We must promote the national car brand

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Blue letter follow us!

The summer flowers are brilliant, the vegetation is lush, and the land of Jilin is full of vitality.

On the afternoon of July 23, the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader, who was visiting Jilin, came to the Research and Development Institute of China FAW Group.

The general secretary walked into the laboratory to learn about the research and development of new technologies and inspected the latest styles of vehicle products. He stressed that to promote the high-quality development of our country’s automobile manufacturing industry, we must strengthen the independent research and development of key core technologies and key components, achieve technological self-reliance, and strengthen and expand national brands. Today’s world manufacturing industry is fiercely competitive, and we must seize the opportunity to vigorously develop strategic emerging industries to achieve overtaking on the curve. I hope everyone will work hard and live up to their time, dedicate their wisdom and wisdom in promoting the revitalization of Northeast China, and write a magnificent chapter of youth in the process of realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

In recent years, China FAW Hongqi brand, as a representative of domestic luxury independent automobile brands, has achieved outstanding results in brand building, styling design, product matrix, technology research and development, sales performance, and innovation ecology. This is the assembly operation of workers in the Hongqi H final assembly workshop.

"The general secretary is very interested in our independent innovation products"

Walking into the NBD headquarters building of China FAW Group, it is clean and quiet.

It was off-duty time, and groups of employees walked out of the building one after another. They were in high spirits and excited.

"I am very excited to report to the general secretary and show our FAW’s independent innovation achievements!" Jiang Wenhu, assistant dean of the FAW Group’s R & D General Institute and head of the project management department, couldn’t calm down, "The general secretary visited our R & D laboratory and had a cordial exchange with several recent graduates at the scene, asking about the employment situation of college graduates this year. When inspecting the latest products of’Hongqi ‘, he listened patiently and asked the staff from time to time. The general secretary is very interested in our independent innovation products."

Jiang Wenhu took great strides and led us to the central hall of the building. In the exhibition area on one side of the hall, the vehicle products with solemn, elegant, or fashionable shapes are breathtaking.

"The general secretary’test-drove ‘this car at that time." He pointed to a lavender and thick Hongqi car, unable to contain his joy. "This Hongqi E-HS9 is a pure electric SUV sedan, which combines the four major global mass production debut technologies. We went from a plan to a current car in just 28 months. This is also rare in the international automotive industry."

On January 8, 2018, China FAW released the new Hongqi brand strategy in the Great Hall of the People, embarking on a journey of brand remodeling and revitalization. Today, the Hongqi brand, as a representative of domestic luxury independent automobile brands, has achieved outstanding results in brand building, styling design, product matrix, technology research and development, sales performance, and innovation ecology.

In the first half of this year, under the serious impact of the global automotive supply chain and industrial chain, the Hongqi brand continued to rise against the trend, with sales reaching 70,000 vehicles, an increase of 111% year-on-year.

Behind the rise against the trend is FAW people’s dedication to national brands and their ideals and beliefs in the revitalization of domestic automobiles.

"Listening to the speech of the general secretary on the spot has benefited me a lot, and it has also strengthened my ideals." Han Linghai, head of the powertrain department of the FAW Research and Development Institute, has witnessed the development of the third-generation engine of the Hongqi sedan and witnessed the process from "follow-up" to "parallel run". "At present, we are working on higher thermal efficiency engines, and in the future, Chinese engines will also lead the world!" Han Linghai was full of confidence.

"Core technologies cannot be bought.

We have been insisting on independent innovation over the years "

"The general secretary’s visit to FAW again after nine years has instilled strong confidence in us," said Wang Dongmei, deputy party secretary of FAW Group’s General Research and Development Institute and chairperson of the trade union. "In nine years, FAW has undergone earth-shaking changes."

The General Secretary visited the FAW Group Research and Development Institute today, and its establishment is undoubtedly one of the changes that Wang Dongmei has mentioned.

On September 18, 2017, FAW Group launched a top-down reform to deepen the personnel system. The technology center is the first unit of this reform. Although the reform is difficult and involves a wide range of personnel, the reform is comprehensive and thorough.

Everything was focused on developing competitive products, and the newly established R & D Institute was mainly responsible for the development of Hongqi series vehicle products. FAW Group stimulated endogenous power through reform and strongly promoted "Hongqi" to embark on a journey of revitalization.

Today’s "red flag" is interpreting the new journey of self-owned brand cars towards intelligent manufacturing.

In February last year, the new H final assembly workshop of China FAW Hongqi Factory was officially put into operation. The workshop was built according to the top industry standards, achieving the first in many industries and the first in China. Intelligent workstations account for more than 80%, integrating "flexibility", "intelligence", "sharing" and "informatization", and has "ten intelligent workstations". This modern workshop has an automation rate of 90% and an annual production capacity of 100,000 vehicles, setting a new benchmark for Chinese independent brands.

Where does the "opportunity" come from? It comes from reform, from innovation, and from mastering key core technologies in one’s own hands.

"If there is no core technology, it will definitely be controlled by others." Wang Sibo, an electric vehicle powertrain engineer and designer of the rear drive assembly of Hongqi E-HS9, said: "At present, our research and development of electric drive systems is at the leading level in China. At the same time, we have the relevant technologies of several products, and we also have core technologies and core intellectual property rights internationally."

"Core technologies cannot be bought, and we have been insisting on independent innovation over the years," Wang Dongmei said. "The general secretary has given us full recognition of this, and it has also strengthened our confidence and direction of independent innovation."

"The younger generation has a lot to do"

The last activity of the general secretary at the China FAW Group Research and Development Institute was to meet with employee representatives.

"These staff representatives mainly come from our R & D team," Wang Dongmei told reporters. As the new generation of FAW in China, these R & D personnel are full of vigor and dedication. Although some are very young, they have become the backbone. "The younger generation has a lot to do," Wang Dongmei said with relief.

"I feel warm and encouraged to be able to participate in today’s event." Huang Jiatong joined last August and is currently an engineer in charge of smart space development. She said: "As a newcomer to the development of the Hongqi brand, I must work hard to learn from the older generation of Hongqi people, grow rapidly, and contribute my greatest strength to the cause of Hongqi."

Mr. Han, who is only 38 but has worked at FAW for 15 years, told reporters: "The general secretary mentioned that the future depends on our young people, which is very encouraging to me. This is his earnest exhortation to our young people. We must work hard, be brave in innovation, and create international leading engine products as soon as possible."

"After listening to the speech of the general secretary, my biggest feeling is that our young generation can only contribute to the rejuvenation of the national automobile by continuously enhancing their own skills." Wang Sibo pointed to a new car behind him and told reporters: "My’small goal ‘is to make it safe to list, full of power, and able to ride the wind and sail!"

Everyone, with one word and one word from me, exchanged their own insights, and thousands of words merged into one voice: set ambitious goals, strive for the day, live up to the times, and work hard in independent innovation. We must promote national automobile brands.

