It is said that Wang Zuxian became a monk in Canada and was suspected of being stimulated by the scandal between Qi Qin and Xiao Qiang (Photo)

  According to Hong Kong media reports, yesterday (July 7), news came out that Wang Zuxian, who has been away for a long time, is a monk in Canada. Friends said that she may be stimulated by the scandal between Qi Qin and Xiao Qiang earlier. And she has not been in touch with Qi Qin for a while.

Wang Zuxian, profile picture

  Yesterday (July 7), there was news that Wang Zuxian, who had been out of the movie for a long time, was ordained in Canada. The reporter called Wang Zuxian’s friend Du Huidong to verify the matter. He said: "In recent years, Wang Zuxian has indeed been submerged in Buddhism. There is also a nunnery near where she lives, but I haven’t contacted her for a long time, so I don’t know the authenticity of the news. However, it is likely that she was stimulated by the news that her ex-boyfriend Qi Qin and Xiao Qiang may get married this year. In addition, when she was filming" Dream in the Garden ", she originally had expectations, but in the end her reaction was just ordinary. When her love and career were not very good, she cut her hair to become a nun."

  In addition, Wang Zuxian’s friends, Miss Wang, Shi Nansheng, and Yang Fan, the director of "Dream in the Garden", told the media yesterday (July 7) that they had not heard of the news and had not contacted Wang Zuxian for some time. As for Qi Qin, there are reports that he thinks Wang Zuxian has always been submerged in Buddhism. If this continues, it is possible to become a monk. He also called Wang Zuxian when he went to Canada last month, but unfortunately he could not find her, so he has not contacted Wang Zuxian for some time.

  Wang Zuxian’s relationship was quite rough. In the early years, she first dated Qi Qin, and then fell in love with a married wealthy businessman. Because her love with the wealthy businessman was not approved by the other party’s mother, she was also publicly abused, so she finally decided to cut off the love, return to Taiwan and get back together with Qi Qin, and prepared to get married in 1999. However, when even the banquet was booked, it suddenly broke out that Qi Qin had lived with a woman for many years and had flesh and blood, which caused the marriage to fail. Wang Zuxian was also heartbroken and went to Vancouver, Canada to live in seclusion. (fish/text)

  Related links:

  • It is said that Wang Zuxian became a monk, and there are many stars who have escaped into the air (picture) 2009-07-08

  • It is said that Wang Zuxian’s Canadian shaving degree is unknown to many friends in the circle (picture) 2009-07-08

  • Sigh Wang Zuxian as a monk, recall Wang Zuxian screen classic inventory (photos) 2009-07-08

Editor in charge: Fan Jing

Game Working Committee of China Music and Digital Association: Don’t treat games as a scourge.

  The topic of protecting minors has once again become the focus of social attention.

  On August 3rd, the Economic Information Daily published "Online Games Grow into Hundreds of Billions of Industries". The article points out that Internet addiction among minors is widespread at present, and online games have an inestimable impact on the healthy growth of minors.

  In response to the topic of protecting minors in this report, 21st century business herald interviewed the relevant person in charge of the Game Working Committee of China Audio-visual and Digital Publishing Association. The person in charge told 21 reporters that at present, the work related to the protection of minors is continuing to advance, and game companies are actively implementing various anti-addiction work, and they should treat the role played by games in society with an objective and rational attitude.

  The person in charge also revealed exclusively that the Game Working Committee has recently convened some key game companies and organized a closed-door seminar on online game addiction prevention. At the meeting, it was once again explicitly requested that all game companies should cover the standard on products in accordance with the planning schedule and in accordance with the requirements of quality and quantity.

  Talking about online games:

  Adhere to the healthy and reasonable consumption of content, and don’t regard the game as a scourge.

  21st Century: What do you think of some metaphors about online games?

  Head of Game Working Committee:We believe that we should treat it objectively. Over the years, the management of online games has been mainly carried out in two aspects, one is the healthy content, and the other is the reasonable consumption. Under the premise of strict management, the competent authorities also advocate the diversification of online games, emphasizing the most basic principle that online game works should follow — — Convey the correct orientation, pay attention to the cultural connotation, and spread the positive energy of upward goodness.

  For example, we advocate the development of functional games and promote the combination of games with medical care, education, tourism and cultural creation, so that society and consumers can benefit from them and help people establish correct values.

