A large number of tickets for the concert cannot be purchased? Wang Junkai’s fan group issued a document asking the organizer to provide an explanation

On July 25th, TFBOYS sixth anniversary concert tickets went on sale. Many fans who bought tickets said that after entering the Damai APP ticket purchase page on time at the opening time, there were a large number of tickets that could not be purchased, including senior members of the TFBOYS combination official website (fans who recharged 298 yuan membership fee) who had previously claimed to have the right of first refusal. And then scalpers openly sold high-priced tickets on other platforms, so some fans suspected that the platform had locked up a large number of tickets in advance, which caused heated discussions. On the afternoon of the 25th, Wang Junkai’s fan club "Wang Junkai Weibo" issued a statement, hoping that the concert organizer would provide an explanation.

The full text is as followsWhat is it?

Hello, relevant departments and leaders.

On August 10, 2019, the TFBOYS group will hold its sixth anniversary concert in Shenzhen. At 10:00 on July 25, the concert tickets will be sold exclusively on the Barley Network, claiming that 25,000 tickets will be open for senior members of the TFBOYS group official website (fans who recharge the membership fee of 298 yuan) to buy first.

However, ticket-buying fans found that after entering the Damai APP ticket purchase page on time at 10 o’clock, a large number of tickets could not be purchased, and there was a large number of tickets locked in advance! As a result, a large number of fans who have recharged premium members and obtained ticket-buying privilege accounts did not buy tickets.

At the same time, the major scalper organizations on the Internet began to sell tickets at an amount [several times higher than the original ticket price], and the maximum ticket price has exceeded 10,000 yuan! There are even scalpers claiming that the organizers directly provide consecutive tickets!

The exclusive channel of Damai.com has no tickets, but all kinds of scalpers are openly selling high-priced tickets, which makes fans puzzled and unacceptable, and the rights and interests of senior members to buy tickets are seriously damaged! Why is there a large number of scalper tickets when Damai.com is the exclusive agent of tickets, and all the ticket prices are much higher than the original ticket prices, openly sold at high prices on [Taotao Ticket and other apps]!?

We hereby request: All parties concerned to investigate the situation related to the ticketing of this concert and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers! Barley is required to provide proof of the number of tickets successfully purchased from 10:00 to the time when the tickets are sold out.

At the same time, as a senior member of the official website of TFBOYS combination, we strongly request @TFBOYS_FanClub @TFBOYS combination @Fengjun culture as the organizer to make a reasonable explanation for why there are a large number of high-priced scalper tickets under the exclusive authorization of Damai.com ticket sales!

It is reported that on July 8, the sixth anniversary concert of the TFBOYS group was officially announced, and it will be held in Shenzhen on August 10, 2019. The concert is called "THE FEVER". According to netizens, the Mayday group will serve as the surprise guest of the TFBOYS concert.

Beijing man registers more than ten accounts for driving an online car, and is sentenced to imprisonment for cheating and making up 10,000 yuan

  Justice Network News (reporter Yang Yonghao, correspondent Zhou Yu, Liang Shuang) A few days ago, a man in Beijing opened an online car-hailing car to cheat subsidies by the Beijing Daxing District Procuratorate filed a public prosecution, the court sentenced Yang Zhijian to five months in prison for fraud, suspended for ten months, and fined 1,000 yuan.

  Yang Zhijian to earn a network about car platform high subsidies, has registered 6 driver number, 12 passenger number, with the passenger number to place an order, and then with the driver number to receive orders, driving an empty car after the trip, with the passenger number to the driver number payment, defrauding the platform subsidy 10,000 yuan. On October 18, 2015, Yang Zhijian was arrested by the public security organs.

  The prosecutor handling the case believes that the occurrence of the case reflects the problems of lax registration review of online ride-hailing drivers, improper setting of reward rules, and poor supervision of the operation process in the operation and management of the company involved. In this regard, the prosecutor issued a procuratorial proposal to the company. The procuratorial proposal attracted great attention from the company, which actively took measures to fill the loopholes in the operation and management, and wrote to the prosecutor about the implementation as soon as possible. Combining the procuratorial proposal with the company’s actual situation, the company has raised the entry threshold for online ride-hailing drivers, strengthened the registration and review mechanism for online ride-hailing drivers, left marks through the computer system, allowed online ride-hailing drivers to get rid of flukes, and strengthened safety education and legal education. At the same time, it has standardized the regulations and order on rewards and subsidies, improved supervision, filled in the loopholes that can be exploited in the rules, and prevented the recurrence of similar crimes.

