"Beautiful Compassion Paradise" parachuted into Wuhan from March 15 to March 17, and toured for a limited time to interpret the new fashion of a better life.

From March 15th to March 17th, "Beautiful Compassion Paradise" will arrive at JD.COM MALL for a three-day limited exhibition tour. The tour takes users close to the beautiful new scientific and technological products with creative forms such as spring amusement, fun entertainment, punching in stamps and locking fresh and delicious food.

Midea adheres to the brand concept of "linking the true feelings between brands and users" and conveying "putting people’s feelings before technology", and always puts users’ needs first. The exhibition tour of "Beautiful Compassion Paradise" will create an immersive "human-feeling technology" new home for the public, and give consumers the emotional added value of a better life and new fashion, so as to strengthen the brand.

The "Beautiful Compassion Paradise" tour will embrace users with beautiful shapes, easy-to-use functions and fun interaction, so that they will glow with new vitality. This activity cooperated with Manchester City Club to create a super-large proportion of Manchester City stars, and Harland, De Braune and Forden "appeared" in the exhibition. Eight interesting themes were set up on the spot, limiting good things and delicious food, adding blue pie and limiting empathy concerts.

Feeling and green are the development direction of the smart home industry in the future. As the world’s leading household appliance brand, "Beautiful Compassion Paradise" brings a series of intelligent technology products with high temperature, and as a companion of the public emotional relationship, it satisfies people’s deeper feelings and needs, and constantly rejuvenates and grows in the expression of "Feel you in your way, we feel the same way with you".

Huzhou Association for Science and Technology, Zhejiang Province: Grasping the Volunteer Service of Science and Technology in Agricultural Time to "Escort" Spring Farming

Since beginning of spring this year, continuous rainfall and low temperature have had adverse effects on crop growth and spring ploughing. In order to reduce the impact of meteorological disasters, do a good job in spring ploughing agricultural production, and lay the foundation for achieving agricultural efficiency, increasing farmers’ income and rural revitalization. Recently, Huzhou Association for Science and Technology of Zhejiang Province organized a volunteer service team of spring ploughing science and technology composed of agricultural science and technology personnel to go deep into fields, orchards and tea gardens to carry out technical guidance and training for spring planting, spring sowing and spring ploughing.

The first is pairing assistance to help low-income villages increase their income.Huzhou City and County Association for Science and Technology in Zhejiang Province went to Liujing Village, Hongxing Bridge, a poverty-stricken village, to deploy and arrange the work of spring ploughing and spring preparation and poverty alleviation, actively mobilize the enthusiasm of poor households, large breeders, family farms, agricultural technology associations and various agricultural operators in the village to carry out spring agricultural production according to local conditions and time, and at the same time, send more scientific and technological volunteers to the families lacking labor in the village to carry out film laying, transportation, transplanting and watering, so as to ensure the strong and orderly development of spring ploughing production.

The second is to visit and investigate, and ask for the pulse to solve the problem.Tea, as the main agricultural product of Changxing, is in the critical period of budding, which determines whether tea can be mass-produced. The low temperature and rainy days have had an impact on new buds. The Changxing County Association for Science and Technology of Huzhou City organized agricultural technicians of the county tea association to visit the main producing areas of white tea and purple bamboo shoot tea such as Shuikou Township and heping town to understand the impact of low temperature freezing on tea, and guide tea farmers to lay straw on the roots of tea, remove new buds that have been damaged by freezing, and increase water and fertilizer management to ensure tea production. In addition to tea, more than 30,000 bees in the county also suffered from low temperature and freezing injury, and the eggs laid by bees could not hatch normally, which seriously affected the spring reproduction and also affected the later honey collection. Changxing County Association for Science and Technology immediately organized the county bee industry association and beekeeping experts to visit the big beekeepers in the county one after another, to teach the experience of bee conservation, strengthen feeding management, increase the feeding temperature and honey concentration, and help improve the hatching rate of bee reproduction.

The third is training and guidance, popularizing practical technology.Huzhou Association for Science and Technology of Zhejiang Province organized technical training courses on agricultural plant protection drone operation, bayberry pest control and tea industry rural practical talents around agricultural planting and breeding, disaster prevention and mitigation, meteorological knowledge, policy interpretation, energy saving and emission reduction, etc., trained more than 500 tea farmers and fruit farmers, distributed more than 2,000 popular science materials such as "Popular Science in 24 solar terms" and "Series of Agriculture with Zhejiang Characteristics in the New Century", popularized practical technology to farmers, and promoted spring through "popular science service".