  "21st Century": It is mentioned in the report that in 1929 questionnaires about students’ playing time, 26.23% students play online games once every two or three days, and 11.66% students play online games almost every day. 53.91% play games for 1-2 hours every day, and 2.28% play games for more than 5 hours every day. What do you think of this survey?

  Head of Game Working Committee:In some surveys of students playing online games, whether in provincial, prefecture-level cities or towns, from first-tier to fourth-tier cities, there will inevitably be deviations in statistical dimensions or data interfaces.

  According to the data released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, by the end of the 13th Five-Year Plan, there were 6.436 million left-behind children in rural areas. Left-behind children in rural areas may have more opportunities and time to get in touch with online games because of the lack of guardian’s companionship and supervision, so the proportion of playing games may be higher.

  From the management point of view, the competent authorities have clear requirements on the management measures and intensity of game publishing. Both the newly revised Law on the Protection of Minors, which was implemented on June 1 this year, and the provisions put forward in the Notice on Preventing Minors from Addicting to Online Games, which was issued by the State Press and Publication Administration in 2019, have clearly defined the length of play, in-game recharge behavior and curfew time for minors. Game enterprises should follow the principles, fulfill their duties and conscientiously implement various laws and regulations.

  In fact, under the background that the protection of minors has been strengthened year by year, most domestic game companies can strictly implement various requirements, and the effect is still very obvious. For example, head enterprises have strict in-game screening systems, and once illegal users are found, they will take immediate measures. At the same time, the competent authorities are constantly strengthening the mechanism of beforehand, during and in post supervision.

  Talking about not being insured:

  A closed meeting has been held to implement the game anti-addiction work.

  21st Century: During the summer vacation, did the Game Working Committee carry out any actions to urge game companies to protect minors?

  Head of Game Working Committee:The Game Working Committee has been continuously promoting all kinds of work related to the protection of minors. With the official implementation of the newly revised Law on the Protection of Minors, we are also making efforts with all parties in the industry to protect minors. During this year’s ChinaJoy, the Game Working Committee convened some key game companies to hold closed-door seminars on online game addiction prevention.

  At the beginning of the year, the Game Working Committee launched the promotion of the group standard of "Age Tips for Online Games", which has been deployed in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Shaoxing and Xiamen. The so-called age prompt is mainly based on China’s national conditions, according to the growth characteristics of minors of different ages, to evaluate the types, content and functions of the game works and other factors, to prompt the age of the minors who are suitable for use, and to make a clear mark on the relevant interface of the game works. At present, more than 361 products of many key enterprises have been on-line for age tips, and more products will be on-line in the near future.

  The Game Working Committee also cooperated with the head enterprises and social welfare organizations to launch the "Network Literacy Course", focusing on minors and people who lack network literacy knowledge, continuously paying attention to the education of minors in green grid, and exporting high-quality network literacy courses. In addition, the Game Working Committee and scientific research institutions organize and hold ideological and political literacy classes for game practitioners, and guide game enterprises and practitioners to insist on putting social benefits first through learning, firmly grasp the correct orientation, keep innovation, vigorously carry forward and cultivate socialist core values, and strive to achieve the organic unity of social benefits and economic benefits to ensure the sustained and healthy development of the industry.

  21st Century: Will the Game Working Committee have any normal activities to protect minors?

  Head of Game Working Committee:In the organization of activities, the Game Working Committee cooperated with People’s Daily to hold a social responsibility forum, and held a forum for the protection of minors with some game companies. In the form of case sharing, round-table forum and initiative release, it conveyed voices to all parties in the industry and actively promoted the efficient development of the "uninsured" work.

  In the future work, we will closely cooperate with the industry authorities and local authorities, and add more activities with the theme of protecting minors and practicing corporate social responsibility in China Game Industry Annual Meeting, ChinaJoy and other brand activities, and invite more industry experts, game companies and mainstream media to participate, so as to send a strong voice to the society and promote the high-quality development of the industry.

  "21st Century": It is understood that the Game Working Committee recently held a closed-door meeting to implement the game anti-addiction work. What new arrangements have been made for the game anti-addiction work at this closed-door meeting?

  Head of Game Working Committee:In this closed meeting, the Game Working Committee invited some units and enterprises that participated in the formulation of standards to make a centralized summary of the progress of the previous group standards such as "Age Tips for Online Games", to understand and collect the problems encountered by enterprises in actual work, and also to inform enterprises of the problems and situations found by the Game Working Committee. From the overall direction, the social responsibility of game companies is constantly strengthening, and the work of preventing addiction in games is becoming more and more detailed.

