Song Dandan "embarrassed" hot search, entertainment variety "boring" for a long time?

Entertainment variety shows are becoming less and less attractive.

Author | Mo Dye

# Want to see Song Dandan, Quiet and Summer Xu participate in the variety show together #.

After being baptized by the topic of "Docking Studies" for several days in a row, netizens finally put this topic on the hot search list in an atmosphere of suffocation, horse catching and excitement.The public has been really bored for a long time.

Last Friday, "Flowers and Teenagers" premiered in the camping season. With the help of the guest’s variety IP, it can only be questioned in a harmonious atmosphere that it has lost its "taste of flowers" and was labeled as "boring". The first high-level hot search unlocked by the previously hit "Yearning for Life 6" is also "boring".

Entertainment variety shows are becoming less and less attractive.There are almost no projects that can really be called "explosions" in the variety market that is about to go through half a year. The energy CP of "Half-cooked Lovers" is already in the Spring Festival; Cyndi Wang’s phenomenal turn to red in "Braving the Wind and Waves" failed to heat up the program.

The latest time to "tear" the boring net was "Fifty Kilometers of Peach Blossom House 2" which premiered last Sunday. # Eric Wang rejects Song Dandan’s proposal #, # Song Dandan makes people suffocate #, # Nine-minute text paraphrased in Peach Blossom House # and other topics have swept the hot search, among which the reading volume of the first topic has exceeded 680 million, and other topics have also exceeded 100 million.Embarrassed and suffocated, but the public is constantly in it, feeling a revitalized entertainment variety.

We don’t admire the topic of tearing the scene first, but we are more afraid of a boring entertainment variety. The boring cycle of entertainment variety shows is by no means a simple "topic effect" that can be summarized. Taking this as an opportunity, we also try to explore:When can I really talk about the variety show?

The dilemma of "four unlike": avoiding greed in variety shows


The reason why "dock science" can become a new topic that many people deconstruct enthusiastically is that the famous scenes it appears always revolve around one theme: socialization.

Under the explicit label of social cattle and social fear, it is actually difficult to answer the complicated proposition of socialization. "Peach Blossom House 2" simply presents a multi-person social collision in 9 minutes. Individuals and groups, qualifications and personality, generations and interpersonal relationships are all presented in this big dye vat. The feeling of suffocation is magnified to the extreme.

And this kind of intensity focus on a single theme is exactly what most variety shows lack. On social platforms such as Weibo, we have no choice but to find that almost no one can escape the question of the audience’s "four unlike" at present.

In more and more variety shows, what we can see is actually "compounding":Vertical themes want to penetrate the circle, want to have family fun, variety shows should have social issues, take care of reality, etc. When all these are applied to creation, the initial theme will inevitably begin to blur.

"You can’t eat a big fat man in one breath". Although objectively, the market has not yet spawned a new explosion in the post-Ming investigation era, Tencent Video and He Chen’s "Start Reasoning", which is fully overweight, are still highly anticipated by the market, but after the broadcast, the above high praise and short comments have appeared.

This may be related to the positioning of the program. Duo Xiaomeng, the producer of the program, revealed that the program takes into account the needs of reasoning users for reasoning content and the satisfaction of pan-entertainment users in the story. In short, it’s both reasoning and family fun. But it is also this "compatibility" that makes it difficult for both to be more extreme. However, after the first issue, the program is getting better and better, and the popularity of the whole network is rising.

In fact, the logic of the genre theme is to penetrate the circle first, and then to radiate a wider group. For example, this is street dance and China New Rap series. This has also been verified many times in the drama market. However, in the past two years, everyone seems to be eager to realize the circle through the superposition of elements, but the effect is not ideal.

In the camping variety show, the story of Xiao Bai’s growth is "not enough camping" for senior fans, and it is also "the life that the low-end version yearns for" for slow variety users. In order to expand the user base as much as possible, e-sports variety shows are increasingly integrated with multiple elements such as CP candy, draft, training, stars, etc., but they also face the problem that the positioning of the user base is vague and it is difficult to penetrate the circle. In the innovation path of talk show, group synthesis, industry and star amateur are in parallel, and they are still being explored.

The pan-entertaining reality show, in fact, is equally difficult to escape such problems.. Although there are voices calling Yan Min "cry foul" constantly, as of June 19th, the douban score of New Travel Notes dropped to 4.8 again. The condensed version of the real society he created has indeed integrated a large number of social issues, but it is also difficult to take into account the changes in content design and rules, and the lack of resonance of star deformation meters has also led to the program’s effect being less than expected.