Driving platform drivers only accept private orders before the festival: 10 kilometers, the asking price is 200 yuan

Private orders before the driving festival: 100 yuan for 3 kilometers!

■ The driver squatted at the door of the hotel and raised the price privately ■ Driving platform: In case of disputes or accidents, it has nothing to do with the platform

Morning News reporters, Wu Linhua, Zhang Shuo, Shen Yang

With the Spring Festival approaching and the number of parties increasing, chauffeurs have become the choice of many people. But recently, more and more citizens have found that chauffeurs are becoming more and more difficult to call. On major chauffeur service software, it is difficult to find chauffeurs to take orders even if they add money. But when these chauffeur service software shows that "there are no free drivers nearby", the chauffeurs squatting at the gates of major hotels gather to chat and wait for business.

It turned out that,Many chauffeurs have not taken orders through the platform recently, but have directly negotiated business with employers at the entrance of the hotel, and the asking price is also hot: 150 yuan for 5 kilometers and 200 yuan for 10 kilometers.

Owners are worried that, compared to the price of the lion’s mouth, these drivers bypass the platform to take orders privately, in case of a traffic accident, what should we do?

[Public feedback]

"Black driving" mode: The driver only accepts private orders.

"It’s clearly only 5 kilometers away, and the driver wants 150 yuan when he opens his mouth, which is too scary." Last Tuesday, Wang Jun (a pseudonym) had a party with friends, and it was nearly 10 pm after three rounds of drinking. Walking out of the hotel, Wang Jun called several driver companies as usual, and the reply was "Sorry, there is no free driver now". Wang Jun opened the driver software on his mobile phone again, either showing "There are no free drivers nearby", or no one took the order after waiting for nearly 10 minutes.

At this time, three or four chauffeurs who had been waiting at the door of the hotel enthusiastically walked towards Wang Jun, but the price they offered was not so enthusiastic: from Changshu Road on Yan’an Road to Caojiadu, less than 5 kilometers, they asked for 150 yuan, and it was a one-off price. In desperation, the slightly drunk Wang Jun had to pay 150 yuan to one of the chauffeurs.

With the Spring Festival approaching, many car owners have encountered the above situation. It turns out that recently, many chauffeurs have stopped turning on the machine to take orders, just waiting at the door of the hotel to take private orders. "The asking price is one or two hundred yuan for the journey closer, and three or four hundred yuan for the farther one. They don’t have to share with the company, so they can earn more." However, what worries Wang Jun is that these chauffeurs take orders privately, isn’t it a return to the mode of "black chauffeur"?

[Reporter visit]

Within 10 kilometers of Hongqiao Road, starting at 200 yuan

At 9:30 p.m. on the 22nd, the morning news reporter arrived at Jingcai Xuan on Hongqiao Road, and many chauffeurs riding electric scooters gathered together in twos and threes at the entrance of the hotel to wait for customers.

"There is no need to swipe, it is difficult to find a chauffeur on the platform now." A chauffeur on an electric scooter kept reminding a man who had just come out of the restaurant. The man swiped the chauffeur app on his mobile phone for three or four minutes, and found that no driver had taken the order. Finally, he stopped: "200 yuan is 200 yuan." Then, the chauffeur drove away with the man.

So, what is the difference between the platform price and the actual price of the driver’s private order?

Reporters use a driving platform APP to place an order. The route is from Jingcai Xuan to Xinzhuang Metro Station South Square, about 12 kilometers away. The driving platform shows 99 yuan, which is still the price after 1.3 times the price has been adjusted due to strong demand.

But the news sank into the sea, and the reporter waited for nearly 10 minutes without receiving any response. The driver software showed that there were no free drivers around, but there were four drivers who had been chatting in front of the reporter.

