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Promote a higher level of openness and promote high-quality business development.

At 16:30 on September 29th, the press center celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of People’s Republic of China (PRC) will hold the fifth press conference in the press conference hall on the second floor of Media Center, inviting Minister of Commerce Zhongshan, Vice Minister and Deputy Representative of International Trade Negotiations Wang Shouwen and Vice Minister Qian Keming to introduce the situation of "promoting a higher level of opening up and promoting high-quality business development" and answer questions from reporters.

Diet, games and sleep can improve memory.

With the growth of age, the body’s memory will become worse and worse. At the level of neurons, what happened in our brains to make us forget the past? In modern life, the pace of people’s life is getting faster and faster, and many people try to enhance their memory in various ways. So in what way can we enhance our memory? Here’s how to enhance your memory.

Diet helps improve memory.

Some foods have the title of "brain food". Take astaxanthin, a substance existing in food, as an example. They are abundant in fish and shrimps and crabs. Astaxanthin, as a carotenoid, has antioxidant effect, and it is considered to have the strongest antioxidant activity among carotenoids. It can enter the human brain and directly act on nerve cells. At the same time, astaxanthin can also protect nerves. Therefore, eating this kind of food regularly will greatly improve memory.

Besides, Nanfang Daily also lists some foods that people can easily get to improve their memory, including fish, milk, millet, eggs, peanuts, corn and day lily, all of which contain elements to improve their memory.

(Source: Nanfang Daily)

Games enhance memory

According to Life Times, playing some smart phone games that use physical knowledge, such as "cutting rope magic" and "angry birds", can improve attention and avoid being distracted when remembering things. And in the course of the task, it can also exercise the adaptability of players. During the whole game, there are also some games involving planning and adjusting strategies, such as "Plants vs Zombies", which can also improve memory.

(Source: Xinhuanet)

Xinhuanet once reported that British researchers can train players with "brain tonic training" through an experiment, which can effectively help improve unhealthy eating habits. The game developed by Cambridge University helps to improve the memory of schizophrenic patients. It can be said that games have great potential in improving human brain memory.

If you want to remember well, sleep is indispensable.

Xinhuanet Zeng Dengwen said that sleep helps to improve memory. Nicholas Dimay, a British psychologist, said in the magazine "Cerebral Cortex" that memorizing things before going to bed is more profound. In a set of comparative experiments, some volunteers recited words before going to bed, while others recited them 12 hours after staying awake. Volunteers who recite words before going to bed remember them better. This is mainly because of the role of hippocampus in human brain. The hippocampus is mainly responsible for memory. During sleep, new memories are "unsealed" and constantly "played back" in the hippocampus, so people will remember this part very clearly after waking up.

Therefore, there must be scientific methods to improve memory, instead of blindly believing in advertisements. Some of the above methods, I hope to bring help to your study and life. (Zhang Anjian)

This paper is scientifically checked by Zhou Hongzhi, a professor at the School of Applied Mathematics and Physics of Beijing University of Technology.

Is your mobile phone number a pretty number? There are too many tricks in it! There are corporate violations.

  BEIJING, Oct. 15 (Reporter Wu Tao) Recently, it was reported that some users’ mobile phone numbers were "nicknamed" overnight, and they needed to pay extra minimum charges in 39 yuan, just because the last number was "8".

  There is such an operation? What number is a "good name" and what is the current market situation of "good name"? The reporter conducted an investigation into this.

  Operator’s latest response to "being nicknamed"

  Recently, some media reported that Lan Xiaoyue, a user of Guangdong Telecom, used the number for several years and was suddenly "nicknamed".

  "The staff told me that my number ends with 8 and belongs to ‘ The nickname ’ In addition to paying the monthly primary and secondary card package fee of 199 yuan, the secondary card also needs to pay the minimum consumption in 39 yuan. " Lan Xiaoyue said.

  As of press time, the reporter of Zhongxin.com has not received a response from China Telecom.

  In Zhejiang, similar things were reported by the media. Wang Nan, a local mobile user, found that although his "nickname" contract expired in three years, the minimum consumption limit would not end until 2099.

