The contradiction escalated! Zhang Yi was ultimately responsible for all the chicken feathers outside the scene of "Hurricane"

The popular drama "Hurricane" ended, and this drama, which focused on the struggle of black forces, was thrilling everywhere. Who would have thought that outside the drama, there were also undercurrents surging all over the place.

During the hit broadcast, the discussion of the characters in the play was extremely high, and the popularity of the actors themselves also increased sharply. The two male protagonists were even rumored to have changed roles. At first, Zhang Yi was going to play Gao Qiqiang, while the role of An Xin was played by Yang Yang. Later, Yang Yang withdrew due to itinerary conflicts. Later, Zhang Songwen, who joined, was supposed to play An Xin, but somehow accidentally played Gao Qiqiang, and Zhang Yi, who had nothing to do with the role change, changed roles to An Xin.

After the drama broadcast, Zhang Songwen’s Gao Qiqiang was well received by the public because of his vivid image, his reputation exploded, and his worth also rose. On the other hand, Zhang Yi’s An Xin received a mediocre response. I don’t know if it was because of insufficient preparation for the temporary role change, which caused the embarrassing situation of the famous actor being crushed.

When the controversy among netizens intensified, fans found that the propaganda related to "Hurricane" in Zhang Yi’s Weibo had been deleted. Not only was there no clarification of "hand error", but also the unknown Weibo staff said that Zhang Yi had deleted it himself. When "Hurricane" ended, Zhang Yi also missed the finale summary blog and did not even attend the celebration banquet. This was something that had never happened before, making the "discord rumors" almost real.

Public opinion intensified, and director Xu Jizhou’s "slippery" praise for "Zhang Yi’s selfishness and unwillingness to publicize" Weibo made netizens think that the two sides were going to tear their faces apart. After all, when asked about Zhang Yi’s portrayal of An Xin’s role in previous interviews, Director Xu has been talking about him, and even went off the topic to Gao Qiqiang’s villain character.

The contradictions escalated, many fans argued, and the unknown audience sighed that "there are many right and wrong in the drama." Although the official statement of the crew said that all the rumors of discord were rumors, they were all determined to be "whitewashing peace".

Liu Ruoqing, the actor who played An Xin’s apprentice in the play, brought the incident to a climax. While thanking the cast and crew, he did not mention Zhang Yi at all. The comment area also insinuated that Zhang Yi was a "drama tyrant" and even bluntly said that "I don’t want to see you for a lifetime" "I can’t serve you" "Hehe, just like it" and so on, the dissatisfaction is obvious.

The response after the hot search caused the hot discussion was also very far-fetched. Forcibly explaining that he said "I don’t want to see you for the rest of my life" meant that he thought that Teacher Zhang Yi was too strict, and it was difficult for him to digest and not want to see him again.

The director team had previously responded to the public opinion that "it’s alright" has not yet appeased people’s hearts, and some netizens broke the news that the physical book published after the drama did not have "An Xin". From the shooting video of the whistleblower, it can be clearly seen that the title page of the physical book is Zhang Songwen first, followed by several other actors, but Zhang Yi’s name is completely missing. This operation is very confusing.

A wave of unleveled waves, unknown netizens said that Zhang Yi’s salary 20 million and Zhang Songwen only 5 million, after the marketing account came on the stage to analyze why Zhang Yi did not publicize, provoking fans to oppose. Fans secretly poked to "the black hot search of this drama is more than the combined number of years in the industry" alluding to the inaction of the crew.

"Tornado" fire is a real fire, a tornado wind blowing everywhere, there are many people who go out to travel during the New Year to chase the drama. The plot is compact, the plot is ups and downs, the number of watercress ratings is as high as 510,000, and the score is also 8.6. It is completely a veritable good drama, and both the drama and the actors have benefited more or less.

It was Zhang Yi who bore the greatest blow in the various controversies. It was not difficult to see that the discord was true from the initiative to delete the blog and refuse the publicity. However, Zhang Yifang’s cold treatment of his career and the production team’s one-on-one operation Weibo Black Hot Search contrasted one by one. It is rare to make such a good drama, but the chicken feathers outside the play are really embarrassing.

Behind the sales volume of 700,000, Geely China Star and China’s high-end market went in both directions.

