Ministry of Civil Affairs: This year, the welfare lottery sales amounted to 184.6 billion yuan, down about 30 billion yuan from last year.

  From December 28th to 29th, the National Civil Affairs Work Conference was held in Beijing. The meeting summed up the civil affairs work in 2019, analyzed the situation, studied and deployed the work in 2020, and mobilized the national civil affairs system to fight for winning the battle against poverty and building a well-off society in an all-round way.

  On December 29th, the government wechat "China Civil Affairs" of the Ministry of Civil Affairs released the data map of "Civil Affairs Work in 2019" produced by the new government media of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Among them, the data map revealed that in 2019, the welfare lottery sales were 184.632 billion yuan, and the public welfare fund was raised about 53.7 billion yuan.

  The Paper noted that compared with the official welfare lottery sales data in 2018, it dropped by about 30 billion yuan in 2019.

  On August 15th, 2019, the Statistical Bulletin on the Development of Civil Affairs in 2018 issued by official website of the Ministry of Civil Affairs showed that the welfare lottery sales in China in 2018 was 224.56 billion yuan, an increase of 7.58 billion yuan or 3.5% over the previous year. The lottery public welfare fund was raised to 64.36 billion yuan, an increase of 3.6% over the previous year. In the whole year, the civil affairs system spent a total of 25.17 billion yuan on lottery public welfare funds, an increase of 3.0% over the previous year, including 17.15 billion yuan for social welfare and 910 million yuan for social assistance.

  In fact, some media have noticed a sharp decline in welfare lottery sales in 2019.

  According to the report of national business daily on August 4, 2019, "In June, the national lottery sales totaled 34.767 billion yuan, a decrease of 23.862 billion yuan or 40.7% compared with the same period of the previous year. Not only did the monthly data decline, but the reporter combed the lottery sales data in the first half of the past decade and found that the lottery sales showed negative growth year-on-year for the first time in the first half of this year. "

  With regard to the decline in sales data, the national business daily report quoted experts in the lottery industry as saying that in early 2019, in order to regulate the lottery market, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and other departments strengthened the supervision of high-frequency quick-opening games and quiz games, extended the sales time of high-frequency quick-opening games and reduced the number of lottery games. In addition, the ban on internet lottery sales also has an impact on lottery sales.

  It is worth mentioning that the corruption case of China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center exposed in 2017 and 2018 has aroused widespread public concern.

  According to an article published on November 9, 2018 on the website of the State Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, "Reducing repression, treating both the symptoms and the root causes, and reconstructing the credibility of Welfare Lottery", the discipline inspection and supervision team stationed in the Ministry of Civil Affairs started with typical cases to promote the formation of a good political ecology. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection have seriously investigated and dealt with a series of corruption problems in the Welfare Lottery field, and seriously held accountable three members of the former party group of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the head of the discipline inspection team stationed there. The Central Leading Group for Inspection Work and the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection have successively handed over dozens of clues concerning bureau-level cadres of the Ministry of Civil Affairs to the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

  The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Party Group of the Ministry of Civil Affairs unified their thinking and understanding, took practical measures to reduce the stock and curb the increase, and seriously investigated and dealt with the violations of laws and regulations of 14 bureau-level leading cadres, including Bao Xuequan and Wang Suying, former directors of China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center, and Wang Yunge and Feng Lizhi, former deputy directors, in an effort to reshape the new image of the welfare lottery industry and revive its credibility.

  In January, 2019, according to the report of WeChat official account’s "China Lottery News of Public Welfare Times" on the WeChat of Public Welfare Times, after the implementation of the new Regulations on Function Allocation, Internal Organizations and Staffing of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the internal organizations of the Ministry of Civil Affairs in charge of welfare lottery management have changed. Before the reform, the welfare lottery management was in charge of the Department of Social Welfare and Philanthropy Promotion. After the reform, the welfare lottery management has been refined, and the planning and finance department and the newly established charity promotion and social work department are in charge. (The Paper reporter Jiang Ziwen)

Central bank’s RRR cut: the decline in the income of bank wealth management products is good news for the stock market.

