Swimming never becomes proficient. Six pictures convince yourself that you can swim.

Figure 1 moves:

If you are under 6 months old, you can try it after reading the first one.

At this time, you have a skill called "swimming reflex". Put you on your stomach in the water, and when you are immersed in the water, you will paddle your limbs and subconsciously hold your breath, so your body will gain more buoyancy; You will stick to floating for a while, which is conducive to the rescue.

When you get older, the swimming reflex disappears, but it is an indicator of the normal development of the nervous system.

Figure 2 moves:

You will automatically hold your breath because there is a special valve in your throat at 6 months old. Now, you are sexually mature, and somehow you can’t always learn to hold your breath. When you get into the water, you will be so nervous that you will gulp water. If you just don’t mind the beauty of swimming and are in a hurry, I suggest you practice the dog-planing stroke immediately.

Hold your head high, lift your head to the position where your nose and mouth can be exposed to the water, and press the water alternately with your limbs to maintain a sense of rhythm. You can try some rhythms of stepping on some songs you like, so that people standing on the shore look ugly but at least have a good rhythm.

Figure 3 moves:

If you sincerely want to learn swimming, breaststroke! Stable posture, relaxed and lasting strength, and very high practical value.

Draw your arms to your chest and hold the water underwater, support your upper body rhythmically for rapid ventilation, and kick your legs backwards in imitation of frog posture. The details of your legs are as follows: 1. Separate to both sides. Step 2 straighten. 3. Then pinch the water inward.

Figure 4 moves:

But whether you watch sports news or idol drama, if you want to be cool and crazy, you should forget all the above three pictures. Freestyle is really worth learning. Compared with butterfly swimming, it is grandiose and ungrounded. It is low-key and luxurious, which allows you to bring your own aura and help you become a dazzling white strip in the swimming pool.

The body is prone on the water surface and streamlined. During the exercise, the head is kept stable, and the trunk rotates rhythmically around the longitudinal axis of the body for about 40 degrees, and the head is ventilated at this angle.

The action of kicking is basically to maintain the balance of the body, not the core power.

The main driving force of freestyle is in hand.

Then. . .

speed up

From these practical skills, you should have become an excellent swimmer now, and then you can show your swimming skills confidently!

Respiratory diseases have entered a period of high incidence, People’s Daily: scientifically coordinating medical resources.

Original title: Scientifically coordinating medical resources to better protect people’s health

With the successive winter in various places, respiratory diseases have entered a period of high incidence. The CPC Central Committee adheres to the principle of putting people first and life first, timely predicts the overall situation, epidemic characteristics and development trend of respiratory diseases this winter and next spring, and takes effective measures to carry out prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases to effectively protect people’s life safety and health.

Every autumn and winter is the season of high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases. Recently, acute respiratory diseases in China have continued to rise, which is related to the superposition of various respiratory pathogens. According to the monitoring, the current epidemic acute respiratory diseases are all caused by known pathogens, and all of them have corresponding mature treatment methods. No new infectious diseases caused by new viruses and bacteria have been found. Therefore, the public need not worry too much or even panic.

After more than three years of fighting against the epidemic in COVID-19, China has accumulated richer experience in the prevention and control of infectious diseases, laying a solid foundation for dealing with various public health emergencies. At present, China’s medical resources and drug reserves are sufficient, and emergency plans and prevention and control measures are effective, which can completely prevent and control respiratory diseases. In order to effectively solve the urgent problems of the masses, it is still necessary to mobilize all forces, co-ordinate the allocation of medical resources, respond to the concerns of the masses in a timely manner, do a good job in health science popularization, and let the masses see a doctor more at ease.

Scientifically allocate medical resources and smooth two-way referral channels. In recent years, China has vigorously promoted the construction of graded diagnosis and treatment system, and initially established a model of "first diagnosis at the grass-roots level, two-way referral, rapid and slow division and treatment, and linkage up and down". Health departments actively do a good job in graded diagnosis and treatment, unblock referral channels, adjust personnel across disciplines and hospitals, ensure the supply of medical materials, promote Internet medical care, and maximize the ability to receive medical treatment. Give full play to the role of medical association to improve the diagnosis and treatment ability of general infection and the efficiency of severe identification and referral in primary medical and health institutions. Further increase the supply of medical services, promote the opening of pediatric clinics in all kinds of medical institutions at all levels, separate the noon, night and weekend clinics according to the number of patients, extend the service hours, and constantly optimize the treatment and treatment procedures such as registration, examination and payment to facilitate the people to seek medical treatment.

Adhere to both traditional Chinese and western medicine and give full play to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in preventing and treating diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine has the characteristics of "simple and inexpensive" and plays an irreplaceable role in disease prevention and treatment. During the fight against COVID-19 epidemic, China adhered to the combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine, and screened out effective prescriptions such as "three drugs and three parties", which made important contributions to epidemic prevention and control. Practice has proved that Chinese medicine has always had rich experience and outstanding advantages in dealing with acute respiratory diseases, and can make great achievements. It is necessary to give full play to the role of traditional Chinese medicine, popularize the knowledge of disease prevention and control of traditional Chinese medicine, and continuously improve the prevention and control effect.