  However, China Mobile told the reporter of Zhongxin.com that after investigation, none of Zhejiang Mobile’s "nickname" users was called "Wang Nan". "The reporter in the above article can’t provide the customer’s mobile phone number, so it can’t be further verified."

  The threshold of "nickname" is low, and what is a "nickname" business has the final say.

  With an "8" at the end, is it a "pretty name"? This reflects a feature of the "beautiful name" market, that is, the threshold of the "beautiful name" market is very low, and it is up to the merchants to decide which numbers are "beautiful names".

  According to the survey, in addition to the well-known numbers with "888" and "666", some businesses, such as "199****2772", are regarded as "pretty numbers", according to their explanation, because they conform to the rules of the suffix "ABBA".

  The suffix "178" means "hair together", the suffix "168" means "hair all the way", and the suffix "1349" is a geomantic number, all of which belong to "beautiful names".

  In short, all kinds of numbers have become interesting in the mouth of merchants, "showing identity, full face and appreciation at guaranteed price" are all sales words of merchants.

  However, some users said in an interview with Zhongxin.com, "If it weren’t for the explanation of the merchants, I couldn’t see some numbers ‘ Liang ’ Where is it? "

  Almost all the "pretty names" have set a low monthly minimum consumption. Image source: A screenshot of an operator in official website

  Want a "pretty name", the price is not small, and you have to spend a lot every month.

  It doesn’t matter if you can’t see it, it doesn’t affect the popularity of the "beautiful name" market. On the official website of the operator, there are basically no numbers with the tail number format of "AAA" (that is, the tail number is three identical numbers); Don’t even think about the suffix "1314".

  Moreover, it is not easy to get a "beautiful name", and it is even harder to raise it. Because almost all "beautiful names" have pre-stored phone bills and minimum monthly consumption restrictions.

  For example, the number "199****3030", even if it is not "beautiful", should be pre-stored in 400 yuan, and the minimum monthly package consumption should be 99 yuan.

  "It’s not expensive, so the ending number is ‘ AAA’ Yes, the minimum monthly package is 199 yuan. " Some merchants told the reporter of Zhongxin. com.

  The minimum consumption of such packages basically exceeds the per capita monthly consumption quota announced by operators. Taking China Mobile as an example, its financial report shows that the monthly household income (ARPU) in 2017 was 57.7 yuan.

  What’s more, if you want a "beautiful number", you not only need to pre-store the phone bill and set the minimum consumption, but also need a "number purchase fee" or a "number selection fee".

  Different from the basic operators, many communication businesses openly sell "nicknames", and they don’t clearly mark the price, so they have to talk privately one-on-one.

  Recently, the staff of a communication store on Tmall revealed to the reporter of Zhongxin. com that the price of the card number ending with "AAA" is basically more than 1,000 yuan.

  Take "177 * * * * 555, China Telecom number and Beijing as an example, the external selling price is 1218 yuan, of which 720 yuan is the prepaid phone bill, which means that the remaining 498 yuan is the" number purchase fee ",and the minimum monthly consumption of this number is 199 yuan.

  It is illegal for telecom operators to sell "beautiful names"

  The Measures for the Management of Telecommunication Network Code Number Resources issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology stipulates that after obtaining the right to use the code number, the telecommunication business operator shall not charge the user the selection fee or occupation fee. If there is any violation, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology may give a warning according to the seriousness of the case and impose a fine of more than 5,000 yuan and less than 30,000 yuan.

  The above measures also stipulate that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology can take back the allocated code number resources if it transfers or leases the code number resources or registers the code number as a trademark.

  Why did this happen?

  Some operators who did not want to be named told the reporter of Zhongxin. com that at present, it is difficult for consumers to obtain "nicknames" through normal channels and they need to go to the agency market to buy them at a high price; On the other hand, criminals will also hoard numbers and speculate at high prices, resulting in a waste of number resources.

