Nongfu Spring responded to the water quality standard incident, claiming that its standards are the most stringent in China

Yesterday afternoon, Nongfu ****** held a "press conference on drinking natural water standards" in *******. After a series ** reports pointed at Nongfu ******, reporters from the ******* Times (Weibo) frequently asked questions and engaged in a heated debate with Nongfu ****** executives. Earlier, an association in ******* demanded that Nongfu ****** bottled drinking water be removed from the shelves. Yesterday, the ******* Times also said that Nongfu ****** bottled water had been discontinued in *******. Nongfu ****** released a news on its **ficial Weibo that it had filed a lawsuit and claimed 60 million yuan from the ******* Times.

Modern Express reporter, Zhang Yu, text/photo

[Reason] The "water quality dispute" has lasted for nearly a month

In March this year, some consumers reported that black unknown objects appeared in the Nongfu ****** they purchased, which became the beginning ** the "quality gate" incident ** Nongfu ******. Since April 10, the ******* Times has published a series ** reports, directly pointing out that there is a problem with the water source ** Nongfu ******, citing the view ** the drinking water association, that Nongfu ******’s standards are not as good as tap water standards, and its local standards are looser than national standards. During this period, Nongfu ****** also responded four times. During this process, the ******* Barreled Drinking Water Sales Industry Association issued a notice, requiring all sales companies in the ******* bottled drinking water industry to immediately remove Nongfu ****** bottled drinking water products from the shelves. Yesterday, the front page ** the ******* Times mentioned that Nongfu ****** bottled water was suspended in ******* due to "standard" problems.

[Latest Progress] Suing Jinghua Times for 60 million

Yesterday afternoon, the "Nongfu ****** Drinking Natural Water Standards Press Conference" was held in *******. Zhong Liangxuan, chairperson and president ** Nongfu ******, said that in 27 consecutive days from April 10 to May 6, the ******* Times used 67 pages to repeatedly report on three problems: the first Nongfu ******’s implementation ** standards is not as good as tap water, the second is to abolish the landmark DB33/383 in Zhejiang Province, and the third Nongfu ****** ******* bottled water is removed from the shelves. "*******’s ******* ******* Times has set a news record for a media to criticize a company," he said. Just before yesterday’s news conference, Nongfu ****** announced through the **ficial Weibo that it had filed a lawsuit in court and claimed 60 million yuan from the ******* Times. Yesterday, a media reporter checked with the ******* Second Intermediate People’s Court and learned that Nongfu ****** has indeed submitted litigation materials to the court, and the case is still under review.

[Press conference site]

Nongfu Spring Hair Materials VS Beijing Times

The press conference began at 3 p.m., but many media reporters came one after another around 2 p.m. Inside and outside the conference site, Nongfu ****** posted the relevant questioning reports ** the ******* Times on the display board. These reports were about 60 or 70 pages from April 10 to May 6. Next to the reports, Nongfu ****** also posted a lot ** responses to the ******* Times report. In order to let everyone know more about the beginning and end ** the incident, Nongfu ****** prepared a wealth ** materials. Reporters from the ******* Times also delivered the newspaper ** the day at the entrance ** the press conference. The front page ** the newspaper had a report on the suspension ** the bottled water ** Nongfu ******, as well as "Four Questions to Nongfu ******" and other contents. At the press conference, the chairperson and president ** Nongfu ******, Zhong Shanyuan, said that the conference was not held voluntarily by the company. Since its establishment, Nongfu ****** has had three major crises and held three press conferences. This time, the conference was held in the capital *******, hoping to find truth and freedom ** speech. When Zhong Shanyuan said that the Jinghua Times had made an objective report without interviewing Nongfu ******, the reporter ** the ******* Times immediately stood up and debated. The atmosphere at the scene was once chaotic. After being persuaded by the staff, the conference was restored to order.

Response to "removed from the shelves in Beijing"

Due to "environmental" factors

Will not continue to operate at the Beijing Kaishui Plant

At the press conference, Zhong Xuanyi reported that "the ******* Quality Supervision Bureau has asked Nongfu ******’s factory in ******* to stop production," saying that production for the government is still in production, but production for the public has indeed stopped. Nongfu ****** now has a bottled water plant in *******, which only produces large buckets ** water, and has 100,000 consumer groups in *******.

He said that after the order to close the bottled water in Beijing this time, the company will not continue to open a factory in Beijing for production. "Today I also want to announce that we will not open a factory in Beijing for production. We can only apologize to the 100,000 consumers in Beijing, because it is impossible for a company to produce in such an environment," Mr. Zhong said.

"Nongfu ******’s dignity is more important than money, and Nongfu ******’s sense ** responsibility is not so much that I produce substandard products and affect the health ** ******* consumers and ******* citizens, but rather close this factory now, because a product association can make a company’s products removed from the shelves, and a product association’s decision can make the" ******* Times "put it on the front page. Such an environment, Nongfu ******, can only withdraw." He said that only state law enforcement and government law enforcement departments have the right to decide and enforce the removal ** products from the shelves. If a non-governmental organization can decide to remove a certain product from the shelves, it will be difficult to ensure the market order ** food safety. Zhong Bianyi believes that in such an environment, Nongfu ****** can only withdraw. " Nongfu ****** will not bow to the violence ** public opinion, nor will it lose face for its own dignity. "

Response to "Zhejiang Landmark"

Before the national standard came out of the stage

Landmarks cannot be abolished

Previously, many media have questioned that the water produced by Nongfu Spring in places other than Zhejiang is also marked with Zhejiang landmarks, believing that this is illegal. Nongfu Spring responded that as a product Quality Standard, Zhejiang landmarks can be used across regions, and there is no law expressly prohibiting it. Nongfu Spring reiterated that they implement the state-mandated health (safety) standard GB19298 and Quality Standard DB33/383. Even if Nongfu Spring only signs and implements the state-mandated health (safety) standard GB19298, it can be commissioned for processing across the country, while Nongfu Spring implements more stringent Zhejiang landmarks, and it is completely possible to commission processing in various places.

At the press conference, the ******* Times reporter quoted the National Health and Family Planning Commission as saying that the Zhejiang local standards implemented by Nongfu ****** should have been abolished a few years ago. Nongfu ****** said that before the national standards came out, the local standards could not be abolished, otherwise there would be a legal vacuum, and the National Food Safety threat and risk assessment Center did not mention the abolition ** DB33/383 in the public letter posted on its **ficial website, nor did the National Health and Family Planning Commission.

Responding to "Water Quality Standards"

Our standards

The most stringent in the country

In the ******* Times report, the core is to question the drinking water standards ** Nongfu ******. In this regard, Zhong Shanxue introduced the relevant standards in detail. He pointed out that the drinking water system is divided into hygiene standards and Quality Standards, and any drinking water product implements both safety standards and express Quality Standards.