Adhere to prevention, improve the health literacy of the whole people, and advocate a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to establish the concept that "everyone is the first responsible person for their own health" and constantly improve the self-protection ability of the masses. When you have respiratory symptoms, you should be well protected, keep a social distance, and avoid cross-infection in your family and unit. Large hospitals are crowded with people, waiting for a long time, and the risk of cross-infection is high. If there are children at home with mild symptoms, it is recommended to choose primary medical and health institutions first. Do a good job in the supply and vaccination services of vaccines such as influenza, and vaccinate key populations such as the elderly and children as soon as possible to reduce the risk of illness. Do a good job of personal protection, do not go to work with illness, do not go to school with illness, and develop good hygiene habits.

Hubei Daily client, paying attention to Hubei and the world events, not only pushes authoritative policy interpretation, fresh hot information and practical convenience information for users, but also introduces a series of special functions such as reading newspapers, reporting materials, learning and online interaction.

Why do people say that badminton players are "heptathlon"

Do you know that?/You know what? Why do more and more people choose badminton as their daily exercise?

Because badminton players are all-around fighters!

The advantages of as many as seven sports are gathered in badminton!

Want to know which seven kinds of sports? Come and have a look with Xiao Yu!


Explosiveness and speed of sprinters

Badminton has almost no chance to wait for the opponent to return the ball and catch his breath. Almost the whole game is in a sprint state. It requires quick start and quick return. This series of "quickness" requires muscles to contract or relax quickly, which is the explosive power of quick strength.


Endurance of long-distance runners

Speed endurance quality plays an extremely important role in badminton, with the characteristics of high intensity and short interval.


Flexibility of gymnasts

Badminton requires players’ high flexibility, and we can often see players splitting to save a ball on TV, which is beyond the reach of ordinary athletes. Not only that, such as changing hands, hitting the ball on the back, and heading the ball in the backcourt, all these actions need to fully stretch the ligament.


Coordination of javelin athletes

A complete hitting action is like a spring, which is put away and bounced off, starting from the foot and going to the legs, hips, crotch, waist, back, chest, shoulders, arms and hands. Although a person’s coordination is largely determined by innate factors, it can be improved and promoted through badminton training.


Sensitive reaction of table tennis players

Badminton, known as the "king of speed", needs players’ quick reaction ability, which also requires players to have a good sense of space and coordination, judge the direction of the ball and decide the way to play the ball in a very short time, which requires comprehensive training in five aspects: psychology, technology, physical fitness, tactics and intelligence to help everyone establish conditioned reflex.


Global insight of Go players

Just as in Weiqi, "predict the opponent’s intention in advance and grasp the opponent’s weakness", because badminton is too fast and the venue is small, it is impossible to follow up visually, so almost all incoming balls must be predicted. Only by understanding each other’s weaknesses and finding each other’s mistakes in time, will you have full confidence to defeat each other.


Strength of fitness athletes

In badminton, jumping to kill the ball is to use all the limited strength of the whole body in the moment of killing the ball, so that the speed of the ball reaches the extreme. As a transit station, the pectoral muscle plays a vital role, so as a male player, it is the most important prerequisite to practice the pectoral muscle well. At present, the highest killing speed of badminton is 343km/h maintained by Fu Haifeng. In doubles, it takes 15 strokes in 20 seconds. In a 45-minute match, the total number of strokes by two players is about 2025.

Jumping to kill the ball is to use the whole body’s strength in the moment of killing the ball, so that the speed of the ball reaches the extreme. As a transit station, the pectoral muscles play a vital role.

Do you know that?/You know what?

The heart rate of high-intensity badminton players can reach 160-180 beats/min, and that of low-intensity badminton players can reach 100-130 beats/min. In a 45-minute competition, the players have to make more than 300 movements with the body position adjusted by more than 90 degrees.

Do you know that?/You know what?

Badminton requires quick start and return, and this series of "quickness" requires muscles to contract or relax quickly.

Do you know that?/You know what?

Badminton requires high flexibility, and playing regularly is good for the flexibility of shoulders and hips. In a singles match, athletes need to swing their arms more than 100 times to hit the ball.

Do you know that?/You know what?

In badminton competition, athletes frequently do variable-speed movements and jumping, and the structural characteristics of lower limb bouncing are as follows: the range of knee joint force is relatively small, but the requirement for quick explosive force of ankle joint is high. The average running distance of Chinese Super League players is about 7000 meters per game, while the average running distance of badminton players is more than 6000 meters.

Facts tell you how great badminton players are! King of sports! Badminton is well deserved! Come and join this happy national movement! Almighty warrior, so can you!

The beauty industry broke out in double 11, and the key is to do these four things well | Course dry goods

Every year in double 11, it is an excellent opportunity for brands to seek a breakthrough and make a comeback. However, how to grasp the opportunity of Big Promotion and successfully deal with the fierce competition and many challenges of Big Promotion is also a difficult proposition for many brands.

At present, the overall competition in the beauty industry is accelerating, the transformation penetration rate of e-commerce platforms is high, and the market forecast continues to be optimistic. At the same time, the industry is facing the pain points of strong stock competition, fast iteration of new products and difficulty in building explosive products, and needs to find ways to break the game.

On September 26th, Yicai Business School, together with CBN, Rookie, Golden Mai Award and DT Business Watch, jointly launched a double 11 Global Salon for Beauty Industry. Big coffee and brand traders in the beauty industry dismantled the double 11 business methodology of businesses on all platforms around the "global" keywords of the beauty industry, from planting grass, promoting and fulfilling contracts.

existContent grass planting linkA financial business school combs the rule changes and methodologies of different platforms to help businesses find targeted content strategies and improve the certainty of planting grass;

existLaunch promotion linkAll platforms are constantly upgrading and improving the promotion tools to help merchants achieve accurate delivery and fast card position in the fierce competition;

existLogistics performance linkWith the help of intelligent tools, merchants can overcome the common pain points in industries with high delivery pressure and high return rate, so as to achieve "cost reduction" by "improving efficiency", optimize service experience and lay a good foundation for long-term business growth.

