industry, and jointly create a better future.

Next, Mr. Sam Waksal shared his views on the original innovation of the biopharmaceutical industry and the globalization of innovative drugs, saying that under the leadership of Dr. Chen, Medici has developed over the past two decades and has become a leader in the industry, and its achievements are remarkable. Although the biomedical industry is young, it has shown great potential and influence on a global scale, driving sustained economic growth. Today, the pharmaceutical and biotechnology fields are closely linked, and they are jointly committed to the research and development of innovative drugs. Medici has played a pivotal role in it, not only transcending national borders and politics, but also injecting new vitality into the global economy. Finally, we look forward to the future to continue to witness their greater contributions to human health and economic development.

Innovative drug going overseas strategy and successful case sharing

Innovative drugs continue to go overseas, how to seize the global market? Under the chairpersonship of Qiangjing, founder & chairperson of Xinnuowei and founding partner of Xingze Capital, Zhang Lianshan, deputy general manager and president of global R & D of Hengrui Pharmaceutical, Xue Tongtong, founder, chairperson and CEO of Yilian Bio, Peng Jianbiao, president of Jimin Trustworthy Small Molecular Innovation Research Institute, Pan Wensen, partner of the Hong Kong office of Gaowin International Law Firm, and Lin Qingcong, executive vice president and president of the US company of Medici, industry leaders gathered together to discuss the strategy and path of innovative drugs going overseas.

Zhang Lianshan, Xue Tongtong, and Peng Jianbiao shared their respective strategic plans and successful experiences in innovative drugs going overseas from the perspective of pharmaceutical companies. They elaborated on how to achieve global distribution of innovative drugs through precise positioning, technological innovation, and international cooperation, providing useful inspiration for pharmaceutical companies.

From the legal perspective, Penvenson deeply analyzed the legal challenges and coping strategies faced by innovative drugs going overseas. He emphasized the importance of compliance and provided practical legal advice to the participants.

As an investor and a representative of pharmaceutical companies, Qiangjing shared Xinnovi’s unique experience in innovative drug research and development and internationalization, and said that Xingze Capital has been paying attention to the research and development and industrialization of innovative drugs, providing funds and resources for potential enterprises and projects, and promoting the globalization process of China’s innovative drugs.

Lin Qingcong shared the rich experience and profound lessons of Medici in assisting pharmaceutical companies to enter the international market from the perspective of CRO. He emphasized that Medici’s one-stop biomedical pre-clinical R & D service platform can support the whole process of drug discovery from target discovery to IND declaration. In addition, the new drug empower ecosystem of the Academician Innovative Drug Ripeness Center can help new drug funding, transactions and other issues. At present, Medici has established a research and development base in Boston, which will further empower the drug to go overseas and achieve higher value.

Multi-site blockbuster unveiling Two key technology platforms released

At this grand ceremony, Medici’s two major science and technology platforms made a major appearance, attracting extensive attention from the participants.

1. Drug Discovery & Pharmaceutical Research Science Key Technology Platform

Jian Liu, President of Medici’s Drug Discovery and Pharmacy Research Division, introduced the Drug Discovery & Pharmacy Research Science Key Technology Platform. The platform includes a new drug platform for targeted protein degradation, a small nucleic acid drug development platform, an ADC drug development platform, a polypeptide macrocyclic peptide drug development platform, an AI drug development platform, a synthetic biology platform, a green chemistry platform, a drug metabolite platform, etc., to support the innovation of various drug forms. It is worth noting that Medici has a complete R & D platform for small molecule innovative drugs; an AI drug discovery platform empowers and accelerates new drug development from target discovery to the generation of preclinical compounds; a green chemistry platform and a synthetic biology platform enable the synthesis of various complex compounds.

2. Key technology platform for preclinical research science

Subsequently, Zhang Haizhou, president of Medici’s preclinical research division, elaborated on Medici’s key technology platform for preclinical research science. In terms of discovery biology, Medici has built in vitro screening platforms, such as PROTAC, small nucleic acids, ADC, etc., as well as cutting-edge technologies such as synthetic biology and nano-antibody discovery. In terms of pharmacological efficacy, there are advanced platforms such as in vivo imaging, small animal surgical excision, and in vitro imaging. In addition, Zhang Haizhou focused on introducing DMPK and safety service platforms for various advanced drug types such as PROTAC, oligonucleotide, ADC, mRNA, and cellular immunity, as well as pre-clinical service platforms such as inhalation medication, ophthalmic medication, and topical medication.

