Chen He’s villain in "Aiming": Seize a good opportunity

Wen/Yangcheng Evening News All Media Reporters, Gong Weifeng, Huang Xiangyu

Recently, the TV series "Aiming" has followed up "Together" on the Oriental Theater of Oriental Satellite TV, and it is broadcast in two episodes every night. The drama is directed by Wubai and Buick, with Huang Hui as the chief screenwriter, and starring Huang Xuan, Chen He, Yang Caiyu and Li Xirui. "Aiming" tells the story of the beginning of the liberation of Songjiang, when Su Wenqian (played by Huang Xuan) and Chi Tiecheng (played by Chen He), the ace partners in the sniper circle, went to the opposite side due to differences in beliefs, and eventually went to different fates in life-and-death confrontations and clashes of beliefs.

After "Aim" went LIVE, it achieved high reputation and topic trendiness. Chen He changed the comedy image established in works such as "Love Apartment" and "Run", and starred as a "villain" in a period drama for the first time. Slightly curled shoulder-length long hair, evil laughter, fierce and ferocious roar… Chen He played "Cold Killer" Chi Tiecheng. Regarding the breakthrough in this performance, Chen He said frankly: "It is not difficult to put away’funny ‘and become’cold’, this is the basic ability of an actor."

Role Realization Breakthrough

In "Aim," Chi Tiecheng is codenamed "Jellyfish" and leads a "Jellyfish Assassination Team" of professional killers. He is far-sighted and cold-blooded, with only tasks in mind, and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. His partner, Su Wenqian, codenamed "Muyu", is a kind sniper. Chen He explains the relationship between the two: "The two are old partners who can’t forget each other. Chi Tiecheng always wants to prove that he is stronger than Su Wenqian, but he can never surpass the other. At the peak of the two, Su Wenqian chose to leave. In Chi Tiecheng’s heart, this is like a knot in his heart. He wants to find Su Wenqian and prove that he is the strongest."

Before taking on the role of "Chi Tiecheng", Chen He and the director 500 Bai had a meal, and the two were very close. At that time, Chen He had read two or three episodes of the script and liked the rhythm of the script, but he also had concerns in his heart, because he had never played a villain before. Chen He recalled: "The family said to me, ‘Chen He, do you want to stay in the safe zone of your performance forever?’ This sentence was quite irritating to me, so I resolutely went."

Before this, Chen He also thought about breaking through the safe zone: "No one asked me to do this kind of drama before. It can be said that I was ready, but many producers were not ready." This time, Chen He was very grateful to 500: "Every aspect of this role is something I have never played before. No one ever asked me to play the villain. It seems that all the producers at that time also opposed me to play this role. It was 500 who defied all opinions and thought I was suitable."

Chen He’s long hair style was helpful in finding the role, but he says the process of accepting the look was torturous: "When I knew I had to wear a wig, I was blinded. It took me more than ten days to get used to this hair, and it was so difficult. When the wind blew on my face, I didn’t know how to talk, and I didn’t flick my hair at all… I prefer to recall the short hair back look that appeared in the camera when setting makeup." Chen He laments: "In order to wear a wig, I had to get up an hour and a half earlier to put on makeup. This time I felt that it is not easy for a costume drama actor."

Acting is most afraid of playing

"Aim" is particularly full of action scenes, and the showdown between "jellyfish" and "herding fish" is even more thrilling. Chen He said: "I used to shoot very few gunfights and explosions, but this time I shot a lot. At the beginning, there was a crackle. Huang Xuan and I circled around the explosion point, blowing our souls away. At night, our brains were buzzing."

Many viewers noticed that Chen He used his trademark evil laughter in "Aim". Chen He revealed: "I originally designed another kind of laughter, but the 500 directors didn’t think I needed to avoid the previous laughter. Chi Tiecheng has his own character, and he wants to make the audience feel creepy when they hear me laugh, and to perform that kind of aura and atmosphere."

In "Aim", Chi Tiecheng’s superficial identity is that of a pastry chef with excellent professional skills and can make a variety of complex cakes. In the close-up shot of Chi Tiecheng making cakes in the play, Chen He is quite realistic. "I am more interested in all the things I like to eat. I have attended a cake-making training class and can make them."

"Huang Xuan is not as cool as he looks on the surface, he is actually a very sunny and warm big boy," Mr. Chen said of his partnership with Mr. Huang. "In addition to filming, we also get together at night to have a few drinks and be very happy."

It’s not intentional.

In 2009, Chen He entered the public eye with the role of Zeng Xiaoxian in "Love Apartment". Zeng Xiaoxian’s humorous and "cheap and cute" character was once equated with Chen He. Later, Chen He further established his image as a comedian in film and television works such as "The Story of the Medical Hall" and "The Best Family Member". Chen He stressed that this time the role of "cold killer" was not deliberately transformed: "An actor is about trying different roles, and this time I was lucky to meet a good script and a good director."

Chen He was an actor at the Shanghai Drama Art Center. "I’ve been acting in plays since my first year of graduation. I’ve tried out many different roles on stage, but the audience for plays is relatively small, and’Love Apartment ‘was filmed earlier, so more people know it."

After the broadcast of "Aim", many viewers said that they wanted to laugh when they saw Chen He appear. In this regard, Chen He said: "I am very lucky that’Zeng Xiaoxian ‘can be remembered by everyone. The feedback from the audience is also what I expected. As an actor, I can only try my best to play every role, including this time’Chi Tiecheng’. As for whether everyone likes it or not, I can only say that I tried my best." In his opinion, this performance gave him a chance to show his fists. "It is not difficult to put away’funny ‘and become’cold’. This is the basic ability of an actor."

Regarding the "unaccustomed" of some viewers, Chen He had something to say: "I play Zeng Xiaoxian, participate in variety shows, open hot pot restaurants, play live broadcasts, and make costumes, so that more people are familiar with me, and sometimes I will be questioned, but I am trying my best to do everything well."