Content Planting Grass: From Metaphysics to Determinism

At present, the value of content planting grass is self-evident. Yicai Business School’s "Full Platform Content Power Evaluation Report" proposes that content planting has three core values:

  • In a world where products are in surplus and demand is insufficient, brands provide consumers with use value, emotional value and social value through goods and content.

  • The strong linkage between platforms is subject to many restrictions. Data fragmentation cannot precipitate consumer assets, and brands can cross platform barriers by forming cognitive anchors through content.

  • The content runs through the whole life cycle of brand products, from R&D naming to trial sale, notes, short videos, live broadcasts, questions and answers, which are interlocking and fully infiltrated.

However, the common pain point of merchants in planting grass is the contradiction between the uncertainty of consumer demand and the certainty of business.

In order to optimize the operation, reproduce the effect and summarize the methods of planting grass, and build a bridge between the "metaphysics" of content and the controllability of business, Yicai Business School puts forward the following five suggestions:

1) Amoy e-commerce: It is certainty to follow the trend of platform traffic configuration.

In addition to "browsing" and "Taobao live broadcast", the content position of Taobao e-commerce permeates the whole App in the form of fragments, covering the consumer’s decision-making link based on the consumer’s mobile line.

This year, in the three major content positions of short video, live broadcast and content-based stores, the new changes in Taobao are:

  • short video: guess what you like on the homepage, and the proportion of short videos is increasing. From the beginning of 2021 to the middle of 2022, the proportion of short videos in the first page increased from 7% to 15%, and reached more than 30% by the end of 2022, and the current proportion has reached 50%. In the search results, short video forms are becoming increasingly diverse.
  • live-streaming: The main indicators range from "transaction" to "transaction+content" to increase the attractiveness of traffic. Moreover, during the period of June 18, 2023, the online "reward purchase" and reward function were launched, adding new profit methods for non-professional content anchors with goods.
  • Content shopThe store was revised to form the homepage of the complete content, which was automatically divided into three columns: Notes, Explanations and Live Broadcasting. "Store number integration" was fully launched, and the new store model "video content store" was fully upgraded.

Therefore, merchants need to closely follow the traffic allocation principle of the platform, plant grass and harvest traffic efficiently in various content positions.

2) Tik Tok e-commerce: The whole platform operation is not a cross-platform operation, but a bypass between platforms.

Content platform psychology: start with content gathering users, and then sell users as "commodities" to brands to obtain advertising revenue. When the pressure of commercialization increases, it is necessary to increase the gold content of users’ goods, and collect commissions (that is, "matching" service fees) through matching transactions. Therefore, "popularity flow" must rely on "content beyond expectations" to achieve a balance in the process of "e-commerce consumption".

This year, Tik Tok e-commerce has done two things to improve business certainty:

  • From "looking for goods" in the content yard to "looking for goods" in the shelf yard, the two-wheel drive has led to the growth of e-commerce in Tik Tok.
  • From the content yard GPM (turnover achieved by thousands of exhibitions) to the shelf yard OPM (order volume achieved by thousands of exhibitions), Tik Tok Mall is recreating Tmall’s classic e-commerce system.

3) Little Red Book: The relationship between content certainty and business certainty is reverse thinking.

Xiaohongshu first started as a self-operated e-commerce. Recently, after determining its own business development path, it announced in September this year that it would close its self-operated e-commerce business "Little Oasis" and "Welfare Society". At the same time, the quality live broadcast of Xiaohongshu began to show its edge, and a number of commercial tools and models were launched to accelerate the realization of e-commerce closed loop:

The action of building a closed loop of e-commerce:

  • Measurable marketing effect index: planting grass value

  • Traceable consumer transformation path: AIPS

  • Operational delivery guidelines: KFS (high-quality content detonation → accurate reach and efficiency improvement → enhanced search and acceptance)

Perfecting commercial application tools:

Put forward the crowd inverse funnel model:

The AIPL model of Amoy Department and the A1-A5 model of Shaking Department are all transformed from the pan-crowd to the core crowd, but Xiaohongshu, based on the platform characteristics, first penetrated the core crowd, then continued to break the circle and generalize, and quickly released the brand potential energy with the help of natural word-of-mouth diffusion and commercial traffic.

4) Video number: Uncertainty is the biggest deterministic dividend of content e-commerce

From the perspective of business links, the links of WeChat Ecology are the most complete among content platforms and commercial platforms, with both public and private domains and both content and commercial attributes. Enterprise WeChat, applet, WeChat official account and video number have been interconnected.

Although the official video number has not yet proposed methodology, the user portrait is not accurate enough, and the penetration rate of industry categories is low, on the other hand, it also means that the video number is the blue ocean of the last content business, and it is the biggest dividend period for businesses to explore the layout in advance and find a small closed loop of business.

5) Global: Content certainty has different certainty for different businesses.

Merchants can be divided into four types according to their advantages:

  • Content-based merchants: have strong content production capabilities.
  • Price-oriented merchants: price advantage brought by the ultimate supply chain;

  • Channel merchants: have a large number of offline stores and can form a linkage matrix with the headquarters;

  • Characteristic merchants: products have new and peculiar properties in design and function;

Merchants can judge their own advantage types and find the right content platform to sit in the right place:

All-platform Traffic Layout Strategy of Beauty Industry in double 11

For businesses preparing for double 11, multi-platform traffic layout is not only more opportunities, but also greater challenges. Merchants need to formulate differentiation strategies on different platforms and achieve linkage in the whole region to improve overall traffic efficiency.