Although sometimes we always say "don’t judge heroes by success or failure", countless facts of "success or failure" make us have to pay more attention to the winners. Especially under the stock competition, the "involution" of the automobile market is accelerating, and the automobile enterprises are also facing more complicated situations.

According to the retail sales data of the Federation, in July this year, the retail sales of the domestic narrow passenger car market reached 1.775 million, down 2.3% year-on-year and 6.3% quarter-on-quarter. From January to July, the cumulative sales volume was 11.299 million vehicles, only a slight increase of 1.9% year-on-year. Only three car companies that entered the TOP10 retail sales list of car companies in July achieved a year-on-year increase, which further highlighted the "pain" of the current auto market.

Therefore, when we saw that Geely Automobile rose against the trend, especially the performance of "China Star" series was eye-catching, we couldn’t help it. The data shows that Geely Automobile China Star High-end Series not only achieved sales of 700,000 vehicles in just a few years, but also continued to climb in the first seven months of this year. It is necessary to know that China Star’s models are all in the most competitive market in the domestic automobile industry at present, and they are also the "hinterland" of old joint venture brands. Under such "encirclement and suppression", China Star can still achieve such good results, and there must be something extraordinary about it.

Sales performance is only external performance, and excellent product strength is the fundamental reason.

The data can speak: According to the official sales volume of Geely Automobile, in July this year, the sales volume of passenger cars was 138,135, a year-on-year increase of 13%, and it has maintained a year-on-year and quarter-on-quarter growth for six consecutive months; China Star’s high-end series sold 29,696 vehicles, up about 9% from the previous month and over 15% year-on-year. Among them, Xingyue L, one of the flagships of China Xingshuang, reached a record high of 15,666 vehicles in July, with a year-on-year increase of over 24%. At present, the cumulative sales volume exceeds 270,000 vehicles; Since the launch of another 1.5TD model, the overall competitiveness of Xingrui has been further strengthened, which has rapidly boosted sales. In July, sales exceeded 10,204 units in Wanda, and the cumulative total sales exceeded 320,000 units.

Judging from the above data, the sales situation of China Star is good this year. Further analysis shows that the cumulative sales volume of China Star has exceeded 700,000, and it is accelerating at a high base. Taking Xingyue L as an example, the sales volume of new cars is 6000+ and the orders are 30,000+in 10 days, and the average monthly sales volume is over 10,000. In the past two months, it has repeatedly hit record highs, and it is still full of stamina after two years of listing; The same is true for Xingrui. It takes 30+ days from 0 to 10,000 vehicles, and 100+ days from 10,000 to 50,000 vehicles. After 10 months of listing, the sales volume quickly exceeded 100,000 vehicles, and after two and a half years of listing, it quickly exceeded 320,000 vehicles, with the highest market share in a single month of 3.21%. These two cars can be said to have their own traffic genes since they were born, and their debut is the representative of the peak.

From the perspective of market segments, Xingrui entered the hinterland of the sedan market with the price of 100,000-150,000, which was the most competitive and was almost monopolized by joint venture brands in the past. Now, although the "halo" of joint venture brands has weakened, their combat effectiveness is still very impressive. And Xingrui has made great strides all the way, entered the head competition, and constantly set a new record for China sedan with high-value products, becoming a new choice for sedan that can keep pace with mainstream joint ventures and even catch up with joint ventures. How difficult is it? Just think about it.

As for Xingyue L, it is also a masterpiece of hard-core joint venture, and it has entered a battleground for military strategists in the 150,000-200,000-class SUV market. In this already fierce market segment, Xingyue L not only has record sales, but also the average transaction price of all models is as high as 170,000. Facing the joint venture rivals such as CR-V, RAV4 and Tiguan L, it also won recognition with high value and high quality, and became the king of hard-core SUV of 200,000-class.

The models that can stand out in the current market environment must have the hard-core product power to kill the enemy. Two models based on CMA architecture were endowed with "high-value" genes from the very beginning and became the spokespersons of "high-value China cars". Take Xingrui as an example, its 1869mm ultra-wide body +2800mm ultra-long wheelbase, BOSE advanced audio, top-class car fragrance system, dual 12.3-inch high-definition LCD screen +7.5-inch full-color HUD head-up display, as well as the latest Galaxy OS system, a new generation of E02 high-performance chips, etc., not only meet the needs of users’ sense of technology and grade, but also bring users a smooth and easy-to-use intelligent car experience.

