Ling Du’s L-hot version is less than 150,000 yuan, breaking the "floor price" of coupe.

  SAIC Volkswagen Volkswagen brand Ling Du L 200TSI hot version is newly listed, with an official guide price of 143,900 yuan. For the first time, Ling Du L Tide Hot Edition is equipped with a 1.2T engine, which breaks the "floor price" of the personalized coupe, making the unique charm of the coupe more within reach, and comes standard with 17-inch shadow blast wheels and high-transparent large-size skylights, so that the sense of fashion and comfort can be upgraded to a higher level, and it is easy to win the hot life.

Ling Du l hot version of the new market less than 150 thousand to break the coupe "floor price" _fororder_image001

  The new power of 1.2T engine is more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly.

Ling Du l hot version of the new market less than 150 thousand to break the coupe "floor price" _fororder_image002

  This time, Ling Du L Chaospicy Edition is equipped with a brand-new 1.2T engine, which can add No.92 gasoline just like the 1.4T engine, "eat coarse grains and not be picky about food", and its emissions are more environmentally friendly, with the comprehensive fuel consumption (WLTC) as low as 5.87L/100km, which not only inherits the brand’s sports genes and driving experience, but also brings consumers more economical choices.

Ling Du l hot version of the new market less than 150 thousand to break the coupe "floor price" _fororder_image003

  Yan value hot personality design fell in love at first sight

  The hot and spicy version of Ling Du L has maintained the hot and spicy design, and the light and transparent frameless door, sliding back streamlined roof and hatchback tailgate all show their coupe identity. The sporty super-running design front face, super-large lower grille, intelligent IQ.Light light group, perfect coupe body proportion, and 17-inch shadow blast wheels bring the amazing effect of debut in C position.

  Chaoku Space understands the pursuit of young people better.

  Ling Du L’s driving space design has met consumers’ demand for fashion sense and technology sense experience, and has been deeply recognized by the market. Therefore, the cockpit design of Ling Du L 200TSI hot version also focuses on digital technology and fashion atmosphere, and the 10.2-inch all-digital LCD instrument +10-inch multi-touch LCD central control panel forms a suspension dual screen with full sense of technology; The high-permeability large-size skylight with opening, sliding and anti-pinch functions makes the interior space brighter and the overall fashion sense jumps again.

  As a hot and spicy coupe with full personality, Ling Du L 200TSI Hot and Spicy Edition, while pursuing fuel-saving, environmental protection and fashionable design, also breaks the "floor price" of the coupe at a more affordable price. The price of 143,900 yuan makes the hot and spicy charm within reach and becomes a new engine to attract young consumers. (Photo: provided by SAIC Volkswagen)

Jackie Chan went to Japan to promote the disaster victims and will appear on the green carpet of the Tokyo Film Festival

Shoko Nakagawa, Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan 

Shoko Nakagawa

    Movie Network NewsOn October 21, "Big Brother" Jackie Chan appeared in Tokyo, Japan, to attend the Tokyo press conference of the film. Jackie Chan, who went to Japan for the first time since the March 11 earthquake, was always filled with a very friendly smile. Facing the influx of media, Jackie Chan said excitedly: "Long time no see everyone! I have always wanted to see you, but due to busy work, I didn’t come until today. I am really sorry." Jackie Chan also admitted that he was very moved by the strong spirit of the Japanese people after the earthquake, and shouted in Japanese "Japan, come on!" The audience was very moved.

    On the same day, Shoko Nakagawa, the pure actress who dubbed the Japanese version of the film, took the stage as a fan of Jackie Chan’s big brother and gave Jackie Chan a large handful of roses. Seeing her idol, Nakagawa said excitedly, "Today is the happiest day in my life! I like your works very much! You are a treasure for all of us, please be immortal!" An excited speech made Jackie Chan smile from ear to ear.

    Jackie Chan will appear on the green carpet of the 24th Tokyo International Film Festival, which opens today (October 22). The film "Xinhai Revolution" will be released nationwide on November 5, 2011.

More exciting content on the next page

Oho Ou: Idol is not a derogatory term. I can fight for the role.

Special feature of 1905 film network At the premiere of the Shanghai International Film Festival, some media asked Oho Ou, who has many fans, whether he will choose an actor or an idol for himself in the future. Looking back at Oho Ou’s "report card" in the past few years, the answer to this question may be easy to find.

According to the current criteria of "rice circle", Oho Ou, who was born in the talent show, will undoubtedly be called "idol". Time flies, the "fast men" players of that year have already embarked on different development paths. Some people have cross-border variety shows, some are still studying music, and some have even faded out of this circle.

Oho Ou also often "disappears", plunged into the crew and stayed out for several months. Fans ridicule "how people are gone" and worry that he is "exposed" too little. He appreciates everyone’s understanding, but he is not worried about himself. In his view, "idol" is by no means a derogatory term. Compared with these different identities, Oho Ou is more afraid of being "defined": "I feel that I have many faces, and I hope I can show them in different roles."


From the beginning to the following,, … … Oho Ou suddenly realized the fun in the performance — —After going to the character’s life, making his choices and experiencing all kinds of things, he feels that he has become "rich", which can’t be given by daily life.

Oho Ou said frankly that at the beginning of his career, he "didn’t want to know what he really wanted to do". He found a "serious thing" through acting and wanted to pursue something, which made him feel good. Although many times, no one can predict the final result of a work, Oho Ou always keeps a normal heart and even cherishes every opportunity he gets.


In the interview, he even told us very frankly: "Now there are fewer and fewer opportunities, and many times we have to touch them." But as long as I seize an opportunity, Oho Ou said firmly: I am willing to work hard for this role.

The following is Oho Ou’s self-report


After reading the script of "Desperate" in the early stage, I had an idea, hoping to have the opportunity to play a villain. Director Gan Jianyu has been grinding this script for more than three years, and director Cao Baoping has joined us. After talking, I think I can try the role of Xia Xi.


I quite like Xia Xi, who doesn’t talk much and is energetic. This kind of marginal figure is extreme, and his experience is much worse than ours. Sometimes actors will like roles with more space, which will make them more enjoyable.

Xixi and his brother (Xia Tao) feel like enemies with everyone in their world. We have discussed their pre-history before, which is not reflected in the script and follow-up, but we will think, why did they come to this day? What did they go through, what happened, and why did they go on such a road of no return?


We don’t know the real reason, just give ourselves a preset. There is a line in the play that says "Xia Tao lost a leg because of Xia Xi". For a person like Xia Xi, he can work hard for his brother. Their "abnormal" brotherhood is quite interesting.

After filming Left Ear, I think the performance is quite interesting: you have been to the character’s life, made his choices, and experienced what he experienced, which will make you feel very different. Many roles you may not experience without acting, some may be fictional, and some may be real events. Being an actor will make you feel a lot richer.