The release of the two key technology service platforms not only fully demonstrates the outstanding strength and profound heritage of Medici in the field of biomedical pre-clinical research and development, but also provides a solid and powerful support for its future customers to better empower.

Industry leaders gather together A new blueprint for biomedicine

Frontier technologies and industrial applications of drug discovery

How to promote the transformation of basic scientific research results in China? What are the future development trends? Ma Dawei, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and researcher of Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tao Weikang, vice president and general manager of global innovative drug research and development of Qilu Pharmaceutical Group, Liu Dongzhou, general manager of CSO/Innovative Drug Global R & D Center of East China Pharmaceutical, Shen Hong, head and senior vice president of Roche China Innovation Center, and Xu Yaochang, chairperson and CEO of Yuyu Pharmaceutical, shared their insights from their respective fields. Liu Jian, president of Medici Drug Discovery & Pharmaceutical Research Division, moderated this keynote dialogue.

Faced with the difficulty of transforming basic research, Ma Dawei shared in depth the course of cooperation with Academician Medisi’s Innovative Pharmaceutical Refinement Center, believing that this cooperation has achieved remarkable results in the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, bringing a mutually beneficial and win-win situation to both parties. At the same time, Shen Hong, head of Roche China Innovation Center and senior vice president, also introduced the Roche Accelerator, the world’s first self-established and operated accelerator project. The project fully integrates Roche’s own resources and advantages, and provides start-ups with all-round support including funding channels, cooperation opportunities, R & D experience, and advanced experimental equipment in an agile and flexible way to help start-ups grow rapidly and promote the development and industrialization of innovative drugs.

Tao Weikang, Liu Dongzhou, Shen Hong, Xu Yaochang and other pharmaceutical company leaders, based on the practical experience of their respective companies, discussed in depth how to accurately grasp their own advantages and differentiate the layout of innovative drug industry pipelines. They stressed that each company should formulate R & D strategies according to its core competitiveness. Facing the ever-changing technological challenges and changing future development trends, they said that pharmaceutical companies need to maintain keen insight and keep up with the pace of industry development. In sharing, they not only showcased the fruitful results achieved by their respective companies in the field of innovative drugs, but also provided valuable experience and inspiration for the future development of China’s innovative drug industry.

Transformation of new technologies for preclinical research of innovative drugs

Under the chairpersonship of Peng Shuangqing, Chief Scientific Officer of Medici, an in-depth discussion on the transformation of new technologies in preclinical research of innovative drugs was launched. The conference focused on breaking through the model barriers in preclinical research, technology development trends, market demand and future challenges, achievement transformation, and multi-party linkage.

Xu Zengjun, the former chief scientist of the Drug Evaluation Center of the State Food and Drug Administration and the founder of AstraZeneca Medicine, deeply analyzed the multiple challenges of preclinical research, such as the lack of understanding of the principle, mechanism and predictive correlation between models and diseases, as well as drug regulatory issues. Xia Mingde, founder/chairperson/CEO of Innolake Pharmaceutical, deeply analyzed the key role of translational medicine in crossing the "valley of death" in new drug development, and also pointed out the key role of translational medicine in crossing the "valley of death". Dr. Wang Yaning, former director of the clinical pharmacology department of the US FDA and CEO of Langlai Technology, pointed out that the FDA is cautious about preclinical data. Although AI technology is applied, there is insufficient data. It is necessary to optimize methods, strengthen translational research and data cooperation to improve R & D efficiency. Wang Haisheng, founder/chairperson/CEO of Sihe Genomics, emphasized the importance of AI in understanding the structure of genes and RNA, and mentioned the challenge of genetic differences between animal models and humans and the attempt of new organoid technologies. Yang Xiaobao, founder/chairperson/CEO of Bioscience, shared his research and development experience in the field of protein degradation, emphasized the importance of safety evaluation in preclinical research, and mentioned that with the help of Medici’s one-stop preclinical service platform, they successfully obtained clinical approval in China and the United States. Finally, he emphasized the enlightenment of tracking the layout of large companies such as MNC for Biotech.