Nongfu Spring emphasizes that the standards they implement are the most stringent in China. The national bottled drinking water standard, the national "Bottle (Barrel) Drinking Water Hygiene Standard" (GB19298), is a safety (hygiene) standard. Whether Nongfu Spring is marked on the bottle or not, it must be enforced. And Zhejiang Province DB33/383 "Bottled Drinking Natural Water" (hereinafter referred to as "Zhejiang Landmark") is a Quality Standard. After marking the bottle, Nongfu Spring must implement it. Nongfu Spring said that all the potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, metasilicic acid, and pH values on its bottle labels are higher than DB33/383, representing Nongfu Spring’s strict implementation of the standard.

Response to "Landmark Loose"

Zhejiang landmark is advanced

Safety standards must be enforced

According to media reports, the Zhejiang landmarks used in Nongfu Spring are considered to be looser than national standards. Zhong said that their drinking water is subject to the national mandatory health (safety) standards GB19298 and Quality Standard DB33/383-2005. He believes that Zhejiang landmarks are still an advanced local standard across the country today, with its scientific nature.

Regarding the problem that the bottle body has only landmarks, Nongfu Spring responded that the general enterprise will choose to mark the Quality Standard. On the one hand, the safety standard is the mandatory standard of the state, and even if it is not marked on the label, the enterprise must implement it. On the other hand, the quality characteristics of the product can be reflected from the implementation of the Quality Standard.

Responding to the "pH Question"

pH value 7.3 ± 0.5

Is a scientific statement of error

In the promotion of Nongfu Spring, it has always been mentioned that it is weakly alkaline water. However, many opinions point out that it contradicts itself, pH = 7 is neutral, pH > 7 is alkaline, and pH

Nongfu Spring believes that the expression of pH value of 7.3 ± 0.5 is very scientific. The pH value of water will change with the environment, water temperature, etc., resulting in a certain error, so they set an error value of 0.5.

If Europe wants to realize its ambition of power battery, why can’t it bypass China?

  China-Europe battery industry is forming a new bond, with capital, technology and market intertwined and deeply integrated. Strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation between Chinese and European enterprises will help both sides give full play to their respective advantages and take the initiative in the global new energy vehicle market.

  Until 2021, the batteries of electric vehicles produced in Europe were basically from abroad. Europe has to face the fact that Asian companies occupy a major share of the global battery market. With the leading image of China battery enterprises appearing in front of global users, Europe has stepped up efforts to support local battery manufacturers, and the cooperation and competition between the two sides in the battery market are deeply intertwined. Strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation may be the right way for China and Europe to jointly deal with climate change and energy crisis.

  Why did Europe give up the road of local battery production before? Why should we rearrange the relevant industrial chains? What are the difficulties in realizing this vision? Can the research and development of new batteries "overtake in corners" … … The reporter of Science and Technology Daily in Germany interviewed Zhang Lin, a professor at the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Hanover, Germany, and Dr Kai-Christian Moeller, a spokesman for the Hof Battery Alliance in Flawn, and other battery experts.

  Opportunities are rare, and China batteries are integrated into the European market.

  China’s batteries and new energy vehicles are constantly entering the European market. At the Hanover International Commercial Auto Show, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, a battery manufacturer from China, signed cooperation agreements with a number of leading global vehicle companies and won the Daimler Truck Supplier Award. Later, the German car rental company SIXT signed an order for 100,000 new energy vehicles with BYD, an electric vehicle company in China, and the overall development momentum of China’s new energy industry was good.

  According to the report of market research organization SNE Research, in the first half of 2022, the installed capacity of global power batteries was 202GWh, a significant increase of 75.65% compared with 115GWh in the same period last year. Among the TOP20 enterprises, there are 15 enterprises in China, with a total market share of 61.88%. Of the 12 power battery manufacturers with a year-on-year growth rate of over 100%, 11 are China enterprises.

  Since 2017, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited has been the global power battery sales champion for five consecutive years. In the first half of 2022, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited’s power batteries accounted for 34.16% in the world. "We are proud to be an important force in promoting the electrification of the industry together with other leading global companies." Li Xiaoning, CEO of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited Overseas Business Department, said this at Hanover International Commercial Auto Show.

  Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited CTP and MTV innovative batteries, or BYD brand-new blade batteries, China’s power battery products have comprehensive advantages in safety performance, strength, endurance, service life, charging and discharging power, low temperature performance and so on.

  At the same time, the sales of electric vehicles in Europe are growing rapidly. According to the data of European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA), about one tenth of the new cars sold in the EU in the first half of 2022 are pure electric vehicles. Europe plans to phase out gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles by 2035. Europe, which still lacks local battery companies, has become the largest overseas market for power batteries in China.

  The cost is too high, and European companies once gave up battery production.

  Europe has always been an important base for battery research, but for cost reasons, Europe has gradually given up producing batteries in recent years.

  According to experts from Daimler, Daimler was a pioneer in electric vehicle research and produced lithium batteries in Saxony, Germany as early as 2012. However, compared with other manufacturers’ batteries, its products do not have much advantage, coupled with limited production capacity and high cost. After persisting in losses for three years, Daimler closed the lithium battery production plant in December 2015.

  At that time, Daimler CEO dieter zetsche said: "Daimler used to be the only German company that produced its own batteries, but today we realize that we can purchase it all over the world!"

  Bosch, an automotive electronics supplier, is also one of the early companies engaged in the battery business of electric vehicles, and has many related patents. As of August, 2021, Bosch ranked third in the patent application of lithium battery industry in the world, with 2571 patent applications.

  Considering the first-Mover advantage of Asian suppliers, Bosch Company assessed in 2018 that it needs to invest 20 billion euros to gain 20% market share in 2030, and whether and when the investment can be rewarded is still unknown. Therefore, after careful evaluation of market, technology, cost and investment, Bosch made a strategic decision to abandon battery production.

  In an interview with a reporter from Science and Technology Daily, a senior German battery expert said frankly: "It is really a pity now that Bosch made a strategic decision to abandon battery production in 2018."

  After American and European companies gave up battery production, the battery production industry gradually concentrated in Asia. This is an industry with full market competition. At present, products from many enterprises in China, Japan and South Korea are available for purchase.

  Start again, Europe vigorously supports the development of local battery industry.

  With the rise of new energy vehicles around the world, more and more car companies realize that the battery in electric vehicles is not just a replaceable common component. It is the core and the most expensive component of electric vehicles, and it is becoming a key factor affecting sales like the previous engines.

  The European Union began to realize that establishing a complete local battery value chain in Europe is an urgent task for clean energy transformation and industrial competition. It is estimated that by 2025, the market opportunity of European battery industry will reach about 250 billion euros every year.