I won’t (mind joining the group to reduce exposure), but fans may mind. I belong to the type that I will devote myself to doing one thing. In fact, people have limited energy, so everything can’t be yours. If you want to do something, you must learn to give up something. I think I’m also pursuing what I want. Fortunately, I think my fans quite understand me. In fact, if you haven’t seen each other for a long time, you will feel that "how can this person be gone?" Actually, I was filming in the crew at that time.


I really hope to meet you more often through the role. I didn’t think about what I wanted to do before, but now I have a serious thing to pursue, which I think is also quite good.


From idol singers to actors, there are still doubts about me now, and I think there will still be in the future. If you question this thing, you must listen to good opinions, and you don’t have to pay attention to those who deliberately seek trouble. If you say that you are angry with this kind of thing, you may be "dead" early. It is very important to have your own pursuit and thinking. Sometimes I think some questions are correct, so I have to keep working hard.Maybe after ten years, some people will question me, but I will continue to work hard after twenty years. This is how people keep going up.


I think idols are not derogatory terms, but also a good existence. Someone just asked me, do you want to be defined? I said that as an actor, of course, I don’t want to be defined. I feel that I am quite multifaceted and can be shown through my role.


I think everyone’s opinions, whether idols, actors or singers, are ok. In fact, this is quite rich. I don’t have to compete with others for what they think, so I have to do it. I know what I am doing, what I want, and why I work hard.

Now I sometimes shoot some movies that I want to do and like. In fact, it’s not an investor, it’s just that we do something that we really like together. I hope we can be free without being bound.


Especially now (good projects) opportunities are getting less and less, so we should touch them all. I especially cherish every opportunity and everyone who has helped me. If one day I suddenly meet a character that I particularly like, then I can work hard for it.

Ouhao Q&A;

Of course, we also brought Oho Ou the most concerned issue of "Seagull" (fans and friends):


Xiao Shang Shang: Do you have any plans to make a record?


Oho Ou:I was planning last year, but the plan couldn’t keep up with the change. Many times, I spent several months in the crew, and half a year may have passed after another publicity. They said they haven’t sung for a long time, and I said I also hope to have a new style. New Oho Ou, new records to meet with you. But it must be done seriously. It’s the same as the state of doing nothing but filming for more than two years now. I ho pe to do it well, at least to get through myself first.


Xiao Shang Shang: Will you consider a more sweet love scene next?


Oho Ou:I made a play that was quite sweet. It was called "I don’t know what’s in my heart". I have played an easy role. Every day, I just talk about love, things at home and things at the company. You just said that many of my roles are heavy, which I think is a little easier.

Xiao Shangshang: Not a overbearing president?


Oho Ou:No, he may be overbearing in some ways, but he is not the president (laughs). His bullying is that if you love someone, you will be recognized for life, just you! I think it’s quite fun. You can go after it.Eat this Amway! )


Xiao Shang Shang: What kind of entertainment are there in private?


Oho Ou:Playing basketball and watching movies seems to be nothing … … Listen to the music. Because I spend a lot of time in the crew, and the crew, you know, is no different from going to work. I actually get up and work all day in the morning from nine to five, and go back to bed after filming. Usually, if I have a holiday, I will travel with my friends and buy some trendy sneakers I like. I am usually bored.


Xiao Shang Shang: How do you relax on the set?

Oho Ou:More boring, except filming, I just go back to sleep, occasionally watch some movies, and for a while I will let myself watch a movie every day.

Xiao Shang Shang: Listen to your description as if entering the state of the elderly in advance?


Oho Ou:That’s what they said about me. (who? ) I have been filming for two or three years, and I feel a little tired. Many times it’s not that you don’t want to. I also want to travel with my friends or something. But always in the process o f work, you can’t relax yourself, so I think I have to go out for a walk next.


Xiao Shang Shang: Did shooting so many plays make you feel more calm?

Oho Ou:I’m old.


Xiao Shang Shang: During the "Desperate" roadshow, you took a baby on a hot search. Do you think you are good at taking a baby?

Oho Ou:I like children very much. I like to play with children, because they are the cutest at that age, and they are innocent and have no troubles, so I like to play with children and tease them.

"Clear powder" trap! The software related to the viral spread of this service has great risks.

       CCTV News:Wechat has become the main contact method for many people. On many occasions, people have changed from leaving a phone number to adding friends. The WeChat address book is getting longer and longer, but some people in it rarely contact each other, so a service called "WeChat cleaning powder" came into being. I believe many people have received and seen this information, and even used this service. What you don’t know, however, is that this method may threaten your information security.

       Nianheng is a medical worker. One day in September this year, he suddenly received a WeChat message that surprised him.

       Nianheng: "After I opened it, I found that it was a teacher who had not contacted for a while. She sent a WeChat circle of friends, saying that she had recently used a WeChat powder cleaning service, which was very useful. There was a link at the bottom. I was also very surprised when I saw this news at that time, because I was under the impression that teachers generally did not send such news. "


       Nianheng sent a WeChat to the teacher to ask what happened. The other party replied that she saw a QR code of powder cleaning in a WeChat group. Considering the large number of friends in her WeChat, she really wanted to clean up her friends, so she tried.


       Nianheng: "At that time, after (the teacher) recognized the QR code, she sent some messages to the circle of friends without her knowing it, and also spread these messages to the group, which brought her a lot of trouble. I didn’t do anything else that afternoon, and I have been explaining that I was cheated. It was automatically sent after scanning the QR code. "


       During the interview, many WeChat users reported that they had received the WeChat clear powder link or QR code sent by their friends. These WeChat "clear powder" links will not only automatically send advertisements in the circle of friends, but also steal the user’s personal account information to sell for profit. Netizen Ms. Huang reflected on the consumer complaint platform "Gathering Complaints" that after using the "Clear Powder" service in May this year, she quickly discovered that there was a transaction on WeChat that she did not know, and the other party was an online game. Then she found that in this online game that she had never been exposed to, she actually had her own real-name registered account.

       Wechat "cleaning powder" is actually a big risk in controlling account security.

       So how does this so-called "cleaning powder" service operate, and what information security risks will it bring to users?

       Experts said that the principle of "cleaning powder" is to control the WeChat account to be cleaned by applying cluster control software, so that the account can automatically send messages to all its friends, and then the group control software can identify which ones are "zombie fans" and delete them according to "whether the information can be successfully sent and received". Whether it is mass messaging or group soliciting, users need to scan the QR code to authorize the provider of cleaning service to log in to the web version of WeChat. And behind this, there are huge risks.


       Hu Qimu, a senior researcher at the Digital Economy Think Tank: "The first one is that you authorized him, which is equivalent to him taking over your account, so that he can retrieve your personal information, including WeChat address book, chat record, and your mobile phone’s address book, chat materials, address book and some of your information, which may be leaked; Second, by taking possession of one of your accounts, he will register some other accounts to do something. If these things are illegal, it will have an impact on your personal credit information; Third, he may send some information such as fraud through your account. "

       The first case of "cleaning powder" in China was solved. Experts reminded that scanning code must be cautious.