Following the glorious past, we will move towards a glorious tomorrow. This 20th anniversary celebration of Medici is not only a feast for a full house, but also a brainstorming that concerns the development of the next 20 years. In the past two decades, Medici has not only witnessed the magnificent development history of the industry, but also acted as a vanguard force driving the continuous upgrading of the industry. In the future, Medici will adhere to innovation, deepen the field of biomedical pre-clinical research and development, lead technological innovation, enrich the matrix of R & D service platforms, layout the global market, ride the wind and waves, and move forward in the next two decades! (CIS)

Proofreading: Wang Jincheng

More than 1,600 Wuhan Didi drivers have been awarded the title of "anti-epidemic pioneer"

  On the morning of May 8, Didi held a touching event at its driver training center in Wuhan. Ten drivers from Didi’s Wuhan medical team and community security team received the "Anti-Epidemic Pioneer" honorary certificate on behalf of more than 1,600 partners who had fought together in the front line of the anti-epidemic.

  The driver representative receives the "Anti-Epidemic Pioneer" honorary certificate

  There were also medical representatives from Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, Wuhan Municipal Passenger Management Office and major hospitals at the scene, who were also strugglers against the "epidemic". The meeting of the driver representative and the medical representative again was no longer a hasty taxi to the hospital to work, nor a tired car ride home, but a warm scene of face-to-face gratitude with a relaxed attitude.

  Master Du Chuan’s daughter sent a painting to express her gratitude to the medical representative

  Du Chuan’s daughter also came to the scene and sent a painting of her own to the medical representatives to pay tribute to the medical workers. Du Chuan was a native of Wuhan. After the traffic control in Wuhan, he took the initiative to join the Didi Community Security Team and the team masters to take up the burden of ensuring the emergency travel of community residents, such as sending dialysis patients for medical treatment, sending supplies to the elderly living alone, and helping community staff to do home investigations.

  Starting from January 23, Didi established a first-line headquarters in Wuhan, and established two security fleets of Wuhan medical fleets and community fleets, with a total of 16 hospitals and nearly 20,000 healthcare workers providing nearly 500,000 single services; providing nearly 150,000 services for 402 community citizens.

  On April 30, online car-hailing returned to Wuhan, and Didi Hitch and driving services also started services in Wuhan at the same time. According to the news released by the Enterprise Services Group of the Hubei Provincial Epidemic prevention and control Command, the proportion of online car-hailing operations in Hubei has reached 98.1%. Although the current online car-hailing orders have not returned to the pre-epidemic level, and drivers’ income has not yet reached the pre-epidemic level, many drivers expressed confidence in the future as the epidemic stabilizes.

  Zhou Dayan, deputy director of the Wuhan Passenger Taxi Management Department, said that Didi masters have always adhered to the original intention of providing convenience for citizens to travel, escorting every service demand during the special period, and writing an extraordinary anti-epidemic story in ordinary positions.

  Li Guanghui, director of the Emergency Management Department of Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, and representatives of Wuhan University People’s Hospital, City Fourth Hospital, and Zhongnan Hospital also expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the Didi masters for their efforts. The drivers’ efforts have also won recognition from major hospitals in Wuhan and from all walks of life. I hope to convey this gratitude and affirmation to the drivers.

  Wang Xinping, head of Didi Chuxing’s Wuhan region, said that although the service of Didi Wuhan medical fleet and community fleet has come to an end for the time being, Didi’s service heart will not stop. In order to make the daily travel of medical workers more convenient, Didi will upgrade its ride-hailing account to Didi Diamond membership. Medical workers enjoy faster ride-hailing and more affordable car use, including free upgrades, quick response, exclusive package discounts, and exclusive rights and interests in various categories such as green and orange bicycles and Didi driving. Didi will also launch a one-month exclusive subsidy for Wuhan Didi drivers to "fight the epidemic and overcome difficulties" to help drivers recover their income.

Jackie Chan went to Japan to promote the disaster victims and will appear on the green carpet of the Tokyo Film Festival

Shoko Nakagawa, Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan 

Shoko Nakagawa

    Movie Network NewsOn October 21, "Big Brother" Jackie Chan appeared in Tokyo, Japan, to attend the Tokyo press conference of the film. Jackie Chan, who went to Japan for the first time since the March 11 earthquake, was always filled with a very friendly smile. Facing the influx of media, Jackie Chan said excitedly: "Long time no see everyone! I have always wanted to see you, but due to busy work, I didn’t come until today. I am really sorry." Jackie Chan also admitted that he was very moved by the strong spirit of the Japanese people after the earthquake, and shouted in Japanese "Japan, come on!" The audience was very moved.