  With the strong support of the European Union, in 2017, the European Union Battery Union (EBA) was established to promote and develop the production of local battery cells, with the participation of 14 EU member States, European investment banks and hundreds of companies and scientific research institutions. In April 2022, EBA put forward a new action plan, hoping that by 2030, the domestic battery products in the EU can meet 90% of its market demand.

  The European Union has successively invested tens of billions of euros to support the research and development and production of local batteries through two "Important Projects of Common Interest in Europe (IPCEI)". Domestic battery companies have mushroomed in Europe.

  Among these enterprises, the development of Swedish battery company Northvolt, German Volkswagen and French automobile battery company ACC is the most eye-catching. Northvolt’s first lithium battery factory was mass-produced in the first quarter of 2022, and the annual production capacity is expected to be 16GWh after improvement. Northvolt plans to achieve a production capacity of 150GWh by 2030.

  Volkswagen started construction of the first 40GWh battery factory in Salzgit in July 2022, and plans to put it into mass production in 2025. By 2030, Volkswagen will build six large battery factories in Europe, with a total annual production capacity of 240GWh.

  ACC is building the first 13GWh battery factory in France, which will be expanded to 40GWh in the future. In addition, ACC also plans to build two factories in Germany and Italy with a capacity of 40GWh. By 2030, the total battery capacity of ACC will increase to 120GWh.

  At the same time, more than 40 battery manufacturers around the world announced that they would set up battery factories in Europe. Flawn’s Hof Institute for Systems and Innovation (ISI) released a report saying that according to the announcement of battery manufacturers active in Europe, the battery production capacity in Europe may reach 124GWh in 2022, 500GWh in 2025 and even 1.5TWh in 2030.

  There are many challenges, and European battery companies need to overcome four major difficulties.

  European companies face many challenges in producing power batteries.

  The first is to overcome the difficulties of mass production.

  Asian battery enterprises have generally developed from lithium battery enterprises for consumer electronics, and through years of accumulation, they have gradually solved various problems encountered in mass production. However, the self-built industrial chain in Europe is still in its infancy, and many newly established battery manufacturers lack similar experience and need to overcome more difficulties in the mass production process.

  "Production experience is very important for lithium battery manufacturing. The production and debugging of lithium battery involves at least 4000 parameters, and it is not easy to achieve balanced quality control of batteries even for the same batch of products. And the same standard chemical plant, built in another place, also takes a long time to debug. The real challenge is to mass-produce millions of batteries with the least quality fluctuation. Europe still has a long way to go in this regard. " A battery expert from a German company said in an interview.

  The second is to ensure the supply of raw materials.

  At present, China has a high market share in the key links of battery production. This means that many materials needed by European battery manufacturers have to be purchased from China. Take Northvolt, the only local power battery manufacturer in Europe that has started mass production at present, for example, many core materials of its batteries come from China suppliers.

  Europe is increasing cooperation with countries such as the United States, Canada and Australia in raw materials. But the problem is that the new supply chain must pay huge time and capital costs. For example, it will take at least 10 years to build a new raw material base from the beginning of mining, and it will take several years to reach the design capacity.

  Kay Christian Muller told reporters: "When establishing battery production on the scale of GWh, it is always a challenge to ensure the safety and stability of the supply chain, which is true everywhere and under any circumstances, not just for European companies." He has been engaged in the research and development of lithium batteries for nearly 30 years, and his work in Flawn Hof Battery Alliance includes 24 research institutions, covering battery materials, module design and production technology.

  Thirdly, the supporting capacity of lithium battery equipment.

  The production process of lithium batteries is relatively complicated, which can be roughly divided into stages such as pole piece manufacturing, battery cell assembly, battery cell formation, testing, etc. Orders for related manufacturing equipment are gathering from head enterprises in various sub-sectors. Asian enterprises have obvious advantages in this respect and are expected to become the core equipment suppliers of new battery factories in Europe.

  Take Volkswagen’s new battery factory as an example. In January 2022, Volkswagen and Bosch issued a joint statement, planning to set up a joint venture company to supply equipment for the battery factory. But in June, 2022, Volkswagen still gave the order for 40Gwh production equipment of Salzgit battery factory to the lithium battery equipment supplier in China.

  Finally, participate in global market competition.

  Asian battery companies are taking advantage of the time window when European battery companies have not yet formed scale production capacity to seize market share. It is estimated that by 2025, the battery production capacity in Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited will reach 670GWh, BYD may reach 600GWh, and LG New Energy plans to reach 540GWh. From the upstream lithium ore and lithium salt, to the anode and cathode materials, separators and manufacturing equipment of batteries, the leading enterprises have a relatively complete layout, and are constantly carrying out technological innovation and product iteration around the new battery structure and material system.

  The production of batteries is an industry that pursues scale effect extremely. Whether European local battery enterprises can expand production capacity and reduce costs in a short time is the key to their participation in market competition. Faced with a series of challenges, such as the rising price of raw materials in the upstream, the tight pressure of competitors and the strict control of purchasing prices by automakers, how to survive and develop in the brutal market competition may be the biggest problem faced by emerging battery enterprises in Europe.

  Green barrier, carbon footprint threshold or a double-edged sword

  In March 2022, the European Parliament passed the EU New Battery Regulation, which drives the green and low-carbon transformation of the battery industry with stricter requirements. From July 1, 2024, only batteries with carbon footprints can be put on the European market. In 2027, Europe will ban the sale of batteries that exceed the maximum carbon footprint limit. The European Union has also made it mandatory to recycle batteries and reuse metals such as nickel, cobalt and lithium to reduce the pressure on environmental protection and raw materials.

  In addition, the EU will also force due diligence on the entire supply chain of batteries, including the social and environmental risks involved in the process of raw material refining, battery cell production and battery use. This series of new regulatory policies will undoubtedly benefit the layout of local battery enterprises in Europe and make up for their disadvantages in product cost.

  Correspondingly, the newly-built battery enterprises in Europe attach great importance to the carbon emission of batteries in the whole life cycle from raw materials to products. According to the data of the European Transport and Environment Federation, the carbon emission of battery production of electric vehicles ranges from 61kg to 106kg CO_2e/kWh, which can account for more than 60% of the total life cycle emission of electric vehicles.

  Northvolt Company emphasizes that its battery carbon footprint (about 33kg CO_2e/kWh) is only one-third of that of reference batteries in the same industry due to the use of 100% renewable energy, and Northvolt hopes to reach the goal of 10kg CO_2e/kWh by 2030.

  However, there is an important premise to build a green barrier for the European battery industry, that is, the battery capacity in Europe can meet its own needs. Otherwise, these measures will increase the production costs, including those of European battery manufacturers, and the products of leading Asian enterprises will still be competitive.

