Nongfu Spring responded to the water quality standard incident, claiming that its standards are the most stringent in China

Yesterday afternoon, Nongfu ****** held a "press conference on drinking natural water standards" in *******. After a series ** reports pointed at Nongfu ******, reporters from the ******* Times (Weibo) frequently asked questions and engaged in a heated debate with Nongfu ****** executives. Earlier, an association in ******* demanded that Nongfu ****** bottled drinking water be removed from the shelves. Yesterday, the ******* Times also said that Nongfu ****** bottled water had been discontinued in *******. Nongfu ****** released a news on its **ficial Weibo that it had filed a lawsuit and claimed 60 million yuan from the ******* Times.

Modern Express reporter, Zhang Yu, text/photo

[Reason] The "water quality dispute" has lasted for nearly a month

In March this year, some consumers reported that black unknown objects appeared in the Nongfu ****** they purchased, which became the beginning ** the "quality gate" incident ** Nongfu ******. Since April 10, the ******* Times has published a series ** reports, directly pointing out that there is a problem with the water source ** Nongfu ******, citing the view ** the drinking water association, that Nongfu ******’s standards are not as good as tap water standards, and its local standards are looser than national standards. During this period, Nongfu ****** also responded four times. During this process, the ******* Barreled Drinking Water Sales Industry Association issued a notice, requiring all sales companies in the ******* bottled drinking water industry to immediately remove Nongfu ****** bottled drinking water products from the shelves. Yesterday, the front page ** the ******* Times mentioned that Nongfu ****** bottled water was suspended in ******* due to "standard" problems.

[Latest Progress] Suing Jinghua Times for 60 million

Yesterday afternoon, the "Nongfu ****** Drinking Natural Water Standards Press Conference" was held in *******. Zhong Liangxuan, chairperson and president ** Nongfu ******, said that in 27 consecutive days from April 10 to May 6, the ******* Times used 67 pages to repeatedly report on three problems: the first Nongfu ******’s implementation ** standards is not as good as tap water, the second is to abolish the landmark DB33/383 in Zhejiang Province, and the third Nongfu ****** ******* bottled water is removed from the shelves. "*******’s ******* ******* Times has set a news record for a media to criticize a company," he said. Just before yesterday’s news conference, Nongfu ****** announced through the **ficial Weibo that it had filed a lawsuit in court and claimed 60 million yuan from the ******* Times. Yesterday, a media reporter checked with the ******* Second Intermediate People’s Court and learned that Nongfu ****** has indeed submitted litigation materials to the court, and the case is still under review.

[Press conference site]

Nongfu Spring Hair Materials VS Beijing Times

The press conference began at 3 p.m., but many media reporters came one after another around 2 p.m. Inside and outside the conference site, Nongfu ****** posted the relevant questioning reports ** the ******* Times on the display board. These reports were about 60 or 70 pages from April 10 to May 6. Next to the reports, Nongfu ****** also posted a lot ** responses to the ******* Times report. In order to let everyone know more about the beginning and end ** the incident, Nongfu ****** prepared a wealth ** materials. Reporters from the ******* Times also delivered the newspaper ** the day at the entrance ** the press conference. The front page ** the newspaper had a report on the suspension ** the bottled water ** Nongfu ******, as well as "Four Questions to Nongfu ******" and other contents. At the press conference, the chairperson and president ** Nongfu ******, Zhong Shanyuan, said that the conference was not held voluntarily by the company. Since its establishment, Nongfu ****** has had three major crises and held three press conferences. This time, the conference was held in the capital *******, hoping to find truth and freedom ** speech. When Zhong Shanyuan said that the Jinghua Times had made an objective report without interviewing Nongfu ******, the reporter ** the ******* Times immediately stood up and debated. The atmosphere at the scene was once chaotic. After being persuaded by the staff, the conference was restored to order.