Xingyue L, on the other hand, also has the full range of Drive-E 2.0TD power, 100-kilometer acceleration of 7.5s, Aisin imported 8AT gearbox, 100-kilometer fuel consumption of 6.9L, Borg Warner’s sixth-generation four-wheel drive system, as well as AR-HUD enhanced head-up display, Geely Galaxy OS, HWA high-speed driving assistance system and other rich functional configurations, achieving high value that rivals at the same level can’t match. We can see from the inside that why China Star has established a joint venture? How can it stand out in the "hot water" fuel vehicle market? You can find clues from the above points.

Breaking records is not the goal, but enhancing brand influence is the ultimate goal.

At present, China Star has become a masterpiece of Geely’s brand, and it can be regarded as a successful model. In fact, we know that there have been various cases in the high-end breakthrough of China brand, but there are not many real successes; In such a short period of time, the cumulative sales volume of China Star exceeded 700,000 vehicles, and cars and SUVs went hand in hand, realizing the transformation from phenomenal explosion models to classic models, achieving joint venture and killing, and gaining widespread recognition from consumers. Such a situation is rare. Driven by China Star, Geely has achieved the goal of brand promotion, while the high-end strategy is getting better and better.

The high-end image of China Star has brought direct brand premium to Geely and achieved its own market performance. However, high-end is not far from the masses, but should be closer to users, so that more consumers can get a higher-level value experience. For example, in the two years since the birth of China Star, there have been many examples of co-creation with users, such as joining hands with Long Zijia, a cutting-edge jewelry designer, to create the "China Star" ×CIGALONG co-branded limited jewelry "Xingmang", and to interpret the new height of rims; Join the trend fitness brand "Super Orangutan" to jointly create a "Super Player Fitness Party" and launch a series of exclusive private education courses; Jointly with Sanxingdui Museum, a joint-name model of Xingrui Space-Time Edition was launched; The launch of Xingrui only this turquoise version, etc., played a new height for users and successfully approached users.

As the saying goes: the moon comes first by being close to the water. Only by interacting with users can users fully understand that the original intention of high-end is not to be above the top, but to give users a better product experience. As the most direct bridge between brands and users, products are good or bad, which determines the final result of brand development. Only by going deep into users can we deeply understand and actively respond to users’ actual needs, and effectively avoid the embarrassment of "applauding without making a seat". From this perspective, China Star has obviously found its own doorway.

Since the listing of China Star Series, by creating an all-round and ecological "star" experience, cars are no longer cold vehicles, but travel partners who can resonate emotionally; At the same time, in line with the original intention of "fighting for the value of China automobile", China Star took the lead in adopting the strategy of "popularizing high-end products", successfully broke the inherent pattern and brand barriers of joint venture brands, led China brand cars to transform from price advantage to value advantage, gradually grasped the right to speak in China automobile market, and showed the quality and self-confidence of China automobile to the world.

China Star played an important role in helping Geely go to its own sea of stars.

Undoubtedly, the automobile development in the new era is facing all kinds of tests, but no matter how complicated and fierce the competition is, the foundation of constant change is the high-value experience brought by advanced technical strength.

Obviously, the core technology of China Star is its "high value" code. Fundamentally speaking, China Star has CMA, the world’s leading car-making architecture, which can cover the development needs of different models from A-class to B-class, and build a world-class good car.

In terms of intelligence, Geely has already made a forward-looking layout in the fields of low-orbit synchronous satellite, V2X vehicle-road coordination, high-level autonomous driving and so on, and gradually applied it to many models such as China Star, and took the lead in making smart travel in the era of 5G smart travel. Under the guidance of "Blue Geely Action Plan", GHS2.0 intelligent hybrid system, which leads the world in intelligent energy saving and new energy technology, has also been put on China Satellite for the first time.

Technology is the "foundation" of the automobile industry, and technology can only be verified by products. On the Geely China Star model, there is the most genuine technology of Geely, which is also the true embodiment of "high value", and it is also related to the future development of Geely brand. Now these have been verified on China Star products, and Geely’s upward road is stable.

