LI: It’s a bit difficult to realize the ideal.

This time, LI had a topic because of the new car problem and the withdrawal of shareholders.


On December 13th, Sky Eye Information showed that after seven capital increases, Beijing Chehejia Information Technology Co., Ltd., the operating entity of LI, was lowered for the first time, and its registered capital was changed from 915 million yuan to 682 million yuan, a decrease of about 25%, and some investors withdrew.


Coincidentally, just after LI’s first new car, Li ONE, was delivered in December, users reported that there were many problems with the new car, including the failure alarm of the instrument panel emission system and the inability to speed up when stepping on the accelerator pedal.


For all kinds of problems after the delivery of new cars, LI CEO Li Xiang bluntly said in his personal official Weibo, "It is the greatest help for us to point out problems at the first time. In LI, finding and solving problems is the process of creating value, and concealing problems is suicide."


In an interview with the Beijing News reporter, some insiders admitted that they faced various problems at the stage of delivery. Although it had nothing to do with quality, it did leave a bad impression on users.


At the same time, the "small episode" of equity change has also made the outside world catch the wind. Some people think that capital changes and shareholders withdraw or prepare for IPO, but LI officials have not responded to this. If it is true, can LI still achieve Li Xiang’s goal of building a car under the circumstances of just delivering and facing problems and pursuing capital realization so quickly?

Rapid response to new car failure


On December 3rd, LI officials said that the first batch of new cars had been delivered, and at the same time, Li ONE with Baby Blue body color matching will begin to roll off the assembly line on December 13th.


The owners who got the first batch of new cars were not happy for too long, and the new cars had various failures. But the ideal response to the new car problem is also very fast.


On December 11th, after a user reported the alarm message of "emission system failure" on the instrument panel of the vehicle, on December 12th, LI immediately responded in its official Weibo that the cause of the instrument panel emission failure alarm was confirmed as "false alarm caused by the self-diagnosis mechanism of the three-way valve of the air conditioning system", and said that it would be solved in the subsequent software upgrade, and such problems would not affect the driving and safety of the vehicle. In addition, LI said that it also found that some vehicles will have false alarms such as parking system and body stability system, and will upgrade the software through OTA next week to solve the problem of false alarms.


On the morning of December 16th, a user drove into the expressway after picking up the car from the Hangzhou delivery center. After the adaptive cruise function was released during driving, the vehicle pedaling the accelerator pedal could not speed up. LI once again responded that the reason why the vehicle can’t speed up has been determined that the logistics mode of the vehicle was not completely released before it was delivered to the user, which is a missed inspection error.


In this regard, some netizens commented that it is normal for new cars to have bugs, but LI dares to face and solve problems, which is worthy of users’ expectation. However, many users said that this kind of problem appeared just after the new car was delivered, and it was difficult for people to treat it lightly. "This shows that it is still not solid. Security has always been the key to ideal advocacy, but it turned out to be a problem in the battlefield." Some users said.


There are many complaints about the delay in delivery.


According to the Beijing News reporter, it has been four years and five months since the establishment and delivery of LI, which is definitely one of the enterprises fighting on the long front among the new forces making cars.


Shortly before the delivery, LI also received complaints from users because of the delayed delivery. At the end of October, Ideal announced that it would postpone the delivery opening time of Li ONE, the first mass production model, from November this year to December, and directly deliver Li ONE 2020 models to the first batch of users.


In view of the reasons for the delayed delivery, LI said that the 2020 product has more upgraded parts. LI promised that the specific delivery time for each user would not exceed one month through the adjustment of the factory’s production capacity.


On October 21st, LI will update the estimated delivery time of the specific month according to the locking situation of the reserved users. If the license index expires, it will extend the license index for free.


Some car booking users said that many customers who have made small orders and locked orders have fully recognized the previous version of LI after several rounds of iteration, but this upgrade has also caused some customers’ uncertainty and wait-and-see mood. "The newly upgraded part may not necessarily add new users, but the cut place will definitely lose some existing customers." The user said.


It is difficult to rely on the new forces of building cars.


After several twists and turns in LI, the evaluation of the outside world has become mixed.


When the delivery was postponed before, Li Xiang had responded to LI’s "slow efficiency". "It is good for us, and we can see some mistakes made by many previous enterprises. We hope to effectively avoid these pits." Obviously, Li wants to have a clear understanding of what he and LI need and what to do.


Some insiders also said that for this industry, it is not a bad thing to spend more time to precipitate cars except that the tuyere is almost gone.


But after the delivery, LI will face more problems. The capital problem is the first thing to support the development of enterprises. The data shows that the operating income of LI in 2018 is about 170 million yuan, the net profit is about-719 million yuan, the total assets are about 4.732 billion yuan and the total liabilities are 830 million yuan. As of the first half of this year, LI’s operating income was about 5,277,600 yuan, net profit was about-629 million yuan, total assets were about 5,842 million yuan, and total liabilities were 931 million yuan.


However, the registered capital of Beijing Chehejia dropped sharply, and the shareholders of the company withdrew frequently. This makes people doubt the viability of LI’s capital. Some people think that LI’s capital change may pave the way for its overseas IPO. Earlier, it was reported that LI has started the listing of US stocks in 2020, and the IPO scale may be around 500 million US dollars.


A financial analyst said in an interview with the Beijing News that if the IPO in LI comes true, it will indeed bring more capital support to enterprises, but it will also bear the risks of company development and stock price fluctuation. Weilai is an example.


As its name suggests, LI is an ideal enterprise among the new forces of car making. However, it is not a good sign that users are questioning the products just after delivery. There have been rumors in the industry that there are not many new car-making forces that can survive in the cold winter of the auto market. Whoever can take the lead in IPO will survive. However, for companies that have just taken the first step of delivery, the ideal IPO pace may be a bit big.


Beijing News reporter Mo Wei Image source enterprise official website

Editor Zhang Bing proofreads Liu Jun.