Response to "removed from the shelves in Beijing"

Due to "environmental" factors

Will not continue to operate at the Beijing Kaishui Plant

At the press conference, Zhong Xuanyi reported that "the ******* Quality Supervision Bureau has asked Nongfu ******’s factory in ******* to stop production," saying that production for the government is still in production, but production for the public has indeed stopped. Nongfu ****** now has a bottled water plant in *******, which only produces large buckets ** water, and has 100,000 consumer groups in *******.

He said that after the order to close the bottled water in Beijing this time, the company will not continue to open a factory in Beijing for production. "Today I also want to announce that we will not open a factory in Beijing for production. We can only apologize to the 100,000 consumers in Beijing, because it is impossible for a company to produce in such an environment," Mr. Zhong said.

"Nongfu ******’s dignity is more important than money, and Nongfu ******’s sense ** responsibility is not so much that I produce substandard products and affect the health ** ******* consumers and ******* citizens, but rather close this factory now, because a product association can make a company’s products removed from the shelves, and a product association’s decision can make the" ******* Times "put it on the front page. Such an environment, Nongfu ******, can only withdraw." He said that only state law enforcement and government law enforcement departments have the right to decide and enforce the removal ** products from the shelves. If a non-governmental organization can decide to remove a certain product from the shelves, it will be difficult to ensure the market order ** food safety. Zhong Bianyi believes that in such an environment, Nongfu ****** can only withdraw. " Nongfu ****** will not bow to the violence ** public opinion, nor will it lose face for its own dignity. "

Response to "Zhejiang Landmark"

Before the national standard came out of the stage

Landmarks cannot be abolished

Previously, many media have questioned that the water produced by Nongfu Spring in places other than Zhejiang is also marked with Zhejiang landmarks, believing that this is illegal. Nongfu Spring responded that as a product Quality Standard, Zhejiang landmarks can be used across regions, and there is no law expressly prohibiting it. Nongfu Spring reiterated that they implement the state-mandated health (safety) standard GB19298 and Quality Standard DB33/383. Even if Nongfu Spring only signs and implements the state-mandated health (safety) standard GB19298, it can be commissioned for processing across the country, while Nongfu Spring implements more stringent Zhejiang landmarks, and it is completely possible to commission processing in various places.

At the press conference, the ******* Times reporter quoted the National Health and Family Planning Commission as saying that the Zhejiang local standards implemented by Nongfu ****** should have been abolished a few years ago. Nongfu ****** said that before the national standards came out, the local standards could not be abolished, otherwise there would be a legal vacuum, and the National Food Safety threat and risk assessment Center did not mention the abolition ** DB33/383 in the public letter posted on its **ficial website, nor did the National Health and Family Planning Commission.

Responding to "Water Quality Standards"

Our standards

The most stringent in the country

In the ******* Times report, the core is to question the drinking water standards ** Nongfu ******. In this regard, Zhong Shanxue introduced the relevant standards in detail. He pointed out that the drinking water system is divided into hygiene standards and Quality Standards, and any drinking water product implements both safety standards and express Quality Standards.

Nongfu Spring emphasizes that the standards they implement are the most stringent in China. The national bottled drinking water standard, the national "Bottle (Barrel) Drinking Water Hygiene Standard" (GB19298), is a safety (hygiene) standard. Whether Nongfu Spring is marked on the bottle or not, it must be enforced. And Zhejiang Province DB33/383 "Bottled Drinking Natural Water" (hereinafter referred to as "Zhejiang Landmark") is a Quality Standard. After marking the bottle, Nongfu Spring must implement it. Nongfu Spring said that all the potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, metasilicic acid, and pH values on its bottle labels are higher than DB33/383, representing Nongfu Spring’s strict implementation of the standard.

Response to "Landmark Loose"

Zhejiang landmark is advanced

Safety standards must be enforced

According to media reports, the Zhejiang landmarks used in Nongfu Spring are considered to be looser than national standards. Zhong said that their drinking water is subject to the national mandatory health (safety) standards GB19298 and Quality Standard DB33/383-2005. He believes that Zhejiang landmarks are still an advanced local standard across the country today, with its scientific nature.

