Intelligent Transportation "2.0": Putting "Brains" on the Road

  Autonavi Maps has launched a "smart cone bucket" that applies the Internet of Things transformation. After connecting to its map app data platform, it can realize real-time collection and release of information such as road construction, accidents and closure controls, and improve user travel efficiency and safety. The picture shows that in January this year, a road construction information released by a "smart cone bucket" set in the Dinghu rest area of Guangfo Zhao Expressway has been uploaded to the map app. Photo by Liu Dawei, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

  Have you seen the "brain" of road traffic? What kind of scenario does the future of smart travel look like? In fact, before we know it, the "brain" of traffic has already been "bravely leading the beam" between the endless roads, empowering a more technological way of travel.

  In recent years, new technologies such as "Internet +", intelligent networking, big data, and artificial intelligence have been continuously applied in the field of road transportation, integrating more and more deeply into people’s lives, and constantly meeting people’s new expectations for safe, convenient, and high-quality travel. At the same time, "black technology" has gradually been applied, innovating and enriching the new connotation of "smart transportation", which also echoes the deep-seated needs of cities to improve their comprehensive transportation management capabilities.

  Recently, under the guidance of the Traffic Administration of the Ministry of Public Security, the "2019 Internet + Urban Traffic Management Innovation Forum" jointly sponsored by the China Road Traffic Safety Association and Autonavi Map was held in Hefei. Experts in the field, public security traffic management departments, universities and scientific research institutions, and representatives of related industries and enterprises from all over the country gathered together to share innovative services and technological achievements in the transportation industry, and make suggestions for the comprehensive realization of intelligent transportation. It also showed a vivid and colorful future travel picture.

  "Black technology" escorts road safety

  The data shows that with the in-depth implementation of China’s transportation power strategy, the transportation industry has developed rapidly, and the road for people and vehicles has continued to grow at a high speed. As of the end of June this year, the number of motor vehicles in the country has reached 340 million, of which 250 million cars, 66 cities in the country have more than 1 million cars, 29 cities have more than 2 million cars, and 11 cities such as Beijing and Chengdu have more than 3 million cars. Under the rapid growth, it also puts forward higher requirements on how to apply big data and serve traffic control.

  car recognition

  According to Sun Zhengliang, party secretary of the Traffic Management Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security, in recent years, the construction of the highway traffic safety prevention and control system has continued to advance, and the network of bayonets, video and law enforcement forensics equipment has been connected to the public security traffic integrated command platform. It is expected that traffic surveillance video will be "networked nationwide" by the end of this year.

  At the same time, 25 kinds of illegal analysis models and vehicle characteristics database were established to screen all kinds of illegal acts from the traffic trajectory data. The successful application of the integrated command platform has also made the deck car invisible. By labeling the vehicle "portrait", the integrated command platform can analyze 470 billion track data, screen out more than 120,000 suspected fake deck cars, and re-screen those with higher frequency. After the data is synchronized with provinces and cities, the fake deck is locked through cross-regional spatiotemporal analysis.

  Face recognition

  Not only is it "recognizing the car", but through facial recognition technology, the platform can also accurately detect relevant license-related violations in real time, and accurately "recognize the face". License-related violations are mostly divided into three categories: driving without a license, losing driving (Note: traffic violations in which drivers still drive motor vehicles on the road after losing their driving qualifications, such as "drunk driving" revoking their driver’s license, "drug driving" canceling their driver’s license, "super score" not learning, overdue inspection, etc.) and permitted driving do not match. In fact, it is far from enough for such personnel to enforce the law through the traffic police. It is very difficult. The application of facial recognition technology can use data comparison, analysis and judgment to systematically warn and deal with the behavior of lost drivers on the road.

  Mobile navigation becomes a traveler’s "all-round guide"

  The development of "smart +" travel and the improvement of travel efficiency with "seamless" travel services will reduce the average travel time and layered travel mode, and use the traffic design foundation and transportation tools to drive the travel industry into the stage of intelligent transportation development. Liu Zhenfei, partner of Alibaba and president of Autonavi Maps, said that the management and service travel mode with mobile navigation applications as the breakthrough point will open up all levels, allowing travelers to receive comprehensive and efficient services "before the trip", "during the trip" and "after the trip".

  The era of smart travel is coming, and mobile navigation can play a role far more than just "guiding the way". It is transforming into an inseparable "all-round guide" for travelers.

  Protect safety

  "There are tens of thousands of roads, and safety comes first." Dynamic traffic incident voice prompts are the link between managers and travelers. Mobile navigation receives dynamic traffic cloud information in real time and prompts travelers at any time. Through the application of the "smart cone bucket" after the transformation of the Internet of Things, road construction information can be uploaded to the map app, connected to the data platform to realize real-time collection and release of road construction, accidents and closed control information, and set up safety barriers. With the appearance of the "smart cone bucket", the secondary accident rate of Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway alone has been reduced by 34%.

  improve efficiency

  Taking Autonavi maps as an example, according to the analysis results of KPMG and the National Research Institute of Economics, mobile navigation applications save users at least 1.90 billion hours of congestion time, greatly improving traffic efficiency and fuel efficiency. And like the "multi-directional real-time road conditions" first launched in the industry last November, it realizes lane-level navigation at intersections and guides vehicles at intersections more accurately.

  guard the environment

  "By gradually launching’real-time public transportation ‘and other green travel navigation, we are transforming into a mobile navigation application for multi-mode green travel." According to Liu Zhenfei, in the past year, more than 37% of users have adopted green travel mode, and the proportion of green travel sharing has even exceeded that of cities with perfect public transportation services, such as Toronto, Canada, and Brisbane, Australia. "In the past few years, by improving our technical capabilities, we have not only made map navigation tools, but also hoped to provide a large number of new products and services for green travel in the whole city. We have launched’smart bus stations’, covering more than 10 cities. Travelers can effectively plan travel time through vehicle information inquiry, and public travel will become more and more convenient." Liu Zhenfei said.

  Drawing alluring future travel scenarios

  In July this year, the Ministry of Transport officially issued the "Digital Transportation Development Plan Outline", proposing to build a digital collection system, a networked transmission system and an intelligent application system with the "data link" as the main line, and accelerate the development of transportation informatization to digitalization, networking and intelligence, providing support for the construction of a transportation power.

  City CT

  Congestion, excessive resource consumption, traffic accidents… How to solve the urban traffic problem? At the forum site, the Autonavi map mirror system was officially launched. In the opinion of Dong Zhenning, vice president of Autonavi maps, the "mirror" that realizes intelligent analysis, evaluation and diagnosis of urban traffic based on AI and big data is like the "CT" of the city. It scans the factors affecting urban traffic in multiple dimensions, provides the "medical report" of urban traffic operation, and analyzes the reasons, so as to provide the basis for accurate and comprehensive policies.

  After obtaining the "diagnosis result", the next step is to focus on realizing the information coordination of people, cars and roads and establishing a service model that quickly reaches users. In Wuhan, Autonavi maps have been coordinated with the information of signal lights. In addition, when congestion, accidents and other situations occur, video AI recognition technology can judge the perceived road conditions in the first time, and realize zero-hour diversion guidance through intermediaries such as apps, in-car navigation, and smart guidance screens.

  One-stop, full chain

  "One-stop" and "full chain" are undoubtedly the direction of change in future travel services. Qiu Hongtong, a researcher at the Institute of Traffic Management Science of the Ministry of Public Security, believes that the new demand for travel can be explained from three aspects: managers, service providers, and travelers. Managers can use big data tools to correctly guide travel services and better supervise new business models; service providers have the ability to provide reservation-based and customized services; travelers can better adapt to and enjoy the continuous changes in travel methods.

  Open data, policy guidance, technical support and effective supervision. In the process of achieving the goal of future smart travel, there are still several key issues to be solved. Liu Zhenfei said that in the future, "smart +" travel will be further promoted in four aspects: automation, electrification, networking and sharing, deepen cooperation among enterprises, and deepen innovation in basic applications.

  "Start with travel, integrate with life", the process of intelligent upgrade of the platform is also a process of open resource sharing and data integration. Only by working hard to get out of the "data island" can the digital dividend better benefit everyone.

  (Reporter, Sun Yahui)

Huawei P7 Long Test (2): For those forgotten human interactions

  [Pconline long-term test]Easy-to-use interaction often makes us forget it in our free experience. In the age of talking about feelings and interaction, we gradually forget to pay attention to parameters. This is an emerging trend in the mobile phone market. Configuration fever also needs to look good, and the appearance needs to be easy to use. After two weeks of getting started, Huawei P7 has also accumulated bit-by-bit experience discoveries from the interaction of software and hardware.

P7 long test
Huawei Ascend P7 Mobile  picture  series  review  forum  quote  Online shopping price

A bright magazine lock screen

  A gentleman has nine thoughts. The first one is "Vision Siming", which means that when you see it, you have to figure out whether you understand it or not. The world is all-encompassing, and we are overwhelmed. We choose to look down at the square inch of the plaything in our hands, but we don’t know that the bright screen is the new and old default lock screen wallpaper. In real life, we often directly unlock the first window of the mobile phone, and then go directly to the function we want to operate. Huawei P7 allows users to lock their eyes on the lock screen interface. In the latest Emotional 2.3, the magazine lock screen function is added to add more knowledge and nutrients to the fragmented time.

P7 long test

  Every time the screen is on, you can get a different wallpaper. In addition to enhancing the novelty of the eye, the wallpaper also comes with a little information text, and swipe up to get more operations. If you like a wallpaper and want to keep it as a lock screen wallpaper, you can click Pause to lock the wallpaper.

