Beautiful but dangerous! Firecrackers frequently injure people. Will it be forbidden to set off fireworks and firecrackers during the Chinese New Year this year?

This article is transferred from: Agricultural TV Network
The sound of firecrackers said goodbye to the old year.
Celebrate the New Year in fireworks.
Set off fireworks and firecrackers in the New Year.
It is a long-standing tradition in China.
With the flavor of the year getting stronger and stronger
When people set off fireworks and firecrackers
News of being injured has happened from time to time.
How can we avoid tragedy?
In recent years
Many places, including rural areas
Have already issued a "prohibition order"
What are the local policies this year?
set off firecrackers and fireworks
Beauty and danger coexist.
Setting off fireworks and firecrackers during the Chinese New Year symbolizes happiness and beauty. However, according to the annual hospital report, many people are injured by setting off fireworks and firecrackers during the Chinese New Year every year, ranging from skin injuries to broken fingers, eye injuries and deafness, resulting in lifelong disability and even death.
In recent days, news about injuries caused by fireworks and firecrackers has been repeatedly screened.
On January 24th, there was a loud noise in Jintaiyangguang Square, Pingchang County, Bazhong City, Sichuan Province. Five manhole covers in the square were blown up one after another, and white smoke was everywhere. The scene was a mess. A boy of about 10 years old and his mother were injured and fell to the ground. Witnesses at the scene revealed that the accident was caused by the boy’s playful throwing firecrackers into the sewer of the square, which led to the explosion of methane in the sewer. Five nearby manhole covers and floor tiles were instantly blown up, and the child and his mother were injured because they had no time to dodge the cracked floor tiles and manhole covers.
On January 23, 74-year-old Uncle Chen in Changsha, Hunan Province dug up some firecrackers when he was cleaning at home. He wanted to try to see if it could still be used, so he ran outside and lit a fire. Unexpectedly, just as he lit the fire, the firecrackers suddenly exploded. Uncle Chen was accidentally injured in his right hand. After the incident, his family rushed him to the hospital for treatment. At present, the end of the thumb and middle finger of the old man’s right hand are all defective, and the doctor has performed a broken finger repair operation for him.
On January 22nd, an 8-year-old boy picked up an unburned fireworks tube and played. His right hand was blown to pieces and his bones were exposed. The doctor performed vascular suture and nerve repair, and the boy’s finger blood circulation has now recovered, but the nerve injury needs a long time to recover.
During the Spring Festival every year, there is a high incidence of accidental injuries caused by fireworks and firecrackers. Most of the causes of injuries are the purchase of inferior fireworks and firecrackers, or the lack of safety protection measures when they are set off.
Chinese new year this year
Can we set off fireworks?
In recent years, with the increasing awareness of public safety and environmental protection, more and more places have joined the ranks of "forbidden families".
It is worth noting that this year, rural areas were specifically mentioned when the notice of prohibition was issued in many places, because there are many dry firewood and haystacks in rural areas, which are easily ignited, thus causing fires. Take Beijing as an example. It is forbidden to set off firecrackers in both rural and urban areas, otherwise there will be various penalties.
Although many places have issued "prohibition orders", we still hope that we can analyze the specific situation and not let all places ban fireworks and firecrackers. From the current point of view, although there are great restrictions on the discharge of fireworks and firecrackers in some places, they can be divided into forbidden areas and areas outside the forbidden areas. If they are outside the forbidden areas, they can still be discharged.
For example, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province recently issued a notice, starting from January 1 this year, the scope of the forbidden zone is within 300 square kilometers of the main city area, and other places in Wuxi area can still set off fireworks and firecrackers according to the specific requirements of relevant departments.
Haikou City, Hainan Province has also issued relevant notices about the forbidden zone before, and fireworks and firecrackers can still be set off in areas other than the forbidden zone.
In addition to the release of the "Prohibition Order", on January 25th, the State Post Bureau also issued a notice requesting to further strengthen the delivery control of inflammable and explosive articles such as fireworks and firecrackers.
The circular pointed out that local postal administrations and delivery enterprises should guard against criminals using delivery channels to commit illegal and criminal acts, and prevent prohibited articles from flowing into delivery channels and causing major delivery security incidents.
set off firecrackers and fireworksThe origin of
"In addition to the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze sends warmth into Tu Su." During the Chinese New Year, just hearing the crackling firecrackers will know that the New Year is coming. So, why set off firecrackers during the Spring Festival?
When the ancients struggled with various natural phenomena, they often encountered problems that could not be scientifically answered and dealt with, which were often attributed to illusions such as ghosts and demons. They rise from the sun to shine on the earth, and all things are revived and rejuvenated, which leads to the association that fire, light, red and sound are the most sacred and powerful things, which can overcome all evil spirits and avoid evil.
There is a legend that there is a monster called Nian, who often comes to ruin crops and hurt people. Later, people found that Nian was afraid of fire, lit a bonfire, and then put a lot of bamboo in the fire to roast. Bamboo made a crackling noise. Nian beast was so scared when he heard these noises that he began to run around the village. However, people had already put out their own pasted lanterns and hung them in front of the door, which made Nian beast even more flustered and quickly ran to the Woods and disappeared.
Today, we set off firecrackers, although it means to get rid of the old and welcome the new, but it has no superstitious color. Every New Year, everyone will put up red couplets, set off firecrackers, light candles, and keep vigil all night in beating gongs and drums to welcome the arrival of the New Year.
set off firecrackers and fireworks
safety first
Finally, Xiaobian should remind everyone that safety protection should be done when fireworks and firecrackers are allowed to be purchased and set off.
When buying, do "four looks":
1. Look at the operator’s license:It should be purchased in a formal place with a "Fireworks and Firecrackers Business (Retail) License", and should not be purchased at unlicensed stalls or illegal vendors peddling by bicycle.
2. Look at the product content:You should buy fireworks and firecrackers with relatively small dosage, and don’t buy large fireworks and firecrackers such as harmful fireworks bombs.
3. Look at the product appearance:Products with neat appearance, no mildew, integrity, no deformation, no drug leakage and floating should be purchased.
4. Look at the product logo:Products with complete and clear signs should be purchased, that is, formal factory name and address, warning signs, Chinese discharge instructions, etc.
When discharging, do "six noes":
1. Do not set off fireworks and firecrackers within 100 meters of the production, storage and business units of inflammable and explosive dangerous goods and the surrounding areas.
2. Do not set off fireworks and firecrackers in stations, transportation hubs, urban main roads and railway line safety protection zones; Do not set off fireworks and firecrackers in the safety protection zone of power transmission and transformation facilities.
3. Fireworks and firecrackers are not set off in state organs, cultural relics protection units, medical institutions, old-age care institutions, schools, libraries, archives, museums, children’s activity places and their surrounding areas.
4. Fireworks and firecrackers are not set off intensively in shopping malls, bazaars, public cultural activities and other places.
5. Do not set off fireworks in corridors, balconies, alleys and lawns.
6 rural fireworks should be far away from factories, warehouses, farmers’ markets, grain depots, firewood piles, etc.
At the same time, when setting off fireworks, fireworks should be placed on the ground smoothly. If there is any abnormality, please do not go near the product immediately, and wait for at least 15 minutes before handling it.
Fireworks are beautiful.
But when it was set off,
be sure to be safe
Remember, remember!
Sources:, Post Office website,, The Paper and Guangxi News Channel.
Edit | Kang Xuanshan
Editor | Jiang Lin
Supervision and examination | Zhong Qian