  On January 1, 2020, the RRR cut came as scheduled, and the central bank decided to comprehensively reduce the deposit reserve ratio of financial institutions by 0.5 percentage points from January 6. The central bank said that the RRR cut will release about 800 billion yuan of long-term funds and reduce the cost of bank funds by about 15 billion yuan.

  What impact will the RRR cut have on various wealth management products? Liu Yinping, a researcher at Rong 360 Jianpu Technology Big Data Research Institute, believes that after the RRR cut, the market liquidity will be further relaxed and the price of funds will drop, resulting in a decline in the yield of fixed-income products; However, the RRR cut will be beneficial to some equity assets, and the income of fixed-income products will decline, and some funds will flow to equity assets, thus prompting asset prices to rise.


  Impact 1

  Bank deposit interest rates will fall, and small banks may last for a long time.

  Since 2019, the central bank has been guiding the interest rate in the loan market to fall, thus solving the problem of financing difficulties for small and micro enterprises. At present, the interest rates of various types of deposits in banks are at a high level. In order to avoid narrowing the deposit-loan spreads, banks will lower the interest rates of various deposit products, including time deposits, large deposit certificates and structured deposits.

  Liu Yinping pointed out that different types of banks have different capital pressures, and the progress and extent of interest rate reduction will be different. Large and medium-sized banks may take the lead in lowering the deposit interest rate, while small banks have great difficulty in raising deposits, and the reduction of deposit interest rate may be one step behind.

  Impact 2

  The average yield of bank wealth management will fall below 4% again.

  Since last year, the bank’s wealth management yield has continued to fall, and at the end of December, the yield has rebounded. According to the data monitored by Rong 360 Data Research Institute, the average yield of bank wealth management products rose to 4.11% last week.

  Liu Yinping said that the RRR cut will lead to loose liquidity, and most of the underlying assets of bank wealth management are fixed-income assets, and the yield of such assets will drop, so will the yield of wealth management products, which is expected to fall below 4% again in the short term. However, the impact of RRR cuts on the income of wealth management products such as equity, commodities and financial derivatives is uncertain, which may push some equity assets higher.

  Impact 3

  The average yield of the money fund will fall to the range of 2.4%~2.5%.

  The monetary fund yield behind all kinds of baby financing has always been sensitive to changes in market interest rates. Since the end of November last year, the yield of money funds has continued to rise. According to the data monitored by Rong 360 Big Data Research Institute, the average yield of goods-based babies last week was 2.69%, a 39-month high.

  Even if the RRR is not lowered, the funds will gradually loosen after New Year’s Day, and the yield of the money fund will also fall. Lowering the benchmark will further loosen the liquidity and accelerate the decline of the yield of the money fund. It is expected that the average yield will fall to 2.4%~2.5% in the short term.

  Impact 4

  Theoretically speaking, RRR cuts are good for the stock market.

  After the RRR cut, there will be more funds in the market, and some of them will flow to the stock market. Moreover, the increase in corporate credit will help improve the operating conditions of enterprises. Theoretically, the RRR cut is good news for the stock market.

  However, judging from the performance of the stock market after previous RRR cuts, the stock index has been mixed. Liu Yinping pointed out that there are many factors affecting the stock market, including policies, economic environment, the development of all walks of life, market confidence and so on. Today is the first working day after the RRR cut, and all major stock indexes rose in the morning, so it seems that the market confidence is sufficient.

  Text/reporter Cheng Wei

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Why are these female talk show actresses charming?

  Yang Li

  Laughter is not the antidote, but the story is.

  — — — — — — — — — —

  In the fifth season of the recently broadcast Tucao Conference, the performance of female talk show actresses is still wonderful.

  Facing Yuqi Zhang and Yi Lijing, Yang Li said, "We girls should not find fault with each other. They have proved to me that women can be many kinds. You can be as beautiful and innocent as Sister Yu, as brave and sharp as Teacher Yi, and as both as me!"

  The real "drama" of Yang Li’s words is not boasting, but lies in that sentence, "Women can be many kinds".

