treat life as merely playing games

Although I am getting older, my former students have begun to step into the society and plan their own lives, but my love for games has never faded.

  In my spare time, I turn on my computer, log in to the game, and run my own small world in a virtual space. World of Warcraft, an old game, although there are too many sorrows in the national costume of the DPRK on this day, all this is just a place of spiritual sustenance for a casual player.

  People often ask, at this age, you still play games, just like a child. Yes, in fact, I just hope that I can do whatever I want, just like a child, without too much scruples.

  In fact, in the game, compared with other people’s efforts to make copies, playing the arena seriously and running all over the sky, what I like is just a quiet fishing by the river, watching the falling fishing rod and clicking when taking the bait, all of which bring me great happiness. Many friends in the game don’t understand why I spend my time fishing calmly in a virtual world, and ironically, I have no interest in fishing in reality. I sometimes wonder why I am so interested in a virtual fishing game.

  Every time a fishing rod falls, it carries an expectation that something you like will be hooked, and there is a slight expectation in your heart;

  Every click on the hook is a realization of expectations. Although disappointment accounts for the vast majority, that little satisfaction is the greatest happiness of this click.

  Life is not so bad, every day is full of hope for your future, and you keep working hard in the passage of time. The reality has always been in front of us. He told us again and again that it is not necessary for you to work hard to gain something, so we repeated the rising and falling of the stars in the morning again and again, and kept advancing in the failure again and again for the ideal in our hearts, and one day we will realize this dream.

  The game, life, the dribs and drabs in the game, the subtleties in life, one’s own grasp and persistence, and that little bit of luck are all an experience.

What is the biggest difference between Kobe and James? Which of them is the real superstar in NBA?

The biggest difference between Kobe Bryant and lebron james lies in their style and basketball characteristics.

First of all, Kobe Bryant is generally regarded as a player with outstanding scoring ability. He is famous for his excellent scoring skills and excellent hitting ability, and he can score in various ways in the game. Kobe is very dominant on the offensive end. He can single his opponent, shoot from a long distance and create excellent scoring opportunities. His competitiveness and determination always enable him to come forward in the competition.

On the other hand, lebron james is widely regarded as an all-round player. He is excellent in scoring, rebounding and assisting, and can contribute to all aspects of the team. LeBron is famous for his physical fitness and basketball IQ. He can use his strength and agility to create advantages under the basket and create good scoring opportunities for his teammates with his passing and organizational skills.

As for who is the real superstar in NBA, this is a subjective question, because everyone’s definition and standard of superstar may be different. Both Kobe Bryant and lebron james have achieved great success in their own time. They both performed well in the competition and won many championships and personal honors.

Kobe is famous for his competitiveness and determination, and his scoring ability and leadership make him a player to be reckoned with. LeBron is famous for his all-around ability and leadership, and his basketball IQ and dominance make him an all-round player.

Therefore, both Kobe Bryant and LeBron are superstars in NBA history, and their contribution and influence are undeniable. They have made extraordinary achievements in their own fields and times and become legends in basketball. No matter who is considered a real superstar, their status and influence can’t be shaken.

However, to determine who is the real superstar in NBA, more factors need to be considered. First of all, we can look at their career statistics. Kobe Bryant averaged 25 points per game during his NBA career, while lebron james averaged 27 points. In terms of scoring, James is slightly better. However, Kobe’s data on rebounds and assists are relatively low, while James performed well.

Secondly, we can look at their achievements and honors. Kobe Bryant won five NBA championships, and twice won the honor of finals MVP. Lebron james won four NBA championships and four finals MVP honors. In this respect, Kobe is slightly better.

In addition, we can also consider their influence on the team and the league. Kobe Bryant is known as the symbol of the Los Angeles Lakers. His leadership and competitive spirit have made the Lakers achieve brilliant results under his leadership. Lebron james, through his leadership and all-round development ability, brought many teams into the playoffs and achieved excellent results. In this respect, both of them have great influence.

Finally, we can also consider their performance and personal style in the competition. Kobe Bryant is famous for his calm and brave performance. He always stands up at critical moments. Lebron james is famous for his versatility and teamwork spirit. He can always create opportunities for his teammates and promote the development of the team in the competition.

To sum up, Kobe Bryant and lebron james are both superstars in NBA history, and they have outstanding performances and great influence in different aspects. No matter who is regarded as a real superstar, their achievements and contributions cannot be ignored. Their unique basketball styles and achievements have made them legends in NBA history.