Many provinces started the recruitment of civil servants in 2017, and some areas set up disabled posts.

  BEIJING, Beijing, March 8 (Reporter Qi Feng) Recently, many provinces started the recruitment of the "provincial examination" for civil servants in 2017. This year, the recruitment policy of civil servants in various places continued to increase the inclination to the grassroots, and Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other provinces also set up special positions to recruit students for the disabled.

  Many places have started this year’s "provincial examination" recruitment of civil servants

  Today, the registration of civil servants for the 2017 exam in Fujian Province was officially launched. The registration time is from 8: 00 today to 17: 00 on the 14th.

  Since November last year, the recruitment of provincial civil servants in 2017 has started one after another. The 2017 civil servant recruitment in Beijing and Shanghai has been written at the end of last year, and the "provincial examination" written test in Jiangsu will also be held on the 11th of this month.

  In addition, according to the statistics of reporters from Zhongxin. com, since the beginning of this year, six provinces including Guangdong, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Guizhou, Zhejiang and Fujian have also released the 2017 civil service recruitment announcement. It is also reported that in 2017, Shandong has also made it clear that the civil service recruitment announcement will be released in the middle and late March.

  Compared with previous years, what changes have taken place in the recruitment scale of "provincial examination" for civil servants this year? Observing the recruitment plans announced by various places, the recruitment scale of civil servants in Shanghai and Jilin this year is basically the same as last year, while the recruitment scale of civil servants in Beijing, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Guizhou this year has declined compared with last year.

  For example, last year, the number of civil servants recruited in Guangdong was 17,412, and this year’s recruitment plan dropped to 15,018; Last year, the number of civil servants recruited in Zhejiang reached 8409, but this year it dropped to 6466. For another example, in the recruitment of civil servants in Beijing in 2016, the total number of recruits reached 6,857, the highest in history. This year, the recruitment scale of civil servants in Beijing dropped to 5,022.

  However, some provinces have greatly increased the recruitment scale of civil servants this year. For example, Heilongjiang recruited 8,831 civil servants this year, an increase of 2,687 over last year, with an increase of 43.7%. According to the statistics provided by Huatu Education, the recruitment scale of civil servants in Heilongjiang this year has set a new high in the province in the past five years.

  Observing the announced announcement of "provincial examination" for civil servants, the recruitment policies of some provinces this year deserve attention. For example, just as the national examination recruitment policy in recent years has tilted to the grassroots level, the recruitment policy of "provincial examination" issued by various places has also tilted to the grassroots level.

  For example, in 2017, the recruitment of civil servants in Guizhou Province continued to implement the "two 80%" policy, and 84% of the province’s recruitment plan was arranged in towns and villages, dispatched institutions and grassroots front lines (including Selected Graduates). Guizhou also stipulates that organs and agencies in counties and towns (except towns, offices and agencies where the county seat is located) in concentrated contiguous areas with extreme poverty can recruit graduates from high schools and secondary vocational schools (technical secondary schools).