Regarding the problem that the bottle body has only landmarks, Nongfu Spring responded that the general enterprise will choose to mark the Quality Standard. On the one hand, the safety standard is the mandatory standard of the state, and even if it is not marked on the label, the enterprise must implement it. On the other hand, the quality characteristics of the product can be reflected from the implementation of the Quality Standard.

Responding to the "pH Question"

pH value 7.3 ± 0.5

Is a scientific statement of error

In the promotion of Nongfu Spring, it has always been mentioned that it is weakly alkaline water. However, many opinions point out that it contradicts itself, pH = 7 is neutral, pH > 7 is alkaline, and pH

Nongfu Spring believes that the expression of pH value of 7.3 ± 0.5 is very scientific. The pH value of water will change with the environment, water temperature, etc., resulting in a certain error, so they set an error value of 0.5.

"Voyager" made its debut, and Jetway firmly implemented the "Travel+"strategy.

  Yin Tongyue emphasized that "Jietu’s development path is the concentrated embodiment of Chery’s strategy, and it is the undertaker, innovator and breakthrough. It represents the determination and practice of the Group to open up user thinking and Internet thinking, and contributes irreplaceable’ ecological power’ to the development of the Group." Li Xueyong said, "Jietu has firmly implemented the’ Travel+’strategy, and has not changed its original intention along the way, constantly expanding the’ Travel+’ecosystem and enriching the’ Travel+’products, which has brought more surprises and joy to users during their travels, broadened the boundaries and horizons of Jietu and provided more development possibilities."

  As a brand-new product in the era of "Travel+"2.0, "Traveler" embodies Jietu Automobile’s profound understanding and insight into user groups, fully considers the travel needs of users in multiple scenarios, focuses on free and comfortable travel experience, redefines unruly and free travel life with the core of science and technology, and tries to open up a new blue ocean in the global automobile market.

  "Jietu’s development path is the concentrated embodiment of Chery’s strategy, and it is the undertaker, innovator and breakthrough. It represents the determination and practice of the Group to open up user thinking and Internet thinking, and contributes irreplaceable’ ecological power’ to the development of the Group." At the Second Travel+Conference of Jietu Automobile held yesterday (March 1st), Yin Tongyue, Chairman of Chery Holding Group, stressed that "as one of the’ double mainstream’ brands of Chery Group, Jietu Automobile should continue to strengthen users’ thinking, and continue to innovate in key areas such as products, marketing, ecology and services to create an upward pyramid."

Photo courtesy of Yin Tongyue, Chairman of Chery Holding Group  

  At the press conference, Jietu Traveler made its debut. As a brand-new product in the era of "Travel+"2.0, Jetway Traveler was designed by former Porsche design director Hakan Saracoglu, focusing on free and comfortable travel experience, redefining unruly and free travel life with the core of science and technology, fully considering the travel needs of users in multiple scenarios, and boldly trying and exploring to open up a new blue ocean in the global automobile market.

Photo courtesy of Jietu "Traveler" Enterprise

  Jietu brand has been firmly on the road of "travel+"since its release, which is also the foundation for its future travel. Li Xueyong, general manager of Jietu Automobile, said, "Jietu firmly implements the strategy of" Travel+",and has not changed its original intention along the way, constantly expanding the" Travel+"ecosystem and enriching the" Travel+"products, bringing more surprises and joys to users during their travel, broadening the boundaries and horizons of Jietu and providing more development possibilities."


Photo courtesy of Li Xueyong, general manager of Jietu Automobile.  

  By integrating well-known domestic tourism resources and providing value-added rights for users’ travel, Jetway Automobile fully focuses on users’ travel needs. It is understood that Jietu Automobile has joined forces with 80+ ecological partners to create 100+ rights and interests, covering more than 100 cities across the country.

  At the event site, Jietu Auto and Eco-Alliance partners brought users exclusive value-added rights and interests belonging to Jietu users, including the Jietu rights and interests plan. A total of 9,217 hotels in the national 30+ hotel brand matrix have a minimum of 20% discount, and more than 10 value-added rights and interests; Jietu travel plan, 50% off the national 5A scenic spots, so that users can love to travel, go to travel, start a new journey and enjoy travel. Relevant rights and interests will be officially launched during the spring equinox on March 21, when users can receive corresponding benefits in Jetway APP.