Write at the end:

Why did Geely China Star stand firm with the joint venture brand in the most competitive market segment, and made quite eye-catching achievements against the trend? There is no other reason than its outstanding performance in product strength and marketing service, which shows us the rising road of Geely brand and even China brand, and also verifies its own uniqueness. We believe that China Star will show better achievements in the market in the future, which will contribute to the upward development of Geely brand. We will wait and see.

(This article was originally produced by the editorial department of [Car Industry] New Media, and the author of this article is Wei Wuxian. Please indicate the source when reprinting.)

The Great Wall free artillery car was unveiled, with 2.0T+8AT four-wheel drive, which was so popular that it was queued for a visit.

Some time ago, my fans and friends gave me an assignment to shoot the free cannon car. When I came to the auto show, I went straight to the Great Wall to see the booths of the RV. Sure enough, the free cannon car was "occupied" by the onlookers. There were people in and out of the car, so I finally caught a minute to spare, and I quickly shot this popular RV-Free Gun for everyone.

The newly released free gun house car is the first time to meet you at this Beijing Auto Show. It is based on the chassis of the Great Wall gun. The power system provides two engines with a displacement of 2.0 liters, and ZF 8AT automatic transmission and Borg Warner T0D four-wheel drive system are standard. The price that everyone is most concerned about, the starting price of the free artillery car is 318,800.

The domineering front shape, huge LOGO and the chassis of the Great Wall Gun have more visual impact than Feng Jun who served before.

In terms of power parameters, the 2.0T diesel engine has a maximum power of 163 HP and a peak torque of 400 Nm. The 2.0T gasoline engine has a maximum power of 190 HP and a peak torque of 360 Nm. Relatively speaking, diesel engine has stronger torque and gasoline engine has less noise, so users can choose by themselves.

The free gun house car locates the single-row pickup RV, with the overall vehicle size of 5.99×2.19×3.03 (m), which meets the C standard. The chassis has also widened the track for the RV, and the rear track is 1.71m.. In terms of safety configuration, the free gun is equipped with traction control, tire pressure monitoring and downhill assistance. It is worth mentioning that the free gun house car has the traction ability, which can be used for additional traction of small trailer cars for expansion.

The rear of the car is designed as a through luggage compartment with a volume of 660 liters. When you open the hatch, you can see that it is also equipped with a pull-out gas stove and an external shower, taking into account the needs of users for cooking and cleaning outside the car.

Compared with the chassis of the previous generation, the cab can be said to be a qualitative improvement. The orange interior of this exhibition car makes the new car more youthful and energetic, which is in line with the positioning of new products. The new car is also equipped with keyless entry, leather steering wheel, leather seat, electric adjustment of driver’s seat and smart interconnection of mobile phones.

The new car not only comes standard with 8AT automatic manual transmission, but also has an electronic shift lever in the cab.

On the booth, two free artillery cars are also equipped with different styles of wheels, or they are different for high and low models.

The layout of the car is consistent with the photos released by the manufacturer before. The living room area is facing the car door, the kitchen area is on one side of the car door, and the independent bathroom is located behind the living room. It is suitable for 2-3 people to live in the whole, and the entertainment configuration has a 24-inch TV.

The bedroom area is just above the cab, and the bed size is 1.95×1.70 (m). The push-out windows on both sides can not only enhance ventilation, but also have a good lighting effect during the day. In terms of heating, the new car is equipped with a fuel heating system.

The normal state of the living room area is a card-seat sofa+dining table that can accommodate four people, and it can also be flexibly turned into a 1.7×0.9 (meter) bed. The large-sized side window can enjoy the beautiful scenery during the trip.

The kitchen area is an L-shaped desktop, and the side near the rear of the car is equipped with an induction cooker and a vegetable washing pool. The real-shot exhibition car is equipped with an 85-liter RV refrigerator, and the optional 152-liter refrigerator is also supported.

The bathroom is equipped with a Sedford toilet, and the independent sink integrates the shower function. The new car has a clean water tank capacity of 150 liters and a grey water tank of 50 liters, and is equipped with a fuel water heater. Finally, a total of four models were released for the free cannon car. The price of the free cannon charge version of the gasoline version chassis was 318,800, and the price of the powerhouse model was 348,800. The free gun charge version of the diesel chassis costs 328,800 yuan, and the powerful model costs 358,800 yuan.

Oho Ou: Idol is not a derogatory term. I can fight for the role.

