Look at the scenery

Text/small picture/network


Look at the scenery


Climb up in a hurry

What the hell are you chasing?

Sweat all the way

Sprinkle backwards


Standing on the top of the mountain

Extremely comfortable

Is this the taste of success?

Maybe, maybe, maybe.


Infinite space

Infinitely broad-minded

Everything in the world is in the heart.


Finally understand

Life is about climbing high.

See all the scenery in the world


Yi Dian Hao Xiao Wei

Find a reporter, ask for a report, ask for help, download the "Qilu Yidian" APP or search the WeChat applet "Yidian Information Station" in major application markets, and more than 600 mainstream media reporters in the province are waiting for you to report online!

In 1917, Professor Peking University invented the Chinese character "She", which was scolded by China women for three years and was afraid to go to the streets.

The rise of the New Culture Movement in 1915 gave birth to many well-known literary revolutionaries, such as Lu Xun, Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao, Qian Xuantong, Liu Bannong and Hu Shi. They were born in the historical period of alternating times and made many achievements for the establishment of our country’s ideological culture.

But one of them, also a professor at Peking University, was scolded for inventing a Chinese character for three years, during which he didn’t even dare to go out on the street openly.This professor is called Liu Bannong.

Liu Bannong was born in Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province, in 1891, into a farming family for generations. Since childhood, he has learned and been exposed to the "primary school" knowledge learned by traditional China literati. This "primary school"refers toThe phonology, writing and exegesis of ancient Chinese philology today..

Statue of Liu Bannong

Although Liu Bannong is naughty, he often has some fantastic ideas and delves into crooked ways, but he is an out-and-out "scholar". At the age of six, he was able to combine poems with others. At the age of 20, he was hired by his alma mater to teach and compiled Jiangyin Magazine.

After the Revolution of 1911, western thoughts and cultures poured into the conservative land of China, and Liu Bannong was deeply impressed by the surging tide.After two years of self-study in foreign languages, I got the position of compiling foreign works in Zhonghua Book Company. More than 40 foreign novels translated by him were published in the famous publications of the time, Fiction Circle and Current Affairs News.

Liu Bannong’s translation works are not limited to English, but also the works of Tolstoy and Turgenev in Russia, so he became a famous translator.In 1917, Liu Bannong, who followed the trend of the New Culture Movement, published an article "My View of Literature Improvement" in New Youth, and was hired as a Chinese professor in the preparatory course by Cai Yuanpei, president of Peking University..

At that time, all of them were professors of literature, history and philosophy at Peking University, such as Xu Beihong, Liang Shuming, Hu Shi and Liu Wendian. Although they are all in their early twenties, they all graduated from famous universities at home and abroad, and only Liu Bannong is a young man who has only attended high school.

Liu Bannong

Liu Bannong’s academic attainments are not limited by academic qualifications. His literary and linguistic innovations under the banner of the New Culture Movement not only shocked the cultural circles at that time, but we are still enjoying his cultural achievements a hundred years later.

In the TV series The Awakeing Age, students from Peking University directed and performed a drama.Wang Jingxuan, an old pedant and an old fogey played by Liu Mei, is the protagonist, and other students are hiding behind the curtain and dubbing with ventriloquism, criticizing Wang Jingxuan’s feudal and traditional thoughts.

The name of this play is called.Letter of reply to Wang Jingxuan, it is for Liu Bannong and Qian Xuantong and others in the "new youth" in the form of articles, you come and go to the stage performance of the public opinion war.

Qian Xuantong fictionalized the identity of "Wang Jingxuan", criticized the various crimes of the "New Culture Movement" in "New Youth", and branded the people who promoted new culture and new ideas with a hat of forgetting their ancestors, just like the stubborn position of a group of old scholars.

Fu Wang Jing Xuan Shu

butLiu Bannong, on the other hand, made an ancient "hype" with Qian Xuantong based on New Youth, and wrote a book "Reply to Wang Jingxuan" to refute all the critical contents of "Wang Jingxuan" one by one, attracting the attention and discussion of readers and public opinion.

Because of the ample arguments and sharp writing, the effect of the play is surprisingly good, and it also attracts more scholars and students to participate in the new culture movement, transform old ideas and give up old dross.

During the ten years of subversion in the Qing Dynasty, especially since the founding of New Youth in 1915, the degree of openness and enterprising spirit of Chinese people have never been higher. Improvement and innovation were the themes of the times, and those who supported the New Culture Movement were all concentrating on exploring how to draw a clear line between social reality and the decadent face of the past.

With the rise of vernacular Chinese and the introduction of foreign literary works, there are a large number of third persons in popular language expressions, and it is difficult to clearly distinguish the differences and specific directions in the text by using only one word "he".

Liu Bannong, as an accomplished person in language and literature, deeply felt the differences and abuses in the translation of different personal pronouns in Chinese and foreign literary works.The third person pronouns in English can be divided into "he", "she" and "it", which refer to male, female and gender-neutral objects in person respectively.

However, in the consistent usage of Chinese, only one word "he" refers to all the third persons, and there is no pronoun difference between men and women and things.If you want to distinguish it, you should add a note after the word "he". For example, when referring to a woman in the third person, that is, "he (female)" is used, and when referring to asexual objects or animals, "he (object)" is used as a distinction.

Translation of foreign literary works is long and complicated, and it is necessary to distinguish the gender and attributes referred to by "he", which undoubtedly increases the difficulty and workload, and does not conform to the theme of "vernacular, simplicity" advocated by them.

thereforeIn his early literary works, Lu Xun borrowed the word "Yi" from "Yi people" to refer to women, but it was not widely used and was not accepted by the whole people.

Lu Xun

In 1917, Liu Bannong first put forward the structure of the word "she", which was an accurate translation of "she" in English and distinguished it from "he". Lu Xun’s younger brother, Zhou Zuoren, agreed with this very much. He mentioned in the New Youth published on August 5, 1918: "China’s third person pronoun has no sexual distinction, which is very inconvenient. Semi-peasants created the word’ she’ and’ he’ for both purposes.. "

According to Liu Bannong’s understanding,Women’s third-person pronouns should have their own names as in foreign languages, which is not only convenient to use, but also more aesthetic. And with the opening of thought and the promotion of women’s status, the translation of "he (female)" is still used, as if women were still regarded as accessories of men, full of the flavor of the old society..