       Recently, the Public Security Bureau of Nantong City, Jiangsu Province disclosed that they successfully detected a case of illegally obtaining computer information system data by using WeChat "cleaning powder" software in the "Clean Net 2020" special action, and all five suspects involved in the case were arrested, which is also the first case in China that illegally obtained information by using "cleaning powder" software.

       In the detection of the case, the police of the Netan detachment of Nantong Public Security Bureau in Jiangsu Province found that the illegally obtained user information around the "powder cleaning" software has formed a black industrial chain of illegal reselling.

       Cao Canhua, a policeman of Tongzhou District Public Security Bureau, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province: "After obtaining the control authority of WeChat account, the criminal suspect took the opportunity to illegally obtain the QR code information of users’ WeChat group chat, and saved these QR codes in the form of pictures on the server."

       Subsequently, the criminal suspect resold the user’s WeChat group chat QR code and other information to downstream criminal gangs such as fraud and gambling. In just three months, the criminal gang illegally obtained more than 20 million QR codes of users’ WeChat group chats, all of which were sold to fraud and gambling criminal gangs in Longyan, Fujian and other places. At the same time, it also paid attention to WeChat WeChat official account in batches, brushed reading and praised others, and made profits of more than 2 million yuan.


       Xu Hui, deputy head of the Netan Brigade of Tongzhou District Public Security Bureau, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province: "From illegally obtaining the relevant personal information of WeChat users to downstream advertising, marketing and other cyber crimes, the related network black ash production has formed an independent and closely coordinated industrial chain."

       At present, five suspects involved in the case have been arrested on suspicion of illegally obtaining computer information system data, and the case is being further processed. Lawyers said that "concealment, cross-regionality, and difficulty in fixing evidence materials" are the difficulties in rectifying such chaos, and these characteristics also increase the difficulty of users’ rights protection.

       Bo Meng, a lawyer of Beijing Jingshi Law Firm, said that based on the huge potential risks of "cleaning powder" software, it is not recommended to use such "services" to raise awareness of prevention and protect personal information; Don’t easily click on links and QR codes from unknown sources; When transferring money abroad, check it in advance.

       We also call on software developers to take more active supervision responsibilities and find ways to block such behaviors from the source to avoid users suffering losses.

# Emotion

In this world, love flows in people’s hearts like a winding river. Sometimes it is as calm as a mirror, and sometimes it is rough.

The abuse of heart in love may be due to mutual misunderstanding and suspicion. When two people drift away because of lack of communication, the feeling of heartache is unbearable. When one party in love is forced to leave for some reason, the heartbreaking pain is even more unacceptable.

However, in these cruel plots, the reversal of love comes quietly. At a casual moment, people who seemed indifferent suddenly showed their warmth and care, and those who had been hurt were healed by mutual understanding and embrace.

In this world full of variables, the reversal of love also makes us understand that we should cherish every time we get along with the people we love, and don’t leave regrets because of impulse or negligence. When we learn to listen attentively and feel with love, we can find our own happiness in this cruel love.

In this love story full of reversals, we not only see the joys and sorrows of love, but also see that love has become more firm and precious after the storm. It is these stories of heart abuse and reversal that let us know how to cherish and learn to be strong, and also let us find our own home in the world of love.

The beauty industry broke out in double 11, and the key is to do these four things well | Course dry goods

Every year in double 11, it is an excellent opportunity for brands to seek a breakthrough and make a comeback. However, how to grasp the opportunity of Big Promotion and successfully deal with the fierce competition and many challenges of Big Promotion is also a difficult proposition for many brands.

At present, the overall competition in the beauty industry is accelerating, the transformation penetration rate of e-commerce platforms is high, and the market forecast continues to be optimistic. At the same time, the industry is facing the pain points of strong stock competition, fast iteration of new products and difficulty in building explosive products, and needs to find ways to break the game.

On September 26th, Yicai Business School, together with CBN, Rookie, Golden Mai Award and DT Business Watch, jointly launched a double 11 Global Salon for Beauty Industry. Big coffee and brand traders in the beauty industry dismantled the double 11 business methodology of businesses on all platforms around the "global" keywords of the beauty industry, from planting grass, promoting and fulfilling contracts.

existContent grass planting linkA financial business school combs the rule changes and methodologies of different platforms to help businesses find targeted content strategies and improve the certainty of planting grass;

existLaunch promotion linkAll platforms are constantly upgrading and improving the promotion tools to help merchants achieve accurate delivery and fast card position in the fierce competition;

existLogistics performance linkWith the help of intelligent tools, merchants can overcome the common pain points in industries with high delivery pressure and high return rate, so as to achieve "cost reduction" by "improving efficiency", optimize service experience and lay a good foundation for long-term business growth.

Content Planting Grass: From Metaphysics to Determinism

At present, the value of content planting grass is self-evident. Yicai Business School’s "Full Platform Content Power Evaluation Report" proposes that content planting has three core values:

  • In a world where products are in surplus and demand is insufficient, brands provide consumers with use value, emotional value and social value through goods and content.

  • The strong linkage between platforms is subject to many restrictions. Data fragmentation cannot precipitate consumer assets, and brands can cross platform barriers by forming cognitive anchors through content.

  • The content runs through the whole life cycle of brand products, from R&D naming to trial sale, notes, short videos, live broadcasts, questions and answers, which are interlocking and fully infiltrated.

However, the common pain point of merchants in planting grass is the contradiction between the uncertainty of consumer demand and the certainty of business.

In order to optimize the operation, reproduce the effect and summarize the methods of planting grass, and build a bridge between the "metaphysics" of content and the controllability of business, Yicai Business School puts forward the following five suggestions:

1) Amoy e-commerce: It is certainty to follow the trend of platform traffic configuration.

In addition to "browsing" and "Taobao live broadcast", the content position of Taobao e-commerce permeates the whole App in the form of fragments, covering the consumer’s decision-making link based on the consumer’s mobile line.

This year, in the three major content positions of short video, live broadcast and content-based stores, the new changes in Taobao are:

  • short video: guess what you like on the homepage, and the proportion of short videos is increasing. From the beginning of 2021 to the middle of 2022, the proportion of short videos in the first page increased from 7% to 15%, and reached more than 30% by the end of 2022, and the current proportion has reached 50%. In the search results, short video forms are becoming increasingly diverse.
  • live-streaming: The main indicators range from "transaction" to "transaction+content" to increase the attractiveness of traffic. Moreover, during the period of June 18, 2023, the online "reward purchase" and reward function were launched, adding new profit methods for non-professional content anchors with goods.
  • Content shopThe store was revised to form the homepage of the complete content, which was automatically divided into three columns: Notes, Explanations and Live Broadcasting. "Store number integration" was fully launched, and the new store model "video content store" was fully upgraded.