    On the same day, Shoko Nakagawa, the pure actress who dubbed the Japanese version of the film, took the stage as a fan of Jackie Chan’s big brother and gave Jackie Chan a large handful of roses. Seeing her idol, Nakagawa said excitedly, "Today is the happiest day in my life! I like your works very much! You are a treasure for all of us, please be immortal!" An excited speech made Jackie Chan smile from ear to ear.

    Jackie Chan will appear on the green carpet of the 24th Tokyo International Film Festival, which opens today (October 22). The film "Xinhai Revolution" will be released nationwide on November 5, 2011.

More exciting content on the next page

Why can Xiaomi SU7 be loved by female users? Lei Jun responded

Phoenix Network Technology News (Author/Li Jun) On April 18th, Lei Jun, founder and chairman of Xiaomi, started broadcasting at Xiaomi Auto Delivery Center, and "talked with netizens about the sale of Xiaomi SU7 these days". In the live broadcast, for the question "Why do female users like Xiaomi SU7", Lei Jun said: "I spent a lot of time thinking about the needs of female users when designing. When I made Xiaomi mobile phone 14 years ago, I made Xiaomi mobile phone for science and technology men. When I made Xiaomi car 3 years ago, my team and I stressed that we must consider female users."

Lei Jun said that the popularity of Xiaomi SU7 by female users is king, and the sunscreen of Xiaomi SU7 also pokes the pain points of women.Lei Jun revealed that after internal research, Tesla owners said that the interior of Tesla car was like an oven.

In addition, Xiaomi SU7 is also provided with a sunshade and a storage location for umbrellas.

"There are many excellent product designers, product managers and engineers in the product design team.We worked together to make the SU7 a car that women love.In the process of buying a car, the male host is mainly responsible for the selection and the female host is responsible for the decision. As long as women like it, the decision to buy a car will be quick. "

Xiaomi SU7 has no courage to announce the price.

1003 days after the official announcement, Lei Jun and Xiaomi’s first car SU7 were officially unveiled.

In the past year, the launch of new domestic forces has made people feel the illusion of a domestic mobile phone launch conference. It’s a week or two, and it’s dizzying. It’s estimated that the joint venture brands are dumbfounded. Is this frequency a mobile phone or a new car? As a result, many netizens have reached a consensus: domestic electric vehicles are like domestic Android phones with constant press conferences. As for which Apple iPhone is, it doesn’t matter.

Back to Xiaomi’s "Su Wife", positioning a C-class high-performance eco-tech car, the drag coefficient has reached the lowest drag of 0.195 among mass-produced cars in the world, the maximum horsepower is 673PS, the peak power is 495kW, the peak torque is 838Nm, the high-profile version has a zero-acceleration of only 2.78 seconds, the top speed is 265km, and the CLTC cruising range is 800km. It claims to be the king of electric vehicles in winter, and people and cars are all ecological. ……

Lei Jun spoke emotionally for three hours, and some netizens left a message to Lei Jun: The whole press conference was most impressed by the sentence "How can it be 99,000?". Why? Because ordinary people buy a household scooter, where can anyone go to see what wind resistance coefficient? How much electricity can be saved by a low drag coefficient? Where can anyone watch the zero-speed acceleration for a few seconds? It is difficult to drive 60 yards an hour on the increasingly serious traffic jam. Just like blowing your own mobile phone, the whole press conference "Su Wife" was all about the friend Porsche Taycan. It is also interesting to look down on others and learn from them in various ways.

At the press conference, Lei Jun said that it is impossible for Xiaomi automobile SU7 to sell 99,000, and it is impossible to sell 149,000. Lei Jun did not respond to the 199,000 cases with the highest voice from the masses. So, is it possible? There was a detail at the press conference. From the beginning to the end, when Lei Jun introduced SU7, he compared Taycan Turbo and Model S, which cost about one million yuan. The meaning is clear: good is expensive, and expensive is good. Presumably, you already have the answer in your heart.

It is worth mentioning that Lei Jun said at the press conference that Xiaomi SU7 will not be officially released for several months. When I saw this sentence at that time, I accidentally laughed. Don’t forget, Xiaomi is the originator of playing futures. When Xiaomi’s mobile phone was released, it took several months for official website Gen to deliver it. Unexpectedly, Xiaomi played his own specialty in the car. How low the wind resistance of SU7 is, how many motors and batteries are, how powerful the interconnection between vehicles and engines is, and how long the battery life is. In the ever-changing era of electric vehicles, various unexpected changes (evolution) may occur in a few months.