The other side of "greed" is that the variety show is getting longer and longer.Up to this year,Almost half of the head variety shows appear in the form of two periods, double shifts or even three or four hours at a time.. Want a complete story line, want a reality show, want to be full of topics, want to be related to social issues, and even meet the brand owner’s exposure time requirements, so we can only extend the progress bar again and again.

More exaggeratedly, at the moment when attracting investment is difficult, the demands of brands are infinitely magnified, and all kinds of patch advertisements and high-frequency sub-broadcasts with full sense of existence have also seriously damaged the quality of content and become the last straw to overwhelm "boredom".

Reality show dilemma: boredom is more terrible


If we once laughed off Song Dandan’s relationship with her son Batu in "A Desired Life", now her attitude towards the younger generation in "Peach Blossom House" has really caused public discomfort. Ask about masterpieces, ask about emotional status, "suppress addiction", and treat them differently … The audience seems to find "awkward resonance" in many daily life scenes.

Although at present, the topic popularity of "Peach Blossom House 2" has not yet fully fermented: on data platforms such as cat’s eye and lighthouse, the program popularity value has not yet entered top3. However, if compared horizontally, compared with the camping season of "Flowers Less" which started at the same time,"Docking" has achieved a hot breakthrough.

In the public’s preference for "dock science", in fact, we can see too many shadows of the original "flower science":At least everyone is alive. Although this vivid collision may make people feel uncomfortable. After all, in recent years, the variety of entertainment has become more and more harmonious and beautiful. Even the Tucao Conference, the most offensive art, was once questioned by "whitewashing".

In today’s reality show, "people" are increasingly invisible.Not only do the stars no longer regard Weibo as a circle of friends, but they also set up a "perfect person" in the reality show. Quiet Na Ying staged a sister’s high-end dialogue bureau, full of the art of language, seemingly full of tension and sparks, but there was no loophole. On the contrary, it was the pull of the two and Kelly, which was a bit of a wave sister.

The original reality show was very good at strengthening the drama of the story and increasing the point of view by creating conflicts or connections between people, and the stars also contributed a famous scene. Only when the public began to be "serious", things went in the other direction: for example, the general manager’s label "I don’t want you to feel, I want me to feel" engraved on Huang Xiaoming, and for example, Yang Li, who was repeatedly criticized for her business endorsement because of women’s independence issues.

The boundary of public opinion is extremely difficult to predict. The other side of bold opening may be that it has not yet enjoyed the traffic dividend, but has taken the lead in entering the disputed area. Even the relatively low-risk speculation of CP also faces the risk of dismantling CP, so it has also been rejected by many stars.

One of the obvious manifestations of "boredom" is probably that there has not been a phenomenon of "creating gods by variety" for a long time.At one time, Angelababy was the darling of the variety market because of his running man’s steady position, and tranquility became the darling of the variety market because of his straightforward personality. Summer Xu’s "Princess Disease", Tamia Liu’s wife’s design and Jerry Lee’s big black cow are all indelible memory points.

Recalling this year’s variety market, Cyndi Wang’s sweetness runs through it all the time, and it seems that it is hard to think of too many famous variety scenes. With a little memory, it seems that only the white deer who just joined the running man this season is loved by the public with the characteristics of funny women.Safe seems to be the best choice in this unstable entertainment environment.

In the past two years, variety production has increasingly emphasized the concern for reality and the discussion of social issues, which is certainly an improvement, but it also provides a shortcut for variety production. Just like the nine minutes of suffocation in Peach Blossom House, of course, there are discussions on social issues, but it is also inevitable to question the topic first.

Variety "boring" is the result of comprehensive factors.The summer file is just around the corner. Can the entertainment variety that has been silent for half a year be gradually revitalized? As a summer-limited "Talk Show Conference 5" and "This is Street Dance 5", it is naturally expected to meet the expectations from the market; In addition, the list of Reuters posted on the Internet in the past two days has opened the curtain of "Breaking Through the Thorns", and iQiyi’s "China Rap Summit" has also been revealed to be expected to be booked for the summer.

Video websites have their own head projects, and the mature program mode is also a strong guarantee for the quality of the program. Whether it can break the dilemma of entertainment variety shows may be at stake. The layout of a number of new types of themes, such as Landing on the Round Fish Island, She Other Detective Agency and Major League of Impromptu Comedy, has attracted market attention, but will they get out of the "boring dilemma"? Still need attention.

Variety is about to usher in a new season, and we are also looking forward to a content market that is no longer just dependent on archaeology to get happiness, and we also hope that the variety market that has survived the "cold spring" will usher in the summer.