  This year, Zhejiang’s civil servant recruitment plan includes 350 village officials from Selected Graduates. According to reports, Li Zezhou, deputy director of the Civil Service Management Office of the Organization Department of Zhejiang Provincial Committee, said, "The purpose of recruiting 350 Selected Graduates village officials is to let more people go to the grassroots to exercise and serve the front-line people."

  Li Zezhou said that this year’s recruitment will pay more attention to grassroots orientation, demand orientation and problem orientation, and at the same time, try to select comrades who know the grassroots, are familiar with the grassroots, and master the mass language and mass work methods to work in institutions above the city level.

  In addition, some provinces have specially expanded the positions for the disabled in this year’s civil service recruitment. For example, this year, Zhejiang increased the recruitment of civil servants with disabilities, with 22 positions for civil servants with disabilities.

  Jiangsu recruited the disabled for the first time this year, and the competent authorities specially prepared 29 job plans, which were directed to the disabled persons with disability cards and meeting the job requirements, including the relevant departments of the Disabled Persons’ Federation, the Nanjing Economic and Information Committee, Jiangyin Municipal Market Supervision Administration and other government departments.

  Among the above-mentioned provinces that have announced the recruitment notice and have not yet taken the examination, the written examination of the "Provincial Examination" for civil servants in Jiangsu Province will be held on the 11th of this month, and on April 8th, Guangdong Province will hold this year’s written examination of the "Provincial Examination" for civil servants.

  In addition to the above two provinces, the written test time of "Provincial Examination" in six provinces including Zhejiang, Guizhou, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shandong and Fujian is scheduled to be held on April 22nd.

  In recent years, many places have arranged the written examination of "provincial examination" for civil servants on the same day, which is also called "civil servant joint examination" among candidates.

  Li Manqing, an expert in the public examination of Huatu Education, told the reporter of that the "joint examination" for the recruitment of civil servants in many provinces began in 2009, and on April 26th of that year, seven provinces held the recruitment examination for civil servants on the same day. Since then, it has become a practice among some provinces to hold civil service examinations on the same day in the middle and late April of each year. On April 23 last year, the written examination of public subjects of "Provincial Examination" in more than 20 provinces was held on the same day.

  Li Manqing introduced that all the provinces participating in the "Joint Entrance Examination" are organized separately, and the "Joint Entrance Examination" is not the same volume. In the past, some candidates took exams across many provinces, and if they were hired by many places, they could only choose one position, which had an impact on the recruitment of other positions. Many provinces choose the written test on the same day, which helps to avoid the disadvantages of candidates taking advantage of the test time difference to travel around the provinces frequently to take the test. (End)

JD.COM Clothing Beauty New Year Festival launched Queshen Hupai Wear Raiders every 200 MINUS 30 to help you start the Year of the Dragon.


JD.COM Clothing Beauty New Year Festival launched Queshen Hupai Wear Raiders every 200 MINUS 30 to help you start the Year of the Dragon.


JD.COM Clothing Beauty New Year Festival launched Queshen Hupai Wear Raiders every 200 MINUS 30 to help you start the Year of the Dragon.

If you are going out to fight in a group, you can add a national tide sweater, and the coat will be directly slay. UR’s 24-year-old new national tide mahjong sweater is both fashionable and interesting. The mahjong patterns scattered at random are quite ingenious in design, and with the words "Everything is fine", it implies that good luck is rolling in the Year of the Dragon. The design of another MIFICY New Year’s uniform sweater is simpler and more rude, with a swastika in front of it and a sparrow god in the back. Then take Lesportsac’s new handbag, white and green color matching perfectly restore the visual sense of mahjong, and the large-capacity interlayer has super practicality at the same time.

JD.COM Clothing Beauty New Year Festival launched Queshen Hupai Wear Raiders every 200 MINUS 30 to help you start the Year of the Dragon.

As for the I-person friends who don’t want to be too ostentatious, it’s better to use accessories to make a little effort. Yu Zhaolin’s gift-packed stockings in the Year of the Dragon won the hearts of many girls with the three-dimensional Q version of the small dragon head doll and cartoon design. The embroidery on the soles of the feet is not only cute, but also makes people feel dark. New online celebrity — — And Mao Mao slippers for home mahjong, which are designed with soft and comfortable thick soles, are easy to wear and shoot. Leofoo has also specially introduced the Golden Transfer Beads of Guochao Mahjong, and the 5D hard gold is combined with sand surface technology to sculpt the image, so as to ensure that you can have everything you want in the southeast, northwest and China.

JD.COM Clothing Beauty New Year Festival launched Queshen Hupai Wear Raiders every 200 MINUS 30 to help you start the Year of the Dragon.

Dress up and get ready, and naturally choose a set of mahjong that is the most important. For example, the shuffling sound of the roller coaster table dual-purpose automatic mahjong machine is as low as 53 decibels, and the imitation jade mahjong and the retro national style are elegant, which can be perfectly integrated into the Chinese style home decoration. Purple Lake’s 24mm pocket mahjong weighs only 0.8g, which is more suitable for traveling or partying, and is convenient for a happy battle anytime and anywhere.

JD.COM Clothing Beauty New Year Festival launched Queshen Hupai Wear Raiders every 200 MINUS 30 to help you start the Year of the Dragon.