  In the next step, the Working Committee plans to let more game companies participate in the protection of minors, and explicitly requested at the meeting that all game companies should cover all products with good quality and quantity according to the planning schedule. Besides,We plan to launch age tips on the whole platform. The existing age tips are mainly designed for client games and mobile games. Next, we will plan to promote this standard on the host platform to achieve all-round protection for minors.

  21st Century: How will the anti-addiction mechanism in China’s online games evolve in the future? From which aspects will it be further improved? What efforts should the Game Working Committee and all sectors of society make in this regard?

  Head of Game Working Committee:In the future, the anti-addiction mechanism of online games in China will be more systematic, strict and perfect, and all the work carried out will be more specific and in-depth.The real-name authentication platform under the management of the State Press and Publication Administration has been completed, and the follow-up work will focus on this platform, complete the docking between game enterprises and this platform, and use this platform to set up the first "firewall" to prevent game addiction.

  On July 29th, at the China International Digital Entertainment Industry Conference held in Shanghai, the competent authorities said that the national anti-addiction real-name authentication platform has been built, with more than 5,000 access enterprises and more than 10,000 games, and the game enterprises have moved from heteronomy to self-discipline, which has initially achieved the basic goal of anti-addiction work.

  In addition, the work of age-appropriate tips needs to be further improved and strengthened. The Game Working Committee will speed up the promotion of age-appropriate tips in all game products, and take age-appropriate tips as one of the evaluation criteria, urging enterprises to set the content of games more carefully. At the same time, it will also help minors and their guardians to choose games that are more suitable for their age groups. After the age-appropriate prompt pilot work is mature, it will also be included in the version number audit system.

  Judging from the specific requirements in the newly revised Law on the Protection of Minors, the prevention of addiction to minors’ games will be a long-term systematic project, which requires the joint efforts of the whole society and the support from the government, associations, parents, enterprises, media, schools and other aspects, and will continue to develop and improve over time to jointly build a healthy ecology to protect the growth of minors.

  As an important bridge and channel, the Game Working Committee will promote enterprises to do a good job in the protection of minors, and advocate game enterprises to unswervingly become practical and responsible practitioners.

  Author: Cai Shuyue, Zhu Weijing Editor: Cao Jinliang

2024 new york Auto Show: Karma Kaveya debuted.

  [New Car Launch in car home] On March 27th, local time in the United States, the new york Auto Show was officially opened, in which Karma Kaveya made its debut, positioning itself as a super coupe, with outstanding face value and performance. The new car will be launched in two power versions, with the maximum power of 543 HP and 1196 HP respectively, which will have the acceleration ability of "breaking 100" in 3 seconds, and will also have a cruising range of 250 miles (about 402 kilometers).

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  It can be seen that the new car is built in a quite sci-fi design language. The hidden headlight design is very rare nowadays. It has a good sense of integrity when hidden, and it is also very sharp after opening. Of course, the most eye-catching thing is undoubtedly the scissors door it is equipped with. In addition, the overall design lines of the new car are also very radical and aggressive.

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  In order to optimize the dynamic performance, the new car has adopted many aerodynamic designs, and the smooth roof line is expected to optimize the drag coefficient of the vehicle. In the rear part, the new car is equipped with a long and narrow light strip, and the tail is distinct, which also has strong sci-fi attributes.

Home of the car

  In terms of power, the new car will launch two-motor and three-motor versions to choose from, among which the three-motor version will have the acceleration ability of breaking 100 in 3 seconds. At the same time, the new car will be equipped with a 120 kWh battery pack with a maximum cruising range of 250 miles (about 402 kilometers). In terms of charging, in the high-voltage fast charging mode, the new car can charge the power from 10% to 80% within 45 minutes. (Compile/car home Guo Chen)

2023 FISU Football World Cup: Beijing Normal University won the women’s football championship.

On October 31st, in the women’s final of the 2023 FISU Football World Cup held in Jinjiang, Fujian, China’s Beijing Normal University team beat Brazil’s paulista University team by a total score of 7-6 in a penalty shootout and won the championship.

↑ The starting players of Beijing Normal University team took a group photo before the game.

↑ Beijing Normal University team players celebrate the championship.