There will be no limits in the future.

The collaboration on "Aim" allowed Chen He to establish a deep friendship with the director of 500: "After filming this drama, I seem to have become a member of his team. He is very charismatic and will gather a group of brothers around him to work together and create for his dreams." Chen He also found a sense of security and trust in 500: "When I was in college, my teacher told me that a good actor should be the best tool for a director. You have to be like water. If the director pours you into a cup of any shape, you will become the shape of the cup."

This year, Chen He also collaborated with 500 on the TV series "Dress Up". Chen He said: "I developed a tacit understanding with 500. When we were together, we hardly talked about the play, and we understood each other with one look. He often asked the executive director to come to the scene and said that he would let me play another one. I asked the executive director, how should I act? The executive director said, the director said you understand, and I understand, that’s how tacit understanding is."

Regarding the future role, Chen He was very calm: "I didn’t expect myself to play any role, so I will seize this good opportunity. If I were to play a comedy for the rest of my life, I would be willing."

The top ten investment and financing cases in the primary market in 2023: semiconductors attract the most money, and industrial capital and state-owned assets carry the weight

2023 is about to come to an end. Looking back on the first-tier market investment and financing this year, the overall cold atmosphere remains the same. There are more projects than money, and it is difficult to find top gifters for valuation declines, but there are also a few "Aoxue cold plums" dotted throughout the winter.

The Securities Times reporter combined the execution data (by financing amount) to sort out the top ten investment and financing cases in the primary market in 2023. Almost all of these companies that received large financing were concentrated in the field of semiconductors and new energy vehicles, especially the top semiconductor companies still have a huge ability to attract money. In addition, industrial capital and national funds have become the main top gifters behind these large financing cases.

Which companies are the most "gold-sucking" in 2023? Let’s see the following.

01, JITA Semiconductor completed 13.50 billion yuan financing

In August 2023, Shanghai JITA Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (referred to as "JITA Semiconductor") completed a 13.50 billion yuan financing. This round of financing brings together a number of national funds, industrial investors, local funds, and well-known financial investors. According to public information, JITA Semiconductor is a characteristic process integrated circuit chip manufacturer, focusing on the research and development and manufacturing of characteristic production processes required for analog circuits and power devices. The chips produced by BCD, IGBT/FRD, SGT/MOSFET, TVS, SiC devices are widely used in automotive electronics, industrial control, power management, intelligent end points, and even high-end app stores such as rail transit and smart grids.

It is worth mentioning that JITA Semiconductor also introduced Dr. Zhang Rujing, known as the "father of China’s semiconductor industry development", as an executive director in 2022. It is reported that JITA Semiconductor has built two plants in Lingang New Area and Xuhui District of China (Shanghai) Free Trade Pilot Zone, with a total capacity of 280,000 pieces built and under construction, and has made significant progress in the 12-inch automotive chip project.

02, Runpeng Semiconductor received 12.60 billion yuan capital increase

In August 2023, China Resources Microelectronics Co., Ltd. announced that its subsidiary Runpeng Semiconductor (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. intends to increase capital and expand shares and introduce external investors such as the second phase of the National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund Joint Stock Company. After the transaction is completed, Runpeng Semiconductor’s registered capital will increase from 2.40 billion yuan to 15 billion yuan, of which China Resources Microelectronics plans to increase investment 2.575 billion yuan this time, and the equity ratio of Runpeng Semiconductor held will decrease to 33%; the second phase of the big fund plans to increase investment 3.75 billion yuan, holding 25%, the second phase of the China state-owned enterprise structural adjustment fund plans to increase investment 1.50 billion yuan, holding 10%.

According to public information, Runpeng Semiconductor was established in June 2022 and is a power chip developer. The company’s business includes integrated circuit design, mask manufacturing, wafer manufacturing, packaging and testing, and discrete devices. It is mainly responsible for the construction of China Resources Microelectronics Shenzhen 300mm integrated circuit production line project, focusing on the simulation characteristic process above 40nm. The products are mainly used in automotive electronics, new energy, industrial control, consumer electronics and other fields. At present, Runpeng Semiconductor is still in the construction period and has not yet generated operating income.

03, Nezha Auto received 7 billion RMB crossover round financing

In August 2023, Nezha Automobile announced that it had completed a crossover round of financing totaling 7 billion yuan. Nezha Automobile is one of the leading new car manufacturers in China. In 2022, Nezha Automobile’s annual sales reached 152,000 vehicles, ranking first among new car manufacturers. In the first seven months of 2023, 72,500 vehicles were delivered, down 6.11% year-on-year.

Data show that from September 2017 to July 2022, Nezha Automobile received multiple rounds of financing. In July last year, Nezha Automobile announced the completion of the D3 round of financing, with a financing amount of more than 3 billion yuan; in addition to the previous D1 round and D2 round of financing, Nezha Automobile’s D round has accumulated financing of nearly 10 billion yuan. There are many companies and institutions investing in Nezha Automobile, including Ningde Times, Shenzhen Venture Capital, 360 Group, Huading Capital, Zhihe Travel, etc.

04, Huasheng New Energy received B + C round of financing over 5 billion yuan

In November 2023, Huasheng New Energy announced the completion of over 2 billion yuan C round of financing, led by China Green Hair Investment Group, Bank of China Assets and China Post Insurance, Wuxi Guolian Financial Investment Zhiyuan and emerging assets continued up the ante. As early as January this year, Huasheng New Energy has received over 2 billion yuan B round of financing. Two months later, Hongtai Fund announced its participation in Huasheng New Energy’s B + round of financing. So far, the total size of B series financing exceeds 2.40 billion yuan, and the post-money valuation 10 billion yuan. That is to say, Huasheng New Energy has received over 5 billion yuan in financing in 2023.