P7 long test

  If you want to continue reading, you can click "Next" to browse. If you think the wallpaper looks good and want to collect it, click "Favorite" to save the wallpaper in the gallery.

P7 long test

  Click the "More" button to get the wallpaper sharing function. In addition, the Emotional 2.3 magazine lock screen also sets up an advertising entrance for manufacturers. Some video information is automatically embedded with Sohu video browsing buttons, which can be easily jumped to the designated browsing page with a click, laying a strong foundation for future advertising cooperation.

P7 long test
Wallpaper information sharing function

P7 long test
Click to jump to the specified video.

  Regarding the magazine function, the author was also worried about the traffic problem at the beginning. Emotional 2.3 added the wifi environment update function to the settings very thoughtfully. All data about the magazine can only be downloaded and updated under wifi conditions, and users can also customize the magazine content they want to browse according to categories such as travel, cars, and celebrities.

P7 long test
There will be a magazine lock screen data packet update prompt in the notification bar.

P7 long test
You can choose to update data in wifi mode.

P7 long test

  It is worth mentioning that turning on the magazine lock screen function can also support pattern or digital unlocking, which has done enough for user privacy.

P7 long test

Hidden virtual key

  The heart of a gentleman can be big or small; the ambition of a husband can be bent and stretched. The most fundamental interaction of the system also pays attention to the way of a gentleman. If you are too free, you will lose your own characteristics; if you are too closed, you will lead to user rejection. Emotional UI pays attention to harmony and difference in the way of a gentleman. Unlike other mobile phone manufacturers that use virtual keyboards, virtual keyboards can be freely opened and hidden under the Emotional system. This also strengthens the user’s demand for full-screen gaming and video experience.

P7 long test
Click the virtual button to slide down to hide.

P7 long test
Virtual keyboard hidden renderings

  In addition, for visually demanding users, the hiding of virtual keys is also conducive to the oneness of the screen when taking screenshots. It is believed that the future Emotional UI will also optimize this function more intelligently, such as freely changing the position of the return key, or automatically realizing intelligent hiding in video, photography, and gaming experiences.

P7 long test

P7 long test
You can choose to turn off the hidden virtual key function in the settings.

Unsentimental appearance interaction

  Gentlemen often miss virtue, villains often miss the countryside. Huawei does not tweet about hardware feelings. In the beauty of elegance, P7 also pays attention to good hardware interaction on the appearance page. First, move the power button down and optimize it separately. Add a sunken design around the button, so that users can achieve blind pressing operation.

P7 long test
The power button made by Seiko adopts a sunken design

P7 long test

  In addition, the chamfer under the arc of the fuselage feels better than that of the P6. In the rounded corner design, the arc surface will be smoothed, so that users can hold it in a single hand every day without bumping into the palm.

P7 long test
The curved chin also uses a trimmed design

P7 long test

P7 long test


  And some people say that mature works are like gentle and elegant gentlemen, always considering reality. Unlike cardamom girls, they are keen to chat about feelings. In the actual experience of Huawei P7, you are often obsessed with its appearance, but forget the comfort it gives in the interaction of software and hardware.

P7 long test
Huawei Ascend P7 Mobile  picture  series  review  forum  quote  Online shopping price

  The most successful advertising is always implanted in the invisible. The most appropriate interaction, I believe, is also difficult to discover the experience. Feelings can be expressed through stories, but interactions speak only through feelings. The overall experience given by P7 is an update and upgrade of P6 from the hardware, and a progressive experience of Emotional UI from the software. This kind of interaction that is comfortably experienced by users to forgotten, has true meaning, and has been forgotten.

Related reading:

Huawei P7 long test (1): There is a kind of appearance interaction called gentleman’s friend


Wu Mengda: After 100 years of performance, I hope the audience can still remember me

1905 movie network feature At the premiere press conference, Wu Mengda picked up his guitar and sang "Kiss Goodbye" on the stage, recreating the classic scenes of the old version of "Oolong Courtyard".

He was still in his exuberant, funny and nonsensical appearance. What had changed was that he was now a white-haired old man who was nearly 70 years old. It was even more hard to imagine that a few years ago, he had been repeatedly reported to have died due to rapid heart failure.


At the end of the press conference, Wu Mengda’s 45-year role collection appeared on the big screen, which was really a wave of memories full of feelings. He said on the stage that he was grateful to the audience for their willingness to give him a meal. Acting is the greatest meaning of his survival. He will not retire and will play for another 50 years!

After the press conference, Uncle Da accepted our exclusive interview, and he once again talked about how much he loves performing.


"I can’t live without my acting, and I love acting very much. Many people ask me, I’m almost 70, why do you love acting? Although I was sick a few years ago and my heart was not good, I have been following movies and the development of Chinese movies. I really like being an actor. In fact, I can be a director or a backstage very early, but I just don’t want to go."

Yes, 65-year-old Uncle Da will continue to play.


"The mainland has a lot of room, and Hong Kong people can’t make deep comedies"

In the early 1990s, Wu Mengda and Chow Xingchi were so popular in Taiwan that they attracted the attention of the director Zhu Yanping. He traveled from Taiwan to Hong Kong to find Wu Mengda, which led to their first collaboration -.

Stills from "Truant"

Zhu Yanping is Taiwan’s version of "Wang Jing", and the production speed is fast enough to release up to five films a year. Wu Mengda never even saw Lin Zhiying from the beginning to the end of the filming of "truancy". It took only four and a half days to film all his scenes.


"I was startled, and the effect was pretty good."After that, Wu Mengda collaborated with Zhu Yanping again. This was their second collaboration, and it also launched the "Oolong Academy" series of films that became popular in the video hall era.

"Laughing Forest Kid 2: New Oolong Courtyard" stills

"Oolong Court" was launched that year, in Taiwan whirlwind won 100 million Taiwan dollars box office, breaking records."There were a lot of Hong Kong dramas in Taiwan back then, and I was almost the one who broke the record.", Wu Mengda recalled,"But the’Oolong Courtyard ‘I played with Hao Xiwen and Shi Xiaolong ranked first, higher than my cooperation with Zhou Xingchi!"


The next year, they struck while the iron was hot and then pushed the sequel, which was a big hit. Not only in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, but also in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and other South East Asia regions, as long as the TV station aired, the audience ratings were very high.

"Invincible R-Star" stills

More than 20 years later, the Chinese film landscape has changed dramatically, and going north to co-produce is the general trend. At this time, the "Oolongyuan" series has ushered in the third installment. In the face of the current market context, we must first face such questions: Is it selling feelings, is it frying cold rice?


Uncle Da explained it like this."Although it is old wine in a new bottle, every movie must have its new creation and new classic every time."In his eyes, "a movie is a huge dream factory, and it is fun to have constant creativity with the changes of the times."

So, in "New Oolong Courtyard", where is Uncle Da’s "fun"?

This time, he is no longer playing the old version of the big brother who is infatuated and honest, but the abbot of the Oolong Hospital, Master Changmei. This character is an Internet celebrity live streaming host in the play, who picks up his mobile phone from time to time to engage in live broadcasts. Uncle Da is very interested in these new and popular things. Douyin, Kuaishou, he said he understands it now.

The other was a re-creation of a series of characters. "In the past, when he was in his prime, he played the role of the eldest senior brother who was confused and pretended to be smart. He didn’t know anything, so he pretended to be great.


Therefore, we can see such a Wu Mengda in the movie, which is also the Wu Mengda we are most familiar with: from beginning to end, he looks smiling, and when he is angry, he should also smile.

Zhu Yanping, Wu Mengda, and Hao Xiwen were the old version of the team, and the new version added mainland comedians such as Wang Ning, Kong Lianshun, and Song Xiaobao. Happy Twist + Wanhe Tianyi + Benshan Media, the IP of "New Oolong Courtyard" almost brought together the most popular and down-to-earth comedy team in the Chinese film industry.


Uncle Da said that he had been following Northeast comedians for a long time and was deeply impressed by "Country Love". He was very familiar with Zhao Si and Xie Dazu.

He believes that there is no difference between Hong Kong comedy, Taiwanese comedy and mainland comedy, and the language of comedy is common all over the world. "The best thing about comedy is that it doesn’t even need dialogue, it may be just a look. Like Charlie Chaplin, in an era without dialogue, it is performed by body language. This is the most lovely and precious aspect of comedy."


As an important member of the once glorious era of Hong Kong comedy, he also lamented in the face of the decline of Hong Kong films:


"Our Chinese mainland now has a lot of space, everything is more advanced than Hong Kong, and the production cost is higher than Hong Kong. The whole market is thousands of times larger than Hong Kong, tens of thousands of times. Hong Kong is too small, and what we know is limited to Hong Kong culture, real history, classical culture. In fact, we Hong Kong people are not very deep in it. So we have always emphasized making commercial films,Those more in-depth comedies and dramas cannot be filmed by Hong Kong people."


"At the craziest time, I read a script 200 times"

In 1973, Wu Mengda applied for the Hong Kong TVB artist training class. The reason for applying for the exam was that he felt very handsome. Of course, his mother’s strong encouragement was also the main reason. After that, he entered the training class with Zhou Yun-fat, Lin Lingdong and others.


After graduation, Wu Mengda and Zhou Yun-fa worked together as extras. It was not until the TV series "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" that he first tasted the popularity of "Hu Tiehua". On the contrary, Zhou Yun-fa, because of his height, could only continue to play tricks on the set.

Wu Mengda played "Hu Tiehua" in "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang"

Soon after his debut, Wu Mengda became a big hit, and during that period, he was completely bloated. He spent every day with his boss, and he described his life at that time as "gambling, smoking, alcohol, and women." The result of erosion was that he owed a lot of debt and was frozen by TVB for four years.