Zhou Xinyu, a women’s football player from Beijing Normal University, celebrated the goal.

Zhou Xinyu (right), a player of Beijing Normal University team, shot in the game.

Zou Mengyao (left), a player from Beijing Normal University, competes with Diovanna, a female football player from paulista University.

Photography: Lai Jincai

Source: Xinhua News Agency

"The Eve" Zhang Huiwen was spit out again. Although she played very seriously, she always made people play.

As a spy war drama with a great audience base, The Night Before is different from many previous spy war dramas in casting. Several main characters are basically young actors and artists, such as Oho Ou, Zhang Huiwen, Shi Shi and Zhao Zhiwei. Generally speaking, everyone’s performance is also remarkable, but like some previous TV dramas, Zhang Huiwen was spit out in this night before.

First of all, there is no denying the charm of Zhang Huiwen itself, and her appearance temperament is also the kind of fresh, beautiful, clever and feminine beauty type, especially when Su Nan has a front close-up. Under the sunshine, Su Nan’s eyes are bright and full of hope, showing a very sunny and inspiring smile, which is still very exciting and makes people feel the beauty of Zhang Huiwen.

Secondly, Zhang Huiwen worked very hard as an actor. In "The Eve", it can be said that Zhang Huiwen played very seriously and worked very hard. Before Su Nan’s life and death were uncertain, she appeared more as a passionate young student, so at this time, although she already had a belief and hope, she was more youthful and pure and sweet with a young female student. This kind of setting is still possible for Zhang Huiwen to present in many opposite plays with Oho Ou, from smile to role relationship.

Su Nan, who went online again later, was not only an underground worker of our party, but also penetrated into the enemy’s interior. At this time, when she appeared as a female officer of the Kuomintang, Su Nan was more in a state of cold and sharp momentum, not to mention Su Nan’s aura and performance at this time. Judging from the plot, Zhang Huiwen’s interpretation was undoubtedly very hard.

But on the other hand, although Zhang Huiwen has her own charm and is very serious in acting, she still gets a lot of criticism in this film "The Eve". A very important reason is that some of her performances in the play always make people can’t help acting, and this is actually a slot that has always existed since her debut, that is, her eyes and the eye play when she presents the role state.

On the one hand, it is undeniable that Zhang Huiwen’s eyes are very beautiful, and a pair of big eyes are very prominent, which can give people a pleasing aesthetic feeling. However, under some specific angles and lenses, Zhang Huiwen’s big eyes make people feel awkward, not belittling and mocking the wind, but simply making people feel that sometimes they are cross-eyed, which will reduce their temperament and make people unable to play in the chase.

On the other hand, it is the expression and transmission of Zhang Huiwen’s eye play. Although Zhang Huiwen’s eyes are big, they often give people a feeling of being godless or even dull. When expressing some emotions such as anger or domineering, Zhang Huiwen’s eyes are wide open, but the dull and godless feeling even makes people feel very stiff, so they can’t help but play very hard in the chase.

Actually, it’s not only in this film The Eve, but also in some film and television dramas that Zhang Huiwen participated in before. You are like The Legend of Fei, Housewife and Ode to Joy in the third and fourth seasons, etc. Zhang Huiwen has such a slot in his performance, saying that Yan Yan is definitely a beauty, and his performance is really hard, but his eyes always make people can’t help acting, which also makes Zhang Huiwen suffer a lot of spit and doubts. So what do you think of Zhang Huiwen’s performance in The Eve?

Ouyang Xiadan: Quality new life, visiting China International Fashion Week while drinking afternoon tea with girlfriends.


Focus on the latest trends of artists and convey the mainstream voices in the circle.

[Xiaojin Entertainment] The whole network is specially designed for the exclusive launch of "Baijiahao", and it is strictly forbidden to reprint it.


Female anchor Ouyang Xiadan and her best friend visit China International Fashion Week while having afternoon tea!