Special feature of 1905 film network At the premiere of the Shanghai International Film Festival, some media asked Oho Ou, who has many fans, whether he will choose an actor or an idol for himself in the future. Looking back at Oho Ou’s "report card" in the past few years, the answer to this question may be easy to find.

According to the current criteria of "rice circle", Oho Ou, who was born in the talent show, will undoubtedly be called "idol". Time flies, the "fast men" players of that year have already embarked on different development paths. Some people have cross-border variety shows, some are still studying music, and some have even faded out of this circle.

Oho Ou also often "disappears", plunged into the crew and stayed out for several months. Fans ridicule "how people are gone" and worry that he is "exposed" too little. He appreciates everyone’s understanding, but he is not worried about himself. In his view, "idol" is by no means a derogatory term. Compared with these different identities, Oho Ou is more afraid of being "defined": "I feel that I have many faces, and I hope I can show them in different roles."


From the beginning to the following,, … … Oho Ou suddenly realized the fun in the performance — —After going to the character’s life, making his choices and experiencing all kinds of things, he feels that he has become "rich", which can’t be given by daily life.

Oho Ou said frankly that at the beginning of his career, he "didn’t want to know what he really wanted to do". He found a "serious thing" through acting and wanted to pursue something, which made him feel good. Although many times, no one can predict the final result of a work, Oho Ou always keeps a normal heart and even cherishes every opportunity he gets.


In the interview, he even told us very frankly: "Now there are fewer and fewer opportunities, and many times we have to touch them." But as long as I seize an opportunity, Oho Ou said firmly: I am willing to work hard for this role.

The following is Oho Ou’s self-report


After reading the script of "Desperate" in the early stage, I had an idea, hoping to have the opportunity to play a villain. Director Gan Jianyu has been grinding this script for more than three years, and director Cao Baoping has joined us. After talking, I think I can try the role of Xia Xi.


I quite like Xia Xi, who doesn’t talk much and is energetic. This kind of marginal figure is extreme, and his experience is much worse than ours. Sometimes actors will like roles with more space, which will make them more enjoyable.

Xixi and his brother (Xia Tao) feel like enemies with everyone in their world. We have discussed their pre-history before, which is not reflected in the script and follow-up, but we will think, why did they come to this day? What did they go through, what happened, and why did they go on such a road of no return?


We don’t know the real reason, just give ourselves a preset. There is a line in the play that says "Xia Tao lost a leg because of Xia Xi". For a person like Xia Xi, he can work hard for his brother. Their "abnormal" brotherhood is quite interesting.

After filming Left Ear, I think the performance is quite interesting: you have been to the character’s life, made his choices, and experienced what he experienced, which will make you feel very different. Many roles you may not experience without acting, some may be fictional, and some may be real events. Being an actor will make you feel a lot richer.

I won’t (mind joining the group to reduce exposure), but fans may mind. I belong to the type that I will devote myself to doing one thing. In fact, people have limited energy, so everything can’t be yours. If you want to do something, you must learn to give up something. I think I’m also pursuing what I want. Fortunately, I think my fans quite understand me. In fact, if you haven’t seen each other for a long time, you will feel that "how can this person be gone?" Actually, I was filming in the crew at that time.


I really hope to meet you more often through the role. I didn’t think about what I wanted to do before, but now I have a serious thing to pursue, which I think is also quite good.


From idol singers to actors, there are still doubts about me now, and I think there will still be in the future. If you question this thing, you must listen to good opinions, and you don’t have to pay attention to those who deliberately seek trouble. If you say that you are angry with this kind of thing, you may be "dead" early. It is very important to have your own pursuit and thinking. Sometimes I think some questions are correct, so I have to keep working hard.Maybe after ten years, some people will question me, but I will continue to work hard after twenty years. This is how people keep going up.


I think idols are not derogatory terms, but also a good existence. Someone just asked me, do you want to be defined? I said that as an actor, of course, I don’t want to be defined. I feel that I am quite multifaceted and can be shown through my role.


I think everyone’s opinions, whether idols, actors or singers, are ok. In fact, this is quite rich. I don’t have to compete with others for what they think, so I have to do it. I know what I am doing, what I want, and why I work hard.

Now I sometimes shoot some movies that I want to do and like. In fact, it’s not an investor, it’s just that we do something that we really like together. I hope we can be free without being bound.