There was no drama to shoot, and when he was at his worst, he only had money left to buy a pack of cigarettes. He once thought of suicide. Even his junior brother Du Qifeng criticized him at that time as "a piece of mud that can’t support the wall".


After experiencing ups and downs, we must also usher in a change of heart.

Wu Mengda used this time to immerse himself in acting. He watched movies, read books, and studied scripts. After that, he finally turned around with "Sequel to Senior Brother Xinja".


He starred in the drama as an instructor opposite Tony Leung. According to him, there was a two-page play that he watched 200 times just to play when he reprimanded Tony Leung in the play"The mouth is scolding him, but the eyes are hurting him"The feeling.

"The Sequel to the New Zha Senior Brother" plays with Tony Leung

"200 times", Wu Mengda mentioned "200 times" again in this interview.

"Every play, every line of dialogue, I may have watched more than 50 times. In the craziest time before, I watched it 200 times.Why did I watch it for so long? Do I have a bad memory? No. Basically watching it five or six times, I can remember most of it, but I have to keep interpreting it from other angles, so I have to keep reading the script and keep giving it more vitality. "

Now, he has developed a habit of reading the script carefully the night before filming, and not bringing the script to the scene on the day of filming. He said that when he was filming "New Oolong Academy", when he worked with Zhou Xingchi in the past, he was even more, "It’s not for the camera, it’s not for the plot, and it’s not for the dialogue. I just eat it all, and then see what can spark each other on the scene, play some fun with the opponent, play tricks on the object, and suddenly come, and the opponent can’t react."


The collaboration with Stephen Chow began with "He Came From the Jianghu" and "Hero of the World". At that time, they were father, son and mentor in the play, and they were neighbors who lived across the street outside the play. They were brothers who always discussed performances together in the car before going to the set.

"He Came From The World" Stills

"Gambling Saint" was their true starting point, and likewise, they also achieved "Gambling Saint".


In the movie, Wu Mengda was mistakenly beaten by Zhou Xingchi. He was wearing women’s clothes while foaming at the mouth and saying, "It’s alright", "Then let’s go". This funny scene is his temporary design. There is also the classic image of "Third Uncle". When Zhou Xingchi shouted "Third Uncle", he had a seizure like a convulsion, and his whole body trembled. This is not groundless, but his own performance style, and he also named it "Congenital Uncontrolled Disorder".

"Gambling Saint" stills

With improvisation and tacit cooperation, they have crossed the world in one song and one relaxation, becoming the most classic screen partner in Hong Kong film history.


In the eyes of the public, Wu Mengda may be the "little follower" next to Zhou Xingchi in the movie. Since the movie, he has hardly played a male lead. He doesn’t mind the light and heavy scenes at all."I treat the protagonist and the supporting actor the same, and I pay the same. I won’t say that the protagonist is more nervous or that I will play the supporting role casually. No, absolutely not."


Some time ago, he made another cameo appearance in a big movie "Sir Wei", where he played Hai Gong again. In the TV series "Xiaobao and Kangxi" and the movie "Lu Ding Ji Ji", Wu Mengda has played Hai Dafu twice, both of which are funny and crazy. This time, he seems to be reinterpreting in the opposite direction of insidious and fierce.

"Hai Dafu" in "Lu Ding Ji"

"Comedy, farce, tragedy, drama, I have filmed all kinds of dramas, what else can I do?"He said that he didn’t want to do repetitions, but he had no choice but to play too many roles. Even if it was a new production, a reenactment, or a cameo, he believed that there was still a lot of scope and space to complete better performances.

"Sorry for not acting 

And influence me the most "

Uncle Da was very honest, saying that he really couldn’t do without acting, and even when he was hospitalized and sick before, he was concerned about the movie and the set.


"I keep wanting to act, and I keep hoping to create, which will make me younger. Living in the film and television industry, there is a group of people who accompany you to play and chat every day, and respect you very much. This is the greatest pleasure in life, and it is also the job I like."


When it comes to the most satisfying roles, he listed four:The third uncle in "Gambling Saint", Li Sucan’s father, Hai Dafu in "Lu Ding Ji", and Taibao in "Heaven Ruoyou Love".


He has created a lot of classic comedy roles, but so far, it is this tragic little character in "Heaven Ruoyou" that has won him the only Hong Kong Film Awards for Best Supporting Actor.

"If there is love in the sky" stills

Similarly, in this interview, we also found a Wu Mengda who is completely different from the stereotype of "comedian".


He said that the biggest regret in his life was not being in "The Wrong Ride," and that he wanted to play the sad, mute father so much. In his opinion, the performances of the movie version of Sun Yue and the TV version of Li Xuejian are great, but from the body language to the eye details, he believes that there is a different way of acting from them.


In 2006, in the variety show "Operation Style", he passed the addiction of "Riding the Wrong Car". But it was just a small segment of the show’s acting, and he had to get into the play and get lost in it. Although his easy-to-put acting skills were not realized in the "Riding the Wrong Car", they were in "Heaven If You Love", and later football coaches, more visible.

Wu Mengda performed "The Wrong Ride" in a variety show.

The movies that influenced him the most were not comedies, but Chen Kaige’s "Yellow Earth" and Hou Xiaoxian’s "Love and Dust"."I’ve watched these two more than 50 times, and they both have videotapes. I watch them almost every day when I have time, and learn something from them."


Two literary films, two literary films with the same sense of loneliness.


"If you don’t like it or worry, what are you singing?"In the dialogue in "The Yellow Earth", he said he would always remember it."That tone is really lonely and wandering, but it will hit your heart. The whole atmosphere is too painful."


And "Love the Wind and Dust", born in Xiamen, he may have aroused his memories and nostalgia for southern Fujian in the local atmosphere of this Taiwanese film.


I watched Uncle Da’s "congenital disorder" in comedy movies, but I forgot that he was so calm and peaceful in the audience, and even willing to embrace loneliness and loneliness.

"Stephen Chow’s golden partner" and "the all-purpose supporting actor of Hong Kong movies," Wang Jing also described him as "a good actor who can act in big comedies and big tragedies, and a really good actor with acting skills." Some people even said that he is "China’s Morgan Freeman."


"In 50 years, in 100 years, how do you want the audience to evaluate you?"


At the end of the interview, we threw this life summary question to him, and he quickly put away his smiling face, thought for a few seconds and said,"I hope the audience can still remember me, I hope the audience still has the impression of’Wu Mengda ‘"


As soon as he finished speaking, he asked again without reason."Huh? 50 years from now, 100 years from now, I’ll still be here, ask again then!"


After calming down, he laughed and teased again. Well, this is Wu Mengda.


Photo/Yang Nan

Video/Teacher Meow

It’s a pity that a pair of good skins! 2022 Volvo XC60 has frequent problems.

Recently, a number of 2022 Volvo XC60 owners have reported that there are suspected car quality problems, which affect safe driving. They collectively spit out the central control screen in the car: so rubbish! Nothing works except reversing images! If you use the meeting card, it will crash! All rely on the "mobile phone bracket" to cure all diseases.

Some car owners bought a 2022 XC60 Zhiyuan Deluxe SUV on July 28th, 2021. After taking the car home, the car system failed the second time, and the central control screen was completely black. Fortunately, it could still be started.

Due to waiting for the 4S shop to give a treatment plan, the owner stopped the car in his garage and did not start it. On the morning of July 31, I wanted to drive, got into the vehicle, and prompted that there was a fault. I couldn’t start, the battery was dead, the spare battery was dead, and the central control panel of the car failed. The whole car has no electricity, can’t be locked and can’t be started.

Also, since the day when the car was picked up on December 19th, last year, the car quality problems such as black screen, false alarm of faults, and inexplicably sounding voice reminders kept appearing. The car fault code was detected in the 4S shop many times, and the problem remained after the car system was overloaded.

A car owner in Beijing said that he brought a 2022 XC60 Zhiyi Deluxe Edition on July 20th. Less than a kilometer after leaving the 4S shop, the central control screen turned black and the LCD dashboard was not fully displayed.

What makes it even more difficult for car owners to accept is that once the car system failure occurs, it is often difficult to solve it effectively in a short period of time, and these problems often occur shortly after the car owner buys the car.

In fact, the quality of Volvo XC60 is at the middle and lower reaches of the same class, and its major problems are abnormal sound of oil pump, armrest box, door hinge, A-pillar on bumpy road section, steering and so on.

On June 11th, last year, the 2022 Volvo XC60 went on the market, which was a mid-term change. The appearance was adjusted and the car system was upgraded. There are 9 models to choose from, and the official guide price is 373,900-603,900 yuan.

According to the feedback from major auto websites, forums and riders, the explosion of 2022 XC60 has some problems such as black screen, crash and restart, and it is a concentrated explosion.

Say a few more words

As a mid-level luxury brand that focuses on sales, it is really wrong for the new model to have so many failures soon after its launch. I don’t know what the manufacturer will explain and how to solve the problem. It is estimated that it will be recalled in a high probability.

The high value of Volvo XC60 gives it a lot of points, which is unparalleled in the same class. However, the "long" looks good, and it will not help if the quality is not enough. After all, the main function of the car is to drive, and the face value is just the icing on the cake.

It’s a pity that a pair of good skins!

Source: Sina News

Song Dandan "embarrassed" hot search, entertainment variety "boring" for a long time?

Entertainment variety shows are becoming less and less attractive.

Author | Mo Dye

# Want to see Song Dandan, Quiet and Summer Xu participate in the variety show together #.

After being baptized by the topic of "Docking Studies" for several days in a row, netizens finally put this topic on the hot search list in an atmosphere of suffocation, horse catching and excitement.The public has been really bored for a long time.