The word "she" was first popularized in the classrooms of Peking University and newspaper articles published by Liu Bannong, and many people accepted it, which also made a group of conservative people see Liu Bannong’s innovation, thinking that it was a rebellion against traditional customs and culture and should be refuted and suppressed.

Liu Bannong

Shanghai’s "Newcomer" magazine also published an ice-cold article.This is Liu Bannong’s fault.The article holds that there is no gender difference between "I" and "Ru" in ancient Chinese, and "He" and "She" are not as different in pronunciation in Chinese as in English, which is an act of gilding the lily.

All kinds of remarks emerged in an endless stream. The old and new forces United to express their opposition to Liu Bannong’s word-making, and scholars used the biggest public opinion at that time-newspapers and editorials to attack Liu Bannong. Especially some people who have no insight but are easily provoked, so that except for a few women with independent thoughts, all the women in China who are bound by conservative thoughts are scolding Liu Bannong. However, it is not clear how many of them sincerely oppose it and how many fish in troubled waters stir up trouble.


In short, within three years after her invention, Liu Bannong suffered a comprehensive blow from public opinion, which triggered another round of war of words between old and new literature.As far as Liu Bannong himself is concerned, as soon as he goes out, it is easy to encounter newspaper interviews and students’ attacks, which makes him afraid to go out on the street openly for three years for fear of being caught and scolded.

Therefore, Liu Bannong specially wrote an article "The Question of" She "during her study abroad and sent it back to China for publication, explaining her original intention of creating the word" She ".In order to express the meaning more clearly, it is also to distinguish the personal names of women and men.. After the article, Liu Bannong also proposed to recreate a representative of the word "it".

In 1925, Liu Bannong completed the French version of "Experimental Record of Chinese Phonetic Characters" and won the "Constanyine Linguistics Award", which was the first linguist in China to win this international award. At the same time, Liu Bannong successfully graduated from experimental phonetics in France, and obtained a doctorate in French national literature. He is still the first person from China to be awarded the highest academic title by the state.

Liu Bannong phonetic experiment photo

On the way home, Liu Bannong thought of his wife sacrificing herself to take care of the family on the ship, and always supported her studies and career without regrets, and wrote a vernacular new poem with the word "she" emotionally.Teach me how not to think about her

There are some clouds floating in the sky and some breezes blowing on the ground.

Ah! The breeze blew my hair and taught me how to miss her.
Moonlight is in love with the ocean, and the ocean is in love with moonlight.

Ah! How can I miss her on such a honey-like silver night?
Flowers fall on the surface of the water and flow slowly, while fish swim slowly at the bottom.

Ah! Swallow, what did you say? Teach me how to miss her.
Dead trees are shaking in the cold wind. Wildfire burned in the twilight.

Ah! There are still some afterglow in the Western Heaven. Teach me how to miss her.

A month later, he returned to teach at Peking University and became the founder of experimental phonetics in China.Liu Bannong’s achievements soon made him famous in China, and this poem used to praise his wife was also arranged into a song, which spread all over the country with the word "she". Some die-hard conservatives insist on resisting the word "she", which has been unable to stop her from moving forward.

At this time, people generally accepted the existence of the word "she", and history also accepted Liu Bannong’s choice. In 1932, the Ministry of Education included the word "she" in the common words, which set the tone for this debate from the official level, and also had the distinction of "he", "she" and "it" that we have become accustomed to.

Lu Xun also expressed negative views on Liu Bannong’s pioneering work of creating characters.However, in the later "Recalling Liu Bannong", he obviously had a deep understanding of Liu Bannong’s original "rebellious" behavior: "Just advocating new punctuation, there will be a large group of people who are "bereaved" and eager to "eat meat and sleep", so it is indeed a "big battle"."

Later, someone created the word "you" to distinguish it from "you" on the basis of Liu Bannong, which was all the rage for a while, but it was not accepted by the public in the end and became a short-lived second person pronoun in that era.

Liu Bannong

In fact, the word "she" was not created by Liu Bannong, which is ancient Chinese.Ji Yun Shang Sheng Ma YunIn the middle ""She" and "Sister Min" are tied., allPronounced as "jiě", refers to the meaning of "elder sister". Liu Bannong didn’t notice this uncommon word or intentionally used it as another meaning of modern Chinese. People have long been accustomed to the word "she".

When people are in different historical stages and development stages, they will make different behaviors or actions because of the ideological environment at that time, but put it in the long river of the whole history or the development of human culture, the temporary resistance of human beings is just dust, which is invisible in front of the grand narrative.

The same is true of the reform of Chinese characters. The curse that once kept Liu Bannong from going to the streets for three years has long since disappeared, but the wealth of Chinese characters, language, punctuation, phonetic symbols and so on that he left to the people of China in just 44 years’ life will last forever.

Cultural return: the deep logic of the butterfly change and leap of traditional cultural programs

Author: Li Zhi

In recent years, a number of traditional cultural programs have been popular on the screen, which has aroused enthusiastic response from the audience, media and society, and has become a highly regarded cultural trend phenomenon. From Chinese Character Dictation Conference, Chinese Poetry Conference and Reader, to National Treasures, Classical Poems, China in Stories, China in Classics and China Festival Series, it can be said that traditional cultural programs mark the development trend of industry culture turn for us, and they are "speaking well" in the new era.

Henan Satellite TV’s "Wonderful Tour of Tanabata in 2023" dreams of returning to the Red Chamber, showing romance.

The scene telling the story of Sanxingdui in the third season of National Treasure.

New national style: a distinctive feature as a trend phenomenon

Despite the different themes and forms, the new national style is the most distinctive style label of these excellent traditional cultural programs. The new national style, that is, the emerging China style, is manifested in the popular fashion that generally uses traditional cultural elements in popular culture. On the basis of spreading Chinese excellent traditional culture, traditional cultural programs explore the greatest common denominator with youth culture, network culture and other cultures of the times, and become a popular program type with the new national characteristics of integrating the old and the new and aesthetic mutual learning.