Great news! Guo Ailun has recovered well, and the Asian Games is expected to show its grace again.

Great news! Guo Ailun has recovered well, and the Asian Games is expected to show its grace again.

The fans ushered in great news! Guo Ailun is recovering well, and he is expected to show his outstanding strength again in the Asian Games. The resolution of the injury problem has cheered the fans, and his return will add a lot of strength and confidence to the China men’s basketball team. I expect him to shine again in the Asian Games and win honor for the China men’s basketball team. In the past few years, Guo Ailun has played an important role in the men’s basketball team in China. His outstanding performance and leadership style have made him an idol in the hearts of fans at home and abroad. However, injuries have been plaguing his career, which not only separated him from the team for a long time, but also worried the fans. Countless fans are looking forward to his recovery, hoping to enjoy his excellent performance again in the Asian Games.

In the process of recovery, Guo Ailun made great efforts and perseverance. He actively cooperated with the professional rehabilitation team to carry out rehabilitation training and constantly broke through himself in order to return to the stadium as soon as possible. And his firm will and unyielding fighting spirit also deeply infected the people around him. His teammates are full of expectations for his return, and the coaching staff is full of confidence in him. They believe that under the leadership of Guo Ailun, the China men’s basketball team will make some gains in the Asian Games. As the highest comprehensive sports meeting in Asia, the Asian Games is of great significance to the China men’s basketball team. This is not only a competitive game, but also an opportunity to show our strength. For Guo Ailun personally, the Asian Games is also a stage to prove himself again. He is eager to win honor for his country and bring joy to the fans with his own strength.

Therefore, he attaches no less importance to the Asian Games than other important competitions. Guo Ailun’s return will have a positive impact on the China men’s basketball team. As a leader, his play on the court and his influence off the court are irreplaceable. His excellent organizational skills and calm judgment made him the soul of the team. In addition, his personal ability is also quite outstanding. With superb skills and decisive attack, he can score key points for the team at critical moments. The fans expressed full expectations and appeals for Guo Ailun’s return. Numerous messages and comments have sprung up on social media, expecting him to shine again in the Asian Games.

Someone said: "I look forward to seeing Guo Ailun show his excellent state in the Asian Games, so that the whole world can know the strength of the China men’s basketball team!" Others wrote: "I wish Guo Ailun a smooth recovery and look forward to seeing him bring more victories to the China men’s basketball team!" The voice of the fans is undoubtedly the greatest support and encouragement for Guo Ailun. With the Asian Games coming, the news that Guo Ailun has recovered well is exciting. His return will add a lot of strength and confidence to the China men’s basketball team. I believe he will shine again in the Asian Games and win more honors for the China men’s basketball team! No matter how the game results, Guo Ailun will always be a hero in the hearts of fans, and his persistence and fighting spirit will inspire more young people to pursue their basketball dreams.

May he achieve excellent performance in the Asian Games and continue to make greater contributions to the basketball cause in China!

Different choices: Kobe failed to catch up with Jordan, and James found another way to "be king" in another place.

When it comes to the comparison between Kobe and Jordan, most people think that Jordan is the first shooting guard in the NBA, Kobe is the second shooting guard in the NBA, and Jordan is in front of Kobe, which is not controversial.

When it comes to the comparison between James and Jordan, most people think that Jordan is ahead of James; But some people think that James should be ahead of Jordan.

The reason why there is such a big difference is not because James is better than Kobe, but because of the track problem.

Kobe’s choice is to catch up with Jordan head-on. His route is similar to Jordan’s, and even his playing style and style are close to Jordan’s. In this case, Jordan has six champions and six FMVPs, and Kobe has five champions and two FMVPs, so everyone thinks that Jordan won and Kobe lost.

James’ choice was to find another way. The route he took was different from Jordan’s, and even this road was not traveled by many people. In the end, James achieved some "first" achievements on his own road, but many NBA stars including Jordan didn’t, so James did what they didn’t do, so comparing from different angles, naturally James could be ahead of Jordan.

The most typical example is that James is the first player in NBA history to get FMVP from three different teams, but Jordan, Duncan, Russell, Bird, Jabbar and other stars can’t even get together with three teams. From this perspective, James is indeed the first person in history.

This is also the reason why in the first-person vote in history, Kobe got less votes and James got more votes.