  "The communication industry does not specify what is ‘ The nickname ’ But some popular or memorable numbers have market value in themselves. "

  "Operators will not charge users ‘ Selection fee ’ , will be different levels ‘ The nickname ’ Corresponding to different tariff packages for customers to choose from, it is also to make high-quality resources really put on the market to avoid being hoarded and profited by a few people. " The above person said.

  Fu Liang, an independent analyst in the communications industry, said that operators’ numbers are all applied for by number segments, including "pretty numbers", ordinary numbers and even "difference numbers", but all of them require operators to pay.

  "Therefore, when reselling the right to use, operators will be interested in ‘ The nickname ’ Make provisions such as prepaid phone bills and monthly minimum consumption restrictions to achieve a balanced income and expenditure. " (End)


Topic: Wen Jiabao’s visit to Japan.


[content overview]:China’s Prime Minister Wen Jiabao delivered a speech entitled "For Friendship and Cooperation" in the Japanese Parliament this morning. This is the 22-year interval when the Japanese Parliament welcomed China leader and Prime Minister Wen Jiabao of the State Council, People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Premier Wen Jiabao delivered a speech at the Japanese Parliament.

    China’s Prime Minister Wen Jiabao delivered a speech entitled "For Friendship and Cooperation" in the Japanese Parliament this morning.

    He said that for the sake of friendship and cooperation, it is necessary to inherit and carry forward the long-standing historical tradition of Sino-Japanese friendship. During more than 2,000 years of contacts, the Chinese nation and the Japanese nation have learned from each other and promoted their respective development and progress. > > > Click on the video   > > > Full text of the speech


? [Theme] Friendship and Cooperation I hope this visit will become an ice melting trip.

? Wen Jiabao: Five Principles for Pushing Sino-Japanese Relations to a New Historical Stage

    Under the new historical conditions, China and Japan have growing common interests and face major issues that need to be addressed together. Based on such objective facts, the leaders of the two countries have reached a consensus on building a strategic and mutually beneficial relationship. Our goal is to conform to the trend and popular will, push Sino-Japanese relations to a new historical stage, and realize peaceful coexistence, friendship from generation to generation, mutually beneficial cooperation and common development. In order to achieve this goal, we need to grasp the following principles: first, enhance mutual trust and fulfill commitments. Second, take the overall situation into consideration and seek common ground while reserving differences. Third, equality, mutual benefit and common development. Fourth, focus on the future and strengthen exchanges. Fifth, close consultation to meet challenges. > > > click details.

? Sino-Japanese exchanges have lasted for more than two thousand years.

    Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, production techniques such as rice planting, mulberry planting, sericulture, textile and smelting have been spread from China to Japan, and Chinese characters, Confucianism, Buddhism, laws and art have also been absorbed and used for reference by Japan. The Japanese have sent envoys to the Tang Dynasty for more than ten times, and Abe Zhongmalu is one of them.

    Jian Zhen, a monk, went to Japan eastward, but failed to cross the sea five times, so that he became blind and remained determined. He was 66 years old when he succeeded in crossing the sea for the sixth time. Monk Jian Zhen spread Buddhism to Japan, which he thought could help the world and help others. > > > click details.

? Friendship and cooperation need to draw lessons from history
    For the sake of friendship and cooperation, we need to sum up and learn from the historical lessons of infinite years. As we all know, the friendly exchanges between the Chinese and Japanese people for more than 2,000 years were blocked by the painful and unfortunate history of more than 50 years in modern times. The Japanese war of aggression against China has caused great disasters to the people of China, with heavy casualties and huge property losses. It is hard to describe the trauma to the hearts of the people of China. > > > click details.
? 2008 Japanese children were abandoned in China after the war.

    In the war-torn era, Marshal Nie Rongzhen rescued the Japanese orphan Mihoko on the battlefield, took good care of her personally, and tried every means to send her back to her relatives. In 1980, Mihoko and his family made a special trip to China to visit Marshal Nie. After the war, 2,008 Japanese children were abandoned and orphaned in China, and they were taken in by war-torn China people.