"Now the starting price within 10 kilometers is 200 yuan, and the price is negotiated directly. There is no need for a platform. If it exceeds 10 kilometers, you will add money." A driver wearing leather pants and a cotton hat rubbed his hands and told reporters that it costs 200 yuan to go to Xinzhuang.

The driver said that the price increase started three or four days ago. Most of the drivers have returned to their hometowns for the Chinese New Year, and some are unwilling to come out to do business because of the cold weather at night recently. There are fewer people and more business, so the fee has also gone up.

The Yellow River Road is 5 kilometers away, and the asking price is 150 yuan.

Because it is located in the city center and has many restaurants, Huanghe Road has always been the first choice for many citizens to gather for dinner. At 9 pm on the 22nd, most dinners were coming to an end, and more drivers gathered near Huanghe Road near Beijing West Road. But when the reporter opened a driving platform APP, the mobile phone screen showed "There are no free drivers nearby".

Before 22 o’clock, according to the official standard of a certain driving platform, the fee should be 39 yuan for about 5 kilometers from Huanghe Road to Sun Yueguang near Dapu Bridge. But when the reporter asked a driver who was unwilling to take orders on the APP, he opened his mouth and asked for 150 yuan. "Just from Huanghe Road to Wanrong Road, Yanchang Road, I asked someone for 200 yuan."

Coincidentally, in a parking lot near the Yellow River Road, a chauffeur was preparing to drive home for the owner. The reporter stepped forward to ask, and the chauffeur admitted that he had received a private order, and "advised" the reporter that if he wanted to find a chauffeur, no one would accept the order on the APP now, "just look for it on the side of the Yellow River Road."

When asked about the price of receiving the order, the driver did not reply, but the owner replied: "100 yuan for a 3-kilometer road, can you afford it?"

[Dialogue with the driver]

The price of private pick-up is more than twice that of the platform.

For the driver Lin Feng (pseudonym), after 8 o’clock every night, the driver’s work has just begun, and from 9 o’clock to 12 o’clock in the evening is the peak period for the driver’s order. He also took orders after 3 o’clock in the morning at the latest.

Lin Feng also confessed to reporters that in addition to being a driver on a certain driving platform, he is also a driver on two other platforms, one person doing three, and there are not a few drivers like him who work part-time on different platforms.

However, as the Spring Festival approached, Lin Feng rarely used the driving software on his mobile phone to pick up jobs. "Look, on my mobile phone, there are more than 30 orders on only one price platform that have not been answered. Although many customers have added 20 or 30 yuan in tips."

Lin Feng and other chauffeurs said that the price of private orders is now more than twice that of the platform, "basically starting at 150 yuan", and will not be drawn by the platform. These days, they can receive at least three orders every night.

Another driver believes that, firstly, the Chinese New Year is approaching, and secondly, the charges are negotiated with the guests, so it is normal to earn more.

At 10:30 p.m. on the 22nd, Lin Feng walked into a restaurant to see the remaining diners, then rode to the parking garage to observe for a while, and calmly told the reporter, "There are still guests, you can wait a little longer."

[The driving platform responds]

Private orders are not guaranteed in case of disputes or accidents

Regarding the phenomenon of private orders taken by the driver, the reporter contacted a driver platform yesterday. The customer service staff said that the driver belongs to the service industry, and the driver cannot refuse the order and cancel the order without reason. The driver must go to work through the driver’s end to listen to the order, hang a tag when making an order, and be equipped with white gloves, seat covers and trunk pads; confirm with the customer before and after billing.

If the user finds that the driver does not go to the platform, increases the price privately, and collects tips indiscriminately, this is a "black order", and the customer can write down the driver’s tag job number and report it to the platform official. The customer service staff said that there are still people posing as the platform’s driving staff, and the customer can also directly take pictures for evidence collection and report it to the platform, or even directly choose to call the police.

The relevant personnel of the public relations department of a driving platform told reporters that at present, as the Spring Festival is approaching, the number of drivers who go to work normally has indeed decreased. There is no specific data on the order volume, but the supply and demand are more tight than usual.