The relevant person in charge of Huzhou Association for Science and Technology in Zhejiang Province said that it is an important measure for the Association for Science and Technology to help rural revitalization by letting agricultural technicians listen to people’s voices, observe people’s feelings, know people’s opinions and solve people’s worries. Huzhou Association for Science and Technology will continue to give full play to the power of voluntary service of science and technology, build bridges between experts and farmers, promote high-quality science and technology popularization resources to go deep into rural areas and serve farmers, and contribute to rural revitalization and common prosperity. (Huzhou Association for Science and Technology,Changxing County Association for Science and Technology)

Contributed by Zhejiang Association for Science and Technology

Editor in charge: Zou Bingyang

China multi-channel officers and men went to the disaster area. More than 100 armed police have entered the epicenter on foot

Topic: An earthquake of magnitude 7.8 occurred in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province.

  China news agency, Beijing, May 13th According to the news from China’s military, as of 6: 30 on the 13th, the PLA and the Armed Police Force have invested 16,760 people in earthquake relief. Military regions around the country plan to transport troops to the disaster area by 20 military planes, and at the same time, make officers and men reach the earthquake area as soon as possible by means of railways, motorized maneuvers and hiking. By 8: 00 on the 13th, more than 100 officers and men of the Aba detachment of the Armed Police had arrived in Wenchuan County on foot.

  More than 34,000 people from Jinan, Chengdu Military Region and Air Force are marching into the disaster area. Among them, 2,824 people from a group army of Chengdu Military Region in Yunnan have set off by railway at 3: 00 on 13th, and a division and two brigades of jinan military area command are organizing railway transportation. At present, the first echelon has been loaded, and it is planned to set off at 8: 20. An airborne army stationed in Hubei dispatched 6,420 people. At present, the landing field has been prepared, and the first flight has taken off at 6: 20. On 13th, the Air Force plans to use 20 military transport planes, Il-76 and Yun-8, to fly troops to Chengdu Shuangliu Airport and Mianyang Airport at full capacity.

  A national earthquake emergency rescue team of 227 people, composed of military personnel, medical staff of the Armed Police General Hospital and earthquake rescue experts, arrived in Dujiangyan at 0: 50 on the 13th, carrying 12 search and rescue dogs, two command vehicles and some equipment and medicines, and launched rescue operations in Dujiangyan Chinese Medicine Hospital and Juyuan Town Middle School, the two most severely affected places.

  Because the road to Wenchuan has been interrupted and cannot be reached by mechanized and motorized transportation, the troops organized a hike overnight. At present, the deputy chief of staff of an artillery regiment of a group army in Chengdu Military Region has led a 20-member reconnaissance detachment to Wenchuan on foot and is learning about the disaster.

Instant report:

The earthquake in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province has caused 9,219 deaths.

Hu Jintao presided over the Politburo meeting to deploy disaster relief work.

Wen Jiabao goes to Deyang

Basic situation of Wenchuan county

[Emergency] After repeated verification, the Wenchuan County earthquake in Sichuan was 7.8.Photos: Luoyang was affected by the earthquake

According to the National Seismological Network, an earthquake of magnitude 7.8 occurred in Wenchuan, Sichuan.

Photos: Beijing was affected by the earthquake and citizens ran down high-rise buildings.

The earthquake in Kunming is strong, and it is obvious that there is an earthquake.

Photo: Shijiazhuang area affected by earthquake.

[Emergency] An earthquake of magnitude 3.9 occurred in Tongzhou District, Beijing.

An earthquake was clearly felt in Beijing today.

The earthquake in Kunming is strong, and it is obvious that there is an earthquake.

At around 14: 35, an earthquake was clearly felt in Beijing.



Self-help manual:

Where does the earthquake do the most damage to the human body? Self-help and mutual rescue are very important.

Don’t jump off a building.

[Video] Earthquake Tips-How to save yourself when an earthquake happens

Office supplies knocked down in the technical room of Xinhua News Agency Sichuan Branch

    On May 12, 2008, Luoyang citizens were running out of houses and construction sites to avoid the earthquake. (Source: CFP) 

    At about 14: 38 pm on May 12, 2008, there was a strong earthquake in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, and people who were working evacuated from the office building. (Author: Zhang Runmin) (Source: CFP) 

    On May 12, 2008, Beijing was affected by the earthquake, and the downstairs of Dacheng Building of Xinhuanet was full of evacuated citizens. (Author: Guo Xiaotian) (Source: CFP)

Editor: Wang Xu

10 classic must-see online novels are highly recommended!