Therefore, merchants need to closely follow the traffic allocation principle of the platform, plant grass and harvest traffic efficiently in various content positions.

2) Tik Tok e-commerce: The whole platform operation is not a cross-platform operation, but a bypass between platforms.

Content platform psychology: start with content gathering users, and then sell users as "commodities" to brands to obtain advertising revenue. When the pressure of commercialization increases, it is necessary to increase the gold content of users’ goods, and collect commissions (that is, "matching" service fees) through matching transactions. Therefore, "popularity flow" must rely on "content beyond expectations" to achieve a balance in the process of "e-commerce consumption".

This year, Tik Tok e-commerce has done two things to improve business certainty:

  • From "looking for goods" in the content yard to "looking for goods" in the shelf yard, the two-wheel drive has led to the growth of e-commerce in Tik Tok.
  • From the content yard GPM (turnover achieved by thousands of exhibitions) to the shelf yard OPM (order volume achieved by thousands of exhibitions), Tik Tok Mall is recreating Tmall’s classic e-commerce system.

3) Little Red Book: The relationship between content certainty and business certainty is reverse thinking.

Xiaohongshu first started as a self-operated e-commerce. Recently, after determining its own business development path, it announced in September this year that it would close its self-operated e-commerce business "Little Oasis" and "Welfare Society". At the same time, the quality live broadcast of Xiaohongshu began to show its edge, and a number of commercial tools and models were launched to accelerate the realization of e-commerce closed loop:

The action of building a closed loop of e-commerce:

  • Measurable marketing effect index: planting grass value

  • Traceable consumer transformation path: AIPS

  • Operational delivery guidelines: KFS (high-quality content detonation → accurate reach and efficiency improvement → enhanced search and acceptance)

Perfecting commercial application tools:

Put forward the crowd inverse funnel model:

The AIPL model of Amoy Department and the A1-A5 model of Shaking Department are all transformed from the pan-crowd to the core crowd, but Xiaohongshu, based on the platform characteristics, first penetrated the core crowd, then continued to break the circle and generalize, and quickly released the brand potential energy with the help of natural word-of-mouth diffusion and commercial traffic.

4) Video number: Uncertainty is the biggest deterministic dividend of content e-commerce

From the perspective of business links, the links of WeChat Ecology are the most complete among content platforms and commercial platforms, with both public and private domains and both content and commercial attributes. Enterprise WeChat, applet, WeChat official account and video number have been interconnected.

Although the official video number has not yet proposed methodology, the user portrait is not accurate enough, and the penetration rate of industry categories is low, on the other hand, it also means that the video number is the blue ocean of the last content business, and it is the biggest dividend period for businesses to explore the layout in advance and find a small closed loop of business.

5) Global: Content certainty has different certainty for different businesses.

Merchants can be divided into four types according to their advantages:

  • Content-based merchants: have strong content production capabilities.
  • Price-oriented merchants: price advantage brought by the ultimate supply chain;

  • Channel merchants: have a large number of offline stores and can form a linkage matrix with the headquarters;

  • Characteristic merchants: products have new and peculiar properties in design and function;

Merchants can judge their own advantage types and find the right content platform to sit in the right place:

All-platform Traffic Layout Strategy of Beauty Industry in double 11

For businesses preparing for double 11, multi-platform traffic layout is not only more opportunities, but also greater challenges. Merchants need to formulate differentiation strategies on different platforms and achieve linkage in the whole region to improve overall traffic efficiency.

At present, the overlap of users of beauty products in Tik Tok and Tmall is low, and the consumption mentality and behavior of users on the two platforms are quite different. And the scale of users in Tik Tok is growing rapidly. Therefore, during this year’s visit to double 11, the two platforms, Tik Tok and Tmall, are equally important for beauty businesses.

In addition to Tmall, Tik Tok and Xiaohongshu, merchants should pay attention to the following three points when making layouts on other platforms:

  • If the search volume of product words and brand words on related tracks increases to a certain extent on other platforms, businesses need to intercept off-site traffic in time.

  • For the traffic that flows back to the platform through search from outside the station, merchants need to trace back the transaction link to find out the composition and distribution of global traffic.

  • In the beauty industry, domestic brands often cut into the whole market from the subdivided blue ocean track. Merchants need to pay attention to consumers’ search behavior on different platforms and find the search words that fit their own brands.

1) Amoy e-commerce: Understand that everything is unbounded and business is bounded.

Business certainty and cost reduction and efficiency improvement are the key words of this year’s Amoy e-commerce. Taobao’s operating tools, through train, gravity Rubik’s Cube and Wanxiangtai, were merged and upgraded to Infinite World this year. By covering seven major Taobao business scenarios and upgrading technology in three aspects, the efficiency of merchants’ delivery was improved.

With the help of all things unbounded, merchants can formulate a full-cycle promotion strategy for explosions during the promotion period.

New product period: take "tag" as the core. With the help of traffic gold card, the keyword search occupation is improved, and at the same time, through the marking and mapping of new products, the precision long tail words are pulled up and the potential of new products is tested. Through the return of IPL crowd, the promotion and transformation of delivery are realized; In addition, the introduction of new products will accelerate the incubation of new products.

growth stage: take "heavy volume" as the core. The keyword plan focuses on the accurate traffic competition of keywords, and carries out accurate crowd impulse for industry category words. At the same time, we will enlarge the accurate crowd, accumulate OAI crowd, continue to expand new passenger flow and accelerate the growth of goods.

outbreak period: take "stability" as the core. Put new and old guests around keywords, undertake the traffic inside and outside the station, and continue to pull new ones; Enhance the growth of the first purchase of new customers through the crowd ark, and the intelligent mode is drained at a low price; Accelerate the activation of joining Laxin and old customers, and maintain the ROI of Laxin and sales.

Secondly, the unbounded world can be used to formulate the strategy of promoting the outbreak of stability.

Water storage period: Take "flow" as the core. Including sorting out the accurate word list of shop categories and continuous updating of SA disk; Accurate tag crowd classification and multi-target combination delivery; Quickly recruit new members.

Preheating period: Take "additional purchase" as the core. Card key words, focusing on words, people, competing products and long tail plan to buy; Crowd ark to enhance interest in new customers’ collection and purchase, crowd supermarket to tap the penetration of people with the same label; Continue to pull new and old members to activate.

outbreak period: take "transaction" as the core. Maximize the transaction with the help of mode intelligence; Promote the global transaction growth of PL people; Continue to achieve new, active and accelerated goods.

2) Tik Tok e-commerce: from the content yard to the shelf yard.