At present, the overlap of users of beauty products in Tik Tok and Tmall is low, and the consumption mentality and behavior of users on the two platforms are quite different. And the scale of users in Tik Tok is growing rapidly. Therefore, during this year’s visit to double 11, the two platforms, Tik Tok and Tmall, are equally important for beauty businesses.

In addition to Tmall, Tik Tok and Xiaohongshu, merchants should pay attention to the following three points when making layouts on other platforms:

  • If the search volume of product words and brand words on related tracks increases to a certain extent on other platforms, businesses need to intercept off-site traffic in time.

  • For the traffic that flows back to the platform through search from outside the station, merchants need to trace back the transaction link to find out the composition and distribution of global traffic.

  • In the beauty industry, domestic brands often cut into the whole market from the subdivided blue ocean track. Merchants need to pay attention to consumers’ search behavior on different platforms and find the search words that fit their own brands.

1) Amoy e-commerce: Understand that everything is unbounded and business is bounded.

Business certainty and cost reduction and efficiency improvement are the key words of this year’s Amoy e-commerce. Taobao’s operating tools, through train, gravity Rubik’s Cube and Wanxiangtai, were merged and upgraded to Infinite World this year. By covering seven major Taobao business scenarios and upgrading technology in three aspects, the efficiency of merchants’ delivery was improved.

With the help of all things unbounded, merchants can formulate a full-cycle promotion strategy for explosions during the promotion period.

New product period: take "tag" as the core. With the help of traffic gold card, the keyword search occupation is improved, and at the same time, through the marking and mapping of new products, the precision long tail words are pulled up and the potential of new products is tested. Through the return of IPL crowd, the promotion and transformation of delivery are realized; In addition, the introduction of new products will accelerate the incubation of new products.

growth stage: take "heavy volume" as the core. The keyword plan focuses on the accurate traffic competition of keywords, and carries out accurate crowd impulse for industry category words. At the same time, we will enlarge the accurate crowd, accumulate OAI crowd, continue to expand new passenger flow and accelerate the growth of goods.

outbreak period: take "stability" as the core. Put new and old guests around keywords, undertake the traffic inside and outside the station, and continue to pull new ones; Enhance the growth of the first purchase of new customers through the crowd ark, and the intelligent mode is drained at a low price; Accelerate the activation of joining Laxin and old customers, and maintain the ROI of Laxin and sales.

Secondly, the unbounded world can be used to formulate the strategy of promoting the outbreak of stability.

Water storage period: Take "flow" as the core. Including sorting out the accurate word list of shop categories and continuous updating of SA disk; Accurate tag crowd classification and multi-target combination delivery; Quickly recruit new members.

Preheating period: Take "additional purchase" as the core. Card key words, focusing on words, people, competing products and long tail plan to buy; Crowd ark to enhance interest in new customers’ collection and purchase, crowd supermarket to tap the penetration of people with the same label; Continue to pull new and old members to activate.

outbreak period: take "transaction" as the core. Maximize the transaction with the help of mode intelligence; Promote the global transaction growth of PL people; Continue to achieve new, active and accelerated goods.

2) Tik Tok e-commerce: from the content yard to the shelf yard.

Core methodology: star map+promotion+search+live broadcast

First, throughstar chart, build a content matrix; existPromotion link1. The key index is upgraded from quantitative explosion to qualitative explosion; 2. Star map+hot push concentrated precipitation of A3 population (people of interest); 3. Star map+planting grass to realize quantity guarantee or bidding; 4. After hot push, the crowd portrait is calibrated;

Secondly, with the help of searching after reading, small blue words must appear, etc.search tool, so that consumers can jump from the content field to the shelf field and undertake it well through the product design; Finally, throughlive-streamingThe field completed accurate recall and live harvest.

Double 11’s main points of concern:

RhythmicallyDouble 11’s involution has intensified this year. Compared with other platforms, the pre-sale period started from October 24th, and Tik Tok advanced the pre-sale period to 20th, while the beauty industry started to "scramble" from 15th. Due to the high cost of the third wave of promotion, merchants should seize the first and second bands and do a good job in planting grass.On the goodsThis year, new products and price-competitive goods will get more traffic support.Content fieldThe new form of new content short play deserves the attention of merchants.

3) Little Red Book: From Planting Grass to Searching

There is no doubt about the grass planting and traffic spillover effect of Xiaohongshu, but the confusion of merchants lies in how to accurately measure the delivery efficiency of Xiaohongshu. At present, there is an obvious positive correlation between the people who are deeply interested in Xiaohongshu and the number of people who plant grass effectively outside the station.

Core methodology: point, line and surface

"Wandering" and "searching" are the two main behaviors of users of Little Red Books. Therefore, the merchants planted grass in Xiaohongshu,A key goal is to make the content appear in the search results of the core keyword (track) and get a certain amount of reading. "Search ranking * content penetration rate" has become the key indicator..

Therefore, the planting of grass by merchants in Xiaohongshu can no longer be limited to point-like delivery (B+KF), but should be connected into a line, and the content should be precipitated in a long stream in daily life, so as to obtain a higher ranking in keyword search (S) and finally realize comprehensive long-term crowd asset accumulation (AIPS).