Take the World Cup group match as an example. In the 2022 World Cup group match, the first in Group E is Japan, the second is Spain, the first in Group F is Morocco, and the second is Croatia.

Jordan is Morocco and Kobe is Croatia. They are very comparable. In contrast, Jordan is in the lead, so there is no suspense in the ranking. Jordan is the first and Kobe is the second.

James is Japan, and he is on his own way, and he is also the first. Durant and Harden are similar to James’ route. Obviously, they are all behind James.

When choosing the strongest team in the group stage, no one will choose Croatia because it has Morocco in front of it, but someone will choose Japan because it is also the first in the group. But can you say that Japan, which ranks first in Group E, must be better than Croatia, which ranks second in Group F?

Obviously not.

This is Kobe’s paranoia.

In fact, there was only one person in Kobe’s pursuit, that is Jordan. He just wanted to catch up with Jordan. As for the others, he didn’t care. For him, he either surpassed Jordan or didn’t surpass him. That’s all. In his cognition, there is no difference between the second place and the 100th place, so he can say that the second place is the biggest loser.

Of course, there was another one he wanted to surpass, and that was O ‘Neill …

James, on the other hand, is more rational and smarter.

Perhaps he wanted to catch up with Jordan’s path in the early days, but after realizing the difficulty, he chose another one. On this road, James was one of the pioneers, and finally he succeeded and became the leader of this road.

You can’t say that James’s other way is bad. After all, many imitators followed James’s old path, but their achievements were not as high as James’s, such as Durant.

And James is also trying to collect all kinds of "firsts" to increase his chips for the GOAT.

There are many criteria for the selection of the GOAT, among which James is the GOAT, but in fact, from a competitive point of view, Jordan is undoubtedly the GOAT, which is the fundamental reason why Jordan has a very high position in the NBA.

Unfortunately, the loyal minister of Juventus met with the captain of Inter Milan, who had no way to serve his country in Argentina, but became an Italian hero.

# 100 Watching Teams # Throughout the long history of Argentine football, this old-fashioned giant in the green world has never lacked talents. This is obviously a good thing for the Argentine national team. But for some players, it may not be a good thing. For example, Camoranesi, the hero of this article, a loyal Juventus minister with strong personal ability and loyalty, can only accept the fate of serving the country in Argentina because he unfortunately met Inter Milan captain Sanetti, which is extremely embarrassing:

Mauro german camoranesi was born in Tantier, Argentina on October 4th, 1976. Unlike those compatriots who received professional training at a young age in the youth training camps of traditional Argentine giants such as Riverbed and Boca, Camoranesi received youth training at a club called Atletico Alto Silvio. I’m afraid even many old fans who often pay attention to the Argentine League on weekdays don’t know much about this club, which was still hanging out in the Argentine Second Division at that time.

Born in this level of club, the fledgling Camoranesi suffered a lot. Unlike saviola and aimar, who have attracted much attention since their debut, Camoranesi did not get much attention in the first five years of his career, and he tasted the pain of wandering at an early age. He changed his employer five times in five years. It was not until 2000 that he was recruited by Verona as far away as Apennine that his career was slightly stable.

Camoranesi was a qualified right wing before landing in Apennine. He can not only break through with the ball, but also score from a long distance, which can disrupt the opponent’s defense line by himself. Of course, Camoranesi’s teamwork spirit is also beyond doubt. His first choice after a successful breakthrough on the flank is often to send an accurate cross to his teammates. In addition to creating threats on the flank, Camoranesi will occasionally move to the middle, and there will be a stunning direct plug, which will make the opponent hard to prevent.

Under the influence of Serie A, Camoranesi’s defensive ability has made great progress. As long as he sets foot on the court, he will not hesitate to defend physically, greatly reducing the defensive pressure of his own team. Although Camoranesi’s contribution on the defensive end can’t be compared with Nesta’s professional defensive player, Camoranesi has never been the team’s defensive weakness.

As for Camoranesi’s club Verona at that time, compared with the established strong teams like Inter Milan and Juventus, it is naturally not enough. However, the configuration of this team on the offensive line is actually quite good. Besides Camoranesi, he also owns Gilardino and Mutu, all of whom are famous figures in the green world.

Unfortunately, both Gilardino and Mutu were newcomers at that time, and they had not reached the peak of their professionalism. Therefore, Mutu, Gilardino and Camoranesi’s offensive combination are not very effective. Verona, let alone compete for European qualification, even struggled to avoid relegation, and have been hovering on the edge of the relegation zone. After the end of the 2001-02 season, Verona was unfortunately relegated.