Original title: 10 classic online novels are recommended!

Here are 10 classic must-see online novels recommended:

Fierce Knife Walking in the Snow: one of the representative works of the princes in the bonfire drama, tells the story of a noble family who went through hardships and eventually became a generation of Beiliang King.

Breaking the Sky: Li Hu’s fantasy novel, a costume, tells the story that Xiao Yan, a talented boy, suddenly became a cripple after creating a family record of unprecedented cultivation, and various blows followed. Just when he was about to despair, a wisp of soul emerged from the ring in his hand, and a brand-new door opened in front of him. After hard training, he finally achieved a brilliant story.

Immortality: one of Chen Dong’s representative works, tells the story of an immortal world, in which the protagonist constantly explores the mystery of immortality.

Douluo Continent: one of Tang Jiasan’s representative works, tells the story of a world full of magic and quarrelling, in which the protagonist grows up and challenges the powerful enemy.

Tomb of the gods: another masterpiece of Chen Dong, it tells a story of a world full of myths and legends, and the protagonist keeps digging up the mystery of his life experience.

"Panlong": One of my masterpieces of eating tomatoes, it tells a world full of magic and quarrelling. Lin Lei, the protagonist, finally becomes a legendary story through continuous cultivation and challenging the powerful enemy.

Qin Di: one of the representative works of Tang Jiasan Shao, tells the story of a world full of music and magic. Ye Yinzhu, the protagonist, finally becomes a generation of Qin Di by constantly learning and challenging his powerful enemies.

Biography of Immortal Cultivation by Ordinary People: A novel about the cultivation of truth created by forgetting words tells the story of an ordinary person who finally becomes a generation of immortal emperors through continuous cultivation and challenging his powerful enemies.

"Full-time Master": One of the representative works of Butterfly Blue, tells the story of a professional gamer’s re-emergence after a career downturn.

Step by step gives birth to lotus: one of Yueguan’s representative works, it tells the story of a modern man who traveled to ancient times and experienced ups and downs in officialdom.

The above are only 10 classic must-see online novels recommended. Everyone has different preferences and can choose to read according to their own interests.

Editor in charge:

Teach you to beware of these three common infectious diseases in spring.

  The grass grows and the warbler flies, and the spring blooms. Spring is not only the most beautiful season, but also the golden period for traveling and vacationing, but we must pay attention to health and safety when going out, especially to guard against these three common infectious diseases.


  Measles is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by measles virus, and the seasonal incidence peak of measles is from March to May every year. Because of the rapid spread of the virus, it is one of the most contagious infectious diseases, and it belongs to Class B infectious diseases legally reported in China.

  Measles patients are the only source of infection, and the virus can spread through droplets or direct contact with nasopharyngeal secretions of infected people, so people are generally susceptible. The main symptoms are fever, red maculopapular rash, accompanied by cough, runny nose, tears, photophobia, sore throat, general fatigue and other symptoms, and some cases are accompanied by serious complications such as pneumonia.

  At present, the most effective preventive measure is measles vaccination. Similarly, taking Beijing as an example, school-age children can get three doses of measles vaccine free of charge. At the same time, in order to protect the health of migrant workers from other provinces and their children, Beijing also provides free measles vaccination for migrant workers from March to May every year, and provides free measles vaccination for their children under 6 years old.

  In the high incidence season of measles, remind everyone to pay attention to 4 points.

  First, strengthen self-protection, pay attention to wearing masks, and try to reduce to crowded public places with poor air circulation.

  Second, if you have fever, rash, cough and other symptoms, go to the hospital as soon as possible and wear a mask when you see a doctor. If you are diagnosed with measles by the hospital, you should be treated and isolated according to the doctor’s advice. Don’t go to work or school with illness to prevent the virus from being transmitted to your family, classmates or colleagues.

  The third is timely vaccination to protect children’s health. Parents must take their children to get measles vaccine according to the appointment time of vaccination clinic. If you find that your child has missed the vaccine, you should go to the vaccination clinic as soon as possible to replenish the vaccine.

  Fourth, enterprises, businesses, service places and other units with more migrant workers should take the initiative to contact the vaccination clinics of community health service centers and actively organize employees to vaccinate against measles. When people go to shopping malls, cinemas, hospitals and other places with high mobility, they should also wear masks to do proper protection, especially when accompanying patients for medical treatment and infusion, and do a good job of protection to minimize the detention time in the hospital.


  Rubella is a respiratory infectious disease caused by rubella virus, which occurs frequently in spring and is generally susceptible to people. After being infected with the virus, symptoms such as fever and cough appear in the early stage, and then light red spots and papules appear on the face first, which quickly spread all over the body.