    Up to today, 2,513 Japanese orphans have returned to Japan to settle down. > > > click details.

? [General Wen’s punch line] Although the wind is in Wuthering Mountain, it will not move.
    Wen Jiabao said: "There is a stone lantern in the Jian Zhen Memorial Hall in daming temple, Yangzhou, which was personally delivered by the filial piety elder Morimoto of the Japanese Tang Zhaoti Temple in 1980. The lamp lit by himself is a pair with another lamp of the Japanese Tang Zhaoti Temple. This pair of lights is still burning today, and it shines in the distance, symbolizing the bright future of friendship between the Chinese and Japanese peoples from generation to generation.

    There is a proverb in your country:Although the wind is whistling, the mountain will not move.Although the development of Sino-Japanese relations has experienced ups and downs, the foundation of friendship between the Chinese and Japanese peoples is as unshakable as Mount Tai and Mount Fuji! > > > click on the details.

? [Netizen’s voice] Melting ice and melting snow, a ray of sunshine comes through the clouds in the spring.

[Mickey’s girlfriend]:I wish Premier Wen’s "ice-melting trip" warm the heart of Japanese "grassroots"

[Magpie Nest]:On the eve of Premier Wen Jiabao’s trip to the East, he made it clear to the outside world that he intended to establish a communication and cooperation mechanism between China and China and achieve a mutually beneficial strategic relationship, which indicated that China had taken a decisive step towards building a peace mechanism in East Asia and was also a symbol of the sublimation of’s diplomatic wisdom. Diplomacy transcends the bondage of emotion, takes rational judgment as a tool and takes national interests as a refuge, which is the proper meaning of great power diplomacy.

[Dongxiang dutiful son]:Breaking ice-melting ice requires a high degree of mutual trust. Enhance exchanges, especially among the younger generation, and increase mutual understanding. Take history as a mirror, look to the future and jointly promote the prosperity of East Asia. May peace be with us forever!

[▲ Marshal▲]:"After 22 years, the leader of China once again boarded the podium of the Japanese parliament" sounds a sense of pride. Hehe, it seems quite difficult to board the podium of the Japanese parliament! It’s an honor to be on the board.

Editor: Huo Junxia

The scope of protection has been greatly expanded! The new adjustment of this wildlife list was announced.

  The reporter learned from National Forestry and Grassland Administration today (30th) that the newly adjusted List of Terrestrial Wild Animals with Important Ecological, Scientific and Social Values was published.

  The newly adjusted "Three Owns List" contains 1924 species of wild animals, including 91 species of mammals, 1028 species of birds, 450 species of reptiles, 253 species of amphibians, 96 species of insects, 2 species of arachnids and 4 species of oligochaeta. Compared with the original catalogue published for the first time in 2000, more than 700 species of wild animals have been added while basically retaining the original species, thus greatly expanding the scope of wildlife protection.

  On the basis of scientific evaluation of the ecological, scientific and social values of terrestrial wildlife species, this list adjustment fully considers many factors such as population dynamics, threats, social concerns, etc., with the basic principles of adhering to ecological priority, maintaining scientific research needs and benefiting social development as the adjustment, and doing everything possible to protect vertebrates; For invertebrates, because of their wide variety and huge quantity, they are really necessary and conform to the basic principles of adjustment. This directory adjustment will effectively promote the improvement of protection and management capabilities, the protection and improvement of natural ecology, the level of wildlife scientific research and the public awareness of protection.

  China is rich in wildlife species, with 8,197 species of vertebrates alone, making it one of the countries with the largest number of wildlife species in the world. (CCTV reporter Shi Yuyu)

Xcar English improvement class 6 is not as careful as pickup truck

  [Original by Aika Car Vision Channel]

  Today, with the vigorous development of the automobile industry, the annual sales volume of one model is extremely amazing: according to the average annual sales volume of 2 million vehicles, one vehicle can be sold every 15 seconds on average; If it is lined up end to end, it can circle the earth 300 times, and this is only the number it sells in a year! This is "Pick-up/Truck".