Source | Jilin Daily

Author | Jilin Daily All Media Reporter, Zhao Guangxin, Shi Lei/Photo

The original title: "We must promote national automobile brands."

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Wanda Film reorganization, Wang Jianlin Wang Sicong father and son cash 2.70 billion, is to collect money or cut meat?

Original title: Wanda Film reorganization, Wang Jianlin Wang Sicong father and son cash 2.70 billion, is to collect money or cut meat?

Author/Jia Yang, Chihiro

When the class A share film and television company was lamenting in the capital battle, Wanda Film, which had been suspended for nearly a year, threw out a restructuring plan – priced at 11.619 billion yuan and purchased 96.83% of Wanda Film and Television.

It seems that it is the sale of Wanda’s assets "left hand to right hand", but a discerning person can see the key to the problem at a glance: Wang Jianlin and his son have cashed out?

Entertainment CapitalAfter carefully analyzing the transaction structure, we found that the truth is not so simple.

It is not so much "cashing out" as "making a profit", and this is bound to go through a complex game of interests and multiple compromises.

In theory, Wang Jianlin and his son can indeed cash out nearly 2.70 billion yuan in the reorganization. But this is not their initiative, but triggered the relevant regulations of the Securities Supervision Commission on the short-term operation of major shareholders in the secondary market, and had to take cash. In addition, the money is not only paid in 3 years, but also stipulates strict gambling terms. Assuming that Wanda Film and Television does not complete the bet, 100 million less than the target, Wang Jianlin and his son will pay the listed company 1.30 billion…

Not only that, the price of Wanda Film and Television’s injection (about 13 times PE) is far lower than the current market price of film and television companies (24 times PE), and even lower than the valuation of the previous round of pre-IPO financing.

You know, the pre-IPO of Wanda Film and Television was still in early 2016, coinciding with the valuation peak of the film and television capital markets. Wanda’s bosses only sent a Moments, which easily raised billions of funds.

Now, film and television stocks are facing a cold winter, and Wang Jianlin’s demands are also very clear, and contradictions are divided into priority and priority. Advancing the listing of Wanda Film and Television as soon as possible is the first priority. It is necessary to reduce the valuation and obtain rapid regulatory approval, and use high cost performance to win the active endorsement of secondary market capital, so as to ensure the safety of the entire group’s funds.

After all, this is the rational and cold Wang Jianlin, not Jia Yueting who "runs blindfolded".

Wanda Film’s predecessor was the listed company Wanda Cinema (which had acquired Time Network), while Wanda Film and Television is mainly Wanda’s film and television production business, which has not been integrated into the listed company.

As early as 2016, Wanda Film and Television had a plan to inject assets into a listed company. At that time, the asset package also covered the legendary film industry that Wanda had just acquired. It was necessary to sell it to a listed company at a 37.20 billion price. But under the harsh environment of capital markets, in the end, Wanda voluntarily gave up.

This wait is two years.

This time, the injected asset package excludes the "big loss-making" Legendary Film Industry, and adds the new media Eslite (Wanda’s TV drama production asset, the production of "Breaking the Sky" is about to be broadcast).

Due to the change in assets, the transaction size has dropped significantly from the previous 37.20 billion to 11.60 billion.

In this merger, the listed company Wanda Film will purchase the equity of Wanda Film and Television shareholders through cash and issuance of new shares. After injecting Wanda Film, Wanda Film and Television made a performance commitment of 3.228 billion yuan in cumulative net profit for three years.

When the announcement came out and saw the following agreement, many people in the market tut-tut: The Wang father and son have cashed out!

Wanda Film said in the announcement that the underlying asset consideration held by Wanda Investment is 2.693 billion yuan, which is paid by Wanda Film in cash; the underlying asset consideration held by other parties is paid by non-public issuance of shares.

This Wanda investment is carried out by Wang Jianlin and Wang Sicong father and son through the shareholding, the two people together hold 100%. In theory, Wang Jianlin father and son can cash out nearly 2.70 billion yuan in the restructuring.

But in fact, taking cash may be a no-brainer.

According to Article 47 of the Securities Law, directors, supervisors, senior managers, and shareholders who hold more than 5% of the shares of a listed company shall sell their shares in the company within six months after purchase, or buy them again within six months after sale, and the proceeds therefrom shall belong to the company, and the company’s board of directors shall recover the proceeds.

What does this mean? That is to say, in secondary market stock trading, the Securities Supervision Commission does not allow major shareholders to buy and then sell, or sell and then buy within six months. This triggers the Securities Supervision Commission’s short-term trading rules.

According to the conditions in the announcement, in order to get the 2.70 billion yuan, the Wang father and son need to meet the following conditions:

First, 2.70 billion paid over three years.After the delivery, the listed company paid 1 billion yuan to Wanda Investment; after the first annual report, paid 900 million yuan; after the second annual report, paid the remaining 792,885,650 yuan transaction consideration.

Second, the cash payment transactions of Wanda Investment are tied to the gambling agreement.According to the announcement, before the payment of the second and third installments, if the performance commitment party Wanda Investment fails to complete the performance commitment and needs to compensate, Wanda Film will directly deduct the corresponding amount from the price.

Wanda Film board secretary Wang Huiwu further explained to Entertainment Capital that this compensation is not equal, but has an amplification effect. According to the amplification formula announced in the announcement, assuming that Wanda Film and Television has a difference of 100 million in 2018 to complete the bet, then Wanda Investment needs to compensate the listed company for 1 divided by 3.20 billion, and then multiplied by 12 billion.

In this process, Wanda Investment not only cannot easily cash out, but also has to bear some risks for other shareholders.

Since Wanda Film and Television has 21 shareholders in this transaction, under normal circumstances, if Wanda Film and Television does not complete the bet, each shareholder should compensate the listed company according to the proportion of equity held. However, according to the announcement, this is equivalent to Wanda Investment holding only 22% of Wanda Film and Television’s shares, but it bears 100% of the compensation liability. As long as the bet is not completed, it will be compensated by the major shareholders.

Referring to the announcement of Oceanwide Holdings in early 2016 (purchasing 6.61% of Wanda Film and Television for 1.058 billion yuan), it can be estimated that the valuation of Wanda Film and Television at that time was 16 billion. And the asset package of this acquisition added New Media Eslite (valuation 1 billion) and Mutual Love Interactive (valuation 259 million),The overall valuation has instead fallen to 12 billion.

There are old investors in the stock bar who commented that sending it to the listed company at this price is completely a loss-making deal. No wonder this time it is only buying 96.83% of the shares instead of 100%. The remaining 3.17% of shareholders may be "nail households" who feel that the price is too low and will not sell.

Wanda Film and Television’s valuation value in this transaction is 12.002 billion, the initial carrying value is 5.08 billion, and the value-added rate is 136.25%. This value-added rate is not high in the film and television industry. In terms of the review required for the acquisition of listed companies, it is about 13-15 times the level, while Wanda Film and Television is installed into Wanda Film at 13 times the valuation. After the class A share media sector fell sharply, PE still has 24 times.

