Football plate welcome catalyst again

  According to a number of media reports, recently, the Office of the National Youth Campus Football Leading Group officially approved Xiamen, Qingdao and Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture to set up a national campus football reform pilot zone to carry out campus football reform experiments around youth campus football teaching, sports competition and teacher training. Analysts believe that the football sector is expected to benefit.

  The foot reform in the three places is rich in content

  According to the application plans previously submitted by the three places, the contents of football reform in Xiamen include: striving to create 165 campus football schools in 2017; Support and encourage schools to form women’s football teams; Establish a separate enrollment system for football special students; Implement the campus football personnel training and upgrading project; Establish a training base for campus football reserve talents.

  Qingdao’s reforms include: by 2019, the campus football penetration rate will reach 25%; By 2024, the number of primary schools, middle schools and universities that regularly carry out campus football activities will reach 35% of the total number of schools, and the number of registered young football players will reach 100,000.

  In addition, Yanji’s three-year reform plan shows that in 2015, physical education class, a primary and secondary school in the city, added a football teaching link, with no less than 16 hours of football courses per semester, and the campus football popularization rate reached 65%, with 850 trainings. In 2016, the football penetration rate reached 75%; Transform four school football venues and build a municipal off-campus football training base; Create 10 to 12 national youth campus football characteristic schools; Training more than 1600 people. In 2017, the campus football penetration rate reached more than 85%; Transform six school football venues and build a municipal off-campus football training base.

  The prospect of football is worth looking forward to.

  The previously approved "Overall Plan for the Reform and Development of Football in China" has defined the direction and goal of the future reform and development of football in China. The core contents mainly include: the China Football Association is decoupled from the General Administration of Sports, and there is no administrative level; Hosting the World Cup and kicking the national football team into the World Cup are the goals; Establish professional league Council to operate Super League; Study and issue China League Football Lottery; Increase investment in national football and build two new training bases; By 2025, 50,000 football schools will be built.

  Related concept stocks are expected to benefit.

  Zhao Huan, chief analyst of fortune securities, believes that the revitalization of football has risen to the national level, and the development space of the football industry is broad. National policy support is bound to encourage diversified capital investment and develop and expand the football industry through the capital market. From the investment point of view, football will become a compulsory course on campus, which will undoubtedly increase the mass base and market prospect of the future football industry, and related football concept stocks are expected to benefit. Investors can pay attention to Jiangsu Shuntian, TEDA, Lehman Optoelectronics, Shuangxiang, and China Sports Industry.

[White Paper on Men’s Basketball World Cup] Ten admonitions to chinese basketball association

Author/titan sports Basketball Editorial Department

On September 2nd, China lost to the Philippines, ending its World Cup journey with a record of 1 win and 4 losses, ranking 29th among all 32 teams and missing the Olympic Games for the second time in a row.

After such a fiasco, the whole basketball world was immersed in great pain caused by failure. But if you can’t sum up the lessons after the pain, such a failure is meaningless. In the past two weeks, titan sports conducted a detailed investigation and invited experts from various fields to write and publish the White Paper on the Men’s Basketball World Cup from the perspectives of the world basketball development trend, the comparison between CBA league and other leagues, and the current situation of China-Japan basketball youth training. We hope that through this white paper, people from all walks of life and fans in China can really see the world, get rid of stale ideas as much as possible and update their understanding of basketball.

On this basis, in the name of the Basketball Department of titan sports and on behalf of the authors who participated in the compilation of the White Paper on Men’s Basketball World Cup, we put forward ten suggestions to chinese basketball association. The purpose of advice is not to fire a gun, let alone ridicule, but to hope that China basketball, which is at a low ebb, will return to a benign track with the joint efforts of all walks of life. We don’t expect the ten suggestions to be implemented one by one, and we don’t expect chinese basketball association to respond. It’s just that as a media, we have the obligation and responsibility to present what we have obtained through interviews and research to readers and fans. The level is limited, and there are many shortcomings in our suggestions. However, if one or two of them can be adopted, even if it only brings some thoughts and touches to chinese basketball association and all walks of life, and plays a small role in promoting basketball progress and deepening basketball reform in China, our enthusiasm and efforts will not be in vain.