By the way, yesterday’s Krypton 007 entry version was priced at 209,900 yuan, and the top price was 299,900 yuan. Even in the entry-level version, the rear axle motor is 310kW, 440Nm, with an acceleration of 5.6s, a power consumption of 12.5kWh/100km, a battery life of 688km, Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295 and so on. The configuration is not low, and there is still the right to upgrade the battery to 100kWh for 20,000 yuan. In the eyes of many people, Krypton 007 is a direct competitor of Xiaomi SU7, and then the price is rolled up to 200,000.

Before the press conference, when talking with friends about the price of millet SU7, we all thought that the probability of SU7 would be in the range of 250,000-350,000. The killing of electric vehicles in this price range has entered a white-hot stage.

Next, it depends on Xiaomi and Lei Jun. …

May Day holiday "explosive" travel is coming! Ticket prices have increased significantly.

  The May Day "explosive" outing is coming! The number of single-day air tickets booked on a platform has reached a new high of nearly 16 years.

  Zhongxin Jingwei client April 21 ST (Zhang Yanzheng) "I am used to the cabbage price ticket during the epidemic. I recently searched the ticket during the May Day holiday, and I decided to lie flat." Many netizens reported on social media that the ticket price increased significantly during the May Day holiday this year, and some flights were still difficult to grab.

  How hot is the May Day Golden Week tour?Judging from the booking of air tickets on Ctrip, and Tongcheng, at present, the economy class of some flights on May 1st has been sold out. Ctrip platform predicts that the number of tourists on May 1st this year is expected to break through the May 1st level in 2019 and reach a new high of 200 million.

  G: I regret not booking the plane ticket earlier.

  "The May Day holiday lasts for five days. My friends and I plan to go to Chengdu to punch in Kuanzhai Lane. When we look at the ticket price, it seems that we are back before the epidemic." Ms. Wang from Beijing told the Zhongxin Jingwei client that the round-trip air ticket from Beijing she booked recently was 3,200 RMB, while another friend booked the air ticket one month in advance, and the same round-trip air ticket only cost more than 1,500 RMB. "I really regret that I didn’t book the plane ticket early, otherwise I could save the hotel money for one night."

  Ms. Wu from Zhengzhou, Henan Province, also said that the round-trip air ticket to visit relatives in Shenzhen during the May Day holiday last year was less than that in 800 yuan, while the round-trip air ticket during the May Day holiday this year was as high as 2,600 yuan. "In order to save some money on air tickets, I’m going to take a vacation a few days in advance and come back on May 7, so I can save more than 1,400 yuan."

  On social platforms, many netizens also said that the air tickets increased significantly during the May Day holiday this year, and even some netizens bought tickets for the National Day in advance.

  @ Grey Walnut Peach: The round-trip air ticket from Chengdu to Sanya rose to more than 4,000 yuan during the May Day holiday, which is too exaggerated. Fortunately, I bought it early.

  @ 京京京京京: Airline: How much you lost before, how much you have to earn now.

  @ Eiko Rene: After a small holiday in Qingming, people are crowded and scared!

  @ainizyy: I bought all the tickets for National Day, just for fear of price increase.

  Ctrip reports data disclosure,During May 1 this year, the volume of air ticket orders has surpassed the level of the same period in 2019, with an increase of 23%.In terms of fares, the average fare of economy class on May 1 ticket is 1,021 yuan, exceeding the average price in the same period in 2019. According to the data of, the booking volume of air tickets for the May Day holiday this year has greatly exceeded the same period in 2019, which is more than 25 times higher than the same period in 2020. The average payment price of air tickets is 924 yuan, which is more than 20% higher than that in 2019. On April 30th and May 1st, some flights from Beijing to Sanya were sold out in economy class, and only 10,000 yuan of business class was on sale.

  On April 20th, Lan Xiang, Dean of Qunar Big Data Research Institute, said that since April, the booking volume of domestic routes has soared. Last week, the number of single-day ticket bookings on the platform reached a new high in 16 years since the company was founded. The popularity of May 1 train tickets further promoted the growth of ticket sales, and the daily ticket volume increased by over 30% compared with 2019.

  Lan Xiang said that although many tourists visited relatives and traveled during the just-concluded Qingming holiday, due to the length of the holiday, most passengers still chose to travel during the May Day holiday.

  However, many passengers choose to travel at the wrong peak, which also leads to the emergence of new travel peaks. Where to go data disclosure, from April 28th, the number of passengers traveling by air increased significantly, until April 30th, when the number of passengers traveling that day reached its peak, even exceeding May 1st — — The number of passengers traveling on the first day of the holiday.