In fact, looking back at the development history of TV programs in China, as early as the 1960s, Beijing TV Station had launched cultural programs such as Cultural Life and Life Knowledge. In the 1980s and 1990s, traditional cultural programs with distinctive features emerged, such as "Bookstore Painting Garden" and "Kyushu Theater". However, although traditional cultural programs have always been an important part of the TV program sequence in China, they have long been caught in an embarrassing situation of applauding and not being a hit. Especially in the wave of TV industrialization, faced with the arduous journey of viewing, traditional cultural programs have always been difficult to become realistic choices and symbolic programs that TV stations are keen on.

Fortunately, in the past ten years, traditional cultural programs have gradually explored a new national style innovation road of "entertaining" and become popular in the whole network with a gesture of "cultural return".

Looking at the present through the long lens of history, the valuable question is how traditional cultural programs change and jump. What is more worth asking is, why is it that traditional cultural programs continue to "break the circle" to form a trend phenomenon of the times?

The method of "double creation": the leap of butterfly as an artistic creation

Since the policy of "promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture" was put forward, the artistic creation of traditional cultural programs has a fundamental methodology, that is, adhering to the integration orientation of "thought+art+technology", refining Chinese excellent traditional culture in a flexible and diverse way, and achieving a deep image description of "cultural China".

5,000 years of Chinese traditional culture is extensive and profound. Traditional cultural programs regard it as a treasure house of creative inspiration, and select representative cultural symbols to describe it. This kind of "metonymy" strategy can be seen only from the program name: China in Classics, which tells the story of selecting classics, Chinese Poetry Conference, which relives the beauty of Chinese poetry, and China, which shows the extraordinary skills of intangible heritage. With the continuous excavation of Chinese excellent traditional culture, the theme of this kind of programs has been subdivided from the popularization of general knowledge such as poetry quiz, idiom quiz and Chinese character contest to the interpretation of professional contents such as cultural relics and archaeology, intangible techniques, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, which highlights the vertical thinking of program creation.

With the help of this kind of program, the audience stepped into the historical Milky Way, which is separated but in the same strain, and picked up brilliant cultural treasures. Traditional cultural programs deeply rooted in different fields appeared one after another, and a polyphonic "cultural suite" was compiled.

When the Internet platform becomes the infrastructure of the digital age, "brush" has become a common way of life, and attention has become the object of competition for programs. Based on the audio-visual communication ecology with diverse supply channels and overloaded information content, traditional cultural programs do not stick to the existing model, but follow the platform thinking and innovate the program model with light program duration, modular program units and strong narrative program content. Take a series of out-of-the-circle parties of Henan Satellite TV as an example: "Wonderful Tour of the Dragon Boat Festival" takes the astrological meaning of "Long Xing Zhongzheng" in the Dragon Boat Festival as the theme, and invites the "Mahua FunAge" team to join in the dragon boat race, and the dramatic chapter story of fighting for tokens is connected in series with modules such as Feng Wang Caige, Flying Dragons in the Sky and wormwood Qingqing, so as to show the traditional customs of the Dragon Boat Festival, and the duration is controlled within one hour. The relatively independent and distinctive special programs are very suitable for the communication logic of the Internet platform. The classic is The Banquet at the Tang Palace, which can trigger a hot discussion on the whole network. It is precisely because of its short, pithy and eye-catching features that it grabs the audience’s attention with colorful clips on the Internet platform, and then it plays a role of diverting from short to long, improving the popularity of the whole series of programs.

In addition, the new model increasingly pursues that a single work can produce the climax effect of visual wonders and soul shock, and puts forward higher requirements for the quality of the program. Based on digital technology, traditional cultural programs form an ultra-real virtual-real space and construct a dynamic perception field of "audience-work-artistic conception", which not only makes traditional cultural elements come to the fore, but also moistens the Chinese aesthetic spirit. For example, "Poetry and Painting China" refines the scenery into a single element and draws it in layers in the presentation of "Journey to the West Mountain", and strives to retain the natural Chinese painting texture in the special effect reorganization of later modeling. During the lens push and pull, the mountains with high peaks and steep peaks echo each other with the waterfalls flowing with silver lines, outlining the magnificent mountains and rivers with long mountains and thousands of images, so that viewers can truly feel the character of the ancients "the mountains stand on their backs and the scenery stops" Another example is the interpretation of "Imitating Yang Dazhang’s Painting of Jinling in Song Courtyard", in which the program gives the picture a 3D animation effect of ink and wash. In the painting, when people wander from the countryside to the city, the audience seems to have crossed back to the prosperous Jinling, where "the king is full of gold and beautiful", and feel the beautiful painting meaning of "people are happy in the rich years, and they walk on the streets in Gansu".

The visual presentation from the real to the virtual makes poetry and painting break through the limitations of physical laws and live in the way of reappearance of image wonders. The surreal artistic spirit not only extends the imagination boundary of the audience through the visual impact, but also brings the immersive experience by capturing the details that must be present, thus realizing the virtual reality of traditional classical aesthetics in the audience’s psychological level in the spiritual immersion that is also true and illusory.

Subjectivity and Identity: Deep Logic as Cultural Practice

An era has an era of literature and art. The reason why traditional cultural programs can stand out from numerous literary and artistic creations and form a phenomenon of "cultural program fever" that lasts for several years is not only because of the renewal of creative ideas and the improvement of production ability within such programs, but also because program production is a typical cultural practice with reflective experience that germinates in social culture and will respond to it interactively.

In other words, artistic production is deeply connected and mapped with the collective mentality and common emotion of the times, and the common emotion of each era will also give birth to the cultural trend belonging to that era.

Then, in order to further clarify the deep logic of the popularity of traditional cultural programs, it is necessary to base on the vivid experience of the times and explore the active and tense potential text structure of programs that are outside the text structure and coupled with the current collective emotional psychology.