Last Friday, "Flowers and Teenagers" premiered in the camping season. With the help of the guest’s variety IP, it can only be questioned in a harmonious atmosphere that it has lost its "taste of flowers" and was labeled as "boring". The first high-level hot search unlocked by the previously hit "Yearning for Life 6" is also "boring".

Entertainment variety shows are becoming less and less attractive.There are almost no projects that can really be called "explosions" in the variety market that is about to go through half a year. The energy CP of "Half-cooked Lovers" is already in the Spring Festival; Cyndi Wang’s phenomenal turn to red in "Braving the Wind and Waves" failed to heat up the program.

The latest time to "tear" the boring net was "Fifty Kilometers of Peach Blossom House 2" which premiered last Sunday. # Eric Wang rejects Song Dandan’s proposal #, # Song Dandan makes people suffocate #, # Nine-minute text paraphrased in Peach Blossom House # and other topics have swept the hot search, among which the reading volume of the first topic has exceeded 680 million, and other topics have also exceeded 100 million.Embarrassed and suffocated, but the public is constantly in it, feeling a revitalized entertainment variety.

We don’t admire the topic of tearing the scene first, but we are more afraid of a boring entertainment variety. The boring cycle of entertainment variety shows is by no means a simple "topic effect" that can be summarized. Taking this as an opportunity, we also try to explore:When can I really talk about the variety show?

The dilemma of "four unlike": avoiding greed in variety shows


The reason why "dock science" can become a new topic that many people deconstruct enthusiastically is that the famous scenes it appears always revolve around one theme: socialization.

Under the explicit label of social cattle and social fear, it is actually difficult to answer the complicated proposition of socialization. "Peach Blossom House 2" simply presents a multi-person social collision in 9 minutes. Individuals and groups, qualifications and personality, generations and interpersonal relationships are all presented in this big dye vat. The feeling of suffocation is magnified to the extreme.

And this kind of intensity focus on a single theme is exactly what most variety shows lack. On social platforms such as Weibo, we have no choice but to find that almost no one can escape the question of the audience’s "four unlike" at present.

In more and more variety shows, what we can see is actually "compounding":Vertical themes want to penetrate the circle, want to have family fun, variety shows should have social issues, take care of reality, etc. When all these are applied to creation, the initial theme will inevitably begin to blur.

"You can’t eat a big fat man in one breath". Although objectively, the market has not yet spawned a new explosion in the post-Ming investigation era, Tencent Video and He Chen’s "Start Reasoning", which is fully overweight, are still highly anticipated by the market, but after the broadcast, the above high praise and short comments have appeared.

This may be related to the positioning of the program. Duo Xiaomeng, the producer of the program, revealed that the program takes into account the needs of reasoning users for reasoning content and the satisfaction of pan-entertainment users in the story. In short, it’s both reasoning and family fun. But it is also this "compatibility" that makes it difficult for both to be more extreme. However, after the first issue, the program is getting better and better, and the popularity of the whole network is rising.

In fact, the logic of the genre theme is to penetrate the circle first, and then to radiate a wider group. For example, this is street dance and China New Rap series. This has also been verified many times in the drama market. However, in the past two years, everyone seems to be eager to realize the circle through the superposition of elements, but the effect is not ideal.

In the camping variety show, the story of Xiao Bai’s growth is "not enough camping" for senior fans, and it is also "the life that the low-end version yearns for" for slow variety users. In order to expand the user base as much as possible, e-sports variety shows are increasingly integrated with multiple elements such as CP candy, draft, training, stars, etc., but they also face the problem that the positioning of the user base is vague and it is difficult to penetrate the circle. In the innovation path of talk show, group synthesis, industry and star amateur are in parallel, and they are still being explored.

The pan-entertaining reality show, in fact, is equally difficult to escape such problems.. Although there are voices calling Yan Min "cry foul" constantly, as of June 19th, the douban score of New Travel Notes dropped to 4.8 again. The condensed version of the real society he created has indeed integrated a large number of social issues, but it is also difficult to take into account the changes in content design and rules, and the lack of resonance of star deformation meters has also led to the program’s effect being less than expected.

The other side of "greed" is that the variety show is getting longer and longer.Up to this year,Almost half of the head variety shows appear in the form of two periods, double shifts or even three or four hours at a time.. Want a complete story line, want a reality show, want to be full of topics, want to be related to social issues, and even meet the brand owner’s exposure time requirements, so we can only extend the progress bar again and again.

More exaggeratedly, at the moment when attracting investment is difficult, the demands of brands are infinitely magnified, and all kinds of patch advertisements and high-frequency sub-broadcasts with full sense of existence have also seriously damaged the quality of content and become the last straw to overwhelm "boredom".

Reality show dilemma: boredom is more terrible


If we once laughed off Song Dandan’s relationship with her son Batu in "A Desired Life", now her attitude towards the younger generation in "Peach Blossom House" has really caused public discomfort. Ask about masterpieces, ask about emotional status, "suppress addiction", and treat them differently … The audience seems to find "awkward resonance" in many daily life scenes.

Although at present, the topic popularity of "Peach Blossom House 2" has not yet fully fermented: on data platforms such as cat’s eye and lighthouse, the program popularity value has not yet entered top3. However, if compared horizontally, compared with the camping season of "Flowers Less" which started at the same time,"Docking" has achieved a hot breakthrough.

In the public’s preference for "dock science", in fact, we can see too many shadows of the original "flower science":At least everyone is alive. Although this vivid collision may make people feel uncomfortable. After all, in recent years, the variety of entertainment has become more and more harmonious and beautiful. Even the Tucao Conference, the most offensive art, was once questioned by "whitewashing".

In today’s reality show, "people" are increasingly invisible.Not only do the stars no longer regard Weibo as a circle of friends, but they also set up a "perfect person" in the reality show. Quiet Na Ying staged a sister’s high-end dialogue bureau, full of the art of language, seemingly full of tension and sparks, but there was no loophole. On the contrary, it was the pull of the two and Kelly, which was a bit of a wave sister.

The original reality show was very good at strengthening the drama of the story and increasing the point of view by creating conflicts or connections between people, and the stars also contributed a famous scene. Only when the public began to be "serious", things went in the other direction: for example, the general manager’s label "I don’t want you to feel, I want me to feel" engraved on Huang Xiaoming, and for example, Yang Li, who was repeatedly criticized for her business endorsement because of women’s independence issues.

The boundary of public opinion is extremely difficult to predict. The other side of bold opening may be that it has not yet enjoyed the traffic dividend, but has taken the lead in entering the disputed area. Even the relatively low-risk speculation of CP also faces the risk of dismantling CP, so it has also been rejected by many stars.

One of the obvious manifestations of "boredom" is probably that there has not been a phenomenon of "creating gods by variety" for a long time.At one time, Angelababy was the darling of the variety market because of his running man’s steady position, and tranquility became the darling of the variety market because of his straightforward personality. Summer Xu’s "Princess Disease", Tamia Liu’s wife’s design and Jerry Lee’s big black cow are all indelible memory points.

Recalling this year’s variety market, Cyndi Wang’s sweetness runs through it all the time, and it seems that it is hard to think of too many famous variety scenes. With a little memory, it seems that only the white deer who just joined the running man this season is loved by the public with the characteristics of funny women.Safe seems to be the best choice in this unstable entertainment environment.

In the past two years, variety production has increasingly emphasized the concern for reality and the discussion of social issues, which is certainly an improvement, but it also provides a shortcut for variety production. Just like the nine minutes of suffocation in Peach Blossom House, of course, there are discussions on social issues, but it is also inevitable to question the topic first.

Variety "boring" is the result of comprehensive factors.The summer file is just around the corner. Can the entertainment variety that has been silent for half a year be gradually revitalized? As a summer-limited "Talk Show Conference 5" and "This is Street Dance 5", it is naturally expected to meet the expectations from the market; In addition, the list of Reuters posted on the Internet in the past two days has opened the curtain of "Breaking Through the Thorns", and iQiyi’s "China Rap Summit" has also been revealed to be expected to be booked for the summer.

Video websites have their own head projects, and the mature program mode is also a strong guarantee for the quality of the program. Whether it can break the dilemma of entertainment variety shows may be at stake. The layout of a number of new types of themes, such as Landing on the Round Fish Island, She Other Detective Agency and Major League of Impromptu Comedy, has attracted market attention, but will they get out of the "boring dilemma"? Still need attention.

Variety is about to usher in a new season, and we are also looking forward to a content market that is no longer just dependent on archaeology to get happiness, and we also hope that the variety market that has survived the "cold spring" will usher in the summer.

Fancy welcoming the Lantern Festival! How much do you know about the unique folk customs of Lantern Festival?