Core methodology: star map+promotion+search+live broadcast

First, throughstar chart, build a content matrix; existPromotion link1. The key index is upgraded from quantitative explosion to qualitative explosion; 2. Star map+hot push concentrated precipitation of A3 population (people of interest); 3. Star map+planting grass to realize quantity guarantee or bidding; 4. After hot push, the crowd portrait is calibrated;

Secondly, with the help of searching after reading, small blue words must appear, tool, so that consumers can jump from the content field to the shelf field and undertake it well through the product design; Finally, throughlive-streamingThe field completed accurate recall and live harvest.

Double 11’s main points of concern:

RhythmicallyDouble 11’s involution has intensified this year. Compared with other platforms, the pre-sale period started from October 24th, and Tik Tok advanced the pre-sale period to 20th, while the beauty industry started to "scramble" from 15th. Due to the high cost of the third wave of promotion, merchants should seize the first and second bands and do a good job in planting grass.On the goodsThis year, new products and price-competitive goods will get more traffic support.Content fieldThe new form of new content short play deserves the attention of merchants.

3) Little Red Book: From Planting Grass to Searching

There is no doubt about the grass planting and traffic spillover effect of Xiaohongshu, but the confusion of merchants lies in how to accurately measure the delivery efficiency of Xiaohongshu. At present, there is an obvious positive correlation between the people who are deeply interested in Xiaohongshu and the number of people who plant grass effectively outside the station.

Core methodology: point, line and surface

"Wandering" and "searching" are the two main behaviors of users of Little Red Books. Therefore, the merchants planted grass in Xiaohongshu,A key goal is to make the content appear in the search results of the core keyword (track) and get a certain amount of reading. "Search ranking * content penetration rate" has become the key indicator..

Therefore, the planting of grass by merchants in Xiaohongshu can no longer be limited to point-like delivery (B+KF), but should be connected into a line, and the content should be precipitated in a long stream in daily life, so as to obtain a higher ranking in keyword search (S) and finally realize comprehensive long-term crowd asset accumulation (AIPS).

Double 11’s main points of concern:

Keyword search (SOV&SOC)This year, Xiaohongshu extracted crowd packages and related keywords from the beauty industry dimension. Merchants need to optimize brand and product search keywords around the search function.

One-side data rollover: Xiaohongshu encourages brands to upload private crowd data, which makes the positioning of people on the platform more accurate. By dividing the crowd into three categories: potential customers, purchased customers and lost customers, we will expand the brand operation field. Xiaohongshu will encrypt the data uploaded by the brand to protect the data security.

Solve the pain points of logistics performance, and ensure the service experience.

Summing up the experience of several major promotions this year, during the period of double 11 this year, the brand will inevitably face more challenges in terms of traffic, goods and customer service, so as to further realize "reducing costs and increasing efficiency".

1.variation in dischargeUnder the trend of platform competition and consumption degradation, traffic becomes less, more expensive and more difficult. The high cost is partly due to the low flow efficiency.

solutionImproving efficiency is a more effective solution to reduce costs.

2.Goods change: consumers’ first wave of transaction mentality is more mature; Price force orientation and diversification of consumer demand have brought about an increase in order volume.


  • Set the goal of refinement and promotion.With the help of the rookie’s joint forecasting ability, merchants can access historical data and combine various influencing factors to make a more refined forecast of the big promotion goal and stocking, so as to increase sales and reduce the return rate, inventory turnover days and warehousing costs.
  • Multi-dimensional thinking about stocking quantity.For the pre-sale business, the merchant can prepackage the order with the help of the rookie, and the user can leave the warehouse in time after paying the final payment. For uncertain orders, merchants can also adopt a semi-package scheme, and after the gifts generated by the order are confirmed, they will be packaged and delivered out of the warehouse, thus ensuring the performance experience.

At present, based on the efficient collaborative network and intelligent routing, rookie can provide the ultimate logistics experience such as pre-sale and speed-up during double 11, thus reducing the return rate generated by logistics links, reducing the cost of main warehouse and bringing positive reputation to users.

3.Consumer change: The decision-making cycle becomes longer and the return rate remains high.Solution:

  • Full link performance monitoring.For packages with overtime risk, the rookie will promptly remind merchants to communicate with consumers, deal with stagnant or lost packages, and warn the aging card.
  • Consumers are unusually active in service.Take the initiative to provide multi-scenario service and DSR evaluation management before the consumer opens his mouth, so as to save the refund for logistics reasons.
  • Merchants have no worries.Through full-link, multi-scene abnormal automatic tracking processing, collaborative compensation complaints service, reduce the pain points of merchants in the whole process of performance.

[White Paper on Men’s Basketball World Cup] Ten admonitions to chinese basketball association

Author/titan sports Basketball Editorial Department

On September 2nd, China lost to the Philippines, ending its World Cup journey with a record of 1 win and 4 losses, ranking 29th among all 32 teams and missing the Olympic Games for the second time in a row.

After such a fiasco, the whole basketball world was immersed in great pain caused by failure. But if you can’t sum up the lessons after the pain, such a failure is meaningless. In the past two weeks, titan sports conducted a detailed investigation and invited experts from various fields to write and publish the White Paper on the Men’s Basketball World Cup from the perspectives of the world basketball development trend, the comparison between CBA league and other leagues, and the current situation of China-Japan basketball youth training. We hope that through this white paper, people from all walks of life and fans in China can really see the world, get rid of stale ideas as much as possible and update their understanding of basketball.

On this basis, in the name of the Basketball Department of titan sports and on behalf of the authors who participated in the compilation of the White Paper on Men’s Basketball World Cup, we put forward ten suggestions to chinese basketball association. The purpose of advice is not to fire a gun, let alone ridicule, but to hope that China basketball, which is at a low ebb, will return to a benign track with the joint efforts of all walks of life. We don’t expect the ten suggestions to be implemented one by one, and we don’t expect chinese basketball association to respond. It’s just that as a media, we have the obligation and responsibility to present what we have obtained through interviews and research to readers and fans. The level is limited, and there are many shortcomings in our suggestions. However, if one or two of them can be adopted, even if it only brings some thoughts and touches to chinese basketball association and all walks of life, and plays a small role in promoting basketball progress and deepening basketball reform in China, our enthusiasm and efforts will not be in vain.

1. Turn shame into motivation and reshape the basketball image of China.

During the World Cup and after the defeat of China men’s basketball team, many people criticized China men’s basketball team for its lack of fighting spirit and sense of honor, arguing that there was a lack of ideological education from the national team to the clubs. Ideological education is indeed important, but the non-professional environment in which our professional players live increases the difficulty of ideological education and greatly consumes their sense of honor and fighting spirit. Every day, the players are exposed to shortcuts, back doors, finding loopholes in the rules, disobeying the law, and tacit understanding. There are rumors of all kinds of fake and gambling in the circle; The Basketball Association jumped repeatedly in dealing with qi zhou, and finally acquiesced in the club and players trampling on the rules. Immersed in such a so-called professional alliance, coupled with the influence of some bad social atmosphere, ideological education can easily become a slogan and sermon that cannot touch the soul.

