Top ten bizarre injuries in NBA: Only you can’t think of them, and they can’t do it without them.

In the NBA, it is a common phenomenon that players are injured. Every season, players miss the game because of various injuries. Some people are accidentally injured by their opponents in the game, and some are accidentally injured in training. However, there are still many wonderful injuries in the NBA. In this issue, we will take stock of the top ten wonderful injuries in the NBA.

Tenth place, Gerald Wilkins: Gerald Wilkins is the younger brother of Dominic Wilkins, the essence of human film. Once, after hearing the jokes told by his teammates, Wilkins stamped his feet with laughter, and then paid the price of pulling his thigh muscles, which became a veritable leg cramp.

Ninth place, Eddie Curry: One day, while walking in the team’s morning free shooting, Eddie Curry sprained his left ankle badly and missed the game. In a training session, Eddie Curry sat on a huge blue fitness ball. The fitness ball couldn’t bear the burden of that weight and silently chose to blow itself up, so Eddie Curry fell and injured his wrist and joint. Such a wonderful injury, Curry has many times. Dude, please respect yourself.

Eighth place, Stoudemire, after the Knicks lost to the Heat in a game in 2012, Knicks player Stoudemire had nowhere to vent his anger. When he walked into the player’s aisle after the game, Stoudemire saw the fire extinguisher on the wall, so he punched the fire extinguisher, resulting in a left hand injury and stitches, and missed the game for a week.

Seventh place, Larry Bird: Bird is one of the greatest small forwards in history, but his back injury at the end of his career made him retire after only playing for 12 years. In the offseason in 1985, Byrd insisted on building a driveway for his mother’s house. All day’s hard work overwhelmed his back and eventually led to dislocation of his spine. Basically, he suffered from back injuries for the last seven years of his career.

Sixth place, Chad Driss, for fans, all the players who can play in the NBA belong to celebrities. For ordinary people, these players are strong men, but for "good friends of mankind" dogs, these players can only be divided into biting and not biting, and their height reaches 2.03 meters. Chad Driss, a small forward who played for the Hawks at the beginning of his career, made himself not handsome when he was feeding his dog.

Fifth place, Nowitzki, as the greatest foreign player in history, never lost to anyone in terms of strangeness of injury. Before a game, King Nuo, who had finished tying his shoelaces, habitually stamped his feet to see if his shoelaces were tied and his shoes were comfortable. But who would have thought that it was these stamping feet that led to the recurrence of King Nuo’s foot injury, and finally he had to take off his shoes he had just put on and go back to the dressing room for treatment.

Fourth, Jordan, who wanted to taste cigars in 1993, almost cut off his index finger, but even so, the tendon of his right index finger was permanently damaged, which made his right index finger unable to bend. Later, after a long period of exercise, Jordan finally got used to his fingers that could not bend. God is always a god, even so, Jordan still can’t stop in the next game, leading the bulls to the second three consecutive championships.

Third, Buckley, sometimes, because of his carelessness, may also cause some ridiculous injuries. In the past, when Buckley, the flying pig, went to a concert, he needed to rub his eyes because the lights on the scene were too dazzling. However, I didn’t expect that there was still hand cream left in his injury. This rubbing directly rubbed the hand cream on his eyes, causing burns to his cornea, which took three weeks to cure. Although Buckley was injured and the fans were very distressed, it must be said that Buckley is really a delicate man, and he always carries hand cream with him when he goes to a concert.

Second place, Artest, speaking of Artest, in the impression of fans, he is a cruel and tough guy. Hans Blue once intended to turn around and spray the opponent after being fouled, but when he saw that it was Artest, he immediately became timid, which shows what kind of "murderous" he has in the league. However, such a vicious person has also had very wonderful things. However, after the Lakers lost to the Cavaliers in the Christmas War, Artest tripped over a box at home and fell down the stairs, causing injuries to his head and left elbow, and needed stitches. Subsequently, he was diagnosed with a concussion, so he missed several games. But for him, it’s not a big problem. After his comeback, he helped the Lakers win the championship successfully that season.