Founded in 2020, Huasheng New Energy mainly deploys silicon-based heterojunction solar technology research and development and large-scale production of products. According to the official website, one year after its establishment, Huasheng New Energy’s HJT cell monolithic efficiency exceeded 25.26%. By the end of 2022, Huasheng HJT production capacity had reached 2.7GW, accounting for nearly a quarter of the total market. In September 2023, Huasheng New Energy announced that it had achieved a company-wide operating profit. It is worth noting that Huasheng New Energy has announced its listing plan in September last year. It plans to start share reform in August 2023, and strive to start IPO filing in 2024.

05, Haichen Energy Storage completed the C round of over 4.50 billion yuan financing

In July 2023, Xiamen Haichen Energy Storage Technology joint stock company (referred to as "Haichen Energy Storage") completed the C round of financing, with a total amount of financing exceeding 4.50 billion yuan. This financing was jointly led by Guoshou Equity and Financial Street Capital, and was jointly led by Bank of China Assets, Jinshi Investment, SDIC Investment, China Venture Capital Fund, CICC Capital, CDH Baifu, and Sino-US Green Fund. First Construction Investment New Energy, Hefei Industrial Investment and existing shareholders Fenghe Capital, Jingwei Venture Capital, Agricultural Bank International, China Bing National Investment and other follow-up investments. According to industry sources, Haichen’s post-money valuation exceeded 30 billion yuan this round.

Haichen Energy Storage was established in 2019. The company is mainly engaged in the research and development, production and sales of lithium battery core materials and lithium iron phosphate energy storage batteries and systems. At present, the company’s products include square batteries, round batteries, battery modules and battery clusters, which can be widely used in household storage, base stations, photovoltaics, wind power, grid side, industrial and commercial energy storage and other scenarios. It has been 5 years since its establishment, and the company has completed 6 rounds of financing. At the same time, the company’s class A share IPO coaching was officially opened in July this year, with Huatai United Securities as its coaching agency.

06, Changfei Advanced Semiconductor completed over 3.80 billion yuan A round of financing

In June 2023, Anhui Changfei Advanced Semiconductor Co., Ltd. announced the completion of over 3.80 billion yuan A round of equity financing, with new investors including Optics Valley Financial Holdings, Fuzhe, Zhongping Capital, China Building Materials New Materials Industry Fund, CICC Capital’s funds (CICC SAIC, CICC Ruiwei, CICC Zhixing, CICC Qihe), Haitong M & A Fund, Guoyuan Financial Holdings Group’s funds (Guoyuan Equity, Guoyuan Fund, Guoyuan Innovation), Luxin Venture Capital, Dongfeng Assets, CCB Trust, October Capital, Hua’an Jiaye, Zhonghu Zhiyun, Baoyue Qicheng, Yunxiu Capital, etc.

Changfei Advanced focuses on silicon carbide (SiC) power semiconductor Product Research & Development and manufacturing. It can produce 60,000 6-inch SiC MOSFETs or SBD epitaxial and wafers, 6.40 million power modules, 18 million power single tubes, and currently can provide 650V to 3300V SiC SBD, SiC MOSFET related products. Changfei Advanced has now started the construction of the second base in "Wuhan · China Optics Valley". The investment scale of the first phase of the project exceeds 6 billion yuan, and the total investment of the project is expected to exceed 20 billion yuan. The first phase of the project will be completed in 2025. It will become the largest domestic silicon carbide production capacity (annual output 360,000 silicon carbide wafers), a complete packaging production line, and an integrated new highland including epitaxial growth and cutting-edge innovation centers.

07, Avita Technology completed the B round of 3 billion yuan financing

In August 2023, Changan Automobile announced that Avita Technology announced the completion of the B round of financing, the proceeds raised 3 billion yuan, and the post-money valuation was nearly 20 billion yuan. After the completion of this capital increase, Changan Automobile’s shareholding ratio remained unchanged at 40.99%, and Ningde Times held 14.1%, ranking second. In this round of financing, Changan Automobile, Southern Assets, Liangjiang Industrial Fund, etc. continued to increase investment, and also introduced Chongqing Industrial Fund of Funds, Bank of Communications Investment, Guangkai Holdings and other state-owned capital.

Avita Technology was established in July 2018, formerly known as Changan NIO, a joint venture between Changan Automobile and NIO, and changed its name to Avita Technology Company in May 2011. At present, Avita Technology has delivered more than 12,000 vehicles. Although it is not much among new energy vehicle companies, the company has been deeply bound to Huawei and Ningde Times. In August this year, Avita Technology announced that it will become the first batch of new energy vehicle brands equipped with Ningde Times Shenxing super-charged batteries, and Avita 11 Hongmeng Edition has also been listed.

08, YiSiWei calculates the completion of over 3 billion yuan D round of financing

In June 2023, Beijing Yisiwei Computing Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Yisiwei Computing") announced the completion of the D round of financing of over 3 billion yuan. This round of financing was led by Financial Street Capital, Guoxin Venture Capital jointly led the investment, Yizhuang Guotou, Ruicheng Fund, China-Singapore Fund, Yixing Fund, Guangfa Qianhe, Jiantou Investment, Guangzhou Industrial Investment Group, National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund Phase II, Yuncong Technology, Juhu Dream, Chuxin Fund, Caiyuan Capital, ultra-high definition Industrial Fund and other institutions followed suit.