Chinese basketball association should take the lead in summing up seriously and turn shame into motivation. It is no exaggeration to say that he should turn over a new leaf, reshape the basketball image of China and boost the confidence of the whole society in basketball. After the internal summary, we should tell the public the reform ideas and come up with specific measures-the existing rules and regulations are reasonable and must be resolutely implemented; If it is unreasonable, correct it as soon as possible-and take the initiative to ask for supervision by public opinion.

2. Add Basketball Association Cup and lay out multi-level league structure.

Although the men’s basketball team suffered setbacks in two consecutive World Cups, at present, China is actually in a period of vigorous development of basketball. The attendance of CBA and NBL leagues is gratifying, CUBAL and Naigao leagues are both applauded and popular, and various grassroots competitions and online celebrity competitions, including Village BA, have great social influence. We can hold the Basketball Association Cup, on the one hand, to meet the needs of fans and online users idolize and Curiosity, so that more people can pay attention to and appreciate basketball; At the same time, it also builds a bridge between grassroots and professional players, so that grassroots players and young players have the opportunity to realize their dreams of challenging professional players and tell more touching basketball stories. In the future, if CBA expands its army, it can also take the performance of Basketball Association Cup as a reference for NBL team to upgrade.

In addition, chinese basketball association should also build a multi-level league system. The professionalization direction of China’s league should not be to imitate NBA. According to the current situation of basketball development in China, we should at least form a three-level or even more league structure. Such a structure can bring hope to low-level league teams, pressure and stimulation to CBA teams, form greater competition and enhance the intensity and level of the league.

3.CBA league duration changed to 40 minutes, in line with FIBA.

Specific to the competition system and rules, we don’t need to copy the NBA at all, but should be more in line with FIBA’s competition. The purpose of this is to ensure the intensity and wonderful degree of the competition, and to make China players adapt to the international competition environment. At present, except CBA, NBA and PBA League in the Philippines, the competition time of all major leagues is four quarters, each of which is 10 minutes. Chinese basketball association set the match for 48 minutes, which was based on the consideration of strengthening players’ physical fitness, as well as the need to serve advertisers and TV broadcasters. However, judging from the World Cup competition, the 40-minute high-intensity competition requires more players’ physical fitness. China players who have experienced the 48-minute competition system have no advantage at all, but they are very uncomfortable. Considering the demand of commercialization, CBA can appropriately increase the number of pauses and adjust the pause time on the basis of FIBA competition to ensure the interests of TV broadcast and advertisers.

In terms of rules and interpretation of rules, it is also necessary for CBA to be consistent with FIBA, so that players can adapt to the international competition. We also suggest that chinese basketball association keep close contact and exchange with international referees, conduct business discussion and study, and invite foreign whistle law enforcement competitions if necessary, which is also a necessary step to strengthen international exchanges of referees and regain the right to speak in the referees.

At the national team level, although the results of this year’s World Cup are not ideal, there is no problem in organizing high-quality warm-up before the World Cup, which should be maintained and carried forward. We should ensure that national teams at all levels play a certain number of games with high-level teams every year, better understand international basketball from the perspective of actual combat, and try our best to narrow the gap between us and high-level teams in the world.

4. Resume foreign aid in Asia and gradually liberalize foreign aid restrictions in Asia.

Due to the epidemic situation and other reasons, perhaps based on the judgment of the China men’s basketball team’s fighting environment in Asia, CBA cancelled the foreign aid in Asia. However, it turns out that such changes have not limited the strength of opponents, but also reduced the overall level of CBA league. The strength of many games is too clear, which not only leads to the decline of the wonderful degree of the league, but also provides a hotbed for match-fixing and tacit ball. Coupled with the policy of foreign aid for four people in four quarters, domestic players are under insufficient pressure in the league and have insufficient ability to resist pressure in international competitions. As a result, the strength of our league is not enough to support players to play their level in the international competition stage. In the current Olympic promotion rules, the Asian Cup no longer carries the task of going straight to the Olympic Games. We want to return to the Olympic stage and need higher training level and greater competition intensity.

Based on the above reasons, we suggest that CBA should resume its foreign aid policy in Asia, gradually and completely liberalize the restrictions on foreign aid in Asia, and consider increasing the rules for the use of other foreign aid from the current four sessions with four people to four sessions with six people, and even further increase the appearance time of foreign aid in the future. In addition, drawing lessons from the experience of European leagues, chinese basketball association should take the lead in establishing multi-level official intercontinental club competitions, including AFC Champions League, Asian UEFA Cup and Asian Youth Club Cup, so that as many teams and players as possible can get more opportunities for competitions, especially international competitions.

5. Further liberalize the flow of players and unlock them.

From August, 2021 to August, 2023, the "qi zhou Incident" brought great shock to China basketball, and also made China basketball encounter many rounds of substantive and image crises. Behind the qi zhou incident, people have great doubts about the legitimacy and rationality of the club’s "lock-in" with the D contract in CBA’s Regulations on the Management of Players’ Draft, Salary Cap, Employment and Transaction. In the absence of collective bargaining system, there is a lack of channels to express players’ interests in the interest game among CBA companies, clubs and players. However, in the case of fruitless appeal, qi zhou chose to bid farewell to CBA temporarily, and then there was no official competition for a long time, and the competitive state declined seriously, which had a great impact on the preparation and competition of the national team.

Chinese basketball association should demonstrate and negotiate with CBA company about the possibility of amending the current regulations, such as shortening the life of the mother team’s priority to renew the contract, and whether and how the mother team should be compensated. At the same time, CBA should further liberalize the flow of players, encourage clubs to rent players, especially young players, to places where there is a ball to play, form healthy competition, and avoid the phenomenon of not playing and not playing.

6. Formulate feasible incentive policies for studying abroad.

After qi zhou, China players never appeared in the NBA, but Japan has two players who play in the NBA at the same time, and the development and performance of these two players are quite bright, which makes many China fans feel envious. But this may just be the beginning. There will be seven Japanese players in the NCAA first-level league in the new season, while only four Chinese mainland players are Wang Junjie, Yu Hongkai, Zhang Chenzhifeng and Li Xinyi. Is our young players less talented than Japan? No, but because the Japanese Basketball Association and clubs are trying their best to send their children abroad. Their clubs are very open-minded and know that the level of B League is limited, and they will try their best to meet the personal development of players.

Professional players in China don’t want to go abroad because their competitiveness is weak and they can’t find a suitable position, and because playing abroad will be economically affected. It is difficult for the younger generation to go abroad because the club is unwilling to let go, and the players’ families are also worried. Although it has a good platform and a higher probability of success, its risk coefficient will definitely increase compared with staying in China.