Number one, Chuck Hayes, what’s it like to get an electric shock? It is estimated that no one can make it clear, and I believe that no one is willing to try another kind of electric shock except the one between men and women. After all, as a normal person, no one is willing to experience this dangerous feeling of direct dialogue with death, but Hayes, the shortest center in NBA history, really embodies a "feeling of electric shock." Hayes participated in the charity competition organized by McGrady during his time with the Rockets. During the break, Hayes, who was thirsty, came to the water dispenser and wanted to drink a glass of water. No one expected that the power of the water dispenser was leaking, and Hayes was shocked by electricity. If it was not rescued in time, the short center with excellent defense would go to hell or heaven to continue his career.

Zhao Junzhe: The Shenzhen team is tenacious and must pay attention to giving victory to the people of Hebei who are fighting floods.

# Cangzhou Lions vs Shenzhen Team # Pre-competition Conference

Zhao Junzhe: We have been completing the tournament according to the plan, and our performance against Nantong team is good. The next two home games are crucial. Although Shenzhen is influenced by many off-site factors, it is still tenacious. We also attach great importance to our opponents. This is a difficult game. We should go all out and pay attention to details, and dedicate the victory to the people of Hebei in the joint stage of fighting floods.

Oscar: We are fully prepared for this competition as before. It is a very important competition, and we want to get the most points. In addition, I also want to express my concern to the people affected by the recent floods. My heart is with you.

Arenas: The people who put Russell in the top 10 don’t understand the league, such as AAU, and he can’t get 20 points.

Live on August 2 nd Recently, former NBA player Arenas talked about the top 10 history of Dr. J in the program Gil’s Arena.

Related reading: Top 10 list of Dr. J’s history: Kobe Bryant, James Curry Durant and others all lost.

Arenas said: "Don’t talk about Bill Russell, the league he played at that time was AAU(Amateur Athletic Union, mainly for teenagers) … This shows that Dr. J hasn’t watched the ball for a long time, and anyone who put Bill Russell in the top 10 in history doesn’t understand the ball.

"He and Chamberlain are contemporaries. Chamberlain averaged 50 points and 30 rebounds per game, while he only had 16 points and 20 rebounds. He was just an aggressive player, so he scored less than 20 points. Do you want me to put him in the top 10 in history?

"At that time, everyone was 5′ 10, and there were only eight teams in the league, all of whom were white players. How hard did you say that the league was? Chamberlain scored 50 points per game, and he had to try to score 20 points, which showed that no one passed the ball to him at all. "

Russell averaged 15.1 points and 22.5 rebounds in his career, and Chamberlain averaged 30.1 points and 22.9 rebounds in his career.

4 years, 54 million, pay cut and return to the Lakers! Ham publicly praised James as your big brother.

There are still many players in today’s league. Their starting point is not high, and they almost missed the opportunity to land in the NBA. However, with their step-by-step efforts, they gradually shine on the court. Among the active NBA players, which one impressed you the most? Some fans may choose Van fleet. Van fleet’s physical condition is not excellent, and his height is only 1.83 meters. This kind of small defender is hard to be favored by the team. However, at the age of 29, he has now grown from a draft player to an all-star player. He won a championship trophy with the team and has been the core of the Raptors for several seasons. It is really not easy. This offseason, Van fleet was poached by the Rockets, and signed a three-year super contract worth 130 million US dollars, completely playing his own value.

Wood, the core of the inside attack of the Lone Ranger, is also a draft loser. Up to now, his average score can reach 15 points per game. Although Wood, as an inside player with little functionality, only focuses on offense, and lacks some blue-collar attributes, this summer Wood is still one of the most sought-after players in the free market. After ending his contract with the Lone Ranger, Wood will look for his next home, reportedly including Bulls. In addition to Van fleet and Wood, like Vincent, Struce and Dunrow who entered the finals with Miami Heat this year, Stephen Curry’s younger brother Kokuri, and caruso, the former "mascot" of the Lakers, they all entered the NBA as draft losers.

