Summer Prospect | Wanda leads the way, iQIYI and Emperor urgently fill the position

Text/Meat Dog

Source/Entertainment Business Watch

According to the data of the National Film Funding Office, in the 25th week (June 20-June 26), the national film box office revenue was 484 million yuan, an increase of 26.7% month-on-month, and the number of people watching the movie was 12.971 million, an increase of 198.98% month-on-month.

The film market is picking up with the heat, and "Life Events" plays a mainstay role behind this.

According to the cat’s eye professional version of the data, this week, "life events" defeated the Hollywood blockbuster "Jurassic Park 3", with super 200 million box office on the weekly champion throne, and in the current 26th week, "life events" still maintain a high leader posture.

Everything seems to be moving in a prosperous direction, but that’s just one side of the coin.

Before the official release, many professional media in the industry gave 1 billion + box office predictions, among which, Cat’s Eye predicted that the final box office 965 million.

But on the second day of the premiere, Maoyan slashed the box office forecast to 666 million, and then raised it to 891 million and 1.136 billion. Through such a significant adjustment of the box office forecast, we can see that Maoyan does not have firm confidence in the film, which also reflects the attitude of the entire market.

Some people firmly believe that the impact of "life events" 1 billion is still optimistic, and some people have expressed doubts, but there is no denying that the high reputation of "life events" has driven the market heat, and the next summer has brought bursts of warmth.


Everyone has their own reasons, so let’s talk about the positive ones first.

Although the first day of "life events" and the cat’s eye predicted 61.36 million there is a 20 million discrepancy, but it is surprising that the film showed a doubling trend in the second day, the third day of single-day box office rose again more than 5 million, strong reverse fall, and the second place "Jurassic World 3" The gap gradually widened.

And then there’s…word of mouthOn June 19, after the opening of the second round of screening, "Life Events" quickly refreshed the reputation record of drama and family films in the past three years, with both Maoyan and Taotiao platform ratings reaching 9.7.

As of press time, the cat’s eye rating of "Life Events" is still the same as "I am not the God of Medicine"; in the shopping ticket, "Life Events" is 0.2 higher than "I am not the God of Medicine" and "My Motherland". And on the second day of its official release, "Life Events" also ushered in its own Douban reputation – 7.5.

At the same time, as Shanghai gradually returns to normal production and living conditions, the recovery of urban cinemas will also usher in an important turning point, when the market will increase by another 5%.

But that’s not enough to convince everyone of the film’s staying power.

The current reputation of "Life Events" is regarded as the best in the movie market this year, but the user ratings of Cat’s Eye, Taopiao Ticket and Douban are relatively polar. Longitudinal comparison, the gap between it and "I am not the God of Medicine" in Douban score is too prominent, and Han Yan’s "Send You a Little Red Flower" Douban score to the mainstream market has also reached 8.0.

Although the credibility of Douban’s score was once again impacted by the influence of "Menghualu", it still had an important impact on the release of the film’s box office energy that could not be ignored.

The most crucial thing is that the controversy over the quality of "Life Events" is becoming increasingly clear.

Looking at the audience feedback on major social platforms, we can see that the most pointed one is undoubtedlyFor the sake of sensationalism.

Wenyu Jun had similar feelings after watching the movie. Xiaowen (Yang Enyou, played) ‘s mother "came back to life", the third sister (Zhu Yilong, played) sent Xiaowen away, the third sister chased after the car in the rainy night, the third sister’s father passed away, the third sister used fireworks to send off her father, and Xiaowen disappeared… The story in the second half of "Life Events" is indeed a little rushed compared to the previous one.

Not only that, these densely staged episodes of Tears were also rather stiff in terms of succession, basically relying on the third sister’s phone call to transition. After a plot was completed, the phone rang, and the next episode began immediately.

Through this, we can also feel that the main line and core of the second half of "Life Events" are not clear enough, and the main funeral industry has been sharply reduced, replaced by family and family relationships, but the presentation of these two parts is not delicate enough.

There was also the portrayal of the supporting characters. Bai Xue and Jianren, the two working partners of the third sister, as well as Master Mo and Sister Mo, all lacked the space to "breathe" themselves, so it was not difficult to understand why some viewers would say that it was difficult to empathize with these characters, and it was difficult to feel the true warmth of mutual care between the lower-level characters through them.

In fact, the above three issues also contributed to the reputation of "Send You a Little Red Flower"Open high and go lowThe main thrust. And in this rich "Han Yan-style expression", the personal color and charm conveyed by Liu Jiangjiang, a rookie director, to the public is vague.