  Focusing on users and experiences, we actively expand a new chapter in the "Travel+"strategy, and Jietu Automobile adheres to the positioning of the "Travel+"travel eco-leading brand to achieve leap-forward development. Even in the face of the impact of uncertain factors such as the epidemic, the sales volume of Jetway has continued to grow. The data shows that during the period from 2019 to 2022, the sales volume of Jietu Automobile was 138,000, 127,000, 154,000 and 180,000 respectively.


Photo courtesy of Zhang Chunwei, General Manager of Jietu Automobile Marketing Company  

  Zhang Chunwei, general manager of Jietu Automobile Marketing Company, said confidently, "In the past five years, Jietu Automobile has gained the choice and trust of 660,000 car owners and 23.81 million fans. Because of the support of users, Jietu Automobile has created a record of the growth rate of its own SUV and has the speed of Jietu that makes all Jietu people proud. In 2022, the total sales volume of Jietu ranked first in the 7-seat SUV with independent fuel. "

  Focusing on the "traveler" who made his debut this time, the new car embodies Jetway’s deep understanding and insight into the user community. In appearance, "Voyager" combines the design language of "vertical and horizontal way" with the concept of "travel+",and the posture of the whole vehicle is vigorous, with sharp lines and full profile coexisting. The central control panel in the interior is angular, simple and powerful. The combination of 15.6-inch central control panel and 10.25-inch instrument panel, and the leapfrog configuration such as suede seat and crystal bumper further enhance the luxury of the whole vehicle.


Photo courtesy of Jietu "Traveler" internal enterprise  

  In terms of intelligent driving, healthy cockpit and ecological services, Jetway "Voyager" is equipped with XWD intelligent four-wheel drive+double lock, 8155 intelligent cockpit and 2.0TGDI Kunpeng Power, creating a 5-year healthy cockpit environment, and launching 20+ "Travel+"ecological products to realize travel camping, travel leisure and entertainment. (China Economic Net reporter Wang Yueyue)


State Administration of Financial Supervision: Accelerating the implementation of the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing has achieved results.

The Beijing News According to the State Administration of Financial Supervision, on January 26, the General Administration of Financial Supervision held a meeting to deploy and promote the implementation of the coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing. Li Yunze, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, attended the meeting and stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference, accelerate the implementation of the coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing, more accurately support the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. Xiao Yuanqi, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, presided over the meeting. Responsible comrades from relevant departments of the Central Finance Office, the Central Finance Office and the General Office of the State Council attended the meeting. The main responsible persons of various regulatory bureaus, some regulatory branches of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, as well as national commercial banks, city commercial banks, provincial rural credit cooperatives and other institutions attended the meeting.
The meeting pointed out that the CPC Central Committee and the State Council attached great importance to the steady and healthy development of the real estate market. At the beginning of January this year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the General Administration of Financial Supervision issued the Notice on Establishing a Coordination Mechanism for Urban Real Estate Financing, requiring cities at or above the prefecture level to establish a coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing. The coordination mechanism is an important measure to implement the decision-making arrangements of the central financial work conference, meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally, and promote the virtuous circle of finance and real estate.
The meeting held that the coordination mechanism should give full play to the leading role of local governments, strengthen overall planning of work, refine policies and measures, and promote the accurate docking of real estate development enterprises and financial institutions. According to the principle of fairness and justice, the list of real estate projects that can be given financing support should be screened and pushed to financial institutions within their respective administrative areas. It is necessary to strengthen information sharing and provide relevant financial institutions with information such as project construction and operation, pre-sale fund supervision and so on in a timely manner. It is necessary to guide financial institutions to negotiate with real estate development enterprises on an equal footing, make independent decisions and implement them according to the principles of marketization and rule of law, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of financial institutions.
The meeting stressed that financial institutions should attach great importance to it, strengthen organizational leadership, establish internal mechanisms and clarify working rules. For projects that meet the credit conditions, it is necessary to establish a green channel for credit granting, optimize the approval process, shorten the approval time limit, and actively meet the reasonable financing needs. For projects that encounter temporary difficulties in development and construction, but the funds are basically balanced, we will not blindly lend, cut off loans, or press loans, but support them by extending existing loans, adjusting repayment arrangements, and adding new loans. At the same time, financial institutions should strengthen the closed management of funds to prevent the misappropriation of credit funds.
The meeting requested that all supervision bureaus should actively participate in the coordination mechanism, actively cooperate with local governments and housing construction departments, carry out related work in a steady and orderly manner, jointly promote the effectiveness of the coordination mechanism and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.
Editor Liu Jiani