  According to the big data of air tickets for the same journey, the booking of May Day air tickets as of mid-April shows that there is a strong demand for domestic civil aviation travel from April 30 to May 5, and the average air ticket price is around 800 yuan (excluding airport construction fees and fuel costs). Among them, the average air ticket price in the last two days of the holiday will exceed that in 1000 yuan, exceeding the level of the same period in 2019 and 2020.

  Fang Zeqian, an industry analyst at Ctrip Research Institute, said that with the effective control of the domestic epidemic, the attitude of government departments to continuously liberalize travel restrictions and encourage and promote the development of tourism, the upcoming May Day holiday is expected to usher in an "explosive trip", and the long-lost "conformity" will return again! Ctrip’s current May 1 air tickets, hotels, tickets and car rental orders have increased significantly by 23%, 43%, 114% and 126% respectively compared with the same period in 2019. The number of May 1 tourists this year is expected to exceed the May 1 level in 2019 and reach a new high of 200 million.

  Shang Kejia, deputy director of the Transportation Department of the Civil Aviation Administration, mentioned on April 16 that from the perspective of air ticket booking, it can be said that "the volume and price have risen together", which is obviously higher than the Qingming small holiday just passed, and it is also expected to be higher than the May Day holiday in 2019. The growth rate of long-distance travelers is relatively large. From the peak travel time, except for the first and last days of the holiday, namely April 30th, May 1st and May 5th, there is also a relatively concentrated return passenger flow on May 9th.

  Spring is coming for airlines?

  It is worth mentioning that, since the outbreak of COVID-19 in early 2020, domestic air tickets of airlines have repeatedly appeared "cabbage price", and the discount once reached 0.2 fold, and the fares of some domestic routes were less than 100 yuan. For example, on March 10th, 2020, the lowest fare for flights from Shenzhen to Chongqing was only 49 yuan, which was 0.4 fold of the full price.

  According to the statistics of Sino-Singapore Jingwei client, in 2020, the three major state-owned airlines, Air China, China Southern Airlines and China Eastern Airlines, suffered a total loss of 37.082 billion yuan, with a daily loss of about 101 million yuan. Among them, China Southern achieved revenue of 92.561 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 40.02%; Air China achieved a year-on-year decrease in revenue of 48.96%; China Eastern Airlines decreased by 51.48% year on year.

  In terms of share price, the three major state-owned airlines all hit the lowest share price in the past five years last year. Air China once fell to 6.31 yuan/share in March 2020, down 34.88% from 9.69 yuan/share at the end of 2019; China Southern Airlines once fell to 4.95 yuan/share in May 2020; China Eastern Airlines fell to its lowest share price in March last year, with a price of 4.01 yuan per share.

  With the gradual control of the epidemic, the performance of the airline company began to improve. Recently, Bao Yi, deputy director of the Development Planning Department of the Civil Aviation Administration, said at a news conference that in the first quarter of this year, airlines still suffered losses, but the degree of losses narrowed compared with the same period of last year.

  Bao Yi introduced that in the first quarter, the accumulated operating income of airlines was 87.88 billion yuan, down 1.1% year-on-year, and the accumulated loss was 30.05 billion yuan, down 4.58 billion yuan year-on-year. From the monthly data, the loss was 10.48 billion yuan in January, 11.61 billion yuan in February and 7.96 billion yuan in March.

  It should be pointed out that,The share prices of major airlines secretly hit a new high in the past six months.. As of the close of April 20th, Air China quoted 9.28 yuan per share, which was 24.89% higher than the low of 6.97 yuan per share on January 25th this year. China Southern Airlines quoted 6.92 yuan per share, up 25.36% from the low point; China Eastern Airlines quoted 5.75 yuan per share, up 29.8% from the low point.

  Everbright Securities pointed out in the analysis of the research report,In March, domestic aviation demand recovered rapidly. The passenger traffic of some airlines and airports has exceeded the level of the same period in 19 years. The volume and price of May 1 ticket bookings have risen, which is significantly higher than that of the Qingming holiday, and it is expected to exceed the level of May 1 holiday in 2019. The trend of centralized release of domestic aviation demand is clear.; Overseas travel restrictions are expected to be liberalized one after another, and overseas aviation demand will enter the recovery channel. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

The documentary "Looking for Guiyang" explores the water rhyme and exotic food, dumping everyone.