1. Turn shame into motivation and reshape the basketball image of China.

During the World Cup and after the defeat of China men’s basketball team, many people criticized China men’s basketball team for its lack of fighting spirit and sense of honor, arguing that there was a lack of ideological education from the national team to the clubs. Ideological education is indeed important, but the non-professional environment in which our professional players live increases the difficulty of ideological education and greatly consumes their sense of honor and fighting spirit. Every day, the players are exposed to shortcuts, back doors, finding loopholes in the rules, disobeying the law, and tacit understanding. There are rumors of all kinds of fake and gambling in the circle; The Basketball Association jumped repeatedly in dealing with qi zhou, and finally acquiesced in the club and players trampling on the rules. Immersed in such a so-called professional alliance, coupled with the influence of some bad social atmosphere, ideological education can easily become a slogan and sermon that cannot touch the soul.

Chinese basketball association should take the lead in summing up seriously and turn shame into motivation. It is no exaggeration to say that he should turn over a new leaf, reshape the basketball image of China and boost the confidence of the whole society in basketball. After the internal summary, we should tell the public the reform ideas and come up with specific measures-the existing rules and regulations are reasonable and must be resolutely implemented; If it is unreasonable, correct it as soon as possible-and take the initiative to ask for supervision by public opinion.

2. Add Basketball Association Cup and lay out multi-level league structure.

Although the men’s basketball team suffered setbacks in two consecutive World Cups, at present, China is actually in a period of vigorous development of basketball. The attendance of CBA and NBL leagues is gratifying, CUBAL and Naigao leagues are both applauded and popular, and various grassroots competitions and online celebrity competitions, including Village BA, have great social influence. We can hold the Basketball Association Cup, on the one hand, to meet the needs of fans and online users idolize and Curiosity, so that more people can pay attention to and appreciate basketball; At the same time, it also builds a bridge between grassroots and professional players, so that grassroots players and young players have the opportunity to realize their dreams of challenging professional players and tell more touching basketball stories. In the future, if CBA expands its army, it can also take the performance of Basketball Association Cup as a reference for NBL team to upgrade.

In addition, chinese basketball association should also build a multi-level league system. The professionalization direction of China’s league should not be to imitate NBA. According to the current situation of basketball development in China, we should at least form a three-level or even more league structure. Such a structure can bring hope to low-level league teams, pressure and stimulation to CBA teams, form greater competition and enhance the intensity and level of the league.

3.CBA league duration changed to 40 minutes, in line with FIBA.

Specific to the competition system and rules, we don’t need to copy the NBA at all, but should be more in line with FIBA’s competition. The purpose of this is to ensure the intensity and wonderful degree of the competition, and to make China players adapt to the international competition environment. At present, except CBA, NBA and PBA League in the Philippines, the competition time of all major leagues is four quarters, each of which is 10 minutes. Chinese basketball association set the match for 48 minutes, which was based on the consideration of strengthening players’ physical fitness, as well as the need to serve advertisers and TV broadcasters. However, judging from the World Cup competition, the 40-minute high-intensity competition requires more players’ physical fitness. China players who have experienced the 48-minute competition system have no advantage at all, but they are very uncomfortable. Considering the demand of commercialization, CBA can appropriately increase the number of pauses and adjust the pause time on the basis of FIBA competition to ensure the interests of TV broadcast and advertisers.

In terms of rules and interpretation of rules, it is also necessary for CBA to be consistent with FIBA, so that players can adapt to the international competition. We also suggest that chinese basketball association keep close contact and exchange with international referees, conduct business discussion and study, and invite foreign whistle law enforcement competitions if necessary, which is also a necessary step to strengthen international exchanges of referees and regain the right to speak in the referees.

At the national team level, although the results of this year’s World Cup are not ideal, there is no problem in organizing high-quality warm-up before the World Cup, which should be maintained and carried forward. We should ensure that national teams at all levels play a certain number of games with high-level teams every year, better understand international basketball from the perspective of actual combat, and try our best to narrow the gap between us and high-level teams in the world.

4. Resume foreign aid in Asia and gradually liberalize foreign aid restrictions in Asia.

Due to the epidemic situation and other reasons, perhaps based on the judgment of the China men’s basketball team’s fighting environment in Asia, CBA cancelled the foreign aid in Asia. However, it turns out that such changes have not limited the strength of opponents, but also reduced the overall level of CBA league. The strength of many games is too clear, which not only leads to the decline of the wonderful degree of the league, but also provides a hotbed for match-fixing and tacit ball. Coupled with the policy of foreign aid for four people in four quarters, domestic players are under insufficient pressure in the league and have insufficient ability to resist pressure in international competitions. As a result, the strength of our league is not enough to support players to play their level in the international competition stage. In the current Olympic promotion rules, the Asian Cup no longer carries the task of going straight to the Olympic Games. We want to return to the Olympic stage and need higher training level and greater competition intensity.