On the evening of February 28th, 2010, solve riddles on the lanterns, a citizen of Jiujiang, Jiangxi, was at the scene of the Lantern Festival. Zhang Haiyan/vision china
Lantern Festival, also known as Shangyuan Festival, is the first important festival after the Spring Festival. After eating Yuanxiao and Tangyuan, the New Year is over. The Lantern Festival is approaching, and several important folk customs such as eating Lantern Festival, enjoying lanterns, dancing dragons and lions have all appeared.
1. solve riddles on the lanterns
On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, traditional folks hang lanterns and set off fireworks. Later, some busybodies wrote riddles on paper and posted them on colorful lanterns for people to guess, adding to the festive atmosphere. "solve riddles on the lanterns", also known as "playing riddles", is very popular among all walks of life because riddles can enlighten wisdom and interest.
2. burning dragon
The "burning dragon" in Puzhai has a history of nearly 300 years. Every Lantern Festival, dragon performances are held to pray for good weather and peace throughout the year. There were three loud guns, followed by gongs and drums and fireworks. Then the fire cable team, the hi-gun team and the drum band led to the "fire dragon". After being lit by the respected elders, dozens of shirtless strong men danced around the field with the help of hydrangeas. The longan shone brightly and the dragon body was colorful, tumbling and dancing in the sea of fire, accompanied by the sound of salute and dancing. The warriors who held the "fire dragon" were bare-shouldered, letting sparks splash on their bodies.
Step 3 visit the temple fair
Visiting temple fairs is an important custom followed by ordinary people for many years. During the temple fair, all kinds of folk artists came to perform, and the programs were varied.
Step 4 play dragon lantern
Dragon lantern, also known as dragon lantern or dragon dance, can be traced back to ancient times. The Chinese nation advocates dragons and regards them as auspicious symbols. On the fifteenth day of the first month, the festive atmosphere of playing dragon lanterns, singing and dancing spread in many places.
5. Lantern
The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is the Lantern Festival, which is also called Lantern Festival because there are folk customs of hanging lanterns, lighting lanterns and watching lanterns. Lantern Festival is a traditional festival custom, which started in the Western Han Dynasty and flourished in Sui and Tang Dynasties. After the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the wind of lights prevailed in past dynasties and was passed down to later generations. The fifteenth day of the first month is the climax of the annual lantern fireworks.
Step 6 walk on stilts
Walking on stilts is a popular folk mass performance, which is performed by dancers with long wooden stilts tied to their feet in the square in some folk festivals. Walking on stilts is very skillful, lively and diverse in form, and convenient in movement, which is tantamount to an activity stage, so it is deeply loved by the masses.
7. lion dance
"Lion Dance", also known as "Lion Dance", is generally completed by three people: one acts as the lion head, the other acts as the lion body and hind feet, and the other acts as the lion leader. Lion dance is an excellent folk art in China. Every Lantern Festival or assembly celebration, people always come to entertain with lion dance. This custom originated in the Three Kingdoms period and became popular in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. It has a history of more than 1000 years.
8. put on the sky lantern
On the fifteenth day of the first month of every year, adults and children gather in the square one after another. At this time, the square is full of people. People take their families as units and occupy a place in the square to set off Kongming lanterns. The whole family is surrounded by the Kongming Lantern. When it is set off, children, big or small, have to pray silently while lighting candles, in order to protect and bless the gods.
9. Row a dry boat
Rowing a dry boat, folklore is to commemorate Dayu who has made great contributions to water control. Rowing a dry boat, also known as running a dry boat, is to imitate the boat on land, and most of the performers are girls. A dry boat is not a real boat. It is made of two thin sheets, sawed into a boat shape, tied with bamboo and wood, covered with colored cloth, tied around the girl’s waist, just like sitting in a boat, rowing with paddles in hand, singing and dancing while running. This is a dry boat. Sometimes, another man dressed as a boatman and performing with a partner, mostly dressed as a clown, amused the audience with all kinds of funny actions. Dry boating is popular in many areas of China.
10. Eat Yuanxiao
Eating Yuanxiao on the fifteenth day of the first month is a long-standing custom in our country. Although there are some local differences, the meaning of both Yuanxiao and Tangyuan is the same, which means that the whole family is round and beautiful, so on the Lantern Festival, the family will definitely eat several Yuanxiao together.
11. set off fireworks
The fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar is the first full moon night in a year, and people are full of joy and expectation for it, so the celebration is also the last carnival of the Spring Festival. On this day, the moon is high and clean, and people light lanterns and set off fireworks to celebrate.
February 13th, 2013, during the Spring Festival to Lantern Festival. Tongliang District, Chongqing. People are performing traditional bronze beam fire dragons to celebrate the Spring Festival. Wu Xianghong/vision china
In February, 2016, in yongding county, Longyan City, Fujian Province, on the 15th day of the first month of each year, Hakka people in Gaobei Town, yongding county held a traditional folk activity of "Lantern Festival" in Tianhou Palace. At this time, fireworks were blooming, firecrackers roared and drums were blaring, and villagers danced Youlong in the night, like giant dragons flying in the air, in order to pray for peace, prosperity and prosperity. Zhang Wei/Vision/vision china
On February 11, 2017, people in Puzhai Town, Fengshun County, Guangdong Province burned fire dragons and had a Lantern Festival. Deng Fei/vision china
On February 17, 2019, in Kuche County, Xinjiang, actors performed folk cultural activities such as canoeing and sedan chairs. Yuan Huanhuan/vision china

Surgery under microscope: the diameter of blood vessels is less than 1 mm, and the needle is thinner than the hair.

  When treating patients, medical staff should not only speak softly, but also build up the confidence to fight the disease for patients with their own professional knowledge. Nanfang Daily reporter Dai Jiaxin photo

  "Many of the tiny blood vessels, nerves and other pipes we stitched under the microscope are less than 1 mm in diameter. The needle used is much thinner than the hair. " Gao Junqing, director of the Department of Repair and Reconstruction of Foshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, said.

  Under the shadowless lamp, there are a group of doctors who complete the operation under the microscope. They have both the ingenuity of embroidered girls and the physical strength and perseverance of marathon runners; What they have practiced is superb technology and skillful hands. During the coming of the second Physician’s Day, the reporter took you near them to learn about the unknown side of surgery under the microscope.

  Doctors who "fly needles and thread" on blood vessels and nerves

  Neurosurgery is synonymous with "precision, precision and cutting-edge" in the surgical system. With the help of modern science and technology, neurosurgeons have been able to work in the most mysterious and precise organ of the human body — — Realize precise operation in the brain and complete all kinds of incredible operations.

  Cui Lianxu, director of neurosurgery at the First People’s Hospital of Foshan, said that one of the difficulties in neurosurgery is to treat the focus as accurately as possible while minimizing the damage to the surrounding brain tissue. "The size of the lesions in the brain varies, from less than one centimeter to the size of an orange. There are no important blood vessels and nerves around." Cui Lianxu said, therefore, neurosurgical operations can be said to be completed between square inches, and the "important weapon" to accompany neurosurgeons in fighting is the neuromicroscope.

  "Under the microscope, it belongs to a neurosurgeon ‘ Battlefield ’ There is no difference in surgery between millimeters. " Cui Lianxu said, "When neurosurgeons are training in microscopy, one of the examinations is to gently grind off the shell of raw eggs with a grinding drill, and at the same time, they must not hurt the membrane under the eggshell. Behind the technique like carving art is a sense of responsibility as heavy as Mount Tai. "

  In the medical field, hand surgeons can be called "masters of micro-carving" under the microscope. Under the shadowless lamp, they hold a needle and thread invisible to the naked eye, hold their breath, and concentrate on "flying needles" on blood vessels and nerves as thin as hair, with a pair of skillful hands to pick up countless broken fingers and toes. Gao Junqing has been practicing this skill since the first day he entered orthopedics more than 20 years ago. For more than 20 years, he has reborn the severed blood vessels or tissues of many patients.

  "Many of the tiny blood vessels, nerves and other pipes we stitched under the microscope are less than 1 mm in diameter." Gao Junqing said, "Compared with arteries, venous blood vessels are thinner and more difficult to connect." Doctors have to sew up such tiny blood vessels one by one. On the blood vessels of a few centimeters, it is generally necessary to sew 6 stitches, while for large blood vessels, it is necessary to sew more than a dozen stitches. This not only tests doctors’ eyesight, but also tests their endurance. In the long and arduous work, Gao Junqing not only trained the ingenuity of the embroidered girl, but also the physical strength and perseverance of the marathon runner, because many complicated operations took more than 10 hours at a time.

  "If the vascular suture technology is not enough, the blood vessels will still be blocked after the operation, which will directly lead to tissue necrosis." Gao Junqing said that although all the doctors in the department have graduated from graduate school or above and have received standardized training during their medical studies, they still need to undergo rigorous training in the clinical department for about one year. "Doctors should train hard on mouse tails and rabbit ears. Even so, they only have the ability to replant basic severed fingers. It will take several years to improve their clinical skills."

  Yan Shigang, director of the Eye Center of Foshan Second People’s Hospital, said that for ophthalmologists, surgery under the microscope is the coordination of hands, feet, brain and eyes.

  Microsurgery can treat a variety of intractable diseases.

  Cui Lianxu said that the seemingly thick blood vessels under the microscope may be only as thick as hair in reality. If the doctor can’t complete the operation accurately and controllably, it will have unimaginable consequences for the patient. Microscope is a sharp weapon in neurosurgery, and only people with sufficient strength can use it freely.

  Under the microscope, neurosurgeons can perform a variety of operations for patients to treat nervous system tumors, cerebral hemorrhage, brain trauma, intracranial vascular malformations and other intractable diseases.

  Cui Lianxu said that he also performed a difficult operation this year. Patient Ms. Liu (pseudonym) is a native of Foshan. In life, she gradually developed facial numbness, accompanied by symptoms of unstable walking. The examination in the outpatient clinic showed that Ms. Liu had a 3×4×5cm tumor on the left cerebellum. This orange-sized tumor oppressed Ms. Liu’s facial nerve and cerebellum at the same time, causing inconvenience in daily life.

  What Ms. Liu doesn’t know is that the tumor in the cerebellopontine angle has always been a complicated type in neurosurgery. Because tumors often wrap important nerves and blood vessels, a little carelessness will lead to hearing loss, serious imbalance and other complications, and even death. At the same time, the cerebellopontine angle area provides the surgeon with an operable gap, which is only about the size of a dime. Cui Lianxu personally performed microsurgery for Ms. Liu. After the operation, Ms. Liu’s facial feeling improved obviously, and she was discharged from the hospital in just one week, and her walking balance basically recovered when she was discharged. Ms. Liu’s postoperative wound was only 5 cm, which was well hidden in the hairline and could not be found after her hair grew out.

