Where is the peak of science and technology and the future of mankind?

In this era of information explosion, the Internet has penetrated into every corner of our lives, connecting all the people in the world through the Internet. The emergence of the mobile Internet has further enabled people to obtain information and communicate more conveniently. The rise of the Internet of Things connects everything and realizes the intelligent interaction between human beings and objects.

The arrival of 5G has opened up a brand-new network era, allowing us to see a broader future. The continuous development of artificial intelligence and quantum computing technology makes our fantasy of the ultimate future more real and possible.

In the vast world of the Internet, we can swim freely, get information, communicate and help business innovation. The mobile Internet liberates us in time and space, allowing us to enjoy the convenience brought by the Internet at any time and anywhere.

The intelligent interaction of the Internet of Things breaks through the barrier between man and machine, allowing us to interact with smart items magically. 5G gives us brand-new wireless communication capabilities, allowing us to enjoy the convenience brought by the Internet more quickly; With the development of artificial intelligence and quantum computing, we can master more technologies and tools to better cope with future challenges.

However, the development of these technologies and tools constantly reminds us that the challenges we face are not only technical, but also more influenced by multiple factors such as morality, society and politics. How to make good use of these technologies, how to avoid the negative effects they bring to us, and how to safeguard the future of mankind are the problems we need to think about and solve at present.

Therefore, I think we need to deeply understand the great power of Internet, mobile Internet, Internet of Things, 5G, artificial intelligence and quantum computing technology. Face up to the challenges and difficulties in technological development. While technology is constantly innovating, we should not forget the balanced development of technology and social ethics. Make the future smarter and more sustainable.

Envy female fans while taking photos to find C Ronaldo’s signature, the president reminded: Never mind the phone and take the jersey.

Live broadcast: On March 11th, in the 20th round of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh lost 0-1 to Jeddah, giving up the top spot.

After the game, Cristiano Ronaldo signed autographs for the fans. A female fan was very excited and took a jersey while taking photos. Cristiano Ronaldo warmly reminded: "Never mind the mobile phone and take the jersey." Then the female fan shouted "Hala Madrid".

When artificial intelligence robots and virtual people are fully stationed in e-commerce, it will set off a new climax of e-commerce delivery.

Why do humans study hard? Maybe some parents will say, find a good job in the future. Then why did you find a job? I think the first thing to find a good job is to earn more money, and then to realize other dreams and ideals. But when the era of artificial intelligence comes, does all the efforts still make sense? Maybe you think so, but when you see more robots working in factories, don’t those workers work hard? Why only see robots? I can’t see the human figure,

Therefore, it may be meaningless to work hard in the future. Offline work has been done by robots. Let’s look online again. Now more and more virtual people are beginning to appear on large and small platforms, and it is said that robot chat system is also integrated. With the algorithm and analysis of artificial intelligence, these virtual people and robots may try to figure out your mind. To put it bluntly, robots have learned psychology. If a large number of such robots come to live online to bring goods, and they never need to rest, do you think they will sell better than these real people now?

Everything is difficult at the beginning. Actually, I’m not absolutely difficult. The people selling goods are not real people. How can it be difficult? It’s just that users feel unaccustomed and unfamiliar. But after a long time when users get used to it, this kind of virtual people will be accepted, and if there are few virtual beauties, they will also attract handsome guys ~ They have joined the intelligent technology, and they will become smarter and even smarter than human beings. A small amount may not shake the stage of the current e-commerce world. If a large number of intelligent virtual robots come online to carry goods around the clock, and all platforms have them, let this large number of virtual people spend a lot of time occupying a large number of e-commerce platforms. If there is only one person behind them, will this person become the next richest man in China?

I think robots can replace human work offline, and they can certainly do it online. Because we have long acknowledged that artificial intelligence has surpassed human intelligence. Offline replaces human physical work, and online may replace human mental work. Robots are further evolving, from super physical strength to intelligence quotient. Besides playing chess, I think many places can beat us. Although robots are imitating human wisdom, robot calculation is more accurate than human beings, and robots are also making progress in learning human emotions, language and communication. If there are a large number of robots with goods, maybe the people behind them are really the next richest man in China.