  Today, there are several famous brands that constitute the "main force" of pickup truck models: F- series, Sliverado/Colorado (Sored/(|)), Ram series, Tacoma/Tundra (smooth road) and so on. What makes "Pick-up" popular all over the world and occupy a huge market share? Let’s walk into this issue of Xcar English Improvement Class.

Topic map

  Whether the product is good or not depends on the sales volume.

  According to the practice of previous upgrading classes, we will first introduce the development and history of the models. But in this issue, I will start with sales volume, explore the origin and development of pickup truck culture, and boldly predict that pickup truck models will eventually become "popular" in the new socialist modern countryside.

American car sales

American car sales

  Why do Americans love pickups so much? This will start from the 1920s. In the initial period of automobile manufacturing, vehicles were sold in the form of Separate chassis and body (chassis and body of non-loaded body structure are two parts). From the production of cars to the hands of consumers, a third party is responsible for the assembly of vehicle shells.

Pickup truck

  "Pick up" means "pick up" in English, which means it is convenient to load or unload goods. Therefore, the "bucket" vehicle is gradually called "Pick-up" (pickup truck is its transliteration). And "Truck" generally refers to large transport vehicles (but the basic name is personal habits).

Pickup truck

Pickup truck

  Since the 1950s, pickup trucks have gradually become an important production tool for American post-war economic recovery. Chevrolet El, Chevrolet Camino and Dodge Sweptine gradually entered people’s homes in the form of tool carts.

Pickup truck

  In 1963, the Protectionist Chicken Tax (referred to as "chicken tax") enacted by the United States to protect local automobile enterprises limited the dumping momentum of imported freight vehicles. Therefore, there has been a phenomenon that "every household buys a domestic pickup truck" in the United States, and the first car of many Americans is a pickup truck.

Pickup truck

Pickup truck

  Even so, pickup trucks have been criticized for a series of shortcomings, such as large displacement, "gas tiger", poor riding experience and no shape design. However, American pickup trucks played a role in the recovery of the national economy in World War II, and it was the "hero" for the United States to quickly become the world’s largest economy after the war.

Raptor 2017

2017 Raptor


A brief history of the development of glutinous rice balls: the stuffing was once called "round and not falling"

  Data Map: Wuhan time-honored traditional handmade dumplings are selling well. China News Agency issued ZhangChang photo

  Chinanews. com client March 2 (Reporter Shangguan Yun) Today is the Lantern Festival, people have started to buy according to their tastes, and merchants have launched various promotional activities according to the situation. Then, do you know why we eat glutinous rice balls on the Lantern Festival? What are the beautiful meanings in it?

  Lantern Festival, also known as "Shangyuan Festival" or "Lantern Festival", appeared in the Han Dynasty. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Lantern Festival, together with Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, was called the three traditional folk festivals in China, with a history of more than 2,000 years. The symbolic eating is "Tangyuan".

  According to public information, in the Tang and Five Dynasties, you had to eat "cocoon flour" and "round without falling into the corner" at the Lantern Festival, and in the Southern Song Dynasty, there was a "lactose dumpling". In the poem "Boiling a floating dumpling at the Lantern Festival", there was a sentence like "the stars are in the dark clouds, and the beads are floating in turbid water". These foods can be regarded as the predecessors of glutinous rice balls. By the Ming Dynasty, there were more names for "Yuanxiao".

  Data map: Beijing time-honored brands are now shaking Yuanxiao, which is in short supply.

  Dumplings are made in different ways from Yuanxiao, which is "shaken" and wrapped. The fillings can be vegetarian, sweet and salty, and there are many patterns. The sweet fillings generally include bean paste, jujube paste, nuts, etc., and the salty fillings generally include diced fresh meat and shrimp.

  In addition, there are dumplings filled with vegetables, which are composed of mustard, onion, garlic, leek and ginger. They are called "Five-flavor Yuanxiao", which means hard work, long-term progress. In recent years, there have been various "trendy" flavors of glutinous rice balls, such as strawberries, mangoes, durians, flowers, chocolates, etc., and some merchants have even introduced frozen fruit Yuanxiao that does not need to be cooked in the pot.