There is also Reeves of the Lakers. After caruso left the Lakers, Reeves was regarded as his successor, and the second generation of the Lakers’ mascots was born. They have a lot in common, the same skin color, both of whom are draft losers, the players are very high, and they are all right-hand men around James. During the period when Reeves first came, many Lakers fans felt that he and caruso were still not comparable. After all, there was still a big gap in their physical fitness, and the defensive end was not at the same level at all. caruso’s defense was really fierce. However, after playing for a season, Reeves has made rapid progress and is more suitable for the current old Zhan. James is almost 39 years old now, and his playing time and possession of the ball will be reduced. Reeves’ organization and attacking with the ball can just share a lot of pressure for James.

On the offensive end, Reeves is one step ahead of caruso, and his three-point shooting is one of the most stable in the Lakers, with a shooting percentage of 40%. It’s no problem for old Zhan to match caruso in 19-20 seasons, but now James needs players like Reeves even more. During the offseason this summer, Reeves also faced the problem of contract renewal. His last contract was only two years’ basic salary, with an average of more than one million dollars a season. Now, Reeves has made his mark. According to Stein, a well-known journalist, Reeves can sign a contract with a maximum of 100 million dollars for four years during the offseason, and the Spurs also offered him a big contract with an average of more than 21 million dollars per season, but in the end, Reeves chose to stay with the Lakers.

The Lakers reached a four-year $54 million renewal contract with Reeves, with an average of less than 14 million a year, which is much less than the price offered by other teams. In four years, it was 54 million, and the salary was reduced to return to the Lakers! Hamm publicly praised James as your big brother. Reeves said, "I want to stay with the Lakers.". For me, this is like home. I definitely want to stay with the Lakers. My teammates, coaches and management are very supportive. " In fact, Reeves himself knows that he can get a better platform and resources by staying in a traffic brigade like the Lakers, and even get "special treatment" in the game, making it easier to play his own worth. Lakers coach Hamm publicly praised Reeves: "He is excellent, and he will soon grow into an all-star player."

Old Zhan is of course the happiest to keep Reeves, because the cooperation between them is very tacit, and James often teaches Reeves’ competition experience. Reeves spoke highly of the team’s eldest brother James: "You never want to see a player like that not playing, just because he is so outstanding. Since he was selected in 2003, he has been almost a signature figure in the league, and I really hope to play with him." Speaking of old Zhan’s character, Reeves said: "He acts like a child, as if he were 18 years old. I have never seen him in a bad mood. He is always laughing and having fun. Because of his brilliant achievements, for such a person who is placed on the altar, he can be so approachable, you can discuss anything with him, you can have great communication with him, and you can joke with him at will. "

Reeves can continue to cooperate with Zhan in the new season. Do you think he is expected to hit the All-Star in the future?

Even the medium pressure whistle three points! Fang Shuo is more suitable to play in the World Cup than Zhao Rui, and one person has definitely been eliminated.

On the other hand, another defender, Zhao Rui, looked very unhappy after he made a mistake or was substituted for Cape Verde. Obviously, his attitude towards the game was far less than that of the top.

In a warm-up match that ended in the early morning of August 5th, Beijing time, China men’s basketball team beat Cape Verde team from Africa by 20 points. In this match, besides Cui Yongxi, another player who surprised the fans was Fang Shuo.

In this game, Fang Shuo showed his superior handling and shooting ability after matching Zhao Jiwei, and hit the buzzer for three consecutive points before the end of the second and third quarters, which greatly boosted the team’s morale.

You know, China men’s basketball team hasn’t produced a player who can hit a long shot stably in international competitions, even in warm-up matches.

Four years ago, Fang Shuo was also selected for the national team coached by Li Nan, and played in the basketball World Cup. His performance can only be regarded as quite satisfactory. At this moment, Fang Shuo is completely rejuvenated under the system of Djordevich.