  "A neurosurgeon usually needs more than 10 years of experience before he dares to say that he has certain confidence in the structure and function of the brain, the design of surgery and the grasp of surgery." Cui Lianxu said.

  Surgery related to saving lives and improving the quality of life can be encountered by Gao Junqing almost every week. Last year, Foshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine also joined the "China Trauma Treatment Alliance Trauma Treatment Center". After joining the national platform for trauma treatment, severe trauma treatment centers in Foshan and surrounding areas will be sent to the hospital.

  "Many patients sent to us are not simply skin injuries and fractures. They are often serious injuries to their limbs. There are serious injuries to the skin, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, tendons and deepest bones, all of which need to be repaired. " Gao Junqing said.

  Surgery for more than ten hours in a row is a common occurrence.

  Under a high-power microscope, facing the bloody stump and finger of the injured, holding a needle and thread that is almost invisible to the naked eye, he is absorbed in sewing tiny blood vessels and nerves. This is Gao Junqing’s daily work.

  Although the little finger is small in area, it has fine structure and complex functions. Once it is injured, it is difficult to treat it, and it is even more difficult to recover and rebuild its function. It requires doctors to make great efforts in surgery and postoperative rehabilitation.

  Gao Junqing said that referring to "living" is both fine and abundant. To live a finger, you may need to sew countless blood vessels and nerves. Except for some cases where stump repair is necessary, most operations take seven or eight hours, or even more than ten hours.

  Liang Lihan, a repair and reconstruction surgeon at Foshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, said, August 5 — On the 7th, doctors in the department operated all night for three consecutive nights.

  He told reporters that August 6 was an ordinary day, and he participated in six operations, four of which were major operations. "I received a notice of surgery before I went to work on the morning of August 6." He said. It turned out that at 10 o’clock the night before, a patient whose lower limbs were injured by agricultural machinery was sent to the operating room for rescue. After the previous group of doctors operated on the patient all night, Liang Lihan immediately participated in another part of the operation, and the operation lasted until 10 am before the patient’s blood vessels were reopened. At 12 noon, the operation was over and the patient was sent to ICU (intensive care unit).

  It was not an easy day for Liang Lihan. Later, there were patients who were crushed by wheels, resulting in severe trauma to the left limb and lung fracture, as well as patients with limb damage and separation of muscles and bones. He went on the operating table at 7: 35 am on August 6 and didn’t get off the operating table until 9: 00 on August 7. "In the meantime, I only took a break for more than 10 minutes during the surgical handover." Liang Lihan said.

  Gao Junqing said that every minute counts in the operating room. "We must focus on saving lives. Many patients have traumatic hemorrhagic shock, multiple limb injuries, excessive blood loss, and problems with organ function." He said that after saving lives, it is the treatment for physical trauma.

  "There is a time limit for blood vessel connection, which must be between 6 and 6— Connect in eight hours. If it is not connected in time, the limb will be necrotic. " He said that the reason why the operation takes a long time is that there is still a lot of work to be done besides stitching the blood vessels a little bit. For example, debridement may cost 1-mdash; Two hours. "Many times the wound is open, and we must clean up the pollutants a little bit, otherwise it will be infected after surgery."

  After many years of clinical career, Gao Junqing has not only developed a pair of dexterous hands, enough physical strength and patience, but also developed a pair of "iron stomach and copper intestines". As long as he is on the operating table, he can stop drinking water, eating and going to the toilet for hours, and concentrate on his work.

  Although most of the patients admitted by the department are socially vulnerable groups with work-related injuries and car accidents, in Gao Junqing’s view, there is no distinction between the status of patients and the interests of patients are more important than everything else. "Many patients are seriously injured and complicated when they arrive, but as long as there is a 1% possibility, we will do our best to save the limbs, even every finger and toe, and repair and rebuild the function of their limbs."

  "move a knife" on the eye

  Ophthalmic surgery is indispensable in surgery. Yan Shigang, who has more than 30 years of clinical experience in ophthalmology, often works overtime, and there are always more than 40 surgeries a week.

  A large number of operations does not mean poor quality. In clinical work, Yan Shigang insisted on ensuring the quality of medical care, carefully examining the patient’s condition before operation, carefully designing the operation, strictly controlling disinfection and isolation during the operation, and striving for perfection. In the past ten years, he has had the least infection and surgical complications.

  August 7th was Chinese Valentine’s Day, but it was not easy for Yan Shigang. At 7: 00 in the morning, Yan Shigang, who suffered from renal colic at night and stayed up all night, came to the B-ultrasound room for examination, and soon the result came out. The result was kidney calculi. Immediately, the doctor advised him to rest and treat, but Yan Shigang said, "There are still many patients waiting for me to check in the ward. I can’t delay the treatment of patients because of me." Later, he came to the examination room of the ward.

  That day, he endured his illness and continued his work. Unable to stand the severe pain, with the help of the head nurse and other doctors, he injected an analgesic needle into the muscle. After the pain was relieved, he went on to the operating room for surgery.

  Yan Shigang’s operations are mainly cataract phacoemulsification and intraocular lens surgery, surgery for fundus diseases such as vitreous body, retina and optic nerve, medicine and laser treatment, treatment of complex eye trauma, diagnosis and treatment of various glaucoma diseases, ophthalmic plastic surgery and treatment of orbital diseases. He said that the "moving knife" incision on the eye is only between millimeters, so it requires Excellence.

  ■ portraits of doctors

  The man who guards life under the shadowless lamp

  Many people praise a good doctor for "rejuvenation with wonderful hands" and "getting rid of diseases with hands". Behind the seemingly cold hand surgery, it is the hard work of countless doctors. They have high work intensity, high work pressure, high surgical risk and physical and mental fatigue, but every time the operation is successful, they have great joy in their hearts. Now, let’s approach this group of doctors who guard their lives under the shadowless lamp, listen to their stories and listen to their voices.

  Liu Hongzhen, Director of the Day Surgery Center and Director of the Endoscopy Center of Foshan First People’s Hospital: the "patron saint" of life in the operating room.

  Liu Hongzhen has been a doctor for 34 years and keeps improving his medical skills. In 2010, he successfully completed the anesthesia of the first liver transplantation operation, and so far he has completed more than 200 cases of anesthesia of liver transplantation operation, which has revived patients. He also undertook the anesthesia of the first coronary artery bypass surgery in Foshan First People’s Hospital.

  "As an anesthesiologist, in addition to knowing anesthesia knowledge, you should also know about surgery and internal medicine. An anesthesiologist is equivalent to a physician in the operating room. " Liu Hongzhen said that the patient’s vital signs, respiratory system, circulatory system and internal environment are all maintained by anesthesiologists. At the same time, the anesthesiologist also needs to deal with various complications during the operation. Surgeons cure diseases and anesthesiologists save lives, so anesthesiologists are also the "patron saint" of life in the operating room. In addition, anesthesiologists also undertake comfortable medical care (painless gastrointestinal examination, fiberoptic bronchoscopy, etc.), painless delivery, postoperative analgesia, pain treatment and other tasks, and anesthesiologists have traveled all over the hospital.

  Xu Zhaoyan, Chief Physician and Assistant Director of Cardiovascular Department of Foshan First People’s Hospital: Never give up on patients with myocardial infarction.

  "Cardiovascular medicine is a place to test the energy and endurance of doctors. Many patients encountered here are in dangerous conditions, but if they are treated in time, they will get better very quickly and the prognosis is still very good." Xu Zhaoyan said.

  "Patients with acute myocardial infarction need timely rescue and interventional surgery, otherwise they may face death at any time. Such patients are also a great test for doctors. " Xu Zhaoyan said.

  He once treated a patient with acute myocardial infarction in his forties. "At that time, he had repeated ventricular fibrillation, but we still didn’t give up the treatment. We gave him cardiopulmonary resuscitation and gave him interventional surgery." Xu Zhaoyan said, "In the end, such patients turned the corner. Now that 10 years have passed, he is still very healthy. "

  Zhu Min, Director of Ophthalmology, Foshan First People’s Hospital: Respecting every patient’s "Light Messenger"

  "When I was a child, I watched the movie" Man to Middle Age ".The scene in which the protagonist helped others to see the light again was deeply engraved in my mind. Since then, I have been determined to become an ophthalmologist." Zhu Min said that after becoming an ophthalmologist, when the patient uncovered the gauze, the doctor’s most fulfilling and proud moment was when he saw the bright smile on his face.

  Zhu Min, who has been engaged in ophthalmology clinical work for more than 30 years, has won the praise of patients and colleagues with his rich clinical experience, skillful surgical skills and delicate way of getting along with others, and is called "the messenger of light".

  In the face of difficult and complicated cases, she will examine the patients in detail and make treatment and surgical plans. Ophthalmology often receives patients with myopia, cataracts and blindness caused by other diseases. Because they are worried about blindness or have been plagued by blindness for many years, many patients will be anxious when they come to see a doctor, and some will be grumpy. "To treat these patients, our ophthalmologists should speak softly and build up confidence in the fight against the disease with their own professional knowledge." Zhu Min said, "The pain of the patient’s blindness can’t be described in words. Therefore, we should be patient with the patient and relieve his anxiety. At the same time, we should tell the patient his illness realistically. Let him not despair and not lose heart. "

  At the peak of summer vacation, ophthalmology has to face more than 300 patients every day, and the work is very heavy. Zhu Min often reminds the medical staff in the department to be serious and responsible. "If any one of the patients is neglected, it is 100% negligence for the patient. Therefore, we must respect every patient and treat every patient sincerely. " Zhu Min said.