Verona’s record will obviously affect Argentina’s attitude towards Camoranesi. You know, Argentina’s national team at that time was full of famous talents. Take the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan as an example. Even Riquelme and saviola, the most important men of the year, will be unfortunately defeated, so Camoranesi, who plays for Verona, will naturally not be called up by the Argentine national team. Even the media that was most opposed to the then Argentine coach Belsa would not take Camoranesi’s failure to participate in the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan as Belsa’s crime.

Fortunately, there are people who know the goods after all. After Verona’s unfortunate demotion, Juventus, a veteran Italian club, extended an olive branch to him and attracted him. It must be explained here that in the summer when Camoranesi joined Juventus, the Italian media generally believed that this new signing was just a substitute for Zambrotta. Zambrotta was unfortunately injured in the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan, and was doomed to miss the beginning of Serie A in 2002-03.

Perhaps even Moggi, known as the "king of transfer", didn’t expect Camoranesi, the new aid of Youwen, to be so fierce. During Zambrotta’s rehabilitation, Camoranesi played a phenomenal performance and locked his main seat in one fell swoop. So when Zambrotta comes back from injury, the Italian native can only look for playing opportunities in other positions. Fortunately, Zambrotta is versatile enough not to worry about having no ball to play …

It was not until this stage that there began to be voices calling for the Argentine national team to recruit Camoranesi. However, then Argentine coach Belsa was still unwilling to give Camoranesi a chance.

As for the reasons, there are probably two aspects: First, it was Camoranesi’s first season when he joined Juventus. Although his personal performance was excellent, at that time, he was not the kind of star player with old qualifications and his influence in football was not too great. Plus Camoranesi was born in a small club like Sporting Civi in Huhardeaux, not to mention his influence in Argentina. As a direct result, even if there are voices calling for the Argentine national team to recruit Camoranesi, the voices are not too many and not too loud. At the very least, it is nothing compared with the call for Belsa to call up Riquelme before and after the 2002 World Cup.

Second, and perhaps more importantly, I met Inter captain Sanetti in Camoranesi. Although Zanetti often played as a right-back during his time at Inter Milan, in Belsa’s 3-3-1-3 tactical system, Zanetti was the right-back avant-garde.

Once Belsa recruits Camoranesi, then Camoranesi’s biggest competitor is undoubtedly Zanetti. At that time, Sanetti was not only in his prime, but also had already proved his strength in the Argentine national team. Whether it was the 1998 World Cup in France or the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan, although the Argentine team failed to laugh at the end, Sanetti’s personal performance was impeccable and was deeply loved by Argentine football. Against this background, it is really difficult for Camoranesi to compete with Zanetti, the captain of Inter Milan.

When Camoranesi had no way to serve his country in Argentina, the Italian national team extended an olive branch to him. Because Camoranesi’s great-grandfather was Italian, it is not difficult for Camoranesi to apply for an Italian passport. So Camoranesi simply decided to play for the Italian national team.

Even if Camoranesi is strong enough to play for the Italian national team, there are still people who sneer at him. For example, fiore, an Italian international, once publicly stated that players should play for which country they were born.

This situation continued until the 2006 World Cup in Germany. Camoranesi, as the main player of Italy, helped the Azzurri win the World Cup successfully and became an undisputed Italian hero. The controversy about whether the Italian team should reuse Camoranesi only subsided.

Also in the summer of 2006, Camoranesi stuck with Juventus, who was relegated to Serie B, and chose to stay with Nedved, Buffon, Piero and Trezeguet, becoming a recognized loyal minister of Juventus. The reputation of "Brad Pitt" is destined to go down in history.

Camoranesi returned to Serie A with Juventus after suffering in Serie B for a year. However, the Calciopoli incident has had a great impact on the Bianconeri, which has lost a lot of main players. As a result, in the first few seasons before Juventus returned to Serie A, the team’s record was not good.

As for Camoranesi personally, with the increase of age and the troubles of injuries, the competitive state of this loyal servant of Juventus has indeed declined a lot. By the summer of 2010, Camoranesi, then 34, waved goodbye to Juventus and moved to Stuttgart. However, the old Camoranesi’s life in the Bundesliga was not happy. It was difficult for him to guarantee his playing time, and he soon changed his family and returned to play in the Argentine League. It wasn’t long before Camoranesi announced his retirement.