In addition to his good three-pointers, Fang Shuo has also made remarkable progress in passing the ball for his teammates. In the game, he once sent a very hidden pass for Wang Zhelin, which allowed the king to dunk and score.

More importantly, Fang Shuo showed a very positive attitude on the court. At first glance, he was ready for the game, because he knew that he had no advantage in the competition of various defenders, and even he was at a disadvantage in age, so Fang Shuo worked hard and dared to make moves as soon as he played.

On the other hand, another defender, Zhao Rui, looked very unhappy after he made a mistake or was substituted for Cape Verde. Obviously, his attitude towards the game was far less than that of the top.

As for Sun Minghui, who played a superstar performance in the CBA playoffs last season, he didn’t play in this campaign, and he didn’t get the reuse of Djorjevic in the previous warm-up match, even though he didn’t play well in the game.

Therefore, in the competition of several big defenders, Fang Shuo has already taken the lead by half a position except Zhao Jiwei, who is definitely the starting player. If he continues to play so well in the following games, it is very likely that he will stay in the 12-man list for the World Cup.

Counting the NBA’s total score list in the past ten years, the fifth place in the library is actually an ordinary player!

Counting the NBA’s total score list in the past ten years, the fifth place in the library is actually an ordinary player!

Recently, some media have counted the top 10 players in the nba’s cumulative total score in the regular season in the past 10 years, to see if it is beyond your expectation?

1. Harden scored 19875 points.

2. Lillard scored 17,814 points.

3. James scored 17571 points

4. demar derozan scored 17074 points.

5. Curry scored 16,771 points

6. Wei Shao scored 16,625 points

7. Letter brother 16280 points

8. Heavy eyebrows 14974 points

9. Durant scored 14,634 points

10. Bill scored 14611 points

As an ordinary player, James Harden still ranks first! I have to say that Deng Zi does have his own unique views on scoring. If he didn’t leave the Rockets, he would have scored 21,000 points now.

Primary school students only ranked fifth, and Lao Zhan ranked third. However, it was quite unexpected that demar derozan could be in the fourth place. After all, Azan’s scores were all pulled out one by one in the middle distance. Durant’s thick eyebrows are limited by injuries.

So here comes the question

Who do you think is the best scorer in the active nba?

Kessler: I’m gaining weight in the offseason & strength training is fun&I want to learn more.

Live broadcast on August 5 th Recently, Jazz center Kessler accepted an interview with Tony Jones of TA Jazz.

When talking about last season, Kessler said: "I want to put myself in a position where I can learn as much as possible. I want to play hard, provide confrontation on the court and fall in love with the learning process." I want to learn as much as possible. "

Kessler also mentioned his efforts in the offseason: "(I am) gaining weight and strengthening strength for most of the offseason. It takes hard work, but I’m excited to try to make a difference on the court, so training is interesting. I like the gym. I like to exercise my body. "

When talking about the prospect of being selected for the US team for the rest of the season, Kessler said: "I am very excited and grateful to be a member of the US team. Our team has excellent talent and knowledge. I’m trying my best to study and use this experience to improve myself as much as I can. I am very excited about the next year. We have a lot of talented players, so I’m excited to see how we will play together. Therefore, I am very excited about the World Cup and very excited about the training camp. "

Kessler was the 22nd show in 2022. In 2022-23, he played 74 games for Jazz, averaging 23 minutes, getting 9.2 points, 8.4 rebounds and 2.3 blocks, shooting 72%, and was selected as the best rookie for a while.

This summer, wanda plaza created a "basketball dream" for basketball teenagers.

Recently, wanda plaza has attracted people’s attention. Just because of the arrival of the summer basketball match, people’s enthusiasm for basketball has been immediately pushed to the commanding heights. In fact, as early as the Basketball World Cup held in China in 2019, Wanda began to promote the "Little Champion" caddy project, which enabled more children who love basketball to enter the world stage. At the same time, it also helped 12 caddies from Danzhai, Guizhou, to have face-to-face contact with the World Cup.