  Zeng Yuqun, Chairman of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, said that based on the composition of the carbon footprint of power batteries, most of the carbon footprint can be reduced through green power, large-scale recycling and technological upgrading, and combined with carbon sinks, a zero-carbon battery can be realized. In the first quarter of 2022, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited recycled 21,000 tons of waste batteries and used them to produce 18,000 tons of precursors. In March, 2022, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited Yibin Factory obtained international certification and became the first zero-carbon battery factory in the world.

  Can Europe win the first opportunity through solid-state batteries by changing the track?

  Solid-state battery is an important research direction of the next generation power battery, which is expected to replace the traditional lithium-ion battery (LIB). Zhang Lin focused on the design, optimization and recycling technology of new energy materials, and was nominated for the Leibniz Prize in 2019. In an interview with the Science and Technology Daily reporter, she stressed: "For the industrialization of all-solid-state batteries, both China and Europe are currently in the primary stage."

  Zhang Lin introduced the long-term accumulation of solid-state battery research in Europe. For example, BMW cooperates with SolidPower Company of the United States to develop sulfide solid electrolyte technology, and plans to launch a prototype of solid battery by 2025 and use it in production cars by 2030. Volkswagen cooperates with QuantumScape Company of the United States, focusing on the research of oxide solid electrolyte, and plans to mass-produce solid-state batteries in 2025.

  "The development of all-solid-state lithium batteries in Europe mainly depends on the development of solid electrolytes. At present, the most potential electrolytes are oxides, sulfides and polymers, while borohydride and halide have also made breakthroughs in the last five years, but the advantages and disadvantages of the above-mentioned electrolytes are obvious. At present, only the ionic conductivity of some sulfide electrolytes approaches or exceeds the level of organic liquid electrolytes. Due to problems such as interface, its electrochemical stability is not satisfactory. " Zhang Lin said.

  She emphasized that there is no perfect electrolyte to meet the application requirements at present, so it is necessary to improve all kinds of electrolytes to obtain good comprehensive performance. Basic research and applied research will develop iteratively. Some material systems have begun to enter the application field slowly. The experience gained in the application process will promote the development of basic research. In addition, efforts should continue to be made to explore and discover ionic conductors with new structures. Qualcomm screening calculation combined with experiments will help to discover new compounds.

  In addition, she also said that as far as the oxide solid-state battery is concerned, its electrolyte has relatively high ionic conductivity and stable chemical characteristics, which is not harsh on the preparation environment and easy to be produced and applied on a large scale. However, compared with traditional lithium-ion batteries, the cost of oxide solid-state batteries is still high, and the performance needs some time to improve. Oxide solid-state batteries are most likely to be applied to high-end electric vehicles first, because customers may be willing to pay the premium for solid-state batteries in order to obtain longer cruising range and higher safety.

  When it comes to semi-solid batteries, Zhang Lin said: "At present, solid-state battery enterprises in China mainly choose the research and development route of semi-solid batteries based on solid-liquid mixed electrolytes. Although adding liquid electrolyte may reduce the thermal stability to some extent, the process of mass production of semi-solid batteries with solid-liquid mixed electrolyte is more compatible with the current manufacturing technology and equipment of liquid lithium ion batteries. Considering factors such as materials and equipment, semi-solid batteries are more feasible in the short term and are already on the eve of mass production. "

  Can Europe overtake in corners by developing other new batteries, such as lithium-air batteries or lithium-sulfur batteries? Kay Christian Muller is not optimistic about this. He told the Science and Technology Daily reporter: "These new battery systems are still under development, and there are still many problems when they are introduced to the market. Europe cannot rely on these battery systems to catch up with Asian battery manufacturers. "

  With complementary advantages, China-EU battery industry looks forward to mutually beneficial cooperation.

  The domestic battery industry in Europe is in the process of rapid development. Through policy guidance and cooperation between upstream and downstream enterprises, the battery production capacity in Europe will gradually expand around 2025 and occupy a certain global market share. At the same time, European companies are also seeking the far-reaching layout of the battery industry at different levels. For example, cooperate with battery enterprises through equity investment or joint venture, infiltrate into the upstream mineral resources of power batteries to ensure stable production capacity supply and strengthen the control of industrial chain.

  Take BASF as an example. In August 2021, BASF acquired a 51% stake in Shanshan Energy, a leading lithium battery material company in China, and actively promoted cooperation with battery companies such as Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and Honeycomb Energy in the field of battery materials and recycling; In Japan and the United States, BASF has established joint ventures with old cathode material supplier Toda Industries. In Europe, BASF has built production bases for cathode active materials and precursors in Germany and Finland. BASF has quietly become one of the world’s leading suppliers of cathode active materials for lithium batteries, not only seizing a strong market advantage, but also becoming the first company with cathode material production capacity in all major markets around the world.

  Let’s look at the German Volkswagen whose strategic goal is to become one of the world’s three largest battery manufacturers. In May 2020, Volkswagen invested about 1.1 billion euros to acquire a 26% stake in China battery factory Shangguoxuan Hi-Tech, becoming the largest shareholder of Guoxuan Hi-Tech. In the first half of 2022, the installed capacity of Guoxuan Hi-Tech power battery was 5.8GWh, ranking eighth in the world. Guoxuan Hi-Tech is developing the first generation of standard batteries for the public. In the battery factory built by Volkswagen, Guoxuan Hi-Tech will cooperate with Volkswagen as a technical partner in the production layout, equipment deployment and production process of the battery factory to help it realize the industrial production of batteries.

  From this perspective, China-EU battery industry is forming a new bond, with capital, technology and market intertwined and deeply integrated. On the one hand, China enterprises have their own advantages in terms of capacity scale, technology maturity and supply chain control ability; On the other hand, Europe is also constantly strengthening the supply capacity of its key products. Strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation between Chinese and European enterprises will help both sides give full play to their respective advantages and take the initiative in the global new energy vehicle market. Looking forward to the future, China and Europe may be the right way to jointly deal with climate change and energy crisis. (Written by Li Shan, reporter of Science and Technology Daily in Germany; Planned by He Yi, Fang Linlin)

A brief history of the development of glutinous rice balls: the stuffing was once called "round and not falling"

  Data Map: Wuhan time-honored traditional handmade dumplings are selling well. China News Agency issued ZhangChang photo

  Chinanews. com client March 2 (Reporter Shangguan Yun) Today is the Lantern Festival, people have started to buy according to their tastes, and merchants have launched various promotional activities according to the situation. Then, do you know why we eat glutinous rice balls on the Lantern Festival? What are the beautiful meanings in it?