Based on the above reasons, we suggest that CBA should resume its foreign aid policy in Asia, gradually and completely liberalize the restrictions on foreign aid in Asia, and consider increasing the rules for the use of other foreign aid from the current four sessions with four people to four sessions with six people, and even further increase the appearance time of foreign aid in the future. In addition, drawing lessons from the experience of European leagues, chinese basketball association should take the lead in establishing multi-level official intercontinental club competitions, including AFC Champions League, Asian UEFA Cup and Asian Youth Club Cup, so that as many teams and players as possible can get more opportunities for competitions, especially international competitions.

5. Further liberalize the flow of players and unlock them.

From August, 2021 to August, 2023, the "qi zhou Incident" brought great shock to China basketball, and also made China basketball encounter many rounds of substantive and image crises. Behind the qi zhou incident, people have great doubts about the legitimacy and rationality of the club’s "lock-in" with the D contract in CBA’s Regulations on the Management of Players’ Draft, Salary Cap, Employment and Transaction. In the absence of collective bargaining system, there is a lack of channels to express players’ interests in the interest game among CBA companies, clubs and players. However, in the case of fruitless appeal, qi zhou chose to bid farewell to CBA temporarily, and then there was no official competition for a long time, and the competitive state declined seriously, which had a great impact on the preparation and competition of the national team.

Chinese basketball association should demonstrate and negotiate with CBA company about the possibility of amending the current regulations, such as shortening the life of the mother team’s priority to renew the contract, and whether and how the mother team should be compensated. At the same time, CBA should further liberalize the flow of players, encourage clubs to rent players, especially young players, to places where there is a ball to play, form healthy competition, and avoid the phenomenon of not playing and not playing.

6. Formulate feasible incentive policies for studying abroad.

After qi zhou, China players never appeared in the NBA, but Japan has two players who play in the NBA at the same time, and the development and performance of these two players are quite bright, which makes many China fans feel envious. But this may just be the beginning. There will be seven Japanese players in the NCAA first-level league in the new season, while only four Chinese mainland players are Wang Junjie, Yu Hongkai, Zhang Chenzhifeng and Li Xinyi. Is our young players less talented than Japan? No, but because the Japanese Basketball Association and clubs are trying their best to send their children abroad. Their clubs are very open-minded and know that the level of B League is limited, and they will try their best to meet the personal development of players.

Professional players in China don’t want to go abroad because their competitiveness is weak and they can’t find a suitable position, and because playing abroad will be economically affected. It is difficult for the younger generation to go abroad because the club is unwilling to let go, and the players’ families are also worried. Although it has a good platform and a higher probability of success, its risk coefficient will definitely increase compared with staying in China.

In the face of such double difficulties, chinese basketball association must first realize that sending young players to a higher level is the most important and direct way for China basketball to get out of the trough; After that, we should formulate a feasible incentive policy for studying abroad, which should be both encouraging and affordable to the club and young players. Young players lack experience and judgment when faced with choices. The Basketball Association can set up a special working group for young players outside the country to provide suggestions and related services for young players to play abroad, track their development at any time, and provide suggestions when necessary to help players grow up. This group can also provide professional advice, videos and data analysis when some organizations organize young players to study abroad.

7. Gradually relax the right to operate CBA teams.

The Japanese men’s basketball team won the qualification of representing Asia through Paris in the World Cup, which also triggered a heated discussion among China fans. Such a record is not enough to show that the Japanese men’s basketball team is the strongest in Asia, but through the investigation of Japanese B League, we found many references for chinese basketball association and CBA companies. It can even be said that the process of Japan’s B League from scratch and on the right track provides us with an excellent sample of how to build a professional league. CBA has a lot of homework to copy, and the most important point is that B League regards self-financing as the most important admission standard: all professional clubs in B League must be profitable and cannot have deficits for three consecutive years, and the financial status of each club is audited by a third-party company.

In CBA, most clubs can’t make ends meet. Guangzhou Dragon and Lion Club released its financial report in April, and the team lost 26.095 million yuan in 2022. Many people attribute the losses of CBA teams to environmental, social and market problems, but it is difficult for you to explain why some MCN companies can make a lot of money in the vertical field of basketball. During the interview with the reporter of titan sports, a number of CBA club management members said that the reason for the loss was that the CBA league did not pay attention to the profitability of the team. The league attaches importance to the management of clubs, not only in words and documents, but also in formulating policies, setting up rewards and punishments, and promoting and guiding them. Specific management and marketing methods, such as match day activities, social media operations and community services, should also provide guidance to the club.