1905 movie network news Since its broadcast on March 25th, Quest for Guiyang has made the audience see a different Guiyang: it is a summer capital that enjoys a good reputation at home and abroad, and the comfortable and slow pace of life makes people yearn for it. Guiyang is not only a model of China’s eco-city and big data smart city, but also a flavor museum with numerous special cuisines.

There are 98 rivers criss-crossing, and karst landforms make Guiyang like a city floating on water. The second episode of "Shui Yun Yuan Rong’s Dietary Wisdom" takes "water" as the starting point to show the treasures of Southwest China, explore the delicacies of water born of different forms, and lead the audience to deeply understand the ingenious mystery of Guiyang flavor from a new perspective.

Time precipitation Guiyang shuiyun

Water not only breeds life, but also is a skillful craftsman in shaping flavor. It exists in different forms in different spaces, and it is related to rivers, rainfall and various microorganisms, so it also produces different forms of food and flavor.

Local people can not only flexibly use water resources to create delicious food, but also discover more flavor secrets in the process of fighting against humidity, all of which have a subtle influence on Guiyang people’s taste preferences and lifestyle. With the help of the unique local microbial flora, fresh soybeans were fermented into local lobster sauce, which was similar to the Japanese national food natto. However, Guiyang people gave it more room for deduction, and lobster sauce continued to ferment for six months, forming a bean paste-like lobster sauce cake. The complex flavor precipitated over time, bringing more outstanding magical taste. These foods made by different processes such as fermentation are even more stunned by the audience and exclaim that the food after Nirvana’s rebirth is still amazing.

Traditional techniques contain folk wisdom.

There are many rivers in Guiyang, and the annual precipitation exceeds 1000 mm. Such a region and climate have created extremely rich aquatic resources in Guiyang. Rivers pass through mountains, and after hundreds of millions of years, mysterious sinkholes and caves have been created. Cave fishing reflects the local aquatic characteristics. The water temperature is lower than 20 degrees Celsius all the year round, and the fish grows slowly, making the meat more tender and firm. Luo Bangyun, who runs a beancurd shop, uses anti-slip sandals and fishing techniques handed down from generation to generation to collect these delicious fish and shrimp as delicious dishes. Whether it is fried or steamed, or dried fish, the locals who live near the water use their ingenuity to give birth to a new flavor.

Some flavors are fresh and palatable, while others need time to brew slowly. For Wei Xing Wu, an old chef, despite the increasingly developed preservation technology, traditional techniques are more worthy of spreading. Fresh pork is sterilized by hot oil at high temperature, quickly fried into thin crispy skin, and then immersed in lard for preservation.

Relying on oil to isolate water and air, the texture and taste similar to fresh meat can be preserved for more than one year, which is the traditional oil-bottomed meat in Guiyang. Guiyang people have a unique way to preserve food, and these traditional techniques, which have been precipitated over time, are the persistence of craftsmen from generation to generation and the great wisdom of folk food.

Fire and water quenching change surprise: strange food combination collapses everyone

Water is unpredictable and breeds countless delicious foods. In the local area, people come and go in different periods, and a variety of soy products have evolved, which is dazzling. If the quality of tofu is good, the local well water is indispensable. The unique bean curd soaked in green rock, and the bean curd made of chicken minced with soybean milk, all kinds of strange combinations have undergone repeated quenching of water and fire, changing into surprising bean food, which makes people salivate.

Guiyang, located at low latitude and high altitude, has a mild and humid climate, with lush trees all year round, but there are also delicious foods that only appear briefly in autumn — — Purple fungus. Whether cooked alone or with other ingredients, its fragrant and sweet taste has attracted many people. Some viewers lamented: "This short but wonderful existence, just like our life, we should learn to enjoy the happiness of the moment even though we keep walking."

Fire and water blend to light the southwest: Guiyang people understand the hot pot.

As the city with the highest frequency of enjoying hot pot per capita in China, hot pot accounts for half of Guiyang’s diet. In the food logic of Guiyang people, you can’t cook hot pot without ingredients, and there is no single hot pot item that can dominate here. With the broadcast of "Looking for Guiyang", netizens and viewers have also exposed the hot pot food here, laughing that "Guiyang people really understand the hot pot!"

According to statistics, there are new hot pot categories in Guiyang every year. For Guiyang people, whether it’s a pot with rich taste of bittern soup or a pot with sweet and smooth beans and rice, it’s an all-inclusive flavor and a bond to maintain the world. The unique taste of Guiyang is also passed down from generation to generation through this water bond in this ancient food custom.