After the New Year is the New Year, the celebration of the New Year Festival in JD.COM is about to break out, and the sales of clothing and beauty products such as red products and dragon products are also hot. Open the JD.COM app and search for "dragon luck" to go directly to the venue of the JD.COM Clothing and Beauty New Year Festival, and enjoy the super-value discount of 200 minus 30 for each cross-store. There is also delivery in JD.COM during the Spring Festival, so that everyone can buy at any time and place. Going to Jingdong to buy clothes and beauty cosmetics is good and cheap. Before it’s too late, call your mahjong partners and put your good luck on your body!

The retired village party secretary took in a "dumb brother", and his children and grandchildren regarded him as their family. A special reunion dinner witnessed the love between the host and the gues

Extremely popular journalist liu junhua.

Video clip liu junhua

Correspondent Hu Mengxiao Tan Xuejiao


At noon on the 26th day of the twelfth lunar month, a special reunion dinner in Gaojiadian Village, Huya Street, Xiaoting District, Yichang City added a lot of warmth and celebration to the village covered by Ruixue.

Sun Changqing and Liu Guobao, two old people sitting in the main seat, are a pair of brothers who have forged a special relationship. Twenty-one years ago, Sun Changqing invited Liu Guobao, a disabled person in the same village, to live in his home. For many years, his children and grandchildren regarded Liu Guobao as their elders, and the family respected the young and respected them happily, which became a beautiful talk in the local ten miles and eight townships.

Three generations send blessings to invite the protagonist of the reunion dinner.

In the early morning of the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, it was snowing in Gaojiadian village, and the rural fields were full of ink and wash styles. There are red lanterns hanging on the trees on the roadside in the village, and the strong flavor of the year is coming.

Sun Changqing’s three sons are posting Spring Festival couplets at their doorsteps. Sun Xiying, the eldest, is 53 years old and works in Zhijiang. The second child, Sun Yibo, is 50 years old and works in Xiaoting City. The third son, Sun Yihua, is 47 years old and works in Shenzhen. They all came back specially to celebrate the New Year with Liu Guobao, the "fourth dad", because the "fourth dad" who has lived in their home for 21 years has just got a new residence this year and no longer spends New Year’s Eve with his family as in previous years.

The wives of the three brothers are planning a reunion dinner in the kitchen. Sun Changqing greets his son, Yihua and his granddaughter to write the word "Fu" for Liu Guobao and send it to his new room for posting.

At 10: 30 in the morning, Sun Changqing walked to Liu Guobao’s new residence more than 300 meters away from their home with rice and oil. Xi Ying and Yi Bo solemnly posted the word "Fu" on Liu Guobao’s door, and Liu Guobao, who was nearby, quickly greeted him, saying "Wow, Wow" happily with his relatives. Although everyone can’t hear what Liu Guobao is saying, they all know that "Fourth Dad" misses them very much.

The family surrounded Liu Guobao and returned to the Sun family’s old house. The steaming dishes were full of tables. Sun Changqing took Liu Guobao to the main seat, and his wife, Wang Bangying, sat around with his son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren. The whole family poured drinks and raised their glasses to wish each other a happy reunion.

Liu Guobao was not formal. He looked at these younger generations with a small glass of wine and a smile on his face. As an outsider for more than 20 years, he watched his family grow up day by day …

Retired old township party secretary takes back a dumb brother

Sun Changqing is 76 years old. He joined the army at the age of 17. He worked as a signal soldier in a certain unit of the People’s Liberation Army in Lanzhou for six years. He retired in 1968 and returned to his hometown. He worked as a group secretary, a battalion chief and a village party secretary in Gaojiadian Village. He retired in 1997 and transferred to Huya Street Office to engage in logistics work.

Liu Guobao is 11 years younger than Sun Changqing. He is a farmer in Gaojiadian Village. Since he was a child, he could not speak because of language barriers. His family was very poor and he never got married. He followed his old father to farm. After his father’s death, his old residence was dilapidated and gradually became uninhabitable, and life was very difficult.

In 2000, when Sun Changqing came home, he learned about Liu Guobao’s situation. He discussed with his wife and wanted to take Liu Guobao to live at home. Wang Bangying, also an old party member, used to be the village women’s director and was very supportive of her husband’s idea.

In this way, 44-year-old Liu Guobao was invited to Sun Changqing’s home and became a long-term guest in a room on the second floor. Sun Changqing has only one stove at home. Every meal is cooked by Liu Guobao on the stove first, and then Wang Bangying cooks for the whole family.

On weekdays, Liu Guobao works in his own several acres of responsibility fields and does odd jobs during the slack season. Sun Changqing found that although Liu Guobao didn’t communicate well with others, he was ingenious, able to weave baskets and baskets, and also able to repair bicycles. He was particularly diligent and economical. A plastic basin was broken and mended, and it was used for more than 10 years.

Sun Changqing gave Liu Guobao a key to the gate, and every room in the house was open to him. In addition to living in a room, Liu Guobao insisted on not taking advantage of anything else, and even Sun Changqing’s hot water would not be borrowed casually.

After getting along for a long time, Sun Changqing respected Liu Guobao more and more. Every time he went home, he would sit and chat with Liu Guobao. Although I can’t hear what he said clearly, I can understand his meaning roughly. When there is something to discuss, two people will communicate with each other with pen and paper.