Facing the globalization context of comparison and communication between Chinese and Western civilizations, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation cannot be separated from the realization of Chinese modernization. However, in the world discourse system about modernization, "western modernity" once monopolized the definition of modernization, and western modernization was even directly equated with the only model. Therefore, only by reflecting on the western paradigm, establishing China’s legal expression and establishing his subjective position in the global pattern can we endow "China modernity" with Chinese modernization and realize the reinterpretation and rewriting of the discourse system of "modernity". In this process, both the country and the people are experiencing the thinking of "what is China", and the questioning of "who am I" reflects the collective mentality and common emotional demands of contemporary China society eager to consolidate cultural subjectivity and condense identity. Excellent traditional culture is the "root" and "soul" of the Chinese nation, and it is an important way to distinguish "the other" from "self" and gain subjectivity and identity.

Indeed, the top-down policies at the national level, such as "inheriting and carrying forward the Chinese aesthetic spirit" and "telling the story of China well", and the bottom-up cultural consumption at the public level, such as the craze for Chinese studies and Hanfu, all indicate the effectiveness of answering "China" with Chinese excellent traditional culture.

Returning to traditional cultural programs, whether the theme is to pay attention to festival culture, to focus on the art of poetry and painting, or to focus on historical archaeology, is a useful exploration of the policy of "double innovation", and the underlying logic it follows cannot be separated from "two combinations". The media performance of "Cultural China" gives the audience great imagination. In the auspicious film feather with traces of civilization, the cultural relics restorer makes the old things new and shows the distant and gorgeous history to future generations. In the endless stretch of Tang poetry and Song poetry, countless stars shine in it, writing the most vivid footnote for "Why China"; In the intangible skills that bear the context of a thousand years, the inheritors have persisted for decades to realize the identity of the nation as a nation … On the one hand, these traditional cultural programs have stirred up the national cultural genes in the same strain by excavating and presenting the cultural memories behind cultural symbols, greatly satisfying the imagination needs of the audience to gain a sense of historical relevance from the long-standing Chinese civilization, and effectively enhancing the national self-esteem and cultural self-confidence of the audience. On the other hand, following the principle of "keeping the right and not being old-fashioned, respecting the past and not restoring the past", we should reconstruct Chinese excellent traditional culture in the times, and integrate the spiritual concepts attached to traditional excellent culture, such as the unity of family and country, the common good of the world and the coexistence of all things, with the core values of contemporary socialism, so as to consolidate the cultural subjectivity in the deep echo of China in the past, China in the present and China in the future.

It is true that traditional cultural programs are highly in line with the common feelings of the times, and with the unparalleled communication power of audio-visual media, they produce and spread the cultural power that condenses collective sensibility, which is the deep motivation to harvest the emotional resonance of the audience and generate a huge emotional community. However, it still needs to be emphasized that the audience’s aesthetic needs and appreciation ability continue to grow and improve. In specific creation, traditional cultural programs still need to stimulate imagination and creativity, be innovative in content, form and other aspects, and fully demonstrate the essence and charm of Chinese excellent traditional culture to meet the audience’s aesthetic expectations, so as to avoid homogenization and stand on the forefront of the highly competitive mass cultural products track.

(The author is a doctoral student at Shanghai Film Academy of Shanghai University)

Source: Wen Wei Po

Another eight.

In the Chengdu Mixed Team World Cup, table tennis in the prime time in the evening ushered in the third contest in the rematch stage. In the first match of the semi-final, Guoping defeated Slovakia, a dark horse team, with a total score of 8-1. In the second round, Wang Chuqin, Sun Yingsha, Chen Meng and Malone also beat the China Taipei team by the same score. So this round, in the face of the competition, the strength is the strongest, and at the same time, it has brought great difficulties and pressure to Guoping in other events, and even the French team, where players have defeated the main players of Guoping many times, how will Guoping perform? Will the players give each other a chance to score points on us? Let’s get to know and pay attention to it together.

The first to appear is still the mixed doubles. Guoping sent the strongest mixed doubles, that is, Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha’s partner. Their active attack, quick convergence and mutual compensation on the court can be said to be vividly reflected on the court, and their tacit understanding and personal ability are also reflected in the score. In the first game, they didn’t give any chance to the French group A- lebrun and Yuan Jianan, and soon took the lead with the score of 11-1. In the second game of the competition, the state of the French group was improved, and the offensive ability of the French group was also reflected to some extent. Although they were able to bite the score and not be pulled open, the Shatou group went to the next city in 11-8 by virtue of its running position more suitable for mixed doubles and its ability to handle personal key points. In the third game, the French team, like the first game, was completely suppressed by Sha Tou’s team, and there were not many ways to score on the field. Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha scored a drum, and the disparity score of 11-3 went to the next city, thus helping Guoping occupy a clear lead in the big score with a total score of 3-0.

In the second set of the two sides, the French women’s table tennis team sent Pavard, who helped the team score points in the mixed doubles in the previous match. But this time, facing Manyu Wang, it is obvious that her ability and state are not enough to shake Manyu Wang. After the last round of state adjustment, Manyu Wang quickly entered the state in this competition, and came up with two 11-5s, thus gaining a 2-0 lead in the big score. In the third game of the two sides, Pawad played imposing manner, which also resulted in a stalemate in the attack. Moreover, after high quality, she kept biting on the score. But in the end, Manyu Wang made a key point, relying on a backhand diagonal attack to cause the opponent to make a mistake in returning the ball. While winning the third game 13-11, it also helped Guoping to lock in a 3-0 victory again and rewrite the total score of both sides to 6-0.