A few days ago, the well-known online celebrity Zhen Zhen posted on his personal short video social platform that:

Watch the show in Fashion Week with my best friend @ Ouyang Xiadan! Make an appointment for afternoon tea, a happy and beautiful day! # Fashion Wear # Advanced Sense Wear # Exquisite Woman # China International Fashion Week

At the same time, Zhen Zhen also released a short video of 01:56 seconds, which shows Zhen Zhen and his best friend Ouyang Xiadan getting together. Let’s take a look at what are the highlights that deserve attention:

While eating afternoon tea, two good girlfriends had a good talk. Zhen Zhen said that it is rare for Ouyang Xiadan to wear a flowered skirt in daily life, so this time, seeing Ouyang Xiadan wearing a burgundy dress with a small black-rimmed shirt made people feel bright. It can be said that when Ouyang Xiadan appeared on CCTV before, he always wore formal clothes. Since his comeback on New Year’s Day this year, Ouyang Xiadan has been wearing sportswear, so Ouyang Xiadan in a skirt is really rare.

Ouyang Xiadan and Zhen Zhen chatted while drinking afternoon tea. So the two good girlfriends started the mutual praise mode. Ouyang Xiadan bluntly hasn’t seen Zhen Zhen for several years. When we met this time, Zhen Zhen made herself shine at the moment. She was simply a beautiful girl, and Zhen Zhen became more confident and free and easy. Ouyang Xiadan further emphasized that through these years’ precipitation, both she and Zhenzhen have grown a lot, and both have reached the best stage in our lives. The future may be better, but it is the best so far.

Zhen Zhen also praised Ouyang Xiadan’s attitude towards sports life. She said that she would run and exercise in the sun every day, just like Ouyang Xiadan.

Zhen Zhen not only released a picture of herself having afternoon tea with Ouyang Xiadan, but also released that she and Ouyang Xiadan were attending China International Fashion Week together. It is understood that from September 7 to 16, China International Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2024 series was held in Beijing 751D.PARK. The theme of this season’s Fashion Week is "Yue Yue Sheng Hui". Ouyang Xiadan visited a brand-new collection of spring and summer 2024 haute couture of a well-known brand on September 13th, which took Song Jin fashion as the carrier and brought the infinite imagination of the world into reality.

While chatting with my best friend over afternoon tea, I also visited China International Fashion Week with my best friend. I have to say that the petty bourgeoisie life in Ouyang Xiadan is exquisite and moist now. One bright spot is worth mentioning, that is, such relaxed and comfortable life jokes are not from Ouyang Xiadan’s short video account, but from friends in Ouyang Xiadan. On the other hand, Ouyang Xiadan’s personal short video account mainly focuses on sports and the development of audio language.

Finally, we also wish Ouyang Xiadan this happy life for a long time.

If there is any infringement on some photo source networks, delete them.


Focus on the latest trends of artists and convey the mainstream voices in the circle.

[Xiaojin Entertainment] The whole network is specially designed for the exclusive launch of "Baijiahao", and it is strictly forbidden to reprint it.


Counting the NBA’s total score list in the past ten years, the fifth place in the library is actually an ordinary player!

Counting the NBA’s total score list in the past ten years, the fifth place in the library is actually an ordinary player!

Recently, some media have counted the top 10 players in the nba’s cumulative total score in the regular season in the past 10 years, to see if it is beyond your expectation?

1. Harden scored 19875 points.

2. Lillard scored 17,814 points.

3. James scored 17571 points

4. demar derozan scored 17074 points.

5. Curry scored 16,771 points

6. Wei Shao scored 16,625 points

7. Letter brother 16280 points

8. Heavy eyebrows 14974 points

9. Durant scored 14,634 points

10. Bill scored 14611 points

As an ordinary player, James Harden still ranks first! I have to say that Deng Zi does have his own unique views on scoring. If he didn’t leave the Rockets, he would have scored 21,000 points now.

Primary school students only ranked fifth, and Lao Zhan ranked third. However, it was quite unexpected that demar derozan could be in the fourth place. After all, Azan’s scores were all pulled out one by one in the middle distance. Durant’s thick eyebrows are limited by injuries.

So here comes the question

Who do you think is the best scorer in the active nba?

The 10 most difficult players to defend in the NBA: Curry is out of the list, Jordan is second and James is fifth.

The 10 most difficult players to defend in NBA: Curry is out of the list, and Jordan is second., James fifth.

The 10 most difficult players to defend in NBA history, O ‘Neill actually surpassed Jordan, but Curry missed the list!

The NBA is an offensive league, and every fan likes to see players show amazing scoring ability and play wonderful offensive cooperation on the court. However, attack is also an art, and not every player can easily break through the defense and throw an efficient hit rate. Some players’ offensive talents and skills make defenders unstoppable and even make them feel desperate. Recently, the US media selected 10 players who are the most difficult to defend in NBA history. Some of these names may surprise you, while others may make you feel uncomfortable. So, who are these 10 players? Why can they get such an evaluation? Let’s take a look at it together.