The head of Yisiwei Computing is Wang Dongsheng, who is known as the "father of China’s semiconductor display industry". Since its establishment in 2019, the company has taken the RISC-V computing autonomous architecture as the core of its development. It has now formed a full-stack platform that integrates software and hardware with RISC-V. It is a new generation of computing architecture chip and solution provider with RISC-V. RISC-V is an Instruction Set Architecture architecture based on a streamlined Instruction Set Architecture architecture that can improve the performance and programmability of computers. In the context of cloud computing and AI explosion, it is highly sought after by enterprises. At present, RISC-V is in its infancy globally, and Chinese enterprises are in the first echelon in ecological construction. It is also seen by domestic manufacturers as an opportunity for domestic chip overtaking. In terms of hardware, Yisiwei Computing has completed the development of a series of 32-bit embedded core processors and applied them to dozens of self-developed chip products; the series of 64-bit processor cores has been verified, and related chip products will be used in multimedia, edge computing, wearable devices and other scenarios.

09, Xinwangda battery received more than 2.40 billion yuan in financing

In February 2023, Xinwangda announced that its holding subsidiary, Xinwangda Electric Vehicle Battery Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Xinwangda Battery"), received investment from 19 investors, spending a total of 2.43 billion yuan, and obtained about 19.5% of the equity of Xinwangda Battery. Investors include Li Auto, SAIC Group, GAC Group and other car companies. Based on this calculation, the current valuation of Xinwangda Battery is about 12.40 billion yuan. After the completion of this capital increase, Xinwangda is still the controlling shareholder of Xinwangda Battery, with a shareholding ratio of 57.5%.

According to the previous disclosure of Xinwangda, Xinwangda Battery has received orders for power batteries for a number of new models such as SAIC-GM Wuling and Dongfeng Liuqi, and has also carried out business cooperation with Renault-Nissan Alliance, Geely, Dongfeng Liuqi and other car companies. According to the data of China Power Battery Industry Innovation Alliance, from January to November 2023, Xinwangda Power Battery installed 7.24GWh, with a market share of 2.13%, ranking sixth in China.

10, Suiteng Juchuang through G series financing over 1.10 billion yuan

In April 2023, Suiteng Juchuang completed the G-1 series of 400 million yuan financing, and the G-2 series of 790 million yuan financing was completed at the same time, raising a total of 1.19 billion yuan twice. Suiteng Juchuang was founded in 2014 and is committed to promoting the large-scale commercialization and popularization of lidar. It is the only enterprise in the world that has realized the mass production and delivery of intelligent solid-state lidar car specifications. It has received fixed orders for more than 40 mass-produced models from BYD, GAC Aian, Weimar Automobile, Jitu, Lotus Technology, Yingche Technology, Zhitu Technology and other projects.

A few days ago, Suiteng Juchuang has launched a global prospectus and will be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on January 5, 2024. According to the prospectus, Suiteng Juchuang has received many financing since its establishment. Suiteng Juchuang completed C series financing in 2019, with a total scale of 250 million yuan; completed D series financing in December 2020, with a total amount of nearly 4 billion yuan so far. The investors participating in its new round of strategic financing include Yutong Group, Hubei Xiaomi Yangtze River Industrial Fund, Hong Kong Lixun Co., Ltd., Geely Holding Group; Lotus Technology, BAIC Group, GAC Group, BYD Group, Desai West Wei, as well as China Renaissance, Yunfeng Fund, Kunzhong Capital, Jinglin Investment, Chenling Capital, a number of funds under Oriental Fuhai, Kang Chengheng, Zhongxin Sunac and Xingshao Venture Capital, etc.

Editor in charge: Yue Yanan

Proofreading: Wang Wei

Ling Du’s L-hot version is less than 150,000 yuan, breaking the "floor price" of coupe.

  SAIC Volkswagen Volkswagen brand Ling Du L 200TSI hot version is newly listed, with an official guide price of 143,900 yuan. For the first time, Ling Du L Tide Hot Edition is equipped with a 1.2T engine, which breaks the "floor price" of the personalized coupe, making the unique charm of the coupe more within reach, and comes standard with 17-inch shadow blast wheels and high-transparent large-size skylights, so that the sense of fashion and comfort can be upgraded to a higher level, and it is easy to win the hot life.

Ling Du l hot version of the new market less than 150 thousand to break the coupe "floor price" _fororder_image001

  The new power of 1.2T engine is more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly.

Ling Du l hot version of the new market less than 150 thousand to break the coupe "floor price" _fororder_image002

  This time, Ling Du L Chaospicy Edition is equipped with a brand-new 1.2T engine, which can add No.92 gasoline just like the 1.4T engine, "eat coarse grains and not be picky about food", and its emissions are more environmentally friendly, with the comprehensive fuel consumption (WLTC) as low as 5.87L/100km, which not only inherits the brand’s sports genes and driving experience, but also brings consumers more economical choices.

Ling Du l hot version of the new market less than 150 thousand to break the coupe "floor price" _fororder_image003

  Yan value hot personality design fell in love at first sight

  The hot and spicy version of Ling Du L has maintained the hot and spicy design, and the light and transparent frameless door, sliding back streamlined roof and hatchback tailgate all show their coupe identity. The sporty super-running design front face, super-large lower grille, intelligent IQ.Light light group, perfect coupe body proportion, and 17-inch shadow blast wheels bring the amazing effect of debut in C position.

  Chaoku Space understands the pursuit of young people better.

  Ling Du L’s driving space design has met consumers’ demand for fashion sense and technology sense experience, and has been deeply recognized by the market. Therefore, the cockpit design of Ling Du L 200TSI hot version also focuses on digital technology and fashion atmosphere, and the 10.2-inch all-digital LCD instrument +10-inch multi-touch LCD central control panel forms a suspension dual screen with full sense of technology; The high-permeability large-size skylight with opening, sliding and anti-pinch functions makes the interior space brighter and the overall fashion sense jumps again.