  Recalling the Lantern Festival when I was a child, Zhong Qin, who lives in Nanjing, said that there are different names for Lantern Festival and glutinous rice balls in Nanjing, and the boundaries are not so obvious. When I was a child, I always ate glutinous rice balls.

  Data map: there are also skills in rubbing dumplings, otherwise they will bloom as soon as they are cooked. Photo by ZhangChang

  "Whenever we approach the Lantern Festival, we begin to prepare noodles and fillings. Take boiled water and noodles first, and add water a little. " Zhong Qin said that every time the family made dumplings, they were very happy. "There are many kinds of fillings. The traditional flavors are sesame, bean paste, pure meat and vegetable meat. Later, white sugar with suet and peanuts with brown sugar were used, which was delicious."

  How to eat dumplings? Many people may say "cooking", but in fact, there are many methods such as steaming, frying and frying, which are equally delicious. Zhong Qin said that when frying, the oil should drown the dumplings. Put the wrapped raw dumplings directly into the boiling oil pan, turn them gently, and then fish them out when they turn golden yellow. "Sometimes the fried dumplings will swell up and taste crispy and delicious.".

  "The shape of glutinous rice balls is similar to that of a full moon, symbolizing reunion and good luck. Therefore, eating glutinous rice balls represents the wish of family reunion and harmony." Gao Wei, a folk expert, explained that no matter whether it’s called Tangyuan or Yuanxiao, no matter what kind of production method, people’s good wishes for their future life are pinned. (Zhong Qin is a pseudonym) (End)

"Spring" Li Youying became the first Korean actor after the Milan Film Festival was sealed.

Li youying

    1905 movie network news South Korean actress Li Youying won the title of Best Actress at the 14th Milan International Film Festival for her leading film, which was also the first time that a Korean actress was sealed at the Milan Film Festival.

    According to a person related to scenery and entertainment of the brokerage company to which Li Qiying belongs, Li Qiying walked onto the podium wearing hanbok and yellow ribbon that day, and also expressed her condolences to the victims of the shipwreck of the "Year of the Year".

    Milan International Film Festival is also known as the Sundance International Film Festival in Italy. Previously, Korean films such as (2005), (2007) and (2012) were invited to participate in the film festival and introduced Korean films to Italian audiences. Li Youying was the first Korean actor to win the winner of the film festival.

    The film "Spring" tells that a writer who was once called a genius lost the confidence to live because of an incurable disease, while his wife brought back a woman full of stories in order to reawaken the writer’s writing inspiration. The film also won the Best Foreign Language Film Award at the 23rd Arizona International Film Festival, which opened on April 11th. At the 14th Milan International Film Festival, the film was nominated for the best director, best screenplay, best photography, best music, best art, best actress and best supporting actor.

Love is just: the best love never needs to be defined.

Original title: "Love is just", the best love is never defined.

"The biggest advantage of this drama is that it restores the original appearance of love." Spring blossoms, an urban love drama deus ex, won the praise of the audience. The play tells the story of the mutual understanding and love between Song Sanchuan, a badminton tennis player, and Liang Youan, the president’s special assistant professional manager. In the play, they are sincere and enthusiastic, not afraid of love and dare not to love. They are the long-lost "sunshine" in each other’s lives, and they have seen a positive and beautiful love and restored the living conditions of contemporary urban youth.

Compared with other urban love dramas, "Love Is Just" swept away the stereotype of the audience on urban love dramas in the past. On the contrary, it was a "firework spirit" that was closer to life and paid more attention to the characters themselves. Liang Youan, the heroine, appeared as a "32-year-old single woman for five years" in the workplace, but such working and living conditions often troubled this gold medal employee. In the application for adopting a puppy, Liang Youan revealed that "I am eager to go home every day and someone will feel the sense of healing", and the encounter between the hero and heroine is actually the "sunshine" to illuminate each other’s lives, and it is a panacea to untie the "heart knot" and open the "bottleneck". I still remember at the launching ceremony of Love, the head of the team said, "I hope many women can get rid of the autism of intimate relationship, brave enough to love." From the experience of watching the drama, the slow plot rhythm is the way for the screenwriter to show the delicate feelings of the characters in the drama, and it also has a certain healing effect.