Tenth place: Nowitzki

Nowitzki is a German NBA player and one of the greatest European players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 2007, led the Mavericks to beat the Heat Big Three to win the championship in 2011, and won the MVP in the finals. His offensive weapons are his CIC and Golden Rooster Independence. He can shoot a stable mid-range hit rate from any position, and he can also use his height and wingspan to complete a hook or a back jump shot inside. His independent action of golden rooster is very difficult to defend, because he can adjust his angle and strength in the air, and his shooting point is very high, which is difficult to be blocked. Nowitzki averaged 20.7 points, 7.5 rebounds and 2.4 assists in his career, and his total score was the sixth highest in history.

Ninth place: Iverson

Iverson is the shortest No.1 pick in NBA history and one of the most influential players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 2001, led the 76ers to the finals in the same year, and scored 46 points in the first game, giving the Lakers the only defeat. His offensive weapon is his speed and change direction. He has the fastest first step in the league, and can easily get rid of defenders and break through to the basket to score or pass the ball. He also has a very dexterous and elusive change of direction, and his crossover has become a classic teaching case. Iverson averaged 26.7 points, 3.7 rebounds, 6.2 assists and 1.6 steals in his career, and won the scoring championship four times.

Eighth place: Durant

Durant is one of the most difficult defensive players in active service and one of the most talented scorers in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 2014, led the Warriors to win the championship in 2017 and 2018, and won the MVP in the finals twice. His offensive weapon is his height and projection. He is 2.10 meters tall, but he has the shooting skills and athletic ability of a guard. He can throw an efficient three-pointer from any position, or he can dunk or hook with his height and wingspan inside. At the age of 22, he won the league scoring champion and became the youngest scoring champion in the league. Durant averaged 27.3 points, 7.1 rebounds, 4.3 assists, 1.1 steals and 1.1 blocks per game in his career. He is the only player in history who can shoot 180 shots with three points on the stage of the finals.

Seventh place: Olajuwon

Olajuwon is one of the greatest centers in NBA history, and the only player in NBA history who has completed a personal Grand Slam in a single season. He led the Rockets to consecutive championships in 1994 and 1995, and won the finals MVP twice. His offensive weapon is his strength and skill. He has the opposing power that a center should have, as well as speed and flexibility. He has excellent steps and turns in the low post, and his dream dance steps have become a compulsory course for many centers. He also has a good CIC ability, which can open up space or break through opponents. Olajuwon can score 21.8 points, 11.1 rebounds, 2.5 assists, 1.7 steals and 3.1 blocks per game in his career. He is a player who combines offense and defense and one of the most difficult centers to defend in NBA history.

Sixth place: Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant is one of the greatest scorers in NBA history and one of the most influential and legendary players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 2008, led the Lakers to win the championship in 2009 and 2010, and won the MVP in the finals twice. His offensive weapon is his will and skill. He has a tenacious fighting spirit and a desire to win, and he can never give up under any circumstances and make amazing performances. He also has very comprehensive and exquisite offensive skills, can shoot a stable hit rate in any position, and can also use his body and feet to score or pass the ball inside. He also learned dream dance steps from Olajuwon, making himself more difficult to defend. Kobe Bryant averaged 25 points, 5.2 rebounds, 4.7 assists and 1.4 steals per game in his career, won the scoring champion ten times, and the total score was the fifth highest in history.

Fifth place: James

James is one of the greatest players in active service and one of the most comprehensive and influential players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013, led the Heat, Cavaliers and Lakers to win the championship in 2012, 2013, 2016 and 2020, and won the MVP in the finals four times. His offensive weapon is his omnipotence and vision. He has excellent physical fitness and athletic ability, and can play in any position and adapt to any style of play. He can throw an efficient three-pointer from outside, or he can use his height and strength to dunk or hook inside. His greatest strength is his ability to connect teams in series. He has a very good passing vision and creativity, which can create many opportunities for his teammates and win the game by himself at critical moments. James averaged 27.2 points, 7.5 rebounds, 7.3 assists and 1.5 steals per game in his career. He is the only player in history who can enter the top ten in total points, total rebounds, total assists, total steals and total blocks.