Double 11’s main points of concern:

Keyword search (SOV&SOC)This year, Xiaohongshu extracted crowd packages and related keywords from the beauty industry dimension. Merchants need to optimize brand and product search keywords around the search function.

One-side data rollover: Xiaohongshu encourages brands to upload private crowd data, which makes the positioning of people on the platform more accurate. By dividing the crowd into three categories: potential customers, purchased customers and lost customers, we will expand the brand operation field. Xiaohongshu will encrypt the data uploaded by the brand to protect the data security.

Solve the pain points of logistics performance, and ensure the service experience.

Summing up the experience of several major promotions this year, during the period of double 11 this year, the brand will inevitably face more challenges in terms of traffic, goods and customer service, so as to further realize "reducing costs and increasing efficiency".

1.variation in dischargeUnder the trend of platform competition and consumption degradation, traffic becomes less, more expensive and more difficult. The high cost is partly due to the low flow efficiency.

solutionImproving efficiency is a more effective solution to reduce costs.

2.Goods change: consumers’ first wave of transaction mentality is more mature; Price force orientation and diversification of consumer demand have brought about an increase in order volume.


  • Set the goal of refinement and promotion.With the help of the rookie’s joint forecasting ability, merchants can access historical data and combine various influencing factors to make a more refined forecast of the big promotion goal and stocking, so as to increase sales and reduce the return rate, inventory turnover days and warehousing costs.
  • Multi-dimensional thinking about stocking quantity.For the pre-sale business, the merchant can prepackage the order with the help of the rookie, and the user can leave the warehouse in time after paying the final payment. For uncertain orders, merchants can also adopt a semi-package scheme, and after the gifts generated by the order are confirmed, they will be packaged and delivered out of the warehouse, thus ensuring the performance experience.

At present, based on the efficient collaborative network and intelligent routing, rookie can provide the ultimate logistics experience such as pre-sale and speed-up during double 11, thus reducing the return rate generated by logistics links, reducing the cost of main warehouse and bringing positive reputation to users.

3.Consumer change: The decision-making cycle becomes longer and the return rate remains high.Solution:

  • Full link performance monitoring.For packages with overtime risk, the rookie will promptly remind merchants to communicate with consumers, deal with stagnant or lost packages, and warn the aging card.
  • Consumers are unusually active in service.Take the initiative to provide multi-scenario service and DSR evaluation management before the consumer opens his mouth, so as to save the refund for logistics reasons.
  • Merchants have no worries.Through full-link, multi-scene abnormal automatic tracking processing, collaborative compensation complaints service, reduce the pain points of merchants in the whole process of performance.

Ten-year-old end-game ushered in an explosive rebound in popularity? Those PC-side tours that have soared online in the summer file.

With the advent of the summer file, major games have launched their own new activities, which has also ushered in a hot game market. Many PC-side games, new or old, attracted a large number of players by virtue of summer activities, and even broke their own highest online record. Today, let’s take a look at the PC games that have skyrocketed in popularity in the summer file.

Crossing the line of fire

Domestic players are absolutely familiar with Crossing the Line of Fire. This summer’s file coincides with the 15th anniversary of Crossing the Line of Fire. On this day worthy of celebration, the official of Crossing the Line of Fire has also given the majority of players a hard work, that is, giving away the first heroic weapon "Fire Kirin" of Crossing the Line of Fire for free.

Players can keep this "AK47- Fire Kirin" forever by completing at least one game every month for 6 months.

At the end of 2012, the first heroic weapon "Fire Kirin" of Crossing the Line of Fire was born. This weapon was full of controversy from the beginning of its birth. Some people think that this weapon destroyed the balance of the game, while others think that it made Crossing the Line of Fire clear the payment mode and reached its peak. In any case, in the whole history of domestic games, "Fire Kirin" will undoubtedly occupy its own position.

The launch of the activity "AK47- Fire Kirin" in Bai Piao undoubtedly ignited the enthusiasm of the players. On the day of the activity, the room lines in the game were all red and full.

According to the real-time monitoring data of third-party websites, the number of online users reached 4.179 million in the early morning of the activity, once again breaking their own record. It is reported that the last time the number of simultaneous online users of Crossfire reached 4 million was on August 26th, 2012, eleven years ago.

Forever robbery

If you want to select the more successful domestic games in recent years, then "Never Robbed" is definitely on the list. As a domestic martial arts chicken-eating game, with a beautiful picture and a refreshing fighting feel, Never Robbed, after the launch of Steam, has been welcomed by many players.

On-line last week, the basic version of "Never Robbed" and the deluxe version entered the top five of the Steam weekly sales list, and the basic version won the first place in the Steam weekly sales list.

However, it is estimated that many people did not expect that this domestic buyout game was announced to be a free game on July 14 at the press conference of the 2nd anniversary of Never Robbed. According to the Basic Law, a buyout game will be vomited or even resisted by players after it is declared free. Surprisingly, however, the official released another surprising data the next day, and the single-day sales of the game reached 1 million.

The reason why it can continue to sell after it is declared free is the official conscience of "Never Robbed" about the feedback to the old players after the transfer, which makes people feel really fragrant and can’t be refused. For the old players who buy the game, the official will give feedback on Ninghong Night’s best fashion (as shown in the poster), out-of-print commemorative avatar and 10 treasure chest optional gifts.

In addition to props feedback, the player will also give back the equivalent gold nuggets according to the version purchased by the player, that is to say, the money for buying the game is equivalent to directly recharging into the game, and you can also get props worth more than 300 pieces, so the old players can directly make money.