  Li Xueqin, who graduated from Peking University and became popular because of his short video, stood on the stage and said, "In fact, the highly educated people are not so good. There are always people who scold you. You graduated from Peking University and always rely on the screen to grandstanding and earn that traffic. Don’t you feel ashamed?" Just when the audience thought that Li Xueqin was blacking out, she suddenly turned her head and looked at the teacher elder brother of Peking University under the stage: "Ah? Xu Zhiyuan! "

  Li Xueqin’s speech was like a roller coaster, and it landed in Xu Zhiyuan alone, which cleverly responded to some questions from the outside world.

  In the past 2020, these two girls have their own worlds in the topic areas and expression styles that they are good at. In addition, many women have gained popularity by virtue of the talk show stage. Why are these female talk show actresses so charming?

  From the common characteristics, the popular female talk show actresses have smart minds, confident manners and clever tongues, and their humor configuration is no less than that of male talk show actresses. Interesting regardless of gender, what do you think of men and women?

  In 1950s, as a mother of five children, 37-year-old American woman Phyllis Diller made a living by performing stand-up comedy with a wig and thick eyelashes. A housewife’s complaints about life bear the main content of her performance. Phyllis Diller, with her self-mockery of the bad housewife image, entered the male-dominated comedy battlefield and became the "grandparent" of the female talk show actress circle.

  Phyllis Diller said, "I was born funny, with funny ideas and funny attitude towards life." Girls with funny genes, why can’t they tell a joke on stage and show their sense of humor at will?

  The domestic talk show industry has not developed for a long time, but it has laid a good audience base. In 2017, the first talk show conference, a girl with neat short hair, Siwen, teased the husband and wife on the stage for a long time, and the relationship between her husband and you was equivalent to "the brother sleeping in your upper bunk". This paragraph quickly became popular on the Internet. Siwen is good at deconstructing daily life and gender relations, challenging the traditional label of "women", shouting for women, and "spicy" quotations are repeated.

  However, Siwen also said in an interview that when she stood in the spotlight in the early days, the external attack was very fierce, because the audience would rudely criticize her jokes and her face value.

  Talk show is naturally an "offensive expression", and the pressure you need to bear can be imagined. Perform a talk show for 5-10 minutes, and you may get half enthusiastic laughter, half aggressive diss, or even a humorous remark at the same time, which will be interpreted as "intentional offense" and set off a great discussion.

  Listening to these female talk show actresses talk about their personal experiences or social observations will undoubtedly provide us with a mirror to re-examine the unhappiness and troubles we may face in our daily life.

  Li Xueqin once said in the Talk Show Conference that she hoped female actors would stop laughing at their looks. "Since we all talk about talk shows, we have to let everyone know through our humor and wisdom that if we grow up like this, we will be called beautiful women."

  Audiences who like Li Xueqin will say that they like to listen to Li Xueqin talk shows because they feel that "there is a keen observation of life under that seemingly casual expression".

  "A gentle knife" Yang Li can clearly analyze the "thread group" that girls are easily bypassed in the relationship between the two sexes. For example, Yang Li once said that she confided in a boy friend and said that her boyfriend had run away with someone else. The boy friend comforted Yang Li: "There is nothing I can do. He is excellent, and you are a little unworthy of him. I only say this as a friend." Yang Li’s response was pleasant: "Don’t treat me as a friend, treat me as a person, a person with feelings."

  Listening to these excellent, sober and frank girls, telling common troubles, don’t we get an emotional release and comfort? At ordinary times, we are quite tired of persuasion — — "This is a thing? Why do you care? " These talk show actors will tell you that this is of course a thing, and you are not wrong! But please remember, you have your beauty and brain, don’t punish yourself with other people’s mistakes.

  In addition to poking or comforting the audience through "stalks", the current female talk show actresses also have a value that cannot be underestimated: although most actors start from analyzing their daily lives, the depth of their thinking is not superficial, and the social fields they point to are not narrow.

  It is always said that female talk show actresses seem to only express their lives and troubles. However, it is precisely because of their stories that when we dig out many issues such as the concept of marriage and love, the concept of parents and children, the concept of workplace, self-worth and so on, we will suddenly realize that some things turned out to be a problem. And why some things can still be a problem.