In the face of such double difficulties, chinese basketball association must first realize that sending young players to a higher level is the most important and direct way for China basketball to get out of the trough; After that, we should formulate a feasible incentive policy for studying abroad, which should be both encouraging and affordable to the club and young players. Young players lack experience and judgment when faced with choices. The Basketball Association can set up a special working group for young players outside the country to provide suggestions and related services for young players to play abroad, track their development at any time, and provide suggestions when necessary to help players grow up. This group can also provide professional advice, videos and data analysis when some organizations organize young players to study abroad.

7. Gradually relax the right to operate CBA teams.

The Japanese men’s basketball team won the qualification of representing Asia through Paris in the World Cup, which also triggered a heated discussion among China fans. Such a record is not enough to show that the Japanese men’s basketball team is the strongest in Asia, but through the investigation of Japanese B League, we found many references for chinese basketball association and CBA companies. It can even be said that the process of Japan’s B League from scratch and on the right track provides us with an excellent sample of how to build a professional league. CBA has a lot of homework to copy, and the most important point is that B League regards self-financing as the most important admission standard: all professional clubs in B League must be profitable and cannot have deficits for three consecutive years, and the financial status of each club is audited by a third-party company.

In CBA, most clubs can’t make ends meet. Guangzhou Dragon and Lion Club released its financial report in April, and the team lost 26.095 million yuan in 2022. Many people attribute the losses of CBA teams to environmental, social and market problems, but it is difficult for you to explain why some MCN companies can make a lot of money in the vertical field of basketball. During the interview with the reporter of titan sports, a number of CBA club management members said that the reason for the loss was that the CBA league did not pay attention to the profitability of the team. The league attaches importance to the management of clubs, not only in words and documents, but also in formulating policies, setting up rewards and punishments, and promoting and guiding them. Specific management and marketing methods, such as match day activities, social media operations and community services, should also provide guidance to the club.

The second problem reflected by the club is that the CBA league is too tight in controlling the right to operate and the club lacks operational autonomy. On this issue, the practice of Japan’s B League is that only a few rights and interests, such as broadcasting rights and naming rights in the finals, are packaged and sold by the league, and most sponsorship contracts are negotiated by the team independently. You can also consider copying this assignment.

8. Construct a double pyramid system belonging to China basketball.

Many countries and regions, including China, have put forward the concept of "pyramid system" and regarded it as the core framework of project development. However, in Japan, both football and basketball have established a training system of double pyramid mode, two pyramids, facing the public and the elite respectively. Facing the public, it is oriented to stimulate interest and lifelong sports, and the pyramid of elite system is to cultivate national talents.

The advantage of the double pyramid structure is to avoid the concept of "victory first" in children’s adolescence. Japan’s juvenile training emphasizes that you can pursue victory, but you should also enrich your life and learn the necessary value of life. This is the real victory. After teenagers formed an interest in basketball and good habits, the pyramid for the elite began to select materials. The Japan Basketball Association will devote great energy to this, organize the best players of all ages in the country to conduct training, assemble the best coaches and use as many resources as possible to serve the future national players.

This elite model can be completely imitated by us: chinese basketball association can organize top athletes of all ages from all over the country to receive unified training during the winter and summer vacations and even the 11th holiday, and be taught by high-level coaches. According to different age groups, let these potential stocks get familiar with each other as soon as possible, and lay the foundation for future joint operations. On the other hand, the Basketball Association can invite some high-level teams of the same age from other countries to compete with these top domestic young players, so as to understand the development trend of world basketball and enhance the overall competitiveness of players and teams.

9. Prepare a youth training program that closely follows the development of world basketball.

Many European countries have a common feature in youth training, that is, the basketball knowledge and training received by young people from primary school are very consistent. This feature is also fully reflected in the Japanese men’s and women’s basketball team in recent years. It is precisely because of this reason that the Japanese men’s and women’s basketball team has played a respectable performance even if it lacks some core players.

Basketball training in our country is in an unprecedented golden period in recent years. Basketball Association attaches great importance to youth training, and parents of students are also willing to let their children play basketball. These are all very good phenomena, and they are also opportunities that need to be cherished and grasped. Behind this gratifying situation, there are also hidden dangers, one of which is that our basketball training lacks systematicness and unity. The reporter of titan sports visited a number of basketball training institutions, and most of the coaches interviewed didn’t know whether there was a basketball training program suitable for teenagers in China. Some coaches know that there is such a thing as an "outline", but they say that they use the training institutions’ own textbooks.

In fact, we have a set of "China Youth Basketball Training Syllabus", which was first published in 2012. In 2019, representatives of the Organizing Committee of the "Syllabus" expressed their intention to establish a basketball training syllabus with complete technology and in line with the education system from kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools to universities. But so far, the staff of basketball associations in various places interviewed by reporters have said that they have not seen it yet.

If this outline is still being compiled, I hope that chinese basketball association will appoint experts who know more about the development of basketball in the world today to the organizing Committee; If this project has not been started or suspended, I hope that the Basketball Association will start or restart as soon as possible, organize a team with modern basketball thinking and cognition, and prepare a youth training program that keeps up with the development of world basketball.

10. Online coach training, providing free teaching videos.

What does advanced basketball look like? Through this year’s Men’s Basketball World Cup, many people have a perceptual knowledge while enjoying the wonderful games, which is also briefly described in the White Paper of Men’s Basketball World Cup of this newspaper. However, when the craze for the men’s basketball World Cup recedes, except for a few professionals, most people will not mention the current development status and trend of world basketball. Specific to the field of youth basketball training, managers and coaches of training institutions and coaches of school teams can care about the evolution of world basketball concepts and advanced basketball teaching methods.

Lack of scientific theoretical guidance, strict training and assessment system, and lack of mastery of modern basketball teaching methods lead to uneven coaching level, which is the biggest crux of youth training in China. Especially in the background of the combination of physical education and education, the level of school coaches and training is relatively low, which makes many children’s talents buried. A person in charge of a basketball association who is familiar with youth basketball said that basketball training is too hot now, and the gap of coaches is too big, not to mention passing on advanced basketball concepts, even the old methods can’t be trained.

Therefore, we suggest taking online training or even providing free teaching videos to expand the number of grass-roots coaches who receive training, so that coaches can understand the world basketball trend and master the training direction and methods. Today, short basketball videos are very popular, and the real systematic basketball teaching video was directed by Zhang Weiping for CCTV in 1990s. Basketball Association should organize shooting open-source teaching videos with modern basketball vision and teaching methods as soon as possible. Such free teaching videos can not only be learned by grass-roots coaches and school teachers, but also be downloaded and accessed by parents of students, so that more children can receive a good basketball education from an early age.

All sides support Shuila, and I’m afraid it will depreciate again in the future. This is the Lakers.