In addition to selling explosions, the number of players online at the same time soared after the game was free. According to the statistics of the SteamDB website, the number of simultaneous online users of the game’s Steam platform exceeded 260,000, breaking the record of 186,000 set in 2021. Not only that, considering that there are other versions, the actual number of players will only increase even more.

Black desert

Players who pay attention to online games and like action games will certainly be familiar with the action online game Black Desert made by Korean developer PearlAbyss.

The game is based on the medieval wars in Europe, and mainly describes the entanglements caused by the ancient product "Blackstone". Players become independent fighters and use the power of Blackstone to fight against the Republic of Kalpayne and the Kingdom of Valenciva, which hold corrupt power. The game is characterized by emphasizing the refreshing and heavy sense of fighting and the free and rich open world gameplay.

The game is developed by an independent engine, but it will never lose to any first-class engine game in terms of picture quality, light shadow, surface vegetation, physical characteristics and other details. The game uses seamless map technology, and the scene is visible. The game has a real weather system, morning glow, sunset glow, rainbow and other natural landscapes.

In the summer file, Black Desert also launched its own new information "The Country of Dawn". According to the analysis of foreign media, the number of new players in Black Desert increased by 267% and the number of returning players increased by 335% last month. Developer Pearl Abyss took this opportunity to boast about the visual effects of the game.

It is reported that the inspiration of "The Country of Dawn" comes from the scenery and culture of South Korea, so it is not surprising that Pearl Abyss’s excellent employees go all out to describe the beauty of their motherland.

Legion fortress 2

Old players are no strangers to Legion Fortress 2. After all, it is definitely an old game of grandparents’ generation, which has been in operation for 16 years this year. So a look at the old game, in this summer, not to be outdone, ushered in a new wave of outbreaks. A new simultaneous online player record was set on the Steam platform, reaching 258,997.

According to the statistics of SteamDB website, on July 13th, the number of online players reached 2,589.97 million, which set a new record in December last year. At that time, the number of online players reached 167,591. As for the reason for the soaring popularity, it is probably related to the brand-new "Legion Fortress 2" summer activity launched by Valve Company, which added many new maps, new actions, new special effects and new ornaments to the game.

Interestingly, however, this update is not officially produced by Valve, and most of the content is made by players. As a game with a "long history", "Legion Fortress 2" has basically been shelved by V Society in the first two years and is in a stocking state.

However, the game has a huge group of players, and in the face of players’ petitions, it finally attracted the attention of V Club. Since last year, officials have been more concerned about the operation of the game. At the beginning of this year, V Society officially announced that it would make a big update in May this year, but the content of the announcement was quite special. V Society hoped: "The author of the creative workshop will output the content quickly and submit the content to the Steam creative workshop before May 1."

Because the project "Legion Fortress 2" is too long, V Club can’t allocate manpower to make a long-term update. So we can only pin our hopes on the players themselves. Fortunately, the two sides cooperated well in this wave of update work, and finally all players can enjoy the new game content.

Ark of destiny

As we all know, for some reasons, basically no Korean games have been able to enter China in recent years. When several Korean games appeared in the edition number in December last year, it was really eye-catching, and the most eye-catching one was Ark of Destiny. Now, after months of waiting, this game, which many players have been looking forward to for several years, was finally officially opened on July 20.

The Ark of Destiny is a MMORPG set in medieval Europe, which describes a peaceful fantasy world suddenly invaded by demons, and players embark on an adventure journey in order to find the Ark scattered around the world.

In the game, players can freely cultivate a variety of professions, and each profession has different combat systems and skills, so that players can experience different fun. Players can not only be exposed to the growth of characters, diverse costumes, props enhancement and other content, but also experience the magnificent world outlook, moving stories and skills with a sense of shock.

The game was originally opened on July 13th to make an appointment for players to enter in advance, and the sudden influx of a large number of players overwhelmed the server for maintenance. After that, many servers entered the queue state, and the queue time was as long as one hour when the players were the most.

At present, the game has been fully opened, and many new servers have been added. Interested players can try it.

Fearless contract

After several years of waiting, the shooting game "Fearless Contract", which has been popular abroad, was finally officially launched on July 12.

"Fearless Contract" is a 5v5 tactical FPS game that emphasizes the character’s personality. The game is set on the future earth, and all characters will be collectively called "agents". Each "agent" has its special abilities and will play its greatest role in corresponding special situations.

The Fearless Contract has a variety of roles, exciting competitive modes and various tactical strategies, and has built a shocking competitive world. "The Fearless Contract" is not as different from the heroic design in "Watching the Pioneer". On the contrary, everyone has the same blood volume and shares the same set of weapons that can be purchased. They are exactly the same except for their skills.

The special skills of different characters not only skillfully enhance the tactics of the battle, but also improve the strategy of the team game, which makes people feel like playing a game that combines MOBA and FPS and pays attention to teamwork and strategic layout.

As a brand-new masterpiece of fist, the game has already achieved good results overseas. After the first anniversary of the game operation, the monthly active users broke through the 14 million mark, and the peak number of viewers of related e-sports events on Twitch reached 1 million.

The fearless contract, which has accumulated a huge popularity, has also exploded directly after the opening of the national service. The huge number of players even caused the game to crash twice in a row after opening the service, and had to be shut down for maintenance.