Liu Guobao also trusted Sun Changqing very much, and the two men gradually became brothers.

Because Liu Guobao is the fourth in his family, Sun Changqing asked his three sons to call him "the fourth father". Although the three sons are not often at home, as long as they come back, they will bring some alcohol and tobacco to honor the "fourth father" and invite him to eat at the same table.

At that time, Sun Changqing’s three grandchildren were still young. Liu Guobao loved children very much, helped them bathe and took them to play.

Wenfeng, a 23-year-old grandson, worked as an intern in Nanjing after leaving the army. He was closest to Grandpa Four since he was a child: "When I was a child, I didn’t like to eat grandma’s cooking, but I liked to squeeze into Grandpa Four’s arms to cook a small stove."

At the reunion dinner, he and his sister raised a glass to wish grandpa four good health, and the old man held the cup happily from ear to ear.

Twenty years of friendship between gentlemen set an example of harmony and family style.

Zhao Xirong, secretary of the general branch of Gaojiadian Village, told Jimu journalists that it is not possible for everyone to invite an outsider to stay at home unconditionally. What is more difficult is to live kindly and affectionately. Therefore, the special brotherhood between Sun Changqing and Liu Guobao made the whole village pay tribute. Liu Guobao has gout, and sometimes the pain is unbearable in the middle of the night. Sun Changqing will ride a motorcycle and take him to the clinic for an injection.

At first, some people suspected that Sun Changqing took Liu Guobao in order to help him work and earn money for his work. In fact, over the years, Sun Changqing has never received Liu Guobao’s rent, utilities, and often sent him some vegetables, meat, clothes and shoes.

Sun Changqing never asked about the money saved by Liu Guobao for farming and odd jobs.

What moved Sun Changqing was that Liu Guobao himself was poor and thrifty, and when his little grandson Wenfeng joined the army, he gave 50 yuan a red envelope; On Sun Changqing’s 70th birthday, Liu Guobao gave 100 yuan a red envelope. Sun Changqing didn’t refuse too much. He cherished his brother’s friendship.

Zhao Xirong said that Xiaoting is a land of the cultures of the Three Kingdoms and has always advocated friendship. A friend of a gentleman like Sun Changqing and Liu Guobao is really admirable.

Recalling the initial intention of accepting Liu Guobao 21 years ago, Sun Changqing said: "I am a retired soldier, a Communist party member, and a village party secretary. How can I turn a blind eye to the difficulties of the villagers?"

In fact, the brotherly love between Sun Changqing and Liu Guobao is also a good example of their harmonious family style. The three generations of the Sun family are affectionate brothers, friendly sisters-in-law, and orderly, which makes the neighbors very envious.

In October last year, Liu Guobao’s younger brother rebuilt his new house and took his brother back to live with him. Considering that he is old, Sun Changqing has limited care for Liu Guobao. After consulting him, he agreed to move back to live with his younger brother.

It is precisely because of the first separation of the Chinese New Year in 21 years that this early reunion dinner was held. On the table, Sun Changqing specifically told the younger generation: "If I am a hundred years old, you should continue to take good care of my fourth father."

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Ministry of Civil Affairs: This year, the welfare lottery sales amounted to 184.6 billion yuan, down about 30 billion yuan from last year.

  From December 28th to 29th, the National Civil Affairs Work Conference was held in Beijing. The meeting summed up the civil affairs work in 2019, analyzed the situation, studied and deployed the work in 2020, and mobilized the national civil affairs system to fight for winning the battle against poverty and building a well-off society in an all-round way.

  On December 29th, the government wechat "China Civil Affairs" of the Ministry of Civil Affairs released the data map of "Civil Affairs Work in 2019" produced by the new government media of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Among them, the data map revealed that in 2019, the welfare lottery sales were 184.632 billion yuan, and the public welfare fund was raised about 53.7 billion yuan.

  The Paper noted that compared with the official welfare lottery sales data in 2018, it dropped by about 30 billion yuan in 2019.

  On August 15th, 2019, the Statistical Bulletin on the Development of Civil Affairs in 2018 issued by official website of the Ministry of Civil Affairs showed that the welfare lottery sales in China in 2018 was 224.56 billion yuan, an increase of 7.58 billion yuan or 3.5% over the previous year. The lottery public welfare fund was raised to 64.36 billion yuan, an increase of 3.6% over the previous year. In the whole year, the civil affairs system spent a total of 25.17 billion yuan on lottery public welfare funds, an increase of 3.0% over the previous year, including 17.15 billion yuan for social welfare and 910 million yuan for social assistance.

  In fact, some media have noticed a sharp decline in welfare lottery sales in 2019.

  According to the report of national business daily on August 4, 2019, "In June, the national lottery sales totaled 34.767 billion yuan, a decrease of 23.862 billion yuan or 40.7% compared with the same period of the previous year. Not only did the monthly data decline, but the reporter combed the lottery sales data in the first half of the past decade and found that the lottery sales showed negative growth year-on-year for the first time in the first half of this year. "

  With regard to the decline in sales data, the national business daily report quoted experts in the lottery industry as saying that in early 2019, in order to regulate the lottery market, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and other departments strengthened the supervision of high-frequency quick-opening games and quiz games, extended the sales time of high-frequency quick-opening games and reduced the number of lottery games. In addition, the ban on internet lottery sales also has an impact on lottery sales.