  Children’s illness is usually mild, and pregnant women suffering from rubella may lead to fetal death or congenital defects such as congenital heart disease, cataract and deafness, which is called congenital rubella syndrome.

  It is understood that the vaccine containing rubella has been included in the immunization program in Beijing, that is, one dose of measles-mumps-rubella combined attenuated live vaccine is given to children aged 8 months, 18 months and 6 years respectively. With the increase of vaccination rate of children, adults, especially women of childbearing age, have gradually become the main body of rubella cases.

  At present, Beijing has entered a period of high incidence of rubella. In order to avoid virus infection, we should remind everyone that school-age children who have not been vaccinated according to the procedures should go to the local vaccination clinic as soon as possible. Adults with unknown vaccination history are also advised to vaccinate with a dose of rubella. For children and adults who have not been vaccinated, they should go to public places where people gather as little as possible, and pregnant women should avoid contact with rubella patients.

  In addition, it is also necessary to open the window indoors often for ventilation. If there are symptoms of fever and rash, you should go to the hospital in time. After being diagnosed with rubella, you should avoid contact with people around you.


  Chickenpox is an acute infectious disease caused by varicella-zoster virus, which is mainly transmitted by respiratory droplets and direct contact with varicella-zoster liquid, and can also be transmitted by virus-contaminated appliances, such as toys, stationery, door handles, etc. Like other infectious diseases, chickenpox has an epidemic season. May to July and October to January are the peak periods of the disease.

  The disease is highly contagious, and people are generally susceptible, but it is more common in children. In the epidemic season, after being infected with varicella virus, precursor symptoms such as fever, general malaise, fatigue and sore throat may appear in the early stage.

  At the onset of chickenpox, the rash first appeared on the head and trunk, and gradually spread to the limbs. At first, it was a red macula, then it became a papule and developed into herpes. One or two days after herpes, herpes begins to dry and scab from the center, and the surrounding skin blush disappears, and then the scab skin falls off after a few days. Spotted papules, blisters and scabs often exist at the same place. If there are no complications, it can heal itself in about two weeks.

  It is worth noting that patients with chickenpox are the main source of infection, and patients with mild symptoms are easily overlooked or misdiagnosed. For newborns or immunocompromised people, chickenpox may be a fatal disease. Because most herpes zoster occurs in people over 50 years old or with low immune function. Generally speaking, the symptoms of adults infected with the virus are generally heavier. Moreover, don’t think that once you have chickenpox, you will be safe for life. When your immunity declines, you can’t rule out the possibility of secondary infection, and the virus in your body may relapse and infect herpes zoster.

  At present, vaccination with varicella vaccine is the most effective preventive measure. Taking Beijing as an example, it is recommended that school-age children be vaccinated with two doses of varicella vaccine according to procedures: the first dose at the age of 18 months and the second dose at the age of 4 years. Children over 4 years old who have only received one dose of vaccine in the past are advised to replant the second dose of vaccine.

  In the season of high incidence of chickenpox, everyone should pay attention to the following four points:

  First, when you find yourself or your child with fever, rash and other unwell symptoms, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible for a definite diagnosis. Please wear a mask when you see a doctor. If you are diagnosed with chickenpox, you should be treated in isolation at home, and you should not go to work or school with illness to prevent others from being infected.

  Second, the isolation period until all the chicken pox and herpes scabs or rashes subside, students need to go to the health care department of the hospital to issue a certificate of resumption of classes, and the school can only return to school after inspection.

  Third, schools and kindergartens should pay close attention to the incidence of chickenpox in children, and report cases of chickenpox to the health department of the community health service center to which the unit belongs in time.

  Four, the occurrence of varicella epidemic units, should actively cooperate with the disease control departments to implement comprehensive prevention and control measures to avoid the spread of the epidemic. (Source: Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guangzhou Daily, qianjiang evening news)

Snooker Scottish Open: Ding Junhui stopped in the top 32 and Lv Haotian advanced to the top 16.