Set catering, entertainment, culture, business in one! New progress in the project of capping the main structure of this commercial complex

As a comprehensive tourism and leisure resort integrating tourism, culture, business and performance, Sanzao Port’s "Huan Yun Oriental" business and cultural tourism project is a major project jointly planned by Lingang Investment Control Group and wanxiang town to support the promotion of regional development level. It will combine the essence of the traditional culture of "24 solar terms" to create a unique rural leisure tourism and business culture and technology entrepreneurial town.

The capped plot C06-04 covers an area of 9400.1m2, with a total construction area of 40636.1m2. It is a commercial complex building integrating catering, entertainment, culture and commerce.

Wanxiang Town said that the "Huan Yun Oriental" project will effectively promote the development of wanxiang town business district, improve the economic level and hard power, and further accelerate the urban transformation and future development of wanxiang town.

Liaoning Shenyang City Football Club issued an obituary: Ren Jianglong, a member of the first team, passed away.

Original title: Liaoning Shenyang City Football Club issued an obituary: Ren Jianglong, a member of the first team, passed away

On the afternoon of September 18th, Guan Wei of @ Liaoning Shenyang City Football Club announced that Ren Jianglong, a member of the club’s first team, died at 21:32 Beijing time on September 17th, 2023 at the age of 35.

The club official wrote slightly, shocked to learn the bad news, very sad! Ren Jianglong, a member of the first team of Shenyang City Football Club in Liaoning Province, died at 21:32 on September 17, 2023, Beijing time, and lived a short but wonderful life. We lost a good brother, a good colleague and a good player, and we mourn his departure with great sadness.

At the same time, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who care about him. May there be football in heaven, without pain or disease. Have a good trip, rest in peace, our good brother!

According to public information, Ren Jianglong was born in Dalian, Liaoning Province on July 19, 1988 as a defender. He worked for Zhejiang Yiteng, Beijing Baxi, Meizhou Hakka and other clubs in his career. He joined FC in Heilongjiang in 2015 and worked until 2022. After that, he briefly worked for Dalian and joined Shenyang City in Liaoning Province in 2023. This season, Ren Jianglong also played 14 games for Shenyang City in Liaoning Province.

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It’s just a good time to smash the ball | When the past becomes a paragraph, I look forward to a good day for China basketball

Poster journalist Zheng Hao reports.
On September 15th, Yi Jianlian’s retirement ceremony, the United Arab League appeared in public view for the last time as an athlete in the least "United Arab League" way. From choking several times to thanking all, it seems that Yi Jianlian spoke the most in public.
Yi Jianlian can also say "talk show"
"When I learned that I was the first speaker tonight, I thought someone must have made a mistake. The first speaker should be the great allen iverson, because I need more practice than him."
"On the Internet, I said that my footsteps are all taught by Gong Xiaobin. Today, I solemnly declare that you are right."
"When I was 9 years old, I told my first coach that I wanted to play basketball."
The above three paragraphs are from the speeches made by Yao Ming when he was inducted into the NBA Hall of Fame, Wang Zhizhi and Hu Weidong at the entrance ceremony of the China Basketball Hall of Fame.
In my impression, Yi Jianlian can’t seem to say such a thing. The most classic quotation left by this big man is the sentence "I invite him to drink Lafite (I can waste him)!" But at the retirement ceremony, Yi Jianlian looked like a different person. From Du Feng’s "Be Harder" to Wang Shipeng’s "Kill Slovenian", from Bater’s "Journey to the West" to Jaco’s "Thank you for coming", Yi Jianlian strung up every teammate present with many stalks, so that this speech was called "talk show" by fans.
These stems include the attitude of the game, the execution of skills and tactics, the characteristics of players and the development of youth basketball. Yi Jianlian spoke out the elements of basketball that he understood by way of talk show.
Yi Jianlian’s Talk Show
Bater, Wang Zhizhi, Yi Jianlian and Yao Ming, when the three "moving Great Walls" and Yi Jianlian formed the "four centers" of China team, Yi Jianlian was held in the C position by Yao Ming, and Wang Zhizhi hugged Bater and Yi Jianlian around him. Yi Jianlian said, "I haven’t felt so young for a long time."
Yao Ming "pressed" Yi Jianlian in the C position.
Whether it was the "China Derby" between the Rockets and the Bucks, or the expectation of China fans to surpass Yao Ming, all these showed the expectation of "Space Easy". "In the past, many people hoped that I could catch up with you or even surpass you. For 21 years, I tried various methods and exhausted various means, and finally I just stayed at 2.13 meters." Yi Jianlian’s response is humorous.
However, when Yi Jianlian tried to pass on the baton, the China men’s basketball team encountered the lowest point in history.
Four years ago and four years later
When Bater, Wang Zhizhi, Yi Jianlian and Yao Ming stand together as retired players, it is the final chapter of an era of China basketball. After the final chapter, where is the sequel? At present, it is unknown.
The final chapter of an era for China men’s basketball team.
Four years ago, in the World Cup, we discussed more technical and tactical issues. Should the center serve the key foul ball? Is it reasonable to switch between attack and defense in overtime when the opponent is absolutely tied? These problems became the key for China men’s basketball team to miss the Olympic Games for the first time.
Four years later, the current coach of the national men’s basketball team, Jorjevich, said that the China men’s basketball team now has no courage to dare to fight with its opponents when it comes to the top teams in Europe.
Gong Xiaobin’s bloody stadium; Liu Yudong took out 10 broken bone specimens from his knee, which was his "medal" after the end of the 2003 season; After Wang Zhizhi led the team to win the championship, his teammates put all the gold medals on his neck; Yi Jianlian and Gasol, who are in full swing, have a muscle collision in the inside; Wang Shipeng kills Slovenian; Sun Yue’s hat Howard … The classic moments of China men’s basketball team were all bought by them desperately.
However, this tradition seems to be lost now.
Let’s look forward to it. Let’s look forward to a good day for the China men’s basketball team as soon as possible.