"Life Events" is not solid enough, but the entertainment gentleman will still choose to be on the optimistic side. The reason is simple, looking at the entire summer film market: too many eyes, too few options.

Looking back at the 2021 summer season, a total of 142 films were showcased together, and the four established private film companies of Bona, Guangguang, Wanda and Huayi were not absent.

In July, the light brought the main theme film "Revolutionary"; Bona contributed the 1.328 billion commercial main theme film "Chinese Doctor"; Wanda and Huayi respectively brought the animated film "New Big Head Son and Small Head Dad", the popular adolescent film sequel "What should I do when the second brother comes" and the youth film "Midsummer Future".

At the same time, Tencent Pictures, Ali Pictures, Cat’s Eye Pictures and Douyin have also gained a sense of presence during this period, especially Tencent Pictures. The company’s main gift film "1921" started the summer first, and another director’s work "Anger · Serious Case", which participated in the production, has been harvested at the 1.329 billion box office.

In contrast, this year, only 43 films have confirmed their participation in the war so far, and while the number has contracted sharply, the willingness of leading film companies to compete has also declined intuitively.

Huayi, Tencent Pictures, Douyin "Stealth", although Ray, Wanda, Ali Pictures, and Bona chose to continue to participate in the war, they basically produced small and medium-sized animated movies or love movies. Typical examples are "We Look Like Love" and "Out of the Earth", "Undersea Column: Cave Adventure" and "You Are My Spring" controlled by Ray, and "Friends for a Week" controlled by Ali Pictures.

It should be noted that Wanda, Ali Pictures, and Bona all bet on "Mozart in Outer Space". As for the reason, it is largely related to the director Chen Sicheng and the starring lineup of Huang Bo and Rong Zishan, and the film’s main fantasy, comedy, and family elements are also highly adapted to the summer schedule.

Worryingly, the current number of people who want to see the film is not absolutely dominant, and it is very close to "You Are My Spring", which is also wrapped in the star halo, and there is only 6,000 catch-up distance with "Out of the Earth", which is released the next day. Not only that, the public’s feedback on the trailer of the film is not enthusiastic, and there are even many voices directly saying "bad movie reservation".

Another by Huang Bo, Yan Ni starring, Galaxy Cool Entertainment, Hanna film and television, joy media jointly produced "learning dad" is not optimistic, cat eye want to see the number of only 60,000, and Tingdong film industry, Ali film industry, Hengdian film and television co-produced "miss each other" the current cat eye want to see the number of less than 40,000.

fill in

If someone temporarily leaves the stage, someone will inevitably take advantage of the situation to fill the position, and in this year’s summer, iQIYI Pictures is undoubtedly the most eye-catching one.

Last year, iQIYI Pictures not only brought real revenue growth, but also effectively opened up the imagination of "iQIYI produced movies", and this year’s "New Order", which has been scheduled for July 8, is also a crime action movie.

Not only that, the film’s starring lineup is relatively more eye-catching, with Zhang Jiahui, Ruan Jingtian, and Wang Continental co-starring.

However, "New Order" has a tough opponent to face, namely "Detective War", which also stars Liu Qingyun and other Hong Kong stars. At present, the number of people who want to see this film controlled by Emperor Films has exceeded 100,000, nearly 70,000 higher than "New Order".

But in addition to "New Order", iQIYI will also launch a love film "Meet You" in the summer, and the number of cat eyes who want to see the film has reached 100,000.

In addition to iQIYI, Youku also participated in the production of a small and medium-sized animated film "Happy Superman Hero’s Heart" this summer. It is worth noting that Hengye Pictures, which produced the second "New Order" and "Meet You", also appeared in the co-production column of the film.

Combined with the recent filing projects of companies such as "Door Lock" released earlier this year, as well as "Ordinary Love Story", "21-Day Divorce Rule", "Responsive Day" and "Dear Friend", Hengye Pictures is very determinedMoving from distribution to contentAnd the overall layout is increasingly emphasizing diversity.

Overall, none of the contestants in the summer season currently have a significant "explosive appearance". Due to the limitations of the theme and type, the possibility of fermentation into a big dark horse is limited, even "Mozart in Outer Space".

After all, the higher configuration of the director and cast means that it will face a higher threshold of testing. And from the content released in the trailer, the film is quite similar to "Yangtze River No. 7", which is one of the reasons why the public has not received enthusiastic feedback on it.

There is still a lot of room left for "Life Events", and Lianrui Film’s other film "Shocking Rescue" has exceeded 80,000. That is to say, if everything continues to develop in a good direction, Lianrui Film is likely to be the last one to laugh in this summer’s file.