The customer service staff of the chauffeur platform said that it is recommended that users use the platform to find chauffeurs, so that the service quality and safety will be guaranteed. The company has chauffeur liability compensation insurance, and there are clear restrictions on drivers who take detours, are unfamiliar with the road, dump passengers halfway, and have verbal and physical conflicts. Drivers on duty have 12 chauffeur points. If they violate the regulations, corresponding points will be deducted. After deduction, the account will be frozen, and if they are serious, they will be fired directly.

"If the employer and the driver place and receive orders on the official driving platform, if there is a traffic accident, or if there is a traffic violation caused by the driving, you can complain to the driving platform and the platform will deal with it accordingly." Another driving platform customer service staff told reporters yesterday, but if the employer and the driving driver reach an agreement privately, that is, a "private order", in case of a traffic accident or traffic violation, it has nothing to do with the driving platform.

[Lawyer’s statement]

Driving privately takes orders

Suspected of illegal operation

Regarding the phenomenon of driving drivers receiving private orders before the festival, Ge Zhihao, a lawyer at Beijing Guantao Zhongmao (Shanghai) Law Firm, said that drivers who bypass the platform to receive private orders are suspected of illegal operations, commonly known as "black driving". Once an accident or traffic violation occurs during the driving process, both employers and drivers will face huge risks.

Ge Zhihao, a lawyer, said that the driver bypassing the platform to take orders privately is a personal business behavior, and has not obtained market permission, and is suspected of engaging in illegal business operations. Because these "black driver" do not have commercial insurance, in the event of an accident, the responsibility must be borne by the individual: "If the’black driver ‘does not have the ability to compensate, it will be very troublesome for the employer."

Ge Zhihao said that if an employer directly hires an individual to do the driving, in the event of an accident, the employer shall bear the tort liability according to the Tort Liability Law. Of course, if the hired driver causes damage due to intentional or gross negligence, he shall bear joint and several liability with the owner according to law.

But in real life, employers do not know the personal information of the driver. If an accident occurs, the accountability process is very difficult. Once a dispute or loss occurs, the employer is likely to face a situation where there is no way to complain or the loss cannot be made up.

But the situation is different when looking for a driver through the platform. In order to avoid risks, the common practice of the driver company is to raise the entry threshold of the driver, set a unified charging standard and monitor the whole process. The most important thing is to purchase insurance for the driver, the owner and the vehicle.

In addition, if an accident or damage occurs during the driving process, according to the relevant provisions of the Contract Law and the Tort Liability Law, if the driver, as an employee of the driving company, causes damage to other people’s property while performing his duties, the driving company shall bear the corresponding compensation liability; if the driver causes damage due to gross negligence, the driving company can hold him accountable: "For employers, finding a driver through a formal platform can minimize their own risk."

Wu Mengda: After 100 years of performance, I hope the audience can still remember me

1905 movie network feature At the premiere press conference, Wu Mengda picked up his guitar and sang "Kiss Goodbye" on the stage, recreating the classic scenes of the old version of "Oolong Courtyard".

He was still in his exuberant, funny and nonsensical appearance. What had changed was that he was now a white-haired old man who was nearly 70 years old. It was even more hard to imagine that a few years ago, he had been repeatedly reported to have died due to rapid heart failure.


At the end of the press conference, Wu Mengda’s 45-year role collection appeared on the big screen, which was really a wave of memories full of feelings. He said on the stage that he was grateful to the audience for their willingness to give him a meal. Acting is the greatest meaning of his survival. He will not retire and will play for another 50 years!

After the press conference, Uncle Da accepted our exclusive interview, and he once again talked about how much he loves performing.


"I can’t live without my acting, and I love acting very much. Many people ask me, I’m almost 70, why do you love acting? Although I was sick a few years ago and my heart was not good, I have been following movies and the development of Chinese movies. I really like being an actor. In fact, I can be a director or a backstage very early, but I just don’t want to go."

Yes, 65-year-old Uncle Da will continue to play.