  As a hot and spicy coupe with full personality, Ling Du L 200TSI Hot and Spicy Edition, while pursuing fuel-saving, environmental protection and fashionable design, also breaks the "floor price" of the coupe at a more affordable price. The price of 143,900 yuan makes the hot and spicy charm within reach and becomes a new engine to attract young consumers. (Photo: provided by SAIC Volkswagen)

Huawei P7 review: a redefinition of the flagship phone

Nomad Starry Sky

Nomad Starry Sky

Nomad Starry Sky

  In terms of night scenes, the noise control of the P7 is not good enough, even if the brightness of the screen is not high, it can still see more obvious noise.

  However, its halo control is in place, the picture is relatively clean, and there is no light flying around.

Nomad Starry Sky

  Sometimes the whole picture turns red, and it is easy to appear in the same scene at that time. It takes many patient adjustments to the position to take a more ideal white balance sample:

Nomad Starry Sky

Nomad Starry Sky

  Let’s take a look at the price first. The price of the P7 in the European market is 449 euros, which is about 3,900 yuan, while the price in the domestic market is 2,888 yuan. Whether it is the high tax in Europe or the competition in the domestic market, the price of 2,888 yuan is more conscientious.

  It is certain that there are very few parameters and performance parties for buying this phone, because the hardware strength of the P7 is only close to the Snapdragon 600, which is still not small compared to the current Snapdragon 800/801.

  If you compare it vertically, you will find that the P7 is a comprehensive upgrade compared to the P6. Its screen has been upgraded from 4.7-inch 720P to 5-inch 1080P, the processor has been upgraded from a quad-core 1.5GHz K2V3 to a quad-core 1.8GHz Kirin, and the front and rear cameras have been upgraded from 500 + 800 to 800 + 1300 respectively. In addition, the body storage has been upgraded from 8GB to 16GB, the battery capacity has been increased from 2000mAh to 25mAh, and the Android 4.4.2 Emotion 2.3 system has been adopted for the first time.

  The selling point of the P7 is also its appearance. The rounded shape above has become a classic design of Huawei’s P-series flagship models. This time, the P7 not only continues the overall appearance of the P6, but also has many changes in details, such as the integrated design of the bottom frame, and the position of the earphones is no longer torn.

  In a word, if you accept the Huawei P6 at 2688 yuan, the Huawei P7 at 2888 yuan is definitely worth your careful review.

Why the dispute between BYD and DMI/DMP is so big, the in-depth analysis is mainly as follows.

Hello, everyone. Welcome to today’s talk about cars by Da Li. I’m your old driver Da Li, and it’s time for Da Li to talk about cars with everyone. I believe everyone has seen the news about BYD DMI/DMP recently. I find that there is a lot of controversy. Some people are optimistic, while others are pessimistic. So what about BYD’s new car? Today, let’s have a brief talk. By the way, let’s talk about my personal views. First of all, I’m not a navy. I express my views objectively.Fasten your seat belt, let’s start ~

Before we talk about our opinions, let’s take a brief look at some basic data of BYD DMI/DMP. We won’t say much about the appearance. We can’t grasp everyone’s preferences. Let’s talk about the internal aspects. In terms of configuration, the whole system comes standard with the main and co-pilot airbags, front and rear side airbags, front and rear head air curtains, knee airbags, active braking, pedestrian protection, fatigue driving tips and HUD display, which can be said to be very safe. Of course, the high-profile models also have Dana stereo, 12 speakers, seat ventilation and heating, eight-way adjustment of the main driver’s seat, six-way adjustment of the co-pilot seat, atmosphere lights, etc. Of course, there is a 15.6-inch eight nuclear adaptive. Of course, although the DMP of 320,000 yuan is more expensive, the luxurious performance configurations such as 3.7 seconds and zero acceleration, top-class braking system, brand-new aluminum alloy sports chassis, 80kw fast charging, electronically controlled active suspension, and wide temperature range heat pump air conditioner are still very valuable.

After introducing the configuration, let me talk about why everyone’s controversy is so great, because it is so excellent that it brings together three groups of users who should not intersect. These three groups are like Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, that is, they speak their own words and have certain origins.
The first category is to pay attention to saving fuel and money.
The second category values high configuration.
The third category focuses on the acceleration performance.

The concerns and budget expectations of the three groups of people are different, and it is inevitable that they will say their own words. I think some people predict that this car will definitely be finished, because the pricing failure will lead to the inability to sell. But let’s put it this way, the 15 models of Tang Dynasty were priced at 279,800 yuan six years ago. At that time, there were subsidies in all regions. If they were won, it would be about 210,000 yuan, with a monthly sales volume of 3,000 yuan. I can say for sure that many of them are now priced at the same high price as those of Tang Dynasty. Why do you have a domestic SUV that exceeds 200,000 yuan? However, the configuration and performance of Tang Dynasty at that time can directly compete with a million-class SUV. Moreover, BYD has also launched a limited edition of 500,000 4.3 or 4.1-second sports versions, all of which are bought for senior Difen to play.

Therefore, the value of this car is different in your eyes with different concerns. I value acceleration performance, and 3.7 seconds is worth 500,000 yuan. You value fuel economy, but of course you ignore the value of 500,000 yuan. So although there are many arguments, don’t you see the sales of Han? Because some people in these three groups will choose this car after rational analysis, even if half of them give up, the three halves are also 1.5 times.

Finally, Da Li talks about the epoch-making significance of this car: that is, raising the pure electric mileage to 202/242 has made the vehicle qualitatively changed. Under the condition that it can go home to charge every day, it will be a pure tram. When you need go on road trip or go back to your hometown for long-distance use, he won’t have any anxiety. Even when you are in the high-speed service area, you can recharge it during your break. I believe many consumers have thought about these usage scenarios, which can really greatly reduce the cost of car use. At present, there are thousands of pieces of DC fast charge provided by the third party in the market, but the power is also very low. The key is that the battery itself is not big enough, and it can’t run far after charging with pure electricity. But now I have given it all to you. The use cost will be greatly reduced with a bigger battery and faster DC charging power. I think many tram owners should cast envious eyes on these consumers who choose BYD Han DM (parameter picture) I/DMP.