  Hannah Gatsby, an Australian female talk show actress, said: "Laughter is not the antidote, but the story is. Laughter is just honey to spice up bitterness. I just hope that people will hear my story and understand it with their own thinking. "

  No talk show joke is meaningless, and every seemingly ordinary little trouble actually hides social universality. The popularity of female talk show actresses, especially for female audiences, provides a new channel of inspiration: how should women be alert to or face their own offenses and injuries? How can women correctly and effectively safeguard their rights and interests?

  Only by understanding this point can we understand the charming brilliance of female talk show actresses. (Anna)

The list of the top 100 beautiful women in the world in 2023 was announced! Asian actresses such as Gulnazar and the live-action Little Mermaid were selected.

Original title: The list of the top 100 beautiful women in the world in 2023 was announced! Asian actresses such as Gulnazar and the live-action Little Mermaid were selected.

Recently, the American film website "TCCandler" released the list of the top 100 most beautiful actresses in 2023. There are many Asian actresses on this list, most of whom are from Korean women’s groups. In this list, Nancy, a Korean mixed-race child of MOMOLAND, won the championship and was also the first post-00 actress to win the championship. The runner-up was won by Dasha Taran, a Russian online celebrity model, while the third runner-up belonged to Sana Sana, a Japanese member of Korean group TWICE. This list shows the beauty and charm of women all over the world. Let’s take a look at these beautiful women!

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There is a Taiwanese businessman "Youlin" in Yunnan. 6: The tea maker tells you how to choose a cup of stomach-nourishing tea.

  Chen Youlin, from Nantou, Taiwan Province, was struck by the "September 21" earthquake in Taiwan Province in 1999 and came to Yunnan for development. From then on, he brought the concept of health and environmental protection to Yunnan and integrated it into the planting management and processing of local Pu ‘er tea.

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The ancient town is full of tourists.
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Special Photography for Upstream News Sun Kaifang’s Photo Report
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Taiwan Media Watching the Mainland: Remembering the Heroes and Heroes in Luzhou War Museum, Sichuan Province

  BEIJING, Beijing, December 19 (Xinhua) Recently, Taiwan Province’s "United Daily News" published a report about Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, introducing the National Defense War Museum established to commemorate the Mianpo Campaign of the National Defense War.

National defense war museum. Image source: Taiwan Province United Daily News

  The report pointed out that the Cultural Park for Protecting the Country is located in Naxi District of Luzhou City, including the National Park, the National War Museum, the centennial trench site and the National Rock.

  The movement to protect the country, also known as the war to protect the country, was launched after the Revolution of 1911 to oppose Yuan Shikai’s restoration of monarchy. In December 1915, Yuan Shikai announced the restoration of the imperial system in Beijing. Southern generals Tang Jiyao, Cai E and Li Liejun electrified the whole country to declare Yunnan independence, and organized a national defense army to crusade against Yuan Shikai, mobilizing the people of the whole country to oppose the imperial system and support the Republic. Subsequently, southern provinces declared independence one after another. The national protection movement finally overthrew Yuan Shikai and his restored monarchy.

  The National Defence War Museum, also known as the National Defence War Memorial Hall, is a museum with the theme of commemorating the National Defence War, which reproduces the bloody history of the soldiers of the National Defence Army and the eventful years of protecting the country. Its original site is Taojia Courtyard, which was built in the second year of Xianfeng in Qing Dynasty. From February to March, 1916, the battlefield headquarters of the National Defence Army was located in the Taojia Courtyard, directing the Mianhuapo Campaign. Here is a record of the brilliant achievements of revolutionary pioneers in protecting the country and seeking Yuan in Luzhou.

  The museum has the main exhibition hall of the National Defence War, the exhibition hall of Mianhuapo Campaign, the exhibition hall of Cai E, etc., and displays the sand table of the National Defence War and Mianhuapo Campaign, Cai E’s life information, and the fighting and living articles of the soldiers of the National Defence Army, etc.

  The national protection rock inscription is located on the Yongning River, which was left by General Cai E to commemorate the victory of the national protection movement. On the cliff nearly 20 meters high, Cai E wrote the stone "Protecting the Country Rock" in calligraphy. In the lower left corner of the stone cliff, it is "Protecting the Country", which is written in regular script with a font size of about three inches square, with a total of 20 lines and 80 words.