The second problem reflected by the club is that the CBA league is too tight in controlling the right to operate and the club lacks operational autonomy. On this issue, the practice of Japan’s B League is that only a few rights and interests, such as broadcasting rights and naming rights in the finals, are packaged and sold by the league, and most sponsorship contracts are negotiated by the team independently. You can also consider copying this assignment.

8. Construct a double pyramid system belonging to China basketball.

Many countries and regions, including China, have put forward the concept of "pyramid system" and regarded it as the core framework of project development. However, in Japan, both football and basketball have established a training system of double pyramid mode, two pyramids, facing the public and the elite respectively. Facing the public, it is oriented to stimulate interest and lifelong sports, and the pyramid of elite system is to cultivate national talents.

The advantage of the double pyramid structure is to avoid the concept of "victory first" in children’s adolescence. Japan’s juvenile training emphasizes that you can pursue victory, but you should also enrich your life and learn the necessary value of life. This is the real victory. After teenagers formed an interest in basketball and good habits, the pyramid for the elite began to select materials. The Japan Basketball Association will devote great energy to this, organize the best players of all ages in the country to conduct training, assemble the best coaches and use as many resources as possible to serve the future national players.

This elite model can be completely imitated by us: chinese basketball association can organize top athletes of all ages from all over the country to receive unified training during the winter and summer vacations and even the 11th holiday, and be taught by high-level coaches. According to different age groups, let these potential stocks get familiar with each other as soon as possible, and lay the foundation for future joint operations. On the other hand, the Basketball Association can invite some high-level teams of the same age from other countries to compete with these top domestic young players, so as to understand the development trend of world basketball and enhance the overall competitiveness of players and teams.

9. Prepare a youth training program that closely follows the development of world basketball.

Many European countries have a common feature in youth training, that is, the basketball knowledge and training received by young people from primary school are very consistent. This feature is also fully reflected in the Japanese men’s and women’s basketball team in recent years. It is precisely because of this reason that the Japanese men’s and women’s basketball team has played a respectable performance even if it lacks some core players.

Basketball training in our country is in an unprecedented golden period in recent years. Basketball Association attaches great importance to youth training, and parents of students are also willing to let their children play basketball. These are all very good phenomena, and they are also opportunities that need to be cherished and grasped. Behind this gratifying situation, there are also hidden dangers, one of which is that our basketball training lacks systematicness and unity. The reporter of titan sports visited a number of basketball training institutions, and most of the coaches interviewed didn’t know whether there was a basketball training program suitable for teenagers in China. Some coaches know that there is such a thing as an "outline", but they say that they use the training institutions’ own textbooks.

In fact, we have a set of "China Youth Basketball Training Syllabus", which was first published in 2012. In 2019, representatives of the Organizing Committee of the "Syllabus" expressed their intention to establish a basketball training syllabus with complete technology and in line with the education system from kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools to universities. But so far, the staff of basketball associations in various places interviewed by reporters have said that they have not seen it yet.

If this outline is still being compiled, I hope that chinese basketball association will appoint experts who know more about the development of basketball in the world today to the organizing Committee; If this project has not been started or suspended, I hope that the Basketball Association will start or restart as soon as possible, organize a team with modern basketball thinking and cognition, and prepare a youth training program that keeps up with the development of world basketball.

10. Online coach training, providing free teaching videos.

What does advanced basketball look like? Through this year’s Men’s Basketball World Cup, many people have a perceptual knowledge while enjoying the wonderful games, which is also briefly described in the White Paper of Men’s Basketball World Cup of this newspaper. However, when the craze for the men’s basketball World Cup recedes, except for a few professionals, most people will not mention the current development status and trend of world basketball. Specific to the field of youth basketball training, managers and coaches of training institutions and coaches of school teams can care about the evolution of world basketball concepts and advanced basketball teaching methods.

Lack of scientific theoretical guidance, strict training and assessment system, and lack of mastery of modern basketball teaching methods lead to uneven coaching level, which is the biggest crux of youth training in China. Especially in the background of the combination of physical education and education, the level of school coaches and training is relatively low, which makes many children’s talents buried. A person in charge of a basketball association who is familiar with youth basketball said that basketball training is too hot now, and the gap of coaches is too big, not to mention passing on advanced basketball concepts, even the old methods can’t be trained.