The program group also said: "In addition to hot pot, there are too many delicious foods here, all with local characteristics. Like delicious and heavy beef soup, elastic and tough cowhide and smooth sour powder, it is a perfect combination. These delicious foods with the smell of Guiyang fireworks carry the memories and thoughts of Guiyang people, as well as the soul comfort of thinking about the source of food. I hope that the audience can experience those’ subtleties’ that cannot be copied in "Looking for Guiyang" and find their own good memories. "

How to release the potential of tourism consumption and promote the high-quality development of tourism? Do these five aspects well →

On September 27th, 2023, the General Office of the State Council issued Several Measures on Releasing the Potential of Tourism Consumption to Promote the High-quality Development of Tourism (Guo Ban Fa [2023] No.36, hereinafter referred to as "Several Measures"). In order to promote the in-depth implementation of the "Several Measures" in the cultural and tourism system, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued a notice today requesting the cultural and tourism departments (bureaus) of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government to produce them in Xinjiang.

First, fully understand the great significance of implementing the "Several Measures"

Local cultural and tourism administrative departments should fully understand the great significance of implementing the "Several Measures" from a strategic and overall perspective, deeply analyze the new situation of tourism development, grasp the characteristics and laws of tourism development, accurately understand the scientific connotation of high-quality tourism development, clarify the goals and tasks of promoting high-quality tourism development in various places, enhance their sense of responsibility and urgency, and effectively unify their thoughts and actions with the deployment requirements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council.

Two, do a good job in the study and publicity of "several measures"

The provincial administrative departments of culture and tourism should, in conjunction with relevant departments and in combination with the actual situation of local tourism development, study and sort out the key tasks that meet the development requirements of Several Measures, timely summarize the typical experiences and practices of releasing tourism consumption potential and promoting the high-quality development of tourism in the region, increase publicity and promotion, stimulate and guide more social forces to participate in the innovative practice of tourism development, and create a good social atmosphere for the high-quality development of tourism. At the same time, it is necessary to sort out the policies and measures that do not meet the requirements of high-quality development of tourism in accordance with the "Several Measures" and correct or adjust them in time.

Three, study and formulate the implementation plan of "several measures"

The provincial administrative departments of culture and tourism should, in combination with the actual situation, take the initiative to connect with the relevant tourism-related departments in light of the "Several Measures" and the "Task Division Plan of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on Releasing Tourism Consumption Potential to Promote High-quality Development of Tourism" (copied to the provincial administrative departments of culture and tourism), and study and refine the work measures to release tourism consumption potential and develop tourism with high quality in combination with the actual situation in the region, so as to form the work of the provincial administrative departments of culture and tourism to implement the "Several Measures".

Fourth, strengthen coordination and linkage, and focus on solving difficult and blocking problems.

All localities should take the implementation of the "Several Measures" as an opportunity, focus on solving the difficult problems that have long restricted the high-quality development of tourism, and promote and improve the inter-departmental coordination mechanism of tourism work in the region. For policy initiatives involving multi-sectoral functions, such as actively developing eco-tourism products, optimizing tourism infrastructure, revitalizing idle tourism projects, adjusting and optimizing scenic spot management, strengthening inbound tourism, supporting the development of tourism enterprises, broadening financing channels, and strengthening land use security, we should strengthen communication and coordination with relevant departments, take the initiative, actively coordinate relevant departments to solve difficult and blocked problems in the process of policy implementation, and get through the "last mile" of policy implementation.

Fifth, strengthen organization and implementation, and accelerate the implementation of policies.

All localities should put the release of tourism consumption potential and the promotion of high-quality development of tourism in an important position at present, seize opportunities, do practical work, strengthen reform and innovation, guide tourism market players to adapt to changes in market demand, and accelerate the transformation of policy dividends into development effectiveness. Local cultural and tourism administrative departments should, under the leadership of local party committees and governments, jointly with relevant departments, pay close attention to the introduction of special supporting policies and measures to implement the "Several Measures" in the region, smooth the channels for policy implementation, and ensure that all the support measures of the "Several Measures" are fully effective. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism will strengthen the tracking and evaluation of the implementation of local policies, and timely summarize and popularize excellent experiences and practices. The implementation and effectiveness of relevant policies will be regarded as the key evaluation content of praise and encouragement for tourism work in various places.

(CCTV reporter Zheng Wei)

Source: CCTV news client