  Lantern Festival, also known as "Shangyuan Festival" or "Lantern Festival", appeared in the Han Dynasty. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Lantern Festival, together with Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, was called the three traditional folk festivals in China, with a history of more than 2,000 years. The symbolic eating is "Tangyuan".

  According to public information, in the Tang and Five Dynasties, you had to eat "cocoon flour" and "round without falling into the corner" at the Lantern Festival, and in the Southern Song Dynasty, there was a "lactose dumpling". In the poem "Boiling a floating dumpling at the Lantern Festival", there was a sentence like "the stars are in the dark clouds, and the beads are floating in turbid water". These foods can be regarded as the predecessors of glutinous rice balls. By the Ming Dynasty, there were more names for "Yuanxiao".

  Data map: Beijing time-honored brands are now shaking Yuanxiao, which is in short supply.

  Dumplings are made in different ways from Yuanxiao, which is "shaken" and wrapped. The fillings can be vegetarian, sweet and salty, and there are many patterns. The sweet fillings generally include bean paste, jujube paste, nuts, etc., and the salty fillings generally include diced fresh meat and shrimp.

  In addition, there are dumplings filled with vegetables, which are composed of mustard, onion, garlic, leek and ginger. They are called "Five-flavor Yuanxiao", which means hard work, long-term progress. In recent years, there have been various "trendy" flavors of glutinous rice balls, such as strawberries, mangoes, durians, flowers, chocolates, etc., and some merchants have even introduced frozen fruit Yuanxiao that does not need to be cooked in the pot.

  Recalling the Lantern Festival when I was a child, Zhong Qin, who lives in Nanjing, said that there are different names for Lantern Festival and glutinous rice balls in Nanjing, and the boundaries are not so obvious. When I was a child, I always ate glutinous rice balls.

  Data map: there are also skills in rubbing dumplings, otherwise they will bloom as soon as they are cooked. Photo by ZhangChang

  "Whenever we approach the Lantern Festival, we begin to prepare noodles and fillings. Take boiled water and noodles first, and add water a little. " Zhong Qin said that every time the family made dumplings, they were very happy. "There are many kinds of fillings. The traditional flavors are sesame, bean paste, pure meat and vegetable meat. Later, white sugar with suet and peanuts with brown sugar were used, which was delicious."

  How to eat dumplings? Many people may say "cooking", but in fact, there are many methods such as steaming, frying and frying, which are equally delicious. Zhong Qin said that when frying, the oil should drown the dumplings. Put the wrapped raw dumplings directly into the boiling oil pan, turn them gently, and then fish them out when they turn golden yellow. "Sometimes the fried dumplings will swell up and taste crispy and delicious.".

  "The shape of glutinous rice balls is similar to that of a full moon, symbolizing reunion and good luck. Therefore, eating glutinous rice balls represents the wish of family reunion and harmony." Gao Wei, a folk expert, explained that no matter whether it’s called Tangyuan or Yuanxiao, no matter what kind of production method, people’s good wishes for their future life are pinned. (Zhong Qin is a pseudonym) (End)

Cultural return: the deep logic of the butterfly change and leap of traditional cultural programs

Author: Li Zhi

In recent years, a number of traditional cultural programs have been popular on the screen, which has aroused enthusiastic response from the audience, media and society, and has become a highly regarded cultural trend phenomenon. From Chinese Character Dictation Conference, Chinese Poetry Conference and Reader, to National Treasures, Classical Poems, China in Stories, China in Classics and China Festival Series, it can be said that traditional cultural programs mark the development trend of industry culture turn for us, and they are "speaking well" in the new era.

Henan Satellite TV’s "Wonderful Tour of Tanabata in 2023" dreams of returning to the Red Chamber, showing romance.

The scene telling the story of Sanxingdui in the third season of National Treasure.

New national style: a distinctive feature as a trend phenomenon

Despite the different themes and forms, the new national style is the most distinctive style label of these excellent traditional cultural programs. The new national style, that is, the emerging China style, is manifested in the popular fashion that generally uses traditional cultural elements in popular culture. On the basis of spreading Chinese excellent traditional culture, traditional cultural programs explore the greatest common denominator with youth culture, network culture and other cultures of the times, and become a popular program type with the new national characteristics of integrating the old and the new and aesthetic mutual learning.

In fact, looking back at the development history of TV programs in China, as early as the 1960s, Beijing TV Station had launched cultural programs such as Cultural Life and Life Knowledge. In the 1980s and 1990s, traditional cultural programs with distinctive features emerged, such as "Bookstore Painting Garden" and "Kyushu Theater". However, although traditional cultural programs have always been an important part of the TV program sequence in China, they have long been caught in an embarrassing situation of applauding and not being a hit. Especially in the wave of TV industrialization, faced with the arduous journey of viewing, traditional cultural programs have always been difficult to become realistic choices and symbolic programs that TV stations are keen on.

Fortunately, in the past ten years, traditional cultural programs have gradually explored a new national style innovation road of "entertaining" and become popular in the whole network with a gesture of "cultural return".

Looking at the present through the long lens of history, the valuable question is how traditional cultural programs change and jump. What is more worth asking is, why is it that traditional cultural programs continue to "break the circle" to form a trend phenomenon of the times?

The method of "double creation": the leap of butterfly as an artistic creation

Since the policy of "promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture" was put forward, the artistic creation of traditional cultural programs has a fundamental methodology, that is, adhering to the integration orientation of "thought+art+technology", refining Chinese excellent traditional culture in a flexible and diverse way, and achieving a deep image description of "cultural China".

5,000 years of Chinese traditional culture is extensive and profound. Traditional cultural programs regard it as a treasure house of creative inspiration, and select representative cultural symbols to describe it. This kind of "metonymy" strategy can be seen only from the program name: China in Classics, which tells the story of selecting classics, Chinese Poetry Conference, which relives the beauty of Chinese poetry, and China, which shows the extraordinary skills of intangible heritage. With the continuous excavation of Chinese excellent traditional culture, the theme of this kind of programs has been subdivided from the popularization of general knowledge such as poetry quiz, idiom quiz and Chinese character contest to the interpretation of professional contents such as cultural relics and archaeology, intangible techniques, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, which highlights the vertical thinking of program creation.

With the help of this kind of program, the audience stepped into the historical Milky Way, which is separated but in the same strain, and picked up brilliant cultural treasures. Traditional cultural programs deeply rooted in different fields appeared one after another, and a polyphonic "cultural suite" was compiled.