It is worth noting that, in addition to Wanda Investment, the other 20 investors, the private equity investors gave up the opportunity to cash out, the most obvious reason is that the valuation is too low, and it is more cost-effective to hold the shares of listed companies to share the later rising dividends.

Huace insisted on part of Wanda Film and Television’s equity in the first quarter of 2017, and received a return of 18 million yuan according to media reports

Entertainment CapitalIt has been discussed in depth before,The capital of the film and television industry is experiencing a ebb period in the past two yearsIt is not surprising that the valuation at that time has shrunk today. The initiative to lower the valuation is also to reduce the resistance in terms of supervision and promote the injection of assets into listed companies as soon as possible.

This is not a good time to list or set an increase. The entire class A share has been in a state of trade war + tight capital panic recently, and film and television stocks are one of the most obvious sectors for capital flight.

Shenwan cultural media sector has declined by more than 20% since the beginning of the year.

Zeng Maojun, president of Wanda Film, told Entertainment Das Kapital that no one can predict the trend of the capital markets. You think it is a bad time, and some people think it may be a good time. For leading enterprises, it is always good. Because the industry is not good, it means that the industry may be reshuffled. Who is likely to concentrate better resources? It must be the leader of the industry. Just like the Baijiu industry crisis brought about by the prohibition of alcohol gave birth to the trillion-dollar market value of the leader Moutai.

Concentrating resources at industry lows is an enterprising enterprise, and injecting assets during capital lows, as mentioned above, is the financial pressure behind the enterprise. Wanda Group’s real estate business is not very smooth when it returns to class A shares and film resources are injected into listed companies. The pressure on related repurchase agreements is great.

Wanda Commercial promised in September 2016 that if it failed to list on class A shares within two years, it would buy back a total of 14.41% of its shares and pay 10% to 12% annual interest. When Wanda Group purchased Legendary Pictures in January 2016, it promised that if it failed to inject Legendary Pictures into Wanda Film’s listing within 12 months, investors would receive a 15% annual interest return. Despite changes to the follow-up agreement, pressure from investors has been ongoing.

Winning the support of investors with a restructuring plan that cuts its own meat and gives profits, and relieving the repurchase pressure, for Wanda, it is to solve the main contradiction first and then consider the secondary contradiction.

In order to ensure the fairness of the transaction, the two sides made a bet. Wanda Film and Television promised that the net profit in 2018-2020 shall not be less than 888 million, 1.069 billion and 1.271 billion. If the profit does not meet the standard, Wanda Investment will compensate the listed company according to the method agreed in the agreement.

With the profitability of Wanda Film and Television, is this bet high or low?

In 2016, Wanda Film and Television’s net profit was 364 million; in 2017, the net profit was 597 million. According to the 64% net profit growth rate in 2017, Wanda Film and Television’s net profit in 2018 can reach 979 million. What’s more, it has been disclosed in the announcement that Wanda Film and Television achieved 407 million net profit in the first quarter of 2018, and completed 45.83% of this year’s gambling commitment in just one quarter.

But it is worth noting that in the first quarter of this year’s report, Wanda Film and Television completed a total of 4.38 billion box office, and only one "Detective Chinatown 2" contributed 3.38 billion box office. In the second half of this year, or even next year and the next two years, whether it can continue to produce such a explosion is uncertain.

Wanda film and television how to complete the 3-year 3.128 billion performance bet? Zeng Maojun gave two major plans.

The first is to increase the number of movies, and to increase the non-box office revenue part of the movie revenue. In his opinion, no one can guarantee the box office of every movie, but 10 movies can have the probability of profitability, as long as the number is enough, it can spread the risk.

Secondly, it relies on TV series and games to make up for the income instability brought by film projects. This is also the reason why it is committed to loading the previously acquired company New Media Eslite into the listed company.

"The Wanda Film and Television team doesn’t do TV dramas, we do functional segmentation, and in the future TV dramas will be done by the platform of New Media Eslite. But all IP can form a linkage between movies, TV and games," Zeng Maojun said.

For example, the TV series "Breaking the Sky" produced by Wanda Film and Television has now been completed and is being posted productin. It will be broadcast on Hunan Satellite TV and Tencent platforms this year, and some profits have been locked in. At the same time, the TV series has planned a second and third season in addition to the first season, as well as movies and games with the same IP.

That is to say, in addition to getting the purchase price of the drama on the broadcast platform in advance, Wanda Film and Television will also enjoy the game sharing rights, movie box office sharing rights, derivatives sharing and many other benefits of "Fighting Sky". Even Wanda Film and Television has started planning the theme park of "Fighting Sky".

In addition to "Fighting the Sky", Zeng Maojun also revealed a series of web dramas, movies, games, and theme parks. For example, "Tang Tan" also started the development of web dramas and anime this year; "Dragon Hunting" series of games and theme parks, there will be a different form of IP project every year or two in the future.

Since Disney recently announced the acquisition of Fox, one of the reasons is to control the streaming video platform Hulu and compete with Netflix, which has surpassed Disney in market value. The threat of streaming media to traditional entertainment giants is imminent. Wanda Film and Television has also begun to explore streaming media in addition to its original business.

Zeng Maojun said that it will launch an online cinema chain and cooperate with film and television copyright holders in the mode of sharing accounts, which will be launched within this year.

Wanda’s acquisition of Legendary Pictures was seen as a landmark deal for Chinese capital to attack Hollywood.

If you count the valuation of Legendary Pictures alone, in early 2016, Wanda Group spent 3.50 billion dollars when it acquired, which was about 23 billion yuan at that time.

When Wanda Film and Television first announced the loading of a listed company in 2016, in addition to the production business of Wanda Film and Television itself, it also included the legendary film industry acquired by its Qingdao Film Investment Company and the film and television base Qingdao Movie Metropolis. The valuation at that time was 37.20 billion.

But soon after, Wang Jianlin said in an interview with the Financial Times that Wanda planned to separate Legend from its listing plans because Legend’s performance in 2016 was not satisfactory.In fact, Legendary Pictures has been acquired before two consecutive years of losses totaling 5.87 billion yuan, debt of more than 9 billion yuan.

The Sino-US co-production blockbuster "The Great Wall" released at the end of 2016 is a film jointly produced by LeTV Pictures, Legendary Pictures and Universal Pictures. It cost 150 million US dollars, and finally the world is about 1.20 billion. But neither the content nor the box office has met market expectations. Wanda’s expectations are that the global box office is 3-400 million US dollars.

The Great Wall.

After being acquired by Wanda, Legendary Pictures performed mediocre, with two consecutive CEOs leaving.

Even if it is at risk, Wanda will consider divesting Legendary. The main reason is that after the acquisition of Legendary Pictures by Wanda, the number of movies per year is relatively small, about 2-3, which is relatively risky.