What do you think of BYD Han DMI/DMP?Welcome to share different opinions.Well, that’s all for Da Li today. Thank you for your patience. Friends who like it can pay attention and praise. Your support is my greatest motivation. Let’s continue to talk about cars later.

Xiaomi Automobile has finally arrived, and Lei Jun has created a new LOGO with a billion dollars, which will be unveiled on December 28th.

The Xiaomi car with high attention has finally arrived. Lei Jun personally publicized and the official "limit" of Xiaomi Automobile was warmed up. Although Xiaomi Automobile registered an official account, the official did not release any content about Xiaomi Automobile. Recently, the official information of Xiaomi Automobile has also been updated: on December 28th, Xiaomi Automobile will hold a technical conference, and the previously warmed-up Xiaomi SU7 will also be unveiled at the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference, which means that Xiaomi Automobile is finally coming.

According to the official account of xiaomi Automobile, the avatar should be the Logo of its own car. The collision combination of Xiaomi on a black background looks very textured, and the overall design is the same as the Xiaomi brand LOGO. Xiaomi Auto’s Weibo account has exceeded 90,000 fans by the time of our press release, and the official WeChat account and video number have also been launched, which are also the contents of the official Xiaomi Auto Technology Conference.

The head of the company, Lei Jun, also said: "Today, it is the 1000th day that Xiaomi has officially built a car. We officially announced that the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference will be held on December 28th." "Building a car, there is no shortcut to the century-old track. Adhere to the positive development, start from the bottom core technology, invest ten times, and build a good car! These technologies will be officially displayed to everyone at the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference on December 28. "

Previously, Xiaomi Automobile has completed the new car declaration. It is reported that Xiaomi’s first new car, SU7, will launch several versions, including standard version, Pro, Max and other versions. In terms of battery life, there are four battery life versions of 628km, 668km, 800km and 750km, and four-wheel drive models will also be available.

Although XIAOMI has done a good job in keeping secrets, netizens have released the interior of Xiaomi SU7 before, but we only saw the steering wheel shape of the new car and the intelligent big screen of central control. The "Xiaomi" logo on the steering wheel highlights the identity tag of Xiaomi’s first car. It is reported that the new car will be equipped with MIUI car independently developed by Xiaomi. This car will provide users with an intuitive interface and rich applications, and also support voice control and touch screen operation. The new car will also provide options including ETC, exterior rearview mirror, skylight glass, laser radar and so on.

The car ecology is also the highlight. As Xiaomi announced that "澎湃 OS" has opened up the ecology of people and cars, it also means that it has the card of "cross-terminal and cross-scene experience", and can face Huawei’s series of models and Geely Flyme AUTO models directly, and compete with them.

Not only that, in terms of intelligent driving, Xiaomi is also constantly moving. Two years ago, Xiaomi Circle acquired DeepMotion Tech Limited, an autonomous driving company with extensive layout in the fields of high-precision positioning, high-precision maps and 3D scene reconstruction. According to the latest development of automatic driving technology announced by Xiaomi, we can speculate that Xiaomi SU7 intelligent driving assistance system will be infinitely close to L3 level.

According to the latest information released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in November, Xiaomi Automobile has previously declared two versions of the model, positioning the Xiaomi SU7 for medium and large pure trams. The body size of the new car is 4997/1963/1455mm and the wheelbase is 3000mm respectively. There is also an exposure size on the Internet: 4860mm*1980mm*1666mm respectively.

Power and battery life are also the focus of netizens and users. According to the information of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Xiaomi SU7 single-motor rear-drive model will be equipped with a 73.6kWh Foday lithium iron phosphate battery, with a battery life of 628km(20-inch wheel hub) or 668km(19-inch wheel hub). The new car also offers a dual-motor four-wheel drive model, which will be equipped with a 101kWh Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited ternary lithium battery, with a battery life of 800km(19-inch wheel hub) or 750km(20-inch wheel hub), which is comparable to that of similar products on the market.

For his own car, Lei Jun said that the average car company will probably invest three or four hundred people and one or two billion R&D funds to make a car. But Xiaomi is different. The first car of Xiaomi Automobile invested 3,400 engineers, and the entire R&D investment exceeded 10 billion, which is equivalent to using more than 10 times of investment to build a car.

"I am particularly worried that if it doesn’t catch fire when it comes up, everyone won’t buy it. This will definitely be very worrying." Lei Jun said firmly.

It is understood that the design of Xiaomi SU7 was designed by Li Tianyuan, a former designer of BMW iX. Netizens said that the new car had the shadow of Porsche Taycan, which also reflected netizens’ recognition of Xiaomi’s new car design.

Whether it is design or in-car technology, intelligent configuration and autonomous driving, including new car space and endurance, it has good competitiveness. However, it is a little regrettable that Lei Jun also revealed that the content of this conference is mainly about display technology, and the products will not be displayed, which also means that information such as new car pricing will depend on it later. However, the topic of discussion about the pricing of Xiaomi SU7 has been going on, and many people think that this car will be less than 200,000 yuan.

However, according to its positioning, the new car will face hot-selling products such as BYD Han EV and Tesla Model 3, while a series of hard-core products, such as Extreme Krypton 007, Star Road Star Era ES, Zhijie S7, Aouita 12 and Yinhe E8, which have just been listed, have the same strength and the pressure they face can be imagined.

Another thing that is good for Xiaomi Auto is that it has its own traffic, especially the founder traffic of Lei Jun, and the "mystery" marketing accumulated over the years is also a big killer, which also makes it far more concerned than its peers. However, before Huawei took the lead in the car ecology, and after a series of encirclement and suppression by competitors at the same level, whether Xiaomi Automobile can become an instant hit still needs market verification.