Fourth place: Chamberlain

Chamberlain is one of the most dominant and mythical players in NBA history and one of the most controversial players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 1960, led the 76ers and Lakers to the championship in 1967 and 1972, and won the MVP in the finals twice. His offensive weapon is his height and strength. He is 2.16 meters tall, but he has amazing jumping and speed. He can dunk or hook at will on the inside, and he can also use speed and flexibility to break through his opponent on the outside. He has created many incredible scoring records, such as 100 points in a single game and 50.4 points in a single season. Chamberlain averaged 30.1 points, 22.9 rebounds and 4.4 assists in his career, ranking first in scoring and second in rebounding.


Jabbar is one of the greatest centers in NBA history and one of the most persistent and stable players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 1971, 1972, 1974, 1976, 1977 and 1980, led the Bucks and Lakers to the championship in 1971, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987 and 1988, and won the MVP in the finals twice. His offensive weapon is his hook. He has a height of 2.16 meters, but he has a very flexible and elegant shooting action. He uses his height and wingspan to complete the hook inside, which is very difficult to defend, because he can adjust his angle and strength in the air, and his shooting point is very high, which is difficult to be blocked. Jabbar averaged 24.6 points, 11.2 rebounds, 3.6 assists and 2.6 blocks per game in his career. He is the player with the first total score and the third total block in history.


Jordan is one of the greatest players in NBA history and one of the most legendary and influential players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 1988, 1991, 1992, 1996 and 1998, led the Bulls to win three consecutive championships in 1991-1993 and 1996-1998, and won the MVP in the finals six times. His offensive weapon is his will and skill. He has a tenacious fighting spirit and a desire to win, and he can never give up under any circumstances and make amazing performances. He also has very comprehensive and exquisite offensive skills, can shoot a stable hit rate in any position, and can also use his body and feet to score or pass the ball inside. He also learned dream dance steps from Olajuwon, making himself more difficult to defend. Jordan averaged 30.1 points, 6.2 rebounds, 5.3 assists and 2.3 steals per game in his career, and won the scoring champion ten times, ranking first in the history of scoring per game and fifth in the history of total scoring.


O ‘Neill is one of the most dominant and domineering players in NBA history, and also one of the most controversial and individual players in NBA history. He won the MVP in the regular season in 2000, led the Lakers to three consecutive championships from 2000 to 2002, and won the MVP in the finals three times. His offensive weapon is his weight and strength. He is 2.16 meters tall, but he weighs more than 150 kilograms. He can dunk or hook at will on the inside, or he can use his strength and speed to break through his opponent on the outside. His weight makes many teams have no way to take him, so they will sacrifice shark-cutting tactics. After all, O ‘Neill’s free throws can’t be mentioned, otherwise, O ‘Neill may really surpass Jordan to become the first person in NBA history. O ‘Neill averaged 23.7 points, 10.9 rebounds, 2.5 assists and 2.3 blocks in his career, making him one of the most difficult defensive players in history.

These are the 10 most difficult defensive players in NBA history selected by American media. What do you think of this list? Who is the most difficult player to defend in your mind? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share your views and ideas!

Before the Europa League final, Mourinho hoped that 16 players, including Dibala and smolin, would stay healthy.

Roma are qualifying for next season’s Champions League through the Europa League circuit.

Before the final of the Europa League on June 1st, Rome still needs to overcome two Serie A matches, namely Salenitana and Florence.

Roma will use this time to restore the health and competitive state of many important players.

In this case, Dibala, smolin and other players may not take risks in Serie A matches.

Just like in the 35th round of Serie A, although AC Milan lost to Spezia 0-2 away, Mu Shuai decided not to be tempted. In the same round against Bologna, he chose a large number of young players to play, thus giving up the opportunity to chase points and leaving force for the Europa League.

Mourinho will continue this strategy, and will use two Serie A games to prepare for the restoration of Dibala, smolin, chaaraoui and other players in the best possible way.

Smolin once won the Europa League with Jose Mourinho at Manchester United, but Dibala has not won the honor in Europe. The Argentine player hopes to make a breakthrough.

Looking at Roma’s injuries this season, Mourinho hopes that at least 16 first-team players will be ready for the Europa League final in the next two games. This means that the young players of Roma will get more playing time.

5:3! Bayern completed revenge, 3 full-backs, 2 goals, 1 goal and 2 goals. It’s really unfair to lose in Paris.