China news agency, Beijing, December 14 th On the morning of the 14th Beijing time, the 2023 Scottish Open ended the contest on the third day of the race. In the 32-round and 16-round competitions, China billiards star Ding Junhui suffered a lore and stopped at the top 32. Another China player, Lv Haotian, took the lead in advancing to the top 16.
Ding Junhui and English star tom ford competed for a place in the top 16, which was one of the focus battles of the day’s competition. Before this, the two sides confronted each other many times, and Ding Junhui occupied an absolute advantage. Among them, in the semi-finals of last season’s British Championship and 6 Red Ball World Championships, Ding Junhui defeated his opponent and advanced to the final. Ding Junhui defeated tom ford again in the quarter-finals of the British Championship that ended a few days ago and advanced to the quarter-finals. However, after winning the runner-up in Tianjin International Championship last month, tom ford once surpassed Ding Junhui in the world ranking.
This time, when they met their old enemies again, both sides were tit for tat, and the first six games were tied at 3-3. In the deciding game, tom ford seized the opportunity and scored 81 points in a single shot to seal the victory. At the same time, he succeeded in "revenge" and replaced his opponent to advance to the top 16. Prior to this, Ding Junhui had suffered a "champion shortage" in the ranking competition for more than four years, and this defeat delayed his goal of winning the 15th championship in the ranking competition again.
In the 32 rounds and 16 rounds, three players from China appeared. Among them, Pang Junxu lost to Scottish star anthony mcgill 2-4; In a "Chinese Derby", Lv Haotian defeated 19-year-old Liu Hongyu 4-2, becoming the first China player to advance to the top 16 in this competition.
On the same day, in the first 64 rounds of 32 rounds, three China "post-00" teenagers won 1 and lost 2-Si Jiahui, a top four player in last season’s World Championships, defeated Belgian Julian Leclere 4-2, becoming the seventh China player to advance to the top 32 in this competition. 19-year-old Xing Zihao lost to gary wilson 3-4, and Yuan Sijun lost to Sam craigie 0-4, so they went out hand in hand.
Brecel, ranked fourth in the world, and Selby, ranked fifth in the world, both stopped in the top 32. So far, the top eight players in the world have missed the top 16 in this Scottish Open. Except for O ‘Sullivan, who ranked first, who retired temporarily, and neil robertson, who ranked sixth, who didn’t sign up for the competition, the other six famous players were eliminated in the first three days.
On the next match day of this Scottish Open, Zhang Anda and Si Jiahui will bring another "Chinese Derby" in the final battle of 32 rounds and 16 rounds; Zhou Yuelong, who won because his opponent retired in the first round of the race, will face British veteran andrew Higginson. (End)

Daily broadcast fashion fell 5.03% to 11.33 yuan/share.

On January 29th, the daily broadcast fashion fell by 5.03% to 11.33 yuan/share at 13:17, with a turnover of 35.2564 million yuan, a turnover rate of 1.28% and a total market value of 2.704 billion yuan.

According to the data, Nippon Fashion Group Co., Ltd. is located at No.98, Rongyang Road, Zhongshan Street, Songjiang District, Shanghai. Its main business is clothing enterprises. With innovation and imagination as its core competitiveness, it forms a creative production relationship of symbiosis, communion, coexistence and sharing through sustainable business organization form and individual independent and free value. The company is not only committed to its own globalization and internationalization strategy, multi-brand, high-quality and market-leading strategy, but also actively promotes the benign development of industrial ecology, transforms fashion art culture into good design, provides solutions for a better city life, and undertakes social responsibilities.

As of September 30th, there were 13,100 shareholders and 18,200 shares outstanding per capita.

From January to September, 2023, the daily broadcast fashion realized an operating income of 699 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 0.40%; The net profit attributable was 20,765,900 yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 27.14%.

This article comes from: financial circles

Author: A Jun


Anke Innovation promotes the global influence of the brand with Thursday Rugby Night.

If you want to choose one of the most popular sports in the United States, many China audiences may choose basketball because of the great influence of the NBA in China, but the most accurate answer is "American football". Among the top 100 TV programs in the United States in 2023, 93 were Major League Football (NFL) events. With its powerful influence, rugby matches can help brands reach millions of consumers at one time, thus becoming a "battleground" for brands to enhance their popularity.

As a "born global" brand in China, Anke Innovation also saw the unique marketing value of rugby matches and made an innovative and bold attempt. On December 7, 2023, US Eastern Time, Anke Innovation launched an interactive creative short film specially made for Anker Nano series chargers on Thursday Night Football, TNF) broadcast by Amazon Prime Video, so as to accurately reach younger, more energetic and more enthusiastic target consumers and let them experience the innovation and breakthrough of Anker Nano series in charging speed and use experience.