For example, this year, Legendary Pictures participated in the production of "Jurassic World", and the investment accounted for 25%. Now the box office of this film has 620 million US dollars. When encountering such a hit, the performance may be very good, but when encountering a poorly performing film, the fluctuation is very large.

Zeng Maojun said that in the future, Legendary Pictures will develop independently and increase the number of movies. In addition, Legendary Pictures will also increase some TV drama business and strengthen cooperation with Time Warner and Universal Pictures.

Today’s Wanda Film is strengthening its entire layout from Wanda theaters to film and television production.Before the transaction, Wanda Film was mainly engaged in cinema investment and construction, cinema film distribution, cinema film screening and related derivative businesses, and its main business was concentrated in the downstream of the film and television industry chain.

Through this transaction, the company’s main business will expand to the investment, production and distribution of movies and TV series, as well as the distribution and operation of online games, and build "five business platforms integrating cinema end point platform, media marketing platform, film and television IP platform, online business platform, and film game interactive platform". Wanda Film can accelerate the pace of transformation into a pan-entertainment platform company.

So it seems that Wanda Film and Television’s ambitions are indeed not small.

Under the influence of the PPT project in the past two years, many companies have been afraid to release film orders during the Shanghai Film Festival. However, at Wanda Night, Wanda Film and Television announced 30 work plans in one go, including 9 domestic films, 6 co-productions, 4 animation works, and 11 TV series. For example, online dramas such as "Tang Detective" and "The Story of Kings in the Western Regions".

This year, Wanda Film and Television also launched an elite + talent training program. The first phase of screenwriter training is called the Future Master Workshop. So far, the screening training has been completed, and the contract has been signed, and the first phase of incubation has been completed. "We cooperate with industry celebrities, including well-known domestic screenwriters and Hollywood teams. We hope to train about 40 screenwriters every year in the next five years or so," Zeng Maojun said.

In addition to offline development, Wanda is also exploring online cinema business. But for the value of streaming media, Wanda Film’s perspective is still: content is king. Zeng Maojun is more optimistic about the Mango TV model. He believes that as long as there is good content, the video platform can be established in the short term. One or two variety shows will raise the market value of Mango TV to 10 billion.

This seems a bit conservative compared to Disney, which Wanda regards as a role model and rival.

A few days ago, Disney announced the acquisition of Fox. According to US media analysis, in addition to content assets, Disney has a 30% stake in Hulu in Fox’s hands, plus its own 30% stake, and can control Hulu after the merger is completed. In the major reform of the department in March this year, Disney has specially opened a department responsible for streaming media business.

But in Mr. Zeng’s view, Disney is more interested in Fox’s offline theme parks and vast IP library than Hulu. Wanda Pictures also does not want to buy BAT-owned streaming sites such as "Aiyouteng", but does its own streaming media. Zeng Maojun said that different forms of online platforms have survival space. Wanda will be different from other platforms. The main purpose is to divert traffic and divide accounts, and it will be combined with film marketing. That’s all.

Throughout last year, Wang Jianlin broke down, selling assets and reducing liabilities.

In July 2017, Wanda sold tourism and hotels to Sunac and R & F, and this agreement alone reduced debt by 44 billion yuan and recovered funds by 67 billion yuan. In Wanda Group’s 2017 work summary, Wang Jianlin revealed that assets at cost were 700 billion yuan, a decrease of 11.5% year-on-year. For this year’s plan, Wang Jianlin said that Wanda Group will use all capital means to reduce corporate liabilities, including the sale of non-core assets, equity transactions under the premise of maintaining control, and cooperative management of other people’s assets. "Wanda Group will never have any credit default in the world!"

So after entering 2018, Wanda Group continued to "sell, sell, sell". In addition to selling London and Australian hotel assets, it also transferred the equity of Wanda Commercial and Wanda Film, and introduced strategic investors respectively. While withdrawing funds, it delayed the pressure for Wanda Commercial to return to A and Wanda Film for restructuring.

With the help of this series of arm-breaking and slimming actions, Wanda has safely landed from the danger of the capital chain being questioned in the second half of last year and the dual killing of stocks and bonds. In June this year, Standard & Poor’s adjusted Wanda’s rating to stable, and Moody’s also adjusted Wanda Commercial’s rating outlook from negative to stable. Fitch confirmed Dalian Wanda Commercial Management’s BB + rating, with a stable rating outlook, and removed the negative watch list.

The cut to promote the reorganization of Wanda Film is part of Wanda Group’s overall strategy of exchanging small for big. Wang Jianlin said in Wanda Group’s 2017 work summary that this year’s goal is to promote transformation, accelerate the pace of light assets, and form a new pillar industry. The first is the film and television industry.

Wanda Film board secretary Wang Huiwu also told Entertainment Das Kapital: Wanda Group did not want to put a high valuation of things into the listed company, the bigger the industrial chain is the consideration. Wanda Group makes a lot of profits, is to make this thing, not to say how big the valuation.

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The original divorce has just turned a year old, and Yang Ying, who has eaten Huang Xiaoming’s "dividend", has returned to her "vicious circle"

When it comes to Yang Ying and Huang Xiaoming, I’m sure you all know them well.

They are both famous celebrities in the entertainment industry and have also been married.

Although the two of them regretfully divorced last year, their story is still deeply ingrained in people’s hearts.

As early as 2015, Yang Ying and Huang Xiaoming were already married with a license.

And also in October of that year, the two held a massive and disastrous wedding.

The specifications for this wedding are still rather high.

Both of them were well-known figures in the entertainment industry. Naturally, many well-known figures attended the wedding.

For example, He Jiong, Xie Na, and so on.

These very famous figures in all walks of life are all well-known and well-known names to the public.

Mentioning any of these, I’m sure you’re not unfamiliar with them either?

To exaggerate, at this wedding, almost half of the entertainment industry was present.

Moreover, not only the entertainment industry, but also bosses and big figures in the fields of politics, business, etc. attended this wedding, which can be said to have given the couple enough face.

And this marriage is also quite luxurious.

When a reporter interviewed Huang Xiaoming, he asked about the budget for his wedding.

And Huang Xiaoming’s answer also seemed a little simple.

He expressed it this way. Like ordinary people, he can only hold this wedding in his life.

Although Huang Xiaoming did not reveal the specific amount, it was not difficult for the reporter friends to find out by virtue of the phenomenon and the observation of the wedding scene that the wedding was quite luxurious, and it could really be described as "trench".

No matter it is the wedding photos, the wedding scene shooting, and every detail, it undoubtedly reveals how luxurious and high-profile this wedding is, and the specifications are beyond your imagination!

It was this unprecedented luxury wedding that left a deep impression on everyone.

According to the scene situation and some details, it can be concluded thatThe cost of this wedding was at least 200 million RMB.

God, 200 million, this is really a wealth that most people will never see in their lifetime.

And for everyone, it’s just the cost of a wedding.