The third set of the competition is a contest of men’s singles between the two sides. Because the first eight players win, Guoping can lock in the final victory of the competition as long as it can win two more games. Then, can Fan Zhendong directly lock the victory in front of F- lebrun, who has a distinctive style of play and a very fast shot? Look, let’s keep watching the game. In the first game of both sides, Fan Zhendong, although not in excellent condition, was still slow and steady. On the one hand, he was prepared for the opponent’s speed and rhythm, on the other hand, his own attack and quality of shots were also maintained, and he quickly won the first game with a score of 11-7. In the second game, he also led 3-2 at the beginning, forcing his opponent to call a timeout. F In the overall passive situation, lebrun also made use of the time-out opportunity to score continuously, not only tying the score, but also taking advantage of Fan Zhendong’s continuous mistakes. After tying the score 5-5, he achieved an 8-5 lead. His serve and attack were also effective for Fan Zhendong. After the two sides formed a strong stalemate, it was still F lebrun who turned the attack into a score and took a 9-5 lead. Because Fan Zhendong was a little caught up in the rhythm of George W. lebrun, he also made some changes in hair and hair at the end of the game. However, although Xiao Pang tied the score at 9-9, F lebrun scored an edge ball, which helped him pull back a city at 11-9. This is also the first point scored by the French team.

In the third game of the two sides, Fan Zhendong called a time-out for himself on the score of 3-2, and came back after a time-out. F lebrun’s serve and grab tactics were very effective, and his attack on the third board was really fierce, which helped him not only tie the score, but also lead the score of 5-4 and 6-5. After the 6-draw, Fan Zhendong scored another point in the multi-shot stalemate between the two sides, which also inspired the enthusiasm of the audience on the sidelines, and the applause continued. However, Fan Zhendong’s swing back made the two sides draw 7-7. After the 9-draw, 10-draw and 11-draw, Fan Zhendong Coast let the opportunity slip away again, relying on the diagonal attack to make a return mistake in F lebrun, and 13-11 won the third game of both sides, thus helping Guoping 8-1 win the whole game. Congratulations to Guo Ping, Wang Chuqin, Sun Yingsha, Manyu Wang and Fan Zhendong. Let’s look forward to the more wonderful performance of Guoping in the back.

PC players are going to win again? March boutique end-game inventory: blue agreement, launched in ancient century war.

After February, when there were many masterpieces, players must still be wanting more. As a rare game year for several years, players will also welcome many interesting heavyweight works in March.

Today, let’s take stock of these boutique end-games that met with players in March.

"Blue Agreement" Japan Test

The Blue Agreement, known as the "Japanese Protogod", will start the internal test in late March. This internal test is the first test since the large-scale revision of the game. It was scheduled to be tested at the beginning of the year, and later it was decided to skip the ticket until March.

"Blue Agreement" is a two-dimensional animation-style action MMORPG developed by Project Sky Blue, which was jointly established by Bandai Nanmeng Palace Online and Bandai Nanmeng Palace Studio. Up to now, it has taken five years to develop it. Because of its cartoon rendering style, it was also dubbed by many players as the "original god" of Japan at the beginning of its publication.

However, there is still a big gap between the game and the original God, and the game is more similar to MMORPG such as FF14. There is no occupation restriction in the Blue Agreement. Players can change their corresponding occupations and skills by switching weapons, and at the same time, players can use different weapons to develop them, thus achieving different combat effects.

Interested players may wish to pay attention to the follow-up test results of the game.

Hanbok "The War of the Ancient Century" went online

The multi-platform MMORPG new work "Ancient Century War" based on the IP of Ancient Century will be launched in South Korea on March 21st.

As a MMORPG, The War of the Ancient Century tells the story of the period when many races of the original "The Ancient Century" settled in the mainland of Noia after the extinction of the original mainland. During the game, players can not only explore in the vast open world of seamless maps, but also fight with other players without worrying about the influence of equipment.

Judging from the previously published gameplay information, the game supports multi-dimensional combat gameplay in the ocean and land, allowing players to experience a full range of war perspectives.

Because the game adopts the mode of PC and mobile communication, the game may be more mobile in content, which may have a certain impact on the player experience.

Wolong: The Fall of Heaven

This work on the theme of the Three Kingdoms, which was released on March 3, triggered a heated discussion among players once it was announced. After all, it is a work related to our culture, and many players are also looking forward to the real face of the game.

As a new work developed by the production team of Benevolence King, this novel Wolong continues the style of its soul game, and carries out a lot of overhead treatment on the theme of the Three Kingdoms, and combines many famous military commanders in the Three Kingdoms period with monster beast elements to design many monsters, transformations and characteristic moves.

Due to certain operating threshold, the experience of players is quite challenging, and this game is also one of the most worthwhile games for players to experience in March.

Resident Evil 4: Remastered Edition

Resident Evil 4: Remastered Edition, which will be launched at the end of this month, is also the most worthwhile game for players to experience in March. Since Capcom restarted the Resident Evil series, the repeated versions of the series have been unanimously recognized by players.

Nowadays, Resident Evil 4, the most classic in this series, will also usher in a remastered version. This version not only preserves the essence of the original play, but also makes up most of the pictures, details and playable parts. From the previous announcement, Lyon not only added MP5 submachine guns, but also added new weapons such as crossbows.

In terms of picture quality, Resident Evil 4: Remastered Edition still maintains the super-high picture quality of recent generations of remastered editions, which is also a great evolution for the original. In addition, in order to make the game more scary, the game will also change the enemy’s appearance structure and order, and adjust the opening part of the game to night.

At present, the work has been confirmed to log on to many platforms such as PC/PS5/PS4/XSX, and it is not enough to go to Paul.

Lysa’s alchemy workshop 3

On March 24th, Glorious’s new series of alchemy workshops, Liza’s alchemy workshop 3, will be officially released, and players can enjoy Miss Liza’s legs again.

This work is the third in this series, and the game depicts the last adventure of Lesha and others. Liza’s new adventure began with the sudden emergence of the Mystery Islands. Leisha and others who live in Keken Island suddenly learned that there were unknown islands off the coast and quickly went to investigate-after growing up, Leisha and her companions were about to launch the "last summer adventure". In the game, you can not only see the characters who appeared in the previous work again, but also the new characters who are the key figures in the story.

Compared with the previous two films, there will be two new systems, namely, the building of the alchemy workshop and the cooking, in the new adventure, players can cook at the bonfire in Yuan Ye, which can temporarily strengthen the team and make the battle easier.

Another new workshop building system allows players to build alchemy workshops in various areas as adventure bases. The alchemy workshops can meet the needs of players for blending and rest, and can also get different bonuses according to architectural styles.