Suddenly, there were more topics about Russell of the Lakers. ESPN reporter A- Smith bluntly said that Russell’s annual salary should be at least 25 million dollars, and Beverly even said that Russell would lose money if he didn’t sign a contract of 100 million dollars. However, Russell only reached a contract of 37 million dollars for two years this summer.

Russell’s contract renewal with the Lakers caused a sensation as soon as it was exposed. Before that, Russell insisted on paying hundreds of millions of dollars, which was unimaginable. But the question is, so many people support Russell, but the fact is that Russell is only willing to sign this two-year and 37 million contract? The reality is very cruel. After a baptism in the playoffs, Russell’s performance made his worth plummet, and no team in the market was willing to offer him a contract, let alone hundreds of millions of contracts.

Russell’s presence on the Lakers’ guard line has complicated the work of others, so it is necessary for the backcourt players who partner with him to share the defense for him, and even the whole team should make up for his loophole. Russell’s attack is also unstable, and wave shots often appear, which is one of the reasons why he was abandoned by the Lakers in the playoffs last season. The Lakers left him mainly in the hope that he could share the organizational pressure for James, with multiple holding points but without much hope.

This summer, the Lakers have done a good job in signing, bringing in many important role players, especially Vincent in the backcourt, which is definitely a threat to Russell. Vincent is a defender who has been certified in the playoffs and played in the finals. After the smooth running-in with the Lakers in the new season, it is highly probable that Russell’s position will be disintegrated, so I am afraid that Shuila will be a substitute in the new season, so it will be a new round of depreciation to meet Shuila.

In this era of defender blowout, it is not difficult to find a point guard of this level, and the defender is not the winner of the championship. A strong front line-up is the basis for winning the championship. Besides, Shui La, a point guard, doesn’t belong to him at all in the playoffs, so so much solidarity is more like an insult to Shui La. After all, he is really worthless.

The last Lakers point guard named Russell dropped directly from the top salary of more than 40 million yuan to the basic salary. Although there are reasons for your love and desire, you can’t deny the influence of the Lakers. Now it’s not easy for Russell to renew his contract with the Lakers, and it’s reasonable for his value to fall again. At present, the most ideal solution for Russell to keep his value is trading, but his future is also confused.

Bye, 76 ers! Harden is no longer a scapegoat, and 16 million annual salary is exchanged for a new opportunity to start!

Bye, 76 ers! Harden is no longer a scapegoat, and 16 million annual salary is exchanged for a new opportunity to start!

The free trade in NBA is coming to an end, and all teams are basically over. However, in view of the fact that a large number of athletes in the NBA are still not employed, many people lament how fierce the competition in the NBA is. Not only veterans who are replaced by newcomers, but also young athletes like kendrick Nunn will choose to play abroad, which shows how fast the NBA is developing. The same is true for the head coach. Many retired head coaches may not be able to become the head coach of the NBA again. Two years, 16 million, bye to the 76ers. They should have been fired a long time ago. You shouldn’t put all the blame on Harden.

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This season, many teams have changed their head coaches. After Williams came back from the Suns, he quickly took over as the head coach of the Pistons, while other coaches, some of whom have retired, some of whom, like Silas, have degraded themselves and become assistant coaches. Some of them have lost interest in the transfer market and chose other careers, such as Doug Rivers, the former head coach of the 76ers. According to New York Post, the famous ESPN fired Mark, one of its critics, and Rivers signed a contract with the team to replace Mark as the critic of ESPN next season.

In the NBA, the competition between coaches is much fiercer and more cruel. Among 30 teams, there are only 30 coaches, and many coaches who have been head coaches don’t want to be assistants to others, but want to find a good opportunity. As a result, many coaches who have been fired will choose to be a new job and become an interpreter. Before Rivers was hired, two critics of ESPN gold critic Mike Brin, one was Van Gundy and the other was Mark Jackson. Later, they were fired, and their positions were replaced by Rivers and Doris Burke.

They all know that Van Gundy and Jackson are both famous coaches in the NBA. Van Gundy used to coach the Rockets in Yao Mai’s era, while Jackson, in Cole’s era, established Curry Clay’s tactics and has been exploring Curry. However, these two coaches have never returned to the post of NBA coach since they became critics. Moreover, judging from the current situation, these two people do not seem to have much advantage in the position of the NBA. Most NBA clubs would rather dig a few effective assistants than dig the head coaches who have left the NBA for a long time.

To put it bluntly, Rivers joined ESPN, which was the end of his career. Under Rivers’ leadership, the 76ers never got any good results in the playoffs, which made the 76ers’ top management very disappointed. Although Rivers had already expressed his desire to return to the 76ers at the beginning of the season and replaced the 76ers’ head coach with $16 million for two years, the Philadelphia top management did not give him this opportunity again, because the 76ers’ head coach only had $16 million for two years, and it was better to find a better one than to waste this money in vain.

Although he has left the 76ers, Rivers still found a reason for himself, that is, he still wants to be the head coach of the NBA. In the live broadcast, Rivers mercilessly discredited Harden, saying that he did not play his due level, so the 76ers lost the playoffs. Rivers’ remarks upset many fans. Although Harden’s performance in the playoffs didn’t satisfy them, Rivers put all the responsibility on himself, which is unlike what a head coach would do. Rivers always puts everything on Harden in the process of coaching the team, and Embiid always wants to get his favor. Now that he has been fired, he is still defending his actions to discredit Harden. Obviously, no team will pay for him.

In fact, many people think that Rivers should have been fired last season, but the 76ers’ top management still asked him to stay on the team because he had only three years left on his contract. Therefore, during this season’s playoff trip, Rivers faced a test without books, and he made a mess of everything. Harden has shown to the Green Army that once he breaks through, the defense of the Green Army will become more difficult, and Rivers also used Embiid to limit Harden’s possession time after he returned, which made the 76ers’ offensive slow down. But it’s no use talking about it now. It’s almost impossible to be a commentator and want to be the 15 best coaches in NBA history again.

Hand in hand with "salt horse" to start the district and build a brand together

On the morning of April 16th, yueda KIA SK New Energy Yancheng Marathon and Grand Canal Marathon Series (Yancheng Station) fired at Yannan Sports Center, and more than 15,000 contestants started with enthusiasm and all their efforts. Dafengcang Agricultural Group "hitchhiked" this marathon, set up a product booth, and used the marathon to carry out featured brand promotion. A wide variety of featured agricultural products, such as spicy chicken, fragrant belly, yellow snail and shrimp sauce, attracted the attention of contestants and citizens.

Through full display, the group will let more people who participate in and watch the marathon know more about Dafeng’s local agricultural special products, and let the brand products jointly built by "Dafeng Cang" area go to the dining table of more consumers. The group will stick to the original mission of developing agriculture for the people, and make greater contributions to the high-quality development of agricultural industry in Dafeng District with pragmatic measures and caring services for agriculture.