  It is worth mentioning that the corruption case of China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center exposed in 2017 and 2018 has aroused widespread public concern.

  According to an article published on November 9, 2018 on the website of the State Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, "Reducing repression, treating both the symptoms and the root causes, and reconstructing the credibility of Welfare Lottery", the discipline inspection and supervision team stationed in the Ministry of Civil Affairs started with typical cases to promote the formation of a good political ecology. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection have seriously investigated and dealt with a series of corruption problems in the Welfare Lottery field, and seriously held accountable three members of the former party group of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the head of the discipline inspection team stationed there. The Central Leading Group for Inspection Work and the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection have successively handed over dozens of clues concerning bureau-level cadres of the Ministry of Civil Affairs to the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

  The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Party Group of the Ministry of Civil Affairs unified their thinking and understanding, took practical measures to reduce the stock and curb the increase, and seriously investigated and dealt with the violations of laws and regulations of 14 bureau-level leading cadres, including Bao Xuequan and Wang Suying, former directors of China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center, and Wang Yunge and Feng Lizhi, former deputy directors, in an effort to reshape the new image of the welfare lottery industry and revive its credibility.

  In January, 2019, according to the report of WeChat official account’s "China Lottery News of Public Welfare Times" on the WeChat of Public Welfare Times, after the implementation of the new Regulations on Function Allocation, Internal Organizations and Staffing of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the internal organizations of the Ministry of Civil Affairs in charge of welfare lottery management have changed. Before the reform, the welfare lottery management was in charge of the Department of Social Welfare and Philanthropy Promotion. After the reform, the welfare lottery management has been refined, and the planning and finance department and the newly established charity promotion and social work department are in charge. (The Paper reporter Jiang Ziwen)

Ministry of Finance: In 2020, a total of 333.951 billion yuan of lottery tickets will be sold nationwide.

  Cctv newsAccording to the data of the Ministry of Finance, in 2020, the national lottery sales totaled 333.951 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 88.103 billion yuan or 20.9%. Among them, the sales of welfare lottery institutions was 144.488 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 46.750 billion yuan; The sales of sports lottery institutions reached 189.463 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 41.352 billion yuan.

Love is no small matter! Why are we moved by these romantic films?

Special feature of 1905 film network I don’t know when, out of the pursuit of daily ritual, people began to create their own festivals by homophonic methods. As a result, on May 20, when the Civil Affairs Bureau was full, the flash brother also became a busy "escort".

Shopping, eating and watching movies have become a trilogy of people’s daily love. When couples began to miss the cinema, what impressions did the classic domestic films with love elements on the big screen leave on the audience in those years?

According to public statistics, the cumulative box office of this kind of domestic film TOP10 reached 15.604 billion. From "33 days of lovelorn love" to (hereinafter referred to as "predecessor 3"), the combination of comedy and love seems to be more in line with the audience’s appetite. The National Day file has become a box office blessing for such films, and many stars have become "bringing goods".

Laughing with tears is easier to achieve box office.

Since the birth of the film, love has become one of the enduring themes on the big screen. From the silent film era Chaplin’s "City Lights" to the audio film era, from Stephen Chow’s "A Chinese Odyssey" series to "Former 3", this kind of classic films can always set off a movie fever.

According to statistics, there are as many as seven films with love and comedy elements in the TOP10 box office of this kind of films, and the audience seems to prefer this type of combination that can make people laugh and cry. Perhaps it is because people can not only find emotional resonance for love from this kind of movies, but also laugh and release the pressure of life.

On the basis of audience, love and comedy are more extensive. Whether it is the degree of topic discussion in first-and second-tier cities or the decline of word-of-mouth in third-and fourth-tier cities, the two types of elements can complement each other to some extent.

In the time division of story background, these ten films mainly focus on contemporary love. Except for Fanghua, the other nine films mainly reflect the marriage and love life of young people. What needs to be preserved in this era is not only love, but also people’s views on marriage and love. Therefore, the love story that happened at the moment can arouse the emotional feedback of the audience, and then lead to discussion and even spread in circles.

In addition, in recent years, this kind of films mostly impress the audience with emotional cards. By poking at the pain points in people’s hearts, the topic spreads and attracts more viewers to watch. Some people in the industry summarized this as emotional marketing. For example, "Ex 3" magnified the propaganda point of "brokenhearted and crying" and poked many young men and women who had ex-husbands, reaching the emotional resonance of the audience.

This marketing method is also reflected in other films. For example, on December 31, 2018, by creating the audience’s emotional requirements for the sense of ceremony, the "one kiss for the New Year" was used to attract the audience into the cinema. However, if the content of the film is less than expected or the goods are not in the right version, the market will also have a very obvious anti-bite effect. 

In the marketing channel, these films began to spread by making materials that are more suitable for young people’s fragmented reading habits with popular short video platforms as carriers. Because the short video platform is highly overlapped with the crowd portrait of the mainstream audience, the conversion threshold of diversion is low.