The Last Survivor: Part I PC Version

The Last Survivor: Part I is a role-playing action game with the theme of doomsday, but it is very different from previous games with similar themes. The two protagonists have distinct personalities, and they will do whatever it takes to survive. Although there are mutant monsters in the game, they are also the main cause of the end, but most of the battles in the game are with humans.

The Last Survivor is a very popular classic. No matter whether you have heard its fame or notoriety, you should not be unfamiliar with it. Fortunately, the plot of the first part does not contain any parts that make fans uncomfortable, so players can experience it with confidence.

"The Last Survivor: Part I" is a reprint of the first generation of this series. This version retains the original gameplay content, greatly optimizes the screen and operation experience, and is no longer exclusive to the PS platform. PC players can also play on the Steam platform.

Due to the recent popularity effect of the live-action drama "The Last Survivor", the sales volume of this version has ushered in a huge increase, and both the PC version and the PS4 version have reached a sales increase of 2 times or even 3 times, so Sony is making a profit.

However, at present, we don’t know whether there will be adaptations or new content added to the game. Friends who have already played the first generation can consider waiting and seeing first.

The above is the end tour that we took stock of for you in March, including both classic masterpieces that players are looking forward to and innovative online games in Japan and South Korea. Interested players must not miss this month’s wonderful works.

treat life as merely playing games

Although I am getting older, my former students have begun to step into the society and plan their own lives, but my love for games has never faded.

  In my spare time, I turn on my computer, log in to the game, and run my own small world in a virtual space. World of Warcraft, an old game, although there are too many sorrows in the national costume of the DPRK on this day, all this is just a place of spiritual sustenance for a casual player.

  People often ask, at this age, you still play games, just like a child. Yes, in fact, I just hope that I can do whatever I want, just like a child, without too much scruples.

  In fact, in the game, compared with other people’s efforts to make copies, playing the arena seriously and running all over the sky, what I like is just a quiet fishing by the river, watching the falling fishing rod and clicking when taking the bait, all of which bring me great happiness. Many friends in the game don’t understand why I spend my time fishing calmly in a virtual world, and ironically, I have no interest in fishing in reality. I sometimes wonder why I am so interested in a virtual fishing game.

  Every time a fishing rod falls, it carries an expectation that something you like will be hooked, and there is a slight expectation in your heart;

  Every click on the hook is a realization of expectations. Although disappointment accounts for the vast majority, that little satisfaction is the greatest happiness of this click.

  Life is not so bad, every day is full of hope for your future, and you keep working hard in the passage of time. The reality has always been in front of us. He told us again and again that it is not necessary for you to work hard to gain something, so we repeated the rising and falling of the stars in the morning again and again, and kept advancing in the failure again and again for the ideal in our hearts, and one day we will realize this dream.

  The game, life, the dribs and drabs in the game, the subtleties in life, one’s own grasp and persistence, and that little bit of luck are all an experience.

He entertainment

Wuye Entertainment is a classic and fun mobile chess game. It is an entertainment mobile game created for the majority of favorite players. It has diversified gameplay and exquisite game screens, so that players have a good experience. Tens of millions of players are online to help you quickly match your table friends, and you can start at any time and anywhere. Make your weekend leisure life more and more fulfilling, and at the same time invite your partners to open a room and play cards together. No matter how far apart you are, you can always fight. This is a rich collection of games, such as fighting landlords, grabbing cattle, frying golden flowers, arcade fishing, etc. In the future, new games and new ways of playing will be added to enrich the characteristics of the game. Now you can get gold coins by downloading them.

No other entertainment 1

* Rich social system, playing cards and making friends.
* Subvert the traditional interface and operation, and make you feel like Las Vegas.
* Conquer global card friends, make a fortune list, win a list, and be on the list.
* It’s completely free, chips are delivered every day, and you can get high without spending money.
* Time chest, the longer you play, the more you will win.
* VIP service, showing your identity everywhere.

1. Worship the god of wealth to win good luck, draw phone bills and grab big gift packages!
2. Diversified gameplay, innovative gameplay such as grabbing red envelopes, doubling Hu cards, two-person PK, and Hu cards!
3. Real PK, cool picture quality, cool animation and excellent visual effect!
4. Play single mahjong with zero traffic and enjoy multiplayer online games with low traffic!
5. Send a punch card to log in gold coins every day, and there will be relief in bankruptcy.

1. The prizes in the game world are very rich, mainly including household appliances, digital products, household items, fashion gifts, model dolls and daily necessities.

2. Players can get props "crabs" by completing random tasks and participating in competitions through games. "Crabs" are props that can be exchanged for physical prizes. The more crabs are saved, the more prizes they can exchange, the higher the value.

3. The platform has a variety of chess and cards, a brisk picture, humorous language, simple and easy operation, and wins prizes by playing games. It is a favorite online game paradise for chess and card lovers. Come and play cards if you have nothing to do.

4. The platform has gathered a rich variety of chess games and developed a unique competition system. Participating in daily competitions and weekly rankings will give you a chance to get more generous rewards, which not only adds new gameplay, but also brings more game fun.

Wonderful task, you can also win props when you do the task, and do the task while playing the game.
Alibaba cloud server is adopted, which is safe and secure, so there is no need to worry about people crowding the server to ensure that the game runs stably and does not flash back.
You don’t need to register, and you can log in to the game in many ways, such as WeChat, mobile phone, chat, chat and so on.

1. Enrich the competitive and interesting three-heart mode, more diverse role modeling and rich skill elements! How to plan your hand is up to you.

2, high-quality experience exquisite scene interface, feel the most realistic game experience of fighting landlords. Interesting brand special effects animation adds a little extra fun to the traditional landlords.

3, the classic gameplay classic and the scorpion combined gameplay, the national card competition! More creative task system, new gameplay such as winning numbers and Doubling, let players feel different classic landlords.

Prospect of football: West Ham can’t resist Arsenal, Liverpool is not afraid of visiting, Manchester United VS Newcastle.