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Football database football database football league information scout

1. "Football Database Football Database Football League Information Scout" The court made a mistake because of the same name. Did the executor "seal up" the record for life?

2. "Football Database Football Database Football League Information Scout" recruited employees of spyware companies and caused controversy: Coinbase fired relevant employees.

3, "Football Database Football Database Football League Information Scout" 53-year-old Gong Li remarried 71-year-old French musician husband Gao Yanzhao madly passed.

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Venice fright night: Which novel of Agatha will be adapted for the next film?

The third film of the hercule poirot series directed by kenneth branagh, Venetian fright night, marks a turning point in the series. The first movie was Blana’s remake of Murder on the Orient Express in 2017, which was a great success at the box office, while the last movie, The Massacre on the Nile, was one of the worst movies at the box office in 2022.

Unlike Blana’s remakes of The Massacre on the Nile and Murder on the Orient Express, The Venetian fright night is adapted from agatha christie’s novel The Murder on Halloween, which was never filmed in 1969. The supernatural theme of Venetian fright night clearly shows that after the tragedy on the Nile failed, the master tried to attract a wider and younger audience, especially horror fans.

Indeed, Blana made The Venetian fright night into a Gothic horror film, and the legendary Belgian detective Poirot played by Blana visited a mansion that is said to be haunted, where he witnessed a seance on Halloween night and saw the ghostly vision of the dead child. A series of seemingly supernatural events challenged Poirot’s once indestructible belief in logic and science. Of course, he finally solved the murder case related to the seance.

In addition, if the success of Venetian fright night is enough to inspire the fourth film adapted from Poirot, Blana has enough material to choose from. After all, Poirot has been featured in Christie’s 33 novels and 51 short stories.

Kenneth branagh’s 2017 remake of Murder on the Orient Express, a film of the same name from 1974, is the first film adapted from hercule poirot’s detective story since it was adapted from agatha christie’s 1938 film appointment with death. The last film before appointment with death was Evil Under the Sun, which was adapted from Christie’s 1941 novel of the same name in 1982.

Since after Murder on the Orient Express, Blana and michael green, the creative partner and screenwriter of this series of films, made a remake of the movie of the same name on the Nile in 2022, it is logically inferred that if Blana and Green want to make another remake after The Ghost of Venice, they should continue to remake appointment with death or Evil Under the Sun in chronological order.

In 1982′ s Evil Under the Sun, Poirot, played by Peter Ustinov, investigates the murder of a notorious stage actress who was strangled on a seemingly idyllic holiday island in the Adriatic Sea. In appointment with death in 1988, Poirot, also played by Ustinov, investigated the murder of an evil stepmother who was found dead in an archaeological excavation near the Dead Sea.

The first Poirot film is the now-lost 1931 detective suspense film "alibi", which was adapted from Christie’s famous novel "Roger Mystery" in 1926. In this film, Poirot, played by Austin Trevor, investigates a suspicious suicide in a country manor.

In view of the fact that fright night in Venice is adapted from agatha christie’s only supernatural theme novel, The Murder on Halloween, it is difficult for kenneth branagh to find another Poirot novel to copy this pattern. Assuming that Blana’s supernatural style in fright night in Venice is very popular with the audience, he may be forced to repeat this technique in the fourth Poirot film.

However, if Blana wants to adapt another Poirot novel that has not been filmed before, there are several interesting options to choose from. For example, in 1920, Poirot’s novel "mysterious affair at styles" was Christie’s first novel. At the beginning of the novel, Christie introduced Poirot as a Belgian refugee in World War I, and he tried to settle in Britain with the help of an elderly rich woman who was later murdered.

In 1936, Christie’s Poirot novel "Card" began with Poirot attending an art exhibition, where he met Mr. Chattana, a gorgeous and mysterious collector and crime lover. He invited Poirot to a dinner party, where Poirot met the crime writer Ariadne Oliver-this was the first time they met. Also present were Colonel Reece, a British secret service agent, Inspector Bart of Scotland Yard and four other guests, each of whom Shattana believed was guilty of murder.

Poirot’s 1942 novel Five Little Pigs is considered by many fans of Christie as one of her best novels. In the novel, Poirot investigated five people for a poisoning case 16 years ago. The wife of the deceased was wrongly murdered and later died in prison. In her last letter, she declared her innocence to her daughter, so her daughter asked Poirot to re-investigate the case.

In The Venetian fright night, hercule poirot, played by kenneth branagh, meets Ariadne Oliver, a close friend and unofficial partner of Poirot, a suspense novelist. Oliver is famous for his series of mystery novel and many murders solved by Poirot.

In this film, Oliver, played by tina fey, tries to get rid of Poirot’s isolation and invites Poirot to accompany her to a Halloween party and a seance in a mansion. Oliver hopes Poirot can help her expose a famous psychic who she thinks is a liar.

In addition, The Venetian fright night clearly laid the foundation for a lasting partnership between Oliver and Poirot. Besides the murder on Halloween, Oliver also appeared in five other Poirot novels. It seems that the next Poirot film is likely to be adapted from one of the remaining Oliver Poirot novels.