This article was originally produced by [Auto Market Special Review/Li Te ‘er] New Media Studio, and the author is Bei Yan. Please indicate the source when reprinting.

Revealing the emotional anchor’s skill of collecting money: acting hype, selling miserable goods

  Xinhua News Agency, Jinan, June 2 nd Title: Revealing Emotional Anchor’s Art of Collecting Money: Acting and Speculating, Selling Miserable Goods.

  Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua Viewpoint" reporter

  In Tik Tok, Aauto Quicker and other short video platforms, there are a group of anchors who solve emotional problems for netizens. They can solve complicated contradictions and disputes in daily life in minutes, attracting a large number of middle-aged and elderly viewers.

  A survey by Xinhua Viewpoint reporter found that these emotional anchors often write, direct and play false stories under the guise of "mediation", with the actual purpose of bringing goods. Most of the goods sold are fake and shoddy, which is suspected of fraud.

  Making up stories "selling miserably" has tens of thousands of fans.

  The reporter searched several short video and live broadcast platforms with the keyword "emotional anchor" and found that under the label of "positive energy", the screen was full of incredible ethical stories, such as "my ex-boyfriend took out his kidney for his girlfriend but chose to disappear" and "my husband died for 6 years and met again on the way to work".

  Once you pay attention to an emotional anchor, the platform will continue to push similar emotional anchors. In the live broadcast room, the anchor usually conducts so-called contradiction mediation and dispute settlement in the name of accepting the request of the "client". After the broadcast, the anchor took "everyone likes it to 100,000, so I will contact the client for mediation" as a gimmick, accumulating the audience and popularity in the live broadcast room, and distributing more traffic in the background accordingly.

  From fighting between husband and wife to quarreling between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, from maintenance disputes to child abuse, the drama of "mediating contradictions" by anchors is constantly staged in videos or live broadcasts. Some of the protagonists in the story are terminally ill boys, and some are mothers abused by their children. They have left messages to the emotional anchor for "help" because of their "miserable experiences".

  The anchors sometimes look dignified and sometimes impassioned. After the connection, it only takes a few hours, and seemingly extremely sharp contradictions will always be solved.

  According to the reporter’s investigation, the number of fans of emotional anchors in Tik Tok is more than 10 million, and there are also tens of thousands of fans. Some millions of fans often watch live broadcasts of anchors with more than 100,000 people.

  Not only live broadcast, but also some anchor numbers broadcast "series" in the form of short videos. A Tik Tok named "Dai Sige" has broadcast more than 200 short videos so far, with more than 5.4 million fans and more than 46 million likes, and the highest rating of a single video exceeds 2.8 million.

  The content of "selling badly" has won the trust of a large number of middle-aged and elderly audiences. The helplessness, fear and deception of the parties in the video not only satisfied their curiosity, but also won their sympathy. For example, in the live broadcast room where the plot is "treating the mother", there are barrage screens such as "This girl is so kind", "Too filial", "Help her" and "Help me place an order when my son comes back".

  Wang Xiaoyan, a senior anchor, said that these emotional anchors won by team ability and script plot, and the people and stories were carefully compiled and interpreted.

  The parents of Ms. Yin, a citizen of Nanning, Guangxi, are over 60 years old. Both of them pay attention to a large number of emotional anchors and spend several hours watching these short videos or live broadcasts every day. "They are actually attracted by the dramatic conflicts in these videos. Some anchors have intense emotions, strong inflammatory language and like moral criticism, which is particularly easy for middle-aged and elderly people to become addicted. " Ms. Yin said.

  Some live broadcasts earn tens of thousands of yuan, and the sales are often defective products and no fakes.

  In fact, the emotional anchor interprets the story of "ups and downs" according to the script, creates "conflicts and disputes" and acts as a "mediator", with the ultimate goal of "sucking powder to raise the number", so that fans can bring goods after reaching a certain number.

  An emotional anchor told reporters that the daily income of an ordinary live broadcast room with tens of thousands of fans ranges from several thousand yuan to ten thousand yuan, such as rewards, parking fees with goods and profits with goods. In a live broadcast room with over one million fans, the income can easily reach more than 50 thousand yuan.

  An emotional anchor selling e-books introduced that the total number of fans of his team in Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker is about 3 million, and the team’s income mainly consists of two parts: first, fans reward, which mainly attracts fans to "encourage and support" the plot parties and mediators in the process of resolving emotional disputes; The second is the income from goods, because the cost of selling emotional counseling e-books is almost zero, and the profit is extremely high. The monthly income of its team can reach 1.2 million yuan.

  In order to close the distance, the audience in front of the screen is called "family" by the anchor. "Family, come and want to hear what happened to their mother-in-law relationship. Please pay attention or join a fan group."

  When the reporter entered the Tik Tok named "Colette March for Love", the anchor was broadcasting a "party". With tears in her eyes, the client told the story of being driven out of the house by her mother-in-law, which attracted more than 600 fans to watch in just a few minutes.

  The reporter learned that in the live broadcast room of the anchor, you don’t need to pay any fees to pay attention to the anchor, but to become a "fan" of the anchor, you need to pay a shaking coin worth 0.1 yuan RMB. "After becoming a fan, speak in the live broadcast room, and the user name will be marked with ‘ Family label ’ , become the anchor ‘ Family ’ 。” Tang, an elderly enthusiastic audience of an emotional anchor, said. Being "fans" and "family members" means building trust and close emotional ties with the anchor and being willing to spend money for the anchor.

  After the emotional story is over, there are often many people performing "fake bargaining" in the live broadcast room, and the sales are often defective products and no fakes. Many anchor performances turned against "manufacturers", letting them make profits or even take money, forcing price reduction or reproduction. For example, when they sell cosmetics, daily necessities and jewelry, they "fudge": "They buy things to help more clients solve problems in the live broadcast room", "Factory direct sales, absolute lowest price, genuine products" and "The manufacturer has put a quality guarantee of 200,000 yuan in my place, so the family can rest assured".