Therefore, we suggest taking online training or even providing free teaching videos to expand the number of grass-roots coaches who receive training, so that coaches can understand the world basketball trend and master the training direction and methods. Today, short basketball videos are very popular, and the real systematic basketball teaching video was directed by Zhang Weiping for CCTV in 1990s. Basketball Association should organize shooting open-source teaching videos with modern basketball vision and teaching methods as soon as possible. Such free teaching videos can not only be learned by grass-roots coaches and school teachers, but also be downloaded and accessed by parents of students, so that more children can receive a good basketball education from an early age.

"Heroes" competition, "Zhangjiang Cup" basketball league shows the charm of science and technology workers.

Make a neat move,

Basketball draws a perfect arc in the air,

It rained for three minutes outside the three-point line.

Show the excellent shooting skills of the players;

The players in the competition walk skillfully,

Accurate shooting, vigorous posture,

Every time a basketball crosses your fingertips and flies to the basket to get into the net,

The audience also burst into applause and cheers.

On September 16th, 2023, the 12th "Zhangjiang Cup" Basketball League ushered in an exciting final moment. 92 teams participated in more than 230 competitions, which lasted for more than 2 months. Finally, 12 teams from Grade A, Grade B and competitive entertainment groups stood out and entered the finals. They are full of enthusiasm to fight for the first place in the competition field, showing the high-spirited enterprising style of "team surpassing" in Zhangjiang Science City.

This basketball league is directed by Shanghai Zhangjiang Science City Construction Management Office, Zhangjiang Town People’s Government of Pudong New Area, Shanghai Zhangjiang (Group) Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Zhangjiang High-tech Park Development Co., Ltd., hosted by Shanghai Zhangjiang Culture Holdings Co., Ltd., undertaken by Zhangjiang Park Federation of Trade Unions and Shanghai Zhangjiang Culture Media Co., Ltd., and assisted by Zhangjiang Science City Chamber of Commerce.

After several hours of fierce fighting, Team 1 of Shanghai Dagao International Logistics Co., Ltd., Shanghai Ronghang Information Technology Co., Ltd. and Modu Bus won the third place in the first division respectively.

Dagao International won the championship of Group A, which is the best result of Dagao International since it participated in the "Zhangjiang Cup" basketball league in 2012. Yong-quan Chen, the founder and chairman of Dagao International, led the team in the "No.18" uniform. "The Zhangjiang Cup Basketball League has not only boosted the morale of Zhangjiang enterprises, but also built a platform for communication and exchange. We are very willing to participate in such activities. Through this platform, you have the opportunity to have technical exchanges with other enterprises, and you may even have business contacts in the future. " Yong-quan Chen said.

The "Enterprise Service Star" who won the championship in Group B of this basketball league is an old basketball team. The team said that basketball is a sport that embodies the spirit of teamwork, and the cohesion of the company is getting stronger and stronger during the activity, which encourages the employees of the company to "never give up, never give up", strive for progress, and unite and cooperate with each other.

Since its establishment in 2009, the "Zhangjiang Cup" basketball league has been successfully held for 12 sessions. As a brand event of "Zhangjiang Sports Season", enterprises, institutions and employees of Zhangjiang Science City have been actively participating in it.

Mr. Li is an "old Zhangjiang" who has been paying attention to it since the first competition. He believes that the "Zhangjiang Cup" basketball league has become more and more exciting, which has set up a stage for Zhangjiang enterprises, which is conducive to improving their visibility and strengthening teamwork within enterprises.

In recent years, in Zhangjiang, all kinds of cultural and sports activities have continued. Apart from the "Zhangjiang Cup" basketball league, there are also activities such as dragon boat races, badminton competitions and "enjoying Zhangjiang masters into Zhangjiang". In addition, NES Zhangjiang International Community, Zhangjiang Science Hall, Zhangjiang Drama Valley and other cultural IPS are also emerging one after another, which transforms the "flow" of style into the "reservation" of industry.

According to the Tenth Five-Year Plan for the Development of Zhangjiang Science City in Shanghai, Zhangjiang is making every effort to build a vibrant city, strengthening the compound utilization of sports activities and ecological space, planning a number of outdoor bicycle lanes and waterfront bicycle lanes, building a number of ball venues, swimming pools and fitness centers, and supporting the holding of sports events and mass sports activities. The science city is becoming more livable, suitable for business, suitable for travel and music.

Text: Yang Zhenying

Editor: Wu Yan

Reprinted from Pudong and released the official WeChat.

Editor-in-Chief: Qin Hong

Text Editor: Dong Siyun

Author: Pudong release

Reverse! 220 million is gone! 1 for 2 trading exposure!

Imagine that you bought your favorite baby online.

Only to find that the goods are wrong, but there is no way to refund them.