  The centennial trench site covers an area of 100 mu, mainly distributed in Zhuping Mountain, Wuding Mountain and surrounding dangerous highlands. The trench is in the shape of an inverted ladder, with a total length of more than 2,600 meters, 3 machine gun shelters and more than 100 infantry bunkers. (End)

  Source: China News Network

In 2023, the National University Student Robot Science and Technology Innovation Exchange Camp and robot contest ended.

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 19th (Reporter Huang Yue, Zhang Liyuan) The 2023 National University Student Robot Science and Technology Innovation Exchange Camp and the robot contest Final Competition jointly sponsored by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ended in Rizhao, Shandong Province on December 19th.

  This year’s competition built five major tracks, including industrial robots, personal and household service robots, public service robots, special robots and robots in other application fields. A total of 1017 works from 431 universities participated in the competition. Finally, 50 special prizes, 74 first prizes, 94 second prizes and 300 third prizes were selected.

  On the day of the award presentation, the award-winning team and representatives of dual-innovation enterprises presented their research experience and achievements, and experts in the field of artificial intelligence gave speeches on topics such as "Science and technology innovation serves the construction of a maritime power" and "accelerating the development of robot innovation and welcoming the fourth industrial revolution".

  During the competition, the organizing committee held discussion and exchange activities on the experience of running the competition, listened to the opinions of all parties, summed up the experience of running the competition, and organized special exchange activities such as roadshows for students’ projects, industrial talks on the transformation of the results of the competition, public open days for works, collective research, publicity and promotion of cultural tours, etc., to promote the transformation of scientific and technological innovation achievements of college students into real productive forces.

What’s the difference between football in China? It is not a cold day to fall from the country of Cuju to the "national football"!

China football, every China fan feels mixed feelings when he mentions it.

Whenever the World Cup season comes, the China men’s soccer team is always in a way"spectator" and "joke"As a participant, but not as a participant.

Then, why in today’s international arena, China, as old as football civilization,But always lost to Europe, America and even Japan, which is also East Asia?

What’s wrong with this?Do we really have no DNA to play football?
The Development Course of Football in China

In 1992, this year was of special significance to China football.Marketization reformIn this year, the curtain was opened, which marked an important step towards the professionalization of football in China.

This made the whole football system become different, and the professional league was established, which provided new career opportunities for players and coaches.This also directly prompted them to start.Get economic returns from clubs and markets.Football has thus gained unprecedented attention.

However, the development of everything has two sides; Although the market-oriented reform has brought new vitality to China football, it is also accompanied by problems.

Among them,The most obvious problem is that many young players choose to leave because they are dissatisfied with the conditions of provincial and municipal teams, which leads to a large number of brain drain.; More importantly, the original reform paid too much attention to the construction of professional leagues, butForget the importance of basic training.This makes the development of football in China appear obvious "fault".

This fault problem has been exposed in the early stage, but it has not been paid enough attention.

If the infrastructure of a league is not stable, then no matter how dazzling it is, it is difficult to go far;This may explain why in the late 1990s and early 2000s,Although China football had a brief glory, it quickly fell into a downturn.

But,In addition to the above-mentioned professionalization and marketization issues, is there anyOther factorsIs it affecting the development of football in China?

These factors can be discussed from three aspects: physical fitness, technology and genes:

First of all, there are indeed differences between Asians and Africans or Europeans in physical strength and flexibility; But this difference is not purely determined by genes, and eating habits and training methods also play an indispensable role.

howeverBased on this factor alone, we can’t come to the conclusion that "China people are not suitable for playing football";

Looking back at last year’s World Cup, Japan successfully defeated the powerful German team, which clearly proved that East Asian teams can also compete with the world’s top teams.

Furthermore, football is not just a "European and American" sport; It is global, and its technology, tactics and ideas are constantly evolving on a global scale.

Simply copying the football model in Europe and America cannot guarantee success, and each region has its own unique football culture and development route;Too much pursuit of integration with Europe and the United States, but ignoring local characteristics, often brings bad consequences.

reviewAlthough China tried to imitate European football in the early stage of its professionalization, its basic work was ignored.