This launch made Anke the first China brand to launch a streaming TV advertisement on Thursday Rugby Night, which was broadcast by Prime Video alone, which not only effectively enhanced the brand’s overseas popularity, but also shortened the distance from "content" to "business" through a new form of interactive video advertisement. During the period of watching the advertisement, consumers can go directly to the flagship store of Amazon brand for purchase through the QR code in the advertisement, thus realizing a one-stop shopping experience from watching sports events to placing an order for purchase. At the same time, compared with the cable TV era, the rise of streaming media TV has also provided innovative functions such as effect measurement and user interaction for the advertising of sports events, and has become one of the new ways for advertisers to build brands and improve marketing effectiveness. According to the analysis of Amazon Marketing Cloud, this TNF marketing campaign has brought nearly 50% incremental consumers to Anke Innovation. According to Amazon data, the sales of Anker Nano series related products increased by 20% after 8 days of TNF advertising.

Encore innovative TNF video advertisement screenshot

The brand is broken, why is it "Thursday Football Night"?

After years of development, Anke Innovation has become a brand with global popularity, with its products selling well in 146 countries and regions and over 100 million users worldwide. In order to seek a breakthrough in global brand building, sports marketing with great influence has become an ideal choice for Anke’s innovation. Across the ocean, one-third of Americans (107.4 million people) will watch live sports events in 2025, an increase of 71% over 2021. In many sports events, football is an important way to seize the minds of American consumers, and Thursday Rugby Night (TNF) broadcast by Amazon Prime Video alone is loved by many American audiences. The data shows that TNF got off to a good start in the first season of Amazon Prime Video. The average audience of the game between Los Angeles Lightning and Kansas City Chiefs reached 13 million, setting a new record for the audience of Major League Football (NFL) games at that time. In the 2023 season, the average number of TNF viewers per game reached 11.86 million, a year-on-year increase of 24%. At the same time, the median age of the audience watching TNF on Prime Video is nearly 7 years younger than those watching Major League Football (NFL) on online TV, with higher family income, more devotion to the game and longer watching time. This provides an excellent marketing opportunity for advertisers who are committed to building brand awareness and brand influence among young and high-income people.

According to Anke’s innovation, there are three main reasons for choosing Thursday Football Night (TNF). The first is the huge potential audience base, and the audience are all Prime members with strong consumption power, which helps Anke to innovate and enhance brand awareness; Secondly, the characteristics of audience segmentation are obvious, which helps Anke to innovate and attract young consumers interested in scientific and technological products; Thirdly, TNF itself has a good brand image. By cooperating with well-known sports programs like TNF, it will help Anke Innovation to convey a brand image full of vitality and innovative spirit to users.

After careful evaluation and measurement in the early stage, Anke Innovation put the time of TNF advertising on the game on the evening of December 7, Eastern Time. That night, the Patriots of New England and the Steelers of Pittsburgh had a wonderful and exciting night match. The Patriots led by a score of 21:3, but then the Steelers rose to catch up by 15 points, but they finally regretted losing. This suspenseful game attracted the attention of many fans. During the competition, Anke innovatively used a short advertisement with a sense of science and technology to reach and interact with the fans. In the short film, Anker Nano series charger has become the protagonist. From taking the subway to the office scene, this "fastest charger series created by Anker Innovation for iPhone with USB-C interface" has been deeply implanted in the hearts of many overseas consumers.

At the same time, Anke Innovation and Amazon Advertising have jointly given this creative short film a new interactive form — — By scanning the QR code in the lower left corner of the advertisement, consumers can use smart devices such as mobile phones and tablets in their hands to go directly to the customized landing page created by Anker Innovation in the flagship store of Amazon brand, and get a one-stop understanding of various innovative products of Anker Nano series, and complete a series of operations such as "adding a shopping cart" and "buying now" with just a few clicks, and get a one-stop quality experience from watching to shopping.

By scanning the QR code, consumers can go directly to Anke Innovation Amazon brand flagship store.

Innovation first, building a streaming media eraMarketing closed loop"

With the evolution of digital marketing technology, the form of live streaming TV broadcast has brought new delivery forms and monitoring means to sports events, so that the measurement of marketing value can be rationally analyzed and judged with more comprehensive and detailed data, providing reference for the next marketing activities.

Thursday Rugby Night (TNF) provides advertisers with an innovative audience-based creative delivery scheme. Brands can display differentiated creative advertisements to different segments of the audience according to the dimensions of geography, crowd characteristics and behavioral signals, so as to enhance the relevance of advertisements. Relevant data show that the interactive rate of brand search of TNF advertisers who adopt audience-based creative delivery scheme is 116% higher than that of advertisers who put on linear TV, and at the same time, they also get relatively higher browsing rate and purchase rate of product details pages.