It has not been opened for use until the shelf life.

Friends strongly recommend new brands, but you are hesitant.

Try a new meaning or believe that last time was just an accident.

The clippers face a similar situation on the issue of pepper sticking.

Earlier, it was reported that the Clippers would renew their contracts in advance and leave two people behind.

Kajiao is eligible to sign a four-year contract of over 220 million yuan.

If the contract renewal fails in advance, the card pepper will jump out of the contract next year

At that time, the Clippers are likely to face the risk of losing their dual cores.

The outside world is still optimistic about the Clippers and continue to be the suckers.

But the recent awakening of the Clippers has reversed things.

The team finally showed the company boss’s car-scrapping.

Determined to deal with these two migrant workers.

Wen Pang of ESPN talks about the future of Kajiao.

I don’t think they will get a four-year contract extension.

Clippers don’t offer for many years, or even offer.

It was the clippers’ turn not to worry, but also to wake up.

Ballmer has money in his pocket, but not a hole in his brain.

Two long-term patients charge for two hours and talk for five minutes.

Four years and three stretchers all rely on the basic salary to support the family.

Together, you are two years younger than me

Stop thinking about preserving Bai Piao’s salary.

Both of them have a strong Los Angeles complex in their hearts.

The market value is difficult to evaluate and will not leave easily.

A 32, a 33, is no longer a small meat.

If you want to make a lot of money when you enter the contract year, show your performance.

The clippers have been betting on this time management master for years.

Next year’s ultimatum, if you don’t get results, you will disintegrate.

The clippers have been dreaming for four years, and they are full of disappointment with Kajiao.

Stick to the same thing, repeat the same mistakes or be familiar with the formula

On the other hand, heavy eyebrows, and strive to bring the championship to Los Angeles.

I have missed many games and my state has fluctuated greatly.

The team is still willing to hand in a big contract to keep people.

The clippers are not in a hurry now, but they are hesitant inside.

When you miss the best opportunity in the park for 20 years, you are also doomed.

The Clippers’ offseason didn’t add much substance.

Rumor’s big move: meet the super big three of Harden Group

As time goes by, it gradually becomes illusory.

The American media, which loves to make trouble, simply helps the Clippers to make suggestions.

Simulation scheme of 1-for-2 trading between clippers and rockets

The Rockets traded Potter for Bobby+the first round in 29 years.

Little Potter can be regarded as a low-profile version of Harden.

23-year-old 19+5+5 can really increase the offensive options.

Are you on clipper 3 so soon?

What is more interesting is the contract situation of Little Porter.

It is stated that only the first season is fully guaranteed.

But the next three seasons are part of the guarantee.

There is still room for manoeuvre in the future.

If you want to lose Bobby and change the first round,

Clippers fans must be upset, too.

After all, this is the core chip for Deng Ge.

It feels like this is the summer when only Deng Ge was injured.

Deng Ge: The boat I’m waiting for hasn’t come yet.

The news of the transaction properly surfaced.

The giant wins the championship, and the NBA hero challenge legend 3V3 is coming!

Choose the three giants and legendary giants PK in your heart.

Can grapefruit pick’s Lakers trio win the championship

Set up a good lineup and win the Golden Red Card directly! Bashi

Zhao Junzhe: The Shenzhen team is tenacious and must pay attention to giving victory to the people of Hebei who are fighting floods.

# Cangzhou Lions vs Shenzhen Team # Pre-competition Conference

Zhao Junzhe: We have been completing the tournament according to the plan, and our performance against Nantong team is good. The next two home games are crucial. Although Shenzhen is influenced by many off-site factors, it is still tenacious. We also attach great importance to our opponents. This is a difficult game. We should go all out and pay attention to details, and dedicate the victory to the people of Hebei in the joint stage of fighting floods.

Oscar: We are fully prepared for this competition as before. It is a very important competition, and we want to get the most points. In addition, I also want to express my concern to the people affected by the recent floods. My heart is with you.

Counting the NBA’s total score list in the past ten years, the fifth place in the library is actually an ordinary player!

Counting the NBA’s total score list in the past ten years, the fifth place in the library is actually an ordinary player!

Recently, some media have counted the top 10 players in the nba’s cumulative total score in the regular season in the past 10 years, to see if it is beyond your expectation?

1. Harden scored 19875 points.

2. Lillard scored 17,814 points.

3. James scored 17571 points

4. demar derozan scored 17074 points.