It is not difficult to find that Song Sanchuan and Liang Youan have similar life experiences and circumstances, which is also an important factor in their final "chemical reaction". In the plot structure, the screenwriter interweaves the emotional views of people aged "20+" and "30+", which makes the audience full of imagination for the plot. However, across age and occupation, they all show a new atmosphere of young people who dare to challenge themselves and constantly overcome difficulties and meet challenges in pursuit of life value, which also resonates with many people in the workplace and young people.

There are too many forms of love, and the best love is a positive force generated by "resonance at the same frequency" in Love. While welcoming sweet love, they are also faced with conflicts of ideas and experiences. They surpass themselves again and again in coping with challenges, strengthen mutual trust, and finally gain career growth and beautiful love. Such a view of love can be used for reference among young people, just as psychologist Li Songwei said, "Intimate relationship is a healthy relationship first, and love is not necessary." Indeed, love must be tacit, just like meeting by chance. When deciding to give confidence to each other, age, identity and occupation become unimportant.

Liang Youan’s unique temperament is precisely the undoubted energy of working women in the new era, and we can’t help but feel sorry for Liang Youan’s family misfortune, unfair treatment in the workplace and emotional experience. At the same time, her ability to deal with trivial matters in life and her rare sobriety in the face of complex situations deserve our admiration.

"Love is just" is not just love. The connotation of the plot extends to every corner of the workplace, love and life faced by young people. It is precisely from its character quality and core that we can truly understand "Love is just".

In the plot, there is almost no greasy inherent image of brother-sister love, and whether the dreamy combination of Liang Youan and Song Sanchuan can really land in real life is worth discussing by the audience and netizens.

As an exploration of the narrative structure and plot grasp of the emotional urban drama of brother and sister, "Love Just" has also caused some disputes on the idealization of the plot, the actor’s sense of CP, acting skills and other issues, but it is undeniable that its concept of love and outlook on life is a kind of spiritual communication under mutual equality, and it constantly challenges the limits to become a better self, and it is a sincere work with a good impression and experience for young people at the crossroads of love. (Author: Han Xin)

Many provinces started the recruitment of civil servants in 2017, and some areas set up disabled posts.

  BEIJING, Beijing, March 8 (Reporter Qi Feng) Recently, many provinces started the recruitment of the "provincial examination" for civil servants in 2017. This year, the recruitment policy of civil servants in various places continued to increase the inclination to the grassroots, and Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other provinces also set up special positions to recruit students for the disabled.

  Many places have started this year’s "provincial examination" recruitment of civil servants

  Today, the registration of civil servants for the 2017 exam in Fujian Province was officially launched. The registration time is from 8: 00 today to 17: 00 on the 14th.

  Since November last year, the recruitment of provincial civil servants in 2017 has started one after another. The 2017 civil servant recruitment in Beijing and Shanghai has been written at the end of last year, and the "provincial examination" written test in Jiangsu will also be held on the 11th of this month.

  In addition, according to the statistics of reporters from Zhongxin. com, since the beginning of this year, six provinces including Guangdong, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Guizhou, Zhejiang and Fujian have also released the 2017 civil service recruitment announcement. It is also reported that in 2017, Shandong has also made it clear that the civil service recruitment announcement will be released in the middle and late March.

  Compared with previous years, what changes have taken place in the recruitment scale of "provincial examination" for civil servants this year? Observing the recruitment plans announced by various places, the recruitment scale of civil servants in Shanghai and Jilin this year is basically the same as last year, while the recruitment scale of civil servants in Beijing, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Guizhou this year has declined compared with last year.