  According to some users in Tik Tok, the goods they bought in the live broadcast room of emotional anchor were of poor quality, the goods were not on the right board and the after-sales service was poor. Ms. Liu, a 64-year-old citizen of Jinan, told the reporter that after the goods such as silver ornaments purchased in the live broadcast room were identified as fakes, she repeatedly contacted the customer service and never got a reply. After complaining about the incident in the live broadcast room, she was called "black powder" by the anchor, personally attacked and kicked out of the live broadcast room.

  Recently, a survey conducted by an institution on the experience of the elderly being cheated on the Internet shows that "false advertising" is the most common risk of the elderly when surfing the Internet, accounting for more than 30%. Followed by online fraud, accounting for about 22%. Among different groups of elderly people, the proportion of elderly people living alone in rural areas who are deceived is as high as 90%. In the most common deception scene, "live broadcast, short video" is indispensable.

  Emotional live broadcast forms a complete industrial chain, and the platform should strengthen supervision.

  In March, Tik Tok Security Center issued the "Public Notice on Punishment for Violation of" Selling Miserable Goods and Performing Speculation ",saying that the platform has imposed penalties for violation of regulations on selling miserable goods, fabricating bizarre stories and performing hype, and some anchors mediate emotional disputes, fabricate bizarre stories and use sympathy, with the ultimate goal of bringing goods.

  The reporter’s investigation found that the emotional live broadcast market has formed a relatively complete industrial chain from actors to scripts, from "sucking powder" to bringing goods. Some WeChat WeChat official account even have an article titled "Mai Shou Lian Manual". Mai Shou can communicate with the anchor alone or with many wheat, or find his own partner to temporarily play. The most popular plots include cheating, liking my cousin, rural plots, domestic violence and so on.

  "widely used among anchors ‘ Family ’ Address is emotionally attractive to the audience. Most emotional anchors are biased towards ethics, family disputes, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, which is extremely attractive and deceptive to middle-aged and elderly people who lack social interaction. " Zhu Guowei, a professor at the School of Business Administration of Hunan University, said.

  "Emotional anchors sell bad hype by fabricating stories, which has a certain deceptive nature and is suspected of breaking the law." Wang Sixin, deputy dean of the Institute of Community of Human Destiny, Communication University of China, said that relevant parties should intensify efforts to rectify and purify cyberspace.

  Chen Guanwen, a lawyer of Shandong Rizhong Law Firm, said that it is a typical price fraud to induce consumption by performing routines such as "bargaining", falsely raising the price first and then reducing the price at a loss.

  Liu Junhai, a professor at the Law School of Renmin University of China, believes that the platform should strengthen the supervision of commodity quality and price and improve the consumer evaluation mechanism.

  Experts suggest that the relevant regulatory authorities should improve the platform management measures and increase penalties. If the platform fails to fulfill its obligation to review the qualifications of operators, or fails to fulfill its obligation to ensure the safety of consumers, causing damage to consumers, it shall bear corresponding responsibilities according to law.

  Wang Sixin believes that the pace of social life is accelerating, and many middle-aged and elderly people lack children to accompany them, so their emotional needs cannot be met. At the same time, they lack full understanding of new technologies and means, have poor discrimination and are easily confused. The whole society should strengthen the reminder and care for this group. In addition, consumers should actively report the fraud they find, and relevant departments should also increase the punishment for illegal acts. (Reporter Wang Yang, Pan Qiang, Xie Ying, Li Ziwei)

There is a Taiwanese businessman "Youlin" in Yunnan. 6: The tea maker tells you how to choose a cup of stomach-nourishing tea.

  Chen Youlin, from Nantou, Taiwan Province, was struck by the "September 21" earthquake in Taiwan Province in 1999 and came to Yunnan for development. From then on, he brought the concept of health and environmental protection to Yunnan and integrated it into the planting management and processing of local Pu ‘er tea.

  "There is a term in tea called post-fermented tea. Only truly healthy tea can be fermented twice and become post-fermented tea." He believes that many nutrients in tea exist in tea stems. Tea drinkers love fragrant tea and can choose young leaf tea, but if they need to nourish their stomachs, they should choose tea with stems. (Video provided by Taiwan Affairs Office of Yunnan Province)

Peninsula Sports Ligue 1: Manchester City is the best team in the world, and we don’t need to spend a wonderful season with him.

Even if Argentine World Cup champion Alexis Mike alister arrives from Brighton, Liverpool should still sign another midfielder. As a breakthrough prospect of La Liga season, Veiga has extraordinary physical and technical attributes, as well as versatility and industrialization. He also has an advantage on the offensive end, and his willingness to move into the restricted area is excellent-as shown by his < > goals in 32 La Liga games.

Although Vega’s influence may have diminished in recent weeks (not uncommon for a 20-year-old debut season), it is reported that he has a release clause of 400,000 euros, which will make him a real deal.

Paris official: Captain Marchionos has renewed his contract with the club until 2028.

On the evening of May 19th, Beijing time, Paris Saint-Germain officially announced that it would renew its contract with team captain Marchionos until 2028.

Marchionos is 29 years old. In the summer of 2013, he joined Paris Saint-Germain from Rome with a transfer fee of 31.4 million euros. Marchionos has played for the team for 405 times, contributed 38 goals and 10 assists, and won 26 championships including 7 Ligue 1 with the team.

Regarding the renewal, Marchionos said: "I am very happy to renew my contract with the club. I am very proud. This is a special moment. The Paris Club has always given me a lot of trust, and I have great confidence in the club. I believe that we can achieve great achievements together in the next few years. "