5. Curry scored 16,771 points

6. Wei Shao scored 16,625 points

7. Letter brother 16280 points

8. Heavy eyebrows 14974 points

9. Durant scored 14,634 points

10. Bill scored 14611 points

As an ordinary player, James Harden still ranks first! I have to say that Deng Zi does have his own unique views on scoring. If he didn’t leave the Rockets, he would have scored 21,000 points now.

Primary school students only ranked fifth, and Lao Zhan ranked third. However, it was quite unexpected that demar derozan could be in the fourth place. After all, Azan’s scores were all pulled out one by one in the middle distance. Durant’s thick eyebrows are limited by injuries.

So here comes the question

Who do you think is the best scorer in the active nba?

[Official announcement]

After friendly negotiation between the club and Fujian Xunxing Basketball Club and full communication with the players themselves, Shanxi Guotou Professional Basketball Club announced that Li Zhanglin had left the team and joined Fujian Xunxing Basketball Club.

At the 2021CBA draft, the club chose Li Zhanglin from Central South University in the third place in the first round. The flexible pace and accurate middle distance of "Big Snake" left a deep impression on Shanxi fans. Thank Li Zhanglin for his contribution to the team in the past two years. We sincerely wish him to continue to work hard in the new environment and everything will be smooth in the future!

Follow your dreams and watch the concert with James! Praise Lao Zhan for many times: no fear of fans’ criticism

On August 4th, Beijing time, Dreamcatcher and James appeared in Toronto to watch the concert of rapper Brent Faiyaz. The two also took photos with Faiyaz, and some fans showed videos of James and chasing dreams at the concert. It can be seen that the two are quite involved and shake their bodies with live music.

Chasing dreams and traveling with James again caused a heated discussion among fans. The two have been rivals for many years, but they are also friends and business partners in private. Dreamcatcher has always respected James very much, and praised James many times on the show.

For example, when Chasing Dreams was a guest show, he talked about his top five in history. His order was: James, Jordan, Kobe, Curry and O ‘Neill. In his mind, James is the first person in NBA history. When talking about the topic of James’s retirement, Chasing Dreams bluntly said, "I respect him very much and hope that one day he can run for president." For example, recently, chasing dreams praised James’ basketball IQ.

In February of this year, Dreamcatcher also said that Lao Zhan was the greatest front player in NBA history. "LeBron’s pitch contribution, stability and durability prove his lifestyle. I’ve been saying recently that he is the greatest facade player in NBA history. Think about the era we live in now, there are cameras and social media everywhere, but he has never had a scandal, he has never been arrested, and there have never been drunk photos. " Dream-chasing said this.

The fans have a heated discussion about the remarks about chasing dreams. Someone said bluntly: "When can he not mention LeBron?"

There are also fans who believe that since Dreamcatcher and Curry are warriors’ teammates, they should not be so close to James of the Lakers. Chasing dreams has responded to such topics before. He said at the time: "Because of the way I interacted with James, I was criticized a lot. I did celebrate for James and I was happy for him, but it didn’t make Curry’s light dim. For those who criticize me on this matter, I always tell them that there is something wrong with your mentality. I compare the mentality of these people to servility. They just want to pick things up and want us to confront each other. "

In the pursuit of dreams, every star is an independent individual and has the right to choose who to associate with. Curry and Thompson, for example, have been training with Poole recently, even though Poole has left the Warriors and has a bad relationship with dream chasing.

Some fans also wrote: "Clay and Stephen are training with Poole, at the same time, chasing dreams and playing with LeBron (three crying expressions)."

Little Potter can’t keep the rocket? Us media sun 1 for 2 trading plan: join the clippers and join hands to win the championship.

With the introduction of Van fleet and the selection of Amen Thompson by the Rockets, it is widely believed that Potter’s playing time will be affected and it is difficult to stay in the city for a long time. On August 4th, Beijing time, the US media came up with a 1-for-2 trading plan, suggesting that the Rockets and Clippers trade in exchange for Norman Powell and the first round signing in 2029.

For the Clippers, it makes sense to try 23-year-old Potter. If they don’t get Harden in the end, Porter Jr. is an alternative choice. At the same time, he has a certain scoring ability and can become the third scoring point of the Clippers.

Last season, Potter averaged 19.2 points, 5.3 rebounds and 5.7 assists per game, scoring and rebounding to a career high, and his three-point shooting percentage was 36.6%. Of course, the Clippers don’t want to lose a substitute scorer like Powell, but the addition of Porter Jr. can raise their offensive limit. He can become the starting backcourt with Wei Shao and pose a threat to his opponent.