I have to sigh that Huang Xiaoming’s income is indeed very high.

At that time, Huang Xiaoming was definitely a star of high status and strength.

According to reports, his annual income is very high.

Huang Xiaoming had a good talent in this area since he was a child. He also studied hard and entered the performance department of the famous Beijing Film Academy at that time for further study.

Huang Xiaoming first entered the entertainment industry in 1998.

The TV drama he starred in, "Love is Not a Game", was the first TV drama in his life.

From then on, he began to enter the entertainment industry.

Since then, he has starred in a number of works, and the genre of his works has been constantly changing.

The attempt to change the style of his works has also given Huang Xiaoming more experience and full experimentation.

By the beginning of the 21st century, most of the works he starred in were ancient costumes and history.

He has played many roles, all of which are vivid, as if historical figures have come to life, making a deep impression.

He also won many awards for this, such as the Outstanding Actor Award and so on, which made him even more famous.

In addition to his acting skills, Huang Xiaoming is also excellent in other aspects.

For example, Huang Xiaoming’s character is also very good, giving people a practical and reliable image, just like a big brother.

And he has a good life.In the entertainment industry, he has a good relationship with many people and is very popular.

At that time, Huang Xiaoming’s acting skills and reputation were among the best in the entertainment industry, and there was really no one like him.

The work he filmed at that time was also a smash hit.

To exaggerate, Huang Xiaoming was one of the top performers at that time.

In addition to TV dramas, he also starred in many movies, which became a hit and won extremely high box office in that era.

These film and television works have made Huang Xiaoming’s worth rise again and again.

By 2014, Huang Xiaoming had reached the fourth place in China’s Forbes list, which was truly terrifying.

Let’s take a look at Yang Ying again.

Yang Ying first debuted as a model and became a fashion model in Hong Kong, and she also rose to prominence and made her mark.

In 2007, her focus shifted from being a model to being an actress, and she began to enter the entertainment industry.

The two years when he came out of the entertainment industry were not easy, and there was no good show to shoot.

Also to increase popularity,She went to Jay Chou’s concert and worked as a dancer.

You know, at that time, Jay Chou was one of the top singers.

If you can be a dancer on it, even if you are not remembered, you can get familiar and increase your popularity.

But after all, I’m new here, I don’t have much experience, and I don’t have much drama to shoot.

On the one hand, she continued to do her old job as a model,On the other hand, go to some shows to increase your popularity.

For example, she once hosted a fashion show in Hong Kong, "I Am a Model".

Later, she also went to Japan, where she participated in some TV dramas and participated in some shows, such as the TGC fashion show.

During that time, she starred in a number of productions and collaborated with others on a number of films.

Yang Ying’s career is flourishing and she is gradually moving towards a greater and higher level.

Examine in detail how Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying met, and let’s start with an incident in 2010.

By 2010, Huang Xiaoming had become a top domestic star, while Yang Ying was not a top-notch at the time, but it was also a growing trend with a promising future.

In May of that year, Huang Xiaoming invited Yang Ying to play the heroine in the song he sang, "Can’t Stand It".

This is the first contact between the two of them.

Later, Yang Ying’s career also gradually developed and diversified.

She has participated in shows, acted in TV dramas, and dubbed voices, etc., which not only enriched Yang Ying’s acting skills, but also improved her relevant experience.

Finally, in 2015, Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying held that grand and unprecedented wedding in Shanghai.

But unfortunately, the last two people still divorced for various reasons.

This has to make many people feel sorry, as if the wedding and happiness of the two were yesterday.

Strange to say, Yang Ying seemed to be in some kind of predicament after getting divorced.

Yang Ying may not have realized the problem herself.

Many of her resources and connections before the divorce were inseparable from Huang Xiaoming.

We cannot deny that many producers and directors have indeed given Yang Ying resources for Huang Xiaoming’s sake.

However, Yang Ying did not realize this, nor did she realize that these were all related to Huang Xiaoming.

She failed to streamline and rationalize these resources in a timely manner.

She has a great advantage, but unfortunately she doesn’t have a good grasp of it.

She can have a higher platform and level, but unfortunately she doesn’t have a good grasp of it.

Compared with the actresses of the same period, Yang Ying still has some shortcomings

This also caused her to be inferior to others in terms of competitiveness. Although Yang Ying had her own style, after leaving Huang Xiaoming, she was indeed a little powerless.

However, Yang Ying is not a casual person, and there is indeed a period of disconnection after the divorce.

But she actively worked hard to improve her acting skills, and she was also a popular star, so naturally there was still a drama to be filmed.

This year,Yang Ying also filmed "Acacia Order" and other worksIt also proved once again that Yang Ying was not as capable of filming and becoming successful as Huang Xiaoming.

In addition, Yang Ying has always been one of the few female stars in "Run Brothers", and she is also a veteran of this show.

She started the show very early, and although the stars of the show are constantly changing,But Yang Ying has been active in this program.

And she also lived out her own style and charm in "Run, Brothers".

Sometimes it makes people laugh out loud, sometimes it makes people give thumbs up, which is really impressive.

Nor has she forgotten her old job – modeling.

It has to be said that with nearly 20 years of modeling experience, she is indeed very good.

In addition, she has also received many advertisements for cosmetics, and her fame is also very high, which has led to the sale of these cosmetics.

In Harper’s Bazaar, she even appeared on the cover.

One must know that not everyone can be on this cover, which is definitely one of the proof of Yang Ying’s strength level.

Although Yang Ying and Huang Xiaoming went from marriage to divorce, this relationship made many people sigh.

However, Yang Ying, who left Huang Xiaoming, no longer received Huang Xiaoming’s "bonus". Although her career was somewhat blocked, she worked hard to change the status quo, fight for opportunities for herself, expand her advantages, and now she is slowly on the right track.

Although there are difficulties and obstacles that many people cannot imagine, Yang Ying still accepts them all.

I have to sigh with emotion that the current star artists are really not good.

The high salaries in this industry are not unreasonable. I am afraid only the actors themselves know how much hardship they have to endure behind the scenes, right?

What do you think of Yang Ying returning to her "vicious circle" after divorce? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area.

Responsible editor:

The contradiction escalated! Zhang Yi was ultimately responsible for all the chicken feathers outside the scene of "Hurricane"

The popular drama "Hurricane" ended, and this drama, which focused on the struggle of black forces, was thrilling everywhere. Who would have thought that outside the drama, there were also undercurrents surging all over the place.

During the hit broadcast, the discussion of the characters in the play was extremely high, and the popularity of the actors themselves also increased sharply. The two male protagonists were even rumored to have changed roles. At first, Zhang Yi was going to play Gao Qiqiang, while the role of An Xin was played by Yang Yang. Later, Yang Yang withdrew due to itinerary conflicts. Later, Zhang Songwen, who joined, was supposed to play An Xin, but somehow accidentally played Gao Qiqiang, and Zhang Yi, who had nothing to do with the role change, changed roles to An Xin.