Different choices: Kobe failed to catch up with Jordan, and James found another way to "be king" in another place.

When it comes to the comparison between Kobe and Jordan, most people think that Jordan is the first shooting guard in the NBA, Kobe is the second shooting guard in the NBA, and Jordan is in front of Kobe, which is not controversial.

When it comes to the comparison between James and Jordan, most people think that Jordan is ahead of James; But some people think that James should be ahead of Jordan.

The reason why there is such a big difference is not because James is better than Kobe, but because of the track problem.

Kobe’s choice is to catch up with Jordan head-on. His route is similar to Jordan’s, and even his playing style and style are close to Jordan’s. In this case, Jordan has six champions and six FMVPs, and Kobe has five champions and two FMVPs, so everyone thinks that Jordan won and Kobe lost.

James’ choice was to find another way. The route he took was different from Jordan’s, and even this road was not traveled by many people. In the end, James achieved some "first" achievements on his own road, but many NBA stars including Jordan didn’t, so James did what they didn’t do, so comparing from different angles, naturally James could be ahead of Jordan.

The most typical example is that James is the first player in NBA history to get FMVP from three different teams, but Jordan, Duncan, Russell, Bird, Jabbar and other stars can’t even get together with three teams. From this perspective, James is indeed the first person in history.

This is also the reason why in the first-person vote in history, Kobe got less votes and James got more votes.

Take the World Cup group match as an example. In the 2022 World Cup group match, the first in Group E is Japan, the second is Spain, the first in Group F is Morocco, and the second is Croatia.

Jordan is Morocco and Kobe is Croatia. They are very comparable. In contrast, Jordan is in the lead, so there is no suspense in the ranking. Jordan is the first and Kobe is the second.

James is Japan, and he is on his own way, and he is also the first. Durant and Harden are similar to James’ route. Obviously, they are all behind James.

When choosing the strongest team in the group stage, no one will choose Croatia because it has Morocco in front of it, but someone will choose Japan because it is also the first in the group. But can you say that Japan, which ranks first in Group E, must be better than Croatia, which ranks second in Group F?

Obviously not.

This is Kobe’s paranoia.

In fact, there was only one person in Kobe’s pursuit, that is Jordan. He just wanted to catch up with Jordan. As for the others, he didn’t care. For him, he either surpassed Jordan or didn’t surpass him. That’s all. In his cognition, there is no difference between the second place and the 100th place, so he can say that the second place is the biggest loser.

Of course, there was another one he wanted to surpass, and that was O ‘Neill …

James, on the other hand, is more rational and smarter.

Perhaps he wanted to catch up with Jordan’s path in the early days, but after realizing the difficulty, he chose another one. On this road, James was one of the pioneers, and finally he succeeded and became the leader of this road.

You can’t say that James’s other way is bad. After all, many imitators followed James’s old path, but their achievements were not as high as James’s, such as Durant.

And James is also trying to collect all kinds of "firsts" to increase his chips for the GOAT.

There are many criteria for the selection of the GOAT, among which James is the GOAT, but in fact, from a competitive point of view, Jordan is undoubtedly the GOAT, which is the fundamental reason why Jordan has a very high position in the NBA.