"The mainland has a lot of room, and Hong Kong people can’t make deep comedies"

In the early 1990s, Wu Mengda and Chow Xingchi were so popular in Taiwan that they attracted the attention of the director Zhu Yanping. He traveled from Taiwan to Hong Kong to find Wu Mengda, which led to their first collaboration -.

Stills from "Truant"

Zhu Yanping is Taiwan’s version of "Wang Jing", and the production speed is fast enough to release up to five films a year. Wu Mengda never even saw Lin Zhiying from the beginning to the end of the filming of "truancy". It took only four and a half days to film all his scenes.


"I was startled, and the effect was pretty good."After that, Wu Mengda collaborated with Zhu Yanping again. This was their second collaboration, and it also launched the "Oolong Academy" series of films that became popular in the video hall era.

"Laughing Forest Kid 2: New Oolong Courtyard" stills

"Oolong Court" was launched that year, in Taiwan whirlwind won 100 million Taiwan dollars box office, breaking records."There were a lot of Hong Kong dramas in Taiwan back then, and I was almost the one who broke the record.", Wu Mengda recalled,"But the’Oolong Courtyard ‘I played with Hao Xiwen and Shi Xiaolong ranked first, higher than my cooperation with Zhou Xingchi!"


The next year, they struck while the iron was hot and then pushed the sequel, which was a big hit. Not only in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, but also in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and other South East Asia regions, as long as the TV station aired, the audience ratings were very high.

"Invincible R-Star" stills

More than 20 years later, the Chinese film landscape has changed dramatically, and going north to co-produce is the general trend. At this time, the "Oolongyuan" series has ushered in the third installment. In the face of the current market context, we must first face such questions: Is it selling feelings, is it frying cold rice?


Uncle Da explained it like this."Although it is old wine in a new bottle, every movie must have its new creation and new classic every time."In his eyes, "a movie is a huge dream factory, and it is fun to have constant creativity with the changes of the times."

So, in "New Oolong Courtyard", where is Uncle Da’s "fun"?

This time, he is no longer playing the old version of the big brother who is infatuated and honest, but the abbot of the Oolong Hospital, Master Changmei. This character is an Internet celebrity live streaming host in the play, who picks up his mobile phone from time to time to engage in live broadcasts. Uncle Da is very interested in these new and popular things. Douyin, Kuaishou, he said he understands it now.

The other was a re-creation of a series of characters. "In the past, when he was in his prime, he played the role of the eldest senior brother who was confused and pretended to be smart. He didn’t know anything, so he pretended to be great.


Therefore, we can see such a Wu Mengda in the movie, which is also the Wu Mengda we are most familiar with: from beginning to end, he looks smiling, and when he is angry, he should also smile.

Zhu Yanping, Wu Mengda, and Hao Xiwen were the old version of the team, and the new version added mainland comedians such as Wang Ning, Kong Lianshun, and Song Xiaobao. Happy Twist + Wanhe Tianyi + Benshan Media, the IP of "New Oolong Courtyard" almost brought together the most popular and down-to-earth comedy team in the Chinese film industry.


Uncle Da said that he had been following Northeast comedians for a long time and was deeply impressed by "Country Love". He was very familiar with Zhao Si and Xie Dazu.

He believes that there is no difference between Hong Kong comedy, Taiwanese comedy and mainland comedy, and the language of comedy is common all over the world. "The best thing about comedy is that it doesn’t even need dialogue, it may be just a look. Like Charlie Chaplin, in an era without dialogue, it is performed by body language. This is the most lovely and precious aspect of comedy."


As an important member of the once glorious era of Hong Kong comedy, he also lamented in the face of the decline of Hong Kong films:


"Our Chinese mainland now has a lot of space, everything is more advanced than Hong Kong, and the production cost is higher than Hong Kong. The whole market is thousands of times larger than Hong Kong, tens of thousands of times. Hong Kong is too small, and what we know is limited to Hong Kong culture, real history, classical culture. In fact, we Hong Kong people are not very deep in it. So we have always emphasized making commercial films,Those more in-depth comedies and dramas cannot be filmed by Hong Kong people."