After the drama broadcast, Zhang Songwen’s Gao Qiqiang was well received by the public because of his vivid image, his reputation exploded, and his worth also rose. On the other hand, Zhang Yi’s An Xin received a mediocre response. I don’t know if it was because of insufficient preparation for the temporary role change, which caused the embarrassing situation of the famous actor being crushed.

When the controversy among netizens intensified, fans found that the propaganda related to "Hurricane" in Zhang Yi’s Weibo had been deleted. Not only was there no clarification of "hand error", but also the unknown Weibo staff said that Zhang Yi had deleted it himself. When "Hurricane" ended, Zhang Yi also missed the finale summary blog and did not even attend the celebration banquet. This was something that had never happened before, making the "discord rumors" almost real.

Public opinion intensified, and director Xu Jizhou’s "slippery" praise for "Zhang Yi’s selfishness and unwillingness to publicize" Weibo made netizens think that the two sides were going to tear their faces apart. After all, when asked about Zhang Yi’s portrayal of An Xin’s role in previous interviews, Director Xu has been talking about him, and even went off the topic to Gao Qiqiang’s villain character.

The contradictions escalated, many fans argued, and the unknown audience sighed that "there are many right and wrong in the drama." Although the official statement of the crew said that all the rumors of discord were rumors, they were all determined to be "whitewashing peace".

Liu Ruoqing, the actor who played An Xin’s apprentice in the play, brought the incident to a climax. While thanking the cast and crew, he did not mention Zhang Yi at all. The comment area also insinuated that Zhang Yi was a "drama tyrant" and even bluntly said that "I don’t want to see you for a lifetime" "I can’t serve you" "Hehe, just like it" and so on, the dissatisfaction is obvious.

The response after the hot search caused the hot discussion was also very far-fetched. Forcibly explaining that he said "I don’t want to see you for the rest of my life" meant that he thought that Teacher Zhang Yi was too strict, and it was difficult for him to digest and not want to see him again.

The director team had previously responded to the public opinion that "it’s alright" has not yet appeased people’s hearts, and some netizens broke the news that the physical book published after the drama did not have "An Xin". From the shooting video of the whistleblower, it can be clearly seen that the title page of the physical book is Zhang Songwen first, followed by several other actors, but Zhang Yi’s name is completely missing. This operation is very confusing.

A wave of unleveled waves, unknown netizens said that Zhang Yi’s salary 20 million and Zhang Songwen only 5 million, after the marketing account came on the stage to analyze why Zhang Yi did not publicize, provoking fans to oppose. Fans secretly poked to "the black hot search of this drama is more than the combined number of years in the industry" alluding to the inaction of the crew.

"Tornado" fire is a real fire, a tornado wind blowing everywhere, there are many people who go out to travel during the New Year to chase the drama. The plot is compact, the plot is ups and downs, the number of watercress ratings is as high as 510,000, and the score is also 8.6. It is completely a veritable good drama, and both the drama and the actors have benefited more or less.

It was Zhang Yi who bore the greatest blow in the various controversies. It was not difficult to see that the discord was true from the initiative to delete the blog and refuse the publicity. However, Zhang Yifang’s cold treatment of his career and the production team’s one-on-one operation Weibo Black Hot Search contrasted one by one. It is rare to make such a good drama, but the chicken feathers outside the play are really embarrassing.

Ruan Jingtian’s acting "Epilepsy" peak, high-scoring suspense action movie "Zhou Chu, except for the three evils" will be released on March 1

Directed and written by Huang Jingfu and starring Ruan Jingtian, and starring Yuan Fuhua, Chen Yiwen, Wang Jing, Li Liren and Xie Qiong, the high-scoring suspense action movie "Removing the Three Evils in the Week" has been announced and will be released nationwide on March 1. The film currently has a rating of 8.0 on Douban and 7.6 on IMDb. Ruan Jingtian, who plays the protagonist Chen Guilin, has been widely praised in the film. All kinds of emotions are freely controlled, and the martial arts scenes are punched to the flesh, earning enough audience expectations.

Ruan Jingtian's acting "Epilepsy" peak, high-scoring suspense action movie "Zhou Chu, except for the three evils" will be released on March 1

Ruan Jingtian's acting "Epilepsy" peak, high-scoring suspense action movie "Zhou Chu, except for the three evils" will be released on March 1

The allusions are fascinating, and the cast is highly anticipated

"Getting rid of the three evils around" tells the story of the wanted criminal Chen Guilin who thinks his life is about to end, so he decides to get rid of the two criminals ahead of him on the most wanted list and make a name for himself. The movie uses the allusions of "The Biography of Zhou Chu" in "Jinshu · Zhou Chu" and "Shishuoxinyu". It is recorded that the young man Zhou Chu is burly and powerful, but he runs amok in the countryside and is hated by his neighbors. Later Zhou Chu killed the tiger and evil dragon alone, and he himself turned his prodigal son back and changed his ways, so that all three evils are eliminated. The hearty and exciting fighting scenes in the film, the story of the protagonist Chen Guilin chasing the murderer for thousands of miles, controlling evil with evil, and the discussion of good and evil, crime and punishment are all highlights of the film. The acting skills of the star Ethan Ruan who can stand the test of the big screen, the intense performances of the powerful actors Yuan Fuhua, Chen Yiwen, Li Liren and others, and the appearance of the hair salon owner Xiaomei played by the popular actor Wang Jing are all highly anticipated. The film has performed well at the box office when it was released in Taiwan recently.

Ruan Jingtian's acting "Epilepsy" peak, high-scoring suspense action movie "Zhou Chu, except for the three evils" will be released on March 1

Ruan Jingtian's acting "Epilepsy" peak, high-scoring suspense action movie "Zhou Chu, except for the three evils" will be released on March 1

The action scenes are intense and burning, and the love-hate entanglements are fully displayed

In the final poster, the wanted criminal Chen Guilin, played by Ruan Jingtian, is unkempt and slovenly, with his hands cuffed and his hands pointed at a gun, but he laughs wildly and attracts curiosity. In the trailer released for this release, the audience was able to see the high-fire scenes of the film. Chen Guilin’s pursuit and fight in a narrow alley with police Chen Hui, the confrontation with Aberdeen, and the bizarre encounter in the New Mind Society caused adrenaline to soar, and the inexplicable ambiguity between Guilin and Xiaomei also tugged at the heartstrings of the audience. It is also worth mentioning that the three animals in the English title of the film "The Pig (Pig), The Snake (Snake) and The Pigeon (Pigeon) " The pig, the snake and the pigeon are derived from Buddhist concepts. In Buddhism, pigeons, snakes, and pigs are usually used to represent the three poisons of greed, hatred, and ignorance. In the film, pigs, snakes, and pigeons represent the three most wanted criminals. What kind of grievances and entanglements exist between the three, how the story of Chen Guilin’s pursuit of the murderer will unfold, and how the showdown between the two forces will end. Audiences and friends may wish to go to the cinema to find out when the movie is released.