Fabiano suggested that Rishalison consider a strong Serie A team, and Cristiano Ronaldo faded out of the mainstream.

Rishalisson complained that he had too few chances to play at Tottenham Hotspur. Although the Brazilian star apologized to Kong Di, people felt that his personality was not suitable for the top teams in the Premier League. Fabiano, a former Brazilian star, also wants his younger generation to consider other leagues. Apennine football is suitable for players with this personality. Fabiano suggested that Rishalison should consider the strong teams in Serie A, both Milan and Rome need strikers. As Serie A is developing, the arrogant players can choose Italian football. Of course, fabiano also advised Risalesson to lower his salary standard. Although the Brazilian star has a strong personal ability, his career is in a state of "no progress".

Can Cristiano Ronaldo consider the mainstream league? The goal efficiency of Portuguese superstars in Saudi Arabia is still very high. Many people expect Cristiano Ronaldo to return to the five major leagues in Europe, and fabiano also discussed this topic-Cristiano Ronaldo has faded out of the mainstream. Although the Portuguese superstar is still in excellent condition and his influence is still the same, it is almost impossible for him to return to the mainstream teams in European football. At the beginning of Ronaldo’s victory in Riyadh, mainstream sports channels were still paying attention to his movements. However, judging from the mainstream media such as Team Newspaper and Kicker in March, there is less and less content about Cristiano Ronaldo in sports, which is a sign that he has faded out of mainstream sight.

When Rishalison came to Tottenham, people had high expectations for him, because he could play on the wing or in the middle, taking into account the roles of Sun Xingyu and Kane. Fans who have seen FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 know that Rishalison has a strong personal ability, and his goals are usually ornamental. He also praised the younger generation for combining the advantages of South American players and European players. However, Risalesson did not show his comprehensive quality in the top teams in the Premier League. Fabiano felt that there were two reasons that prevented Risalesson from developing his potential under Kong Di. The first one was injury. His injury on the eve of the World Cup disrupted his development plan in this club.

Most players will increase the probability of injury in the Premier League. After all, the big clubs in English football have high competition density and fierce confrontation. If Risalesson can choose a strong Serie A team, the schedule of Apennine Club will be less intensive, which will effectively alleviate his injury. Furthermore, although the thickness of Tottenham’s lineup is not very good, there is no shortage of wingers in Kong Di, and Sun Xingyu and Kulusevski are still ahead of Rishalison. Although Rishalison is still qualified for the front waist, after Lucas Jr. returned from injury, Rishalison’s playing opportunities will be reduced.

Others talked about Rishalison as Kane’s replacement, and fabiano also told the truth-in Brazil’s tactical mode, Rishalison has no problem as a center. However, Kong Di’s system needs a No.9 player with strong fulcrum and a strong sense of grabbing points. Obviously, Lisa Song’s style can’t be rotated with Kane, so it is better for him to change teams. Judging from the overall situation, the requirements of top teams in Serie A for strikers are not so complicated, and Risalesson can give full play to his potential. Moreover, fabiano said that the strong Italian football teams have a rising trend in the Champions League, AC Milan has entered the quarter-finals, and Inter Milan has a high probability of advancing to the next round.

Serie A has gradually separated from the category of "pension league", which is also something that Risalesson needs to consider. After the ball, the author thinks that Lisa Song is very similar to Anthony in some aspects. They both like to show off their skills and show off their skills. The platform of the Premier League is more rigorous, especially the strict manager like Kong Di, who can’t tolerate the mistakes of his players. It can be seen that fabiano suggested that Risalesson consider the top teams in Serie A, and this suggestion has some truth. Regarding whether Cristiano Ronaldo can return to the mainstream, some time ago, Chelsea’s striker couldn’t score, and some people suggested that Burleigh reconsider the Portuguese superstar. After all, Cristiano Ronaldo’s ability to seize opportunities is ok.