At the same time, Amazon’s all-round measurement solution for advertising gives the brand a more comprehensive and effective insight into the advertising effect and influence. Anke Innovation uses the first-hand insight data of Amazon’s marketing cloud to analyze the key dimensions such as the search volume, the number of visitors to the station, the purchase analysis of the 14-day attribution window and the purchase ratio of new customers, and understand how sports marketing can improve the transformation and sales of products.

With the great influence of TNF advertising and a series of innovative solutions of Amazon advertising, Anke Innovation has greatly improved brand awareness and sales conversion rate. Amazon marketing cloud analysis shows that consumers who have seen Anke’s innovative TNF advertisements and DSP advertisements at the same time have increased the brand search rate and purchase rate of Anke’s innovative brands by 17% and 42% respectively compared with consumers who have only seen their DSP advertisements. In addition, TNF advertising also brings stronger brand effect. In this marketing activity, the purchase rate of consumers who have seen its TNF advertising first and then its search advertising and DSP advertising is 1.32 times that of consumers who have only seen its search advertising and DSP advertising.

During the whole marketing period, Amazon advertising team provided comprehensive support for Anke Innovation from consumer insight to measurement and evaluation. For example, in terms of strategy formulation, Amazon advertising provides in-depth crowd insight reports and effect estimates to help formulate effective marketing strategies and create interactive advertising materials. After the broadcast, Amazon Advertising provided an advertising effect monitoring and evaluation report covering the entire shopping journey of the target audience. At the same time, the advertisement viewing crowd package created according to the actual reach can also help Anke innovate "audience re-marketing", continue to talk with the audience who have watched TNF advertisements in other marketing channels, establish more effective connections, and create a complete sales closed loop.

Go hand in hand to create a new era of China brand going out to sea.

Today, video marketing is becoming a new trend of change. More creative video advertisements are more likely to attract consumers’ attention and promote the transformation of sales. In order to enhance the brand’s creative marketing ability, Amazon Advertising provides a one-stop video advertising solution, including video advertising in Amazon Mall, streaming TV advertising on channels such as Freevee and Twitch, and online video advertising on third-party websites. In 2024, Prime Video’s programs and movies will also contain limited advertisements. In the United States alone, Prime Video advertisements are expected to reach 115 million viewers every month, which provides a new solution for advertisers to shape global brands. In addition to Thursday Night of Rugby (TNF), Prime Video also includes live broadcasts of different kinds of heavyweight sports events from different countries and regions, including American professional women’s basketball league, European Champions League, French Open and Japanese world baseball classic, which provides diversified opportunities for brands to use sports events for marketing.

In the future, Amazon Advertising will continue to support more China enterprises going abroad, enhance the global popularity and goodwill of China brand with more insightful, creative and effective marketing campaigns, and promote China enterprises to build global brands.


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A city with a hundred flavors | See Chongqing at the New Year’s Eve party. VIPs should "sit first"