Basketball teenagers help out

From the city trials to the national finals, and from China to the Philippines, a dream trip began, and more and more people participated in this exploration journey. Wanda is willing to help more teenagers who love basketball and create basketball dreams for more basketball teenagers.

Mobile game national league

At the same time, from September to October, in the iconic wanda plaza of Xiamen, Lanzhou, Jinan, Harbin and Chongqing, local cultural and tourism bureaus and sports bureaus will be linked to create an e-sports carnival! At that time, you can go to the offline race track in wanda plaza, feel the wonderful charm of League of Legends National League, and meet more like-minded partners to discuss game events together.

12th Anniversary Player Celebration

With the end of the regular season of 2023LPL Summer Tournament, the 12th Anniversary Player Celebration of League of Legends will be held from August 5th to August 8th. The 2023LPL Summer Tournament Finals and the 2023LPL Global Finals Qualifiers will also be held during this period, and more exciting events are worth looking forward to.

This time, wanda plaza joined the same trip, and set up 10 offline match watching activities nationwide during the anniversary. There are also many awards and interactive games waiting for you. Do you want to cheer for LPL? Then hurry up and move!

$170 million in 3 years, the first in the blocked shot league! Don’t be proud, thanks to your teammate James.

The biggest attraction of the NBA off-season is player trading and contract renewal. Every year, there are many high-priced contract renewals, and this year is no exception. For example, the Timberwolves renewed Edwards in advance for five years and the Grizzlies renewed Bain in advance for five years and 207 million dollars. The purpose of this early contract renewal is obvious. In the next few years, this player will be the core of team building. Of course, some team management also has their own considerations, and only three-year contracts will be given to the core players of the team. For example, Green of Warriors, after all, is affected by age, and it is very likely that Green’s ability will be seriously degraded after three seasons. At present, there is a potential early renewal of the contract with the Lakers’ thick eyebrows. As one of the cores of the team, if the thick eyebrows complete the renewal before the start of training camp, they can get a contract with a maximum of 170 million US dollars for three years. The reason why they have not reached an intention so far, the Lakers management still has their own concerns!

The thick eyebrows of the champion’s debut can be called the genius of the insider. They can not only turn the world upside down in the restricted area, but also have dribbling and shooting like guards. The performance of the park in 2020 is a classic masterpiece of the peak thick eyebrows. In the park, Thick Eyebrow is a super efficient and comprehensive scorer, and his statistics are crazy. He averaged 27.7 points in the playoff, shooting 57% and shooting 38% from three-pointers. In the second game of the Western Conference finals, he won the first championship ring in his career, and the Lakers were finally on an equal footing with the Celtics. The boss was not stingy. But after that season, Thick Eyebrows never showed their talent in the playoffs, but they got continuous injuries and consumed James year after year. Until last season, Thick Eyebrows seemed to find themselves in the park again, averaging 25.9 points, 12.5 rebounds and 2 blocks per game, and fully demonstrated their inside power against Grizzlies and Warriors in the playoffs, and finally the Lakers returned to the stage of the Western Conference finals.

As for the Lakers’ delay in giving thick eyebrows this contract extension, there should be two concerns.First, the thick eyebrows did not prove that he had broken away from the injury.In the past three seasons, Thick Eyebrow has played 130 games in the regular season, so it is said that Thick Eyebrow has not been selected for the best defensive team and the best team in the past three years, and even has not been selected for the All-Star team in the last two seasons. You should know that Thick Eyebrow’s game performance has almost filled the data column. He is the first player in the league with steals and blocked shots in the past ten years, but it is a pity that he was excluded because of attendance. Although last season was the season with the highest attendance rate in the last three seasons, it was less than 60 games, even the same as James, who was eight years older than himself. Therefore, this is one of the Lakers’ great worries. If the heavy eyebrows can’t keep healthy and fall off the chain in the playoffs, the Lakers will have no way out.