West Ham United VS Arsenal

After West Ham lost to Everton at home last season, the league suffered two consecutive defeats. The team’s recent performance is really not safe, and it is still difficult to resist when facing the league’s strong teams. At present, it ranks 9 th in the league. West Ham United’s offensive output is acceptable, but the stability of the team’s defense is still insufficient. After Arsenal’s victory over Sheffield United, the league remained unbeaten, and the team is currently ranked second in the league. Arsenal’s offensive output is very strong, and the stability of the defense line is also worthy of praise. Recently, it has been able to score zero opponents in many games.

West Ham United’s overall strength is relatively limited, the team’s recent stability is not high, and the main battle performance is not safe. The Arsenal League has guaranteed unbeaten record so far, and the team’s historical achievements have crushed opponents, so the psychological advantage is very obvious. This time, the team is a guest to challenge their opponents, and I believe that they still have the ability to win from the away game.

Everton VS Burnley

Everton beat West Ham United in the last league. The team’s recent achievements are relatively erratic, showing a plum blossom pile, but its winning ability has indeed improved, and it is currently ranked 15th in the league. Everton’s offensive and defensive ends have also improved to some extent recently. Burnley lost to Bournemouth in the last league, and the league suffered another three-game losing streak. So far, the team has only won one victory, ranking only 19th in the league. Burnley’s offensive output is relatively weak, and the defensive end can be said to be full of loopholes.

Everton’s recent performance is indeed unstable, and the team has no strength against the strong teams, but its winning ability has indeed improved in the face of the weak teams in the league recently. The performance of Burnley, the opponent, continued to be sluggish, and recently suffered a three-game losing streak. This time, Everton is sitting at home to meet the challenge of the weak team, and I believe that I still have the ability to successfully win the opponent at home.

Bournemouth VS Liverpool

Bournemouth defeated Burnley at home in the last league, and finally won the first victory in the league. However, the opponent is really a weak team, and the gold content is really not high. At present, it still ranks 17th in the league. Bournemouth’s front line output is insufficient, and the loopholes at the defense end are not small. Liverpool beat Nottingham Forest at home last season, and the league won two consecutive victories and three unbeaten games. The overall performance of the team has once again strengthened, and it is currently ranked fourth in the league. Liverpool’s offensive output is stable and the defense strength is constantly strengthening.

Bournemouth’s overall strength is very limited, the ability to fight hard is also insufficient, and there is no advantage at home. After all, Liverpool, the rival team, has recently returned to the right track after losing the game unexpectedly, and the stability of both offensive and defensive ends is constantly improving. In addition, Liverpool’s historical achievements have crushed their opponents, and even if they are a guest, they are not afraid.

Manchester United VS Newcastle United

Manchester United lost to the opponent in the last Manchester derby, and was hit by the strong team after winning two consecutive victories. However, the team has won several victories in the near future, and its overall performance has improved. At present, it ranks eighth in the league. Manchester United’s offensive and defensive stability needs to be strengthened. Newcastle United drew away with Wolves in the last league, and the league remained unbeaten in six rounds, but the winning ability was still insufficient, and it is currently ranked sixth in the league. Newcastle United’s offensive output is strong, but the defensive end often has problems.

Manchester United’s domestic and foreign troubles are serious, and the recent achievements and performance of the team are indeed not stable enough. However, as for Chi Hah, he still needs to strive for victory in every game to stabilize the morale of the army. Newcastle United’s overall performance has been stable recently, but its winning ability has indeed declined. In addition, the team’s winning ability in guest games is indeed insufficient. This time, the Red Devils welcomed their opponents at home, and I believe there is still a chance to successfully win their opponents.

Chelsea VS Blackburn

Chelsea lost to brentford at home last season, and the unbeaten game in three rounds of the league ended. Losing the game is really unacceptable, and it is only ranked 11th in the league at present. Chelsea’s offensive output suffered another zero, and the defensive end of the last two league games also lost 2 goals per game. Blackburn lost to Swansea at home in the last league, and its three-game winning streak ended. It is rare for the team to win a winning streak in the near future, and the last game was also ended by opponents. At present, it ranks 12 th in the British Championship. Blackburn’s offensive output is also not stable enough, but fortunately the defense strength has improved recently.

Chelsea’s defeat on the road to the Northern Expedition was indeed a blow to morale, but this time the team ushered in a lower-level league opponent, which was also a rare opportunity for the team to snatch victory and revive morale. Opponent Blackburn rarely won a winning streak recently, but the stability is still insufficient. The last game was terminated by the opponent, and the efficiency of the team’s offensive end really needs to be strengthened. This time, Chelsea played at home to meet the challenge of Championship team Blackburn Rovers. I believe it is not too difficult to win the opponent.

Dortmund VS Hoffenheim

The recent performances of both sides are relatively stable, but Dortmund’s achievements in the past battles have crushed opponents, and their psychological advantages are very obvious. This time, I took a strong home game against my opponent, and I believe I still have the ability to continue my outstanding achievements.

Frejborg VS paderborn

Although Frejborg’s performance is erratic, he has a strong ability to score points in the main battle. Paderborn, the opponent, is a team in the middle reaches of German B, and its overall strength is relatively limited. I’m afraid it’s very difficult to be a guest and challenge Frejborg.

Hertha Berlin VS Mainz

Hertha Berlin’s current situation is erratic, but it is good to win more and lose less, and at the same time, the main battle ability is not weak. Although the opponent Mainz is a high-level league team, the team’s performance so far has not been satisfactory. This time the two sides met, Hertha Berlin still had a chance to defend the unbeaten home.

Udinese VS Cagliari

Udinese’s winning ability is limited, but his recent performance is fairly safe. Although the opponent Cagliari won the first victory in the league in the last campaign, the overall stability is still insufficient, and at the same time, the ability to fight is not good. This time, Udinese is at home, and I believe he still has a certain advantage.

A hundred years’ experience of football in China 143

Chapter 143: Robert Evergrande’s successful employment in his hometown and Su Meng, the boss, hit it off at once.

Su Meng was a little frustrated after Su Cheng Evergrande failed to invite Heinz Barton. One day, she drove into her hometown Robert while drinking on the road.

"You are blind and drink while walking." Su Meng is so angry.