When the Internet platform becomes the infrastructure of the digital age, "brush" has become a common way of life, and attention has become the object of competition for programs. Based on the audio-visual communication ecology with diverse supply channels and overloaded information content, traditional cultural programs do not stick to the existing model, but follow the platform thinking and innovate the program model with light program duration, modular program units and strong narrative program content. Take a series of out-of-the-circle parties of Henan Satellite TV as an example: "Wonderful Tour of the Dragon Boat Festival" takes the astrological meaning of "Long Xing Zhongzheng" in the Dragon Boat Festival as the theme, and invites the "Mahua FunAge" team to join in the dragon boat race, and the dramatic chapter story of fighting for tokens is connected in series with modules such as Feng Wang Caige, Flying Dragons in the Sky and wormwood Qingqing, so as to show the traditional customs of the Dragon Boat Festival, and the duration is controlled within one hour. The relatively independent and distinctive special programs are very suitable for the communication logic of the Internet platform. The classic is The Banquet at the Tang Palace, which can trigger a hot discussion on the whole network. It is precisely because of its short, pithy and eye-catching features that it grabs the audience’s attention with colorful clips on the Internet platform, and then it plays a role of diverting from short to long, improving the popularity of the whole series of programs.

In addition, the new model increasingly pursues that a single work can produce the climax effect of visual wonders and soul shock, and puts forward higher requirements for the quality of the program. Based on digital technology, traditional cultural programs form an ultra-real virtual-real space and construct a dynamic perception field of "audience-work-artistic conception", which not only makes traditional cultural elements come to the fore, but also moistens the Chinese aesthetic spirit. For example, "Poetry and Painting China" refines the scenery into a single element and draws it in layers in the presentation of "Journey to the West Mountain", and strives to retain the natural Chinese painting texture in the special effect reorganization of later modeling. During the lens push and pull, the mountains with high peaks and steep peaks echo each other with the waterfalls flowing with silver lines, outlining the magnificent mountains and rivers with long mountains and thousands of images, so that viewers can truly feel the character of the ancients "the mountains stand on their backs and the scenery stops" Another example is the interpretation of "Imitating Yang Dazhang’s Painting of Jinling in Song Courtyard", in which the program gives the picture a 3D animation effect of ink and wash. In the painting, when people wander from the countryside to the city, the audience seems to have crossed back to the prosperous Jinling, where "the king is full of gold and beautiful", and feel the beautiful painting meaning of "people are happy in the rich years, and they walk on the streets in Gansu".

The visual presentation from the real to the virtual makes poetry and painting break through the limitations of physical laws and live in the way of reappearance of image wonders. The surreal artistic spirit not only extends the imagination boundary of the audience through the visual impact, but also brings the immersive experience by capturing the details that must be present, thus realizing the virtual reality of traditional classical aesthetics in the audience’s psychological level in the spiritual immersion that is also true and illusory.

Subjectivity and Identity: Deep Logic as Cultural Practice

An era has an era of literature and art. The reason why traditional cultural programs can stand out from numerous literary and artistic creations and form a phenomenon of "cultural program fever" that lasts for several years is not only because of the renewal of creative ideas and the improvement of production ability within such programs, but also because program production is a typical cultural practice with reflective experience that germinates in social culture and will respond to it interactively.

In other words, artistic production is deeply connected and mapped with the collective mentality and common emotion of the times, and the common emotion of each era will also give birth to the cultural trend belonging to that era.

Then, in order to further clarify the deep logic of the popularity of traditional cultural programs, it is necessary to base on the vivid experience of the times and explore the active and tense potential text structure of programs that are outside the text structure and coupled with the current collective emotional psychology.

Facing the globalization context of comparison and communication between Chinese and Western civilizations, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation cannot be separated from the realization of Chinese modernization. However, in the world discourse system about modernization, "western modernity" once monopolized the definition of modernization, and western modernization was even directly equated with the only model. Therefore, only by reflecting on the western paradigm, establishing China’s legal expression and establishing his subjective position in the global pattern can we endow "China modernity" with Chinese modernization and realize the reinterpretation and rewriting of the discourse system of "modernity". In this process, both the country and the people are experiencing the thinking of "what is China", and the questioning of "who am I" reflects the collective mentality and common emotional demands of contemporary China society eager to consolidate cultural subjectivity and condense identity. Excellent traditional culture is the "root" and "soul" of the Chinese nation, and it is an important way to distinguish "the other" from "self" and gain subjectivity and identity.

Indeed, the top-down policies at the national level, such as "inheriting and carrying forward the Chinese aesthetic spirit" and "telling the story of China well", and the bottom-up cultural consumption at the public level, such as the craze for Chinese studies and Hanfu, all indicate the effectiveness of answering "China" with Chinese excellent traditional culture.

Returning to traditional cultural programs, whether the theme is to pay attention to festival culture, to focus on the art of poetry and painting, or to focus on historical archaeology, is a useful exploration of the policy of "double innovation", and the underlying logic it follows cannot be separated from "two combinations". The media performance of "Cultural China" gives the audience great imagination. In the auspicious film feather with traces of civilization, the cultural relics restorer makes the old things new and shows the distant and gorgeous history to future generations. In the endless stretch of Tang poetry and Song poetry, countless stars shine in it, writing the most vivid footnote for "Why China"; In the intangible skills that bear the context of a thousand years, the inheritors have persisted for decades to realize the identity of the nation as a nation … On the one hand, these traditional cultural programs have stirred up the national cultural genes in the same strain by excavating and presenting the cultural memories behind cultural symbols, greatly satisfying the imagination needs of the audience to gain a sense of historical relevance from the long-standing Chinese civilization, and effectively enhancing the national self-esteem and cultural self-confidence of the audience. On the other hand, following the principle of "keeping the right and not being old-fashioned, respecting the past and not restoring the past", we should reconstruct Chinese excellent traditional culture in the times, and integrate the spiritual concepts attached to traditional excellent culture, such as the unity of family and country, the common good of the world and the coexistence of all things, with the core values of contemporary socialism, so as to consolidate the cultural subjectivity in the deep echo of China in the past, China in the present and China in the future.

It is true that traditional cultural programs are highly in line with the common feelings of the times, and with the unparalleled communication power of audio-visual media, they produce and spread the cultural power that condenses collective sensibility, which is the deep motivation to harvest the emotional resonance of the audience and generate a huge emotional community. However, it still needs to be emphasized that the audience’s aesthetic needs and appreciation ability continue to grow and improve. In specific creation, traditional cultural programs still need to stimulate imagination and creativity, be innovative in content, form and other aspects, and fully demonstrate the essence and charm of Chinese excellent traditional culture to meet the audience’s aesthetic expectations, so as to avoid homogenization and stand on the forefront of the highly competitive mass cultural products track.

(The author is a doctoral student at Shanghai Film Academy of Shanghai University)

Source: Wen Wei Po

How should ordinary families educate their offspring well?