The second worry is that James can play for a few years.How many years can James play is a hot topic in recent years, but last season’s playoff performance proved that James can play for at least another three years, but the key question is whether James can stay in the Lakers. As early as last season, James said that he would not consider retiring for the time being and would wait until Brownie entered the league to fight alongside him, no matter which team. Once James chooses to leave the Lakers at the end of next season, the Lakers will become a single-core team. It is more difficult to win the championship than to ascend to heaven. Thick eyebrows have no ability to become the boss of the team. In the seven seasons he played for Pelican, Thick Eyebrows only entered the playoffs twice, and the best result was the Western Conference semifinals, so it is naturally impossible to expect Thick Eyebrows to reshuffle themselves, not to mention that after James left, the Lakers will definitely reshuffle their cards, making it even more difficult to win the championship.

No matter what kind of worry, once it happens, it is enough for the Lakers management to drink a pot. It takes a lot of young capital to get a heavy eyebrow from the pelican trade. If you don’t pray for another Lakers dynasty, you should at least win another championship, otherwise the Lakers will lose blood. I admit that Thick Eyebrow is a player with good offensive and defensive skills in the forefront of the league, but without teammates like James, his dominance will be greatly reduced. Coupled with the impact of injuries, Thick Eyebrow’s three-pointers last season have disappeared, and his fast-break and difficult air-catching abilities have regressed with the naked eye. It is a bloody lesson that the Western Conference finals were swept by the Nuggets. Without outside threats, Jokic’s defense could not be mobilized, which brought great difficulties to teammates’ storming. Next season is a crucial season for the Lakers. The management may even take the risk of jumping out of the contract and consider renewing the contract after the end of next season. If you want to stay with the Lakers, the heavy eyebrows must come up with a better state in the new season, one is to stay healthy, and the other is to reproduce the dominance in the park, otherwise they are likely to be swept out by the Lakers!

You wanted to go to Thunder that year? The former Rockets 3+4 center is suffering, and it is not easy to stay in the Russian city.

Great changes have taken place in the lineup of Houston Rockets this summer. One of the disappointments is that the Rockets sold usman Garba, Josh Christopher and Ty Washington. Their development this year was daunting and almost wasted.

Among them, usman Garba also accepted an interview with the media after joining the Thunder, revealing that he especially wanted to go to the Thunder when he was in the draft. The former Rockets center complained that he didn’t get enough chances, and Thunder is a team that suits him very well.

As the No.23 rookie in the first round of 2021, Ousmane Garouba was plagued by injuries in his first season without playing, averaging only 2 points and 3.5 rebounds per game. In the Rockets, his overall performance is not satisfactory. However, Osman Garba represented Spain in last year’s men’s basketball European Cup. At that time, his overall performance was excellent. Osman Garba also served as the main rotation inside player to help Spain win the men’s basketball European Cup. However, after returning to the NBA, Osman Garba could not win the trust of then head coach Steve Cyrus, so he had to play as a substitute and his playing time was scarce. Usman Garba has been in a low state all season. He averaged 3 points, 4.1 rebounds and 0.9 assists per game. His data is average, but Osman Garba’s efficiency is high, especially his defensive potential.

However, the Rockets seem to have no patience to train usman Garba, who was easily sold cheaply in the offseason and finally came to the Thunder. Osman Garba said that he had already made contact with Thunder coach Daniolt and general manager Presti, and believed that they would benefit a lot from Thunder’s tactical system, and the two sides reached an agreement on many issues.

In addition, Garba, usman, like the Rockets, the Thunder also looks very competitive. Shea Kirghiz-Alexander, Josh Giddy, Chet Holmgren and Rugenzdort are all young, and I believe we are a team. Usman Garba admired them very much. However, even usman Garba expressed his hope to be selected by the Thunder, which already has Chet Holmgren, Robinson Earle, Poksevsky and Davidson Bertain, so the situation has not changed at all. For usman Garba, staying in Oklahoma City is not easy.