Besides, little Potter is young enough to be a member of the Clippers in the future. If the clippers can get him at the right price, it is quite worthwhile.

As for the Rockets, they can add a reliable veteran and get a first-round signing. The 30-year-old Powell can be the sixth man in the Rockets. Last season, he averaged 17 points, 2.9 rebounds and 1.8 assists. He is willing to play as a substitute and is good at playing as a substitute. The Clippers’ first round in 2029 is also very valuable, when the Clippers may not be champions.

The US media also said that the Rockets will not have the motivation to lose in the new season, because their 2024 draft was signed in the hands of Thunder in exchange for Powell, which is very meaningful for the Rockets.

Potter has four years left on his contract, but only this season is it fully guaranteed. In the 2023-24 season, his salary was $18.23 million, Powell had three years left in his contract, and his salary in the 2023-24 season was $18 million.

Iverson: Harden needs to prove himself. Only Curry James can be called super giant in active service.

Iverson: Harden needs to prove himself. Only Curry James can be called super giant in active service.

Recently, there was a shocking remark in the basketball world. Iverson, a former NBA player, said that he thought james harden needed to prove himself before he could be called a superstar, while only Stephen Curry and lebron james can be called real superstars in active service.

Iverson’s evaluation of Harden has caused extensive discussion and controversy. As the star of Houston Rockets, Harden’s scoring ability and organization ability are unparalleled in the league. He has been the king of scoring and assists in the past few seasons. With his outstanding personal performance, he led the team into the playoffs many times. However, Iverson believes that Harden still needs to prove his leadership ability and the strength to win the championship at a critical moment before he can really be called a superstar.

For Harden, this is undoubtedly a challenge and pressure. As a top player, he shoulders the heavy responsibility of leading the team to achieve better results. In the past few seasons, the rockets have encountered some difficulties in the playoffs and failed to make further breakthroughs. This has also become a question of whether Harden can play well at a critical moment. Harden needs to show stronger leadership and winning ability in the game and lead the team to higher honors.

However, Iverson’s remarks also caused some different voices. Some people think that Harden has proved his strength, and his outstanding performance and personal honor are enough to prove that he is a superstar. In fact, Harden has been selected into the All-Star Team for several consecutive seasons and is considered as one of the top scorers in the league today. His skill, basketball IQ and court dominance are indisputable.

In any case, the title of superstar is not easy to get. Only a few players can reach this height. They not only need excellent personal ability, but also need to play well at critical moments and lead the team to victory. Stephen Curry and lebron james, as superstars among active players, have made outstanding achievements in both personal honor and team achievement.

For Harden, he needs to accept this challenge and continue to work hard to improve his ability and leadership. Only when you prove your worth at a critical moment can you really get the title of superstar. No matter how the outside world evaluates it, Harden needs to focus on his basketball career and prove his value with practical actions.

As the top star among the active NBA players, Harden is undoubtedly under great pressure and expectation. His outstanding performance and achievements have made him a hot topic for fans. However, the answer to whether he can be called a superstar is not simple, because the definition of superstar may be different in different people’s eyes.

Superstars not only refer to players’ personal abilities on the field, but also include their influence on the team and the overall performance of the team. At this point, Curry and James do have the qualities of superstars. Curry led the Warriors to win the championship in a row, and his shooting skills and leadership are indisputable. James, on the other hand, is a player who has won the championship for many times. He led the team to succeed in the playoffs with his comprehensive skills and high basketball IQ.

However, Harden still has some room for improvement in this respect. Although he has excellent scoring and organizational skills in personal ability, his leadership and performance at critical moments still need to be strengthened. In the past few playoff games, the Rockets failed to make a breakthrough in the confrontation with strong enemies, which also affected Harden’s recognition as a superstar to some extent.

Harden needs to be more calm and decisive at the critical moment, not only to be excellent in personal performance, but also to become the leader of the team. He needs to take more responsibility in the game and lead the team to achieve better results. Only by showing his value in the success of the team and the competition for the championship can Harden really get the title of superstar.

However, whether Harden is called a superstar or not, his achievements and contributions can not be ignored. As a top player, he has proved his position in the league. His outstanding performance has brought countless wonderful moments to the fans, and his personal honor is beyond doubt. No matter how the outside world evaluates, Harden should continue to strive to improve his ability and strive for more victories for the team.

Generally speaking, the title of superstar needs to be proved by practical actions on the field. Harden needs to make a breakthrough in personal ability and leadership before he can really get this title. In any case, he has become one of the most influential and powerful players in the current NBA, and his basketball talent and efforts deserve our appreciation and attention.