After a while, I watched my hometown Robert fall down, but I was still concerned and asked him if he was okay.

"I’m fine." Robert in his hometown replied in English.

"Why are you drinking while walking? I think you must have something on your mind." Su Meng didn’t know what Rob was good at in his hometown. When he saw that he was a foreigner, he also asked in English.

"There are some troubles. I wanted to travel to China to relax myself, but I found that a person is still boring."

"That’s true. Traveling alone is really boring."

"I’m sorry, lady, I bumped into you while I was drinking. Fortunately, you drove slowly, otherwise I would die in a foreign country, haha."

"You’re so humorous. I’m glad you’re all right. Get in the car. I really want to talk to you."

"Well, I see that you are also a real person. Find a place and I will invite you to dinner."

"Let me treat you, you know? Sioux City is my hometown. How can you invite me in my hometown? I should invite you. "

"Then I’m welcome. My name is Robert from my hometown. Nice to meet you."

"My name is Su Meng."

As soon as they sat down in a restaurant, the observant China fans recognized Su Meng and his native Robert and asked them to sign their names and take a photo.

"So you are the famous Brazilian native Robert."

"So you are the owner of a famous football club."

The two praised each other and both admired each other.

"I know, you’re a world-class handsome man, so how can you fall …" Su Meng was unbelievable and hard to ask, but he wanted to know why.

Robert knew what Su Meng meant, and told Su Meng the whole story of his falling out with the Brazilian Football Association.

"So that’s it." After listening to Robert’s story in his hometown, Su Meng was so surprised that he burst out laughing.

"Ms. Su, what happened to me was so terrible. You laughed at me when you said you hit it off with me?"

"Mr. Robert, you misunderstood. I just want to say that this is really a blessing, haha." Su Meng said and smiled again, and then her topic.

"I mean, you are my Bole, my noble, you know? Our club is looking for a new coach, and recently negotiations with German famous coaches Heinz Barton and Van Ba Siteng failed. "

"I see, you mean you want me to be the head coach of your club?"

"Mr. Robert is really a smart man, that’s what he means. If you make a name for yourself in our club, you won’t worry about finding a next home."

"I can think about it. To be honest, the two guys you mentioned just now made me miserable, haha!" Hometown Robert said jokingly.

"I have to thank these two guys, otherwise how could I meet such an excellent coach in my hometown?"

After that, both of them burst out laughing. After that, Su Meng arranged a place for Robert in his hometown, and took him to visit Suzhou City and Suzhou Evergrande Club, and signed a contract with him. From February 2015 to November 2017, the goal was to achieve the Grand Slam in China and win the AFC Champions League in three seasons.

Robert from his hometown told Su Meng that he and she hit it off at once. Now she has helped himself and offered a very high salary. At the press conference when the new coach took office, he said in front of everyone on the scene that he would definitely lead the team to complete the task. If he failed to complete the task, he could do it for free.

After signing the contract with Suzhou Evergrande, Robert in his hometown was in a good mood and thought to himself: It seems that he has come to China this time.

9 am! AFC executives announced great good news: Congratulations to China Football, and the fans cheered in unison.

On an early morning, at 9: 00 am on October 31st, Beijing time, the future of China football ushered in a turning point. Official website, the Asian Football Federation (AFC), released an important news, which aroused widespread concern and heated discussion from all walks of life. In the meeting between AFC President Salman and Chinese Football Association President Song Kai in Doha, he made it clear that he would fully support the revitalization of football in China.

In his statement, President Salman stressed that he had noticed the firm commitment made by President Song Kai at the China Football Association Congress to promote the reform and further development of China football. He reiterated that AFC will cooperate closely with China Football Association and fully support the revitalization plan of Chinese football.

This statement is undoubtedly a positive signal for China football. Looking back on the past few years, the performance of China football at all levels has not been as good as expected, especially in the arena of the national team, which has repeatedly disappointed fans. However, now the AFC executives personally express their support and are full of expectations and encouragement for the future of China football.

Football fans in China are full of expectation and excitement about this news. They firmly believe that with the strong support of AFC, China football will surely usher in a new development opportunity. People expect the national football team to show a higher level of competition and achieve better results in the future.

Once this news was released, it aroused widespread concern in all walks of life. Many media and fans have commented on this, and it is generally believed that this is a great opportunity for the development of football in China. With the strong support of AFC, China football is expected to achieve a long-awaited rise.

To sum up, AFC President Salman’s statement has opened a new page for the future of football in China. With the full support of AFC, we expect China football to create a more brilliant future and win glory for the country and people. At the same time, we also hope that China football can make continuous efforts to improve its own level and become the pride of the country.

This news is an exciting moment for China football. AFC President Salman’s clear statement has brought a new dawn to the future of football in China. First of all, it shows that China Football Association’s firm commitment in reform and development has been recognized and supported by international football organizations. This kind of international endorsement will provide a strong impetus for China football in terms of policy level and resource support, which is expected to promote the overall promotion of China football.

China football has been striving to improve its international competitive level, especially the performance of the national team. The full support of the AFC will provide more opportunities and better training and competition resources for China football, so as to help players and coaches to continuously improve their technical and tactical level. This will directly help the national team to be better in international competitions and make fans more proud.

China football fans are full of expectation and excitement after this news. They have always placed high hopes on the performance of the national team, and the commitment of the AFC seems to give them new hope. They believe that with the strong support of AFC, China football is expected to rise and achieve more brilliant results. This optimism and expectation will further inspire the support of fans and inject more positive energy into China football.

The widespread concern of this news and the positive response from all walks of life also show the importance of China football at home and abroad. Football has become a key focus in the international sports arena, and the rise of China will inject new vitality into Asian football. This will also strengthen the football cooperation between China and other Asian countries, promote the overall improvement of regional football, and help Asian football to be more competitive in international competitions.

Generally speaking, AFC President Salman’s statement has brought new opportunities and hopes to China football. This news has opened a new page for the future of football in China and made people look forward to the development of football in China. We expect China Football to make full use of this support, continuously improve its own level and become the pride of the country and people. This is also a moment to celebrate, marking the emergence of China football in the international football arena.