  In recent years, the situation of prevention and control of juvenile myopia is grim, and Zhu Min led the medical staff in the department to carry out prevention and control of juvenile myopia, and achieved remarkable results.

  Wang Junhua, Chief Physician of Biliary Surgery, First People’s Hospital of Foshan: A skilled aid doctor in Xinjiang.

  "As a doctor, is to save lives. The medical level there is relatively backward and needs us more. " Wang Junhua said. In August 2018, Wang Junhua took the initiative to sign up for Xinjiang and set foot on Jiashi County, Xinjiang, thousands of miles away to carry out a one-and-a-half-year aid work.

  Shortly after arriving in Xinjiang, I received a 28-year-old patient, Gulinur Abulimiti. Her severe abdominal pain has lasted for half a year, and her weight has dropped from 50 kg to 30 kg, as thin as a paper man. In order to cure the disease, Gulinur Abulimiti had to quit his favorite job, and seven hospitalizations cost tens of thousands of yuan before and after, and the family was in trouble. Considering that the patient may have intestinal adhesion and chronic incomplete intestinal obstruction, surgery must be performed immediately. However, there are different opinions in the consultation. Some voices believe that the risk of surgery is too great, and Wang Junhua should not take this risk. However, Wang Junhua faced the difficulties and finally, the operation was successfully completed.

  When Wang Junhua first arrived at the General Surgery Department of Jiashi County People’s Hospital, the professional strength of the department was very weak. He began with the refinement of departments, dividing the original general surgery into hepatobiliary surgery and gastrointestinal surgery, in which patients with gastrointestinal tumors specialize in gastrointestinal surgery. He founded hepatobiliary surgery, gastrointestinal surgery and ultrasonic interventional diagnosis and treatment technology in Jiashi County People’s Hospital, which filled 13 technical gaps in Jiashi County People’s Hospital. At the same time, through mentoring and other means, a medical team that can’t be taken away gradually grew up in Jiashi County People’s Hospital.

  Dong Julang, Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Foshan Second People’s Hospital: It’s like clockwork at work.

  Dong Julang said that she likes obstetrics and gynecology. "The joy of the mother after the smooth delivery, the crying of the baby, the challenges of various gynecological operations and the joy of successful surgery, as well as the same feeling from patients to friends and from friends to relatives." Dong Julang said.

  Dong Julang and his wife are both doctors, and their clinical work is very busy, so their daughter, who was only three months old at that time, can only be sent to a nursery. When both of them work shifts, her daughter will live in the neighbor’s house upstairs as a teacher … … The daughter is less than two years old, and Dong Julang’s husband has gone to other places for a master’s degree. She has to work shifts, have surgery and further study. In those three years, she often took her daughter on duty together. When there is an operation in the middle of the night, she can only knock on the door of the neighbor’s house to take care of her daughter.

  As their daughter grows up slowly, they put all their energy into their work, all day long, including patients, medical records, surgery, meetings and study. The department is growing day by day, and more and more operations are done. Because the husband is doing MR (nuclear magnetic resonance), it is his job to evaluate all patients with gynecological tumors before operation, to implant obstetric placenta and to check venous thrombosis. With the increasing diagnostic accuracy, benign/malignant tumors, borderline tumors, lymph node metastasis/how many metastases, scar pregnancy implantation, and the choice of surgical opportunity for pelvic abscess & HELIP; … Her husband’s work and hers complement each other.

  "As a doctor, I feel particularly happy every time I succeed in surgery. After being happy, I often reflect on the surgical process and what is not done well enough. " Dong Julang said, "Before each operation, we will make full preparations to predict possible complications and injuries."

  Dong Julang said that as a doctor, his daily work is full, including outpatient service and surgery. When he goes to work, the whole person is like clockwork. (Nanfang Daily reporter Xia Xiaoyu)

Various localities have introduced night economic development policies to further promote consumption growth.

  [Economic Interface]

  Under the night, the city is brightly lit. The bustling pedestrian street, the people coming and going are not tired; The theater and theater of the night show, the audience is in high spirits; Bar party, friends dinner … … With the enrichment of people’s nightlife, the fiery "night economy" began to release its great potential.

  At present, China’s nighttime economy is on the rise, and all localities have seized the opportunity to launch policies to encourage nighttime economic development and further promote urban consumption growth. In this process, how to highlight the cultural characteristics of the city, improve the supporting management level of the city, and innovate the diversified night economic formats has become a "proposition" worth thinking about.

  1. Rich "nightlife" releases residents’ consumption potential.

  Today, the traditional way of life of sunrise and sunset has gradually gone away, and night shopping, catering, tourism, leisure and entertainment, cultural consumption and so on constitute a prosperous and growing night economy.

  The change of young people’s lifestyle makes them the "main force" of night consumption. China tourism academy’s research data shows that "post-80s" and "post-90s" account for 40.0% and 19.8% of night tourism consumption respectively. For young people, after a busy day’s work, night is the best time to relieve stress and relax — — Midnight shows of hot movies are often particularly popular; Musicals and theater performances are mostly arranged at night; More and more midnight snack demand has caused many restaurants to adjust their business hours; Theme parks have opened night shows one after another, extending entertainment activities to the night … … These lifestyle changes make night a "golden age" to stimulate economic consumption.

  According to statistics, in first-tier cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, the proportion of night consumption has already accounted for more than 50% of all-day consumption. According to the relevant report of the Ministry of Commerce, 60% of the consumption occurs at night, and the consumption of large shopping malls accounts for more than half of the whole day from 18: 00 to 22: 00 every night. This situation is more obvious on the e-commerce platform that is open 24 hours a day. According to the data from Lexin’s installment mall, the amount of orders placed on this platform from 7: 00 am to 6: 00 am the next day accounts for 36% of the total order amount. Orders are mainly concentrated from 7: 00 pm to 11: 00 pm, but even at the lowest peak of trading at 5: 00 am, 0.3% of users are placing orders, and the average customer unit price at night is about 30% higher than during the day.

  The rise of "Midnight Food Store" has formed a landscape of the city at night, and merchants in special dining areas are open until late at night to meet people’s catering consumption needs for supper and night parties. Bars, KTV, clubs and other places with night activities as their main business have also flourished and become more social leisure and entertainment methods. Tourists have also started "night activities" in addition to traveling during the day — — Embark on the waterfront landscape trail and feel the life culture of the city; Climb the landmark building and enjoy the night lighting of the city; Come to Wenhua Street and Pedestrian Street and feel the local specialties.

  In response to the "night tour" needs of tourists, more and more night tour projects have been launched. The starry summer activities in Gubei Water Town in Beijing, the night tour of Huangpu River in Shanghai, the night tour of the two rivers in Chongqing, the "Datang City that Never Sleeps" in Xi ‘an and the "Lancang River Mekong River Night" in Xishuangbanna are all particularly popular. In recent years, the well-received landscape real-life performance project perfectly combines real-life and lighting, making it a good choice for tourists’ night activities. In 2018, the number of orders for products with the label "Night Tour" increased by 9.0% year-on-year.

  Night economy is becoming an important indicator to measure urban vitality and residents’ quality of life. Fu Yifu, a senior researcher at Suning Financial Research Institute, pointed out that people’s enthusiasm for consumption at night is high, which helps to expand domestic demand and release the consumption potential of residents. At the same time, the night economy has also provided more jobs for urban residents, promoted the growth of related industries, and prompted the city to continuously improve infrastructure, transportation and public services.

  2. Deep integration of night economy and urban culture.

  Night economy is also a window of city life culture. Sanlitun in Beijing, Xintiandi in Shanghai, Qinhuai River in Nanjing and Chunxi Road &hellip in Chengdu; … The bustling nights in these places have become a beautiful business card of a city. Whether it’s the brightly lit "Night Shanghai", the Qinhuai River with a unique classical style, or the Tianjin Quyi with full charm, the nightlife with local cultural characteristics makes people appreciate different urban charm.

  However, people who have traveled through many cities will find that the night economy in most cities in China has not yet formed its own characteristics. Many cities have night markets, but most of them sell similar snacks and souvenirs with similar formats, and there is a problem of homogenization development.

  Dai Bin, president of china tourism academy, pointed out that to develop the night economy, we should fully tap the local night leisure resources and combine our own cultural characteristics to create leisure and entertainment projects, such as cross talk and folk art culture in Tianjin and pingtan culture in Suzhou. The night economy should be deeply integrated with the city’s history and culture, reflect the city’s cultural heritage, build a city’s characteristic brand, and provide differentiated and diversified nightlife for residents and tourists. In the survey of china tourism academy’s demand for tourists’ night tour experience, cultural festivals, visits to cultural sites and other activities are in the forefront, which also shows that the night economy has great room for development in enhancing the advantages of characteristic culture.

  At present, many cities are exploring ways to enhance the economic and cultural connotation at night and shape night experience projects with urban cultural characteristics. In Harbin, colorful ice lanterns make night ice and snow tourism projects become city signs; Guangzhou combines its own night tea culture to promote the development of night leisure catering; In Tianjin, which is near the Haihe River, diversified night consumer brands such as "Night Tour of Haihe River", "Night Appreciation of Tianjin Music" and "Night Purchase of Tianjin Goods" are becoming increasingly popular. In Chengdu, activities such as night tour of Wuhou Temple, Jinsha Sun Festival and night tour of Caotang combine history and life culture. Jinan takes the "old streets and lanes" as an attractive element, and develops "punch-in" attractions such as night folk art performances, cultural museums and workshops for non-genetic inheritors.