A solid foundation is the key to the top league. In this respect, countries like Japan and South Korea have done quite well.

They started from the foundation and gradually built a perfect football development system, with clear planning and continuous investment from youth training to top leagues.

The rise of Japanese football is largely due to their solid youth training system;Large-scale competitions such as the All-Japan High School Football Championship involve about 100,000 student players. Every year, about 4,000 teams participate in the preliminaries, and 48 teams are finally selected to enter the finals.

This is not only a competition, but also a platform to show yourself and exercise your skills. The Gaoyuan Palace Cup Japan Football Association U18 League has created a more professional stage for the youth teams of various professional clubs.

South Korea, another strong team in East Asia, is famous for its excellent physical confrontation and physical fitness;In the international arena, they can often show excellent competitive state in the confrontation with strong European teams.

South Korean star Sun Xingyu’s Premier League performance is undoubtedly the best proof.He is not only a player, but also a representative of Korean football innovation youth training;

The sports park invested and built by Sun Xingyuan in South Korea represents the new direction of Korean football-"Sun Xiongzheng mode" (Sun Xiongzheng is Sun Xingyuan’s father and a former football player in South Korea), which pays more attention to technology and basic skills.

Compared with Japan and South Korea, although their football road is different from ours, their success provides us with valuable enlightenment; Both Japan’s youth training system and South Korea’s innovative ideas on player training are worthy of our in-depth study and thinking.

At the same time,Our national team, especially the women’s football team., also has a remarkable performance on the international stage.

Compared with the men’s soccer team, why can they show better elegance in the international arena?

From the perspective of professionalism,China women’s football team is on a global scale.Degree of professionalismMore prominent;

In many countries, many women football players are stillAmateur state,But in our country, most women football players areprofessionalismofThis provides them with rich training time and helps them to form an advantage in technology and tactics.

Furthermore,Women’s football has relatively little commercial value.Make the players focus more on the performance on the court, rather than being influenced by commercial factors.This pure attitude towards the gameUndoubtedly, it has created a more pure competition environment for women football players.

On the other hand, although the men’s football team has gone through the road of professionalization, there are many problems in the promotion of marketization;

The most critical problem is the neglect of basic work.This has led to a great loss of football talents. Compared with women’s football team’s obvious attitude of paying attention to technology and basic skills, men’s football team seems to be subject to more external interference in the process of marketization.

When we look back on every glory of China women’s football team, we can deeply feel the efforts behind them; And every ups and downs of the men’s soccer team is a wake-up call, suggesting that we need to reflect deeply.

In the future, we hope that both men’s football team and women’s football team should cherish every opportunity to play, go all out, create more bright spots, win glory for our country, and bring joy and pride to every fan.


  1. Why is the "national football" so smelly?
  2. In-depth analysis, why is China football getting worse and worse, and where is the future development direction?
  3. Japanese and Korean football tells us that confrontation is not a European patent, and yellow people can also have technology.
  4. Ball Comment: Why is China Women’s Football Team so Strong? What is the real reason why men’s football is not as good as them?

Title 1: From the country of Cuju to the spectators today: Exploring the deep reasons why China football lags behind Europe, America and Japan.

Title 2: From ancient stadium heroes to today’s audience, the vicissitudes of football in China: where is the gap between us and Europe, America and Japan?

Title 3: The Battle of the Top Three in East Asia: Why did China lose to Japan because of the cultural background of football and the technical conflict between Europe and America?

Title 4: The glory and trough of football in China, exploring the real gap between us and Europe, America and Japan and the way of the future.

Title 5: The problem of China’s men’s football team and the glory of women’s football team: Exploring our football road, why is there such a gap with Europe and America?

The hottest travel "summer file" in the past five years? How to solve the difficulty of booking tickets →

The scorching heat can’t stop people from traveling. A number of online travel platforms predict that this year is expected to usher in the hottest travel "summer file" in the past five years. Among many destinations, Beijing has always been very hot, especially this summer. According to the platform data, the booking volume of air tickets arriving in Beijing in summer increased by 30% compared with the same period of 2019, and the hotel booking volume increased by 6 times; It is also reported that the daily average number of tourist groups in Beijing has reached 1,200.