"At the craziest time, I read a script 200 times"

In 1973, Wu Mengda applied for the Hong Kong TVB artist training class. The reason for applying for the exam was that he felt very handsome. Of course, his mother’s strong encouragement was also the main reason. After that, he entered the training class with Zhou Yun-fat, Lin Lingdong and others.


After graduation, Wu Mengda and Zhou Yun-fa worked together as extras. It was not until the TV series "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" that he first tasted the popularity of "Hu Tiehua". On the contrary, Zhou Yun-fa, because of his height, could only continue to play tricks on the set.

Wu Mengda played "Hu Tiehua" in "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang"

Soon after his debut, Wu Mengda became a big hit, and during that period, he was completely bloated. He spent every day with his boss, and he described his life at that time as "gambling, smoking, alcohol, and women." The result of erosion was that he owed a lot of debt and was frozen by TVB for four years.


There was no drama to shoot, and when he was at his worst, he only had money left to buy a pack of cigarettes. He once thought of suicide. Even his junior brother Du Qifeng criticized him at that time as "a piece of mud that can’t support the wall".


After experiencing ups and downs, we must also usher in a change of heart.

Wu Mengda used this time to immerse himself in acting. He watched movies, read books, and studied scripts. After that, he finally turned around with "Sequel to Senior Brother Xinja".


He starred in the drama as an instructor opposite Tony Leung. According to him, there was a two-page play that he watched 200 times just to play when he reprimanded Tony Leung in the play"The mouth is scolding him, but the eyes are hurting him"The feeling.

"The Sequel to the New Zha Senior Brother" plays with Tony Leung

"200 times", Wu Mengda mentioned "200 times" again in this interview.

"Every play, every line of dialogue, I may have watched more than 50 times. In the craziest time before, I watched it 200 times.Why did I watch it for so long? Do I have a bad memory? No. Basically watching it five or six times, I can remember most of it, but I have to keep interpreting it from other angles, so I have to keep reading the script and keep giving it more vitality. "

Now, he has developed a habit of reading the script carefully the night before filming, and not bringing the script to the scene on the day of filming. He said that when he was filming "New Oolong Academy", when he worked with Zhou Xingchi in the past, he was even more, "It’s not for the camera, it’s not for the plot, and it’s not for the dialogue. I just eat it all, and then see what can spark each other on the scene, play some fun with the opponent, play tricks on the object, and suddenly come, and the opponent can’t react."


The collaboration with Stephen Chow began with "He Came From the Jianghu" and "Hero of the World". At that time, they were father, son and mentor in the play, and they were neighbors who lived across the street outside the play. They were brothers who always discussed performances together in the car before going to the set.

"He Came From The World" Stills

"Gambling Saint" was their true starting point, and likewise, they also achieved "Gambling Saint".


In the movie, Wu Mengda was mistakenly beaten by Zhou Xingchi. He was wearing women’s clothes while foaming at the mouth and saying, "It’s alright", "Then let’s go". This funny scene is his temporary design. There is also the classic image of "Third Uncle". When Zhou Xingchi shouted "Third Uncle", he had a seizure like a convulsion, and his whole body trembled. This is not groundless, but his own performance style, and he also named it "Congenital Uncontrolled Disorder".

"Gambling Saint" stills

With improvisation and tacit cooperation, they have crossed the world in one song and one relaxation, becoming the most classic screen partner in Hong Kong film history.


In the eyes of the public, Wu Mengda may be the "little follower" next to Zhou Xingchi in the movie. Since the movie, he has hardly played a male lead. He doesn’t mind the light and heavy scenes at all."I treat the protagonist and the supporting actor the same, and I pay the same. I won’t say that the protagonist is more nervous or that I will play the supporting role casually. No, absolutely not."


Some time ago, he made another cameo appearance in a big movie "Sir Wei", where he played Hai Gong again. In the TV series "Xiaobao and Kangxi" and the movie "Lu Ding Ji Ji", Wu Mengda has played Hai Dafu twice, both of which are funny and crazy. This time, he seems to be reinterpreting in the opposite direction of insidious and fierce.