# Tell the truth #How should ordinary families educate their offspring? The following suggestions can be used for reference:

First of all, we should pay attention to the family education environment. A warm and harmonious family environment is very important for children’s growth. Parents should minimize external interference, spend time with their children, communicate with them, and let them feel the warmth and care of their families.

Secondly, we should pay attention to cultivating children’s moral quality. Good moral character is the foundation for children to grow into useful talents. Parents should teach their children basic moral qualities such as honesty and trustworthiness, respect for others, diligence and kindness, and a sense of responsibility from an early age.

At the same time, we should set a good example for our children. Third, we should pay attention to the cultivation of children’s hobbies. Every child has his own hobbies, and parents should explore and cultivate their children’s specialties as much as possible. You can choose suitable training courses according to your child’s hobbies, such as music, dance, painting, sports, etc., which can stimulate your child’s potential and enhance your self-confidence.

Fourth, we should pay attention to children’s academic education. Although learning is not all, it is the foundation of children’s future development. Parents should pay attention to their children’s learning, keep good communication with school teachers and pay attention to their children’s academic progress together.

At the same time, we should also encourage children to read more and think more, and cultivate their autonomous learning ability. Fifth, we should pay attention to cultivating children’s independence and autonomy. Children will eventually leave their families and face the society independently. Parents should cultivate their children’s independent living ability from an early age, let them learn to solve problems by themselves, think independently and cultivate their independent decision-making ability.

Sixth, we should pay attention to emotional communication with children. Children will encounter various problems in the process of growing up. Parents should listen to their voices patiently, give positive responses and guidance, help them solve problems, and enhance their self-confidence and sense of security. Finally, we should pay attention to the scientificity and rationality of family education methods. Different children have different personalities and characteristics, and parents should formulate appropriate educational methods according to their actual situation.

At the same time, we should constantly learn and explore better ways of family education to improve the level of education.

In short, ordinary families need to pay attention to family education environment, moral quality, hobbies, academic education, independence, emotional communication and scientific rationality in order to lay a solid foundation for children’s future development.

Learn these swimming knowledge to increase a sense of security.

Citizens are swimming in the swimming pool. Photo courtesy of the interviewed unit

Swimming attracts Shenzhen citizens to participate. Photo courtesy of the respondents In the hot summer, swimming is one of the favorite ways for citizens to cool off. There are many swimmers in Shenzhen, and the swimming pool is always very lively on holidays. However, there are many safety details that need to be paid attention to during swimming. Shenzhen Water Sports Association’s scientific fitness guide for swimming can increase your sense of security while exercising.

Common sense of swimming safety and hygiene

(1) establish the idea of safety first. Exercise in the water, to ensure safety first; Should be organized, or three or five people go together; Learn basic swimming life-saving skills to lay the foundation for self-help and rescue.

(2) Choose a safe and hygienic place. Standardized swimming venues are fully equipped with qualified lifeguards, swimming life-saving equipment and facilities are complete, safety signs are clear and eye-catching, and the water quality of the pool meets national standards; When swimming in natural waters, you should choose a natural swimming place with flat beach, good water quality, no rapids and eddies, small waves, life-saving personnel and complete facilities.

(3) You can’t swim in these situations. Drinking alcohol can stimulate the central nervous system to be in an excessively excited or inhibited state, and swimming after drinking is prone to drowning accidents; Swimming after satiety is easy to cause stomach cramps, while swimming when hungry is easy to cause dizziness or limb weakness; Swimming immediately when you are overtired will cause fatigue accumulation and easily cause cramps.

How to save yourself in the water

(1) Ways to relieve muscle spasm. The common method is to stretch the spasmodic muscle groups. For example, when the finger muscle spasms, you can make a fist and then straighten it hard; When the toes are cramped, the toes can be flexed and extended to the maximum extent; When the muscles at the back of the calf are spasmodic, hold down the knee joint of the leg with one hand, and grab the toes of the leg with the other hand to stretch in the opposite direction; When the muscles in front of the thigh are convulsed, float on the water or go ashore as soon as possible, lie prone by the pool and bend the calf, and grasp the cramped leg, ankle and wrist with the same hand to fold the calf.

(2) Prevention and treatment of water choking. The way to avoid choking is to practice breathing techniques more, try not to inhale through the nose, but to inhale through the mouth and exhale with the mouth and nose. If you accidentally choke on water, you should try to stay calm. You can make your body step on water or float on your back, make your head out of the water, adjust your breathing quickly, or cough hard and spit out the water in your trachea. If you still feel unwell, you need to go ashore to rest and adjust in time. (Lin Weihang)

Source: Shenzhen Evening News

Don’t enter the timid! These six high-scoring bloody movies make your hair stand on end!

1. Alien

The first Alien, directed by ridley scott, was released in 1979, which tells the horror story of the crew meeting a deadly alien creature in outer space. Through excellent special effects and exciting plots, the film successfully created a creepy atmosphere of terror and became a classic of the series.

The whole Alien series has become an important part of sci-fi thriller movies with its unique horror atmosphere, exciting plot and nuanced special effects. For the audience who love horror and science fiction, this series will bring shock and excitement to your vision and nerves again and again.

2. Death is coming.

The plot of this series originated from a horrible concept: Death cannot be defeated, and it will persistently chase those who escape death.

The first "Death Comes" was widely praised after it was released. With its exciting plot, elaborate death scenes and excellent special effects, the film successfully created the psychological tension and horror of the audience. Subsequent sequels Death Comes 2, Death Comes 3, and 3D versions of Death Comes 4 and Death Comes 5 continue to dig deep into the theme of death and bring more excitement and horror to the audience.

This film series has not only achieved success in the field of horror films, but also derived from other media forms. The publication of novels and mini-comics further expands the world view of the plot and provides more angles for the audience to explore this horrible universe.

Watch platform: Tencent

3, dead silence

The story revolves around a tortured story, which originates from a long-dead ancestor who only exists in imagination and a series of ancient curses.

Dead Silence is famous for its exciting atmosphere and terrible grand story. The film successfully creates the psychological tension and horror of the audience through carefully constructed suspense plots, excellent special effects and amazing visual effects. The actors in the film also showed excellent acting skills, presenting the fear and despair of the characters to the audience.

The elements of ancestor curse and evil spirits contained in the story add mystery and horror to the film. The audience will be brought into a twisted and disturbing world, and the thrilling plot and unexpected plot turn will make people hold their breath.

4. cabin in the forest

The film tells the story of five good friends who go to a cabin in the deep forest for vacation, but accidentally fall into a mysterious trap.

Through gripping plot construction, exciting atmosphere and excellent actor performance, the audience is brought into a world full of unknowns and horrors. After encountering mysterious events, the five characters in the story constantly face supernatural phenomena and incredible evil forces. As the plot unfolds, the audience gradually feels the oppression of fear and the tense atmosphere.