On July 8, tourists visited the Forbidden City. Photo by Chen Yuhua (Xinhua News Agency)

The return of market enthusiasm has brought about the growth of tourism consumption, but also a new problem: there is no shortage of tourists and tickets. Recently, many people are surprised to find that it is not easy to think of traveling in Beijing, and tickets for traditional popular scenic spots have to be grabbed. "The air tickets and hotels are all settled, but the itinerary is uncertain, and the tickets for the Forbidden City are grabbed, and the tickets for Guobo are gone", which has become an "annoyance" for many tourists. The travel agency is very helpless, and it is hard to look forward to the tourist season. There is no shortage of tourists but tickets. It is understood that some scenic spots need to be robbed one week in advance, and some need to be robbed five days in advance. The ticket release time is at 5 pm, 8 pm and 12 pm respectively. At present, the difficulty in booking tickets for popular scenic spots in Beijing has become a hot topic on many social networks.

Make an appointment first, then travel, and the ticket reservation system has been rapidly promoted in scenic spots across the country. As a means of normalization, the implementation of the appointment system has many benefits. From the management point of view, it can avoid the potential safety hazard caused by the over-concentration of passenger flow in scenic spots to a certain extent, reduce the risk that some cultural relics protection units will damage historical sites due to too many visitors, and also effectively prevent scalpers from scalping tickets. From the service point of view, the reservation system can allow tourists to plan their trips in advance, travel at the wrong peak, reduce waiting time and improve the tour experience.

There are two main reasons why the booking of tickets for popular scenic spots in Beijing this summer caused a lot of spit: First, the demand of tourists for high-quality tourism resources does not match the ticket source, and the number of tourists in the summer peak season has exploded, but the number of tickets available for booking in scenic spots is limited, which makes it difficult to grab tickets particularly prominent; Second, the booking channels and ticket release times of major scenic spots are different, and some even in the middle of the night.

Tourists are not satisfied, indicating that there is still much room for optimization in tourism management and service. As far as things are concerned, the demand for concentrated travel of tourists in summer cannot be changed. Can relevant departments and scenic spots reassess the market changes and increase the supply of tickets in peak season as much as possible within the actual carrying capacity of scenic spots? The peak season has just arrived, and it is not too late to make some necessary adjustments. Recently, Beijing Park Management Center has indicated that the Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven and other municipal parks will dynamically adjust the amount of tickets released, and timely return the refunded and cancelled tickets to the ticket pool. Some scenic spots with conditions can extend their opening hours in the peak season, meet the needs of some tourists through colorful cultural activities, and at the same time light up the night economy to increase the income of scenic spots. Various solutions can also be explored for booking channels and ticket release time. The implementation of the reservation system should be based on the principle of convenience. Can we lengthen the booking period of tickets in peak season, concentrate the ticket release time in the daytime, and better meet the different needs of group tourists and individual travelers? Although it is difficult to solve these problems, there are certainly more ways than difficulties.

On July 6th, tourists played in Suzhou Pingjiang Historic District. Li Boshe (Xinhua News Agency)

In the peak season of travel, not only Beijing, but also popular scenic spots in many destinations will be short of tickets to varying degrees. How to better undertake the tourism fever is a problem that needs long-term consideration. After all, the number of landmark scenic spots is limited, and even if more tickets are released, it can’t carry all the sightseeing needs. In fact, in addition to traditional popular routes, all localities should dig deep into other tourism resources. For example, in Beijing, there are not only the Forbidden City, the Great Wall and the Summer Palace, but also many hutongs. There are a large number of celebrities’ former residences, historical sites, cultural halls and gourmet cafes, which are valuable tourism resources. Strolling through hutongs, inadvertently discovering history and encountering literature and art is also a surprise trip. Studying the needs of different tourists, according to the characteristics of their own resources, launching more abundant route choices is an important topic to drain and divert tourists in peak season and explore ways to better promote the high-quality development of tourism.

(Author Zhang Xue), the original title "How to solve the problem of" no shortage of tourists lacking tickets "

Source: Economic Daily