Ruan Jingtian's acting "Epilepsy" peak, high-scoring suspense action movie "Zhou Chu, except for the three evils" will be released on March 1

A group of people in a dress, the description has been automatically generated

The film "Zhou Zhuan in addition to the three evils" is introduced by the Chinese film group company, the Chinese film joint stock company issued, star alliance film industry (Beijing) Co., Ltd. to assist in the promotion, online banking international film and television joint stock company, weilai TV network joint stock company, Liuliu Xixi joint stock company, Kaohsiung people, Perak international multimedia joint stock company, Taichung shooting, reproduction image production joint stock company, yellow people Co., Ltd., an attitude film joint stock company produced.

Peng Yuyan claims not to take drugs: be responsible for what you do (Photos)

  Yesterday morning, Lin Chaoxian’s film "Breaking the Wind" opened a media tour at the Hong Kong Velodrome, starring Peng Yuyan, Cui Siyuan, Wang Luodan and others in attendance. Ke Zhendong and Jaycee Chan’s drug abuse incident caused a lot of uproar. Peng Yuyan admitted that he is quite familiar with both of them. Regarding this matter, he said that now is the time for the two to be noticed and need the most care, and "I hope everyone is willing to give them another chance". Cui Siyuan, who has just finished filming Jackie Chan’s new drama "Lion from the Sky", said that Jackie Chan is very busy and has not contacted him about this matter, so it is inconvenient to respond.

  Peng Yuyan made it clear that he would not take drugs

  Peng Yuyan admitted that he is very familiar with Ke Zhendong and Jaycee Chan. "Among them, Ke Zhendong was known to us before he entered the industry, and he is also a very good friend. He is very polite in life." After the "landlord" drug abuse incident, many Peng Yuyan fans left messages on Weibo hoping that he would not take drugs. Peng Yuyan said that he "of course not. Everyone has stress, but there are many ways to relieve it. My own way is to choose a healthy way, and I hope everyone has a positive attitude. Cycling can also relieve stress."

  Peng Yuyan said that for the "landlord" two people now, "the most important thing is that they are also responsible for what they do. I have known them for a long time, but what they did was really wrong. I believe that their relatives are the saddest now. I hope everyone is willing to give them another chance."

  Wang Luodan is not afraid of being upstaged by younger generations

  Just after the filming of "Huang Feihong: Heroes Have Dreams", Wang Luodan collaborated with Peng Yuyan again in "Breaking the Wind". Both plays have emotional scenes, but she said that with Peng Yuyan in the film is the stage of "less than full lovers". "Huang Feihong’s film is more emotionally tolerant. This play is passionate and youthful, and the emotional expression should be more external, but it is also good that our focus is to truly show the state of athletes." Speaking of whether he would spread rumors with Peng Yuyan, Wang Luodan said with a smile that he would rather "spread rumors" with Ouyang Nana, who plays a talented cyclist in the film, because she is more "fresh meat" than Peng Yuyan.

  Ouyang Nana’s performance in "Beijing Love Story" is eye-catching. Facing the younger generation, Wang Luodan said that he is not afraid of being upstaged. "I want to protect her more, because she is still young and has just entered the industry. I am like a sister. I have discussed with her. I don’t want her to get involved in emotional dramas too early. After the age of 18, I will have time to take this kind of drama. I hope she will take some simple dramas quietly and beautifully." (Reporter, Chen Shuang)

Nicholas Tse tried his best to climb high-rise buildings and was slapped by Zhang Jingchu (Photo)

Nicholas Tse scratched his hand during the trial shoot.

Nicholas Tse received a heavy slap from Zhang Jingchu.

  Last night, the last scenes of "Witness," the latest film starring Nicholas Tse, Zhang Jingchu and Zhang Jiahui, were filmed in a simple shutdown ceremony on Shanghai Street in Mong Kok, Hong Kong. In these scenes, Nicholas Tse not only has to be slapped by Zhang Jingchu, but also climbs up the five-storey neon sign and breaks into the house to rescue the kidnapped child.

  The filming of these scenes was not smooth and difficult. Because they were in a busy city, they attracted many citizens to watch, and the crew did not finish work until 3 am the next day. Before filming these scenes, the stars Nicholas Tse and Zhang Jingchu gave interviews to reporters. It is reported that the film is expected to be released early next year.

  Our reporter, Shen Yuan’an/Wen, Shao Quanda/Picture

  Actor’s Voice

  Nicholas Tse: 5 floors, it’s alright

  Before the shutdown ceremony, Nicholas Tse, who plays a plainclothes police officer in "Witness," a common police film in Hong Kong, told reporters about the scene he was going to shoot that night climbing a high building to save lives. "The fifth floor is fine, not too high," he said with a smile. He further described climbing from downstairs to the top. However, he believes that the difficult part of filming action scenes is not in the action, but in the spirit. When asked if he would pay more attention to safety after having a family, Nicholas Tse said that it is because of the family that he has to work harder to find a breakthrough. Tse admitted that this scene is the most tiring of all the scenes he has ever made, but it is not physically tiring, but mentally tiring. As for why it is a mentally exhausting play? He said that the audience will have the answer after watching the movie.

  On set reproduction

  Nicholas Tse was slapped in the face by Zhang Jingchu

  Difficulty: Really hit! Emotions should be in place

  The first scene of the night was a rival scene between Nicholas Tse and Zhang Jingchu, in which Zhang Jingchu got out of the car, saw Nicholas Tse’s plainclothes police officer, and went up to slap him a few times because her daughter was kidnapped. The director passed the scene three times. The first two times the director felt that the two were not in the right mood, and also expressed dissatisfaction that Zhang Jingchu’s shot was not heavy enough.

  The last time, Zhang Jingchu slapped Nicholas Tse hard, and his angry emotions were rendered in place through some actions and some hysterical language, while Nicholas Tse, who was slapped, used silence to express his understanding of the kidnapped family members.

  The reporter found that Zhang Jingchu used all Cantonese during the filming process, which was very fluent. And every time after Tse slapped him, she immediately came forward to touch his face and asked him if he was in pain. After three rounds of filming, Tse’s face had already been blushed, because a loud slap could be heard from a distance.

  Zhang Jingchu used a stand-in in a fall scene

  Difficulty: Easily injures the knee

  After filming "The Disciple," Zhang Jingchu received praise from the industry. This time in "Witness," she played a modern woman. But in the second scene of the night, Zhang Jingchu used a double to avoid hurting her knee.

  The scene tells the story of Zhang Jingchu falling while chasing a taxi. At first, the reporter didn’t notice that the double was performing, but when he saw the double’s face, he realized that it was not Zhang Jingchu himself. At that time, Zhang Jingchu played a modern woman wearing a black dress, a trench coat, and high heels, so it was easy to break her feet and hurt her knees when she fell. It is estimated that Zhang Jingchu used a double for this reason. The reporter found that the double was wrapped with protective glue on the calf to avoid injuries such as friction and bleeding on the knee.

