The world is so big and I have a Shanghai.

Teacher Li often praises the barbecue shop on the roadside.

I admit that I was attracted by the forwarding words in my colleague Teacher Y’s circle of friends, so I clicked on the link "Actor Li Liqun sent a video in Pudong, calling on everyone to unite against the epidemic".

Now living in Pudong New Area, Li Liqun, an old drama teacher, is a frequent visitor to Tik Tok. He often shows his life scenes as a novice "Uncle Shanghai". For example, my colleague was recommended by Li Liqun to plant grass in the barbecue shop. Li Liqun in the video, I hope everyone will cooperate with the government’s epidemic prevention work and not be a "black sheep". It’s very honest and brief, but it doesn’t seem to play the role of "Wang Wei". It’s more like the performance of countless Shanghai uncles. Although it’s hard to avoid being unwilling in my heart, I still obey the overall situation rationally.

Actor Li Liqun sent a video in Pudong, calling on everyone to unite against the epidemic.

After that, I clicked on a video forwarded by a friend who lives in Minhang District, "Actor wuyue cheers for his hometown Minhang and the frontline staff against the epidemic". Wuyue, a Shanghai-born actor, said, "The sudden epidemic has messed up our lives and made a person who is away from home particularly concerned. I hope that my favorite Shanghai, Minhang and my parents can survive the epidemic safely. "

In the video, wuyue’s plain face is facing the sky, the indoor light is a little dim, and the picture quality is a little slag, which completely loses the exquisiteness of the big star in the previous movie "Love Myth". However, it is this prickly picture texture that touches a certain place in my heart: wuyue is no longer a star. She is just an ordinary citizen living in Minhang District. She really has parents in Shanghai, and her parents are really undergoing the current test like us. The "caring" she said in the video is not a line, just like when I connected with my parents who were locked up in another community, although she didn’t say the word "caring".

Screenshot of wuyue cheering for his hometown Minhang.

Wuyue is cheering for Shanghai because she is from Shanghai; She is cheering for Minhang, because her home is in Minhang. Just like my friend forwarded this video because she really lives in Minhang.

Ma Yili, another Shanghai-born star, also cheered for Shanghai on the video. "I have relatives who are medical workers. I have been on the front line day and night these two days." She also said that her children have been taking classes online. A few words fill the Shanghai people’s sense of bringing in.

Li Liqun in Pudong, wuyue in Minhang, and Ma Yili in Xuhui are call calling for Shanghai. They are not far away from Shanghai. They are originally part of Shanghai, but the rough self-portrait quality constitutes the real presence.

Shanghai is not an abstract big Shanghai, but a concrete street, community and life circle belonging to concrete people. In the eyes of Shanghai residents, Shanghai is no longer the magic capital full of envy or curiosity in other people’s eyes. It is your favorite barbecue shop on the street, the fireworks of fried dough sticks and soy milk in the morning, the shade of phoenix trees that you will encounter when you go out in summer, or the hearty sound brought to you by the dozens of kilometers of plastic runway in Binjiang.

We often say "Shanghai is my home" and "Pudong is my home". If we break it down, we can also say "XX Street is my home" and "XX Community is my home", which are all my homes.

At this special moment, you can feel the sense of belonging in the community and streets more and more, which is the granularity of Shanghai identity.

Neighbors who are usually "unfamiliar" and have been nodding acquaintances for several years have become "close contacts" in life because of the closure of the community. The community has become an imaginary community of so many people: doing nucleic acids together, volunteering together, buying food together, looking forward to clearing it together, and waiting for the unblocking together.

I grabbed the vegetable bag under the order and gave a handful of green onions and a box of tomatoes to Zhang Apo, who lives alone. Please come home for dinner when you see that the children downstairs are unattended in online classes. Don’t forget to knock on the opposite door when you receive the news of going downstairs to do nucleic acid; Express delivery on the iron shelf at the entrance of the community, take the initiative to sign up as a volunteer; The group in the community shouted "XX medicine, who has inventory?" , you get a series of responses one after another … Help each other, unite as one, is a familiar word, but it shows the wonderful place of these words at this time.

Shanghai is experiencing an unprecedented test, and everyone in Shanghai hopes that this haze will disappear soon. Therefore, we must "work together to protect our homeland and our city".

There are so many people in this world, so lucky, I have a us. The world is so big, and I have a Shanghai. Because of love, I will cherish it, and because of love, I am willing to fight for it. Defending Pudong, Minhang and Xuhui … Defending Shanghai is nothing more than guarding your own home.

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