As the Blues gradually recovered in these games, no one suggested that Burleigh and winstanley consider Cristiano Ronaldo. As for other strong teams, they have no financial resources to introduce Cristiano Ronaldo. After all, his salary requirements are too high, and no big club is willing to face so many locker room storms. Therefore, C Ronaldo faded out of the mainstream. In fabiano’s view, the cooperation between Cristiano Ronaldo and Mendes ended, which also led to the end of the Portuguese superstar’s career in the mainstream league. After all, Mendes has a good relationship with the major teams, and Cristiano Ronaldo has lost his interpersonal relationship in the mainstream football.

The Premier League is about to change!

International football association board has announced plans to increase the "effective time" of the competition, the world referee director.Pierluigi CollinaSaid that Premier League players will stop wasting time.

He is the chairman of the referee committee of the International Football Federation, and he said: "Aston Villa is valid for 43 minutes against brentford. I don’t think anyone is willing to spend money to watch the game for only 43 minutes. "

According to the data available in Colina, the effective time of Premier League matches is 54.49 minutes, while the effective time of Scottish Premier League matches is even lower, at 50.42 minutes. The effective time of the Champions League competition is 58.07 minutes.

International football association board has decided to use the actual time in five key areas, namely substitution, player injury, penalty and red card, VAR and goal celebration, instead of the estimated value, when calculating the total pause time.

Although this may mean an increase in pause time at first, it is thought that this situation will decrease once players realize that their time is only added.

Colina said, "We have seen that using VAR reduces simulation. How many yellow cards are issued because of simulation now? Very few, because players know that it is meaningless to try to simulate. "

"When the players know that wasting time is meaningless, because that time is compensated, I believe that wasting time will be reduced."

Why the exact time is important-even if the score is 7-0.

Colina said that the extra time in Liverpool’s recent loss to Real Madrid at Anfield was seven minutes, but if the actual wasted time in the second half was correctly evaluated, the time would be increased to 16 minutes.

He said that if the correct guidelines are applied, Liverpool’s seven-goal victory over Manchester United should also add more time.

Colina said: "Last weekend, there were 10 matches in the Premier League. Four of them have more than 10 minutes of extra time, and some other games have no accurate time, probably because the scores are 7-0 and 4-0. "

"In the Liverpool game, four minutes were added in the first half and three minutes in the second half. But he scored six goals in the second half. "

"Maybe at some point in the future, we will make a rule that if there is a big gap between the two teams, no extra time will be given. But this will be written into the rules of the game.

"Now this is common sense, but it is common sense only if it doesn’t affect anyone.

"I can understand that it is difficult to show the correct time when the score is 7-0.

"But if it is stipulated that the whole goal difference may affect the final ranking of the game, it may be different to score a goal or not."

Selena Gomez shares reason behind her shaky hands in new video

Recently, singer-actor Selena Gomez shared a video on TikTok, in which she can be seen doing her skincare — applying products that help her remove makeup. The clip begins

with Selena gently washing her face, and then using a towel to dry it out. But fans were quick to point out that her hands were ‘shaky’. Taking it in her stride, the Look at Her Now singer informed her followers it is because of the medication she takes to manage lupus disease.

The benefits of sauna

The benefits of sauna: 1. In a high temperature environment, the capillaries of the whole body can be expanded. Second, it can effectively eliminate toxins in the body, which is beneficial to the elimination of diseases.

3. It can effectively enhance the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent arteriosclerosis. 4. It has a certain weight loss effect and can be appropriately used for people who are obese. Fifth, it has a certain effect of beauty and beauty, and has a whitening effect. 6. It can properly eliminate fatigue, and also has certain curative effect on rheumatism and arthritis. Disadvantage: It may lead to an increased incidence of male infertility.