This article is transferred from: Yang Guangwang
Chongqing, January 27 th, the news of the Golden Bull puts its tail, and the tiger is blessed with wind. The New Year’s Eve is approaching, and the taste of the year is coming to the nose. As the capital of food, Chongqing is best suited to the rich group annual banquet. The dishes are fragrant, and the taste buds dance gracefully between the teeth and on the tip of the tongue. This is the first time for aesthetic food. Chongqing Channel of Yangguang. com will publish value food information from time to time in the column of "One City with Hundreds of Flavors" to explore Chongqing’s food highland and share the delicious food with the "delicious dogs". In this issue, I followed the footsteps of Chongqing Channel Food Xiaobian of Yangguang. com and entered the "First Sitting Mansion".
Creative Chinese-style door head (photo courtesy of Yang Guangwang’s first sitting in the mansion)
Xian ting Cang mo ke teahouse Hou Jiayin
"I have no intention of staying or staying, watching the flowers bloom and fall before the court; Don’t be surprised by yourself, and follow the clouds in the sky. "Regardless of ancient and modern times, literati are always looking for a good place to put their bodies and souls. For educated and picky diners, the dining environment is the first element that bears the brunt.
The flute is melodious, the harp and the sound are harmonious (Photo courtesy of the first residence of Yangguang. com)
Just "sit first"! Shouzuo Mansion is located at the foot of Zhaomushan Forest Park, a natural oxygen bar. Under the infiltration of rich negative oxygen ions, it opens a pleasant afternoon tea mode and steals a half-day leisure. First, brew a pot of green bamboo leaves before the Ming Dynasty, or a cup of precious Tieguanyin, which is warm and sweet and beautiful. Either the old monk is calm, quiet and safe, or he is full of ideas and high spirits, splashing his pen and ink on the Chinese chapter.
The cultural performance of the first sitting mansion "changed face" (Photo courtesy of Yangguang. com)
Chinese-style courtyard, unique and exquisite, antique, exquisite kung fu tea performance is eye-catching, and the sound of folk music is fresh and pleasant, which can pick up elegance and interest everywhere.
The eaves are drooping and the tea is fragrant (Photo courtesy of Yangguang. com)
As soft as breathing, the eaves lights turn green and moss. The moist and silent blue slate seems to be impregnated with tea fragrance. At every moment of moving forward or stopping, the fragrance spreads all over the body. The sunny patio seems to hide the mystery of time, and the calligraphy and painting furniture are brilliant and sharp-edged. Let the family "sit first" and have a drink with friends, so let the tea smell warm and moist for this long time and interpret the password of time.
Good mood begins with afternoon tea (photo courtesy of Yang Guangwang’s first sitting in the mansion)
Cups and plates are poems and paintings of paper and pen dishes.
"Good-looking bodies are the same, and interesting souls are one in a million." For food, to be the ultimate, color, flavor and shape are indispensable.
Recommended dishes: Sanchahu Qiaoke Wang (Photo courtesy of Yangguang. com)
The dishes in the first residence, from the utensils to the color, flavor and shape of the dishes, are all fine and unique.
Recommended dishes: roasted sea cucumber with tofu (photo courtesy of the first residence of Yangguang. com)
Color matching, shape adjustment, the position where the main course should be placed in the plate, the lovely small ornaments in the blank space, and amazing poems, every detail is just right, just like a perfect match made in heaven.
Recommended dishes: Skillful vegetable rolls (Photo courtesy of Shouzuo Mansion issued by Yangguang. com)
These key points are controlled by beauty of chongqing, who was the youngest flight attendant of Southwest Airlines, and Huang Can, the chairman of Caixiangyuan Catering Culture Company. Shouzuo Mansion is a high-end brand of its chain business, and its fine service management, innovative Chinese design and strong cultural genes all stem from her artistic temperament of liking art and music.
Antique private rooms (Photo courtesy of the first residence of Yangguang. com)
Shouzuo Mansion is a black pearl restaurant that has been appraised for many years, and is committed to spreading healthy food and traditional culture. In Shouzuo Mansion, there are countless signature dishes, such as "Longjing shrimp balls, braised roast chicken with turmeric, cherry foie gras, yak meat with milk wine, dried roast chicken in this period, dried roasted elegant fish, shredded roasted rabbit with agarwood, preserved okra with sesame sauce, pickled fish head with tortillas, swan crisp, and Tricholoma matsutake chicken bean curd …", which makes people unable to stop.
Recommended dishes: Tricholoma matsutake chicken tofu pudding (photo courtesy of the first residence of Yangguang. com)
Beautiful scenery, delicious food, fine wine, and a beautiful table of delicacies can’t help themselves in the taste of the year. In the interesting food, release the interesting soul, which is worth it! (Text/Wei Ge)
Recommended drink: custom-made red wine (photo courtesy of Yangguang. com)
[group annual banquet hotline]

Welcome the New Year and celebrate New Year’s Day! There was a lot of laughter at this party in Jindun Primary School.

Beautiful and moving songs, enthusiastic dances, gripping recitations, handsome and tough martial arts and wonderful instrumental performances … On the afternoon of December 29th, Class 15, Grade 1 of Jindun Primary School held the theme activity of "Welcome the New Year and Celebrate New Year’s Day". The whole activity climaxed, and the audience applauded constantly. The students greeted the arrival of the new year with laughter.
In order to set off the festive atmosphere, teachers, students and parents arranged the indoor and outdoor environment of the class together, including red lanterns, colorful balloons and exquisite flowers.
At the get-together, children’s performances were brilliant, including passionate music, dynamic dances and humorous sketches. The classroom was full of happy smiling faces and lively figures of children.
In the game session, the children are more enthusiastic and proactive, and they have cultivated the spirit of unity and cooperation in cooperation. The activity ended with a cheerful group dance by the children.
"This activity fully demonstrated the children’s talents and abilities, passed on the beauty of the festival to every child’s heart, and built a good platform for the healthy growth of children and the construction of class culture." Zheng Guangtian, the class teacher, expressed the hope that the children would experience more happiness, make continuous progress and grow up happily during the activities.
Correspondent Guo Xiwen