"We have mobilized a lot of short video marketing that is close to the tears of" Former 3 "and the way of breaking up." A staff member who has participated in the marketing of the film said so. After the box office hit, films such as, and so on followed suit. Later, short video marketing gradually became one of the standard of film marketing.

Who is the box office "with goods" talent?

Head movies usually correspond to the head creative team, company, etc., and so do such movies with love elements. In those movies that make the audience laugh and cry, which box office "goods" talents are hidden?

In terms of actors, Deng Chao and Zhou Dongyu became the "first brother" and "first sister" of the cumulative box office of such films respectively. The total box office with Deng Chao as the leading role reached 4.199 billion yuan, and Zhou Dongyu scored 2.919 billion yuan with The Later Us and Better Days.

It is worth mentioning that Zhou Dongyu won the Best Actress at the 39th Hong Kong Film Awards in China and became a double winner. In addition to showing the elements of love, Better Days’s discussion on campus bullying has certain social significance.

Behind-the-scenes companies, Light Media participated in the production of four films, ranking first among major companies. As we all know, the theme of youth has always been the field that light media is good at. The stories and production modes of youth films and romantic films often overlap more. In addition, the film channel program production center and Wanda Film and Television also participated in the production of some works.

According to statistics, in the TOP10 box office of this kind of movies, there are 4 National Day movies, 2 New Year movies and 1 Spring Festival movie respectively. This kind of films released in prime time are more likely to take advantage of the schedule bonus and get better box office, especially the National Day file.

However, in recent years, there are few such films released in more movie-watching periods such as Tanabata and Valentine’s Day. In addition to the competition of films in the same period, the homogeneous dog blood plot and the emotional expression of moaning without illness made the audience feel tired and unloved. While domestic sci-fi films and cartoons are constantly creating new box office and word-of-mouth highs, such films seem to have made limited progress as a whole.

In terms of douban score, 6 of the TOP10 films are above the passing line. The latest film, Better Days, scored 8.3 points in Douban. In addition to the love element, the audience can have a more sense of substitution and desire to watch movies by injecting more thoughts about current life and phenomena. The content is the era of the king, and we look forward to more domestic love-themed films with both word-of-mouth and box office harvest in the future.

"party flag is flying high at the grassroots level" Wuhan, Hubei Province: In the sauna days, I stayed on the street for three days to catch thieves.

These days, Wen Le, deputy head of the top ten teams of the video investigation detachment of Wuhan Public Security Bureau of Hubei Province, is as anxious as the high temperature.

Since entering the city, Wuhan has repeatedly issued red high-temperature warnings, with the highest temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius. What makes the police feel worse than the high temperature is that on July 31, August 7 and August 10, three cases of electric vehicle theft occurred in gold and silver lake police station.

On August 11th, after receiving the task of supporting gold and silver lake police station, Wenle volunteered to undertake the investigation of these three cases. Through a large number of investigations, Wenle found out the relevant information of the suspect.

"If you want to catch the suspect quickly, you must go to the scene and keep it." Wenle couldn’t sit still for a moment. On the same day, he led the police to the place where criminal suspects often sold stolen goods for monitoring. The scorching sun made the scalp ache, and his and his colleagues’ clothes were soaked with sweat, but their vigilance was not relaxed at all.

Until around 20 o’clock, Wenle was keenly aware that a suspicious person came out of the fence and threw an unknown item into the roadside trash can. Wenle and his colleagues immediately surrounded him, and after investigation, they found that this was a drug addict. After the person was handed over to the nearby police station, Wen Le and his colleagues returned to their original positions and continued to abide by them. But until 23: 00, there was still no trace of the suspect.

On August 12, colleagues who continued to investigate these cases in the office found new clues. The suspect had appeared in the south gate of a community in Qiaokou District, Wuhan. Wenle and his colleagues immediately went to the field for investigation. After investigation, we found some idle sofas in the community, which inferred that the suspect might have spent the night here. With the further investigation, Wen Le and his colleagues have basically mastered the criminal suspect’s activities. He has no fixed address and spends the night in the Internet cafe or the sofa in the community after selling stolen goods.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. At 19 o’clock on August 13th, Wen Le and his colleagues continued to squat on time, and a man flashed by. "That’s him!" Wenle and his colleagues quickly controlled the man. After investigation, the suspect confessed to the crime of stealing three electric vehicles. The efforts of three days and two nights in a row have finally achieved results, and Wenle and his colleagues are very pleased.

(Author: Yang Huailiu, Chen Shanwen)


Central bank’s RRR cut: the decline in the income of bank wealth management products is good news for the stock market.

  On January 1, 2020, the RRR cut came as scheduled, and the central bank decided to comprehensively reduce the deposit reserve ratio of financial institutions by 0.5 percentage points from January 6. The central bank said that the RRR cut will release about 800 billion yuan of long-term funds and reduce the cost of bank funds by about 15 billion yuan.

  What impact will the RRR cut have on various wealth management products? Liu Yinping, a researcher at Rong 360 Jianpu Technology Big Data Research Institute, believes that after the RRR cut, the market liquidity will be further relaxed and the price of funds will drop, resulting in a decline in the yield of fixed-income products; However, the RRR cut will be beneficial to some equity assets, and the income of fixed-income products will decline, and some funds will flow to equity assets, thus prompting asset prices to rise.