  More rich formats of night economy are coming: late-night cinemas, late-night theaters, late-night bookstores, and night shows in music clubs, art galleries and museums, which can meet the spiritual and cultural consumption needs of residents. For example, the "Sleepover Museum" activities launched in Beijing, Changsha, Hangzhou and other places combine summer camps with parent-child tours and are deeply loved by children; Sanlian Taofen Bookstore, which is brightly lit at night, has also become a phenomenal "urban landscape". The development of fun run, fitness, sports and other projects can guide residents to take part in sports activities outside their homes. fun run around the city wall of Xi ‘an has become the best choice for a large number of fun run fans to "warm up".

  3. To be stronger and better is inseparable from standardized development.

  Although the development of night economy in some cities has been quite distinctive, on the whole, the development of night economy in China is still in its infancy. Compared with the growing demand, most areas do not have the conditions and ability to develop the night economy, the consumption scene is relatively scarce, and the night economy format is not rich.

  "At present, the night economy in China’s cities is mainly catering and shopping, and there is still a big gap between enterprises’ related investment and the supply of products and services during the day, which requires guidance and support from relevant policies." Dai Bin pointed out. Zhao Ping, director of the International Trade Research Department of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, believes that China’s nighttime consumption structure needs to be further optimized and gradually upgraded from commodity consumption to service consumption.

  In recent years, seeing the great potential of night economy, various places have launched policy documents to support the development of night economy. Since the end of 2017, Nanjing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Jinan and other cities have successively issued implementation plans to promote the development of night economy, actively laid out functional areas for the development of night economy in cities, and promoted the development of various consumer formats. At the same time, they also introduced measures such as environmental transformation, lighting projects, increasing leisure facilities, and strengthening public service facilities.

  Compared with the booming economy, some local residents are worried about the negative impact of the night economy. For example, in noisy bar streets and other places, noise and light pollution may affect the rest of the surrounding citizens; Whether the management of garbage disposal and food hygiene in the night market can be put in place; There are still many citizens who are worried about hidden dangers in safety and fire protection; People who travel at night may encounter problems such as "difficulty in taking a taxi" and "parking chaos" … … These factors undoubtedly put forward higher requirements for urban management. According to the survey in china tourism academy, among the factors that limit tourists’ night experience, 49.4% respondents are worried about safety and 25.8% are worried about inconvenient traffic at night.

  In this regard, experts pointed out that in addition to the corresponding extension of business hours by merchants, basic supporting facilities and public services also need to be in place, and the joint promotion of various departments such as transportation, fire protection, public security and market supervision is needed. For example, open more night traffic bus lines or extend the bus operation time, appropriately extend the garbage removal time, increase security patrols, strictly supervise food safety and commodity prices, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

  Drawing on the international experience, the policy documents issued by Jinan and Shanghai both put forward the system of establishing "night district chief" and "night life chief executive officer", with district heads in charge and people with relevant industry management experience as the posts respectively to co-ordinate and manage the development of night economy. At the same time, all localities also require scientific planning of urban functional areas, creating nightlife gathering areas, forming landmark brand areas, and trying not to disturb the people.

  With the continuous attempts to create a new format of multi-form night consumption in various places, the night in the city is no longer a quiet "sleeping city", and the colorful night makes the city glow with new vitality.

   (Reporter Lu Yuanzhen)

Looking back on what they wore in the last century, we know that fashion is a reincarnation, and their clothes are all too foreign and beautiful.

Most people know that fashion is a circle, but it only ends on the surface. For the public, we can only deeply understand this sentence by seeing those fashionable clothes of the last century, and we can also find that many clothes of the last century are really fashionable and are not out of date now.

In this issue, we will review the clothes worn in the last century. After reading it, we will know that fashion is a reincarnation, and their clothes are too foreign and fashionable. Let’s take a look!

Compared with the present, many items in the last century are too unique. Whether it is a suit with irregular design, a silhouette coat, a shoulder pad suit, a leather coat, or bell bottoms, all of them reflect the unique aesthetics and taste of fashion icon in the last century.

Small suits with irregular waist design are the first choice for hipsters’ concave modeling, which not only closely follows the waist line and wears a small waistline, but also further weakens the width by using the height difference to hold the temperament model in minutes.

Going out of the street is like a catwalk. In 2023, it is also a very exotic fairy single product. Who would have thought that it would have appeared in the closets of beautiful women in the last century?

Fashion is developing, but classics are hard to go out of date. No matter how many times you watch it, it will still be beautiful by big-profile suits and coats.

This kind of silhouette suits and coats are designed with shoulder pads, and the shoulders are wide, so they are casual and chic, and they are not petty at all. Presumably, this is why silhouette suits and coats are still very popular today.

Fashion items are updated quickly, and people can’t go out when they buy a dress for two winters. Who would have thought that the long coats and leather coats with waists in the wardrobes of those beautiful women in the last century would be elegant and elegant to wear out now?

Look at the beautiful women above. The long coat with narrow top and wide bottom not only shows a small waist, but also adjusts the proportion of the body. It is also a fairy single product that releases the temperament.

Retro style is popular in fashion circles, which also proves that classics are difficult to be eliminated. In fact, if you look closely, you can find that wearing in the last century is yyds.

Not only do these fashionistas choose some unique tailoring and designs to show their fashion temperament, but also because they rarely follow the trend, dressing and dressing are not blindly imitated, and everyone adds their own thinking to their clothes. This is the real fashion.

Moreover, many retro clothes seem to be old and too far away from us, but in fact, many retro clothes are really bold, distinctive and sexy. All kinds of low-cut clothes can’t be worn out at the moment. Back in those days, it was very common.

The use of color in retro style is also bold and clear, far from the idea of color matching with clear soup and little water, and many shapes are added by color matching.

Retro red with distinctive foreign flavor and low profile, or warm and fashionable yellow and orange, or retro green and purple, these colors have a high appearance rate in the last century.

Retro wear that is also very foreign in the moment is of great reference value to the public. Let’s take a look!

1. Blue jeans

Jeans are not only popular in the last century, but also the strength of contracting the winter fashion in 2023. Who hasn’t had a few pairs of jeans in the closet?

Look at those hipsters in the 1980s and 1990s. At that time, I knew that jeans or straight style were the most attractive and neat. With short suits, they were charming without losing style.

2, plaid items

Fashion is a circle, and plaid, the representative element of retro wear, is equally classic, but plaid coats and wide-leg pants are surely not lacking in many Jimei wardrobes.

From the 1980s and 1990s to 2023, plaid coats and trousers are well-deserved temperament items, which are retro and fashionable without losing the British flavor.

3, overlapping modeling

I don’t think that overlapping wear is a dressing skill that is only popular now. Look at wearing in the last century. Overlapping wear has long been the specialty of these fashion icon.

Choose straight-line suits and coats to wear knitted cardigans, the materials are in contrast, and with neutral wind color matching or retro wine red color system, it is difficult to think of temperament.

4, below the knee skirt+leggings

Knee-length long skirts are particularly popular with fashionistas in the 1980s and 1990s. With leggings and grandma’s shoes, they are not only elegant and decent, but also particularly feminine. In 20 years, you will not be as good as them in dressing up.

Conclusion: Fashion is a reincarnation. We can understand this more clearly when we see the clothes worn in the last century. In 2023, we can still learn from these retro clothes and win elegance and high quality!

This article was originally created by Tiger Brother, and the pictures are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it. If you need to reprint it, please indicate the source, and plagiarism will be investigated! # Winter Life Punch Season #

The situation of hegemony between Shanghai Harbor and Shandong Taishan shows the potential of China football.

Football in China has always been an important part of domestic sports. However, due to historical and practical reasons, the development of football in China still faces many challenges and difficulties. In this context, the hegemony between Shanghai Harbour and Taishan Mountain in Shandong Province and the outstanding performance of Taishan U21 in U21 League all show the hope and potential of China football.

First of all, the hegemony between Shanghai Harbour and Shandong Taishan is a highlight in China Football League. The two teams showed great strength and competitiveness in this season’s league tournament, which kept the suspense of the championship until the final round. This competitive pattern not only improves the appreciation and attraction of the league, but also promotes the investment and attention of clubs in the introduction of players and the construction of coaching teams. This healthy competitive environment is very beneficial to the development of football in China.

Secondly, Taishan U21′ s outstanding performance in U21 League also shows the future of China football. This young team showed excellent technical and tactical level and teamwork ability in the competition, which made people have a deeper understanding of the strength and potential of young players in China. These young players not only represent the future of football in China, but also are an important force for the internationalization of football in China.

However, the development of football in China still faces many challenges and difficulties. Among them, the most prominent problems are the low popularity of youth football, imperfect infrastructure construction and irregular management of professional leagues. Therefore, we need more attention and input to promote the development of football in China.

First of all, we need to strengthen the popularization and training of youth football. This requires not only the clubs to strengthen the youth training system, but also the support and participation of all sectors of society. Only by letting more children get in touch with and like football can we cultivate more excellent players.

Secondly, we need to strengthen infrastructure construction and improve the quality and quantity of football venues. This requires not only the support and input of government departments, but also the participation and contribution of all sectors of society. Only by building more high-quality football venues can more players have a better training and competition environment.

Finally, we need to strengthen the management and standardization of professional leagues. This requires clubs to strengthen their internal management and improve their operational level, as well as the support and supervision of relevant departments. Only by establishing a standardized league management system can professional leagues develop more healthily and orderly.

In a word, the development of football in China needs more attention and investment. Only through the joint efforts and support of the whole society can football in China achieve better development and make greater contributions to sports in China.