Blame James for failing the exam? The US media issued a document: Students have been missing preschool education for many years &28% have disabilities.

Live broadcast: August 5th Recently, the US media reported that no eighth graders in James’ school had passed the state math exam for three years in a row, which caused extensive discussion, most of which were questions about James, the founder of the school, while the US media clutchpoints issued a rebuttal. The full text is as follows:

It’s crazy that so many people want to see LeBron fail. Even if the eighth-grade students fail in math, it will be regarded as LeBron’s failure, just as if he were Mr. Le.

"Since 2018, the passing rate of the eighth-grade students in James’s’ I Promise’ school in the state mathematics exam is 0%!" When a news headline appears, the most important thing is not the information mentioned, but the information left out.

To be admitted to the "IPromise" school, students must rank in the bottom 25% of the state reading test;

28% students in "IPromise" school have disabilities;

Most admitted students are not good at math in their grade-they have fallen behind for several years;

Only 42% of these students have studied for a whole school year, but they have not reached the level of their grade;

Since the epidemic, the reading and math test scores of the whole country have plummeted;

On the whole, since 2012, students’ reading and math test scores in the United States have dropped significantly.

Anyone can find this information, but most people don’t. The only reason they discuss eighth-grade mathematics is because it is related to celebrities.

The mission of James School is not only to let 13-year-old children pass the exam, but also to solve the intergenerational problem of education in the United States. It is important that LeBron’s school can provide classrooms, teachers and opportunities for children with disabilities.

The fans want it, but why can’t Mane return to Liverpool?

(ball game) fanWhat children want, but why?ManetCan’t go back to Liverpool

Sadio mane’s return to Liverpool is difficult in reality.

A world-class winger from Senegal. Although the posture of 174cm is not excellent, he can paralyze the opponent’s defense with explosive speed and gorgeous personal ability. As an African, he has excellent athletic ability, and his ability to finish in a box and cooperate with his teammates is an outstanding standard attacker.

After growing up in the local league, he entered the European stage. In 2011, he went to the French Metropolitan Team, made 19 appearances in the first division, scored 1 goal and assisted 1 time, which showed the possibility. Later, he moved to Salzburg, Austria, where Poten broke out. In the first year of his transfer, he scored 16 goals and assisted 9 times in 26 league games, and joined the League 10-10 Club in 2013-14.

Thanks to this performance, he successfully entered the major leagues. The destination is Southampton. The league level has risen sharply, but for Manet, there is no need to adapt. Manet scored double-digit goals in the league, which attracted the attention of all teams and continued to perform in the 2015-16 season. Therefore, people’s attention was quickly contacted.

The winner is Liverpool, coached by head coach klopp. Manet, who grew further in klopp’s coaching system, established a solid offensive line with mohamed salah and Hoberto Pilmis Nu, and directed Europe. In the 2018-19 season, he scored 22 goals in the league and became the top scorer. Together with Liverpool, he won the league and the European Champions League (UCL). Although it was somewhat depressed, it ushered in the "second heyday" after changing its position to center.

Before this season, he started a new challenge. He left Liverpool for Bayern Munich, Germany. Munich sent robert lewandowski and placed high hopes on Manet.

But the activity is minimal. Including the cup, he played in 37 games, but only scored 12 goals and assisted 6 times. Recently, it also committed violence against leroy sane, and even caused a lot of talk.

In the end, the transfer rumors were blown within a season. Therefore, there are rumors that he will return to Liverpool.

However, danny murphy, a panel discussion group in the British media Talk Sports, denied the possibility of Manet returning to Liverpool. He said: "The fans want Mane to come back, but it is very difficult in reality. Liverpool already have five or six strikers. In addition, Liverpool still has a lot to add. Attack is not a position that needs to be strengthened. They badly need to bring in midfielders.

As Murphy argued, Liverpool’s offensive lineup is saturated. Even if Pilmis Nu left at the end of this season, five players, including Leonardo Nunez, Salah, Diogu Zota, Cody Corner Gun and Luis Diaz, immediately felt the fighting capacity.