  Nicholas Tse climbed the five-story sign

  Difficulty: Dangerous! Easy to fall

  In the final scene, Nicholas Tse climbed up a five-story neon sign and broke into the window to rescue the kidnapped child. For this scene, it took nearly two hours to build "Wei Ye", mainly because he was worried that there would be an accident during the shooting. Unlike Zhang Jingchu’s use of a double, this scene is very dangerous action scene, Nicholas Tse personally went into battle to challenge the difficult action.

  Since there was no traffic blockade at the scene, there were several staff members who were responsible for assisting in directing traffic, and many staff members were busy testing safety measures. During the shooting, everyone looked solemn, for fear that Tse, who had always insisted on going into battle personally, would have any accident. Although the staff had taken precautions on the bamboo frame they climbed, Tse was still scratched by something during the trial shooting, but he still insisted on completing the scene.

Editor in charge: Wang Yuxi

Little diva Jolin Tsai lost weight for love and praised her boyfriend Jinrong for her perfect figure

Jolin Tsai is about to publish a new book

Jolin Tsai appeared at the press conference

    From the baby fat at the time of her debut to the now graceful little diva Jolin Tsai, every time is full of topics. Now she wants to publish a book on her slimming experience, but it has not been officially sold, and it has attracted attention from the outside world. Jolin Tsai published the slimming book "Raising Thin", which first fed 50,000 copies. She held a press conference on July 7 to celebrate her success. At the press conference, she revealed the slimming secret recipe for the first time. In the book, Jolin Tsai said that she was not born thin, but in order to be an artist, she still had to endure the stumbling process of slimming down. It was not until two years ago that she found a nutritionist and learned the correct way to lose weight that she lost weight and became healthy and beautiful. 

    Jolin Tsai once confessed that the hell-style weight loss method made her body in a bad condition, with menstrual stagnation and even hair loss. She also knew that this kind of weight loss would not last long, so she began to listen to the nutritionist’s opinion. In addition, she interacted with Jinrong and ate no more than water. Jolin also confessed to discussing with Jinrong how to do health exercises, and also said that Jinrong was in good shape and did not need to lose weight. His shy appearance revealed the sweetness of love. Jinrong attended the watch endorsement and said at the press conference that he would send the other half to the watch. When asked, Jolin snickered and did not respond, only saying that he had not received any Valentine’s Day gifts.

More live pictures on the next page!

Jolin Tsai hollowed out to play the queen, the album went out and threatened to send safety pants

Jolin Tsai shows off her long legs

Wrap skirt for a good figure

Cosplay group photo

    Jolin Tsai, the little diva, recently attended an online game endorsement event on July 31 in addition to promoting albums and shooting advertisements. Jolin Tsai, who has not endorsed online games for a long time, even played cosplay for TV commercials, playing the role of the "Queen of the Night" in the game, which made fans feast their eyes. And "The Later Man" Jinrong has also followed the tide due to the endorsement of online games. This time, the little diva has grabbed game endorsements one after another, eager to break out a wave of peaks for the summer vacation game market.

    Jolin Tsai, wearing a pink-orange dress, made a gorgeous appearance from the 3D three-dimensional projection screen, which was very stunning. Although the dress was a little conservative, the ultra-short miniskirt still showed off her slender legs generously, which was quite the aura of a queen. And she, who usually doesn’t seem to play games, talked about the characters in the game that day, directly saying that she hoped to fly freely in the game like her characters. The live premiere of the advertisement shot by Jolin Tsai for this endorsement, you can see her dressed up as a "queen" for the game and made a sexy appearance, which is very cool.

    And she and Jinrong both have endorsement games, and when asked which one do you prefer to play? Jolin Tsai smiled and said without thinking, "Of course it’s her own." But Jolin Tsai also admitted that the two like different types of games and will not play together in private. She was said to be wearing too much, so she clarified that she would still show up when she should, and predicted that the album look will be "very revealing", so everyone should look forward to it. However, as soon as the new album look photo was exposed, it was immediately grabbed by sharp-eyed netizens and "disappeared", pointing to the unrepaired safety pants under the high-slit swimsuit, which made Jolin Tsai feel embarrassed and said with a smile, "Just give the safety pants for the album pre-order."

Next page More wonderful pictures

It is said that Wang Zuxian became a monk in Canada and was suspected of being stimulated by the scandal between Qi Qin and Xiao Qiang (Photo)

  According to Hong Kong media reports, yesterday (July 7), news came out that Wang Zuxian, who has been away for a long time, is a monk in Canada. Friends said that she may be stimulated by the scandal between Qi Qin and Xiao Qiang earlier. And she has not been in touch with Qi Qin for a while.

Wang Zuxian, profile picture

  Yesterday (July 7), there was news that Wang Zuxian, who had been out of the movie for a long time, was ordained in Canada. The reporter called Wang Zuxian’s friend Du Huidong to verify the matter. He said: "In recent years, Wang Zuxian has indeed been submerged in Buddhism. There is also a nunnery near where she lives, but I haven’t contacted her for a long time, so I don’t know the authenticity of the news. However, it is likely that she was stimulated by the news that her ex-boyfriend Qi Qin and Xiao Qiang may get married this year. In addition, when she was filming" Dream in the Garden ", she originally had expectations, but in the end her reaction was just ordinary. When her love and career were not very good, she cut her hair to become a nun."

  In addition, Wang Zuxian’s friends, Miss Wang, Shi Nansheng, and Yang Fan, the director of "Dream in the Garden", told the media yesterday (July 7) that they had not heard of the news and had not contacted Wang Zuxian for some time. As for Qi Qin, there are reports that he thinks Wang Zuxian has always been submerged in Buddhism. If this continues, it is possible to become a monk. He also called Wang Zuxian when he went to Canada last month, but unfortunately he could not find her, so he has not contacted Wang Zuxian for some time.

  Wang Zuxian’s relationship was quite rough. In the early years, she first dated Qi Qin, and then fell in love with a married wealthy businessman. Because her love with the wealthy businessman was not approved by the other party’s mother, she was also publicly abused, so she finally decided to cut off the love, return to Taiwan and get back together with Qi Qin, and prepared to get married in 1999. However, when even the banquet was booked, it suddenly broke out that Qi Qin had lived with a woman for many years and had flesh and blood, which caused the marriage to fail. Wang Zuxian was also heartbroken and went to Vancouver, Canada to live in seclusion. (fish/text)

  Related links:

  • It is said that Wang Zuxian became a monk, and there are many stars who have escaped into the air (picture) 2009-07-08

  • It is said that Wang Zuxian’s Canadian shaving degree is unknown to many friends in the circle (picture) 2009-07-08

  • Sigh Wang Zuxian as a monk, recall Wang Zuxian screen classic inventory (photos) 2009-07-08

Editor in charge: Fan Jing