What does spa mean?

Spa refers to: water to achieve health, healthy water. SPA refers to the use of water resources combined with bathing, massage, smearing skin care products and aromatherapy to promote metabolism and satisfy human vision, taste, touch, smell and thinking to achieve a pleasant enjoyment of body and mind.

SPA is a soothing and stress-relieving method composed of professional beauty therapists, water, light, aromatic oils, music and other elements, which can help people achieve body, mind and spirit fitness effects. The discussion on the origin of the word SPA has a word that runs through it, that is, “hydrotherapy”, which reflects the important role of water in the field of healing in ancient times and in early European spa culture.
Types of spas:

There are many kinds of SPA, from ordinary bath massage, to aromatherapy massage using various mineral waters and aromatic oils, to the popular “parent fish” bath that gnaws dead skin flakes, as well as chocolate and coffee SPA. However, there are other more special spa treatments around the world, there are intoxicating beer spas, sensational snake spas, and even crude oil spas that use oil as bath water.

The precautions for taking a sauna include not being overworked

The precautions for taking a sauna include not being overworked, not hungry, paying attention to hydration, removing jewelry, and people who have a cold or are during menstruation should not take a sauna. Sauna, also known as Finnish bath, refers to the process of using steam to perform physical therapy on the human body in a closed room.

  1. It is not advisable to be overworked and hungry
    Under normal circumstances, it is not advisable to take a sauna when you are overworked or hungry, because the human body has poor muscle tone when you are tired or hungry, and has a reduced ability to tolerate cold and hot stimuli. Sauna at this time is likely to cause collapse. If you experience collapse during the sauna, you should immediately lie down and rest, give warm tea or sugar water to drink, and use your fingers to pinch and press acupoints such as Renzhong, Neiguan, and Hegu, or acupuncture at Hegu, Zusanli and other acupoints. Helps in first aid for collapsed patients.
  2. Pay attention to hydration
    You must pay attention to replenishing water during the sauna. It is best to drink two glasses of boiled water before the sauna. Don’t forget to replenish water during the sauna, because the human body will lose a lot of water due to sweating during the sauna. body fluids, which can lead to dehydration if left unhydrated. If dehydration occurs during the sauna session, the patient needs to be moved to a cool environment in time, given appropriate sugar and saline solution, and pay attention to rest.
  3. Remove the jewelry
    In addition, do not wear jewelry, such as jade pendants, necklaces, watches, etc., when you are in the sauna, because jewelry can easily absorb heat, and wearing them during the sauna may burn your skin or cause skin discomfort. If you experience collapse during the sauna, you should immediately lie down and rest, give warm tea or sugar water to drink, and use your fingers to pinch and press acupoints such as Renzhong, Neiguan, and Hegu, or acupuncture at Hegu, Zusanli and other acupoints. Helps in first aid for collapsed patients.
  4. People who have a cold or are in menstrual period should not take a sauna
    It should also be noted that not all people are suitable for sauna, and patients with a cold should not take a sauna, because the bacteria hidden in the sauna can enter the human body through the respiratory tract, which can easily aggravate the patient’s cold condition, and can cause pneumonia and other diseases in severe cases. In addition, it is not suitable for girls to take a sauna during their menstrual period, so as not to cause upward infection.
    Sauna is a special bathing method, which not only relieves fatigue, relieves pain, and relaxes joints. It is usually suitable for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. It also has the effect of dilating skin blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, and helping the waste in the body. Excluded, can make the deep layer of the skin obtain more effective nutrients.