"Hai Dafu" in "Lu Ding Ji"

"Comedy, farce, tragedy, drama, I have filmed all kinds of dramas, what else can I do?"He said that he didn’t want to do repetitions, but he had no choice but to play too many roles. Even if it was a new production, a reenactment, or a cameo, he believed that there was still a lot of scope and space to complete better performances.

"Sorry for not acting 

And influence me the most "

Uncle Da was very honest, saying that he really couldn’t do without acting, and even when he was hospitalized and sick before, he was concerned about the movie and the set.


"I keep wanting to act, and I keep hoping to create, which will make me younger. Living in the film and television industry, there is a group of people who accompany you to play and chat every day, and respect you very much. This is the greatest pleasure in life, and it is also the job I like."


When it comes to the most satisfying roles, he listed four:The third uncle in "Gambling Saint", Li Sucan’s father, Hai Dafu in "Lu Ding Ji", and Taibao in "Heaven Ruoyou Love".


He has created a lot of classic comedy roles, but so far, it is this tragic little character in "Heaven Ruoyou" that has won him the only Hong Kong Film Awards for Best Supporting Actor.

"If there is love in the sky" stills

Similarly, in this interview, we also found a Wu Mengda who is completely different from the stereotype of "comedian".


He said that the biggest regret in his life was not being in "The Wrong Ride," and that he wanted to play the sad, mute father so much. In his opinion, the performances of the movie version of Sun Yue and the TV version of Li Xuejian are great, but from the body language to the eye details, he believes that there is a different way of acting from them.


In 2006, in the variety show "Operation Style", he passed the addiction of "Riding the Wrong Car". But it was just a small segment of the show’s acting, and he had to get into the play and get lost in it. Although his easy-to-put acting skills were not realized in the "Riding the Wrong Car", they were in "Heaven If You Love", and later football coaches, more visible.

Wu Mengda performed "The Wrong Ride" in a variety show.

The movies that influenced him the most were not comedies, but Chen Kaige’s "Yellow Earth" and Hou Xiaoxian’s "Love and Dust"."I’ve watched these two more than 50 times, and they both have videotapes. I watch them almost every day when I have time, and learn something from them."


Two literary films, two literary films with the same sense of loneliness.


"If you don’t like it or worry, what are you singing?"In the dialogue in "The Yellow Earth", he said he would always remember it."That tone is really lonely and wandering, but it will hit your heart. The whole atmosphere is too painful."


And "Love the Wind and Dust", born in Xiamen, he may have aroused his memories and nostalgia for southern Fujian in the local atmosphere of this Taiwanese film.


I watched Uncle Da’s "congenital disorder" in comedy movies, but I forgot that he was so calm and peaceful in the audience, and even willing to embrace loneliness and loneliness.

"Stephen Chow’s golden partner" and "the all-purpose supporting actor of Hong Kong movies," Wang Jing also described him as "a good actor who can act in big comedies and big tragedies, and a really good actor with acting skills." Some people even said that he is "China’s Morgan Freeman."


"In 50 years, in 100 years, how do you want the audience to evaluate you?"


At the end of the interview, we threw this life summary question to him, and he quickly put away his smiling face, thought for a few seconds and said,"I hope the audience can still remember me, I hope the audience still has the impression of’Wu Mengda ‘"


As soon as he finished speaking, he asked again without reason."Huh? 50 years from now, 100 years from now, I’ll still be here, ask again then!"


After calming down, he laughed and teased again. Well, this is Wu Mengda.


Photo/Yang Nan

Video/Teacher Meow

Geely’s mobile phone satellite communication patent is authorized

  Recently, a patent for "a satellite antenna transceiver module and mobile end point" applied by Hubei Xingji Times Technology Co., Ltd., an affiliate of Geely mobile phone, was granted, according to the Tianyancha App.

  The abstract shows that in the utility model patent, the satellite antenna transceiver module is located on the metal frame of the moving end point, which includes a plurality of satellite antennas, and the spacing of adjacent satellite antennas is greater than a preset value; at least part of the plurality of satellite antennas is configured as a transmitting antenna, and the rest is configured as a receiving antenna. The satellite antenna transceiver module provided in this patent is used on the moving end point, which improves the performance and communication quality of the antenna.