It is a scary suspense horror movie with a compact plot and a creepy atmosphere. If you like suspense and horror movies, then this movie will bring you a fascinating horror trip.

Watch platform: Tencent

5, parasitic beasts

The story of the film revolves around the hero Izumi Shinichi, who is parasitized by a parasitic organism, and the parasitic organism named "MIGI" replaces his right hand. Izumi Shinichi began a life-and-death struggle with other complete parasitic beasts, in order to protect relatives and friends who were hurt by parasitic beasts and the future of mankind.

Parasitic Beast is highly praised for its exciting plot and excellent special effects. Through the struggle between parasitic beasts and human beings, the film discusses human nature, morality and survival significance. The plot is gripping, full of tension and excitement, and also incorporates sci-fi elements, bringing a brand-new visual experience to the audience.

6, dawn of the dead

The film tells the story of two TV station staff and two policemen fighting against the ferocious robbers while avoiding zombies. The small team is trapped in a shopping mall, and they must join hands to fight the growing threat of zombies and protect themselves from robbers.

Dawn of the dead is regarded as a classic work that created the modern zombie movie style. The film is famous for its horrible atmosphere, bloody pictures and exciting plots. George A. Romero, the director, presents a world full of horror and depth for the audience by discussing human nature, social problems and the meaning of existence.

Watch platform: Tencent

Mock the media! Ignore Ronaldo! Mr. Billion refused Newcastle. Does Felix want to stay at Chelsea?

Unlike many Chelsea players, Felix’s current contract will expire at the end of this season. His loan period is only half a year, and he will face a choice after the end of this season, whether to return to Atletico Madrid, stay at Chelsea or join other teams. For Felix, returning to Atletico Madrid is naturally the worst choice. It is difficult for him to get too many opportunities and growth under Simone, and staying at Chelsea means that he can’t participate in the Champions League, and Chelsea will not buy him out.

In the latest news, the English media believe that the only team willing to spend more than 100 million euros to sign Felix is Newcastle, and Felix directly commented: "A group of people know the king." Maybe what Felix meant was that the media didn’t know anything at all, and the news was not true at all. However, in most fans’ comments, it is thought that Felix is not worth 100 million euros at all, and Newcastle will not buy him out. This is what Felix really means.

Of course, this is just a kind of ridicule from the fans, and Felix certainly doesn’t think so. However, most fans’ comments are still very representative. The progress speed of the former European golden boy in the past few seasons has not been recognized by the fans, and even Felix can’t become the offensive core of the team in Chelsea to help the team win. Although such a player said that Atletico Madrid marked a transfer fee of 100 million euros for him, no team would be willing to spend 100 million euros to buy him out, including Newcastle. This is the view of most fans.

Only after Felix joined the Premier League, he got a red card in his first Premier League game, but only scored three goals in 14 Premier League games, which didn’t match his worth. Moreover, in the more crucial Champions League competition, Felix’s performance has also not been recognized by the team and fans. Judging from his current performance, Chelsea will not refuse Felix to stay in the team, but it is almost impossible for Chelsea to complete his buyout.

In addition to this question, Felix evaluated the best offensive combination in an interview. Messi, Neymar, Bernardo Silva and his own name appeared in his list, but his national team teammate Cristiano Ronaldo was not included in the selection, which was also ridiculed by fans. There is no problem in making the best combination in your mind and focusing on your inner thoughts, but this problem is obviously a "pit" set by the media. Felix has to jump down and ignore Cristiano Ronaldo. It is no wonder that Cristiano Ronaldo directly took him after the incident.

There are big changes in the frontcourt this summer. Barcelona wants to clean two generals, and the No.10 in the team+the old Manchester City general.

This season, the team has successively introduced Levan and Rafinha, which has achieved good results. Barcelona hopes to continue to upgrade its frontcourt position this summer, while some players with poor performance will be purged. Fati and Phelan Torres are undoubtedly inferior to others in the frontcourt. In terms of reinforcement, Barcelona intends to introduce Rocco, while in terms of cleaning, Fati and Phelan Torres are the two frontcourt players who are most likely to leave the team. In order to have enough funds to continue the upgrade and reinforcement of the frontcourt, Barcelona may consider selling one of Fati and Phelan Torres.

Fati, the new Barcelona No.10 is obviously not as good as the previous No.10 players of the club, and it is difficult for people to see any signs of improvement. Fati’s future in Barcelona has become increasingly uncertain, and now the club is more inclined to sell it to recover funds, rather than give time to prove itself. Fati’s own performance is unstable, and it also affects other players on Barcelona’s offensive end from time to time. The most classic scene is that Fati grabbed Levan, who was in a better position, so that the latter failed to make a header attack. Fati failed to have a good chemical reaction with other teams in the frontcourt, but it had the opposite effect. The data of 6 goals and 3 assists in 36 games seems not bad, but Fati did more harm than good in the frontcourt.

Fortunately, Fati still has a market, and several top teams in the Premier League want to introduce this Barcelona frontcourt player. Therefore, as long as Barcelona is willing to push Fati into the transfer market, I believe it can be sold at a good price. As for Phelan Torres, he only came to Barcelona in January last year, and this season has actually begun the first full season of his career in Barcelona. However, the club is obviously not satisfied with Phelan Torres’ performance on the court. Poor ability to seize opportunities, whether it is personal scoring or organizing assists, has not played the role and effect expected by the coach. Phelan-Torres Espiba has a low presence on the offensive end, which has actually lasted for a long time.

People don’t see any signs of recovery in Phelan Torres. Phelan Torres is not as good as Dembele in breaking and killing on the flank. The latter can not only play a critical role, but also always send assists to his teammates. Barcelona hopes to sell Phelan Torres this summer. At the beginning, it cost 55 million euros to introduce him from Manchester City, and the capital cost is a little. Now it seems that this transaction is obviously disappointing and at a loss. Phelan Torres has played 32 games for Barcelona so far this season, of which only 13 started and scored 5 goals and 1 assist. It’s worse than Fati in data.

For Barcelona fans, compared with Fati, the club is actually more inclined to sell Phelan Torres. After all, the former comes from the team’s own youth training, and the fans still hope Fati can play and show his due role on the court. Phelan Torres is not from Barcelona, but from Valencia. Phelan Torres made a name for himself in Valencia and attracted the attention of Manchester City. During his time at Manchester City, Phelan Torres’ performance was remarkable. However, due to Barcelona’s invitation, fans have the idea of returning to La Liga. Manchester City chose to follow Phelan Torres’ wishes and the deal was successfully concluded. However, it is a pity that Phelan Torres, who returned to La Liga, played an outstanding performance in Valencia and even Manchester City, but now he is facing the fate of being purged.