On the evening of March 11th, Beijing time, the 24th round of Bundesliga started in full swing, and Bayern continued to sit in Allianz Stadium to face augsburg. In the first half, Berisha used pawar’s mistake to break the deadlock. Cancelo and pawar scored two goals in four minutes to overtake the score. Then pawar scored twice and Sane headed the ball to expand the score. Berisha also scored twice in the second half, Alfonso Davies stabbed and sealed the victory, Vargas pulled another goal in injury time, and finally Bayern beat augsburg 5-3.

In the second leg of the Champions League knockout two days ago, Bayern easily knocked off the horse 2-0, and didn’t give Mbappé and Messi too many chances. However, Bayern, who is back in the league, will still face a big threat, with Dortmund, Berlin United and other teams chasing after. In addition, Bayern lost to augsburg in the first leg.

In this game, Shu Bo-Mo Ting was absent due to a back injury, and Mane returned to the starting lineup as the center. Muxiala, Sane, Gnabry and Alfonso-Davies ambushed behind him, and kimmich was single-backed; Cancelo, Yupamelano, Delicht and pawar form the defence, and the goalkeeper is Sommer.

Only three minutes into the opening, Bayern made a mistake in defence.Pawar inadvertently headed the ball and staged an own goal assist. Berisha picked the ball with his right foot in the restricted area and pushed it over Cancelo, scoring 0-1! Augsburg takes the lead by going from customer to customer.

As the team with the fiercest firepower this season, daring to score Bayern’s goal may mean a fiasco. Sure enough, in the 15th minute, Bayern patiently organized the frontcourt and Alfonso Davis scored the ball on the left.Sane passes to the right again, and Cancelo gets the ball in the restricted area, and his left foot shakes the defense, and his right foot explodes into the far corner to score, 1-1!This was Cancelo’s first goal in Bayern, and he also got three assists in the past eight games.

In the 19th minute,Kimmich’s right set-piece was sent to the penalty area, Driget’s header ferry was cleared, Ma’s barbed pass in the penalty area, and pawar grabbed the goal, 2-1!Pawar redeem oneself by good service! It took only 4 minutes for Bayern to finish the lead in the score.

In the 35th minute,Kimmich kicked the corner, Driget’s header was blocked, and pawar staged the version 2.0 of the Peach Blossom Shadow Flying Excalibur. He directly volleyed and scored twice, 3:1!So far this season, pawar has scored five goals on behalf of Bayern in various competitions, which is the highest number of goals scored by the French defender in a single season.

In the 39th minute, Mane turned and volleyed in the restricted area, and Jikaiweiqi flew to block the ball out of the baseline with one hand.In the 44th minute, Bayern broke the ball in the frontcourt, and Sane pushed straight to the left. Mane swung open the angle and the shot was saved. Sane followed the header in front of the door to make up the shot and broke the net, 4:1!Sane scored the seventh goal in the league, which was his first goal after the World Cup.

In the 50th minute after coming back from the second half, Bayern fought back in the middle circle, Grabri pushed the direct pass, Sane got the ball straight, and Mane followed up and pushed the goal, but the offside goal was invalid. In the 53rd minute, Mane tried a long-range shot at the top of the arc, and the ball was slightly higher. It can be seen that after coming back, Mane hoped to find the feeling of scoring again. In the 58th minute,Arne Mayer’s long-range shot was saved by Sommer. Driget was fined a yellow spot package for a foul while defending in the restricted area. Berisha cheated Sommer with a penalty kick, and the score became 4-2!

In the 74th minute,Bayern made a comeback. After Cancelo pushed the ball on the right, the instep of the outer foot passed to the back point. Alfonso Davies followed up and stabbed the next city, 5:2!Bayern once again expanded the score to 3 goals, which was Alfonso Davis’ first goal of the season. Seeing that the victory or defeat has been decided, nagel Mann also let the substitute players come out to find the feeling of the game, and the main players such as Gnabry, Mane, Muxiala and Derrych came off to rest one after another. In injury time, Vargas fell to the ground and shoveled to narrow the score again.

In the end, Bayern beat augsburg 5-3 at home, avenged the loss in the first leg, and continued to lead the Bundesliga standings. Counting this game, Bayern scored 8 wins and 1 loss in the last 9 games. Seeing Bayern in such a fiery state, we can only say that Paris is really right to lose.