Especially now (good projects) opportunities are getting less and less, so we should touch them all. I especially cherish every opportunity and everyone who has helped me. If one day I suddenly meet a character that I particularly like, then I can work hard for it.

Ouhao Q&A;

Of course, we also brought Oho Ou the most concerned issue of "Seagull" (fans and friends):


Xiao Shang Shang: Do you have any plans to make a record?


Oho Ou:I was planning last year, but the plan couldn’t keep up with the change. Many times, I spent several months in the crew, and half a year may have passed after another publicity. They said they haven’t sung for a long time, and I said I also hope to have a new style. New Oho Ou, new records to meet with you. But it must be done seriously. It’s the same as the state of doing nothing but filming for more than two years now. I ho pe to do it well, at least to get through myself first.


Xiao Shang Shang: Will you consider a more sweet love scene next?


Oho Ou:I made a play that was quite sweet. It was called "I don’t know what’s in my heart". I have played an easy role. Every day, I just talk about love, things at home and things at the company. You just said that many of my roles are heavy, which I think is a little easier.

Xiao Shangshang: Not a overbearing president?


Oho Ou:No, he may be overbearing in some ways, but he is not the president (laughs). His bullying is that if you love someone, you will be recognized for life, just you! I think it’s quite fun. You can go after it.Eat this Amway! )


Xiao Shang Shang: What kind of entertainment are there in private?


Oho Ou:Playing basketball and watching movies seems to be nothing … … Listen to the music. Because I spend a lot of time in the crew, and the crew, you know, is no different from going to work. I actually get up and work all day in the morning from nine to five, and go back to bed after filming. Usually, if I have a holiday, I will travel with my friends and buy some trendy sneakers I like. I am usually bored.


Xiao Shang Shang: How do you relax on the set?

Oho Ou:More boring, except filming, I just go back to sleep, occasionally watch some movies, and for a while I will let myself watch a movie every day.

Xiao Shang Shang: Listen to your description as if entering the state of the elderly in advance?


Oho Ou:That’s what they said about me. (who? ) I have been filming for two or three years, and I feel a little tired. Many times it’s not that you don’t want to. I also want to travel with my friends or something. But always in the process o f work, you can’t relax yourself, so I think I have to go out for a walk next.


Xiao Shang Shang: Did shooting so many plays make you feel more calm?

Oho Ou:I’m old.


Xiao Shang Shang: During the "Desperate" roadshow, you took a baby on a hot search. Do you think you are good at taking a baby?

Oho Ou:I like children very much. I like to play with children, because they are the cutest at that age, and they are innocent and have no troubles, so I like to play with children and tease them.

Phoenix Home Entertainment Guide ④ | French Film: The so-called BIGBANG can make you rational.

The epidemic has been repeated, and home has become the key word and status of many netizens. Between square inches, what we can do may only be to open the space of the spiritual world.

Fenghuang net entertainmentInvited Phoenix index experts and big V authors to present home entertainment guides for everyone, including movies, dramas, documentaries, etc., covering China and foreign countries, from the golden age of silent films to today.

Each guide has a strong personality and recommends people to share their aesthetics, memories and life wisdom, hoping to bring a little color to netizens’ home time.

Here’s a quote from the expert competitor of Phoenix. com Index: For some people, it seems as if they have to use film and television to kill the seemingly inexhaustible time. But I want to bless everyone who is keen on film and television. Maybe you’ll have more time. When you get together with other people’s memories, you will also have more memories.

Presenter: French film (senior film media person, the first director and editor-in-chief of the company)


The first cow2019


The first unpopular film I saw in the first year of the epidemic has never been visited. A pair of butch cassidy and the sundance kid with zero force value almost cried for me in the middle of the night. When I first started to work in the second half of 2008, I wrote a new European and American film in a film magazine, and got a Wendy and Lucy, which was not written by anyone. It was only half a page long, but from then on, I began to pay attention to Kelly Lecat, which was very simple and dignified, and I especially liked it. Later, I thought that Mick’s Shortcut was going to peak, but it didn’t, and it never caught fire. She really likes the 19th century, the beginning of all original sins of capital and the embryonic form of all class barriers. This time, it’s even more natural. Even if it’s not a social film, it’s no better to just watch movies. That’s the emotion that should have existed before the first year of the epidemic, and then we can’t get it anymore.