  For example, last year, the number of civil servants recruited in Guangdong was 17,412, and this year’s recruitment plan dropped to 15,018; Last year, the number of civil servants recruited in Zhejiang reached 8409, but this year it dropped to 6466. For another example, in the recruitment of civil servants in Beijing in 2016, the total number of recruits reached 6,857, the highest in history. This year, the recruitment scale of civil servants in Beijing dropped to 5,022.

  However, some provinces have greatly increased the recruitment scale of civil servants this year. For example, Heilongjiang recruited 8,831 civil servants this year, an increase of 2,687 over last year, with an increase of 43.7%. According to the statistics provided by Huatu Education, the recruitment scale of civil servants in Heilongjiang this year has set a new high in the province in the past five years.

  Observing the announced announcement of "provincial examination" for civil servants, the recruitment policies of some provinces this year deserve attention. For example, just as the national examination recruitment policy in recent years has tilted to the grassroots level, the recruitment policy of "provincial examination" issued by various places has also tilted to the grassroots level.

  For example, in 2017, the recruitment of civil servants in Guizhou Province continued to implement the "two 80%" policy, and 84% of the province’s recruitment plan was arranged in towns and villages, dispatched institutions and grassroots front lines (including Selected Graduates). Guizhou also stipulates that organs and agencies in counties and towns (except towns, offices and agencies where the county seat is located) in concentrated contiguous areas with extreme poverty can recruit graduates from high schools and secondary vocational schools (technical secondary schools).

  This year, Zhejiang’s civil servant recruitment plan includes 350 village officials from Selected Graduates. According to reports, Li Zezhou, deputy director of the Civil Service Management Office of the Organization Department of Zhejiang Provincial Committee, said, "The purpose of recruiting 350 Selected Graduates village officials is to let more people go to the grassroots to exercise and serve the front-line people."

  Li Zezhou said that this year’s recruitment will pay more attention to grassroots orientation, demand orientation and problem orientation, and at the same time, try to select comrades who know the grassroots, are familiar with the grassroots, and master the mass language and mass work methods to work in institutions above the city level.

  In addition, some provinces have specially expanded the positions for the disabled in this year’s civil service recruitment. For example, this year, Zhejiang increased the recruitment of civil servants with disabilities, with 22 positions for civil servants with disabilities.

  Jiangsu recruited the disabled for the first time this year, and the competent authorities specially prepared 29 job plans, which were directed to the disabled persons with disability cards and meeting the job requirements, including the relevant departments of the Disabled Persons’ Federation, the Nanjing Economic and Information Committee, Jiangyin Municipal Market Supervision Administration and other government departments.

  Among the above-mentioned provinces that have announced the recruitment notice and have not yet taken the examination, the written examination of the "Provincial Examination" for civil servants in Jiangsu Province will be held on the 11th of this month, and on April 8th, Guangdong Province will hold this year’s written examination of the "Provincial Examination" for civil servants.

  In addition to the above two provinces, the written test time of "Provincial Examination" in six provinces including Zhejiang, Guizhou, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shandong and Fujian is scheduled to be held on April 22nd.

  In recent years, many places have arranged the written examination of "provincial examination" for civil servants on the same day, which is also called "civil servant joint examination" among candidates.

  Li Manqing, an expert in the public examination of Huatu Education, told the reporter of Zhongxin.com that the "joint examination" for the recruitment of civil servants in many provinces began in 2009, and on April 26th of that year, seven provinces held the recruitment examination for civil servants on the same day. Since then, it has become a practice among some provinces to hold civil service examinations on the same day in the middle and late April of each year. On April 23 last year, the written examination of public subjects of "Provincial Examination" in more than 20 provinces was held on the same day.

  Li Manqing introduced that all the provinces participating in the "Joint Entrance Examination" are organized separately, and the "Joint Entrance Examination" is not the same volume. In the past, some candidates took exams across many provinces, and if they were hired by many places, they could only choose one position, which had an impact on the recruitment of other positions. Many provinces choose the written test on the same day, which helps to avoid the disadvantages of candidates taking advantage of the test time difference to travel around the provinces frequently to take the test. (End)