  Impact 1

  Bank deposit interest rates will fall, and small banks may last for a long time.

  Since 2019, the central bank has been guiding the interest rate in the loan market to fall, thus solving the problem of financing difficulties for small and micro enterprises. At present, the interest rates of various types of deposits in banks are at a high level. In order to avoid narrowing the deposit-loan spreads, banks will lower the interest rates of various deposit products, including time deposits, large deposit certificates and structured deposits.

  Liu Yinping pointed out that different types of banks have different capital pressures, and the progress and extent of interest rate reduction will be different. Large and medium-sized banks may take the lead in lowering the deposit interest rate, while small banks have great difficulty in raising deposits, and the reduction of deposit interest rate may be one step behind.

  Impact 2

  The average yield of bank wealth management will fall below 4% again.

  Since last year, the bank’s wealth management yield has continued to fall, and at the end of December, the yield has rebounded. According to the data monitored by Rong 360 Data Research Institute, the average yield of bank wealth management products rose to 4.11% last week.

  Liu Yinping said that the RRR cut will lead to loose liquidity, and most of the underlying assets of bank wealth management are fixed-income assets, and the yield of such assets will drop, so will the yield of wealth management products, which is expected to fall below 4% again in the short term. However, the impact of RRR cuts on the income of wealth management products such as equity, commodities and financial derivatives is uncertain, which may push some equity assets higher.

  Impact 3

  The average yield of the money fund will fall to the range of 2.4%~2.5%.

  The monetary fund yield behind all kinds of baby financing has always been sensitive to changes in market interest rates. Since the end of November last year, the yield of money funds has continued to rise. According to the data monitored by Rong 360 Big Data Research Institute, the average yield of goods-based babies last week was 2.69%, a 39-month high.

  Even if the RRR is not lowered, the funds will gradually loosen after New Year’s Day, and the yield of the money fund will also fall. Lowering the benchmark will further loosen the liquidity and accelerate the decline of the yield of the money fund. It is expected that the average yield will fall to 2.4%~2.5% in the short term.

  Impact 4

  Theoretically speaking, RRR cuts are good for the stock market.

  After the RRR cut, there will be more funds in the market, and some of them will flow to the stock market. Moreover, the increase in corporate credit will help improve the operating conditions of enterprises. Theoretically, the RRR cut is good news for the stock market.

  However, judging from the performance of the stock market after previous RRR cuts, the stock index has been mixed. Liu Yinping pointed out that there are many factors affecting the stock market, including policies, economic environment, the development of all walks of life, market confidence and so on. Today is the first working day after the RRR cut, and all major stock indexes rose in the morning, so it seems that the market confidence is sufficient.

  Text/reporter Cheng Wei

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State Administration of Financial Supervision: Accelerating the implementation of the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing has achieved results.

The Beijing News According to the State Administration of Financial Supervision, on January 26, the General Administration of Financial Supervision held a meeting to deploy and promote the implementation of the coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing. Li Yunze, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, attended the meeting and stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference, accelerate the implementation of the coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing, more accurately support the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. Xiao Yuanqi, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, presided over the meeting. Responsible comrades from relevant departments of the Central Finance Office, the Central Finance Office and the General Office of the State Council attended the meeting. The main responsible persons of various regulatory bureaus, some regulatory branches of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, as well as national commercial banks, city commercial banks, provincial rural credit cooperatives and other institutions attended the meeting.
The meeting pointed out that the CPC Central Committee and the State Council attached great importance to the steady and healthy development of the real estate market. At the beginning of January this year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the General Administration of Financial Supervision issued the Notice on Establishing a Coordination Mechanism for Urban Real Estate Financing, requiring cities at or above the prefecture level to establish a coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing. The coordination mechanism is an important measure to implement the decision-making arrangements of the central financial work conference, meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally, and promote the virtuous circle of finance and real estate.
The meeting held that the coordination mechanism should give full play to the leading role of local governments, strengthen overall planning of work, refine policies and measures, and promote the accurate docking of real estate development enterprises and financial institutions. According to the principle of fairness and justice, the list of real estate projects that can be given financing support should be screened and pushed to financial institutions within their respective administrative areas. It is necessary to strengthen information sharing and provide relevant financial institutions with information such as project construction and operation, pre-sale fund supervision and so on in a timely manner. It is necessary to guide financial institutions to negotiate with real estate development enterprises on an equal footing, make independent decisions and implement them according to the principles of marketization and rule of law, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of financial institutions.
The meeting stressed that financial institutions should attach great importance to it, strengthen organizational leadership, establish internal mechanisms and clarify working rules. For projects that meet the credit conditions, it is necessary to establish a green channel for credit granting, optimize the approval process, shorten the approval time limit, and actively meet the reasonable financing needs. For projects that encounter temporary difficulties in development and construction, but the funds are basically balanced, we will not blindly lend, cut off loans, or press loans, but support them by extending existing loans, adjusting repayment arrangements, and adding new loans. At the same time, financial institutions should strengthen the closed management of funds to prevent the misappropriation of credit funds.
The meeting requested that all supervision bureaus should actively participate in the coordination mechanism, actively cooperate with local governments and housing construction departments, carry out related work in a steady and orderly manner, jointly promote the effectiveness of the coordination mechanism and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.
Editor Liu Jiani