The original diamond2019


Seriously underestimated, the film of the destruction department before the first year of the epidemic. When I entered the last scene, I realized that it could be seen as the peak film of PTA. It may upset you at first, as if you were so upset about the current world, but as the trajectory of the characters gradually collapses, you will be quiet, because the characters in the movie are crazy to the end, and the BIGBANG triggered by them can restore your rationality. After the outbreak began, we can no longer see this level of emotional film.


City dream2019


This is the ultimate political film. What I saw was a bottoming out of the lowest level of insecurity, a appeasement policy divided by a family, and a comeback of the circuitous strategy of a violent organization. Grandparents can turn over the pages, and parents can win them over. "We don’t want him to be moved, but to obey!" "City Dream" is an old-fashioned dream directed by Chen Weijun.


Verb displacement2001


There aren’t any movies on the market recently, but there are some movies, which are not good, such as Punch Mom. A little wronged, then I have to recommend the first film directed by Tang Xiaobai, Verb Metamorphosis, which refuses to look back. After that summer, young people have entered into extreme depression, and the commercial wave will soon serve as a fig leaf, but where can we find our lost confidence? How similar this loss is to the present world and China. Verbs are displaced and never return.


Love poem2020


The FIRST Film Festival in 2020 is the best, and it is also the best independent film in recent years. The dramatic creativity and formal imagination are conspicuous, and the heroine’s expressive force is amazing. I always believed in such a couple, but I couldn’t find any evidence on the image, and then this one came. Although it is about both sexes, it is too biased towards men, almost 90%, which may be unfriendly to female audiences, but this is evidence. Moreover, this kind of evidence has not been covered up by form, and it has been maintained successfully. To sum up, you won’t sympathize with them, but they do make the world complete.


The man captured by light2019


On the eve of the epidemic, the top ten wrongs in Chinese films were forgotten by the other nine. This is a film that is particularly easy to be tried, tortured and taken away, because it looks at all the bad things, but the result is peaceful; It asks many skillful and grand questions, but all of them don’t answer; It makes waves, but everyone should eat, wash and sleep after all. So the love philosophy of this film is that if two people want to be long-lasting, it has nothing to do with love at all. What you believe is not love, but "what is love", which is a variable. If there is a unique standard, then you have to follow it, and the standardized measure of love is inherently reactionary, and people have not evolved to that point. Inaction and metaphysics are the skills that movies should have. Speaking of white light, it must be done by teacher Tian Zhuangzhuang, an old captain who is staring at time and space. He should add a line. Look, it’s your light. Go after it (only teacher Song Chunli can get people back). I suspect that the vanishing person is experiencing a more horrible scene. Maybe he was crushed to death by Six Dimensions and then he was crushed to death by a freak. I still miss the pain in the world. I am used to climbing the ladder from the pain in the world.


Paddington Bear 22017


Do I have too much negative energy? Then recommend a positive energy that I can believe. That’s every frame of Paddington Bear 2. This is a genius that can make wes anderson somewhat career crisis! This is an excellent substitute for being locked at home and not being able to buy antidepressants.


The rickety world2016


There’s nothing to say. Yu Xiuhua is married. Best wishes!


Happy lazaro2018


Let’s talk about the positive energy in a sad movie. Can we be honest? It absolutely blew Hirokazu Koreeda’s The Thieves’ Family in Cannes that year, making the latter even a little hypocritical. It’s the kind that you can only see at the last moment of your life and find that you have always been with pure goodness. It is also criticized, even crying to death, but you will never be so depressed, or that depression is just a mask of comfort, and suffering is the icing on the candy.


I made this house.2018


I remember the nano-scale all-round despair I saw before the epidemic. It is quite powerful, and it can form a complete world together with Happy lazaro. I found that this bastard director became smarter after curing his depression. He realized that the most carefree life is to let everyone go back to hell, and hell is their hometown. Don’t be a disgusting paradise dream.

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"Spring" Li Youying became the first Korean actor after the Milan Film Festival was sealed.

Li youying

    1905 movie network news South Korean actress Li Youying won the title of Best Actress at the 14th Milan International Film Festival for her leading film, which was also the first time that a Korean actress was sealed at the Milan Film Festival.

    According to a person related to scenery and entertainment of the brokerage company to which Li Qiying belongs, Li Qiying walked onto the podium wearing hanbok and yellow ribbon that day, and also expressed her condolences to the victims of the shipwreck of the "Year of the Year".

    Milan International Film Festival is also known as the Sundance International Film Festival in Italy. Previously, Korean films such as (2005), (2007) and (2012) were invited to participate in the film festival and introduced Korean films to Italian audiences. Li Youying was the first Korean actor to win the winner of the film festival.

    The film "Spring" tells that a writer who was once called a genius lost the confidence to live because of an incurable disease, while his wife brought back a woman full of stories in order to reawaken the writer’s writing inspiration. The film also won the Best Foreign Language Film Award at the 23rd Arizona International Film Festival, which opened on April 11th. At the 14th Milan International Film Festival, the film was nominated for the best director, best screenplay, best photography, best music, best art, best actress and best supporting actor.

Counting the NBA’s total score list in the past ten years, the fifth place in the library is actually an ordinary player!

Counting the NBA’s total score list in the past ten years, the fifth place in the library is actually an ordinary player!

Recently, some media have counted the top 10 players in the nba’s cumulative total score in the regular season in the past 10 years, to see if it is beyond your expectation?

1. Harden scored 19875 points.

2. Lillard scored 17,814 points.

3. James scored 17571 points

4. demar derozan scored 17074 points.

5. Curry scored 16,771 points

6. Wei Shao scored 16,625 points

7. Letter brother 16280 points

8. Heavy eyebrows 14974 points

9. Durant scored 14,634 points

10. Bill scored 14611 points

As an ordinary player, James Harden still ranks first! I have to say that Deng Zi does have his own unique views on scoring. If he didn’t leave the Rockets, he would have scored 21,000 points now.

Primary school students only ranked fifth, and Lao Zhan ranked third. However, it was quite unexpected that demar derozan could be in the fourth place. After all, Azan’s scores were all pulled out one by one in the middle distance. Durant’s thick eyebrows are limited by injuries.

So here comes the question

Who do you think is the best scorer in the active nba?

Beijing bid for the 2027 World Championships in Athletics.

Beijing, April 23 (Reporter Wang Jinwen) On April 22, the official website of China Athletics Association released the "Publicity of China Athletics Association on the Bidding Results of the 2027 World Athletics Championships". The publicity shows that the Chinese Athletics Association has completed the collection of bidding cities for the 2027 World Athletics Championships. After research, only Beijing has applied and met the collection conditions.

In August 2015, Beijing successfully hosted the 15th World Athletics Championships at the National Stadium. At present, Beijing is going all out to bid for the 2027 World Championships in Athletics.

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China football misunderstood you? At the age of 26, the national football team lost a lot after being naturalized and restored to its original nationality.

China football spent a lot of money to introduce naturalized players during the Jin and Yuan football periods. Now some naturalized players have left China to restore their original nationality after receiving the money, and even some naturalized players have not made one appearance for the national football team. Recently, a former naturalized national football player returned to his original nationality and scored a goal in seconds. Have to let China football doubt his true ability.

The former naturalized football player in China is Xiao Taotao, who has recovered his Peruvian nationality and now plays for Peru Sports University. After returning to Peru, Xiao Taotao seems to have greatly increased his strength. He has already contributed one goal to the team. The club also regards Xiao Taotao as a key player. However, he has never even played in the Super League in China before, and is regarded as one of the most unsuccessful naturalization by China football.

After being naturalized by Evergrande, Xiao Taotao’s strength has not been fully recognized. Even when he was loaned to play football in China, the national team looked down on Xiao Taotao. Until he left China, he was not recognized by the national team and never got a chance to play for the China team. However, during his four years in China, he earned a lot of money, and Evergrande gave him an annual salary of 12 million RMB.

In 2019, Xiao Taotao played for Shenxin in Shanghai, China. He started in 5 of 10 games and scored 1 goal. In the 2020 season, there were only 6 appearances for Kunshan, of which 3 started with 0 goals; In 2021, he made 21 appearances for Kunshan, including 12 starts and scored 2 goals. These goal data show that Xiao Taotao’s strength is really not enough to enter the national football team.

However, Xiao Taotao scored a goal very quickly after returning to Peru, which surprised us a little. He himself said that he was very happy after returning to Peru and thanked his old club for not giving up on him. (Qianzi)